Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Aug 1963, p. 2

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredoy, Auguet 18, 1963 GOOD EVENING -- ByJACKGEARIN -- STROUD'S RESIGNATION LIKE BOMBSHELL Elections, like horse races, are unpredictable things, They're never over until the final ballot is counted regard less of the best efforts of the political analysts and forecasters, The unexpected resignation of Liberal candidate Robert H, Stroud Tuesday from the Provincial race in Oshawa riding hit like a bombshell in party ranks, started widespread specu- lation on the effect it would have on vole results in the riding which had been predominantly CCF and NDP since 1948, thanks to af uninterrupted string of victories by incumbent 7, D, "Tammy" Thomas Ix the hour too late for the Liberals to come up with a big-name candidate in Osh- awa riding, a bigger name even than Mr, Stroud, to lead the party from the valley of defeat and despair where it has languished so long? If it Is, campaign betting In Osh- awa riding should take a decisive new turn, one that should favor the candidacy | of Albert V. Walker, the hard> working PC City alderman who has already done 80 much to advance his cause with hand-shaking, baby-kiss- ing tours out and around the hustings, If the hour is late for such a Liberal draft choice, it does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that Mr, ALBERT WALKER Walker would be instantly installed by close (and un- biased) observers as a pre-election favorite to topple Mr Thomas, It simply means that his chances for success would be greatly improved, Any sane-minded PC would be the first to admit this in view of the fact that Mr. Thomas' defeat would be rated as a political upset of major magnitude Mr, Walker still has a major selling job to do, if he has got off to a good start; but glib, over-confidence is not one of his political trademarks and he will work just as hard as though Mr, Stroud was still-in the race Mr, Thomas, meanwhile, is still out on the Prairies at- tending the Commonwealth municipal meet with his. wife, former Mayor Christine Thomas; this has caused some party riding he knows so well, Mr, Thomas, like Mr. Walker, is an old political pro in the matter of guarding against over- confidence in the party ranks, He has been handicapped in one 'regard to date in getting ready for this campaign -- he has been busy with official government business as a member of select Legislature committees, which business has taken him to many disiant points in North America. including Vancou ver and San Francisco PCs were quick Wednesday to reply to the "calculated indecision' charges of George K, Drynan against Premier John Robarts branding them as "silly" A. B. Campion, chief information officer of the Ontario Progressive Conser- vative Association charged that Mr, Stroud was "running scared', that Stroud knew he had no chance of winning and agreeme decided to get out before it was too late, Many PCs were quick to point out that such "delaying tactics" in announcing election dates have been a part of politics for more than 190 years at least All in all, Jast Tuesday's announcement came as a dis- tinct shock, disappointment to hundreds who have champion- ed the Liberal cause locally -- this was especially so in view of Mr. Stroud's auspicious debut as a candidate when he was nominated last January at a meeting in Central Collegiate (c, Auditorium before a crowd of more than 400, including Big Chief John Wintermeyer himself SHIRLEY HARMER WOWS SHELBURNE John Mowat Black of 928 Masson street reports that Oshawa's Shirley Harmer was given "a tremendous welcome" recently in Shelburne at the 13th. Annual Old Time Fiddlers' contest where she was a guest soloist It really did my 'that Freedom Of Press Said For Ch heart good to hear Shirley get such a thunderous ovation be- cause she is a wonderful artist and deserves it all,' he said, Mr. Black is a member of the Citizenship commiliee of Loca! 222, VAW.CLC Did vou know that the first professional soccer game in Oshawa in 33 years is scheduled for Kinsmen's Stadium next Sunday at 3 p.m. between Oshawa All-Stars and Toronto City? Kilmarnock of the Scottish League defeated Oxhawa Nationals, 42, here in 1930 in a game witnessed by Malcolm Smith, former pres 222 (a ifelong Kilmarnock fan MORE NOTES ON "GRAND 'OL OPREY"" Ever hear of Ray Price and his Cherokee Cowboys? a) af Toca Price is ane of the big names today across North America in the fast.growing world of ( try Music, with a strong box-office draw and an annual paycheck in the six-figure bracket When the 3-vearold part-Cherokee Indian turned up Tuesday night with his crew at Oshawa's Red Barn for a 30 minute stint on "Country Holiday" a capacity crowd of more than 1.100 jammed all, (many were turned away), in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. McCaffrey of 38 Elgin street east The McCaffreys had a 'special reason for being happy about the sellout; not only are they personal friends of Price, they have been irving to get him to make an Oshawa appear ance fe least six nis of the only Ray Price fan club in existence, with a current membership of more than 808. They publish a pnihiy bulletin on the star and maii out hundreds of his pictures annually to places ke Little Rock, Arkans and Wenatchee, Washington. The MeCal frevs have been Price's house guests several times at his palatial home in Tennessee. They also atiend "Grand "0 Opry" sessions annually Nashville Mrz. McCaffrey said Price wax paid $1,000 for his troupe's appearance here Tuesday newsp Robarts Denies |"-: <3 2= os oo. om »pmen! . bd } I noring nme OF syndicated crime m Onta. > g , », the premier said: "Hh is dif- HAMILTON (CP) -- Premier in talk about organize'? Robarits dese sheericrame uniess you define the nonsense" Weed an oppoterms. There is nO evidence ation claim img the country @ organeed crime in Ontario. society is run We set up The promier was in Hamition didn't wet" Mz t atiend an investit Wed ai. a press con e nesday nigh of eich Roman Asked abe persistent re-j/C@hec monsignors at the ca weincial genera hether he ate in is NEED TECHNICIANS Ar, 2 Chrict ¥ ports of a jthedra of { Arist the King election soon, and has set an eiection own mind, the premier ST. JOHNS, Que cP) ru announce al. weer There are al least three jobs time cames.* hn ih. the Quebec textile in The questix or every technician etme in Oxtario hed beeniareduating from the provincia yaised in Hamilion a day gar itextile nstitute, says John M her by Literal Leader Winter.) Nodtvedt, manarcer of a textile mever man turing plant. He pre FRartier, during television andichcts that as many as 199 new radie interviews, Mr. Robarts iechricians ai 'rar. will be @isnissed reports of an election needed in the province dy 1978 Opposition Raps Grossman Move TORONTO (CP)--Three ju nior cabinet ministers wert sworn in Wednesday by Lieuten ant-Governor Earl Rowe follow. ing a surprise Ontario cabinet shuffle by Premier Robarts, The shuffle was prompted by the resignation from politics of Bryan Cathcart, 66 + year - old minister of travel and publicity, 'Iwho announced his retirement at a Lambton West constituency meeting last Friday, He had been expected to stay on, how ever, until the coming election, Instead, Mr. Robarts ac cepted Mr, Cathcart's resigna. tion with "very keen regret' after 18 years in the legislature, and appointed 42 - year - old James Auld to the travel min- istry, : Mr, Auld, minister of trans. port since last Oct, 25, was suc. ceeded in that portfolio by Irwin Haskett, 59, and Mr, Haskett's department of reform 'institu. tions and chief liquor commis sioner, WILL STAY OPEN Mr, Robarts announced that PONDERS QUESTION ponders a question asked by indicated the cabinet not be able to complete the task Wednesday of a draft agreement with the Prime Minister Hopes meatier me vin a ae cat | E'oOor Warhead OKay NATO forces in Europe there is no plan to submit 'hese are the Boma stations where Voodoo jet former settlers from will be used for the Hon t John rockets with which the anadian Army division in West Canadian milit ght squadrons of low-leve!/fer failing to consult Parl ., five gunmen into Fre , parently in the hope of shooting and owing the patterr Anti-Particles "Link Located | By Scientists vr a ten b oanth of a sec » Opposites Of particular kinds of i © universe there core of the demonstrators num bered only a few score, One of » governments and WEATHER FORECAST Warm Weather Remains Aloof mean a step in the towards easing strong feelings)?" io the point where useful ne. Me gotiations could be undertaken Certainty the atmosphere has 488" derably since the ance, they may well insist on : ja high price in Communist con and Russian tanks faced Scs8Ons before going along matic of ordinary Pererasy Temperatures October dav in 1961 when Amer- wan each other tensely over the bar. minds now -- particularly fol-| °° ewing the nuclear test ban that govern that this country is governed/ara ment has ignored the existence Dy it oF that a secret Halian/ Ray would be at such a dis tem would be. unlikely North of the PUT more ethcient quarter HARRY MILLEN > CLEAN YOUR FURNACE oD. FREE TO CUSTOMERS -.. PERRY Paul Ristow wh ME 728.9474 ithe position of chief commis- sioner of the province's liquor control board 'will remain open" for the present Neither opposition party leader was enthusiastic about the change, and both seized on Mr. Grossman's appointment for comment "Mr, Grossman has for some jsion within the cabinet, seems to fire -anybody, Mr Cathcart at least had the dig: nity to resign, but Mr, Gross- man, who is becoming an em- barrassment, is simply moved to anothas post to cover up the government's weak WILL BE TRANSF Mr, Robarts told reporters that administration of the On- tario-St, Lawrence Development Commission will be transferred from Robert Macaulay's econo. mics and development depart: ment to Mr, Auld's travel min- istry, Mr, Auld was acting chair man of the commission until the recent appointment of Donald Morrow (PC--Ottawa West) as chairman, Mr, Catheart's resignation fol- lows a shakeup in the trav! department which had been criticized by Mr, MacDonald, But both Mr, Catheart and Pre: mier Robarts have denied Mr, MacDonald's suggestion that the resignation, follows dissen- Battle Shapes Up Over Instant Beer CINCINNATI (AP)--The leg time been on the periphery ofjislative director of the United the cabinet circle," said New|/Brewery Workers Union told Democratic Party Leader Don.) ald C, MacDonald, '!and I sus. pect the premier has moved the group's general convention) Wednesday that a battle is shaping up over so-called in- him inside in the hope that this|stant beer will salvage Mr, Grossman's! seat (Toronto St. Andrew) in 'he forthcoming election," Liberal Leader John Winter.) meyer said in Hamilton, where|permission to start using the he is on a two-day tour: "This government. never Kill De Gaulle Plots Uncovered PARIS (Reuters)--Police re cently received tips about two plots to kill President de Gaulle ./and security precautions have/ been slepped up, it was learned remaining concentrate can be Wednesday Police were on a constant o Mlert and the authorities were -loonfident they could ward off a/ beer sf Commons at some Pepetition of the attack made on and We are merely car ie Gaulle a year ago when a The director, Josephek Brady, said at least one 'un named brewery has asked the U.S. treasuy department | for process, aimed at cheaper ship. ment of malt beverages Brady said that. the proposal) may cause a storm because) other elements in the brewing} ndustry plan to seek court in-} junctions if the treasury depart-/dination of women into the min- istry and a greater appreciation ment grants the request Instant beer is a process also called beer concentrate, inj lwhich the brew is frozen and] water is removed as ice, The shipped in tank cars inexpen:| jsively to bottling centres where) ithe water is put back in the} James Wolfe, union director) of education and research, said killer commando group riddled/last Monday the union has no his car with bullets set view on the process because Canon Max Warren, General Secretary of the Anglican Church Missionary Society in England, told the Anglican World Congress in Toronto Wednesday that Christians need a fresher, humbler ap URGES HUMILITY proach to the secular and non Christian world, He said that Christians-can claim no mon- opoly on godliness, and while seeking {to convert others should Jearn from them, (CP Wirephoto) Church Attitude On Women Hit TORONTO (CP) - The An of the changed position of wo- jglican Church's attitude toward/man in modern society, jwomen got a thorough blister:} The women were delegates ing Wednesday night when'to the congress or wives of dele- nearly 200 women gathered to gates from many of the nations discuss their role in the church) which make up the 44,000,000. at the Anglican World Congress! member Anglican communion, here There were calls for the or Income Tax Act Defended By Archbishop VANCOUVER (CP) -- Most Rev, William Duke, Roman One of the new plots involved any jobs lost at the breweries Catholic Archbishop of Vancou They have tried to smuggle e, ap jown de Gaulle on his way to s home in Colombey-les-Deux ses, the location of last rs Hear Miss The second pilot involved pro fessional killers; who were of jobs, Wolfe said BULLET KILLS TWO ALTWIS, Switrerland (Reut ers)--A '52-year-old Swiss man} shot himself in his cellar here and accidentally killed his baby) granddaughter with the same bullet, police said Wednesday The bullet went through his Algeria,|might be made up at the bottl./ver, Wednesday defended a sec- now living in Spain, who haveling plants, However, further au:/tion of the Income Tax Act--- sworn to get even' with de/tomation might also knock out/attacked Tuesday by a group of Gaulle for ending the Algerian/the prospective bottling plant war Baptist: ministers -- that ex empts members of religious or) ders from paying income tax The section of the act was criticized before the royal com mission: on. taxation by Rev But some of the sharpest criticism came from a repre- Sentative of the host city "We've had enough of the church's spiritual glorification of the mother's role, the imag of the Lord of pots and pans, said Mrs, Graham Cotter, wife of the executive secretary of Toronto's diocesan council for social service DUAL ROLE "I think it's a cheap way of keeping us quiet," Mrs, Cotter said, Many women have a dual role as wife and worker, but the church did not recognize that role "We must realize that halt the children in a class at school wear keys around their necks to let themselves into an empty house after school. Sunday is the perfect opportunity for this busy, divided family to experi- ence a' living personal relation. David Forbes, Rev Ray Tink-|\ship together, ley and the Convention of Bap list Churches of British Colum bia, Mr. Forbes . said many members of religious orders are ed as much as 50,000 francs head, through the ceiling and/Working in schools and hospi authorities, police said n a room above INTERPRETING THE NEWS "| Tempers Eased At Berlin Wall Ry CARMAN CUMMINGS Canadian Press Staff Writer The second anniversary of the Berlin Wall. has passed, provid- ing a little more evidence that) international relations seldom remain static Several handred youths turned out at the wall for the anniver sary Tuesday, but their demon: stration, contrasting with spon tancous and frenzied riots year ago, appeared to have been, a carefully whipped-up affair Some reports said the hard] out of 30,000 to 40,000 jattitudes of either East or West! on the German issues that an East-West deal was be ing worked out at Germ expense--t hat apparenily led Chancellor Adenauer to delay signing the pact WANT BIGGER VOICE anys And there may have been some justiifeation for the Ger man view, since there has been litde pereeptible change in the} Premier Khrushchev has} spoken periodically of a new deal under which the Western iflags in Berlin would be reThe Malayan Parliament "placed by that of the United/proved Wednesday the. London/primarily the image of wife and the leaders had predicted a(t Nations But he hasn't spelled/agreement on the formation of/mother. Now it must meet new out the idea fully and the West/the Federation of Malaysia Last year a mob of UP lina. chown little response The Western capitals continue and the British Borneo territor- woman, the working mother, the 19.000 ran wild for more than 12 hours, screaming, SPUUNE ig ascure the Germans that they ies of North Borneo and Sara. Mobile young family, and ne still aim for eventual reunifica-wak as founding members in/glected minority groups." tien and that the test ban pact the federation, Brunei, the other sy on ~ means no change in attitude to./British Borneo territory; re hat wards Bast Germany ad threwme paying blecks a the wail STH, DON'T LIKE IP This is far from proving t Germans of either side are rec onciled to the wall division of Germany, But jong journey)&, Prepertionate voice in over. 3 \ <jall strategy towards the Com. United Nations teams have cer nists tified the wishes of the Borneo In any discussion of a non. peoples hanged consi wr The question in West German dom for the West, especially the United States, in negotiating') with the Soviets Meanwhile the West Germans, 'ession agreement, for in ($10,700) but did not want the/hit the six - month - old child/lals and turning their tax-free j ~ . " " nb and tipped off the security/asleep with her twin in their cot cheques over to their orders in exchange for free housing, food clothing and transportation, The ministers said this amounts to a state subsidy for the orders Archbishop Duke said that 'when a person takes a vow of perpetual poverty it means he can never have any possessions or income," T think such a vow rightlally exempts a person from. tax whether or not he is a member of the Catholic Church," Apart from providing for the persénal needs of members, he said the money is used for con struction and maintenance of buildings and "when these and ather expenses are paid there is tile or no income ieft." Malaya Approves Malaysia Plan KUALA LUMPUR. (Reuters) Malaya will. join Singapore mains outside Aug, 31 was the original birth er to the playing a bigger role in the day for Malaysia but under In it may NATO alliance, are asking for donesian pressure Malaya agreed to defer the date until PROTEST DUMPING REDCAR, England (CP) -- Fishery officials are proiesting The result may be less freea London firm's plan to dump j100 tons of unwanted fish paste nto the sea off the Yorkshire east ap) Instead, the children were sent to a basement nursery Jbefore the services or stayed jhome with one parent while the other attended services, "And very often the sermon has no relation at all to the actual lives of the people who hear. it," Mrs, Cotter said African and Indian delegates described how Christianity had brought Eastern women out of jthe dark ages, but there was {stirring when speakers from the floor called for ordination of women into the ministry STAND APPLAUDED And there was an explosion of applause when the wife of an English clergyman said: "We can't expect to attract te the church women who are out- Standing in intellect and spirit when they know they will be kept in a subordinate, inferior position all their lives." An Indian delegate com- mented 'You American we. men do not get full recognition n the chutch because your re- markable efficiency makes you a real hazard to the men." Mrs, Robert Durham, a vol unteer worker in Michigan, told the meeting The church's ministry to women has been demands--the demands of the Single woman, the professional SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The extoblished, reliable Gao Dealer in your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol 728-9441 patv--ie whether the general of East-West tempers ms thal the wall is there to stay; whether the division of the, ORIGINAL x ' country is te continue indefi. it was this queshon--the fear Special Weekly Message To Members Of CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB " 27 1s 272 188 28s Shad - 2? ea 200 2m 30) gaa 3 ase OSHAWA'S CARPET CENTRE et Nu-Way, corpet end brood. foom has been @ specialty for 18 yeon with thousands of vards on display to select trom PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. FRESH EGGS FARMERS' MARKET EVERY FRIDAY 2 P.M. - 9 P.M. | AND FRUIT VEGETABLES

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