coffee CLOSE CALL OTTAWA -- The Honorable John R, Garland, Minister re Five industrial firms with a on cae . EE LIST FEATURE; Was FES : = Bee te ib ' he |Sponsible for the operations of combined output of $2,000,000 in P' ist MW Roy Begelow, 42, driver of North, escaped injury as the was hauled back unto the 'Central Mortgage and Housing|goods annually located in Ajax bed 03 this truck hanging precarious- huge vehicle smashed into the yoaq. Corporation, today announced early this year, One firm built! 8.15 ly over the side of the auto- - railing. Traffic was gin CP Wirephoto {the approval of a Federal goy its own factory and the other ---- ernment loan of $59,500 to the four rented factory space avail- Town of Uxbridge, Ontario, to/able in the Ajax industrial . assist in the construction of a/Plaza. Four other Ajax firms Denmotion List 45 Mills Set For sewage treatment project ree gst space during the first > al 1963 . Made under Part VI-B of the mi Manvers Township sationa: Housing Act, the loan SCREENS GREATEST BEFORE YOUR EYES ot ; . is for a term of 15 years with § SCREAMFEST! SCIENTISTS TURN or e ron . 2 BETH ANY A farm and interest at 5 and % percent per M ueens Bomb} MEN INTO BEASTS ! é ay spo aha btgstt lbs: annum. The loan is based on é REVENGE : THE : Bas on ' 1 T * i Meieiaaa eon ee ee ""lan estimated cost of $89,250 « Migyscinti -- The ----- het sera _-- regunna, | mil y seat } Matvers ne Penh cuter ie Courtice 9-0 Q OF TYYIVVITIL III romotion list for Kedr 3 atsor ynship Cour a recen aa f ' w Pan WVUULLILS J"U |.¢ | ERANVENSTEIN = WEREWAE | Ooo" aoe Punite apes Grade' 3 to Grade § aentie tae ne a oe hag Bh igh gre FRANKENSTEIN WEREWOLF 9 g * : aithe te vil arg e plan oF | ' Grade 8 to Grade 9 -- Gailjborah Bolan, Martin Legacy m or stree shting and: 3)+5 increase its capacity to meet I S f ] athe weaiay Craig, Ann Glover, Terry Mes-|(Junior), Sheila Legacy mi for re protection Nlthe requirements of an increas n eml Ina S | --with-- yf dbaeey j Donald Reid, Bill Sharp,jert MacDonald, Dale *hke,|9 1 my n the areas ' ar DON MEGOWAN 2 9 Dale Thomas : Betty "Ann I stricta Starr Hahoran -- t t ed were alst ruck MA lent ll t in BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- -- a on* ave RUN a al : vcs Woe mevaee : : er iw established the tite oan Will assist iN Bowmanville McQueen's blast- Adult Entertai it Adul rtaii : Weales Gr rade 1 to Grade 2 -- Murra} ; has 18 st a jee th construction of an addition!,q Courtice 9-0 night ba 4a Oe SOTe ee ult Entertainment : over TO SHARE THE Grade 7 to Grade 8 -- Ron agg, Roger Hancock NGlisa sacuchin o the existing sewage treat |Rowmanville to take the first Craig, Jane t, Jan Han nry iael Higgs, . ment plan, including mechan-\oame in the Durham County ' : COLA PICTURES * AJERRY BRESLER PRODUCTION -- eg: ms d ge : Johnst _ > C . t y : val gt = ! removal faci " Gt\Ladies' softball camininals DOORS SHOW. ouglas Pascoe, Reta Retd,|Legacy, Patty MacKinnor 0 d Si er, settling tank, y4, Queen's were led by the Court Orders: y tne $60 PM Sth. Richard Weales, Donaldan Mahaffy, Ricky Melch, Ca the ulorine chamber and enlarge. ,, ; ne ' Werry arine Rosnak, Marie Vincer nent of the pump house twortt t pitching of Shirley r < ey Brock. She walked one and G 7 --Kara, Wayne Watson, Debra Wilson Under Part VI-B of the Na "agin : ' Aedes | r € - ra t t 4 bod ) } * Fox Terry Hunter, Psychiatric Se al Housi Act, Centrall.., she od tilt. during | : : es Pal Rosi kane . rigage can Housing Corpor I tel K | ' ' nr eer sing pitcher was Karen y Jean Sharp. Charles h th P ation may make a joan to a mu-|.. : DRIVE ou T 1 y alr e on nicipality or to a municipal Essery who gave up 13 hits, sewerage corporation for the {ve walks and struck out seven 3 x TONIGHT ag " Karen White of McQueen's' a 6 -- Ric purpose of assisting in the con Bolan (re Wi L CORBOUT Robert cenit a il rage ed the batting' with her thre A COLOR CARTOON! Brown Ins awn Mar rf b reed enon OF EXPANSION Of B SeW-iror four hits, Four home pa aad : ' Toute Monday, in Montreal for two hours while the ] WILL HAND OUT 10 000 : | Reid, Dale Thomas; Boys 12 and SUPPORTS LOCALS \teams. Property of the local | ' e ron 13: Donald Werry, lan Hancock,| SALISBURY, Southern Rho. officers, however, was Un- jax To Miat | Reid, Terry Messent. ables and money from police HAVE LONG HISTORY Ajax Oo lm Field tan | Outstanding Athlete -- Donald|visiting here to play soccer) mm, people of Korea: can ° C Coins For N E Winners Pe eman Public locker room shared by both'back some 43 centuries. For the second year in suc-|A, Parish, Chairman of the|closed. Many parents attended, KEDRON -- The following are iN ae dollars -- aluminum coins --Jeral other interested citizens|candy and drinks, and raised a : phabetical order. H -- 75 per Wackiest Last year's commemorative! Ajax was formed as a crown Daniel McBurnie, Kirk Peebles, | Ship In led a stir in international coin) jpart of the Grade 4 to $ -- Jeffrey Den- [points as Indo-China, Kentucky) |when University of Toronto stu- lnopee Mountjoy; 'Boys 6 and 7 iples on display, After Defence Industries Lim-|_ Girls 8 and 9: Patti Rosnak,| Grade 4 to 5--Dorothy Ellins,| AAW SMOKIN on the frént, The back will havelresidential centre. However, a\.."irls 9 and 10: Anne Sharp Grade 5 to 6 -- Debbie Stack, |7 out the advantages of the town./cued the centre from oblivion| Paul Messent. (H), Norman McBurnie, Larry Some 10,000 Ajax coins will ing Ajax became a_ town and THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED HIT! Limited and Duffins Creek ry 59 500 a Estates Limited -- gained new LONGEST 4 Hi . Ne. 2 $99,900 Loan nited ~ gained Pape tie, NOW Five Great Stors challenge you to guess the DORIS DAY, REX HARRISON, JOHN GAVIN -- Pascoe, desia (AP) -- A discriminating touched. | Boys, 14 and over: Donaldithief stole about $84 in valu- esatpnirsacenay in se Reid |with the local police team. The; : 8 valuables were taken from altrace the history of their nation AJAX -- The Town of Ajax,|be givyen out at the town's ex- KEDRON -- Kedron Public Ontario, is handing out money| hibit in the International Build-|School enjoyed fine weather for School Results JACK LEMMON TINA LOUISE again, jing at the CNE. Mayor Williamlits Field Day just before school | me icession, this former "crown! Ajax Industrial Commissionjand Mrs. J. McNally, helped by ee : t re " colony" is distributing Ajax|Robert D. Thompson and sev-\a few ladies, sold home-made a rete hilo na The THE at the Canadian Nationallwill be on hand to discuss Ajax/$12 for the school funds, : ' ' ;j Exhibition beginning August 16./with visitors to the exhibit. Milton Rainey, Principal, pre- Pde pee " igs" mayb {sented the trophies at Assembly . * a lea' WARRIOR lcoiris, produced. to interest) : jon the following Friday. si ti ; \tirms in moving to Ajax, creat-| jcorporation during the ea rly) The winners and runners-up Peng Agel Gaty Snow " Second World War.|for the yarious age groups were The Army EMPRESS 'collecting circles, Requests for) It served as a war production] as follows: shar |coins came from such distant)centre until the war's end,| Girls 6 and 7: Debra Wilson,)" : IN COLOR IN COLOR GGrade 3 to 4 -- Philip Sen- land Europe, The Lincoln| dents used the temporary build-/Roger Hancock, Danny sham, Brian Elliott, Robyn Mc-) |Library in the U.S. has sam-|ing facilities as study quarters. |Maschke. Burnie This year's coin will againjited moved out, it appeared Shelley Watson; Boys 8 and 9:|Isabell Flett (H), LouAnne Mc-! \feature the Ajax helmet design|that Ajax would disappear as a Bruce MacDonald, Brian Starr. Callum, Randy Watson. a Star-like design, and both!system of planned development, Sharon MacKinnon, Kara Carr;| Garnet Watson French and English words point/pioneered in the 1950's, res- Boys 9 and 10: Charles Watson,! Grade 7 -- Billy Elliott ' oe and began a municipal system| Girls, 12, 38 and over: Rita| Watson MINT 10,000 COINS of neatnlline costs and borrow-|_, | Uxbrid e Gets through its Industrial Commis- sion and two major develop-} " THE g ers -- Slough Estates (Canada) DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S industry, Today, with a popu lation of more than 8,000, Ajax z x DAY bayer Sey From CMHC has 64 industries manufacturing W/th 42 International Stars! ceeadas everything from hay balers to Pe sehesghetnercnee hernutbesaaheant hel THE ALL-TIME DOUBLE-THRILL DOUBLE-BILI ALL-TIME DOUBLE-THRILL DOUBLE-BILI 9 "THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER" GEORGE C. SCOTT, DANA WYNTER, CLIVE BROOK disguised roles they play --ALSO-- u" "MIDNIGHT LACE Box-Office Open at 8:00 P.M. Including Sundoys 2060088 SOSSSE6E 0 eeeeeeseeoeeeoe Watson we 3 + commended) Barbara se treatment project. A proj Beverly Brown, Harley Davis J { mers *;;were banged out during the Donna Glover, Wendy Hit nens Bowling pal: ve i Cobour: ne by og aa hal ah ren mame. Karen White, Gwen TONIGHT thru WEDNESDAY rug gs gg lg OLS ft in custody t0lvention of water and soil pol.\lolmes, Peggy Haynes andi BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 -- BOWERY BOYS AT 8:50 non, Gayle McNally, Pau! Mes PORT HOPE tr 9 fo jiatr and ition Margaret Pickard tallied the ri Ste vienele veh oa n mixe canter or si ors . . ent, Brian Starkoski, Archi : t ; ; For work completed on or bel" AuLtue heart and happiness of the s'way hit Stiles, Cindy Werner doubled competition pea F peat Monday before fore March $1, 1965, CMHC The series resumes on Fri a > ope wling at Sip dat F ore March 3 969, may % Ps . : . Grade 4 to Gre anc Port Hope bowl eo: zistrate R. B ter forgive repay nigh Pn -ont Gay, August 16, at Courtice CDCECBOD See eeoe ' 'age lurday 16 rinks took part _ forgive repayment of 25 per cent} 1) ibe on 's -- oy ne Le.|ng players from Peterborou , ; oe of the principal amount of the "-©™morial Field & Hunter, Bonnie Kerr, Jene Le-\Oshawa, Cobourg, Whitby an y. 2 an eaded) NHA Joan and 25 per cent of the) N A gacy, Bruce Mac 'Donald, Jim- Port. Hope ' of abduc- baron that has accrued in re-/$ = ae my bacKinnon Debbie Mas sch- The Ro c troph ce ( f a car owned 's ct to the | loan as of the date . Nata Ke, Gordon eid, 'Keary Reid), The Rosevear trophy was the ye gin's parents, The cat of completion of the oroiect. 9 WIE D NE SDAY -- rm 8 mM AVES DARREN LAND (pecommentads "Margaret Reid|toP bowling award won in day's .tournament and wa . ( PPP P PLD ; CESARE (recommended) Brad Roddic oy stele a ss v . PP ay F 74 n based on thr - gam ; : Ho ato \* x NW VA Wilt P| GRO Weeles Rose, Ken 'Tracy, Jobe high 'total Mi an rs. Ea ats i ftv cai "COMING. ~ i : U nN WA 6 all (GN y L | Grade 4 to Grade 5 -- Ronnie|Judge of Whitby were the win- Cin arose sibanite . DU KAN ES Malpen | | Bolan, Reggie Davis, Nei] Ma- ners and in second place wer aire ahara che had aan bu: Ronnie Hawkins ~ \ ) 5 cards- § sey Burnet Bored Doe! Hy, Wendy Newell, Patti Ros./Gordon McMillan and Mrs es cenit 4 VN L ¢ picture post. 2) by Ruth Bracks Fippe, Katherine and Dale Eonson haffy, Wendy Newell, Patti R : : ' ' ; : i. E stil dont Screenplay by Ruth Brooks Flippen, Gana - and the PLUS TH $ but they Story by Ruth Brooks Flppen » met errc cae the mak, Beth Werner, Dennis|Renwick both of shawa yr Hick caida puainat bowling. club ay hd Sapa her to drive HAWK TOP RECORDS } ped REY BRESLER- Directed by PUL WENDKOS i In two games his al Mr nel feo 4 s ADMISSION 7Se PLUS LEO GORCEY -- HUNTZ HALL 9 Grade 4 Susar 1 jrade 3 to ¢ Ca Teddy|and Mrs. Victor Highfield of!paitimore 1 4 eacaned "in i; crag, Carh, Peso, Shele|for Hope wee the wimers harmed and ep e mat | RL. AUG, 16th | errr "x? BOWERY BOYS . "MASTER MINDS" Sie poaay Grade 2 to Grade 3 -- Wendy man Price of Oshawa were cco ee Sige CHILDREN UNDER Maal Danny Maschke. 1 cay tad high sco bin Worsnta cad sie perigee es BEACH HOUSE seurrrek tnt e OSHAWA THEATRE AIR COOLED FOR COMFORT r | ( OSHAWA-ON-THE-LAKE DRIVE-IN THEATRE PHONE 723-2843 Di-| Biddulph and Mrs. George Read ment whict aatai | i, Jefflof Oshawa were the winner at \ I r x * 723-4972 Let your fingers do the walking! Shop the town the easy Yellow Pages way-right at home. Read the ads for facts on brand names and features, range of services and store locations. Shop the Yellow Pages way.