Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins BANK ACCOUNTANT SAYS Tel. 668-3703 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 13, 1963 § U.S. Picked For Scout Jamboree MARATHON, Greece (AP)-- The United States was chosen Sunday night as host nation for the next world Scout jamboree in 1967, NERVE WRACKING Young Musicians Looking For Thrill? | At Summer Camp Try Highway 40] By JANET KASK | MOUNT ORFORD, Que. (CP) By BOB McDOUGALL --Summer camp at Mount Or- Greece pass the torch to the U.S. contingent in the closing ceremony, IS FUSSY SLEEPER Adult chimpanzees make a new nest in the trees each night and the males often are phony, singer Raoul Jobin of Quebec and renowned classical guitarists Ida Presti and Alex- \slightest heed for an oncoming) andre Lagoya of France. Guitar Have you ever wanted to do transport. \ford is not exactly a holiday, _ Borrowing Wont Be | Affected By Increase In the future banks will avoid too many long term loans on mortgages which might tie up too much of their funds, he The Bank of Canada, which individual borrowing in Whitby|controls the monetary policy will not be affected by the re-jof the country, may have. in- cent increase in interest lag Foo gee the _ ae ea reg y Can-|half per cent as a war hat! said. ne Peg a lin the future the interest rate| Currently banks are prohibit- C. J. Bell, accountant at the; may go higher. a jed by Government charter from Canadian' Imperial Bank of} Mr. Bell attributed the diffi-|lending money at a higher " Commerce, Whitby, statediculty in obtaining money dur-|terest rate than six per cent an Monday, the increase on inter-|ing austerity, when the interestiif the Bank of Canada rate did est rates from three and one-\rate charged by the Bank ofjincrease to this figure (six per half per cent to four per cent|Canada was high, to the fact/cent), banks as profit mak- could not have much affect here,| most banks had a great deal of|ing businesses, would avoid, as at. present. money tied up in mortgage] much as possible, borrowing Banks in general, he said,|loans, |from the Bank of Canada. have a sufficient quantity of] Since then, he said, the banks} In summing up, Mr. Bell money on hand at presentihave increased their lending stated, the increase was an in- which would not necessitate | capacity because of money re-|dication money, generally, is them borrowing from the Bank|/ceived through payments on|"'getting a little tougher of Canada. the mortgage loans. |procure. AFTER COUNCIL INVESTIGATION No Time Extension Granted For Kartway Additional investigation made Industrial, commercial by investigation by severaljarea are in a westerly direction) FB ot of Whitby Township|and we propose to erect a wind|by Councillor Fred Sturch seem- Council, they decided at their|sock, similar to those at air-jed to verify Councillor Thomp- Monday night meeting, that/ports to determine the direction' son's decision. Family Kartway would not get!of the wind." While I appreciate your posi- an extension of operating hours.|. "If the wind is coming from ition," the Councillor said, "l Council was once moré ap-|southerly direction we will cur-|would like to leave the bylaw proached by Chris Lewis, pres jtail the operation of our two- ynamended because of com ent owner of the go-kart track/cycle karts," he said plaints I've received during my and a Toronto Township coun-| Two-cycle karts are the big-| investiga'ion." cillor, with an added plea for gest offenders because of the "Most people I've _ visited council to grant him an exten-|noise created whereas the four apreed the situation has become sion. cycle engines used by most pe0- hotter but they attribute this to However, council was firm in|ple are much quieter. _ the bylaw already being in ef its conviction that ratepayers in} Mr. Lewis again affirmed his| root i. hareeil the vicinity of the track did not/former statement that Go-Karts) ~~" ECR th aks want the hours on the track!provided an opportunity for| A ee h sat or operation extended and they|youngsters and teen-agers to ex- by Deputy -- fay p Sil unanimously voted to take no/press themselves and oo hy Rapacogg action on the request He claimed hunting and fish- Fred Sturc '4 abanede Se Me Mr. Lewis told council he hadjing for the youngsters were al-|taken ate Flog re a approached the problem from/most a thing of the past and a Lewis to have y every angle. substitute for this would be Go-/€°. "Since L was here two weeks Karts. However, council was not too ago," he said, "I have called on '"'Also," he said, - 'according hard on the owner of the Go- most of the people affected andto the insurance companies | Kart track when they later wen 9 they have admitted there has there hasn't been one accident cd down a bylaw which woul been a definite improvement."' |in two years." specifically state Mr. Lewis "But," he continued, "they; Councillor a -- og have to operate un y stil! hear some then addressed Mr. Lewis. cDT. . os ie Rly age asouth wind "I think Mr, Lewis is doing a) This refusal by council to pass blowing." satisfactory job to all concerned |the bylaw paved the way for Mr. "Ags you know," the Toronto|but I'm sorry I cannot support/Lewis to add an additional hour. Township councillor said, '90 per cent of the winds in this/ this time." it on an EST basis. | inate | something exciting in your life, nerve and skill? I wiped my brow and thorfght something that would test your|maybe J should have taken an- other highway. | Some of us would like to sky-| At last a space opened 'and I |but the 100 campers here this lyear are not complaining: They consider themselves lucky to be spending from three students came to the camp this fussy about their construction, The announcement came as the 11th jamboree came to a close ont he historic plains of Marathon, year from as far away as Cali- fornia 'and Japan, Weekends both campers and visitors can attend recitals ad SCUGOG CLEANERS to der an amendment to the bylaw at|to his operation time by running|seventh member is to be ap- to six weeks in the tough regi- men of Les Jeunesses Musicales du Canada camp, seeing that 150 other applicants had to be turned away. ; The campers, mostly in their late teens are musicians and their daily routine generally in- cludes six or eight hours of The more than 10,000 scouts, including some 400 from Can- ada, who attended the 11-day jamboree gathered to watch Crown Prince Constantine of dive or perhaps strap on anjmanaged to squeeze inte. the aqua-lung and explore the/line of twaffic. The fellow be- depths of some river or lake. | |hind blew his horn. | If this is what you want don't} As we sped along, headed to. jbother to spend your money on ward Toronto, I noticed several |equipment, |cars were passing us at a con- | Just take the family car onjsiderable rate of speed although |Highway 401 on a Friday, or|my passenger pointed out I was |Sunday night or for that matter, going 65 mph. any night when the migration) The fellow behind. me didn't|painstaking practice, often in from the cities start. think 1 was going fast enough/solitary in one of the practice I guarantee before you return|and he was trying to give mejhuts dotted around the camp- home 'from your excursion four) little push with the front of his' site. |Bouctouche, N.B., and Sylvia jblood pressure will have risen, 4°. ae eieiy oie! "We have sent campers away/Saurette of St. Boniface, Man. jour idea of a thrill forgotten 0 Increase my anxiety elw | ~ ere PN aig = en|moment the radio station we|Vno thought they came for a The camp has come & long | ae ' n prayer) vere listening to, interrupted its|MOliday," says Gilles Lefebvre,|way since Mr. Lefebvre per. strengthened | ou a na | iced bh ; " suaded the Quebec government uh § program to bring us a special|the energetic force behind Can-|, achath thi t 4 f | Perhaps you may think oh weekend accidents, followed|ada's coast-to-coast Jeunesses|'0 "donate the site and pay for) exaggerate but I'm one of many}. 4, gruesome details of how|Musicales movement and the buildings, It started as a who has experienced the terror they Bucuveed 4 | founder of the camp here in the 10-day session for 15 students | of this highway on some occa-|" y guess the fellow behind me|Eastern Townships, |compared with today's six-week mone ane ished dk exaB-| was not listening to the same! The sunlit hills below Mount yt geration. ' \station and he: roared by, about|Orford in this idyllic provincial | Recently I had to drive overig9 mph. park are inviting and the camp 100 miles on what some people; Ahead the road suddenly lit|atmosphere is informal, but the say is Canada's safest highway: lap with the red brilliance of|campers are dedicated and dis- the 401, applied brake lights and Ijciplined students. In order to get on this high-|thought there must be an acci-| Clad in jeans and T-shirts, the way one must use a cloverleaf,|dent. But the traffic continued/ young people might be residents that modern masterpiece of en-jat its mad pace, the cause of the|of any typical summer camp gineering that insures maximum! sudden flare of lights became/except that a camper is more safety for those entering the|apparent. \likely to be toting a violin than | speedway, | One of our thoughtful neigh-|a tennis racket, or an oboe in- Of course the engineers who|bors, who was coming home'stead of a softball bat. designed the cloverleaf forgot to from the lake, was towing a) They pay $60 a week to attend tell the motorist it doesn't re-/boat without any tail lights. lth " Whil " ' ' |place common courtesy. He was determined he was|.© °@™P. Teun it is primarily | Before we got on the highway going to make it home that |for Canadians, some students \I had to jam the brakes on in night and his little four cylinder|from other countries are' ac- jereer to avoid a near collision|car ig ne under the/cepted from the long list of ap- and then we sat and waited heavy load. i is s until we were sure we could) We wished him luck and con- Rss bdo cary Dhipraby wi make it into our lane. tinued on. i mom the United States, two While we were waiting a) What causes this situation?){fom England and one from more experienced driver -- so Nobody knows, but it does "se Japan. we'll call him because of the I'm sure my experience has y ey ' isi daring he displayed -- shot by|happened to others who have es " A -- us onto the highway without the'ventured onto Highway 401. alone in the tiny huts, they often concerts, drama, ballet aud films. Many Montrealers, make the 90-mile trip to Mount Or- ford to see and hear outstand- ing artists, | A recent feature of the 13-) year-old camp is the national music competition started two years ago, This year's compe- tition was for voice and the winners were Josephte Clement of Montreal, Gloria Richard of & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Deity PHONE 668-4341 | HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED To meet the growing demand in our new Salon, part-time Hairdresser will be considered. BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS WHITBY ONTARIO Please Phone 668-3061, Mrs. Hughes | | i Going ona trip? Go first by Long Distance! It's the sure way to make reservations at your favorite place to stay: And | days off," said one camper without rancor. | However, even the keenest Monday night, invited the coun-|organization and methods of °F sport or relaxation. oe ik Town of Whitb to|oPeration of the municipalities While fresh air, beautiful ' Pf © y jin question and any matter re./Scenery an d recreation are join them : bh | |problems, {Township of Whitby to ae Among the artists teaching at The committee is to be made/town are to be fixed, settled) the camp this year are Belgian up of three members from the|and recommendations made to/pjanist Frans Brouw, French of and determine any other mat-) aster concerning the joint inter-| jests and relations .of the two ews [have group lessons or. practise Whitby Twp. Council itby . Louncl students must break off once a in establishing Allating to them. prominent features of the camp, ltownship and three members| both municipalities as the com- cellist Guy Fallot, violinist Cal- the com.| Municipalities and to recom- lwith the camp orchestra or S s . 'Seek t tt 'neeKS jOInt Lommittee . week for the camp hike and an joint committee of seven mem-| Terms governing the annex-|the chief attraction for the stu- from the Town of Whitby, The|mittee decides. lvin Sieb of the Montreal sym- jmend action on these resolu- pointed by the Minister Municipal Affairs to act chairman, Main purpose |choir, 'We don't even have Sun- Whitby Township Council,}lishment, organization, re-/00ur after supper is reserved jbers to solve their mutual|ation of any portion of the dents is the top flight tutoring. In addition they are to settle of VON Visits i it' i to tell folks when you'll arrive. Makes travelling so much ma By THE CANADIAN PRESS it's the nice way yo 9g Set Record Last Month | Victorian Order of Nurses visits set an all time record in Whitby last month, Ruth Bow- ring, Whitby VON nurse, said today. Nursing visits last month and of high, 129 were totalled 177 the for general nursing care and 48 visits were) made for health instruction pur.) poses Prenatal : classes will begin at Fairview Lodge. Wednesday Sept. 11. These classes wil! con stitute the fall class session } Whitby Twp. | Will Engage Town Planner Whitby Township last night, approved a resolu tion recommending the Town ship engage the services of Dr. Faludi, an eminent town plan ner. He would be specifically en gaged to add a section to bylaw 1784, amended as bylaw 1800, to provide for sales and servicing of farm equipment and allied products Council also recommended and passed a resolution that the Council record Mr. and Mrs. R. Gifford Beaton, and four children, who spent the month of July with! spent in Lucknow as the guests|inquire into, report and make Mr.|of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gammi,| of Sister of Mrs. Fells. Henry street, have returned to Mr and: Mrs parents, G. Beaton, Beaton's J. their home in Karachi, West Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Fells have returned from a week Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farquhar json, and family, spent a week Pakistan, after a three-month/at a cottage at Go-Home Lake trip around world travelling the near At the will be at a Honey Harbor August they another week end of spending The following Whitby Girijcottage on Georgian Bay. 10 attending for Shoreline Guides days are the n the Haliburton district Avent, Sherry! Femia, Susan Humphreys, Leslie Moore, Joar Nicholson and Janet tenant with the Second Guide Company. Her assistant is Miss Margaret Weaver, who is in charge of the programing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Forrester and Mr. 'and Mrs Robert Morrison and their son Bill have returned from a northern motor trip. The furthest point north they visited was in Coch- rane. Dale Church is celebrating his seventh birthday today. His friends wish him many happy returns of the day Mrs. Carole Perrow, and her daughter, Karla, spent the weekend at a cottage at Crys- tal Lake Mr. and Mrs. S$ Division Girl Guides at Camp Adelaide Caro}iand Donna while on their four} Mr dale and Mrs. T. R and daughters Farn- Darlene weeks Western 'Vancouver, trip visited in in Calgary they at- Yates.|tended the Calgary Stampede.} Commandant of Camp is Miss/They also visited friends and| P. M. Yeates, formerly a lieu- 'relatives in Saskatchewan Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Han- sen of Scarborough were Satur: day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson. Four Pups Got The Needle In Brooklin Dog Control officer for the Township of Whitby, Ron Yar row, reported that during the month of July seven dogs were picked up and seven dogs exter- WHITBY PERSONALS | mittee is to consider matters tio pertaining to a proposed annex-| -- jon the market, were rigged by|raiders for the partial destruc- | t | Pfizer, American cyanamidition of the RCMP detachment 3ronishew-|Minated. Of these there was a ski and family have now re. litter of four pups. turned from their vacation.) It seenis the monrgel pup-| They spent their first week pies were exterminated be-| camping at Bon Echo on Lake cause people who came to the Mazinaw, the second week theyidog pound in search of a dog were the guests of Mr and /usually preferred dogs of high- BIGGEST OF TYPE Mrs, D. M. Hinton of Montreal.'er breeding The $16,000,000 bridge linking While on thei rvacation Mr. All dogs are exterminated) Queenston, Ont., and Lewiston,/and Mrs. Ron Fitzgerald. and after three days from the time| N.Y., is the world's longest/their son Eddy visited both|they are brought to the pond if hingeless steel arch bridge. _ their families in Westport, they are not claimed. | BROCK Council To Obtain Flood Plane Maps| WHITBY A resolution was passed at jWhitby Township Council, last jnight, to have flood plane maps jvbtained free from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorities. Council also approved a reso jlution to have the Conservation |Authority plant trees on a two- Jacre parcel of land 5 The land is situated just off }of Garrard road in the West- }wood subdivision. Len Carrington property in Lot 18, Concession 2, be given spec jal rezoning to permit the crea tion of six lots, each being 7 feet by 200 feet 5 Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:40 Last complete show at 8:40 CHARLTON HESTON GEORGE CHAKIRIS MIMiEUX NuYEN DARREN |} . y.. Gusuen PCHUs pasems A Jour Senas fomeeae mee JAMOND HEAD onc" Recommended as Adult E a ALSO -- Second Feature Attraction "FIREBRAND" Sterring--Kent Taylor, Lise Montell MOST MISS Nine out of. 10 lightning flashes never reach the ground and those that do' mostly strike high points in the landscape, |[es | | M. Loeb Ltd,, 10 cents, Oct. jation of part of the Township of} 31. record Oct. 17. herndetdenss a $300,000 Damage | Robert Morse Corporation | Also the committee |Ltd., class A 10 cents, Sept. 1, recommendations to the two In Church Blaze record Aug. 19. municipalities on the estab. ' oe _| Reichold Chemicals Ltd., com- ith coer ccc SARNIA (CP)--A fire de-\non 15 cents, Sept. 25, record Stroyed Sarnia's. oldest church | cant. 11 Sunday with an estimated loss) of between $250,000 and $300,-/ Robinson, Little and Co, Ltd. 000 jclass A 25 cents, Aug. 31, rec- Fess Aug, 15. fun: Try it next time you're off on a trip--and have a real good timel is Trade Board Rules Unfair 'Method Used WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S, Federal Trade Commission ruled Sunday that Chas. Pfizer an Company, Incorporated, used unfair methods to obtain a patent on an antibiotic and |that this set the stage for mon- jopoly and price-fixing in '$100,000,000 market, | Reversing a hearing examin the commission} | era o... WHITBY SHOPPING PLAZA said prices fetracycline,|. MUNCEY, Ont. (CP)--Police| iprobably the leading antibiotic|blamed a group of hit-and-run | BROCK ST. Ss. WHI TBY FREE PARKING | @ Starting Wed., Aug. 14th-15th-16th & 17th « All available fire equipment jwas. called to the 60-year-old St, Paul's United Church. Fire- jmen battled for more than an |hour before bringing the blaze under control. Two were over: | come by smoke The building had been closed for almost a month since its minister, Rey. Francis Yard- ley, went on vacation. | | | Muncey's RCMP | | Office Raided | € | mid and Bristol Laboratories! building here at the Muncey In- Company, Britsol . Myers|dian reserve, 20 miles south of Incorporated, Olin Mathieson|London, Ont. Chemical Corporation (Squibb)! 'They said four Molotov cock-| and the Upjohn Company tails--bottles filled, with gaso-| Spokesmen for Pfizer, Cyana- jine -- were thrown into the | mid and bristol laboratories! huiiding and immediately a denied the charges and said the fire started, ruining furniture, | jTuling would be appealed to the| papers and' filing cabinets in. ;courts. In case of appeal, the side. commission's order would be Boia : delayed~antil after final court), Several men have been ques- action, tioned. i The commission said sales of | ARRANGE FIGHT | ' COUPONS FREE chase which may be USLAND for with any pur spent at CIRC Rides - Candy Floss Popcorn, ete. are available at - - and CIRCUS ACTS the drug involved might run | PARIS (AP)--Sugar Ray Rob. | 00,000 over the 17-year life of the Pfizer patent ' Armand Vanucci of Corsica companies to cease any con- here in a 10-round middleweight | spiracy, exchange of informa-| mot y i set prices of antibiotics. It also| "a ee Sune eT called for opinions from the| 0 inson, former welterweight sion's lawyers on what types of| will get a $10,000 guarantee and | order should be issued in con|an undisclosed percentage of and a patent awarded to Cyana-|Michaelis and Gilbert Benaim| mid. said. substantially more than $1,000,-! inson of New York will fight | The commission ordered the match Sept. 30, French pro- tion, or other acts designed to companies and the commis-\ad middleweight champion, nection with the Pfizer patent,/the gate, promoters Charley | THIRD INSTALMENT OF TAXES Due, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1963 1963 Taxes are payable in four instalments. The first and second instalments must be paid before this instalment can be accepted. caavnaragareeommeri Houston Shoes McCullough Jewellers Ltd. : For your convenience all taxes are payable at any Whitby Bank, Pay Now -- Avoid penalty charges. F. N. McEWEN, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. Independent Sales (WHITBY) LTD, Mercantile Dept. Store Whitby Hardware

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