Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 2

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|they will find lots of help |Perils Cited "DIMI Seeking To: Ensure | Beer Source sy wis. tt 'From Unwise Mr Moulton said he also Use Of Credit World's Fair Success For Teens, me aa 'to make a study, by way 0 TORONTO (CP) --. Suicide,| comparison, between sales | of 'beer in Orillia durng a normal . Yo e rge weekend and during the festi- alcoholism and financial ruin} By ROBERT RICE cubie yards of rubble on IJlejthe time when "'we will praise val weekend are some.of the grim offshoots) MONTREAL (CP) -- Prime Ronde to symbolize the start of|the wisdom and genius of our |. ae se : lof "excessive and unwise use of|Minister Pearson has called for work on the mid-river fair site,/forefathets in wniting widely, TORONTO (( P) = Chief Liq REACT TO DRUGS uor Commissioner Allan Gross BACT T aa credit," a witness told an On:/a quick conference with Que.) Quyebee Premier Jean Lesage, Separated colonies into a great)" spec i Monde » by an EDMONTON (CP)--~A survey tario legislative committee in-/bec and Montreal to make sure a partner in the fair plans, fol.(sell + governing confeders ion mer uti eats oy eeaey to culate te s vestigating high interest rates! the 1967. world's fair 1s a sure-|iowed up in a bulldozer to flat-/based on the parinership of two ie CMADOT ENG ian ane veterinarians of livestock re- here Monday, fire success ten out the earth founding races--a partnership) 3°), UPB att F fon. (actions to antibiotics revealed } y shiec : galio 1 t where teen- is 4} -H. B. Shannon, sécretary of Voicing concern about the Whe shine Was arranwed: BY which must be a full and gen are aut Waar about 1,200 cattle have had q rio's "AF Rene v oni ' » jol pre sig *luine » 'anada is ~ as g S/Ontario's RCAF Ben@volent magnitude of the Job to pre Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, wine ene if Canada is fo flour Havel Wt Mieilben sonora} reactions during the last few Fund, said he personally knows,;pare for the Canadian World Poe : sh or even survive » FS. Jape % of one man who. committed| Exhibition, Mr. Pearson. said who kept his. plan. seeret from secretary of the Ontario Tem. years and 19 died. Some hogs jsuicide because of mountainous)the three-way, confercvice would roel loaders uneit (he last -m0 PELANCE Fede tua said 1 Nie and mink also have died. Dr. idebts, Another man dropped!set out what has to be done: Mi DEATHS bong gt hi as made the WP. Brishane, supervisor of dead a minute after he had'who will do it. what the costs It's such fun to do this, request to Mr Peis fol-'bruvellosis control in. the prov- » Sha , » pri as lowing reports of drinking teen: ince, say { reacti icome' to see Mr, Shannon will be and who will meet amed the prime minister, as ae : -- AC ays most reactions were more. than. 2.50 persons By THE C; } ADIAN PRESS agers and vandalism at the to penicillin and streptomycin, watched Ottawa -- Cliff Lecompie 81,|Mariposa Folk Festival in Oril- roast BED eR Et ae an infielder with Ottawa in. the/lia during the .weekend y old Canadian-American Base. 'The - liquor 'control board's CALL OR SEE , | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucedey, August 13, 1963 | | | | "Doctors said worry over them #4 |debts caused him to have a As a-statier, he | promised Siheart seizure,"' he said $50,000,000 worth of federal help Once again,' said Mr. Le Ee) About " per oe ps ae ay gles lg Pi agers ete nied S " cas ae ball League jand a leading|business is primarily to control! a mg [Persons aided by his organts ii ' mene ala "exhibit. do the toughest job." sports figure 'n the capital for the sale of alcohol,"' Mr, Moul: DIXON Ss ~~ ¥ ation are in trouble through ex ca ¥ rep ci = half a cenury ton said. "The problems of il- © 4 cessive use of credit, Mr, Shan-|and the rest for a man-made "It is appropriate that the Houston. T --Bob Gracie legal use are right on their non said. This compared with/ice-buffer to protec, the island prime minister of Canada... : Pine: Had ee doorstep, and in their solution FOR 15 per cent 10 years ago site of the fair in the middle of should unload the resources of {92 former star' with Toronto : « OIL FURNACES .| He estimated that Canadians'the St. Larence River Canada and the prime minister Maple Leafs of the National AC are in debt about $4,500,000,000' 'We will bo on show before of Quebec should spread them Hockey League @ Commereial and SERVING OSHAWA OVER ' , ' ; industrial Sit --possibly $6,000,000,000 if un- the world said Mr. Pearson. over Quebec,' Mr, Pearson told New York -- Dr. Charles ( le Loesehech . SO YEARS recorded debts were counted "The event' must be one ofthe vast throng Sweet, 82, former chief surgeon sy e@ Development Mr yannon cited 10 anonyv-, which we can be proud<-- ey "4 24-HOUR SERVICE nia nae 4 lnoe at Sing Sing Prison at Ossining . mous cases which told a storylerv part of Canada Phe eoremony tone pane OP H Paul Ristow 313 ALBERT ST. I-acre Ie Ronde, one of three Toronto -- William Paul Mc of heartbreak and tragedy be "Tam convinced that it CaM igands in the St. Lawrence|clure Kennedy, 84, an expert in REALTOR cause of too much debt, The 10)be such an event, But it will River between! Montreal harbor Constitutional law and church King St. E. 728-9474 723-4663 - cases involved 20 adults, 49 chil- not be. uniess there. is carefu entrance 'to the Inter history dren and $62,000 of debt planning and concerted actior ily 5 ral 1] seaway to the Great aw Pe coe coe "bot DRIVES EARTH-MOVER Lakes 3 ve trend towards more and r *sarson made. the se mee easier credit has escaped the Bold : jee r TO DUMP TONS limits of understanding of many ' ae vine fei Thousands of tons of earth persons, he said, and they find parth-m i Gaihe ts id ; vill be dumped onto the islands themselves up to the necks in -- biti 2 rit & make them into one 265-acre debt without being able to con sland, to be known as. St. Hel- trol it § Island.'The entire world's FAVORS NON-ALIGNMENT tai a ectg eros) SOCOM Wictim is conse, cf fgad on that anadians are losing the "4 rh hase of the job is to be Rt. Rev. John W. Sadiq, An gress, says his country has He says India's dis it knack of living within" their Hntehe A axt Nai F 1 d by next June--a mas ' re China is "a blessing 7 means. Money and credit lend task that 'has brought St glican hishop of Nagpur, In- a sense. of mission' to pee dia. in Toronto with his wife main non-aligned, so that it' guise'? as it is bringing 1 ers must ultimat be respon : Helen's Island the title of the for the Anglican world con can do more for world peace Indian people togethe sible for keeping consumers 1e on ay astest-growing sland in the a from over-extending their cre iit FLINT, Mich, (AP)--A blina "OM Th R d F h S as He asked that the committee : wha ' tr for Two barges were moored off e e eat er tory leg WHAT YOUR \ COMMUNITY CHEST | MEANS TO YOU!! of bd ® man was red A on cost of consumer credit rec-|hours in the blazing Adanis the muddy Te Ronde for the rg ~ us < nsls in e e ° ymmend legislation making it nday -died ond afte eremony cone bears g folk a e 5 egal for blanket chat mort r t n. te nt. he t gers, a dr team in colonial rc s bares on household effects. He 18 nt rat Torre snch uniforms and 15 foot alse allied for an end to re- 4 we t 5 F i by ters EXPO 67--the code word possessions "'simply by back lames that de 1 th 30. for the international fair O on TO ar eda S A truck to the door,' yee I y hot he other barge was con 0 These people should not be 7 " as } eved te ed into a flag bedecked n, the right to pursue 4 iene wate KAA oH ache { seat iy By HAROLD MORRISON We don'{ want to deal in mis: of A worker 1 elas tie el ; soe, the eae ia wae ins WASHINGTON (CP Sen- representations or complete f ou rir ne natur the grave and bruises h des naa Who's Who of government ans ! Interests rates have been third-floor room. He was re business, finance, industry and day he would be rprised if Rusk agreed tc known to run anywhere from I2)ing the 28rd Psalm when fire 4 iinlomati us negot ns t provide with a more detailed statement 'ona ' r PUr='to 36 r cent and higher, Mr . t ear warseads later but. obse nar ; Mest of us iike to know what we are get- ting for uor money. Otherwise, why so much tire-kicking by prospective customers in the auto showroom? O1 the furtive finger in a box of fruit in the super market to see what is beneath that luscious looking top layer? Does the same hold true when we donate money for charitable and other causes? : obviusly on S&S For examele, in |16 Canadian cities un- a ased t ¢ rms with Mr ' ited appeals ond community chests are cam- u eeeaanne Hecaital teaatmantt na, lied a how Climate Se paigning, or soon will be. Chances are most of od} ; rg Rony ae the relations hetween the us limit our awareness of this largest of all i Robarts Denies ' bee ihe man said provinces and the federal goy annual campaigns to the pledge card. placed tik a ra in our hand psy a volunteer canvasser ---- two minutes to look at it, twenty seconds to sign it. Maybe another moment to ponder just what etfect that donation wil! have on raising the goal and, even more important, if it will do anybody any g00d? The federated campaign in our city is not ries smoke ator Henry Jackson said Mon corps mer some measure sure Jackson w re panse ss entaive ee ved This af ent m y Cabinet Split FINDS SATISFYING ) operation among the ie $500,000 de- fins sciane tig ents with Canada red Whittt } another } 0 es and between t nr ie i iclusior mul neha PORONTO (CP) -- Premier, *'e4 Y, ' and beiwee he prov . e t a burr s and Ot ais sher t ae i \- Robarts said Monday night ac uti and Ottawa is higher than -- wenn _ to ex} ye some retarv makes volved . our angeme! tions that the resignation of|!2 r é r ever known it _ sa : doudt and Rusk agreed to pro am not saying that with other r and Publicity Minister m wh a : t ¥ much satisifed with vide him with a more detailed US. is considering the' tra riadded Gan Cathe ot ~ g his third-floor what see now, We may not HAROLD E. PIERSON ; ; g sh : ' : : part of a national campaign. The first com- ' . will i atheart stem from a Presid nigh aes! > : SpA the cabinet were COM: oicier ' Cbd eta Allen cps mu baal me 8 -- munity chest started in Canada in 1917 in The issue arose during Rusk's INTERPRETING THE NEWS e erroneous and consti-) °° Se ee ee Montreal. Many have followed. All organized by local citizens who looked appearance nefore he Senate ute wishfu thinking y roit ¢ ¢ , for a sénsible answer to the multiplic ty of seperate campaigns All united forign re $s committee. to Cathcart announced last ; speech, M Pearson P i pater ¥ > explain deta f the Anglo "k he had submitted an un. °° BML AN ared that the exhibition will campgigns are strictly local, autonomous citizen organizations, They have American , ar test bar U N I k dated resignation to the pre Q'7e" ssuests -- deeb ©" be one of the central features their policy making boards elected trom the public, determine their own treaty with Russ n arawa mier and would not seek re-). fee ¥ nore perhe the greatest single campaign geals and how the money can hest be distributed and, of course, rmar tion in the next Ontario! "ay. 5 persons in-/eature"--of 'the centennial of conduct the annual campaiyn ' sonfederatior In the 1950's more and more communities, and some rurals areas, He said the centenary. will be created united appeals. In 1955 there were 65 such organizations and since then 5] more have been formed. In that vear $15.9 million was raised on behalf of 1,020 organizations ana last: year s campaign raised almost $3514 million for 2,000 services. The combined goals this coming fall, winter and spring will likely exceed $35 million. Today's united campaians are supported by some 10 million people. While united appeals were largely started in cities..2 growing number of rural communities have been follcwing the examole, Prince Edward Islanders fence but the \ ington Dem- what further statement the The Bomarcs Jackson election ue ' * ressional subcom mittee or " q jn | he fir taverns! Angers Britons (rc. sow pen ewe ne s refs at : é pitals atom : : ncial leader of the New Dem . President Kennedy's July 27 ad Party t ted th C c rt interprete e ' dress when the president spoke} = gy DOUG MARSHALL similar UN teams to investizate move Sunday as the result of of the peed 10 4 a | Canadian Press Staff Writer + tion of blacks in South-'a rious division of opinion ation 0 1 ) + i to pe r odesia n the scenes within the through t et' tin or Premier Robarts's state : A re howeve Mr. Catheart What ts th vei tier tinn the pn ne ' ning the laysia u re «and r é 5s praised for his 18 years in ons by thic Siature want Mr, Cath } ord of public} marred by insin-} rremic said, "I lersiand and ac cabinet were and hot air.' ring be sibilities own de established an island-wide appeal system and held its first successful cane paign last fall How are donations used and by whet kind of organization? All organ: izations are "voluntary", and are most eesily classified by type of service @ Health (Menta! Healih Assn., V.O.NN., C.N.1.B., Arthritis and Rheum. atism society, sometimes loca! hospitals, etc.) @ Welfare (Children's Aid Societies, Family Welfare Services, Day Nurseries, Salvation Army, J ud Society; etc.) @ Character Development (Y.M.-Y.W.C.A.'s, Boy Scouts, Boyls Clubs, Navy League, Gir! Guides, etc.) Spread across al! three categories, in service terms, is the Red Cross which before 1955 participated in only 11 community chests; but today receives a substantial shore of its $6 mi'lion budget through more than 60 as minister S united campaigns ; ssued for the , Not all of the commonly recognized agencies are found in all united "ak " « i campaigns. For example, ovt of 70 appea!s recently surveyed, 53 supported ' : the V.O.N.: 62 the C.N.1.B.; 37 the Orthritis and Rheumatism Society; 51 the Boy Scouts; 31 the Salvation Army; and 39 the Y.M.C.A. Each of these services may not be organized in each of the 70 cities examined United campaign goals are only a portion of the money the agencies need each year. It's that portion over and above what the agency may itself get from dues, service fees, sale ot goods, maybe some endowment interest, special gifts and, for certian kinds of services, vity-provincial-fedrela tax grants, An example is the "'iamiiy-children services" which, lumped together, last year received 39 per cent of their total dollar needs from the united campaign funds. Certain voluntary organizations may receive 80-100 per } s ustody |Rorneo derisior rheads adding: siderabie WEATHER FORECAST rion ining Soe" Missing Widow Cmerionight 222.5": My | ne -- Cool Wednesday fii 8s2% room corm on The search : cent of their budgets from contributions, while others may require only wealthy widow Minne Ford Official forecasts iss t s Monday. Wed: mainly }.) ; 7 haa \ te ae ea the Toronto public weat mdy and cooler. Winds aa ge ' ; aie etiiy ae 10-30 per cent from united funas Volunteer leaders have for years béen confronted with the task of t i ities ; a i a : ' a that interpreting how the money is used by the participating organizations and one fice at 5 am ig to southwes vy 15 : y tived a tip that she may ¢ th A 1 locks P te inter oan hos be x al He phe Eee and the Ph , ape = of the stumbling blocks to accurate interpretation hes been the depression- niinnous rai rea this ne » northeast bs move eastward = through he er . pe : ah . 'alice had been searching for born belief that "community chest" is mostly synomous with "charity" or southern half of Ontario this : sepiis rassaaeaa No mf s rich a) r body in wells in the Tor A welfare handouts'. Today's urban living demands, however, the existence of thorning being replaced by an Sudbury Sault Sie Maris se ge onion area unt hev received a health ond recreation services in addition te the more traditional welfare | am enhor n wan } } area of scattered shower and/Cloudy with occasional rain to mynict seukanel hone ea from a weman : programs. For instance, 21 somple cities in Canada spend 38 per cent of thunders hower ar Byidax. Temperatures much the in és 2 Sekaree's ot "4 ' } oe ates adress shop in WAR OF WORDS united campaign doliars for social welfare-tvpe organization, 29 per cent early Werinesday the system same as Monday. Wednes Ngee Rg gst aeds as 3 re , y C Sand Sr col aad @ hn ree nas we eee ve eat st sbbornness is overcome. She said a woman who iden i ge ; for health spy ose and 30 per cent for recreation services This distribution ea _-- er ? 4 _- oo he only regret, both in Lon. hersel re . 2 iS exciusive oO Os nose services ¢ acre ! hich wad sunerslly thir wealherinariherty 1 it Walessias ac don me mt ed -herself as M Ford had C makes ties in Portuguese possessions Aa ed Cross wnose sery e ut across a!! three categories should preva Cochrane White Rix ' Aisins; ee d her she was taking $7,000 : 4 es i Wa It is not unusual to find some voluntary ogeréics spending more money R , : on "salaries" than on anvthing else. For the V.O.N. it's the nurses: for a si family service agency, the trained ccseworkers; for a day nursery the super- S| Mrs. Ford inherited a $100 1 Lake Si, Ciair region. Wind. Mainiv cloudy and ol with 31 Slablishin ¢ ¥ a collage at nearby eams 000 estate. wi OSHAWA' visor.and helpers; for a mental health clinic, the psyciniatrist and psychiatric 1 estate when her husband A $ case worker ¥ gi t " sor, Mainiy cloudy with scat. few showers today. Partly vv vg Bo tered showers and thundershow- cloudy and continuing cool Wed ers Clearing late today. Temper. nesday. Winds niortheriy 15 lied in 1962 St onaiisn He « M i : i SPaL t : MAT : ga Ps the same as Mon Forecast Temperatures s, M1 is ie May 18 Po og Base ac ae p : "ortuga H ay ednesday partir oudy Low tonight, High Wednesda Jame oa ji Ne EE "ee t ve 7 é ere are some concthusions , a a ary nvmous . le \ n passes and cooler. Winds t to| Winds 38 72 «(dat aiay ame depend-'t her body a sa Pabiece! G4 He 1 evil tak @ United appeals are strictly in the hands of each community nithuentact be found : northwesterly @ More of each donated dollar goes to work for the vorious agencies, ternene CARPET CENTRE ess of each dollar for fund-raising costs at f Way orpet de 0 . ter months of terrans!t activi {AP Wirephoto) Lake Huror Niagara, I on { ; ei Panel CS ead Ge ™ Hamilton, Toronto vy witht "aa ieee < 3 Program Seen trouble scattered showers and showers and cleaning @ When orgenizations join the unted campaign, the time of their poid statf can be focussed on the day-to-day services, not interrupted -- sks Reaaia Sia ' ont te : HEATING & . me pe sometimes Tor months to organize an annual campaign ' with thousan S 5 @ 'f a community so chooses (the ultimate decision is in the hands of ng. T Paiintaas yeti wena TORONTO , ' . APPLIANCES : 22 ES ae the contributors), ai! of its basic voluntary services for health, wel- nu empera es n t reter rou 1 samé as Mont dne Killal co =; (nee Maw Dayis 'said Mor WE MOVED 4 Industrial and partly cloudy a r. Winds us - 4 rs: hs -- aa Do you know. where BAGOT C ' PHONE 728-4681 ST. iS? Right Hs goed ommercial soulner.y ff P k : ay ; 4 rage eri vee Pm ae Realy trom the post office * -- Rg ape a peel ens . i ju : . North of the PULC. We have The established, reliable Ges : 13 a t . os : ; m i t hir larger, more efficient querters Dealer in your ores. = astern n ym ., uke there, 50 we con serve you me Meer an emir mes Raregng = AR gnae eet "wate MARRY MULLEN |] 2! COMINA ST. }} RUG Co. LTD. peel aa cleating ¢ ita enrichment Reol Estate 728-1679 728-9441 Temperatures much the sams T Eye icharacter," be said PR Ty ' and brood. Clow tare and character cevelopment can be supported the united way. @ United giving is the expression of our free socety seeking the most sensible way to do a necessary job. GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST 11 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728-0203 174 MARY ST. HAROLD E PIERSON, Pres. ROBERT J. BRANCH, Executive Secretory

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