Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 13, 1963 15 |28--Real Estate Wanted For Sale 25--Apartments 27--Real Estate for Sale YO dou eal Estate For Sole . ss pepperoni tes jecor ate 'oom 6HTS: | $500 , pe AVENUE -- Two - bedroim brick) private, Syear-olt solid brick, 3 "bed-| WANTED TO BUY: 3 bedroom brick bun: A % Bivete bath pinging wy or oerardsie are, Che down n,OaRge| HH FULL, down, payment fortis, si bungalow, " Hgts ey Rey rram bungalow Extra reom in bavaren |galow north end, Write Box 13, Oshawa/Apply 186 Casimir Street, Pott Perry, 29----Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale C "}aows, etc, Good lgcation, Les \Cormpietely stormed and screened. Newly) Times. bal : Oshawa Bivd. North, Telephone 725-9280.| Telephone 6 te 8 p.m. 728-0193. __lroreed alr oil. heat. Call Sally walle Telephone. 728-7245, »- lagcorated Inside "and. out, Fully. fenced WE have buyers" favs Tor" bungalows anes 2 CHEVROLET, goad wre and) ess ible new Ved, top and DRUMS, complete gel, Ideal for begin REE-ROOM healed apartment, Avail) TEN-ROOM -- contre "hall brick home, |725-6297, Jospph Bosco Realtor, 72 rae ear S "down |anc. landscaped. Full price $12,000 with/WE Nave buvers salting fs rye goed S ikite na tee ee x yeas Avenue, oer dette He able immediately, Telephone 725-2938, | Barn, land, good weil, next Mo, Store. IO saab, DOWN, modern fiveroom bunga fe Bae full price, six room solld brick|$2000 down, One 4 per cent open mort! ony Due to tremendous sales, we a [ar VAUXHALL. good Sain oe Dial 725-5125, $ "T burner, electric ran TWO ROOMS" and Kitchen. Heavy duty| Village. Suitable for, two famiy after {tom at Taunton, Bath and oll furnace.liwe storey, Immaculate condition, prijaage, 7200026 _u\short of listings, If you wish your hor ox second car, Dia = 11960 CHEVROLET § ton dump truck, office desk, $25) se? of Eye beam wiring, $70, monthly Telephone 7: ings 30 miles trom Os Qny Vemile from city limits, Immediate . Telephone Toronto collect/FARM FOR SALE §5 acres, abundant sold, contact George Koornneet by calkliggy AUICK, standard, radio, blue and condition, PCV licence, $2,800.32. Apply 405 Lupin rive, Whitby, a ner {RM 72 _.. possession, Full price $10,000, Carries. for * 2 north|ing 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Realtor! wnis RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- Nice, ul MODERN fiveroom bungalow, tinlshed!$74 month, Call Andy McGill, Bowman: water, excellent bulidings. 20 miles nocthiing | 7 white, Best offer, Olal 720 FOCKIiN, 655-3290, wa buy sell and exchange used furnk w gg ore ag ag " " 798-7377 - pe f sh " t, pri a ant 2 - sia9 DOWN ©! WHA mortgage. 3 bed-jor Cobourg, Telephone after § pam, 725) 728: wry "Tmmaeu- ture or any'hing you have, The City aoe por Schone gl gd ype By p-rtbingsss Pho Nanercenng | "ey eit ville 620-3993, W. Frank Real state Ltd, room split fevel with built in stove and/434) 00 Pi Sal -- TRIUMPH TRS ae 4 yg 6 p.m, |1986 CHEVROLET, standard fronaniy Trading Post Stores. 446 Simcoe Stree? Telephone 725-8785 eee. nse to stores, bad [GIVE ACRIFE With eeed rev creek. Bx refrigerator, Carries for $78, monthly, choee MUST be Sold, Owner transferred, Beau |29--Automobiles | For Sale call 723-9397, __|pe waite wal Hires, very good cond! south and 3) Bond Street East, 720-1671, nee apn et 4 _ -- owe | COMNON' ue Ny . 00! 8. iT b wer es FOUR-ROOM apartment, _unturnlshed,| 7ae--~aeking PRICE for "Iwostorey| with all. conveniences, Rroadioom In llvel\g ieblac Wrive west of Stevenson's road,| iS coum bungalow. three large bet iesy MGA -white with spoke" wheell,| i999" PLYMOUTH cole ee mi F200 oF OF cr NT "Brekke |GHROME Table chalrs, single beds Gone with stove, heat, water. Private entrance ae 7 reet, tod rooms, separate a room, MY Size) nechanically good, Telephone 725-9975, + offer, T Wir GM FUCK, 900! Siete, cupboard unit, rangerte like new, " 4 5 insubbrick; west of Simcoe Street, withling room, Taxes onty $84 Locate' ical Mr, McKinnon, collect Pickering TElkitchen, Sitvated on a quiet street in _ waaey | DART SET OFTe . Telephone after § p.m. 7231384 oipee desk, wtliity tables, Not plate, ana bath, Adults preferred. Before 8] \0" low. taxes. and low down. payment.| janetvilie, Fu'l price: only $8,700, $2,500, j%3461 north west area. Call Guide Realty Ltd,/197 PONTIAC. mechanically pertect 4] iggy CHEVROLET sate Very 9000 lor 728-2860 [Geass firepince ac aa shh pm. apply "8 MacMillan Drive, eae' all details call tke a rye 725-0303,'down, Cally Andy McGill, Bowmanville,! econ -- "I Reaitors, %23:112). 16 Simcoe Street!cy!inder standard transmission, Clean it! condition, $595. 1956 Ford, tWO GO0h, QOD | mew _ ik emi aioe Neon replace accessories. 542 Simcoe CARTIER AVENUE, Near Shopolng Joseph Bosco, Reaitor, ney |623-3299, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd, South, Oshawa terior pnitewells Apply 140% Simcoe condition, $495 Alax. | 142-08: wenn HOTROD Rv gele 4 mg fren. Foren STAABCIETY rn any Centre, Three dedroom unfurnished, mo) ---- eenmnenen gus ab very ; N STREET: L iy one year old, PRI rae se South, Apt, 4 ed comp! offer, washer, used. Ca gern apartment, upstairs in brand new eee edroom bungalow "wit. attached car tase eee te cele PLYMOUTH, hardlon, wufomatle, i "METEOR. 2 door By Alena) Telephone after §, 723-4599, p. LO og aha caam Avelishie August 3), T £ R R A C E garage and stone front ae eet Modern N.H.A, three. bed- js é S per cen' NHA/ gene condition thr a Best offer, Telephone 720-4981, er Wd VOLKSWAGEN, coiixe, Like oe ® Frigidaire, a Inch with a nae or rete 9 a poe ene] room -- bungalow, -- spacious | mortgage. 608-5353, Apply 448 Park Road South ater 7 p.m, ANTIQUE TW "Wi seer oars: baaly re al ae riven, | oven; chrome kitchen. set) hall racks on, a -" .""- quart sealers, 'work bench, ete, Olal ings 725. 9365 kitchen, oil heeted, storms PRESTONVALE: Beautiful bedroom) \*S) VAUXHALL, slandard, navy In color stored. done, $400 of best m 10), 26--Rooms For Rent E S Ey A T E S setae xt onshianspai ------- = ond screens, paved "drive. 6 rug brick home. with large 70 x 300) very good condition, four new tires, Tele velotete = Bh days, or after ¢ pm. we PONTIAC Louréntion, al station | 725 1076 rooms. Heal and| yi TWO FURWISHEG . | per cent final. At Young Moderns: 3 King Street | mortgage raving lot and finished recreation room, |phone 728-0374 i 725-5125. wagen, radio, HALF PRICE sale in full swing. All sales hydro. immediate possession. "Bus stop Asking only $14,500, Cai! Bob Johnston atl jas WEACEY, 3000 wat tesla Sa Py . Apply 271 Jarvis Street or phone! WHITBY HARRY MILLEN sous. Realtor 722-1133; evenings vet A BALE. 3000 ba] ert oe Wee sere, Were ae 30. Automobiles Wanted East and '135 Brock Street South, "Whitby; 5 PRICE $1] 3 200 a | Private, Telephone Ajax 942-0620, bridge pole and tarpaulin, excellent tires) NEViem sell your car or half-ton pick: ea TAWA 8% CEM, Telephone atier § TWO SINGLE rooms, nicely furnished) ' $5,900 FULL PRICE: Six room frame) ig AGEN pickup, nv for,jand rebuilt motor, good body, scarcelup until you see Nels Hyland, 1730 Oren De entrence| $690 REAL ESTATE Owner leaving town house with deep lot, walking distance tolitarterc craves ane. rant and model, would sult contractor, etc, 720-1322] Nanforth 'Avenue, Toronto, HO. i664, |RANGE, MOPFAT 9 In 7 weekly. i * shopping centre, bus at door, Payments], , iephone 725 or apply 302 Courcellette Avenue, PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or 9 BAGOT STRFET PHONE 728- 5367 [ony 88 moniniy Including." interest die, Telephone 725 ANG: eee | eet a ean ome LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars,se! with tables, electric iron manates bed-" Hurry for this one by calling Ossie Mar-|!989 VOLKSWAGEN "delux Custom| 1963 PONTIAC -- convertible, 'automatic, tor Highest prices pald, 229) room suite, All in good condition, Dial' i reck| double. Television privileges. Free be i lify to one | : ' ge ye ity fully powered, bucket seats, Diplomat] Wen 1181 725-864 ing Weekly o" nightly rates, 725-9035. Down if you quarry ve | 728.1 679 nner | Yi) now, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor)"adic, very good -- condition, bl Wentworth 'ast, 725-118) sonatas , | 198-7. 25-2580 blue with white top, Private, TER [ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings and FURNISHED bedroom, front, use of Kk} NH.A. 614% Mortgage | } Boiadd a - - "repeat re Laamasce 160 CARS WANTED siding. Free estimates, Discount > ei Pa 7 i FOR SALE" O- rent, Brooklin" Hotel, 1960 MGA white convertible, original mile chen. Proterres migdle-aged woman. Dial See whot $11,700 will buy KEITH PETERS |FOR | $ mS ee a sge. 17,800. Exewilent. condition, $1,900.{t iWRe ix, standard. 8 - Buying @ New Cor? Aluminum Products, Call enytine $13,715.00 full pri de- ~--3 bedrooms, large kitch [king Stree! West, Oshawa, 725-0332 atter!Afler @ p.m, dial 723-9224 cellent condition, Perfect body, new ex: BROCK" STREET EAST, 1 -- Single ete livi oom, 4 pc. bath la pms 729-9210. aos |hauat system and battery, $778, 725-2079, Sell your used car to Ted" GUY and sel. good used furnlivre and" . : tached, attached garages (no y eng tom, © oe Sey I 2 fe es vxwvmtinym | 1902 PONTIAC, Bloor standard, radio, aga © vi tty" ve a shewen ye BR nin geo pial some ravine lots, solid 1 heat, paved drive, play- Realtor -- 728 7328 'FOR SALE or rent, corner lol, fwo whitewails, discs, $1,995. Can be financed, wal "CHEVROLET impala," a are Talk "Cash" to the New Rreniturer, asi men "South 23 be Sin yasauss id opens ke. six room bunge- room in. basement, beaut 103 King Street East blocks from four corners. | Telephone! -- meememccentreninctenait ame : DECEC LE Seer cou Rear Car Dealer and "SAVE" FURNISHED housekeeping room, stove! lows astered, storms and fully landscaped, close to all | : BOAT, 12 fi, pywood, 3 hp molor, Price gee pve-$1000. down | resin 1963 CHEVROLET [iever"cait fara "8" "TED CAMPIN MOTORS | [tis spur Sinilon, Ta Bona "West, det . ano erator, Apply 0? Fernhill r t ec %, 1OW GOW e | Miller ve, $ 10 lown i942 VAUXHALL Victor, 7000 miles, 725-0930 none 725-4373. lo alt peng *9 Loreen Kellett fr an $6,500 full price for this 114 PRIVATE SALE BELAIR TWO DOOR under warranty $1550. Telephone Whitey! 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 a CLOSE To GENERAL "MOTORS north! . @ rinci ointment to se 23- storey stone arid stucco house CMH aoe ; Newcastie 4125, : Fall he AE hh aioe Bingatey oF Five ] nds ' | ' nicely treed lot, ideal loca- 24 storey brick house, good DEMONSTRATOR =. PONTIAC over tan oor, | 34 Aanoonepie novel E VIKING "range "30 Wek Your Barner : aes a n onc i Oo io excellent condition, Asking 4 siepnone 7250395. | ie . ek at 442% N.H.A. "er s location. New oil furnace, Six cylinder, automatic trans- -- jee" EORVAIR deluxe sedan, automatic HOUSTON'S G G 623-7022, DEAN AVENUE nicaly furnished] "OF. TS cn ike 'To ( month principal, Apple Hill---$14,700, try an mission, custom radio, safety [transmission radio spotless. condition) and SERVICE STATION [grace ie books tor Oshawa Central Cok ' tor rent Quiet h Ae _ aryl re , te or offer on this n y brick aluminum windows belts 22,000 miles, Cash $1,295, 728-5302, legiate, Halt price, Telephone 7288370, ties. availad P hor Ov SOME e 7 € : } nit Pee ee re : this 5 room brie 20 bungalow, stone _ fireplace, (8S OLDSMOBILE,, hardtop, power sieer- TEXACO CONVERTED coal furnace oll burner, low as ie CDC ee em | ee cenk tk, ae 469 Mary St. BILL WHITTICK ink a a ne PRODUCTS Nome ma Street, Apel seu large fot loom and dini 157 LINCOLN, "Premier" con e| " SPsaerntry F large to ' ul gy dining After 6 p.m. telephone MOTORS LTD 1987 Rambier, four-door sedan, 1900) 67 KING ST. WEST emer ba: Sele cnadl Thos ene ATTRACTIVELY AM 7-9712 or pees 0 c ¢ ¢ : : : . ich evrolet convertible Telephone 728-9955) 723-7822 ler. After six apply 170 Park Road South, 5 stantic we poyraent. \a"" Desiring a new home in the : s 25-6916 jevenings Apartment 106 FURNISHED ROOMS AM 1-2309 Loree ellett 723-3770 th End? Let us help you ; 1250 DUNDAS EAST j1943 MERCURY aneirey. ¥ 4300 "lg |32--Articles for Sale Pages healer, equipped with fan end sion of | YOUR OWN HOME iCupin "Brive, Whitby. ae og Ed Te ee OO we MANDERHILL our choice in'bea Beau WHITBY 668-5871 ce aw ton Hoa neatly Wew TS | 20.008 : {large aren, 720-4406 » ful § ul SE SAILBOAT, international, 1a fh. cedar Still some excellent FOR AS LOW AS u'll motor, good 920 tires, with 15Va foot SCOTT. aia Np outboard mo FHO strip, @ tast boat, in excellent condition, 82 PARK RD N. Real Estate Limited | locations available, both $40.09 A MONTH platform with racks? also one Edbro 7x1} /dition, |Atter 6 pms telephone 723-983 Ue 623-2069. wooded and ravine lots, Call AW A Y dump box and one Fxll combination, Ville 623% * i MOFFAT electric range; Singer" "ireadle 728-867 S ' 728-7328 ¢ . . S F dump box, Telephone Orono 156? |FRIGIDAIRE retrigerator. Tes cubic H, MOF f) 9 28-867) Searboro, Ontario - ' 28-7328 for more informe Choose from various plans, i956 GME Carryall Automatic, Four new /Excetient condition, $195. Telephone) Hn machine, Both in good conditl 27--Real Estate For Sole ial stvles and sizes in. York's Ihives. motor' In. automatic and. pertect| 770-0119 \zneeaar" ae aoa J N - IN oa . refobricated Permanent Clears Its Used bear ge privete $135 Telephone /RANGE, NORGE, with Time ord ee sists of table, four chairs' and cabinet, aca" icibg ho oe. = ae GROVE \ choice locatior Homes la -- tad ariginar alien ,_ Good cond Ty Feak tare Atter 6 im, lal 723-4223 ee ae te ek eet a eee Lb. °. SNEL nave abe W FRANK Visit YORKTOWN Display Cars To Make lancalty and body "perfect, "Best offer, modern upholstered "cele 'and match:| TWO solid maple bedsteads, 4 ft, ¢ ins. good we low taxes close s¢ brick with 'ga : . Castea "oe te for HOME Te! phone Uxbridge UL 26a, ting stool, chrome kitchen table and four bleach, tint oe nists P\. 80 see, a n screens and storms. WwW > LTD drive. Well rr ie ». REAL ESTATE LTD LITERATURE Way For |i AND" 1987 'Chevrolet dump trucks, pe ay ehile's dresser, 0 4121 ele Telephone tenn, dowble parage, om 14 acres of 1700 series, and 700 tires, Good condition.| HOMADE sleeper trailer, 1) fool, $in5 BS or REFRIGERATOR, "international Harvest good garcder < ia Oo Highway 7. : > | er, Tia cu. fe excellent condition, $100) r $ _ ) ar t , ; Uxbdrick UL Bone best offer, Appty 335 Athol est, Telephone: . tual a ree rg wa ; 177 Church St YORK PREFABS ssc vate nagar rowboat 1964 Model Wet MERCEDES-OENE COlcenl) Greer | 205 die double Deus $551, combination end 43 Park Rd, S$ shen, EH.A, ail heat Bowmanville - 623-3393 2020 Jane St oaels ient condition. 728-3193, GOWN 'size 10, white organza tanie and smoking cabinet, buried walnut, a pel ect Hwy. 401) Toronte ¢ |i50 CHEVROLET BeiAlr 4-door sedan,over Met and tatteta, bustle effect, smaiilse: antique settee, soft oreen upholstery, JOHN A. J 723-9810 725-876) roor ture : : . standard gear, like new, $1,350, Diet train, long siveves, Must be seen. Make!s00, chrome Oday clock, 12 high, $20) éJ- 2-070 r Q { 5 roor res ail ni 723-1458. reasonable offer, Dial 728-7156, antique clock shelf; amall smoking cab BOLAHOOD LARGE BUS INESS bedron ns and der J bed- it im t houses, a WANT YOUR 1961 FALCON i PORG_Raar seal Sy AUTING gelline furaiture oF anal inet, Moving cut oF citys must sen: ser He sake ; . ole arig the wei ont } . TWO DOOR starter, Apply 7? Gibb Street, 28.2695 SOOMASTER, "sod cutter @ 'excellent con REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE ee Po tae oh nel atc ( wpe | FELEVISION Tower special @ We virus |cition used very Mille, One Arion Jet C - ' 3 WSF MERCURY Mon y. four - door na in role tiller demonstrator, One coca-cola 167 Simeoe St. S t p ving | == $6,006 er ite" WINN con: leans Ore oe ates "ene guarentee Cr, exnerts witn|cooler, Apply. Ferguson's BA Servies quorters smely busy. lo- 3 > NC resting ir , standard jer best offer | one 10 Veara experience, $80. Trio Telelvision, Station, Hampton, Dial 263-2351, Office Hrs. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M) pre ay i ¢ or at e st 120 Acre. Dairy Farm, 6 miles ransmission, A-1 condition 195) CHEVROLET agon, eephone 678), C C s Os! E th d door, 6 cylinder, standard, Very clean jMust SELL, 12 ee "toot Norge ret = Oshawa c nt Build cyl . an th tents,|gerator, large freezing compartments, ORTGAG offer on pectic mes W xcellent Sutidings, neal 1985 Chevrolet standard, 4/EN2O¥ summer camping wi ta, | $ t nt ff MORTGAGE saci' tak ne 2 eae : d d. One of the best | $ ] 495 ley = 295. wn V' bags, ground sheets, lanterns,/crispers, Viking washer with lint filter GED, JIGHT i hy roc c ms } ms b. stoves FR s, coolers, Best prices injand pump, Both in excellent condition, ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD 4 BEDROOM TRILEVEL g TO skout be é ws byt ae Jeutornatie, 9423, Care may be Linancee:| town. Dominion rire 'Store, 1 Bond Weat,|Aiso Gresser, chest, Apply 446 Adelaide IN E | Hs ent anc ed drive : ' vn 5 $3 2 |SECTIONAL chestertie ime re ee TOWN LINE NORTH 680-3508 SECTIONAL Nas CABIN crulser, 1F4). lengthy 74h. beam Yape recorder,| i iture, occasional chairs, cite at lend' wah: de well 1960 FALCON Wiel SPRITE Mark Tl ved ond Glnck|"rten Betle furniture, eeenalanal heir TIN Soir, sien, two. sir fount css feine bordel "Baw ne fom ys fi 7 ym ; Ee alt 4 190 Acre Dairy Farm. Mo- gee tenons -- new condition, Tele | ciing, white with gold. Dial 725-3338, [enattressen, sass condition, $1800 furnoe ot r cen, 3 é Rigi Bin dern house, large barns, TWO DOOR SED. 30-007. = one _ evening: ee. arive, room, 4 oms me and income stream, paved rood frontage CALL 728-5123 VO AUSTIN' Healy, jeter, goed Ross Rete SELLING turnlture oF appliances? Wel e gorage. These ore just beth and i r . for owr plus ° Roinnaevetiie. & wales, S50. Gleaming black, one owner condition, Red finish. len gg louy it for. tor cash, Telephone Cal of the fectures of this all with r - c » basement c with s 0600 «. Yeon: We specialize in fully reconditioned 728-0853 Blake's Furniture and Appliances Store, Phone Mr. Ratcliffe soak ie pious nee ahs De hrox 4 senoret |CIKE new. spotless 1980 Falcon, Faear | VACUUM cleaner ere all makes, King Street East, 728-919 5.4544 c e ; bse na asia ~ » wh ren . . o tic ' and motor, still ri minum st $ reens rance ch fe 365 250 Acre stock form, 7 room Resale Homes $ ] 345 ae Se ae whiteowalls, | bt ggg 0 auaracteed rebulit ene] TYORWRITERS, eddere, celles, Soe DROOM BEAUTY open for inspection nx th. S}a% N.HLA home, hos all city conven. LIST WITH LLOYD |wheeldiacs, tinted windshield and wash-/cnines. Rentals Wallace Vacuum Servi key, | foie and used. We buys ne ' r iences. Good Barn, Silo. THEN CALL. YOUR MOVER Jers, 81,398. Lady gumer left country. must ae ite ell, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equip: $3,000 down for this 1) NORTH OSHAWA : Sicanns. Milled ened. tas EN CALL YOUR MC be sold, Can be senn at 300 Pine Avenue. HOUSEBOAT, Fit a rene, as RP | ment. 13? Brock South, Whitby, yeor old brick roncher, Full ai OOKL! 6 room brick 1960 Zephyr WH PONTIAT har ad oo ee ey he fo 8 fo mors price $17,500. Consider oll Low 'on payment ' : : le te school and. | a eae 4 wy LLOYD REALTY ae, ¢ gund, condition. = Cel. panei Pressure An daly "even |33--Market Basket offers, Lorge lot, . breezewoy ou ae Me epping rooms and 4 3 FOUR DOOR SEDAN erected . Ff. Seow arn, ree "Fire |APPLES, Wrarcparent, Rea? #18, Open to offers, NHA. re y row- price $7,50 10 with one open mortgage ing ond dining room. $2,000 | near Pontypool, $6,000 -- __ ais Two tone red ond white, owed by angayy ond yeah a gs Ven, Budget plan. ase, Na Darlington Blvd, North, telephone mow. Call Mr. Ronkine ot passband Sheer, | 228-0857 725-6544 down payment pT equipped with radio aM santos ka Soren Vale F 100 SREEN piringbeans, used for W 1} : en were efroat, Uk 3 stringbeans, v for freezer, 1 ONLY ONE LEFT $11,900 FU » Pat ce 4 BEDROOM BRICK on Sim: Scenic Acres in Kendall SCHOFIELD- AKER | $1095 GENERAL REPAIRS Deck wea, apace caver, tbr Teheette ml. basket Pci ushel basket $1.95. Call : N HLA sole edroom St. Nor " with trout stream | ALL MAKES OF CARS | [det offer dresser, suitable cottage, $12 order before arriving. Liberty N.H.A, RESALE = ; ° 00 -- $2,000 down. : Telephone 728-6780 or soot: or 725.2506 Nurseries, liberty. Street, Bowmanville $600 DOWN eS eee ane : "9 Bape attr TWO STOREY : PARTS AND SERVICE abanta ik end matching goroge. See it | Simooe _> " i ' sth. Lishaned liv- | 100 Acre Christmes tree form __ (OSHAWA) LTD |195S FORD convertibdie, excellent metor igeratora. tele: |Dushel 81,78) baske* ac, Bring containers, | | Tetephone 623-2074. Acres with pond front centre ha ¢ All Foreign Make Cora mately 690 sheets "e" Bg typing APPLES yellow transparent $200 per 4 yeors old--3 bedroom, 5 x f . n , » Dante. half block from bu tc 5 / » 00. Ap ibushel. Bring containers, Algoma Or room brick bunpelow, Asking ; e beth, a wel "abibonceabe ; d saconen wane Panty, 1 Sal Wok frome bus, close 1959 CHEVROLET STATHAM __ [paper coews 'print tor, only Tete [bushel. "Qring containers. Algoma Or only $11,900. One mortgoge | { for how n aa wax cued ° us School." Lovely locos livir BELAIR B.-A, SERVICE 1_Dandas_ Street West, ser ot Toonien Rene for balance, nv ell pel " me . iv aed end nic Acres with lorge , oe Ritson Road and Ki BOAT, 1d, Ht. moulded plywood ene e ' "3, eae | --- nership and possession, k ate : ; , located S sak on : . mid. : iid _ 723-4733 ond 723-7712 tidregias, wingshield, convertivie top, side| 34--Lost and Found Lorg Q s A exc to : el ns mn place, se At. Ss -- i - enero |Curtaing, electric starter, 18 hp Johnson saitem "bifocal te ol r, Appleby ot } ' y 'il Anant end + Only $9,000 ale ae a . ¢ { gine, equipped | iost -- ieman's Bifocal 5 723. - sab : dining ' e t qutdeard, steering equipment, spare 88/o 1. vicinity Stevenson ' 6544 or 3398 BLOOR ST. E lus t ran appoint. . ¥ doy sright . ' th rc excellent condi- M. 's we Cosas Seeeer: $500. Telephone, 3/2 Champlain Avenue East, Reward YOU FIGURE IT tn ' nas va ere of land with 2 bed ath. Everything about inside ond out bale sree Cleon 4 room: bungal home room home on Hancock Rood, : ' ell.p | 'Toronto HO 1.6364 What's My Line [boars Short haired tan dog, white trim only $3,000 down you seh dlegy vw a aa MUST BE SOLD $4,500 --- $500 down . | e decor 4 $1395 : a y lor neck, part collie and Deagle, name al sia | Sis fe oe ta aoa ca 623 ma go vee neers. | Nels Hyland | S&ccmiet > Ba = = = t ve good siz ing, ¢ ot : . ae e , . big hous th | oa Irae ese Pay enertsnane ety of fruit trees, low do Lot size. 6( 0 # aye : ieee. coh us & ' your needs phone, LOST: Sek Seen Bee Aree ern kitchens, 4 pc. baths, pa c > St t lock R 423-315 1960 RENAULT _1750 al Avenue | PValley Ciesk Bosnttunk aa nity & weneres e revenson Roa. te hot er tonks, < me. Comment ' : GARRARD ROAD Split eee " "Teh lar, Reward, 728.8422 of call 725-6806 Tap aport- PROT PERRY , vig "Se c . becroom home or CONVERTIBLE | KELLY DISNEY | 728-4401 or call at the store |iwiTE bucolic. faint" hive markinge $ and ' specious ran ENTRAL { ih a tdon. Bro $3.23 tra large ict. Ne pavec og , USED CARS LTD. 16% Bond W banded, v southeast section, Tele os. 1200 Dundes S rapes ee Oe ended, vic : WHITBY 668-5891 +N. TOWERS [ost case a Ge AL with white under neck. One leg. shorter, noome. Shown ia on" i low, taxes, price $9,500 $17.5 sicth ticteel toe : adic Cars bought ond sold 'has * Se. only. Ask C ature! fireplac nage gsr . ¢ rie r $120 $995 Liens poid off | AUGUST SPECIAL lice tesaaele te pin of Adelante 725-6544 or 'oms and attached gore iy CARL OLSEN r : y Tore Trode up or down 40 ft, Tower Structure lcGStT Koask 3S carn = large Jandscoped 3,00 RI iA SUBUR : " : Always top quolity on with All-Channel Antenna Centre vicinity Reward Telephone ; | oe re a ; AN --- 6 room in Y : 9 installed $30 708-4822, ae SISNET REFORE | cree, fer Sa, tetoren: fr] with toch garage Can sm ik Cie atoey howe hen at | 1959 PONTIAC TILDEN --_| Oshawa TV. Supply Ltd. (ih SS ORL SS Seis R volue let us show you rhe Se 2 ome f i mere. Veh ¢ now antl P - lighwa opposite High SHIP LES eh 361 Gibbons St 728-8180 a sum. fF mow pward, 725-4 Street -- 5 room 14 ~-- =. - weeistoe chool, Lange « ret " ENNE CAR AND TRUCK Custom or Ready-Made = Fer | ee oe CR ee "™ NORTH OSHAWA--Close t ; "dln ok a we ega Finished | recreetion = : ais baie 70 ACRES -- Industric! te este ; Rd. ond Sime neal seediete pomession : Vo cas aaa ee RENTALS DRAPERIES TWILL NOT be responsible for any Gaure ardwood, tile floors, es Oo 7 . N Q PR » Sixer -- i et & finshed a {All Mokes ond Models) rac ne 'y vane sa a bath, professiona t d, 9 d ; ; - a 723 pare i Y quoronteed CALL 625-6553 Mos ie. Phan . on cake mcbin Mt, 14 Albert St re ae He Macaviay, Aitona Road. Pickering ae Note $1595 | SPOT CASH | Drapery Fabrics |" on fa3-02, P 1.98 2 ee Chorlie Chavtor . 723- | -- PAID FOR . Sepeinisow "S52 | SEPARATE SCHOOL, pire 'eetriod pe ate schoe :- 2 rental ee ath Margaret Hal! 1958 FORD Good clean cars, Trade up We instoll drapery tracks WHITBY. ONTARIO. : Bill McFeeters or down, Liens paid off at a Nominal Fee able locatior cFeete ers wilt . OWNER MOVING OUT OF TOWN ano ust listed, osking $11,300, | Ken Morris ; FOUR DOOR SEDAN ee M and a teres of WW, Renkin 3 bedroom + y : : tor $75 monthly Bowmanville) 314 PARK RD. SOUTH Seinen Chak a wath Pay RAAB > it : = ' Ss gues ~ pont 360 King St. W. Free Partkine nibs er ee oa _723-9421 Pickering, for a new four ced act gig ogc tone 725-02 aod ton ome VOLVO Drapery fo be built on Gilford St. thousands of carefr SALES ond SERVICE i | ee "= | LOYD REALTY |S" " ined ais iy pel larg GARA Drv G ds S and specifica: ay power A : iscape in oe ST WITH GENERAL REPAIR end ry o0as tore i i: offices ¢ PLT. 6% enctacce Coll 608-5253. : : C wndition, This home THEN CALL YC OVER AU ITO ELECTRIC SERVICE | For your decorating needs ESSION ot possibh i | Call us todey @ storey, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. both, ei! furnace 3 year h bungelo : value in future < HILLSDALE SCHOOL AREA | 1959 FORD Oshawa 728-092) Partly finished basement, Garoge, Cal! 668-585 e fondscaped int, 85 | yelopments. As | ) FULL PRICE "BUYING OR SELLING | 723-7827 700 DOWN TWO DOOR SEDAN | 24 Celine Street, Oshawa OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 2, eas | soabent | seers ten ee | Semel ot wo ote | lee OOO | |e 5 8 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-5 or 387. 'o CAISER CRES oor thar onde ones 8 werk doo ue -- 'MOTORS Saftborn e ™ e e @ppomtmen. Co 74 o excellent cand- 607 KING $T. --OSHAWA i hd Evenings Coll Audrey Moore 668-4088 or i c nd very ¢ rin Hier ue n Gust East of Wilson Rood) | STEAM 'Canada Population Phyllis McRobbie Bowmonville 623-7159 cs Gua Se Gk ee on this quiet street deloi- 725.9345 i " $1395 23-4494 Res. 725-5574 roma_with targe fing sb cE STREET "S$ AU CASH $ | JUICERS --=_19,000,000, Oct. 1 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ust tide the : : es ' vats '= a Cy : , 0. a sk . : : 1957 METEOR For Clean cars we deol up or IMPORTED FROM | OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's down, Liens paid off, WEST GERMANY population is expected te reach ee sn : : . i oF if abber > dandy location fc NIAGARA' With this Juicer you con [the 19,000,000 mark by Oct. 1, DeGroom nome and.FOR RENT: Three" roth apar mas vi : kitcher benieelek atlanke' ase Cicca N NICOLS MOTORS LTD. cae ae Gee. aon ee eee : SSE chauinltg (SAGs ice. Swath. waren graterred. 3 , room wit . ge O ft. paved < eduction 4 2st Two door herdtop, $12 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | juices and Jellies from proc- neried 2k esi ete lovers bane -- = i Situsted on a deer nif cash. Call E with V-8 engine, out c 668-8001, - 668-8101 tically any fruit, ported Monda en ee _ Ts . ' alii cd s ius Ro ee aoe ra RENE "gag tt is @ work saver and time The population at J 1 was : we Telephone 668-80 r . his t i Eas sae peripasiatipnusie ey sover,. Preserve your juice, (eStimated at 18,925.0 é in- os RENT ae Sos ---- oe As rr eich Meni, cnekars hes be 5 300 0 BILL WHI Tl ICK | when your Sevorne fruit is * crease of 328.000 in year ences, Cor Top am "a weary. 38 Remy] excellent stes" -- Regie ~ MOTORS LTD Gt sive $22. @ at aise $24. {804 90,000 more than in the C roard Motors. eet Bt +s . . a4 : June 1. Su Tomin Som - resident orea. Po fins Easy to use, tet the fruit | t ents, Stoves, TRESSMAKING: § .* . ANDY vy \ We go m i | a was about + eoratis se . C ¢ ' ne ny - 7 recrec : ed u red De cook until the juice flows, . | Populatior nh Was abou eee ai | Se a ares MS | Sat rereten rom. Tied | You Athan NEW. LOCATION | seh,cil te juce toes, | Poputation growth was about Trojlers and Cabin SEPTIC tae paned ric 723-212 eet a | . , } yen. 4 i ones 1250 Dundas St. East For interesting FREE demon- lot 1963 and § 7 cals, Wal C rn nd n } stration i ' WILDE a = -- = x " Peseck | iva kit doen pore Ska 72 sein Crue SEAWAY ee Telephone 725-8066 = . rae ceria gS wo alings iad Tony Sibi von apnea Le "Whoukuies | MOTORS LID. Good Used Cars | Kastner in te sear siceing Jay i coe ; PO Box 5 ee : OPEN EVI . e : | P ; reporting 1,9 re ores 1415 Dundas Eost Get SUIDE REA . e os tease 200 Dundas. West cas ha Oa |. & Romanuk Lasuha tor 0 pat Whitby 668-3226 Minna lL da Ba er OPEN EVENINGS Whitby 668-5893 Give Bi. A Try" Import -- Export lrate. Its total is 6,482,000

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