Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Aug 1963, p. 14

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YQ THE COHAWA TIMG, Theredey, Augen 18, 1968 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 : ! * ° 8 a.m. to S p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 USINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Eee ee ee SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ~ WRS ScoT? EXPERIENCED, waitress wonted, APpIY/POSITION for anleuman open In the Ouh:/PRODUCE Cierh, experienced tr accopled applicant, Apply in| Bassin's ; % WOMAN WANTED to live in. and cerelperson, #99 Simcoe Sivee! fouth |WH fitoy, Nhe Alm Ontario tor elderly lady, an invalid, in new home, Please call 725-3264, PUBL O1L salesmen wanted, full or park THIS "is ® golden opportunity for men MIDDLEAGED nine, tor filha ge Alax, Oshawa, ' ho beiween 18 La | a years, Excellent train: ing program. ifical! ? to live in with elderly lady, "hor partlcuel jack Perry, marry '0, "Barry Cia, Phas pearance, able. to < oak 'alin "pues : lars, call 725-9018, Bloor Stree Weal, Oshaw Tranapertatien supplied, Phone Mr, Accountants Building Trades Personal Service 2--~Personal qeats ry ve te ib YOU, ar bea wd Th seers 720-1382 EE IMMEDIATE opent work PRLS Liog art itl ey rection wyh, tireplecens "tleeweies, "Toone | MODERN GRILL ox Yin. Whitey, or canadesoae Pavilion yes ra ' amon 0 bala tales, experience, ttle ota apoatntnont me ta i 394 pres<nl FE iHlon, N '4 appo'niments, nly quaiificans Year ee sm aarvice All kings at} BareB-Qued Chicken, Turkey LADY would ede Saas CABY 0 Took atter qilaren While Te rrother ny ev no) rity Hy Heng pees got: Figg Ol 5 "4 . Hed @! f boople, ba acide serview. . Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Bins - bbb ms Needed by Septemper pono" ca th chalonging fg Big 2 Hourly rate plus bonus incentive. super: jond Street awe area, Company ite and I'beral/ market, starting © salary, for joe 0 ry, Apply hare) metal tabrication and repairs, Guaran Er a mente si King at @etiteed, 24 Nour service, 728-2525, Made Pies and Desserts, recreate . Cae a, WANTED = "agaliveanear ahart eeear" Sask, | Evie. 7269011, poly 4 Ain fo 3 om, "Alger Buliding, En ad ROOFING, sningien) root and gable WE DELIVER to, commencing September 10, Dial L Fro gk yer toll Big ogee irene pro myers y ALBURY WOSMAR, chartered eccounh|louvers inatalieg, Siding, carpentry aller! gay RITSON RD, SOUTH {73H Compbell, Genes o8na quires_an active fully experienced sales|1B----Male or Female oO Ring Sree Wenle CH Tee Ne ne ee ; SCRAP WOMAN" Wanted" te "Tour ehildren|man, The party We engage, must be of H mpi RE weekly, 7.30 a.m, NIT 430 pam, whlle|@Oed character, well Known in Qshewal elp Wanted \ ate a ve a thoroug ne ipeeeenenenentl ae tat bee aie) wage Senheealeiedtia | ICS IC NC Sa AC eo na ai » V8 Breemorem oer abe car a ave & Tie King Sires! Weal, Oshawa, 7262221, |Lorge and smal' fobs. b, and H, Rooting ACL PLUMBING and healing supplies, males. Dial HieS Males and te woman te come in lbendale end Seater' ey the cog atatives, Car an assel, Opportunity ter tor hana eharte und Construction, 725-4037, H : a eighteenmonthold baby while advancement, e248 ute BROOKS, Chartered Hruction, 73 Telephone 72852) avoid =H, Stark, aa BE NAD Coo.eD, SLAM. ee ps bah Tight Neusekesping @utles, men? of insurance, Address ail replies) *evene sult OO x Weed. i, Tucker, 728-0824, 725-3887 3--Pets & Livestock iueeco a oUwine Recreeres Bub | ee ; f ial = Arcountant Commercial Builenee ACOFING, conerae ae Pi Bade d Plumbing ond 1 Heating PUPPIES, part German Shepherd, seven, 20% Oshewe Shopping| YOUR "LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner,|\ "a. Plumbing, heating and Engineer-| TH horses for sale, pinto mare, + mo! fo Box 12 Oshawa Times. State name. Corire, 725-99 Chimneys Dull and repaired, gaa _lin|iNd, 289 Simcoe Street bout. yearold bay gelding, three » year » old au sh agian 4p Cal 72y108, | Tamcrens, telephone, age, and experience. WANTED cicomber ve I i Fd Zounting -- Service,|(Mgs Installed furnaces vacuumed, Free) ALC VVRES of repaint and "Femodallng,| strawberry rvan stallion, Telephone Bow: $00, O80, Qo MIBOLES B women te Ra Gare Sriien eeaaied "A . = ne Complete baokk lee, 184 Bond/Aatimates, 723-2997, new and used materia manville 423-2910, ' ha? ¢ inva'ld and smell. house Good iY seer a ste, Os THN saa Tay tor y Hime ott Char kept. Post OWtice Bex Sut Three full-time and erie in Soret Analy Sf tec, tom Street West 725-0397. Res, ' 723-7605, moem|rates, Estimates tree, Bi BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor A: ' Association Ltd. cor MONTEITH, MONTEITH, Ria PLASTERING Povel training, tating strain, Apply Mra, Mud 1§ it, \4 Bewmenvilte, Ont five part-time ner Taunton and Stevenson rode, nerth SCUNTIPIC HAME, wired Co, Chartered Accountants, 7207527,| Broad, 114 Bigin Street East cL " oF tit MU i WOUSEKGNPAR Teaulred for" Senter Oshawa sirport, 7.30 am, oF ». Bmcoe rest, meen serene New and repoirs, stucco, We Recommend i KITTENS, Wo Yemales, nae paige } . yr el ge ge oy ge Ray Py SALESMEN prone FOI 30990, a . int, 12 weeks old, $35, Call aft SUCION Gad WURRGWE Karras Te] comment work, erging bate and Install |pon eas ah eater svn) RES eNOS. emu nares comenntet 86" F) Declership to qualified op. WANTED count tree? Bast, Osh Pe hike yo ery icants, 80 0 meray waiter EAN % oe, manship 'guaranteed, Free HYDRO RENTAL Adayee li mere pe are, male, Two) SENPLAT TRAVELING BSOK MASQUINONGY, | Girl tor general Loner for el asl = TAX! DRIVERS Fenn ea ne tise estimates WATER TANKS dog. run, wire enclosed, wooden tloor,| PRTAIS PASNIONs pedal om TV. Aum conve mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Men or Women A. WOODS 728-3420 reaulation Kennel St00 complete, Call iW Sucher, 444 Trenton, Montreal 14! Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 | - Auto Parts Ajax 942-2954, : ; No installation cost, Kitch> letacn ae ager ager re oo Qve, Albert St, Oshowo, Friday, Apply SAVE AT T WESTERN | Cartage erenne @n and bethroom remodels -- | good family pee S"imonthe old Ditenoes|P==Summer Properties 13--Business Oppertunition iON a hare. We Wee ceperiony Veuve --0amto%am S| ~=MERCURY TAXI SERVICE CENTRE | JOHNS" MOVI TNS EARYAGE,| ling, and generol repairs, [hol Telephone Whitby, dansars, For Sole or Rent - AO SHELL CANADA roel a8 8 representative for Be OPPORTUNITY . _14 Albert Street 725-4771 new 3 bedroom, Wwaters| me }Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonabdic rates, Fully For further information [GERMAN SHEPHERD, white, biack |Cosmetics, Write PO Box S12, Oshawe, jeupped ant insured, P28i6d! | nq] nose and dark eyes, registered, female, LAKE 3cuGoG, ' | j please ca SYGEK CLERK tor ladies" readylo- wear, be- Repairs to All Makes two months old, $65, Cat and kittens free, /front cottage. Available August. $30 week is years of cae, Mimae tao] Soune. en withing to EXPERIENCED LICENSED MECHANICS. [Oressmaking | Mu rray Miller ADRTY Soe Waring OF Fane HEIR Te Ra LTD. years ot Nigh school, Apply In writing to] come Chartered Accountants | A * peptipetan | |COCKER spaniel puppy, 4h" months, STURGEON LAK Bobee | Oshawa se S S 145 King West---728-1607 'io exoeenes sueravent Pin el Co ; male, blonde purebred, Has had ah 8 lots, sa H { | h h hal} ANTED = Lady to ping Education | ALE LADY: o , rey yee ar'd y haaabe 725.64? ' shots. Partially housebroken, $30, Dialicompletely accessible, $2,900 each with as tor lease a hi enior Matriculation | FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU dridge, 67 Montrave 72604, 723-9343 or | 728-S097 10 per cent down, Newell and Mcinerney, 9 peril ond ue vee jRealtors, Robcaygeon and Minden. volume Service Sta- Hon, Telephone 720-7410. For Appointment Gardening and Supplies ; 1 |ya8- 3592 . arristers 2 ol 725-2993 5---Farmer's C #2892 ee Nena sieipiscitiapehaie * mW, VICTOR, BA, LUO, Bor [cnn fotseapinn ee eanel| WE as a GT ee wa Tl--anieles For Rent | tion located on High year ch ra a oF women fe sass Telephone --- 728-7527 | SALESMAN : way 115 Taloakone Tae oers sO TOM PPO Monteith, Monteith, Riehl For Furniture and Appli- North, 733-408 Notary Public, $ Sit ance Ville 6293908 [Rug-Upholstery Service | Paecancs ST ren bin a TSENC rag 8 EWESTERFIELDS reupnen pear i no ERRORS: | id and banquet tebies chureh be peaeeerienneaaeeeeervNReTD - » Sal JAMES A. NacDONALD, BA, LLB, DOAN set many Phat sg dy bat hl pas ancy me euneiate a AM RARMERE, need Tire? Call BIT your alse runners, Fox rentals, 412° Simcoe ; : GOOKKEEPING Machine operator, good | and Co, ance store, Salary and Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub: | ne rat Telochene was irey" rial for re-covering, 'Dalle on OUF MAI! Kominion Tire representative, Pas4s)) og North Applicant should have $3,000 [working conditions and generous em) ; ~-| commission, For appoint. 4 b es, Felep or recovering, Dalton Upholstering to invest, and be prepored to = polyee bene Apply Canadian Automo:/ "4 rent Call take @ salaried training jy, Frimm te Mackerale Aveo WINGTRUMENT MECHANIC) Ment SO te Ry Beggs al By 4 Charies Stree, F jevenings after six, 725724 Weat, Oshawa tare. k 2h " wen ASA oF TE Loam and Gravel ewenvenrie eT 7 | EABW or the ay ghost" pee uch Bok | take owe' te new et the best for ng be | *y - r BF Washed Stone, Fill at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simoae ENO® Collect, Hampton, COltax #2721 Coffee Urns |GENTAL "avslatant, girl to asstat In" Tred For industrial maintenance in | Ajax 942 6410 Ask for monoger pane oll etc, @ King Street Bast | Roast Marowlll's Sur Farm. | lee ry | x fern dental office, Grade 12 education ae ee Excavating, lots leveled, Mave -YOURepeaio -- sh = |WHEAT +TRAW sale, = Wy Silver Tea Service | FOR. INTERVIEW lpreterred, typing essential, reply to Box moder tire manufacturing , n > hi chesterti wite f J : } }23 Oshawa 1) » i handwriting, lant i} perienced ng gg gl Sg Us I ee SY Tecgneee" reciet feat Mane Silver Candelabra PLEASE WRITE __ [stating ene, saucations marital "atauee] Pine ie' gedO eran nree, | TIM. Regence Phones: J. M. Greer BEATTY HAULAGE Evenings: 720209. Kennedy Unrointering! - Sargeant's Rentals [reterences aa previews emolovment. | oie SVEN iratic connate QC 7aSaN Terence Ys | 725-2156 6--A 725- 3338 Mr, CL. Umpherson [NERD EXTRA" MONEVE B80 end more] Steady position, shiit work TEACHER Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses '| NRWANGE how We have" your cheer! . 1 con eaally Oe earned by showing our CO RRVNAN AW tein suite recovered while on sae Having received Instructions | ee 99 Hatfield Cresc abutous Christmas carda, gifts, toys, tel Excellent program of com | era, Solicitors, NoiInstruction wag et ne ge BoM Bn ac a blll alta etl RENTALS -- a ite Gee i es ee WANTED e n phone IM leetemars Gur exciting. full-eolored) lif i - : g Brink TEAR TO "BRI 3 disterir Of All Kind PETERBOROUGH lesteleges hele you te Ga pram' afl ive meurence oe pension 1h ey ARN RIV crear ITh, recovered PUBLIC AUCTION inds jorders. Send no money. Write today ter) PLOM Senelits, "Apply person | 4 pee Public School Oshawa Driving School ike new, Why pay more? Our fates. ore HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- | 14---Employment Werted jcirsimes cores on snerevel re, "| dele | Boord requires @ qualified 7-08, Mor? eta egrase je, Satistaction 9 nas Saunnreavubnneretesitaateateteemmmenenenent i . . 5 can' bought DAY or EVENING trenaee, rebuilt "Geneee Vero ah Thursdey, August 13 ot folding chairs, hand planes, [WILL ming chiidren by day or week In/?!? Cannon, Ham!iton, DUNLOP CANADA LTD experienced, teacher for 10 Bond West, Dial 725001) 2 ee event's Auction Holl, 33 noil pullers, staplers, bolt (OW home. Sig play yard. children com WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE, I} you en I Grade |. A temporary core SOWMAN, GAVIE Cy Barrister" Sacre Lote Models, Standards | . ; He st, Oshawa, at 7.30° | cutters, tile cutters, caulking | D&mlens Rest of care. Telennone 72199. nioy working ¥ or 4 hours a day calling |----~ Whitby----Diel 668-3361 | be given from Sep- for, 3\2 Simone Steet South, 725 Automatics Dual Controlled Seles and Service ". quontity of household | guns, tape recorders, TV sets, [EXPERIENCED meat cutter, boner, A ATy, oncn mann RB DL ot Sel FURNITURE AND | tember 3rd, 1963 until June Rea.dence M804 ee OSHAWA AND WHITBY "ART" an articles, electric ironer, cop transistor radios, tile polish. [Wants steady work, Aleo'will do remedeh| LES ctauthed In and arena Gahoose 29th, 1964, Solary according Fhe Vi MAWSAN." GE... Sarriier \° CALL 728.0091 S GUN REPAIR | tain chairs, golf aha, glee ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell | 0@ Merk, Write Box 3, Oshawa Times.) ona are willing to make pnt geliveries, APPLIANCE STORE to existing schedule, Apply ey Office 2 r | tric sewing mochine, w mg} shampocer, porteble cooler wha MIND ehiidren in my own 'rome Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. | th writing. steting quolifice- King Sires? East Canews. 7200232 | Mortgeges ' CUSTOM GUN WORK | mochine, cok settees, fire | dehumidifiers, alr condition- [SY the dav. Close to GM, downtown and) CO-®, 84 LaFleur Ave, ag a | IN WHITBY | tions, experience, nome MSIGRGN and BASVEGS, Tarr iaters. anew remoreorenae Rebueing, refinish atock ' table: ou a > : SLMOOle, good yard, 725-8408, Route will pay up lest Inapecto: FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, my, a oak tobles and chairs, - ght bogs, megaphone | | lost Inspector ete, to Roy H, Solicitors. Clients' fund. available tor CIRST ANG SECOND mortgages | making rage Nt 2 1 Requires an Experienced Pornish' P first mortgages 2 Simooe Stree! Nortn/*9"* ' and sold, ee, dishes, mony other speaker, strapping machine, [16 '17--Male Hel Wanted Corn rincipal, Port Perry, ATMS, Charles. MoGloden, QC) are and Mon a Barristers, 3) K oes a 4 | articles. too numerous to baby carriages, COM. "exe | Female Help Wanted catran Pp Bish, "ai SALESMAN | Qntario, Applications. receiv: Rager F. Basieds te POMGTE, 86 mention, Terms cash, Frank ercisers, sewing machines, [WOMAN Te core for littie gir two daya/ PATTERN makers, In modern plant, em | ed by: Thursday, August ee Rarrlater, pRivare a4 Corporation mantles to loan exchangec Pewee Aesbi$ 5 per week, while mother works, Apple Hil! Cellent working conditions, Dial Whitby | >, 1963 i A. Barrlater,| CRINO TE ao" S mortgage) mortgages WHITBY 668.2497 eva auctioneer Mossaging belta, coffee urna, ease Sanewa' vhees "a-an) ; j 22nd, 1963, will be consider. sing OaReRt an ane sareementa "ot sale purchases . eres 'v<. Feailae appliance cort TELEPHONE canvansers. Must on cx Salery ond bi eo funde 4 Crenton," Orynan ond Murdoch. (See | aasaa RA «FOU a renced ary corny , S Smit r Company benefits eur, matte? Barrister Surveyors CAMERA EQUIPMENT---35 [persences, Salary plus ec ; nr Company 20--Room and Board "ia i RENT. y. TRA mm. siide camera, movie Telephone F8-1302, Ask fo Jacksan,/'¢ Selina Sire 1 i Anod riti on mt ura Tones. BOWEVAN ANG FCETIEHMANN, On A-TRAILER -- Oey Sh wring Rete 314 PER WEEK, Suitable for men wilh and THOMA | ae Settacea ens tan | "MORTGAGE Ex tsree mms ue aa rowcargs,wen wm | SALESLADY | COLLECTOR | pect 2 SiS eae ) - prone manne haw i PUN AND" -YROLLOPE, "Gaara Moving boat abi gun, _binoculors, tL swania PL Se LOANS = | Suveyers, 11 Rein Street Rau sla ecliccae GARDEN EQUIPMENT---Elec- | For Lodies' Ready to Wear PART-TIME BOX 6 Sgt Tae Foe Maney te lean. Henry BGK) -- Monaya for first mortgages sca " tric hedge clippers, port hole | Fully experienced, Full time |' OSHAWA TIMES evephane Pa ath ee 24) King Street eae MOA, Ree! Me or first mortgage TV---Rodio Repel MONTY'S BA SERVICE qugera, lawn mowers, lawn | 00d salary to right person. | \ TIN _ aon rae ee Gia T0279, |B Vent io Repairs SIAC AT GIBB rollers, garden sprover, seed: Anply in writing giving quall Man To Collect ma = WHITEY Wr ir na tower bervicn. ede ers, flown. gweeper, | fence fications and references to ! 3 packed, Loundry \Dve 344, 25.9931 craichat beet WG tae Box 14, Oshawa Times _| | Month MAN WANTED -- ee ane SOARS de man. Nome wnches packed, ROS: To take charge of parts 'er welcome, Telephone anytime FRRal7A, No selling involved, must be ROOM" AND BOARD We Gentlemen, Show Conode's finest line ot | mortied, dependable, hove | counter ond odd repair [Wing Ye. share roam, nee -- Christmas cords Wraps Nov od cor and be free to work | jobs on appliances Exper- |Cauhery done, GM. workers ony. Tele SRONGO OF VOR TONS GUARANTEES" 'Tepalra. he prune hes, lo : aie ee ee Mortgages end Agreements radio, car readies. Yeegeen -- %! 5 -- Summer Properties ep he iy Pd oh titer EARN Current Accounts murchosed t purcncse Maa, 1? Gwe. Mer - : Moneys for second mortgages a j For Sele or ) Rent Mame gun EXTRA MONEY Fast service } CITY T.V |WOREAVGEON -- "Pigeon Lake, Buck' CAMPING EQUIPMENT acetates t i GUMPRREVE, "SCVERWN ane WIL! AE , 7 | jay, Hine temily 2 Sedreen eure, tent heaters, sleepin MAN, Barristers, Sollcitora bs King M. F. SWARTZ y Sureienne Sn sete Sane walerirers liners, oir manteae " j 2A ; ~ 'ares mnies east of Bobcaygeon, Three . Selein oF Qs and rd Th | NY Breet Een A Oe er 263 King St. East For Oshawa ond tags agenda eg Soe eee elties, ete, to friends and re urdays, This prone ¥20-0523, Wimmer, IAB Civics: MENT, Resh! Oshawa: Ontario Surrounding Districts ester, het water tank, screened vero] coolers, car top corriers, wa: etives, Over 300: items j Foe steady' part-time job ienced, For appointment | a . Py sew perme @erce; 728-44 Whitty 066-276), 2ca04 | 723- 7 } é Be we, Te ter ve =ket : free, beoutifully illustroted ~----Koom RMA and cine martoege funda evaiiabie| si iciiastes AA clase | Guaranteed Satisfaction ey, Reaite bell eater, --o catalogue, samples on opprov lp Phone Mr. Curran be- | Call RON Wik beakanl oad ane lw } |e nden. FBI: the fastest service, quiet howe, by Bookkeeping _.| MORTGAGE MONEY Paul Cieslar, Prop FOR CALEY Cie Swell S$ TA N°' S ol end th Greeting Cord Co, tween 4 and 6:30 p.m. AJAX 942-6410 wrire Bex % 'Santee a pats ROKK Sa AVAILABLE / Su Dean. Ave. 725. 0500 easant, $18 per foot, Inquire at white) Shomening end Reritels Ltd. Po | 723- 464), } Ask for monage Doard, near worth plant, Cell Taha treed, gentle slope) water, secluded and] 1283 King St. E. Hamilton, | only on August 15 at YOUNG MAN Gesires larga toon WHR Returns. Statement »| inate 1 ye Boress from Canan Lock 35. Rese 223 after & p.m OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS roe sone hg PRINTED PATTERN GHMNEVE GOR Waensa ae Dea, Summer Properties i THURSTONA ye = Lake, AUTO WRECKING CO Only Experienced OPPORTUNITY | } 4503 @iee drickwork McCann. Brom lin : feng saga gee ng ge y, is } ees a Conn, | Grook Vacant Land TELEVISION Avetahte ater Acgon Ih att "ween! © Nvants Cora for Wrecking Need To Apply | For young mon 22 to 35 Low Interest | OSHAWA ELECTRONICS sieaon cake = nn eae Phone 723-3224 Building Trades Guorenteed. Parts ond . Servi Saar Gra rs ae a ee yom wes 2 if EXCELLENT _ ee ree cS Cera AY OR EVENINGS Sete Seating SY, Nee E2--Anticlen Wented SHIPPERS" | ar Tayler _ P papraos , ectric rarce | i Sd Ori, rrr ess _. Residential | MILFORD GORDANIER, [Sosa teatanes Sienna eae spas Santee came = REQUIRED SALES Sarees. Cat Weer wolren) City and District | ge pf RO A AW - >. SESS Oia aan aaa 7 gp gt noua! Porta for sole, also scrap iron | ACKERMAN i Members Ontarie SERVICE = totes wae Cee NN Ons metal etc. bought years of age for promo- | M ! ; icin . tgage Groxer's Association A Be gegen PIGEON LAKE jot, Bedcaygron area e : > elephone for appointment , ' m Soturcey io Orn " e Shs eink e a agg renee areei Ope urdey ell day, Phone Ast: Clata MeCuations tion and sale of a con Newell and Atctnerney, Realtors. Bede 725-23 B . r i whey, Th SUMMERLAND ; Wayne 'Applionces seg Aa ge Morag Boos ay gore al 798-4 sumer product BOACAYGEON. Storgeen Lake, Ethe usiness portun tes 498 we tt old c hc pga pe SECURITIES a _Telep hone 723-1411 _ [Rey Sart, 2 tecrogee, cottage on gong corre ws Kaa ae ase: ' } ai Oiees Coton te BOWMANVILL! LIMITED ; Bony Soe' Sree, Saas elon ieee, ener toner tor rag. porte: Ros | aes ot Geen od kh FOSKETT -- eo as TV TOWERS faethe, meter . wn ercenent res sreabie Sonn 'payer esa ' HAIRSTYLIST ew Rin Magy ns way ond Oshowa, - Ontario---725.356 ° : iver Ses Furntenad, Neaat wea e |A VACANT apartment ceste pee | ; le a eo bos. Wael ees Aenenrs Rapalt Ee Ee meen = epee eee eee) REIRED = | Write Box 22 org, orating Coutking. PANG, "eel poe aoa Slectranke Orgen. TRIO skeiront SN Behinet, FF ewilea |Past dial 729-900 today te reach the re ve mee oe Greg Senene OSHAWA TIMES bag Big ap es NO fo [etme ans reper aa ; ") ren cet oe tam ee Hair By a "a aie i S tee big or too small -- We Simm Alen 90 : cachet cia po rere Considered = | __ stating age ond experience give service to them ol Fs ; trist ' pbc STURGEON LAKE, Bethive, mts, RESTAURANT BEAUTY CLINIC | FREE ESTIMATES cw Wk ee Omer Fm *"! WAR oF a & "Rh tah sand beech, =| ' YOUNG MAN 668.5906 or 668.234) ESSER) 728-6781 SESS) FOR LEASE aie STYLISTS HOME Painting and Decorating es TOWERS "IBriaa wet a eat cquorent, ediomng ment, | WHITBY, ONTARIO for IMPROVEMENTS Sa PAINTING God Raper Senging! "stage Ri tl alge i CALL PICKERING | Please Phone 668.306) S k C | a after } > CAVREOH Ont Mingo 5, / 942-1995 Mrs. Hughes i toc ontro R Ng. esavestroug : se matte "catosent_ [| CODD ond SOUTER tiling. Genero! repairs of oi PAINTING AND DECORAT NG one moder seapliee. goad beach. ter! Position offers good op- hinds. No. cb "too big ot CONTRACTORS Priced to ault your budget a a | MEAT PACKING. "LADY | perkatty tee tomers MOA quorenteed / Ps 3 pet aes g : ; ce a ' ; | Suse end ereboaen pr Financ benk ret Gyox n Woh TERMS ARRANGED perh 2 ded ' ' Gal a eaten ais n ° Ss Sh Le heen sire sane | = PLANT FOR WRAPPING _ [| cedures i Co! | 107 BYRON -ST. S Te ~ . Situated on 35 acres of : as 9 ores & DAYS aee.te OSHAWA WV = a see mal NS Tee land in Northumberiond | TELEPHONE MR, scoTT . Becht |. SUPPLY LIMITED. re ety Nemes, Seomed cotingn | County, Murray Township. LIGHT SHIPPING i 668-3315 Clessified Ad Rates a 2 rae sg Nee et] approximately 10 miles 25 WORDS OR 728 - 8180 ineroey eet, Sateen ere) from Brighton, Ontario . AFTER SPM. Better described otters get faster reiuit / x SORTAYSEON -- Cte RS tke Snes 68 x 34 &. oy 3 JEWELLERY STORE . ° SO. Newel aad Me! oid, consists of ' j Ry ALICE Charge a "eae : a eoaeaiieih dads ednalewss 4 BROOKS aie Drilling--Digging _ a * Pocking Room 26 x 20 ft WRITE BOX 21 | Choose sunny colors fer this 2.48 wai" be * ee Sharm Freeze 10.x 12 f& a Rts in 'anc : AGEN LAKE GA -- Ar Gee P < ' ismartly simple design -- fits is Count each word, initicl, ein er abbeeviction @: one ) wed pee mon, ear Hodearpeen, SY, thaw. rer) Chill Room 10x 12 f OSHAWA TIMES ADVANCEMENT iwith any decor. : Bex number... is = Rice te can F seater easbash essing OPPORTUNITY | QUICK 4to-thesn, crosses add ok oka * aia , WilAM KRCONTE cy . Naa : ' ; i caheay lok to spread! not pold within 7 deya, charge rote applies <ANcterer Wak Chane! ant deepen LAKESHORE comane peaverty tr ae. Office 12 x 8 & narod TS: transfer of By ANNE ADAMS Professional stings only, 3 Hines per month 830 ire 2A Pon Ree Seem, ee Cee Oe pire gases | TN 7 is. fully equipped ae noome detween [13 squares about 744 Ins: chart! Double-check the costume -- Bach oddone: ine per month 60 a SA, + ve ane, agerarrentets Sen] | mMCUSINQ delivery trucks : . 5 oe month a a oa TanRing ee your best fashion bet fer days Seerering. Gavan esrer = AQneG. & ~~ Cecetlont 2 nel for Meot bs a -- % * Wot applicable tor merchandise edvertivements.) =a. v ee a 0 Tare S| ee ee, aoe o LAW OFFICE . Rficotions THIRTY FIVE CENTS (coins)at Nome or on vacation, Sew it DEADLINES 2 2--Persene! "Ee : | | UNEG for Vorio's other Indus cal uae ae iter this pattern . (no stamps, ractical Cotten PRAt oF Word oct S om dy previo " . tries, : : Se please) to Alice Rrooks, care o 3 <r oe : ae iy -ratary | creer sok ing for men The Ost imes, Neediecrat! Pr Gamitied Danley 2:30 am. dy Prewew LEN PULLAN aes, Sacrifice Sale Private Secretary a5 a5, tt Son cdo SS ava Times, Needlecratt | P -- grerrorioma, cords of thonks ---- 2 om y ot pg Cehion mime better > pe ; Lest end Found -- 8:39 em. dey of eubtesten | ENGLISH TAILOR = yen work tor one fowyer, poren' hed 5 oie ---- SRN NUMBER > y 30 abs i sanity 3 oe 3 = ~- Jn Ete < _-- > ¢ % St * . . . ~ ve z y ne jack Concellations end Correctiora---8:30 @cy of publication. allyl e ~ * cethean ; . 'Pee u required by The mon we wont will be oe | ppneEss ETY REGULATIONS : seis olterct is Sauer Unecuee, we tak eaek Bele . September: Short hand | Soo y aces serene 196s Biggest Needlecraft) (no stam The Oshows Thee wi! not be remonsibie for erran is odvertisn. , m PER dom, Pot . : sl tenneiiy org een One Se Show stars smocked accesseries Pe paced than x : aon NCE one : | WAR consider good lend ne ni capaci | pelt' @ Dasic income, plus . @me theorrect insertion of omy ae r beyond the al Scan hoe ; | Toronta in trode tial, Legal or related Sen COMMENTERS. NO erat, Base . --- - : ' ANG tore benetits price chorge for © ang oe ye oNVertiseme m which Remove! of surerfuc Dome BERG, Yeo arranged. Newell anc Rea a . = . . - eee errr occur. : Movie _Murdutt : ; meiner. ReaMor, Badcargese es ee een Nite ohne full perticulan an Whe ea i hk vl eine mutt citam tA : lenhon not essential. Inguir ¢ . atten Rieatd, eobapppagtaa The Oshewe Tr ee reserves the right te clomity. odverthiing Oshewe, Augus a Wee ARE Cae WR Bel Telephone SSO NQuuTe ot end telephone number. @ccerding to Ma praper clesshcotion | Zist, Phone Gencthe Hotel Lo, sain of a 725.1186 or 725 apply in writing to mn the cose cf Ganley odvertisements, The Tine: wil not be < ese dotes for apport gant FARG, VeMINg and gatTg. OH . = r > P P ATT aN rt Ree theld responsitle for mere spoce thon thet in which the octus spin a mat jini ROX 17) BOX 121 ck Don t 7 side new Fat errcr yon enpthine og shots endgnwour te : 3.1 Gates ELECTROLYSIS HSEON LANE SS, Se . WIA TU SSHAWA TIMES t atalog, Te ay now! Over lie . ; but easyme no fod : men | 723 RC', KLIN. 'Newel ang Meirerney Tres : . JSHAWA TIMES bs / The H besten 30 all sizes : # ery ineccurceien in amy for ene conte ned therein 23-4641 tere, Bedcaygeen and AkDee. RARE byte ) ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO | Cost- y Pay iste fer Catalog i Economy and Deluxe Saale olay : Stagg sie iaiealaapannenai Redroons, 8

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