Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tesedey, Anges 13, 1962 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings RONTO 1) A.M, STOCKS 1 Net 11 Net 11 Net 10 Net BIRTHS bie The Canadian Press 'Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge; Stock Sales High Lew am, Cho® Toronto siaek ge amp F Pac Pete 120 $11% 11% 11% OILS pee bi] yen * . a Hollinger RtO $26%0C'26% 2640 s marl , ae CASTILLOUX -- David Gerard wishes 200d th deeividends oxecan| peperers i758 SW 19 10a Black Bay 2000 15° 18 15 + Va] GWe,Bev 100 Ssee ve Sela We fe mergenee She ene Servs! HF SOY e 8 Bee rights, xw=-Ex-warrants, Net change It] pow Corp 225. -$9la_ la 9M Acme Gas 800 $1 $1 $1 --3 | Bralorne 220 440 430 440 coos ~ brother on Sunday, Auvguet li, 16% at from 'previous boardslot closing sale)! premium. 200 135-195-195 Alrminex 1000 296 236 16 --4 | oe a oe ots ans a1 | Keeley 6800 22 21a) an cere ery ings Franeils DAE a i mi. 98 96Va 96Va--=1Va| Cdn Camfio * 1500 99 9898 Kerr Add 300 625 625 625 Marie (nee riff), Mommy and Daddy Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge} QN Gas pr 236 §' = Dome Pete .200 $13% 12% 13% -- % foo excited at present to choose a name, Be ete eres ieee niin | Or Plaine 890. S11e 1180 110 Me chib ha 4 " . = Kirk Min 2300 17 117 W=--w JOHNSON -- Joo and Doreen (nee hell Beacheminientrances to the orc estra INDUSTRIALS Revelstoke 800 184 6a la hag an ie] ped ted waw epi 0 92 2 OR Whitney) are happy to announce the; By JOE DUPUIS weaver Micheline ac e ae am out va) Revelstk pr 100 a2) ah at al HB CF yc aE alae as Ba a Be arrival of @ son, Brian Charies, on Satur. P)--O niand ceramic artist Jordi Bonet,/seats. Abitibi #0 $ Robertson' ----100: S11' 1M 1M, a 16V ie a hada Gay August Yo 1961, at Oshawa General] MONTREAL (CP)--On eac Their commissions call for! He employs the three-dimen-| Any bi ai #95. 295 298g | Revel Bank to S7ive 71¥0 71Me-- we) Ml! City 1000 Te NeNa Sar oe usa side of the wide entrance to the). ranging from Miss Beach-|sional po sr leg In one panel] Alte Gas" 100 427\4 274 244 t Merrie 0 8B ee: ie me i tt em me ke ae Bee Tae eetaicr dante cuteloceee, Nall Of the new Place} emin's 200-pound abstract tap-(for instance a hand appears to| Ale cen 0 2 MON Ml Salona, $00. 310.300. 900 Northe) 120708 $3 46a tava! C Molll = 1000-17? HY bie) a son, Duncan Ronald, ¢ ibs. 14 o%84/ G05 Arts are 25-foot-high panels, : ie aoninn i e , 7} Alumini 220 $26 26-26. + Va) Sayvelte, ae ta ita ae Perme 204 40 «40 40 C Mogul -- 2000 100 100 100 --3 on Friday, August 9% 1963, af the Oshawa : ; 'jestry to Pellan's symphony inlemerge suddenly, as if to pluck] Alum 4 $55 $29V@ 39\2 39% nell Ol M4 26a 26Va-- Val Place 3000 50494 $0 Sheet ae General Hospiial nanke, te Ores fronted by concrete columns, glass, the strings of a guitar, Argus i See Wo - Tel ogi 7" o a nee bee Ge ie ie 1b 8 haven 1000 15Ve 15Ve. 18Vh Barris end Miller, and start '| On each panel Norman Slater,)" Henri Beaulac, genial art! giont Anne Kah ae 8 as ie ae ae al Gethem 300 $30 300 Sarcee 2) 1 | Cowich $00 109 105 105 a All well and happy. 40-year-old artist-architect, iSlairector for La Grande Salle Slight, serious Anne Kahane, Ara GF be im we te ee Teel Can 2125 $20¥8 20% 20% South U 2500 -12,--«12_,s 12s + Sl Craigmt 225 $17 174 17M \ ™ i" Cc 4 a s , ; 249 hs \ hard at work riveting aluminum/says the concept is 'to mingle|® Young Montreal artist with ay ay Sugar 100 S16Ha Lowe er-- M4) Torben Bk TL Sl Senet, Wee mam | Crowne eee ds -- : j a j 2: y ~- wal NW DEATHS eons ann tee Wei ge gg os bie a of/boyish sien is Payee Bonk Mont 197 sé2va 62a Go Wl 1 Fin A 878 8134 Te 1 mo Chum |he mur a a ; the old flamboyan' uropeania monumental wood sculpture,| Bank NS 25 $09) OF a] 7 Fin B 210 $13 Unispher 9500-354 S HI CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS Deer 'Horn @ 8 6 the 8,000 square feet of panel-lonora house style . Bell Phone 950. $53Va SIV Siam Va) Tr Can PL 10S $29 29 2? Un Oils 1000 12) 120 12) HI me 108 OSHAWA « PORT HOPE Russell A, : F bh dad beginning to take shape in a Tok 300 190 190 190 "Mt act uN ee Donison 345 $10% 10% 10% ---- Vo Te AM "Neepital, Bowmenvitle, on|ling he has to cover. "We want to avoid at any ar ahidin "whith lh alco ou ta us Us i ee a oe a a Wstates 400 675 675. 475 paces 300 S80 545380" Fa0'i] WHITBY |. COBOURG Monday, August 12 196%, Russell A. MC) ne abstract should "'visually|cost the cold look of a broad: SO) BC Forest 100 $192 192 19a-- Vel U Corp B 150 $25% 25Va 25\Va-- MINE Dome 210 $3204 3284 324 . Lean in his SSth year, beloved husband of ; ft he-lcasting studio." home for Anne and her writer-| 8¢ Pow O35 $24 290 BWM-- VW) Yendomat 10-325 328-325 t Eureka 2000 26 2% 2% Curtains, Dropes, Blankets, Rugs Mary Codling and dear father of Ronald, Suggest the formality of a the- casting studio, : | ot Sanna BL Phone 80 $540 Sa SUM Ml Weoast Tr a25 Slate lath 1am Akaiteho 00 97 (OO? Faraday 1000 140 140 140 3 OSHAWA'S ONLY Belty (Mrs Dor Bishop), Doreen (Mrs.latre,"' he says.) But, he admits.) Slim, brunette Micheline Bea-|husband Robert Langstadt. Sai hen YOo salma 2184 3188 Woon vi Han la Ma pe ttid 70 24 (84 Fiwest T 9500. 21-194 18M 1b Staniey St. Louis), Joyce and Willlam.tit" ight look like "a piece of/chemin works six hours a day CAE 100 $10\4 10l4 10\a-+ Wel Westeo! oo 3) NO A Arcadia 100 3 4 4&3 Geco Mines 225 $27% 2798 27% UNIONIZED SHOP Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, vig eat! i sstry in al/STAYS ROUGH-HWEN ¢ Brow 380 $108 10 10\e W Pacifié 100 $1798 17% 17% Arc B wi00 WW WW @7 Giant YK 700 $122 12% a=W Bowmanvilia, Service in the chapel onifur wrapped around the build-jon her 100.color tapestry in a/Pi nie Goel Te CBr Alm A Vs 9 9 8 fon A 225 $1680 16% 16M-- We) Atlas Yk 6500 14 190 14 Granduc 100 423. 42S as 723-4631 Thursday at 2 o'clock, Interment Bowing 1 special studio large enouga to} HER 10-foot-high sculpture--| CBr Alm A 250 $134 13 19a Westen & To steve at Wome | Auer 100 395 95 Gunnar 23) 900 900 900 menville Cemetery. Slater's velvety abstract in/spread the framework on which/group figures symobolicaily ris-| ¢ cei 175 210 $364 364 3616 Woodwd A 270 $1998 1998 199% Base Mets 1000 8h 8 Bie-- Ve Headway 50 Al al a + SO MILL ' . . 24 1 wi igh: PA gooey Merman and piex.(Dlack, bronze and olive-grey|the canvas, 84 feet by 19 feet,/ing from the earth exalted by S Sam | as ee to ayo | zenith ms 5 5 48 Duq 1000 28 ahBell Ss Tress withern: Herman Scott. bee ego as tiekinemear'e s is stretched. the sound of music, will remain! -- Dredge we ue i iw Yoved 'husband of Ruth Therese Blair, when the concert hall opens in/SWEEP OF COLOR rough-hewn, ' The wood has} & /tvdra, | #0) git ieT ate father of Patricia, Toronto, Paul, Peter Place des Arts officials say/more life when left rough," she| © Ind.Gas prso0 sie Non 'nd Anthony of Alex and steptatner ef/the fall, her new tapestry, half the ma+|say : ra 218 $15Ve 158 1518 Miss Barbara. Dyer, Mrs. Ruth Crumb her new tapestry, As " aa says, CPR @S $304 304 Wat Sicie Incoreger of Kentucky ana bromer|ALL ORIGINAL WORKS terials of which were especially! Louis Archambault's reaction| Chrysien 10 $439 we Re Connolly tPeride Geordie,| Slater is one of eight Quebec|dyed for her at a mill in Ste. to the cultural centre -- after! Clairtone IR Bath BORE | Siorenes ana 'Walter Scoft, ail of Oshlartists creating original con-|Hyacinthe, Que, "will give anlciy visits--will be portrayed in| Ciairion, w 1 ms m3 a ewes in nis a5 'voor, Reuing Ot the temporary Canadian art forjexciting sweep of color to the his bronze sculpture to adorn| Con Bldg w 180 $7 $70. S70 memorial' service In the chapel, Thurs-|"La Grande Salle" of Place des/wall of one '3 = pe ig the rear wall of the elegant] Con M$ 40 $204 0 -- Me day, August 15, at 2 pm, intermentiArts. the only one actually! Ceramist Jordi Bonet, 31, is | Con Paper = Maunt Lawn Cemetery, king on the site. a native of Barcelona, Spain, lounge. | Gon Gas nm NO S10 10m lo + WOreing On tHe 3! i "I have had to express the} Corby 8 25 $18 18 18 WALLS, John Raymond The others toil in their studios} who has been living in Montreal t Saline of a that [| Goren 2pr 100 $2606 26% 26% ane sunny Orewa nt, { painters Robert LaPalme and/for nine years, He is créating edad be va | A oaahes buina.| crestor 300 10S 105 10S 1963, John Raymond Walls, Beloved/Alfred Pellan; sculptors Annejeight ceramic panels in bald eee aoe stthcenaurt ui 'J Crush, Int ns sav ye he husba Renecce Thompson ond fe-/Kahane, Louis Archambaultirelief, each 'eight feet wide.) Mg, says Archam iste | Bowe ot Se 8 the of Miss Aure Walls and Bloke land Julien Hebert; tapestry'They will be placed over the} His. massive sculpture cen-) Boge. 20 a Gunaere gdh ab ine o phy is _ shits -s sini nn thes On three winged "OISON-| Dom Tar 835 $7 16% 167 a ag al ages, "It is a human expres.| Bom Text 3 si a Wa Ne Home with memorial service in the! e ay sion," he says, "a rising that) para, ist sine is ape chapel en Wadneecay, August 14 at 2 V accords with the atmosphere,"| Fanny Fe 100 $3334 4 Na tery oneear" seseat voici ea- ea 1 Up to now Archambault, w o Fed. Farms 300 413 als. als N q : SMC ri? $77 % O77 = lives in suburban St, Lambert, puck A $10%e 10% 10% -- Ve LOCKE'S FLORISTS . : considered the terra cotta wall! Gooayr pr $4604 48 48M Funeral Retin sae ~-- uZZ es ussIdI ls he did for the Canadian pavilion an ener $194 ie ye floral requirements e at the 1958 Brussels World's) jardee 1% 165 90 occasions ; > ; = ta mabtawacl Sun Ste Ste Stee Alan Harvey, London bu- jand was met invariably with|Fair his most notable achieve-| ag 2 BO eR al OSHAWA SHOPPING ing.|ment Pe " CENTRE reau chief of The Canadian |courtesy, often with, real kind- : | imp No sis mM 13 Press, has been a month in [ness, tnd | Acct 224 224 226 » otis 465 465 465 +5 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | the Soviet Union, In this | Gradual y the impression| OBITUARIES Inland Ges 216 G20 GaN + He story he discusses current [grew 'of a climate of genuine Hie Be a foie os by Russian ideological attitudes. |jqealism, part cularly among] MR. W. H. SCOTT inter PL S81 Be B-- IN MEMORIAM and their consequences, younger people, There was! / ove See sec Kings pil ~ Pp ad 4 24 +5 ae jsomething refreshing, al. a ---- -- dea ick eo $10ve: Ove 104 DOUCETTE -- In loving memory of By ALAN HARVEY jmost touching. in the way many/COurt Apartments, | / Jax, Med) Lavatt S167 16% 16% + Me ace Doucette, who passed away August jspoke of their Communist faith, Suddenly at Ajax and Pickering} Lakeland 380 350 350-48 |: Re MOSCOW, (CP)--The gap be! nk an eis 'General Hospital Tuesday, Aug | bev Fin S19 1a 1+ a tn our hearts memory lingers ;: ' There are also critics, grum:/ 8 in hi 5 sgt Lau F 200 7% Vw Vi Atwaya tende-, fond and true: tween what is and what could)pjors and malcontents; but their/!: i@ his 55th year bevy #0 1A Ie Ria dey bags nF : jbe constitutes one of the funda lobjections are usually made! Born in Reach Township, hel Se. or 2 oS ae --Always remembered by daughter Freda, mental riddles of changing Rus.|within the context of an accept /Was a son of the 'ate William] ma PR 2 322% 2h Mr R) and Paul Sing | . } ice S He had bee M Leaf Mil 10 92 2 Rom @randchildren Joyce Isia. ance that the Soviet Union will/and Alice Scott. He had beea a} ™ Lea Vay He We We WILLIAMS -- In loving memory el Though great progress has/"emain a Communist state. jresident of maga ~ _~ 10) Mass-F Sve 25 $l08 108 108 tuaband ond father, Charies | jin' iyears, coming there from Sun-} Molson B 200 $30 a 0 pol who passed eway August 13, 19,/been made since Stalin s time ACCEPT COMMUNISM lderland. 8 Mon Foods 260 7% 7% 7% You have passed deyond our sight, jiioward a more relaxed and "T think othe ap t Mont Loco Se 2) me SB A'ong the unseen way, sensible approach. the Soviet think other peonie worry) Mr. Scott married the former} Moore 2S SM 2 uM 'On the homeward journey jsens PP . ccom. (ore 2bout our system than we/Ruth Theresa Blair in Toronto] N@t Test © sv me Va We al! must take someday, Jnion has not yet fully accom:/g, » one party: supporter said! Nate | mer'y Noranda 40 SHU 3a WAS Ve tn heart and home you have lef @ $8P/ nliched the leap into rat:onality.jinqnonsaye wees ate seGiin 1936, For the last six years he} Ont steel 9 $33 Ne Nat That no one else can fill: gists . "ss ithoughtfully, puzzled by a bar-ihad worked as a security guard) You have gone and yet it seems =| ~When the Communist partyjrage of questions, It seeme en , That you are nearer still, --~Always remembered by wife Btlze, end tons, Charile and Fred, j MEMORIALS MARBLE end GRANITE Designing, Corving, Lettering jpert. "In all the scientific arcas|\Communism is identified with). x , . t | ism is_ stepdaughters, Miss Barbara] opean women by 1973 prob- inatllation, Repairs © Of which I have personal expe-/Russia's rapid industralization.| ere aaa Mrs, Ruth Crumb,} ably will think nothing P pio Open Evenings Unti rience, the rate of growth has) wi. : Q . nepal tae PP nr bathi i Osh M Co, |been 't awaits dis Tt! When I remarked on what/both of Toronto; two stepsons,) bathing on a beach in bare py . ges ged O. ae hat aaa -- veal giseemed to be-a kind of spring-|James McGregor, of Toronto,| bosoms, an authoritative Brit- ing Street Est e iti neerity ar , ir McGreg <ea-| ish fashio ga SS fessional talents were sg me sincerity among youth, ajand Blair McGregor, of Ken-| ish fashion magazine pre- line permits freedom to Sov thinkers, ideas sprout like mush rooms after rain. "It's absolutely fantastic," Said a Czech-born Western ex- pletely liberated." : : They are innocents manipu-inolly (Pearl), of Oshawa; three} Tailor and Cutter, which RIMAR But the nation is still har-jiated by cynics, I think I'd ra-(brothers, Geordie, Clarence and usually confines itself to nessed to @ myth, still trying to/ther have it our way--cynics' Walter, all of Oshawa, and eight} men's fashions, said increased MEMORIALS Prove that the Marxist tablets! manipulated by cynics." grandchildren. He was pre-| travel and sun worshipping Dignified ond Distinctive obsessively suspicious of the .,~ mond, of Toronto, in 1957, and! per half . ty of earnestness, of dedicati ate " » Bnd) per A MONUMENTS West. lnera he find ve tell in con' (Harvey, of Oshawa, in 1959. | An article called Keeping FLAT MARKERS It drives you dizzy trying tojversation with two touring! Rev, A, W, Magee, of Centre| Abreast of Fashion said that tn Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshewe 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings of stone are untarnished, still remain strictly objective Friendly Russians keep insist ing that you are seeing things with Western eyes, that you Hood Retires have been "shaped" from the cradle to detest. Communist methods, that you can never really understand Russian ways, 'natural" to him to be a Com- munist. Soviet citizens are chauvinis- jtic, Love of country is often equated with ideology, just as! Western observer commented: Nevertheless there is a qual-| /American professors of Russian history, the theory was thrown) out that perhaps the Soviets are) the "hungry fighters," the civil-| ization advancing determinedly jtoward the top of the hill, and that Western nations, already at the crest, don't know where to Cc at the Dowty Equipment piant in Ajax, ; He is survived by his wife; one daughter, Patricia, of To ronto; three sons, Paul, Peter jand Anthony, all of Ajax; two tucky; one sister, Mrs, R, Con deceased by two brothers, Ray Street United Church, Oshawa will conduct a memorial serv- ice in the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. ana interment will také place in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa FUNERAL OF JOHN W. BARROWCLOUGH BARE BOSOMS FUTURE STYLE LONDON (Reuters) -- Bur- dicted today, all tended toward the nude up- with the rising importance of the Negro races the tradi. tional styles of African tribes may set future fashions. Tt quoted one of Italy's iead- ing couturiers,; Emilio Pucci, as saying recently he thought European women would find nothing strange or scandalous go next T ; i . : S Sey é p i he memorial service for] in leaving off their bras in From College NO SELF-DOUBT _ "The question that really in-/John Wesley Barrowelough, whol public With the best will in the/terests me tho is what hap-| died in Oshawa General Hospi "The less artificial and far ] b m jWorld, having come to appreci ee to the Re od when they/tal Friday, Aug. 9; was heid at} more natural cope of the a a a ate the intrinsic qualities of a/8et two Cars in every garage," the McIntosh-Anderson Funora}! physical life of the girl in the African interior means at she will inevitably shape up a deal more happily without said one ssor, wh turbed by the fact est son in Wisconsiz notable people and having made allowance for historical caps, a Visor may relurtar 12 2 'S Pe™|Home Monday, Aug at hat his old-in m is tralmngi Rey, John K. Moffat of Simcoe TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) -- The withdrawal of Negro stu- dent James A, Hood from the : > in./t@ be a sociologist, yet regards 7 m University of Alabama could|*SS°"t tomy doubts For . in hiring' ues tne 2c Pent Street United Church conducted} bust support than does her : mean the end of his brief ca-/St@nce, the impression emerges We a a as Me MAM the service, Interment was jn} White sister," the article said. reer as a student at the school following his stormy enrolment) two months azo. Hood's lawyer announced the withdrawal and said the 20- year-old Gadsden, Ala., student Was dropping out because of his physical and mental condition. The university Sunday. con- firmed Hood's withdrawal and announced that a meeting of the Board of trustees called to con- eider charges resulting from a speech Hood made in Gadsden) July 16 has been cancelled. | . Be: - University officials had sent al @oubt or inner questioning letter to Hood notifying him of} All this, plus a prickly defen- the charges against him and'siveness toward the outer w asking him to be present be-/designed to shut out "danger fore the dean of men at 2 p.m.ous" ideas. A distorting mirro today. Ss held toward the West, por SET OUT CHARGES "Devoid of a bra since first she needed one, the African girl is as good as a male: Firm, muscular and shaped ' a nit Union cemetery, e experts ponder politica! 3 signin a cae aa Honorary pallbearers were or determinant. There js/@0T20n Bunker, Fred Bartlett,| ivalk pg "orisis" preps cutare jPercy W. Barrowclough, Ernest as ailtre intended iKhrushchev w to increase! Mlison and Frank Ferguson i "sDebilitated 7 cnn of | ' < aay Q bs "as ; A ¥ i agricultural investment but the! Pallbearers: Barry Black.) grtiticial civilization, cramped Sino-Soviet: dispute keeps him/Roger Black, Jack Jeffs, Cam-/iniy the peculiar shapes. . . jeron Loney, Norman Laughlia} which hinder their natural de. and Orville Magee j velopment, white women may a > . ~ > e ¢ "¢ GRAFT IN INDUSTRY Corinthian Lodge, IOOF No/ need a century or two of} Surface impressions suggest) held a memorial service Sun-) freedom before their idle that the Son Compeuere Naa day, Aug. 11, at 7 p.m chest muscles can once again god Fae ~ pies come the effects of near at:| prisers say, is the main factor.| PROTEST TAX MOVE aie a 0 There are reports of graft and) GLASGOW, Scotland (CP)--A | : h, with "tolkachi" --/Scottish biscuit firm sent every ENLARGE CAMPUS ers Or pushers -- lubricatingimember of Parliament twol VANCOUVER (CP) --a ® wheels of industry in an il/chocolate biscuits, one with the $4,245,000 contract for building way maker's name on it and one a Complex of four residence A huge, waterlogged bu reaucracy, séesawing be- tween self-importance and servility; an officious ma- chine that evades responsi- bility and sticks to the safe- ty of "channels." A rank ridden society, conservative and bound to a central orthodoxy. A heavily moralizing ide- Ology, repetitive and often artificial, immune to seif- orruption " The fine "Excello" filter that Plus the naturally light, mild trayed as riddied with sirikes pre is a sense of bustle./without. The company is pro- blocks and dining and recre-/ : ° . + « The letter stipulated these/racial discrimination ana colon : trucks are every.jtesting a plan to increase pur-@tonal buildings for students) silkens and lightens every puff! Virginia tobacco! eharzes: ialism en-painted lorries/Chase tax on chocolate biscuits/has been awarded by the Uni- .-.it's the light smoke! lumbering alone with t ic. Wit ri vers ish C ia. --that Hood accused the uni-| Fortunately. the holy writ of "™bering along with their. lic. With a brand name on them. [versity of British Columbia ence numbers repeated in huge Wersity of a conspiracy in set-iMfarxism is subject to aa inner ..-it's the right smoke! | ting up a press conference forlelasticity of interpretation. Ni-/letters on the tailboard, out | him in an attempt to violate a/ci:a Khrushchev is a pragmatic S8OPS_and markets are subject} COMING EVENTS i ee the oe cee ene and his flexibilty enables yom ng variations in supply. | . . posswihim to stickhandie deftly yhich brings up the charm- i @uring the time he was ad-jthrough the packed defence of ing story of Soviet string bags.| KINSMEN BINGO JAETeSROON Shes avery Svein. 2 pores > we the ideological diehards "atte ape it seems -- banker,| TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK [Westy Jackpot. Feranit. cuthouse Nes ' : 2 roker or businessman--carries} FREE ADMISSION \FERNILLK Bingo tomigM. Avalon, FN RE wont wine EE keene ee S| SESE Errno mai ' "| in ess » Many Westernersithe aff-chance he' may blunder! po" thls choose s ee | sity officials of attempting tojagree, much of internal Com-linto a barcain on the wav cn TAY anal GAM PROMISE your children a pes Wel. * keep a faculty member fromjmunist policy may be ap/"Who knows, there may be KINSMEN COMM "pots" im Classified. Ture ts Claveitien | SS giving him an A plauded. I have been frequently/orances at the corner stall to 109 COLBORNE ST tion 3 now j A FP any Hood aneaet a state/reminded. during a month-lon ; "eae a -- FREE ADMISSION | BSS ficial of cursing him in a dor-j:our, that nobody need fall oe a elie ee ~ : ~ i 4 A Wasto who would. net belive. ert nee Se tet aie wd Matinée tastes right all day | :: A trustee who would no services are among the best <i LIONS BINGO 2S ee ee ee opin. /the world; material comfort "Tacky." ig Se could be grounds for refusal oem po poe u Taha revieg ae WEDNESDAY AUG 14th; 8:00 P.M a. q iversity ' for' . 'be : C says some. . = -- -- ie ge Much else may be pr t Russian char] JUBILEE PAVILION | ay so the attitude to education a "hit | N Sept. 20 gaa ss 7 7 0 i S The trustee said that K oq/'enton to sport, the attem $1, IN CASH PRIZES NN N would be subject to a hea + SeaPe # "new Soviet man" who! m 20 -- S20GAMES -- 20 i iN ing before any decision wou" Puts the collective good ahead 5 -- $30 GAMES -- 5 | . be made concerning his read." i¢ividual gratification stain Khrush} } -- $150 JACKPOT SHARE THE WEALTH --2} | : mittance After recent spy trials and es pledge that the Soret! 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS -- 2 . vas Another Negro student, Auth erine Lacy, was expelled from fhe university in 1954 for un charges that school au conspired with a white mob which had driven her from the campus. ph Wage scares, the attitede to wi rd Western contacts was saic i» Save stiffened. This i: prod abi) true Dut could not be cor reb rated from my own experi one I travelled freply about the! economic are attractive nevertheless y: Gracious . living $ remote goal in land of secial| n soon 'Sufpass United States power, but these qualities ithe Yountry without interferencelist millennium, JACKPOT NOS. 54 . 54 $25 CONSOLATION EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:50 CHILDREN UNDER | P.M. -- EXTRA BUSES 6 NOT ADMITTED -- FREE ADMISSION -

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