THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 14, 1963 1 A.D ay Term Ends but I would bave,conmicted you) Wen eh Fined, [tunics wien tie compisinen Ex-Argo Player Cornish said that the only rea- Betty White, did not appear to h : Ld son that he did not have insur- : testify against him, e ance was that he had bought $25, Costs Gordon indicated that he: in-| Rescues Three ou as mnesl ] the car on Saturday afternoon ' tended to maintain assault} ORILLIA, Ont. (CP) -- Three ' ree om dl and, since the accident occurr- charges against Jack White,/persons were rescued by a for : J : ed the following day he had no By Magistrate who had been served with a/mer Toronto Argonauts football : BOWMANVILLE -- An Osh-| Cornish told the Court thatjopportunity to obtain it, He summons to appear .Tuesday| player. near here Tuesday when t T Tas awa man who has been sitting|the reason that the car went off|stated that he thought he had) powMANVILLE (Staff) --|and did not show up. thely 18foot power launch was Tom out a remand in Cobourg Jailjthe road was that it "pulled|six om hy get hi after the! an eighteen-year-old Bowman.| Magistrate Baxter told Gordon swamped in Lake Simcoe. harze be reduced|Wilt be mich more active dur-lheavily to the right" when he we pe Bclihared aan ville youth who pleaded guilty|that the case would be heard) 'The three--Cralg Sarjent, * BOWMANVILLE (Staf{) --,them until they hit the tractor, ed that the get pale) of Nk the next 14 days, applied the brakes, He said per som you mest -- Mito charges of drinking under| as soon as we catch up withand William Glass, 16, both A A Burketon area youth Was| Dirk Brinkman, an uncle of/t0 org wm | Dohald Roy Gornish chose the|he only struck one post Aree teenth tetorted His Wor,|aee: and who failed to complete|Jack White", jOrillia, and Robert Lawson, . fined §25 plus $10.40 costs Or|poth the accused and the pre-|the road, {ail sentence rather than a fine that the cable pulled the o' wing ME he coat a ; 8 Wor! an out-of-court payment of ines] etRASR TWO MEN of Toronto--were saved by Ron- five days in jall ona careless|vious witness, then took the} "I suggest that if bp The (S200 and costs when he was|@own, : ' ih ' he "pride was fined $25 and costs here! 'or "iiseireat deed M9 aig ve G iM son, 50, also of Tor. driving charge, in Magistrate's! stand, He told the court that heja more apt Spal i _ J yy {found guilty of careless driving) 'I was only going 33 or 40/must be n the car at all times." Tuesday by Magistrate R. B. sseciaie a tastate last Gisk onto, Who saw the boat in diffi. Court here Tuesday. went to the hospital to inquire/circumstances we mis 'a #F cleteand failure to produce proof of|miles per hour out of Orono, Baxter, ae sendin "es a K) culties from his cottage at Neil Brinkman, RR 1, Burke-|as to the condition of his nephew) fire _. ae section jusurance by Magistrate R, B./he explained, 'when I saw the Chr 1 U il Randy Wayne Cox, 64 Well- a fo aie vel Sean = Eight eye ae seven miles ton, told the court that' he had|and came upon Mr, Buma, who an wry cera Af ving pro-|Baxter here Tuesday. stop-sign, 1 put on my brakes YSiEF UNVEMS [ington street, was found guilty, iad ; = * cag te one no "recollection of the. serious) told him that he was the oper- 2 Ht u ec $s iving | Cornish has been remanded) and the car seemed to pull to in absentia, on the testimony of Cament Taine and: Lene a rr Pe HeOn pie e 5 8 | accident in which he was in-jator of the tractor, i " "T don't see it that way'|lt custody since August 1 on the right, Models For 1964 Constable Louis Phillips of the! varie op ee engl cag re ' uminum boat an volved on duly 1, He stated fur-| He sald that at that time; 7 d 1 His Worship, tie {0 counts of assault and asked) Acting Crown-Attorney H, H Bowmanville Police, bob Bra . he . eg . n ® found the three men clinging to ther that he remembered noth-/Buma told him the car one aa the. Wil P tholthat his sentence be backdated|Brent asked if the brakes were] OAKLAND, Calif (AP) --|, Constable Phillips stated that : Ma te ee eas ee ey rod cratt, buffeted by ing of the day from 10.00 a.m,|by Neil was coming up on the peat car tha. Bs a ana|'0, that. time, applied as soon as Cornish saw)... ian Gove. basis he had charged three boys with) Magistrate Baxter at Co: six-foot high waves about three. on (the accident time wasjleft so he (Buma) pues 3 TOKE ~~ > Ma a this! "No, but you can stay there/the sign, The accused replied|"Mtysier Corp, became the first/arinking while under age on/oUurg last Friday when A pro. » milo from shore, placed at 1.90 p,m, by pollee) ag yA a tee ait Sovatiites apie Pore sori.(tvo. weeks longer," stated Ma- that they were, bee ned bynsg to unveil its April 13 and that Cos was the) har pig c on He threw them tee Sateen The first Crown witness was oir aa ~offe an 'failing to "strate Baxter," "an¢ want) phen why did your car end 1964 models as it gave 300 re-jonly one who had not paid his/M°'\" y Bion his fits) (pass . Th Buma, a Burketon tarm- a ain Beane ligt tee = aay than "Salling {0 111 authorities down there to be up 90 Paki down the road," porters a preview of its new fine. |convictions, turned to pick up Sarjent, who e ' ' : ; rfRvteet ak Ghenich 4 : : Own The men had been found)was nearly exhausted, and take a te ob phd oe nel side of the road I think 1 would|----------------- ay reseany -- not Hitting out 6/@ere te Crom a Corea tho Dodge line Tuesday, DISMISS COUNTS dent, He stated tht , a jdong ( : jswered that he release as ; ic aon te ' : - athe oat on the Fifth.jturn to the right to avoid a remand, They may: have somelprake. to i Fagg st the ear; The new Dodge styling tea-| Elmer Gordon of Noweastle partment of Highways tractor, for the other two, pr , in| collision," yh ll 0." ineee oS nan Wide imal on ae = ----~w t ad in. the right 'ane i Magistrate Baxter than re- Toronto Man work: for Lonely tant and the 22k onto the road, tures wide flat hoods, massive) oii small hill, in the wrong called Buma and asked on : reiluce to furnish charges aroge|,cAt emis point the Court was)bumpers and a restyled: front) we r } ver oe : he had anything to gain finan 3 eee cee nt on Tuty 74 [distracted by a loud crash justigrille, The horizontal styling] lane, and struck the bes gel lcially if Brinkman was con K ll In A of an. len ge Bhd 14.loutside the window, Constable|thome is carried through to the| HIT NO. 1 HIT NO, 2 HIT NO. 3 He vag tinny mg sata That he| victed, ] e 1 HOFER. Rear SUES Rospound indicated to Chiefjrear with the use of reciangular aa anicroeacunacncin aes ese uerncsmanass passopcanicss aReERK Or ne 'so fast, » sai at ? , lboth counts Pay } "pate . | 4 " | bid : '| "Not a thing,' was the reply : " Constable Bernard Kitney thatjtail lamps, horizontal sculptur-| shone fe » tractor nstable Ken Barbe e ne ' | ii es webaea a WS cceeast iit insurance company has lane te t : +h : be eas cone accident had taken place and/ing and wide bumpers 4 "WHEN at 1 was knocke already approached me with an} ne ar ras | ie¢ at } as {that the town was the Chief's j ine + tf \T guilty of "joy-riding" on a De-/him ashore before going back at least four or five min er of a settlement, but 1| led to the scene of an accident) : \ t t of Orono near Highway 35/fertitory. : = OF BOYS tes ' val ; xten ast of Ors a Rt Y oy : wanted to wait until the e : found a car on its side in| Magistrate Baxter qu pped COMING = > COMEDY my arm and knee were), eux Wan wan) a shone the ditch that he "had not seen a thing" i ' IN » but ot 4 Pie r, Levekin then told the si ipa i tis sn thean.| He said)that one of the occeu-jand poe Re ded a § not very Ronnie Hawkins SH ERWO00D " -- -- i » tractor and then) © , Poh ay wea er ig rides . nt ve car, Alfred Coch. Often that we get to see an acci yicourt that he doubted the credi ay 10 : g rec . &k ICHTIN cat uw two st 4 ghway . Gro va lying enactment,"') h wr X aa A v0 ability of Buma as a witness, He . 'of Maple G was lying dent in iw en ac mer 3 and the : " fr SO ae eoamn, cited a former action in which ak ' én ot ut d 0 from the' After the Court's attention HAWKS -- WITH -- : a nkman, SUMP hima was involved -- a civilla, on tan ' rap Car. Hes at five fence-|was centered back to the case e whe ast v 1 1 § th " rr ds one -- and that Buma had never sot ind car co osts h een Knocked off byjat hand, Magistrate Baxter ad ; IN COLOR AN ALL STAR CAST FOOLS 1 to-a farmer to get a ' By , HH FRI. AUG. 16th tz \ . t tice siieA cee we necks vhen I came to I noticed my injuries was better} NEWCASTLE (Staff) .» appeared at the hearing, two northh 'and ' * ) : dressed Cornish, . be > ee re cousins of ip.m, south of the thirc e nish came up to me and) «An gutomobile should be un ac PPLPLP LPP POA y 'of money owed you to two dif tted that he was the driver! ger contro! at all times. Drivers on risit from} s sion of Clarke mi " ' % 4 * ' man : t Doin - i. i} | ferent Patong I suggest Ri eas ae As f the vehicle," ¢ ontinued the sist adlust (th. weather and sue Shoe vv al Z AY | : ) og pe binidangs™ n matters 0 inance you have Bi . 2 : ce ast . } vid me he w road conditions in r | SRARTS, > } M fSs' » at the Ost ter ne : sntly es e ' Y as Oshawa Gen a hgh convenient bagged t nga steed 4 "Bie ' , at ---- avoid accidents ag? it | WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY® C ' n summing up the case fo aga es ; that he had missed the sharp/Constable Barber's testimony munsel Dick Love-|o'¢ : rainstorm 'and co : nstable . Ba } 4 the Crown, Mr, Brent contend if he had at ' . rf 'ar driven by Robert Reid, 25 : ot : aranne r } : catakin fart on a statement toj°ds, "it makes no differenc Constable Barber stated that ------ h i v WE jwhich evidence is accepted, be- gine' the car was past the stop-sign Prigltanind way dis cause both stories place Brink: nd a passenger, Dennis || sad and was only about wis ec iey that he{man on the wrong side of the , 50, of Hamiltor ae on Hawes ee is Ry oe videos bad Wit oa i, He added that tell rk Brink- r Lovekin denied that! sP peenore th » no skid marks, as % an nae there was sufficient evidence Dr rer . er Car 'the road was wet, but that tire! : ec eft-hand turn|{0r conviction under the vo ved, Serg Pellegrini, 29. Of marks on the shoulder. went yefore the co criminal co ie ate raa ' pes auf up to the vehicle : "There is no real case; no t ? ) 1 LB. You once made assignments oe eh be Rig Aa SHOE a1 and' When asked the magis- tad . ask a Ma pes evidence of speec ; the con-| released trate » could have concluded GRADE A 2 to 3 LB, AVG, @Saeru Me g table found nothing to indicate ss have said that)! the accused was in the THAT'S OUR RANGE t tim "i abi ae PLUMP and TENDER ong. There is no real case : : oma a miaaa.t WS The song of a grasshopper ts answer in the affirmative se it's not. true, answer "4 ne Song ¢ ' ar : ea oe ' which is beyond' a reasonable) aang , dered one of t my opinion the car was STEINBERG stable White of the OPp/ doubt. I suggest that the mat-))), sounds the human can travelling too fast to make the i ' that eee investipated|*e? be left to a civil court." near urve."" he finalized | | canna" f - esd fagistre axter disagr cit t but was unadie to|..\tasistrate Baxter disagreed "T suggest that the magistrate ra sh side of the road) 4 S88 sfiag Moa ert _-- | ek ee su pgs eee oar ects ope nao) THE INTERNATIONALLY Accra HIT! rn) aa puede HAMS 21031. avo, a hay iis 8! j ay ae : ped The defence counsel then ask-| parry, F ZANUCK'S , nature and ane LONNMEGESEST Pa ». ahs oi N Freshly Baked TURKEY PIES Stoinccic's onty 2 For 7% nkanaa a Sita and WEDNESDAY: with 42 International Stars! DAY wn er at FRESE) PORK LIVER s<~ mony J5¢ tay ~~ ¢q 0, t the boy told him that he | red nething. The Baced on the Book dy CORNELIUS RYAN eer kere ie ' : Shopsy's All Beef SAUSAGES RN: 59¢ [FRISSH) Home sacked Goopness! med to have remembered ADMISSION 736 ee > te. No. 1 Grade STEINBERG " SHS ne marie Bammemanennnnnnn oS= TENDER, SWEET Cherry Pie::: 49: n of the accused testi- he was in the car at BEAGH HOUSE i , Ns N . es ane nat he did wot see any. OSHAWA-ON-THELAKE doz. Layer Cake Vans' 396 -- Donutssons: ctaceo o0z. 39¢ SRO PLUMS SOTO" cece Fag OSE Se Demteh Tern Seer" 9H oy a) me iy e a nm called Cor. re ' mm Put Sas OS DU-KANES feces, WOW recurs pee tal [FRESH] Red COHOE SALMON» ow 994 m mt * eating lunch or get. PLUS THE oe Ce 5:05 . NO. 1 GRADE : CELERY HEARTS SE\ccae "ncn 198 senemes GauaTest bal sarons your vs GREEN PEPPERS SSioccm Son 29¢ SCREAMFEST! ARUNTISTS TURN wen 'Gmitess. INTRODUCING i " A NEW REVENGE THE "THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER" | mn NEM ce AUGUST SANDW cae SBy HER! FRANKENSTEIN WEREWOLF GEORGE C. SCOTT, DANA WYNTER, CLIVE BROOK POT aie ANDWICH MONTH SPECIAL! m= 'a ICE CASTLE Five Great Stars chellenge you to guess the IN COLOR asians disguised roles they ploy FANCY Save 106 . DON MEGOWAN captie. hi Ste 7% ez. TN ; 3 PETER CUSHING JOVER HOLDEN DORIS DAY, REX HARRISON, JOHN GAVIN RED SOCKEYE ce be YOUR CHOICE OF COLA, ug a GINGER ALE OR ORANGE "MIDNIGHT LACE" SALM () CASA p ° Box-Olfice Open at 8:00 P.M, Including Sendeys i ; . ' hs Oe TW ae 30 oz. es Th Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment Se, BILTMOREDS 2% | BS OPEN i 'A 6:30 a BIL i} 645 PM. POSSHSSSSSSCSCSOCOSSECOBOEO CES é ICE CASTLE ee PPPPPPPPAPPPEL PAS | 5 2 2 3 t SOG OCCSCECSSCCHSESS SE FOR a ASSORTED FLAVOURS ; a Sy anemones Ore Ice Cream 59: |: Le DRIVE OUT ie S ° . | Plus tus exciusive 90st ® _ <* TONIGHT * COLOURED Oa -- ae cy on are n@ \ aul ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON: H . R Wha ot ¢ RU @ FOR : ee aX Goh Neo SRE THES) J] THURSDAY & FRIDAY ONLY! See eee I Aight everytime' SOAK quagarcurssacnecsn O orn ar cco SHOW STARTS AT 8:40 a CAT tn abel x Frozen Punches sse5s'%Sha oem Bre S$], ewoy A iddet JOHN HERSEY'S &\ MAOR NOVELOF WORLD WARN Assorted Jams Sav csee™® hap 4S}, FREE DRINK : SD we nc OF ICE CASTLE AT THE ccnieneins Qocs to AE WN NER' nt FIFLD Albacore Tuna cess sou wore 7 os. mm 3 rm $l. C.N.E. THIS COUPON GOOD TOWARDS A T ) : eq RE i xX NEw PACK Cup BONUS COUPON : ------ Cut Green or Wax Groce cunt 6 re $I, £ cepee AT Tee DD FREE 10¢ DRINK PLUS MORE EXCITEMENT . . H 5 STOKELY'S REDEEM AT THE MIO BEVERAGE , Pineapple-Grapefruit Drink*:"., 3 $1, Beverage Booth " § towsc 2S. ,' PWS MANY MORE VALUES AT THE STORE: BOOTH NO. 29-30 Qrven EXPIRES coat 3 DOLLAR SALE SPECIALS Just For You! = WEN Pat COUPON oy AND PURCHASE OF A PSG. OF WHR FRTD IN BATTER COUPON ExPeRts avs weed $) COUPON EXMRES AUG IT 93 dae rorcnnet OF \ ) Seeecmana Se 4. ?> OF AGL OF 2 *KGS. OF 2 ROLES GPF Coes. Chae ORAS BaMROOA CRACKERS 4/$1 : s taro moy S TONIGHT ONLY! eomen seamen. wie PJ come errant ws DP) NATALIE # @ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4 mies COU pe WOOD AS Gypsy ~ CQUOR & C'SCOPE AND putcease OF \ a A 22 OF. ROUND TR 3 2 QUAD PEGS. OF rou xo , 1 " % PLUS THE BOWERY BOYS IN "MASTER MINDS" PREM 45¢ CATE HOw 5/$ 7Se mS . € x . ; -- . SS 7 > RUNTMEON ant aT a OF SAGER f ' = oo - = = seorems AE Free Playground & Free Comic Books -- eee . << oe ~ mens Ae COUPON EXPATS auG Poet NOW CHILDREN UNDER , OSHAWA ; 5 seth os i PACS el meweas WHITBY TWHEVE en PLAYING curr net Ee OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. , so Rouge Hill ae ACES F2Z- 4972 FEATURE TIMES -- 2:30 ~ 3:25 ~ 5:25 ~ 7:20 ~ 9:35