20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 14, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Building Trades on TYPES of t bullaing repairs, roofing, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. 8-039. Accountants YALE, FRIEDLANDER and CO, Chartered Accountants. Licensed Tr tees in haegaduabed 64 King Street Ea 728-7371, HOPKINS, ae a? co., oe 187 " excavating. FE i aylor Bros., crest Drive, Whitby, 668-5612, ee 26 Hill- Mortgages Rug-Upholstery Service oi Sale Hen- King FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, agreements purchased and l» nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Siree, East. 723-7232 ARRANGE now tc have your chester- field suite recovered while on Piahendbaete No down payment. Up to 36 to * No PRIVATE and corporation monies fo loan on all types of murtgages: mortgages tered Account: King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account metal fabrication and repairs. Guaran- feed, 24. hour service. 726-2525. GENERAL welding service. All kinds of and agreements of sale purchased, Creighton, Drynanand Murdoch. (Se head: ng. 7 risté ant, 323 ak Street West, Oshawa, Tele phone 723-12: HAROLD &. DEWAR, CHIMNEYS built sidewalks and. stoops aso brickwork. F, McCann, Accredited Pub Brooklin, MORTGAGE -- ROOFING, concrete floors, ow specialty. New work and lic Accountant Commercial 78> King Street West, LEONARD JAMES K Accountant. Suite 295, Oshawa H Bullding, 728-2221, Chartered 28-2 and Construction, 725-6937, flat roofing repairs, Large and smal! jobs, L. and H. Roofing LOANS | Moneys for first mortgages Contre, 725-9953. | BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Complete bookkeeping de 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. 723-7605, MONTE MONTEITH, ; RIEHL, and) Co. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 125 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2-0890,. Whitby MO 8-4131. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- countants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CAs G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West----728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU": | IT'S FUN to read "Personals" in miss the messages you'll oy: New and repairs, stucco, cement work, paorging base- ments. Remodelling. Work- manship guaranteed, Free estimates. WALCO CONSTRUCTION For guoranteed home im- provements, store and office remodelling, expert workmon- ship. Free estimates Whitby 668-4412 the| Service.|Oshawa Times Classified Section, Don't! find there PLASTERING -- -A. WOODS 728-3420 - | Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages "110 Bond West, pay. For estimate, phone Sonaeey ennedy Ing Ltd. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat- tresses rebullt.. Oshawa Upholstery Co., Dial 725-0311. r ' - 4w. alELY COMETS WERE DISCOVERED SEVEN OF THEM WERE YIS)BLEAT PRE SAME TIME. Shnign TELESCOPES. Sales and Service ART'S GUN REPAIR CUSTOM GUN WORK Rebueing, refinishing, stock- making. AS TEMPLE UNIVERSITY. We "TEMPERATURE OF THE SUNS 'WAS COM> PARABLE To THe. Guns bought, sold. exchanged WHITBY 668-2497 Fost service . F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 "MORTGAGE | |tario Land Surveyor. |prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632, | SURFACE. OF THE SUN. IATHE SKY, CAARADEIA) Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Commercial On- bive | Orn en pe By R. J. SCOTT DURING 1939. IM EARLY NOVEMBER, Pam cet aa les WHATS THE AVERAGE HEIGHT oF WATERSPOUTS SOME TIMES OBSERYED AT ne IN TREES 18 ARE ACTION oF BACTERIA, OR FUNG). ra 1,000 FEET, H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarlo| Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. |2--Personal LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages . No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements Barristers JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LL.B, Bar- rister, Solicitor and Notary Public, 5 Sim coe North. 723-3446, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Cartage OHN'S MOVING Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. eu-pped and insured. 728-366! ~~ AND CARTAGE,| Fully} purchased, Moneys for second mortgages Fost service M. F. SWARTZ | 26% King St, East Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- . lic) The Commercial, Building, 286 King Dressmaking Says West, Oshawa, Ontaflo. Client parking)ORESSMAKING alierations, pant available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. jing. experienced, reasonable rates. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers end|Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. Solicitors, etc 6 King Street East./ Telephone 723-220) GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, citors, etc., 114 King Street East Dial 725-2278, Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368) Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL 798-$832 CREIGHTON, MURDOCH, Barristers. Mrs. |Gardening a and Supplies DARLINGTON Garden Service, counted landscaping and garden mainten-) arce. Dial Bowmanville 623-3905 Soll- |pos, hole digging and fencing. Reason AN N Di abie rates, Telephone 725-1721 Solicitors, tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bu Ne "DRYNAN i, DAVID Barrister, Solich Str § South, 725-9592. Barrister, Mortgage ing Street Sine Street East, 723-4943, Mortgeee > an in available. 2. T. SALMEBS, BA, Barrister, and tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street Office 723-1101. Residence Tessa HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN _ "Ning MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 3 Street Ees: Oshawa;. R tay phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB. Office: 725-1177, Resi- dence: 728-4326, Whitby 6468-2761. 725-4604, if S$ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Loam and Gravel Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. 'K See etre mM orvean, acl Washed Stone, Fill 798-8554; G, |, Murdoch, 723-4788. Mort coe gages and agreements of sale bought Prcovoting, wots ieeniea: anc sold. ooders. ruckws for nire BOWMAN, BEATTY HAULAGE , 3a Simeone Residence 778-0264. i aes oe 725-2 ] 56 JOSEPH F. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office 14\a A King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232 Instruction ie eine MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrist LEARN TO DRIVE Solicitors. Clients' funds available for i first. mortgages 20 Simcoe Street North} Oshawa Driving School 778-7336. Charles C. McGibbon, QC; 9 Edgar F. Bastedo, QC DAY or EVENING BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, £ Late Models, Standards Solicitor, Notary Public . , A ieaal funds avaliable, 36' Automatics Dual Controlled East. 723-1107 Res, 985-7163 OSHAWA AND WHITBY RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H. CALL 728-0091 GREER, Associate Barristers and Solici- tors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Money To Loan Mortgage foans available. Lis MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD| L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors,| PAY ALL Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block,) 26% King Street East, 723-4697, Resi! dence, dial 723-4029. LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, citor, Notary, Alger Buliding, 37 Have Only One Low Monthly Payment $50 to $5,000 WITHOUT ENDORSERS OR BANKABLE SECURITY Hane "curt , dis "|TOAM, sod manure and evergreens, --ama| Optometrist ---------- | Rank or 74 Burk Street? NHA and other mortgage funds avaliable, LOANS LIFE INSURED Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 | 'TV--Radio Repairs |Box 333, Whitby, or call 668- 3034, and tower service. WHITBY TV. Aerio' Dial 668-8344, GUARANTEED repairs to all makes TV radio, car radios. Thompson Elec- tronics, A? Eilott 723-9792. Fred. Cry LV: For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Paul Cieslar, Prop. 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 Removal of "superfluous: hair, Marie Murduff wi be in Oshawa, August rage and 21st. Phone Genos Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 |3--Pets & Livestock PUPPIE $, part "German 'Shepherd, seven, six weeks old, $2 each. Males and fe! jmales Dial 728. 7795 Musical Services PIANO, F "pie ane electronic organ tuning and repair instruments appraised, | J. Hiddink Alax 942-1664, j Cc. B, TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please | pay accounts at downtown Dominion) WISE homemakers find bargains ev | day in "Home Furnishings" tn Classi- fied. Be smart, check today, Painting and Decorating | Mi PAINTING and paper hanging. J _Jensen after 5 p.m 725-7213. DODD and SOUTER | PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Pointing, Paperhanging, | Gyptex, Full Wall Murals | Spray Painting | 107 -BYRON ST. S.,, WHITBY | DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service | MODERN GRILL | Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | Mode Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH | 725-3887 | |Plumbing and Heating PLUMBING and heating supplies |Telephone 725-3521 Harold H, Stark, 'Ltd, Plumbing, heating and Engineer- ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. |ALL TYPES ot repairs and remodeling, new and wsed materiais, Reasonable jrates, Estimates free. Dial 723-1193. J, | Fmey | OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Dial 725-4587.) | THREE horses for sale, pinto mare, 4| year-old bay gelding, three - year - old| strawberry rvsn stallion, Telephone Bow- [manville 623-2910 |BEAUTIFUL baby budgi es, ltraining, talking strain |Broad, 114 Eigin Street East |(RISH "RED SETTER puppies, register-| |ed, eight weeks old, tattooed on ear |male $50, female $40. Telephone 728-6576.| |KITTENS, two females, Siamese Seal- point, 12 weeks old, $35. Call after 5 p.m. Tevephone 668-3627 GERMAN Shepherd, pure bred, male, two years old, papers, fully trained, 16x6x6 ft dog run, wire enclosed, wooden floor, regulation kennel, $100 complete. Call Alax 942-2954 BLACK poodie, male, registered stock, good family pei, 3 months old. Distemper sho!. Telephone Whitby, 668-5426, Guaranteed Parts and Service DAY OR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop. 728-5286 ~ TELEVISION SERVICE All Makes. Sets Repaired in your home Wayne Appliances Telephone 723-1411 TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO Tor! , ready mrs.| Apply |5----Farmer's Column |WHEAT strew for sale, 30c |Arthur Branston, after 9 p.m., | 728-6865, | |FARMERS, need tires? Call Bill your] | Dominion Tire representative. 725-6511. or jevenings after six, 725-7263 CASH on the spol. Highes! prices pald jon dead and crippled farm stock. Tele hone collect, Hampton, COlfax 82721 per bale. telephone |1F YOU have a drinking problem, bide 38 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent FOR. "SALE: Cottage lots, 100° x 200', |pleasant. $18 per foot. jdale Highway 335. _Lloyd Dewey | HOUSEKEEPING. cottages, rangette, boats. running water, able rates. Vacancies August well jtreed, gentle slope to water, secluded and Inquire at white| MPDDLEGAGED woman toh {cottage across from Canan Lock 35, ROS invalid and small house refrigerator, Reason: | HOUSEKEEPER 10 on. |be: 30. Two school-age children, Live in |11--Articles _For Rent lew aisle North. runners. Fox 13--Business Opportunities 16--Female Help Wanted 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted COFFEE SHOP -- Grey Coach Agency, on No, 2 Highway, ten-room building. A rea money maker for right party. Rea- WOMAN WANTED to live In and care for elderly lady, not an invalid, in new home. Please call 725-3264, sonable down payment. Apply Box 17, Oshawa Times SHELL CANADA LTD. Has for lease a high volume Service Sta- tion located on High- way 115. Applicant should have $3,000 to invest, and be prepared to take a salaried training MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN or pensioner) to tive in with elderly lady. For particu. lars, call 725-3015. THIS IS a golden opportunity for beiween 18 and 25 years, Excellent train ith Phone Mr. Jackson, 728-1382. GIRLS over 16 with neat appear- arce. Part-time, *wo or more nights weekly, with hourly rate. Apply Jubilee Pavilion, LADY to look after children while ios | werks. Live In. Needed by September 1 Dia! 723-1633, RELIABLE housekeeper to live in and tere for two sma'l children while mother works. Telephone 728-9378, WANTED -- waitrosses, short order cook, ano part-time dish washer. Apply Mr. Coempbell, Genosha Hotel. WOMAN WANTED fo care for one child, \.ive out. Required by August 16. Call afier 6 p.m, 668-2646, course. FOR INTERVIEW PLEASE WRITE Mr. C. L. Umpherson 99 Hatfield Cresc. PETERBOROUGH by |schools, good yard, 725-8608, 14--Employment Werted |WILL mind children by day or week In }own home. Big play yard, children com- panions, Best of care. Telephone 728-1383, WILL MIND children In my own home the day. Close to GM, downtown and 17--Male Help Wanted POSITION for salesman open in the Osh- awo area. Company benefits and liberal draw for accepted applicant. Apply in person, 299 Simcoe Street South FUEL OIL salesmen wanted, full or part vime, for Whitby, Alax, Oshawa, Bow manville area. Car necessary. Apply Jack Perry, Harry O. Perry Ltd., . 285 Bloor Street Oshawa. PART-TIME truck driver to work 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Apply Cooper Smith Company, 16 Celina Street, EXCELLENT - OPPORTUNITY Openings immediately to sell fomous Rawleigh Products. |16--Female Help Wanted |Mrs. C. Hughes, RR 4, Picton, GR65115. |ana take full care for Good pay and time off. Char kept. Post Office Box 261, Bowmanville, Ont. } "required for jor Septem-| $100.| Box 7,| charge of home, monthly. All replies confidential. |Oshawa Times. | --------|WANTED -- Girl, for general housework. . card rand 'banquet tables, church| Own rentals, 412 Simcoe|iences, room, TV. All modern conven- References required. Write Mrs. a Sucher, 444 Trenton, Montreal 16, | Dishes - Cutlery - - Glasses eee CLERK for ladies' ready- yi Foweer | Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- folding chairs, hand planes, nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, boby carriages, C.C.M. "ex ercisers, sewing machines. Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart. CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 mm. slide camera, movie Marowill's Eur Farm. Licence 245-C-43 WHEAT STRAW for sale, 25c. per bale. Cali 728-5919 TELEVISION BOND ST. E, OSHAWA 728-678) "TV TOWERS | Economy and Deluxe 171 '7--Trailers RENT-A-TRAILER Hitches supplied Moving boat and cabin trailers. MONTY'S BA SERVICE SIMCOE AT GIBB 725-9131 '9---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent Priced to suit. your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV projector, slide projector, movie camera, screen, sun- gun, binoculars GARDEN EQUIPMENT----Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole augers, lown mowers, lawn rollers, gorden sprayer, seed- ers, lawn. sweeper, fence stretcher, post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lawn area- tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, flame gun CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heaters, sleeping bags, liners, air mattress, Coleman stoves, lanterns, coolers, car top carriers, wa- ter skis, life jockets, out- |BOBCAYGEON _ - Pigeon "Lake, » Buck's| board motors. | jyear old child. Live in. jh Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services. Returns. Statement prepared vices. 708 Newman Crescent, Building Trades YouR LOCAL CHIMNEY Chimneys built and repaired, Ings installed estimates. 723 ROOFING, -- SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M _--_ WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M ACKERMAN. _ | CLOSED SATURDAY DURING bicata « Ussiine JULY AND AUGUST Sond, Gravel, Fill OTHER EVENINGS BY And Top Soil APPOINTMENT Dump Truck 17 OFFICE IN ONTARIO Reasonable Rates PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE "A. FOSKETT AND SONS Roofing, Sheet Metal, Pai a ing, Decorating, Coulki expert home repairs. No 'eb too big or too small -- We | Give service to them oll. | FREE ESTIMATES 668-5906 or 668-2341 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing painting, tiling. Pina Bancl eats ot ai | SUMMERLAND No too big or small, All work Guahintnnd. SECURITIES LIMITED Financing at bank rotes Call us anytime. Simcoe St. North P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E 112 Telephone 728-2061 | oshawo, Ontario--725-3568 Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results. asn 3.75 2.25 atic atic income Tax BC Ser-| 668-6252. | ~eleaner gas furnaces vacuumed 2997. Free » shingles; roof and gable louvers Installed, Siding, carpentry alter ations. Workmanship, materials guaran teed. H. Tucker. 0826. Mortgages MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Low Interest Valuations Arranged Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members. Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association 4 harg 4.13 2.48 nm as one word. . 15¢ 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive doys Count each word, initial, brevi Box number Mae if not wold within 7 on Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Eoch additional line per month (N figure or ob acs rate applies. 8.50 1.60 pli ements.) ble for merchondise advert DEADLINES --.5 pm, op Word ads Classified Display. Births, memoriams, day previous ..2:30 p.m. day previous cards "of thonks -- 9 am. day of pub Lost ond Found -- .. 8:30 o.m. doy of Cancellations and "Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors ments submitted otherwise than in writing, no more thon ect 'insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which i n odvertise- The Gites Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display cdvertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thon thet in which the oectual error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if eny ineccuvecies in ony form are contained therein, lication. | 'We Recommend and Install HYDRO RENTAL WATER TANKS | No Kiteh- en remodel: ling, and' general _repoirs For furthe; isfermotidn pleose coll aiaile Miller 723- we or 725-2993 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and restyled. Free estimates. See our mate- riat for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Char'es Street. 723-7212. |CHESTERFIELDS and olé chairs re |covered liky new. Get the best for less at Modern -Uphoisterers, 142 Simcoe South. Call 728-6451, Free estimates. | SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine, special jiting in 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chest- jnut Street West PO Box 329, Whitby,/ | 668-2563 0° 668-3809 WILLIAM KROONTJE, well digging, compressor work. clean-cut and deepen- ing. 468 Park Road South, 728-3864, stk LEMON, well _ digging, Clean-outs, pening, compresser work. Phone 398 0911 installation cast and bathroom | |! 2--Personal REQUIRE transport j Teachers College, Car' jto, commencing September | 725-3489. LEN PULLAN ~ ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 _ ONTARIO gilt, Oe | , for two | law Avenue, 10. t Dial) 2--Personal | | | | | Wishes to announce to Customers of Bowmanville Rural Operating Area that effective August 19th, | } the telephone number at the Area office will change from | |room cottage, winterized with space heat- 623-3530 to 623-2561 | | For your convenience, please use this number for all calls through ; the day or after hours. This change has been made to serve you better. W. R. WALTERS, Manager Bowmanville R.O.A. Ol ern 3 i Toron-|° cottage as new inside and out. ~|Bobcaygeon, 738-2532. |McInerney | Mircen. j bedrooms. Fine family 3 bedroom cottage,| cely furnishea on safe sand waterfront lor three m'les east of Bobcaygeon. Three Ip'ece bath, gas range and living room heater, hot water tank, screened veran- dah $7,800. Terms arranged. Newell and 223 King St. W., Oshowa Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Melnereey, ee Phone 723-3224 TURGEON LAKE -- Blyiheshore, 4 year) |12--Articles Wanted cid frame coitage, Insulated, very smart! three bedronn cettage with breeze-way WANTED -- one small te team pony har- and garage, Modern kitchen and bath./ness, in good condition. Telephone 725-8546 |Newly decorated througheut,. oil heat, HD ---------- Hydro, picture window, hot water tank,| FAMILY w'th eight children have lost |TV aerial, dock, C 4\their e in an accident in transit burner electric range. property. !deai family or retirementiture which they could donate, home. $8,500, terms arranged. Newell andiphone 723- 1303 HAW McInerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and AUTO WRECKING co. | Minden, 738-2532 | PIGEON LAKE -- Nogles Creek, Bobcay-| Wants Cars for Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron geon area. Very smart 2 bedroom mod-| ond metals, etc., bought, Nice} bathroom, new electric HW tank, range} and frig. All furrishings as new. Screened! --|verandah, nicely landscaped lot with satel |waterfront, dock and boathouse. $5,995. |Newell and McInerney. Realtors, Bobcay-| _ Open Saturday all day. Phone eon and Minden. 738-2522 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. with perfect, safe, natural white sand! (13 Business Opportunities jbeach, nicely shaded by mature trees.| PEOPLE are honest and the 1 |250' depth, high, dry, level lot. Private|sponse to "Lost" ads proves it. If roadway, accessible year-round, hydro at)you've, lost something, don't wait--dia) fot line. $6,900, terms if desired. Newell/723-3492 now to place the Classified Ad 70 seat, new and modern equipment, adjoining motel, CALL go adi Ince STAN'S Shorpening and Rentals Ltd. y furnished, urn please tele- THURSTONIA PARK -- | Sturgeon | Lake, cottage for rent, accommodation for six. Avatiable arter August 17. $35. wi $140 month. Telephone Oshawa 728-4418 ior ODunsford 25R22. BOBCAYGEON, Sturgeon Leke, Echo |Bay Smart 2 bedroom cottage on sand Choice waterfrontito Oshawa. Anyone with any used furni-| |Over 18 years of age. Minimum two} lyears of high school. Apply In writing to! Bey 15, Oshawa Times. LIVING alone? Come and be part of our family. Working mother in fatherless ome, needs warm affectionate woman to help in house and supervise ten-year-old aaughter, After | 5.30 p.m. call 728-4052, MATURE girl or woman to look. after No cooking or housework. Good home for right person, Telephone 725-0575, TELEPHONE canvassers. Must be ex- |perienced. Salary plus commission, Te'ephone 728-1352. Ask fot Mr. Jackson. BOOKKEEPING machine operator, good working conditions and generous em- polyee benefits. Apply Canadian Automo- tive Trim, 274 Mackenzie Avenue in Alax. WOMAN to care for little girl, two days per week, while mother works. Apple Hill area. Write Box 19, Oshawa Times, NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. and more car easily be earned by showing our friends and neighbors. necessary. Cur exciting, catalogue eips you to get orders, Send no money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval catalogue. Monarch Card Co, 217. Cannon, Hamilton Dept. 14, trjoy working 2 or 4 hours a day calling jregularly each month on a |Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Oshawa,/| anc are willing to make light deliveries, etc, Write Studio Girl Cosmetics, jCD-38, 840 LaFleur Ave., Montreal | Rout will pay up to $5.00 Bina RELIABLE woman to come in and look after eighteen-month-old 'baby while! 32. Cal! 725-1850, EXPERIENCED \ 24 Bond Street West EARN $23 WEEKLY plus @ free ward- robe in your spare time. Just show Fash- jon Frocks to friends. No investment, canvassing expe lence necessary. Write: North American Fashion Frocks Ltd., 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. M 1627, Mon- treal 39. AVON CALLING! \ oday, learn how you can earn with Avon. Welte PO Box 512, Oshawa. WOMAN WANTED to care for three chitdren, two school age. Apply 94 Wil- son Road South or telephone 725-9554 BABY SITTER WANTED Lady to jcome in and care for one child, Genera! |Motors hours. Mus ton Telephone 728-7410 RELIABLE GIRL 18 yeors or older for Grocery Store. Single, must: have some cosh register experi- ence. | PHONE 728-0851 "SALESLADY For Ladies' Ready to Weor Fully experienced, Full time Good salary to right person. Apply in writing giving quali- ficotions and references to Box 14, Oshawa Times EARN _ EXTRA MONEY Show Canado's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- elties, etc, to friends and rel- atives.. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illustrated catalogue, samples on approv- al and the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., $ wanted. Apply |STURGEON LAKE, north shore, 3 miles west of Bobcaygeon, 150' lake frontage! Jand McInerney Realtors, Minden and that will get it back for you | only 3 | | er hydro, veniences. payrrent. water, telephone, inside con- Full price, $4,300. Low down Teiephone Orillia 326-6965. PIGEON LAKE, Tait's Bay, | Bobcaygeon. Superb 2 bedroom cottage on one acre lot with 140° lakefront, safe sand beach, boathouse. Beautifully wooded and tand- scaped lot. Cottage is completely winter- zeo with electric heat, HD range and fr'¢, Modern kitchen. 3-piece bath with shower, fully furnished, beamed ceilings, granite fireplace. Truly a fine summer home in a superb setting. Newell and Realtors, Bobcaygeon and 738-2532. $16,500. Terms LAKE SCUGOG, new 3 bedroom, water- front cottage. Available Augus!. $50 week ly. Telephone Brooklin 655-3738. LAKESHORE cottage property for sale Haliburton district, 2¥2 miies from town of Gooderham. Good roads with plenty ot| trees, hydro available, approximately 900} it. frontage by (275 ft. deep. Will sell in| jblock or divice property. Telephone Whit-| iby 668-8119 dinette, modern kitchen, excellent dritied! iden 738-2532 |STURGEON LAKE, Beenives Basay. land in Northumberland electric heat for off-season occupancy. | Building 68 x 36 ft., "= 62 miles from Osh- Sloughter Room 13 x 13 ft. Excellent potential for Meat $19,900 alance Contoct Bill Millar jbeach lakefront, heavily treed, stone patio, double concrete dock Knotty pine living. room with red granite fireplace, jwell 3 wire hydro, reasonable, cash coh _ jment required owner will assume mo gage. $8,800. Furnished. Newell and Me: Inerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Min: MEAT PACKING | Va ACRE fakefront jot, Belmont, 75 miles ror Oshawa, $900 for quick sale.! PLANT Dwner's persona: sale. Call after 6 p. i [rasan m-| Situated on 35 acres of |geon. Executive's summer home on 101' nty, Murray Townshi jleketront with safe sand beach. 3 bed- Cou Ye Y 10 'tae roums, modern kitchen fully equipped) APProximately miles jwith range, frig. and washer. Baseboard! from Brighton, Ontario. Dr'lied wel!. Full bath with shower. Fully| furnished, all as new. $14,900. Terms Newell and McInerney, Realtors, od years old, consists of: Caygeon and Minden. 738-2532. Packing Room 26 x 20 ft. LAKE SiIMTOE -- Shorp Freeze 10 x 12 ft. Jawa, canal front loi, 80 x 275, two-bed-| Chill Room 10 x 12 ft. Operating Area 13 x 20 ft. Business Office 12 x 8 ft This plant is fully equipped including delivery trucks. Packers or property could be used for various other indus- tries. Sacrifice Sale Only $5,000. Down 10 yeor mortgage. Will consider good land near Teronto in trade Telephone 725-1186 or 725-2557 Real Estate Ltd; |COTTAGES 3 and lots on the Black |River, 10 miles north of dag 9 Telephone Black, River Securities, 26831 collec' for appointment STURGEON LAKE tireplace, good fishing, swimmi Tai, Cottage for rent, five all conveniences, ing and golfing. Die |Private Secretary | not 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, _ Ont. HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED To meet the growing demand in our New Salon, part-time Hairdresser will be considered BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS WHITBY, ONTARIO Please Phone 668-3061, Mrs. Hughes. LARGE LAW OFFICE To work for one lawyer, exclusively, required by 1st September. Short hand and secretarial capacity essential. Legal or related experience preferred, but essential. Inquire or apply in writing to BOX 10 CSHAWA TIMES and tree! WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE, If you would group of Dept.) mother works. Light housekeeping duties. Also some spare-time--vacon- OUT OF TOWN Real Estate Broker re quires an active fully experienced sales- man, The party we engage, must be of good character, well known In Oshawa and aati and have a thorough knowl edge of a. Must drive a Jabie car yod have 4 private telephone. Be bendable and acceptable by the Departe ment of Insurance. Ad s all replies to Box 12 Oshawa Times. State name, acidress, telephone, age, and experience, THREE IMMEDIATE openings to work out of our downtown yep arranging personal Only tions, pleasant personality * and willing- ness to converse with people. Age 16 te 25. Hourly rate plus bonus Incentive, Apply 10 a.m to 3 i Alger Buliding, 37 King East, Room 34, IF YOU are between 45 and 60, If you own @ car, If you are free fo. travel, f you have some sales experience, If you desire big earnings, If you are will-> ing to work -- Then you are the man we want for a challenging and rewarding position. Call from 9 to $ p.m. for Ine terview. 728-3011. INSTRUMENT MECHANIC For industrial maintenance In modern tire manufacturing plont, fully experienced on time cycle and steam pres- Sure, pneumatic controls, steady position, shift work. Excellent program of com- cies. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. H-310-SS, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. | Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants. Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. OPPORTUNITY Young men wishing to be- come Chartered Accountants Minimum Education. Senior Matriculation. | | | | For Appointment Telephone -- 728-7527 Monteith, Monteith, Riehl and Co, MAN WANTED To take charge of parts fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to} No experience) COUunter and odd repair full-colored plenty be jobs on appliances. Exper- ienced, For appointment Coll AJAX 942-6410 Ask for manager. YOUNG MAN 17 to 20 Years in Men's Wear Store No experience necessary, ex- cellent opportunity for od- vancement, Fuller Brush Co, {| pony paid medical, hospital, life insurance and pension plan benefits. Apply person- nel office DUNLOP CANADA LTD. Whitby--Dial 668-3361 | FURNITURE AND | APPLIANCE STORE IN WHITBY Requires an Experienced SALESMAN Salary and commission, Company benefits. | | Apply in writing stating experience. BOX 6 OSHAWA TIMES COLLECTOR PART-TIME Man To Collect Small Monthly Current Accounts No selling involved, must be morried, dependable, have good cor and be free to work evenings ond Soturdays. This is @ steady part-time job. Phone Mr. Curran be- tween 4 and 6:30 p.m. only on August 15 at 723-4641. '18--Male or Female Help Wanted |STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS requires lone full time, two part-time sales repre- sentatives. Car an asset. Opportunity for advancement. . 723-9242. WANTED TAXIDRIVERS Men or Women have own transporte |with crocheted lace in tne popu- lar spider-web design. Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 'PRINTED PATTERN APPLY BOX 11 OSHAWA TIMES CROCHET STARS By ALICE BROOKS Accent your tables, elegantly, COSTUME NEWS: By ANNE ADAMS By itself, this sleeveless, gg sheath is a treasure -- company with the smart eres it goes everywhere. For trans-season cottons. Printed Pattern 4532: Misses' Star doilies -- lovely luncheon set or incidental doilies. Pattern 7143: crochet directions; doities 18 and 11 ins. in No. 30; 30 and 20 ins. in string. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) ); for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of| Pata tue alo 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size 16 resi eters add Ic sales tax. Print| ess, jacket 4% yards 35-inch inlv 3 _|fabric. Rainy PATTERN NUMBER Oy eves ae) IN 1963's Biggest | Needlecraft|/Coins. (no dames, please) for Show stars smocked accessories|this pattern. Ontario residents --it's our new Needlecraft Cat-|2dd 2c. sales tax, Print plainly alog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, designs to knit, crocchet, sew, STYLE NUMBER. weave, embroider, quilt. Plus) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, free pattern. Send 25c now! jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat. PATTERN FREE! ten Want-Ads Don't rgrerns E! Mail cou. | Cost-They Pay | jpon inside new Fall - Winter Pattern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send 50c. for Catalog.