Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1963, p. 6

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Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario T. L. Wilson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1963-----PAGE 6 Much To Be Explored In Our Inner Space Scientists believe that the ocean floor abounds in mineral! wealth, that marine life, properly culti- vated, could feed the world for decades to come, that the chemical and physical energy of the sea is a vast source of power and that man might be able to change clima- tes and direct the weather if he knew more of the oceans' secrets, Yet we know less about many parts of the ocean than we do about the surface of the moon, the Mil- waukee Journal notes. Adequate fishing information does not exist for nine-tents of the coasts of the world, Today's maps of the ocean basins compare' in accuracy and detail to the 18th century maps ot! land, according to a U.S. National Academy of Sciences report The Marianas trench in the west- ern Pacific, for example, believed to e the deepest part of the ocean, 1s still a mystery. It disco about 1872 but ntil three years ago by caph Trieste. The trench is said to .e so deep that if you piled Mount Everest, the Empire State building, Eiffel tower and the Seattle space needle on top of each other and dropped them into the hole, t! latest atomic submarine still Comparison In the opinion of competent cu side observers, housing in Russia is quite inadequate the needs. All this is acknowledged by complaints that are permitted to be published in the controlled press and by criticism spoken by senior party officials. In view of this it is rather amu- sing that in the opinion ofa Soviet housing expert: now touring this country, the average ( 'anadian house or apartment is interesting is too costly to be considered practical for actual needs, commen- tator C. J. Harris observes. Except for builders and landlords, most people might agree that our housing c sts are high, but it is evident fror further comments of the visiting expert that in comparison to the Soviet we get good value in. the way of housing for what it costs us. In the past seven years, said Mr. amaraev, housing ty m persons has been built That is a very substantia lishment but, added Mr. 7 all this new housing 1s in apartment blocks and ard apartment in Russia plus kitchen and b wasn't . plumbed the bathys- to peoples but for fif maraev, form the s In Canada that unit vertised as a one-bedroom ment, though it may be average Russian family wou! sider such a unit as a two-bedroom residence. The press Zamaraev did housing he had tour, it would enlightening for him to have lo most recent tatisties report on housing ms in Canada. This DBS states that there are occupied dewilings the these only 543,000 are of three ns or less, while 4,049,000 have more interview wilh not indicate inspected on but have been quite vked Bureau condi survey 4.592.000 ip the ntr countr four or reo Coe Cotas Bowes N KINSEY, Ee Us A. ) 'ouelon 24.00, be unable to dive deep enough to reach the top of the space needie. The United States, for all its leadership in other areas of re- search, is surprisingly backward in this field, the Journal complains. Average age of 70 oceanographic research ships is 20 years. Only a few have been designed specifically for ocean exploration, The rest are converted tugs, coastal freighters and discarded naval craft. By con- rast, the Soviet Union has 150 ocean research ships, seven built within the last four years, In victor vehi Canada's effort i oceanographic research Is negligible. The U.S. office of science and technology has just proposed a long range $2.3 billion plan to explore It urges construction of six craft capable of operating below the oceans's craft, more mobile , to probe the deep- trenches. Under- ental. stations . for ld be considered these the sea to eight 18.000 feet sure face and another erwater along lines necessary if we are to learn about 'inner space' -- for for food and science as about the air and are about outer space, the seems defense, -- we know learning Journal conclude Of Housing state-set standard here, but the average Canadian dwelling unit is se the size of the standard Rus- apartment -- rooms as compared to three. Also enlightening for Mr. Zama- raev would be the information that in Canada there are 3,053,000 single detached dwellings, or two-thirds of the total, and that 3,105,000 dwellings are owner-occupied. How- ever, it is certain that to the plan- ners of the Soviet that information be evidence of capitalis- and lack of twi sian Six would only tic nonsense planning. waste Other Editors' Views AID THAT REALLY AIDS (From the. Los Angeles Times) It has been estimated that if 50% erate peasants could directions seed pack- huge nation's problem of of India's ead tne on ages, U food would dis- proaucil nougn iid simplify the vast x more efficient those «now appear farming "is to chronic inderfed United States grants of funds for ng must stand near of desirable i projects for under- Dollar for dollar, we teacners train the top of any list foreign ait developed nations. he best uivestment SHAVE Spectator) » that the Tea Gro- CLOSE } to hea Mexia, Fairfield, Wortham and , have decided to fight Ob- the sbeck, " nail. understand that powers, communisn and viausly the has vast did the barbers vote to 1ism, but they decided, onvention, to work raise tne their annua week and ) end shave the bitter news I . The public won't be t over the rise in prices now that the barbers me out against the or hai reuss ny know shave having his barbershop. risk lexas Bible Thought he world is crucified nto the world, -- wished that you something in or -hindering but destroy God san, REPORT FROM U.K. Railway Stations Bought As Houses By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON The decision of British Railways to close down many of branch lines and over 2500 of its smaller railway ations aroused some ques- tions to what would happen to al! the small stations and rail- way crossing cottages scattered along the lines which are to be discontinued, B h Railways, however, do not seem to have any worries about disposing of YOUR HEALTH its these way tages quite eas properties stations and cros which, it a ly be turned are ars fortable home n gr! demand Th Maguire estates surveyor Railways at Norwich on his books more than quiries from people who anxious to buy these buildir REASONABLE PRICES These properties is borne who The old. rail- sing cot- an into com eat 3000 in- igs certainly provide opportunities for many Exercise Will Not Improve Eyesight By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner: 1 would ike to strengther S so that glasses $ary yut one of the requirements liscard your glasses entreiy 1 am worried about eve age from forcing myself to without Can at this sort actually achiev sults?--A.R.N uch.a dar do hec lain wi Nobody wears is them eye you wer There that goin i eyes veloped by to avoid misund roblem as f exist ny ones) ity mus- The mus- which are eyes may im ft un equa lances, eve cles (very t used to focus the some sire exer condition is though. and childrer or the nets eet ase ps! In such in CiSeSs z #XCTCIS along rood obably mak thin ea waste Dear Dr. Molner: new. nine e pt alone of time Our years } last few die of the nigh bed and wants to daddy sleep with to hi " ings of em. please ion--Mrs, S.1 where young ms? He should be but firmly that pul to bed Ne Remind him that he others by told tly whe wakes roaming Dear Dr. Molner What rist. drop t--Mrs muscle h position so the dropping or dr ach step, instead sed, as Occurs norma naton usu ve (controlling in question) has d by injury or infec are not op there up the been hon nt should be by a neur Sta nerve specialist GALLUP POLL Leadership In Britain's Ry OF PUBLIC OPINION (World Copyr The British tica n a state of Pres tuaton. according to the Gallup Poll Within a short period won vote expense xht tine ? iatest air Conservative Party 6'S per cent of ost, mostly at the the Liberal Party the BIPO Harold Macm nearer s both } situat THE BRITISH INSTITUTE Reserved) on Ic 1G the hack it had of people to secure homes at very low prices, by present day stan- dards) When two stations at Sedgeford and Stanhoe on the North Norfolk coast were ad- tised locally for sale, more 100 people applied for them The ra put a price of $4500 for the Sedgewick station For the one at Stanhoe the y wanted $3600 in spite of the fact that it has no drinking water, no electricity and no main aery € M Maguire said | cons his price reasonable lis station, like others unique, with ts own ng in the ways is quite cou ysi de." The conve an exisung is also a from a than bui idi ng a new house in a re- mote, secluded country spot The main. groups of people who are apr stations are business men who want a SEC ond house as a c tre holidays ar matter t of view copie who & home to pard the Station as a holiday home. He has. turned the bovking office into a lounge cket offices and porters' into bedrooms and the ampienter s room into a kitchen Mr. Page has wher e room gardén track used to bulid a between the The top half of the box is a chalet and the ottem half a garag Said Mr. Page Converting the laid a ailway and Pp swimming latforms to be ans station has est in re ghted with mé a rea We nter ement are del his Mrs Page, in her former the sound of ing near a railway t is so. quiet band'--as we here." ng'sS the rail noises--isnt Top Factor Politics gives a So cent. In mid cent and ll ner cent Following. are the results over a period of three months ron question -- genera € which party port? H tom arrow would vou May 1? une 14 = ndividua half the voters lissa OTTAWA REPORT Raise Opponents Suddenly Silent By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA ~-- What are those new-rich Tory MPs going to do about that 80-per-cent pay raise which they voted against? We have heard that Bob Thompson, the. So¢ial Credit leader, is going to share the wealth; that Barry Mather, the New Democratic MP from New Westminster, B.C., will subsi- dise worthy causes; that J. J, Greene, the Liberal MP from Renfrew South, will donate his increase to charities But not a word from any Tory, not even from those seven Tories from Saskatchewan and Alberta who-stood up in the House of Commons and by their votes said: "No, no, no. Don't give me a raise!" The full story of the House of Commons dancing the political twist on that Black Monday has not yet been told. But the rec- on speaks clearly: 200 MPs oted in favor & an immediate Saas: in their remuneration to $18,000 a year, while 10 voted against it Included in those 10 were John Diefenbaker (Prince Al bert, Sask), Gord Clancy (Yorkton, Sask.), Bert Horner (The Battlefords Sask.), Ed Nasserden (Rost n Sask.) Pascoe (Moose Jaw Reynold Rapp (Hum. boldt, Sask.) and Deane Gund- ock (Lethbridge, Alta.) WOMEN, CHILDREN FIRST The Social Credit deputy leader,. Real Caouette, made good his promise that he would oppose any increase for MPs unless the government first in creased the baby bonus. He voted against the pay boost and he was followed by two other Socred MPs from Quebec who. felt the same: Charles- Sask.) Eugene Dionne (not the father of the quints) and' Raymond Langlois. There are cynics who suggest that Diefenbaker and his. six self denying Tory followers achieved. the best of both worlds; They could anticipate that enough MPs would vote in favor of the boost to make sure that it became effective, yet by voting against it themselves they could avoid the eriticism of an outraged public. Thus they could gain. financial ad vantage and make political yards at the same time We have not heard the last of public criticism of that boost Certainly MPs should be paid more than the miserable $8,000 salary plus $2,000 expense al lowance which was their total remuneration prior to. this boost. This column is on the record as urging that it should be increased to $12,000 salary Mus up to $8000 expenses, which is higher than the boost actually given to them But there are two very grounds of criticism, The first s that MPs who were elected to this Parliament knew the terms attached to the position they sought at the genera) elec- tion; they had an implied con tract to the electors and tax payers to take the job at that price, and the higher remuner- aion should have been made effective only after the next election, in the opinion of many people. Secondly, it is improper that MPs and other legislators should, alone of all Canadians permit themselves to draw an unaccountable expense allow ance PUT UP OR SHUT UP Against these criticisms, So cial Credit Leader Bob Thomp son has declared that he' will valid BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Nancy sprinter Murrall, Oshawa girl besides doing well for herself im the individual races, helped the Toronto Lakeside Club set a new Canadian record for the relay race in the Domin- » Women's track meet at Halifax of Whitby used to help in a search for a three-year-old boy who was lost in the woods at Minden The child was found after a-day and a half of searching Norman Irwin his airplane Leonard Dervent was declared champion top spinner of Osh awa and his family were driven an invasion Fred Marshal of Thomas street from their home by on of Mrs Miss Sound spent Kiwanis e direct Oshawa, and of Ower The the nati Statesman for hav. the news- Bowmanville award page of weekly won 2 he hest 2,000 Canadian papers 'on Mrs. R charge of Leo Gray was im the hospital auxiliary held on the e was assisted Mrs. A R. Brad anhiver tea Hospital lawn. Sh bv Mrs. T. H. Everson W. Harding, Mrs.. E ev. Miss Mabe! Whitney, Mrs Harry R. Wilbur, Mrs. Hugh Ha Mrs. F..T. Lamble and Mrs, H. B, James TODAY IN HISTORY CANADIAN PRESS 183 . 2s on board 'when a New York-bound Dutch airliner crashed into the Atlantic five years ago--in 19355--in the worst air disaster until then involving a single com- plane. The crash some 130 miles west of Ircland. The death oil invelving single aircraft was exceeded in March 1962 when 111 died as a British harter plane plunged into a swamp in Cameroon Re- public and June, 1962, when airliner crashed at a icoant Paris, killing 138 persons 1945 -- in 1n7--1 were est By THE Aug. 14, 99 persons lied mercial occurred Japan surrendered a and Pakistan hed as domin- ions PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM butling into the corner clubhouse had just -- on the his A cheque for over $2,000 was turned- over to the Welfare de- partment from the Kinsmen Club committee, headed by Chairman Russell Storks, as a result of the Kinsmen Jamboree held at the lake E. W. Annis and A. Anderson were Oshawa representatives at the checker toumament at Lind- say, Dr. Mervyn B, Annis, for- merly of Oshawa, sponsored the tournament City Council] requested the Board of Education to allow school playgrounds to be open r children on Sundays and also that all other playgrounds would remain open on Sundays Bob Dafoe was named the out. standing bov at the Sea Srout "Aqua Skolta" near Pick- 1 i Ukra ng | @ ub of Oshawa announ ced that it would hve its own flving field im the near future set up a trust fund with $4,000 of his increase to assist the expenses of any needy Social Credit MPs, NDP Barry Mather will donate $3,000 of his in. crease to worthy causes in his constituency, And Liberal J. J Greene will give all his increase to service clubs and welfare charities until the old age pen- sion is increased by the pro- mised $10 per month, Thomp- son and Mather voted for the increase; Greene abstained from voting at all.-In contrast, those seven Tories who voted against the amendment have made no gesture to strip them- selves of the extra money which they do not feel they should receive, This deprives: thém of valid grounds for criticizing the government for introducing this overdue adjustment in MPs re. muneration NO DRIVING WORRIES ee | NO PARKING PROBLEMS iat athla eel NO L-O-N-G WALKS CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION REC SRT DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS August 17th, to September 2nd EXCURSION FARE 2.60 Round Trip Includes Admission \'s fares see your agent LEAVE OSHAWA 7.30 am. 8.30 a.m, 930 em, 10.30 a.m, 11,30 @.m, 12.30 p.m LEAVE WHITBY 7.39 om, 8.39 a.m, 9.39 om, 10.39 a.m, 11.39 a.m, 12.39 p.m. LEAVE EXHIBITION X3.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.30 p.m. *7.30 p.m, °*8.30 p.m. *9.30 p.m. *10.30 p.m. ¥°11.00 p.m. X-----Sat. ond Lobour Dey only Y--ofter Grondstond Show *--Beginning Friday, August 16 Daylight Time possengers travelling on transfer at to buses For childre: Exhibition reqguior will Tor Termine! running into the 9 ckets and Information et OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street ----- 723-2241 Whitby----Harry Daneid Utd, 300 Dundas St. E. Phone 668-3675 onto 32 KING ST. W. CITATION AWARD WINNER DESIGNED BY BLUEBIRD Elegant styling and flawless in quality-- see them in our window, against loss for one year. DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS EASY TERMS: 25.00 DOWN -- 6.00 WEEKLY 20.00 DOWN -- 4.50 WEEKLY 15.00 DOWN -- 3.50 WEEKLY 10.00 DOWN -- 2.50 WEEKLY 5.00 DOWN -- 1.50 WEEKLY CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Insured free PHONE 723-7022

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