spending by the municipalities will exczed that on King's Highs Highway 401 to 12 lanes in Met;/especially in the Metropolitan e ° | Immigrants Over Mone |ways," said Mr. MacNaughton ropolitan Toronto, | Toronto area, | V urric ane To S Africa OOs nc O V ere | |'This does not mean we are ne- , Bee pt _» gag hac PE pn. Fo carries as nee as , | lglecting the King's Highways) tions of Highway to uilt,| 85,000 vehicles a day in most . FORT MONMOUTH, "Nuusider the G-year-old Valechi . |but rather we are integrating and being designed back in the|congested sections, Our esti. By ALTON BLAKESLEE stretching' out on its nightside;, JOHANNESBURG (AP) --|(ap) ~ This heavily guarded|the most important informer alms Perea dehy alba got dle cantanain Of chen watslcarre ees vets Gee AGES (AP) .. why radios sometimes black pyiny : ed : inp ; il eae cipalities in the interests of the|@le a maximum of about 48,000) carry 164,000 vehicles daily by LOS ANGELES (AP) Ima j Thirty thousand immigrants.' prmy post was disclosed today|they have ever had in the war ovenall hishwave a dlvehicles a day," explained Mr,|1980,"' gine a hurricane wind smash, Ut; What some radiation haz/ 1.1. from Britain, are ex-as the secret hideout of Josephjagainst organized crime, have) qu arHAM (CP) -- Highways| streets: pro Riways) Toad' ane! MacNaughton, | : ing an invisible wall? ards are for .astronauts and, : sin Valachi, the former mobster|tried to keep his whereabouts ; M (CP) -- Highways program, ' . | It was much more economical em an oven how the outer Van Allen pected in South Africa this! ¥® "ted {0 be facing an under-(secret Minister MacNaughton said) 2 'But none of us with the best/to widen the existing highway Space satellites are finding .odiation bolt is formed year oa Aaati Baie te ie inl un Wednesday that Highway 401/COST IS HUGE erystal ball could have foreseen|than build another similar road evidence that just such a col ai vend th + reel The minister of immigration,|rove "ie or ne) "Tf we let him out on the from Windsor to the Quebec) He said the government isthe tremendous population ex-!in another location, lision occurs 40,000 miles from Frank, 34, read the joint re:| : . forming on a United States: street he'd be dead in half an/porder could have been com: spending $63,000,000 during the ---- - earth with dramatic effect, Dr. Port to a symposium summarit-\Senator A. E. Trollip, says aljwide crime syndicate called)hour," a spokesman has said, {nieted sooner, but it was delay -- : er aes Invisible Walls oo British Mafia Informer's | 401 Delayed ee A s inte 58. when- space exploration be sity of Towa sald today 2 : " this financial year . 'he The wind is' composed of Sah It was then ih og si In 1960 ne 1961 more peopie/ LY, 8*my information officer Senate investigators his story Speaking to cone ee atomic particles from the sin Van Allen radiation belt girdls} In 1960 and 1961 more people) matey Hoffman after the New that Cosa Nostra controls the/Clw), Mr, MacNaughton said: WALT " Theee and smacks the walls of the ing the earth was detected loft this country than arrived to) york Daily News reported it in country's underworld through a 'In the last five years in this DISNEY'S Rock Baby" 4 Subsequent data from. sateltake up regular residence, The! copyrighted story ruling council of crime "fam-|district, which comprises the Kids Are Back! der heavy guard was confirmed) Valachi has a date to tell K earth's magnetic field ar. its n P , "5 R | -jeounties of Kent, Essex and WY _ i Production Young in Heart 'y » Pp res f the Interna ': Cosa Nostra. AA wa f Louis-A, Frank and Dr. James (M8 the results o Na most $5,000,000 is being set peepee : | si : " * t '0 sic roar | 7 Bugeiee ' BLL S ed until the province could af- Van Allin of he Sia Univer: Lal Geophys) Sevan b(t 10 further immigration in] Valach's prowace tt it Vala bas & ford, | BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! outer limi! tes, especially Explorers X, minister said, however, -in Jan} Valachi for more than a year ikes," headed by narcotics) 3 f : : : : rrV. » a E : : 2 : a ) * 'ce. Valachi's| eambton, expenditures have The collision, Dr, Frank said, XU and XI and XIV, and the uary this year there was a netihas: been telling all he knows/boss Vito Genovese, Valachi's| vo inted to more than $71. ; ont, "a. Rich in Laughter : SWISS "SUMMER ag i lane tail scientists and in April more than 2,000 depar ents rbed wir q Bri t why the earth has a long tail di ' Jepartment ag Barbed wire and a maximum spend close to $8,000,000 on the} Piente (By igs at Cape Town from Britain un-/no0 underworld offer to whom: Valachi began spilling the se- which ends March 31 MWY 12 hy MILES NORTH OF WHITEY could explain why the. shimmer + at -- _ - and oe gain in immigrants of 1,763, .n/ about the U.S, §40,000,000,000 an- ied cellmate in the Atlanta 000.000." 10 A.M, to 9 P.M, } , . rn » IL, have formed this picture for Pebruary 1,607, in March 1,685 v ustry to justice! {ederal penitentiary pad | SUNDAY -- 1 to 6 P.M, ine Northern Lights turn on February 1,607 nual crime industry ! He said the government will WIND FROM SUN About ba Nr np eo -- They have sworn to keep op hele A ---- be a King's Highways program dur: FAMILY LOVE The solar wind, composed of Ae expected to arrive by ship ave despite a reported $100,-) lac ' NOWE 5S ing this current fiscal year FAMILY KARTWAY LTD ROBINSON with i i t S$ ; 1 Ss a electrons and protons, runs into : | Some tut: SéatniTO: oan : 7 rt : ; eee iy? til the endcof the year, Others/eyver kills him for violating/crets of the underworld while in qiperinn gia TORONTO: SSRN WHITEY: 055-3069 JOHN SAXON he outer limits of the earth's ove § ¢ i $500,000 will be spent on devel- IN TECHNICOLOR JUDY MEREDITH t wwe the. field of ate Scheduled to fly in Othericrime's code of silence the Atlanta penitentiary, where - P ] W magnetosphere the ad Re Kuropean countries, MAINTY yi diee officials, who con es TOMORROW! ues 0. 0 e as magnetic force surrounding te Gormany, Ltaly, Portugal ane. : serving narcotics sentences, Ge arring NEW ono novese is still there JOHN MILLS BILTMORE TUNES both he and Genovese were Greece, are contributing to In Saudi Arabia A shock wave is created: South Africa's growing white) DEVELOPS NEW TECHNIQUE = Valachi thought Cosa Nostra = ™ -- nh gg gennyns SAN DIEGO. Calif. (AP)--A 24 ae hes ig gor} n DARRYL F ZANUCK'S THE Last Day "REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN" : ay ousands ues. # ith the almost certain early ¢ : nee the staken belief he had 6 " Both SALISBURY, Southern Rho: your, strikes this magnetic proakup of the Rhodesian fed: 58" Diego doctor says he has ready talked 'When another con ONGEST q THE WEREWOLF" B Adult desia (AP)---A team of seit field. The wnd "bounces" back eration, South Africa expects a developed a technique, for cae-jvict approached him one da y * * tists at Rhodesia's b, bg ah bur much of it could flow On steady stream of white immig-|sarian deliveries that appears|/Valachi thought it was his as College says the North Pole around, pushing the earth's pants from Southern Rhodesia,/to prevent the birth-connected|S#ssin and killed him with a with 42 International Stars! used to be somewhere In Saudi magnetic field into a tail on the Many white settlers from Kenya e life Hength of pipe Based on the Book by CORNELIUS F Ri ROM Conturyor 5 "s be m be sease hat took th lif 0 the : " 1 0 2 1EL 'AN ' 7 oy th a3 ' Arabia dark side of the earth already have arrived and others diss tt : et It turned out to be a case of ° " YAN eregeed b vi The scientists express delief In an amplifying interview, are checking into prospects newborn son of President and mistaken identity and Vac, ---- Fareed nadeoeemmemmerieieeeemmeaiiniaeaemaimennmanll | that the earth has tilted during/Frank said the evidence could hore Mrs, Kennedy last week, Dr./to save himself from a possible FREE LIST FEATURE: f its ages of existence because Of explain a number of phenom The South African govern.| Albert Kimball sa d a prelimi. ceath sentence, asked to talk lo SUSPENDED 2:00 P the drift of continents whichiona,. eluding some: that are ment helps immigrants frominary study of his technique in federa agents He later got a 5:05 were once in quite different witnessed on earth African territories Sy exempt. dicates that s effective|ife sentence for the slaying 8:15 positions from their present-day fy could explain some of the ing from customs duty a 'arge/against development of hyaline -- 5 locations. They contend thal the solar wind particles reach earth number of items, such as their/membrane disease which kills poles have moved accordingly./to cause the Northern Lights orjcars, furniture and genera lipremature infants by smother: @ ind r we The scientists, working ON Alproduce storms high in the at. household goods ne their h fr i rody ior gh in Ut set 8 g ungs from within project attempting to prove the)/mosphere that make radio com HIT NO, 1 HIT _NO. 2 HIT_NO. 3 theory of continental drift, are) munications fail se « measuring the magnetism in 1 sh rock. They say their findiags SPECIAL a PRICE PASS SWORD "WHEN BOWERY NT wvettintnes =| RED BARN To the Friday, Aug. 16th 0 B have moved thousands of mites ° e Friday, ug. F COMEDY oYs from. its original position Dr. N. Ondvke, a graduate of Presents Columb . U ybbuehe Ny » ays rocks KINSMEN SU PER CAR SH ERWOOD " -- IN -- ae Goes: of the same age When ae COUNTRY 4 WAS KING "FIGHTI NG CAVESOARRENG TARR ment lON GRO] i showed different ma seam wince eT HOLIDAY STAGE -- BINGO - FOREST" | awe -- FOOLS" TivDvet RU RHTEAT BOREL swe he tetron tae Dato q AN ALL STAR CAST Story by Ruth Bracks Flggan Ee an = Bria by JERRY BRESL ER Dinca by PAUL. WENDRDS The study, he says, should help geologists work out where howsDance AT THE : IN COLOR , gs gs nstance, can be = PPPS wn Pe Ie hy rs A eae "It we know what happeued R Mi T te rock formations and why, we COUNTRY MUSIC PETERBOROUGH MEMORI OWING "PHONE 723.0843" may be able to take a lot of the PRESENTED BY RADIO ~ _-- venaidees Ci aay \ PHONE 723.2843 soniye = ° See ta. i and RECORDING STARS 'g 200 IN. PRIZES FEATURE TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:25 ~ 5:25 - 7:20 ~ 9:35 at the moment." Opdyke said. | @ DON GIBSON OVER ' INCLUDING ---- - -- oo . NEED MORE Wood e oon 1963 CAR or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game Supplies of forest products @ $1,500 Big Snowball (57 nos.) $1200 Small need to be doubie ery 3 TOWNSEND Snowball (52 nos.) Plus $600 regular games. years to meet world demands (Canede's 1963 Prise . ; Winning Fiddler $450 special games = 1 e GORDIE TAPP = COMING © Say BeNTER FREE DOOR PRIZES . Don't f t to buy th ih ' di Ronnie Hawkins SHOWTIME ion't forge uy Ae suoeet peck for volue en and the 8:30 P.M, HAWKS Tuesday, a Reagrs.¢ 90 -- Dairy HAWAIIAN DAYS! we CHILDREN 75ce BUILDING FUND 1 Bleck fest of Leverpoat R@ Prove 668.2682 z m ME DOUSLE-THRILL DOUBLE-BIL HA : "Ss Wek gs = = an we : TWO COMEDY HITS! Ses VE 3 "THE FAST LADY" 5-35, ot" Pe TELEPLEDGE Norman Windom tr 8:00 P.M. --12 P.M. -- C.K.L.B. - RADIO "ON THE BEAT" hy) SPECIAL EVENTS Phone In Your Contribution Box-Office Open at 8:00 P.M. Incleding Sundeys TYYIVIVIVIVI ITI { | if) WED AUG 21 st 728-9485 -- ad - biel TENANNY DRIVE OUT 4 an) ag HELP THE AUDITORIUM FUND TONIGHT | a poouinge Te gr oeapbllve iphbr ellet yh ype thee iggy yr} REACH THE TOP ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON i % | " § 3) '$606066060606604466 60% 1 r . " w 3 TemiGaT & FRIDAY ONLY! e TEEN DANCE Following the Settbell Geme major contributions by Industries and Others cere ar nee SHOW STARTS AT 8:40 CHILDREN'S ARENA -- 8:00 P.M. will be announced -- Pion to be there... toke the family . . . join your Featuring the toe-tepping music of the Lincoinaires, ADMISSION 30e neighbours at these grect events .. . SPOT PRIZES AT ALL EVENTS!! e BAND CONCERT McLAUGHLIN BAND SHELL -- 8:00 P.M. Feeturing the bend of the Onterio Regiment. ADMISSION FREE! e SOFTBALL GAME KINSMEN STADIUM -- 8:15 P.M. Featuring NHL "AN Sten" incloding Beun, Mehoviich, Norris, Shock and others -- vs. -- Oshewe Tony's -- Sobby Holl of the Chicege Bleck Hewks will pitch for Ovhewe Tony's -- ADMISION ----- Adults ¥ SOc; Children 25c Let $s all go to Bond Music by the Generel Motem Pipe Bond, Celedonia Pipe Beng ond :. the Red Morne Bond will precede the bell Kome the Dairy Queen for pineapple sundaes, e FREE CAR WASH AUTO MAGIC CAR WASH--8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. it stvle! nd donetion te the Civic Auditorium Building Fond entities Hawaii style! ns seer peer Pa Pandang oa! wiiding Fond ent Thursday - Friday - August 15th & 16th] pickers avaiasle at: _ Same me TNS SL ATS 235 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA } _-rHe DSc SHOP, Ochewe Shopping Contre tn wa 1 TOR CONE NOSES 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA J --HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE, Downtown Oshows At Teunton ® --BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR, Downtown Oshews FD og PO 4 OSHAWA DUNDAS ST. EAST r WHITBY | --s. SALMERS BARBER SHOP, Downtown Ochowe TTED DRIVE. IN THEATRE At the Subwey --~en@ the CHILDREN'S ARENA * . "23.49