Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Aug 1963, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY +$ The fellow who is always get- Clear tonight, Friday sunny and ting on his high horse is surely continuing cool, winds light, riding for a fall, \ Net Over OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1963 'Simard "Yer navmant' et Portage er Conk TWENTY PAGES NN U.K. POLICE GRAB FOUR IN BIG TRAIN ROBBERY $300,000 Seized, e Red Spli | bOrs.n utc Woman Queried n e p 1t < * e | LONDON -- Police moved in) French newspapers and every- . Nae \ ¥: : sryjone is pointing me out as a hero on Britain's great train robbery : | ve . igang today, arresting four menjin the sun," Hill said, MOSCOW (AP)---Russia and;Moscow's refusal to share its land seizing a large sum. of] "I know nothing--except that Red China today laid bare the/atomic secrets with its allies, imonev. itis nice here in the south of crux of their acrid dispute over) The Pravda attack was a re- | Newspapers said the police|/France and considerably better the nuclear test ban treaty--/print. of an anti-Chinese docu: ; ihad seized about £100,000) than jail," Moscow's refusal in 1959 to give/ment published in Viewna by : ($300,000) in possible loot from} There have been persistent the train job jreportg that the brain behind , " Bank experts were to check jtithe robbery may have headed AN ARMED FRENCH para- ville, Congo Republic, where chanting mob surrounded the festering cut to its national) It accused the Chinese of hav. to see if it came from the ship-/for the French Riviera days be- trooper stops and checks an anti-government. demonstra. palace of President Fulbert 'pride in a slashing attack onjing broken with the rest of the} ment taken from the Glasgow-/fore the robbery to give himself automobile on road in Brazza- tions have flared, Today a Youlou, who later resigned Soviet nuclear disarmament pol-|world's "fighters. for peace') - . ' to-London mail train a week/an alibi, icy published by the New Chinalover the partial nuclear test ' Fo ; . ago today | Detectives have discovered news agency today. ban "4 Police announced two menjthe lonely farmhouse the ban- It disclosed that the Soviet) "Their only worry is to jus-| : q were arrested in London andjdits used as a hideout, They Tl } H O] l TO S O] ; O Union had refused to provideitify the policy of the Chinese! ' . 3 two in the south coast resort) have the name and address of China with "a sample of an governmen; which is doing ev-| * we , city ¢ ore pe = oa the pace heaves 2 val a ervthing y take pa ' . ww ' jpair after putting up a strug-jless than ago, ey stomic bomb and technical data erything it can to take part in Iele have the descriptions of strang- ® e concerning its manufacture the nuclear. arms race it : |B. ss . The Chinese broad A ide ahha | . The bandits' cash haul in the/ers seen in the district just be- ys Bie eo! 'The article rejected Chinese ' . robbery in Buckinghamshire 40/fore the raid, They have a list harged that the Russians tore The article rejected Chinese . . ® » a 1957 Soviet-Chinese agree-|Claims that Russia and the! ' : SSNS miles northwest of here was. a/of 47 car and truck registration MPS eeey ay ciptakglhe o mien ea ---- : | % Se world record $7,500,000, numbers collected by a nine. ment on co-operation in defence United States were seeking to/* : ' ae : : year-old boy watching traffie BRAZZAVILLE, Congo. Re oulou's resignation may)rou ris palac shouted technology maintain a monopoly of nuclear SS < _Police said they took posses- pass near the faraheans Fre public (AP)--President Fulbert/have "saved y from f ' get out fice The Sovie; abrogations of the Weapons ' : ef sion of 8 considerable ee ay. : Youlou, 44, resigned today in a db Troops and potice stood by agreement as far back as June) 'The Communist peace move-| of money, mostly in bills, at an/@*): dramatic announcement from J.) der . \ tense 20. 1959 "was done as a pres ment, it said, "resolutely re-| 5 . pnenoenes spol, i Rarabie S NEAR SCENE the steps of his palace. The worker re unart it in 3 es ' ! n sentation gift at the time the So./jects the very idea that peace ' : eit ay = cs ig nonce ) The farm, known as Leathers army temporarily a€suméd determined moo seg" os s Negro tov s viet leader (Khrushchev) went should be strengthened . . by] ' nh at ar be Bekgoaed lh. slade, is near the village of Oak- power ef the su signa-to the United States for talks ereasing the number ot coun. . lto i vith : = 8 a ley, about 20 miles from the A chanting mob of 10,000 had on had ann ed that with Eisenhower September," tries possessing nuclear weap.| : : } ae poe 7 nie mba scene of the crime, surrounded the palace, shouting as firing all but » ofithe Chinese charged ons,' Mey sition 5 ae Saat dean! Indications at the farm: were for Youlou's resignation. They u net mir , The Soviet Communist party, The Pravda reprint also : arrested. @ woman today. went that the gang had made. a hur. hailed his announcement wit ' Y the tree \ , organ Pravda, in seeming an. Quoted recent Chinese asser- ' . , lwith police to a station house ried departure, jubilation ve a ' ste bel V2ulakanda, ticipation of the Chinese blow, tions that Peking expects to de- ' . jhere after being questioned by Beer bottles and a half-eaten The downfall of the little . announced today that he had re jtoday published a justification of Velop its own nuclear arsenal in ' 1 ldetectives at a house in west meal were left behind prest-politician came on the é fused to re the near future, The Soviet pub- : London The discovery of the hideout third anniversary of. this Equa- ' spite eur lie has not previously bee ce - . . led Scotland Yard to set up the r : A ; ¥ ; e has 1 previously been in The tw Bs ted at A torial African nation's independ- = ; reinforce rench. combat formed officially of this grim SS e WO men ATKES LOA Ati groatest dragnet in its history ence from France, Youlou had @ ee ops patrolling armoret uake in apan , prospect : ae SAAN : ...; [Bournemouth were nabbed Wed- " Carloads of detectives scoured been the republic's chief execu , ee cars, workers were rep Premier Khrushchev, who the} : > : : j [Resday night after a local per) hundreds of houses in north and 3 : : son became suspicious whenieast London late Wednesday the Chinese nuclear weapons, |the Moscow . sponsored World Peking finally exposed the Peace Council 1 tive from the start > ' ® have set fire Wedn sday \ ay the} Chinese indicated personally ' ; : on s : Riméw af several sninisters | "Ig T "i ar ¢ na y de; : : ay they asked for rooms for the/night- where members of the Strong gendarmerie reinforce . ee . the Nation y ways 0 ¢] cided to bar their way to nu.| 4 BAN . . night, police said gang were believed to be hid. ments had coped with the crowd to s hear clear secrets, was unoffi | ' aa aeaeatind: ceslena- aunieare sembly reported in The West a pomd GES .. | 'The two men put up a strug-/ing, Houses, stores and river. Ls : igte before being arrested, po-/side warehouses were searched, hed to th ' r i marched to the palace to de Ss mur Imprisoned bor. lead oB ldi rt sfusal to give a mand that Youlou get out, La : ers freed in ) ul Ings a pet : olay 'eee a ; cy . 3 : lige reported, |, Scotland Yard was known to bor leaders had charged that ee ene rere § TOKYO (Reuters)--An earth. to Peking following his tour of . Mrs, Betty Last, 47, a Bourne-/have built up a list of leading graft and corruption Pata t in the nearbylquake swayed buildings in To-(the United States. mouth boarding house keeper,|Suspects -- most of them. re- in his government vi kyo today ay The Khrushchev decisi at il, jsaid she telephoned police after|Ported to have been named by j i ! nrushehev decision ap hearing "shouting and fighting! Stool pigeons tempted by £200,- After the announcement, the : Th Pr neh, who maintain) "me Tokyo meteorological) parently prompted Peking to re-| MISS AMERICAN BEAUTY lcataide' har beue 000 in reward money, ¥ ad hre n nn TS ure 1 ¢ , | sa a wT y aa 4 om, 128° said the epicentre of the ramp its milfary thinking, re-/ "I was terrified," Mrs, Last Ga cities Udkine aac: : : Shae i arthquake -was in the Fukus inforcing its reliance on old Miss Joyee Bryan, 19-year iss Bryan will represent the jadded, 'Someone was shouting what they called "our victory." nad t ea, about 1 miles' fashione ag and purging old Mi ami, Pia, brunette, United States in the competi- /for help and I thought it was Buddhist c. Werkers soled Toeslay ¢ , s backing the govern./20nh of Tokyo : : nger who insisted looked e this in Long tion for the title of |murder, They were trying. to ine for reform in gov nt FULBERT YOULOU ment," said French Gen. Lout >psala Swede n, the on con erted effarts.to make) Beach, Ca last night after International, competing |push what looked like a body a or eo ceaeions ist : ' t : the Chinese Army a nuclear she was named Miss Ameri. against 46 girls from foreign linto a big car. Burns To Death one + party rule, a gher he tremor and sa as force ean Beauty in the Miss Inter. countries, Miss International Phere was no immediate ex. I ru : . mes more powerful than Khrushchev told the U.S. Un.) national auly Congress. will be named Friday night planation of the incident pe ig -- they : ( n N vw one that wreckec n . retary of State Averell ie D t ld Mac.| Vi ity pris and lil t ) sat nt : ' Sr Pate he etective Supt, Gerald Mae.) In tn emmy nm a search for jailed ew Data Found killed ny than 1.000 person er nates 0) ------_ a Bo jarthur of Scotland vara andl 1e am labor leaders. Police fir i oe pawonte von PSES SO: NORD VEL RO iMalcolm Fewtrell, chief of the) « ; : a hai; Sak Setauidind aVibik « anwar ; a ; seinen © a serious muctear threat for Mystery Balloon fori iminal investigation _depart-| SAIGON, South Viet Nam ' om : Benoit a aoe je enome Wie Hext 10 years, ment in Buckinghamshire, hast.|"AP)--A middle-aged Buddhist 7. LIT por tS TOO I ATE i i ar 1e : earthau proba He ndica ted that the Krem ened to Bournemouth to ques: brteoy "we he one > " om mised N xinesday ast arerres vee FecermecDn | Wau continue to turn 3 * i he men held there in a : ------ coastal oe ere ; mu a be ) Sine ee ee as A : may Oh Ln Y ar to the Chinese de Ti ts @) and a Scotland Yard checked scores! *Y! vulage to further the Buddhist n the government. H : aime el iets Reh : a ' sis r Russian. nuclear af scattered leads and suspects, RPaign against President ises either came too a a rious symposium or : of th WEAN Detectives combed criminal N80 Dink Diem's government. were 'nat accepted by the | mica Kitch : ie ee ee eae -- ' ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) t.was drifting at an altitude haunts from London's Soho dis The nun, Dieu Hien, was the PT ) a i n \ : : tthauake and Act a ru i m in of 30,000 feet and the gas-filled|ttict to dingy east end rooming {Ur h Buddhist to commit sui- There was no nes i fe u " it te : . 4 ural ¢ h ¢ t nu B L ane Nor me can Alt Minas war renoted te ke wal euaaee cide by fire might succeed ' aMAAS a hig t » t d : oys ose ae sige ign gy Ee | rvers at B The 'Daily Mirror renortea_.. 28 Hue, capital of central Viet f record \ , Aver Sy ae : sai Th = sedge government troops with A former Romar the t "rays and powerful u -- ae i aid rded t ar ¢ ' . Nam, t vy 2 : nin n a ver » sroun : isoifrom Cannes on the French) ground ' pages " €Aifixed bayonets broke up a dem- parish pnest wh : f », tra-violet ation 'streamin & : ; : R n day j x " . m t sun 9 mane M GOSTOCS in wocordine } 5 hin on the nor n st ¢ ' re rorted fr » rotic) Riviera that Billy HR, a con. de n to say mass because his | \ : : an : a Le Each nor! : a ' ported from t tal ed British pan 0% onstration by several hundred Somes Seuyity / ' nd th w ' nis ¢ NWT aon tine nar De a lay morning. a Oe denied masterminding the rob- a students - demanding ee oe nlis eae rodu Mf its s coke pont alg eg ie BANE INVESTIGATES : body of a novice monk whe r 795 people rm ' Q ' $3 ' $ ' n PEG (CP)--Twa boys : . *~ Hs, NOR > a9 2 "Phar re veil : the bear imse OS= ny : e of this x n adie ' AP soy ncrass the fror - , , ORAD s a BR flew near There are veiled hints in th . erp ' : ' SS er ad te 'pei . © me ten MUPE ena ns raha i 1 and 14, each lost a leg) Bimendon : SANG the bal oon = i floated oan "ay. Scores of students were at But complaint graft and Sained du As "is down t at 1,500 dearees.|" ne when a run,jthe bi Was | v ward and reported: the object rested, and some were believed S_ propos: nly one Geophysical Year of", t registered seven on_ the|away tore throwsh 8 tthe sariy] Ward and reported the obec! Three Of Robbers)" ies nar nicest § he ninren nt z z tem ture iat . > as a gas i nQ VISIOIe . : i } a LAKE va Spect t sudburdvan x n 3 OR ara $v SiG 4 wren Monday night, four {tom earth s afte Ba es, that you w ee ae ae sige roaklands Speed vost at Colorado! TRE balloon was described Thought Canadian were caring the beay inte romi! abot adders | we rockets WER, f ' ! 3 on the le alice said the ear n } rin, un . € Aner t fer a public burial Wed- ee te nM + ot Bre t, that eve ae ee a sme, cevergy(SAtCh PION PORONTO (CP) -- Metropell-| Nuun one "reese "eueaa je ee : Ce : e nd 20.006 29 on : loward: } t tatement o9 evera teh ce esata anion haliews threat" y wher ops an tou e storm N as. discovered 34 shige ade et ' . ' of control on > hour ¥ ed story by) een said the . alloon ~ Ac 4 pod ne a ' ~ = and turned 2 over te an uncle at began with the sacking of ""* Tesion contains an unsus-) ; ; "oF: L f I jumps two = foot wall andithe F: t aska anikd eastw with the wind Toronto crimMals--{WO OF TEM a: the monk for private burial, the city prison, the 1 ta a . helium at an al asi PF neds ue mpnisonment S i a plywood ner, based an reperts f throus afternoon suspected of a mail robbery) (4) keast spose an of tron, the burning of me tt matt s, The : anes ap . . fence less the t from , out » DEW/aRr ht, arriving ever Canadainear here in 1960--may have), the funeral entourase were homes of minist and ot} : t ' ame from t i ; ate , : gag Be Given Soviet Spy th agst tations in northe: laska.| Monday morn taken part in Brita n's $ $7,700,000) ounded. some ser Jousty, when mig spiel Paes nag ye Bs eilit "ati ' ci um 'also es NEW YORK (AP) -- N 2 sae soy t Stony) Th i rt aid' The military said its identit in robbery last week the troops beat them with their ally, the resignatior : es, (8H ucular di shige tel wipe : C Drammené Sts nek th leg be-/the balloon was @ h ra-and origin were unknown and 'alice work! ogg on this aS /steed helmets ident mae On fram aN : " a lana : bh Knee = wi rid noon Sunday as it @rifted/said it could give no indication sumption and the kaowk na ee Several hundred students sccuichnusank aalte ce to the f slowly ov tic f what happened to it after itithar the trio have been in B mathered today autside the MPPisORM Q lice said hi ft legitowar at Rarrow ¢ : a eked over northern Can land for some mey have! province chief's house in the NaN ka's extreme narthern a: ada sent dossiers te Seat a Yard.'centre of the city, They broke x y » ' hy N met i I AUDITORIUM 5 ™ Fate loud cries demanding de- : very Of the bedy te Hue's main PROGRESS When the n | Buddhi st pagoda, st activit . | Squads of Vietnamese troops sc imeved slowly down the street iwith fixed bayonets at the $7,000,000 MES AS jready They plunged inte the » ts» 200 + ages ik rowed of students $900,000 it he ta : L1O0uUSe i Within minutes, the students i f ape nee scattered, These arrested were imosphe a hee ikauled away in army tracks $800,000 | 5 OAR wiles hie S © NORONTO (CP)-The Chrscexamnle ee : _ | 'Pee government barricaded Fess ial . r Se ee oe : Sol panies nthe padbggisad alr 7 Lip Masor rector of the mas ta SUPPe ry MOvejsen 1 U Episcopaliatterwards in almost 4 closeditgg main Ruaddhist. temples. : ' ' mstitute Relations in which promises al ad ng participation in's study groups, Any action In "RCipreventing peon.e from entering $700,000 lB es mety teq eed gt Reto ee Bish i 3 anel af tne took a braader took a that may at r H f resolutions WRUG O& ar leaving > Hue's shor a 2 : : wake ape d discussion Wie Upaci of race alled up t t Rae ft Sex wither isha; a re » at SOSMORS! we ased athy for th $600,000 | Three Arrested werd ane = m, t : \ ae R re than PY maiiti i to: . e 3 A eee Fe at ve ' re ; an oe ri v2 e Bi oy, rae ry he) '% Re dah are protesting ~~ : t rate Stat rage ab Lan t the cor ere sharply crit. chur y th ANSUAR retigiogs | ecution by the Re- . tor "th , a a 1 verty "Mee a oo : ) tic rele in ARCS are to "pat $400,000 ' ' ! nes ted in dust a shes for its) *TSe. Walle US. det s were in India. ar . Oe yo whole t ty of race re-appear to the world absurd, dutjin lay t : m nd a womar i ma t . mn its @Vsed over their own vy BAe sosiems in 2 sat am nited eS lation tayiie the church 2 is the wllimateinartt a , : th »loren . Rt R t ntroversy rehbisher acinnes of orer the t \ x gat 'Y . i basis of all good life, individual! sor i body is in the $300,000 Joh: . miles nance a he J . . anon Timothy ut e of Jerusalem. recna gee an) Pe Hows f Ris s t lartiz e R dresd ha Soci hands of government autheri- c ' : , it i. S) applet he met Monday an Y as expased Text taday's addresses/ tie the press im 2 dey Hien an mtie $200,000 he _stabt b here Monat love micans concern fr|chareh is shekine is abligation that whe. the CAristian 'mat neg ee eee hea ero ake BB Rg sy $50,000 ne Ghee 0 ee a 'cae ees can ies Siaesha Mere eth games t ave, jard dure aed cere. cing recoguuzed as a force so nounced

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