Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 14

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14 THe OSHAWA Te, Yosetey, Augen Bead deed Call The Direct Classified Ninnbie 723-3492 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Building Trades Accountants TALE, PRIEDLANDER and CO./ALL TYPES of bullang repairs, rooting, sidewalks, Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus-jchimneys, fireplaces, tees in Bankruptcy 64 King Street East. Gordon May, 728-0394 TOIT. yh a HOPKINS. tered Accountants, Bast, Oshawa, Ontario ACOERT" HosMaR, ant Las! Re) Street West, Oshawa. prone 723-192), SEADLE AND CO, Charlentimatee we? King Streeticrest Drive, Whitby 668-5612 RSIN. rrered sccounhimeta! fabrication and repairs, Tele) teed, u service, PRB-2525, Galt MeCann, wawouD DEWAR, Accredited Pub-[aisc brickwork F 855-208) te King Stree! West, Oshawa, 728-222) PLASTERING CEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountan' Suite 25, Oshawa Shopping Soe Teeeven New and repairs, stucce, cement work, parging base- GOe CLANCY'S Accounting ~ Service, and 9 Fr Taylor Bros. 26 Hil- cw. |CHIMNENS" Built" Sidewalks and Stoops, day in Brooklin.| "T YOU'LL find ist the nome to ft your! family's needs among the many list: ings offered tn the "Homes for Sale"| pupPIES, "Par "German Shepherd, seven, $2 each. Males and fe Musical Services tuning and repair 4 Hiddink: Ajax 9421664 hie) tometrist downtowns Burk Street? Di akers find bai WISE how fied, Be smart, check today jcolumns tn the Classified section. Dominion i} 725~ S87. 8 every "Home Furnishings" t Classi} Fora ture to Classified " ! € TU CK, | RO. Optometrist Please; rl ar Welding service. All kings of pay accounts at Guaram Rank ort |2--Personal PIANO, real pipe and electronic organ|i® YOU have @ Sinking probiern, Write instruments appraised, | Whitby, m 333, | LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 Six Weeks maies 3--Pets & Livestock Dial "i 795, By R J. SCOTT Youcan -- | BY SHIFFING AN i } ODOR IX HE OFA 17--Male le Help Wanted {18--Male or Female \23--Wonted To Rent _ lsTock | Boy for local hotel, Reply In oe Help Wanted Fes furnished housekeeping ro rooms by handwriting, stating age and education | STANLEY | HOME "pRopucTS twe business girls, Private entrance pre requires) J Box & Cahawe Times, one full time, two part-time sales repre-| ferred, Phone BL sical ORIVER tor wholesale bread . Car an asset, Opportunity forltwo.BEDROOM house wanted by four truck, experienced. Apply 220 James/Sdvancement, 723-9242, ss acults before September 15. Telephone Street atter ¢ p.m. Phone 725-9144. |WANTED "Raspberry pickers for 725-5902 after 6 p.m smen wanted, full or park] NUrSday, FTIGay ang SU aY oe nan:|BY OCTOBER 1 -- Three-bedroom bur sme, for Whitby. Ailax Oshawa, ee | |vitie 629-2828. if gaiow, preferably with garage, outskirts manville area Car necessary. App! of Oshawa; two school-age children, lrererences. ° necessar' Will lease, a 20--Room and Board Jack Perry. marry O Perry Ltd, BK Stree: West Oshawa, Teephone after 6 p.m. THREE IMMEDIATE openings to work (ROOM AND BOARO "tor mie ee STHREE oF four rooms, unturnished, Prk ot of our downtown office, arranging /"8¥ hee " Noes arse privileges. pely| entrance anc bath, Responsible personal appointments. Only qualitica-| 'Mill stree = aged couple, Reasonable rent, tions, pleasan' personality and willing: |314, PER WEEK. Suit be good clean rooms. Write Box 16 ness to converse with people, Age 16 toline to share réoms Si 23 Mourly rate plus bonus incentive. [phone 728- Lave or 725-9910 King ean, Eh Alger Buildings) ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen only,/children requires two-bedroom house with 9 - ./sngie. and oc share, lunches packed if/oil furnace by October 1. After 5.30 p.m THIS sa golden opportunity er men Gesired, Very central, Apply 26 K Ing teepnone 7 728-9844, delween 18 and 28 years, Excellent train-|Sireet East, [FAMILY of five need three-bedroom ing program. Qualifications are: neat ap SIMCOE ana Rossiand West area, "goo! | house by September 1, in Oshawa or sur working couple" with Te pearance, able to speak with public. jgomtortable room, good meals, iunches/rounding area, reasonable rent. Refer Transportation . supplied. Phone Mr,/pecked, abdstainers, gentlemen, private ences if required, Phone between 4 and Jackson, 728-1382 bath, entrance, laundry, parking Apply' 7 Pm, 728-4116. renrpenenneony: Por Carnegie Avenui re RELIABLE, nones* man, mechanically, ' Inclined tor garage anc 'service station/ROOM and Hoard, in clean, quiet home, | Urgently Needed werk bedroom home in Oshawa, Reply stating age, education and to" gentlemen, lunches packed. Paid he Complete daokkeeping service, 184 Bond a happier tomorrow SEAR ho Sreet eat Tae Wen NN! manta, Remodelling. Work- ieaiy. LewAR heraen ter sole phe ware =| mo, experience to Box 840, Oshawa Tim pena wenie --<--- Goumanville vieniity MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEL, and) TONS Guarantee ~-- a year-old bay gelding, three = year ~ old OF RE M OBTAIN CUT OF TOWN Real Estate Broker relma ton wentlonen, eK. and] Phone co. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, estimates. Painting and Decorating 'strawberry roan stallion. Telephone Bow: RIPE vote quires an active fully experienced sales: [Lunches packed. Laundry Tousen G. DOBSON we gree sem, eam owe A) A WOODS 728-3420 [iz rai : eee owe ec ae = ton The eaiy we. mange, mow, Be ol a Wh D08P0, Whitby MO 8413) A-t PAINTING and paper hanging.) sesame * Pod SHOOT Body oF THER, At 7 good character, well known in Oshawa | Bowmanville ee ss nse eam a | =|) Jonsen-after > p.m. T25-7213 LACK POODLE, registered 'Boek, "good 10 1$ SO FAINT IX COMPARISON W and district, end have a thorough know! Soon aN "BOARD for single mar : SF WILSON and BURRGWS, Chartered Ac "WALCO : --|fernily pet. ten weens OM, Olefemper) 40 FEET OR BS: ? {WE SUN THAT IT WOULD ZAKEAWE Jecige of the area, Must drive a present|Quiet home. Lunches packed. Shift work-| 623.3342 Serna E.G. Winew CAN @. Comend| T DODD and SOUTER -- [shot s88 bial ssa, | Mar Ye LAGU OF 600,000 MOONS To EQUAL, --_| adie car and have a private telephone. Beler welcome. Telephone anytime 725-4177.) Before S p.m, After 5 p.m. waa" PAINTING A £ Ti _ va ibondable and acceptable by the Depart) RGOM AND BOAR 229 Burrows, CA, 728-2554, | CONSTRUC 1ON pe gag NG saree --- -- we ry $. OF Bae -- Ga [rent ot Insurance. "Adaress. at replies Wing tor shore goal for gentteman.| 728-2346 | For aranteed home im id 6 Broad, 14 Eigin Street East peer -- to Box 12 Osnawn Times te name,|unches packed. Home cooked hes VBBEE. Auto Parts Sroatrants ntl an thins Painting, Paperhanging ; Eigin Street East aridress, teleph age, and experience.|\cundry done, GM workers as sc 2 Houses For Rent aoe eietlon dint % i fait ? }rRISH RED SETTER pupptes, ister PART-TIME truck ari ' "a phone 728-9523. FOR RENT -- iy decorated. tee , ny ork Gyptex, Full Wall Murals "regis! uck driver to wor Am. newly decorated, two SAVE AT WESTERN | agg segs ec bg ran Spray Painting hihi Tomah ey Telephone 7 on saa |!2--Articles | Wanted |16--Female Help Wanted to Spm. Apply Cooper Smit Company ILR & Board W r] [storey house, 27 "Buch noham Avenue barby © - 6 Celina Siree' -- oom 'oa ante er 6 P.M. apply 395 Mary Street, ; 10? BYRON ST. S.. WHITBY |Wwoma\ Raiser SoBe sere' SERVICE CENTRE Whitby 668-4412 oaye 668 Shee ' |RITTENS, two femaies. Siamese Seat- povengh gin ser, gal Year pony, ha oh MAN Ronagp hen i "ef oa Wit MAN a lRoom" with breakfast and dinner, in ee eed Beapoh ag gy | an@ R All M k ic NIGHTS 725-7426 Fomaee taser ro van ee ee FAMILY wh eight children have fost son Road South or telephone 725-9854 Suet Rome, by young business man, Ipickering, roasehebi Teuainens' Saree epairs to jones artage . reir furniture in an actident in transit mre Sexy Gmewe Tine ne " : wr turniten a i Siti WOMAN WANTED to live in and core _ 3 LICENSED MECHANICS 'J0nNS "MOVING "AND Cartace Personal Service S--Farmer's Column to Oshawa, Anyone with any used TUrnlity. elterty lady, not javalia, in. new Required as Lovee An Gavies lege rae sam PICKERING "AREA, Three bedroom " > - yore which they Could donate, please tele nome Please cai! 729-32 > board, near north plant. Call 723-4003 > 4. 145 King West--728-1607 Oshawa, Whitoy, Reasonadic rates, Fully M DERN RI L ---- phone 723) ome. Please Cail 725-3264 orenouse SSISTANE later 6 pm. anch style bungalow, paved drive, Adult . ' en' kOe t . upped ant insured. 78-066) O i G L WHEAT Straw for sale, 3c per bale. s i y or month. Call Scar ' Sta Aa Teak ss rea ei MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN or pensioner hia ieee ~ ese ee cnn ag Pde cet ot Dressmaking Pewee, Oy Mer? Pm Telephone 13" Business Opportunities |' tive is win eideriy lady. For partica Se to keep eccur. |22--Offices, Stores, Storage lye -eee ccs 4 Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey = slat "ae z fiars, call 725-3015 mn C LE GROVE ve-room unturnist> > m" - eet i "te FARMERS, 4 > COFFEE SHOP -- Grey Coach Agency " tidy ond in car ee store, 71 King Streetiec house, 0 furnace, large garden, $95. Barristers npg cata paupedaneeny are. ai Mo . Pp ev 'D hice hoes Dom -- r Plate Ang mente on No. 2 Highway, ten-room buliding, A BABY SITTER WANTED Lady to mus, Ar nN person 2 x 32 Ti., suitable for business or/month. Availabic September |, Dial Bow JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Elgriage, 6? Montrave 725-6476 ace Nes One VeNverrs evenings afte: six, 725-763. x roa money maker for right party. Rea Come in and care one 4, General ofessional office, barber shop, or Manville 623-5394 Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pud WE DELIVER Sepia _. sonable down payment. Apply Box Te D. A Houlden Garona, Ore SBS. Month. Telephone FHREE-BEQROOM home, including dim te. Tre Commercial Building, 36 King iin, Bet CASH on 'he spot. Highest prices jg Oshawa Times on. Telephone 72 . ng room ar i 7 male West, Gehan, Ontarig, Chant Barking Gardening and Supplies _ 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH lon cue one crushes term som, fee BEGRLE am hemes Sand US Ne lOIRLS oar Gas General Printers, Ltd - --w earl eneeh sean Sg available, 725-4716 of 723-47 DARLINGTON Garden "Service. ais 725-3887 Sareea te empton, COltex S272. sponse to "Last" ada proves at. Wlarce Parttime, wo or 57 Simcoe South cane ons pies Wot OWE Selsicg: _ Feaseasion Telepnone SOUos AND BONALG, Barristers ana| Counted landscaping anc garden % & King Street Gast. ance o at _Bowmany we 653-005. » Toupnes manten- ? 2: » e 2 GREER Ano RELLY, Ba ca es pre ead Teesnone 72 sm Telephone 725382) Marolt 3. Residence Prones AE ae yore LS Cane. Saulne "ant -- QC. 72530: Terence V Kelly, BA, BCL Loam and Gravel _ a ee Po 333 i ot repairs EReienton oevnan awe Washed Stone, Fill ios. Guiness te MURDOCH, Barristers, Soikiters, No Sacevetinn. tots leveled Frey a * tary Pudlic. Bank of Commerce BSvuil¢ Leeds Tre ee for hire are $ Simcoe Stree? North, Osnawa Log uc or mario, 7388) Residences: T. Kd , ' Rug-Upholste rvi Seve. Soe, Sete | BEATTY HAULAGE |rasmnettery Sercice_ PRE: G Nwreoen mea. Mort 725-215 \apenorbin r tctagrd Sih ge: wo Qages anc agreements of Dovey 42-2196 ria ; eeendirin ~ 'Genes ae ane 3) i » es Stree? oe es sownan Davi Cr Barrister _ Soles Instruction CRESTERPIELDS een agen ca, tk Sieneae attagag Bef anata ra onal Remence LEARN TO DRIVE orga otis tS "conan SesEPW F_ WHERE SETAE) Oshawa Driving Schoo! [Sw Sev miSG\" Fe enna King Stree? East, Oshawa. 726-8232 DAY or EVENING fon cone reoneren wa gens By MCGIBBON ane BASTEDO. Barr iahel | Lote Models, Stonderds Solicitors. Chants' fons. aveliadie for pay For estimate, 7EBS28}. No ' fray rortgapes Simeoe Stree? North! Automatics Dual Controlled wriipation. Kennedy Upholstering Lie. poten Bid Black River Securitine OL: tener F coe ot McGinven, OC OSHAWA AND WHITBY CHESTRRFIELDS redain, recovered 258!)_collec'_ for_ appointment OFFICE SPACE CALL 728.009) Whe new Why pay more? Our rates LAKE SIMPOE -- 6 miles trom Osh. prone "Vv F MACKEY, --_ eer ary 6feasonable «Satisfaction ' guaran-/awa, canal fron? ii, x 273, twoded cy aay Public rp: teen. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- room cott seriz Dae . feres avanadie al Xing Sree Mortgages holstery Co. 10 Bond West Dial Tas le mst tay pe Facog peat yon On second floor im three od- Bast, 7S) Res, 35 __ FIRST AND SECOND mortgages Ron a veniences, Fol price, $4,200. Low cow , pia JONES GA aed FROMAS W. acreemens perchaned ond se ae -- Payment, Tevephone Orillia Sees joining creas. Will rent os GREER, Associate Barristers and Golick MC and Hennick arristers, 3) Ms ~~ $ on rvi PIGEON tors, WO King Street Gast. raeanes, Stree, Kast 727707 we Superd ae ters Sep oe unit or seporately. To inspect Mortgage sony avaiadye ART' muperd 2 dedroom. cottage on one acre al PRIVATE ara corporation monies fo loan S GUN REPAIR lot with 140 lakefront, safe sand beach, MANNING F SWARTE AND RONALD on a! types of mortpanes: mortgage: -y Doathouse, Beavtifelly wooed and L SWAR1Z Barristers, Solicitors, amo agreements of sale purchases CUSTOM. GUN WORK scape tet. Cottage is completely winrer PHONE 723-4523 Notaries. Money to loan, Henry. Black, Creghton, Orynan and Mergoch See 5.3. izeo with electric heat, HD range and ati King Street Gant, TELA. Reh heading "Barrister Redueing, refinishing, stock- [f--. Mogern kitchen. Spiece bath with AFTER 4 Sass a 230. - king shower, focly' furnished, Desmed ceilings. LOUIS S WYMAN, GO Barrie ORTG GF granite Rrepiace. Troly = fine summer __ ae cher, Notary Alger Bulging. 7 M A Guns bought, sold. home in @ superd setting. Newell and ; Sree Eat. MIG. Li AN exchanged reaosiy. 8 am Ses. ee ans PENSIONER ave inde O Ss As iy i. 38-233: 'erms IESE ANSE BaD en WHITBY 668-249) © t se BK Barrer, 3 ee 3 ws ay SEMI extinct Moneys for first mortgages urveyors sete as cor > Sehee TRL > Rencence a TBs nterest at 7% wee seid 'we -- RUMPRREVS. "BOVONYN ane wie Oren Mortgages No bonus ee Osrawe pool larg ets O'R) No charge for valuations Wittman, (18 Office: P2177, Resi) 'Mortgoges ond Agreements Gece: TSI WhDy SERS). PE-aRe purchesed. Moneys for second mortoo Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26¥2 King St. East Oshawa, Ontorio 723-4697 "MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for mierest ot Open Mortgages No bonus Qoges mortgages eters, Workmanship, materia power > Charge for voluctions ets. +. Tooke TRS one Mortqaacs and Agreemenn Purcnesec ACKERMAN Moneys for second mortgages Fest service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. Eost Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 PHONE 623-5734 380 WNANV Lit A. FOSKETT MORTGAGE MON EY AND SONS AVAILABLE Rooting, Sheet Mercl Pole Low interest & Decercting Coutkine, repels. No job Valuanons Arranged _ Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacent Land Orrare ker's Assocation FREE ESTIMATES 668-5906 or 668-234) HOME IMPROVEMENTS B. tovestroughing ws soem cf ot ~~ SUMMERLAND = SECURITIES Members Morgape Br LIMITED Now 12 Simmer & Oshewo, Ortorio-- 2s WORDS OR Berter described offers get fovter results Cash Onan, & corsetutive days 3.75 3 corsetutive doys 2.235 mt @nch word, inkicl, figure or sbireviction a one merndes S men pelt within 7 dye chorge rote applies ono! stings omiy, 3 fines per month 830 > DAS TOMa! le per MOM ld NOP GRpHCaD For merthondie ocdvettsrments DEADLINES oz, previa rev oats ~ ss9 Bers wre os. Cock of Thorns -- Lest ond Fount -- 8:30 om. day of publicetion Comraliction: ond Comections--8:30 on Gey of publicotion. REGULATIONS me Oshowe Tamme: will not Se cesporeidie tor err m Qdvertise wnents Subrnitted ofherwse then writing. mitt for more Thor TOR Cf omy oGvertsemerm, mor beyond the STMT Serpe servo of The odvertsement m which Serve «the Larne Ter % Clossity otwertining paper cioss tcation, as atvertsermments The Tienes will men be «i> WS SNVVovOuT WO Teprouute B!) acne » Sut BssuTME MD Liodility of ocvencement & Sry MUCCeTOCRE & ery Town ere eorteined there i Plumbing and Heating COAM. sod manore and evergreens, aise er Rkason ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Stark 7--Trailers TRAILER for. sale, new and remodeling, SMS Apply 544 Drew Street Ne Gown payment. Up > 3 months to COTTAGES Licence BS-C43 WHEAT STRAW for sale, 2S. per dale Cal 7RBSPI9 RENT-A-TRAILER Hitches supplied Moving boat ond cabir trailers MONTY'S BA SERVICE OE AT GIBB 5-913) 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent SONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Gn- > Dive % ACRE het wt, Belmont, ror W FUIM ORD FROLLOPE, Omanc ae Ey Sreet East Lang. Surveyor. Commercial ts, 38 Omario Street, 725.5632. st Lena Surveyors. Oshawa sale persone: sale, Call after 6 p.m. 7S mites equipped with lets on the Black » lost something, don't wait weekly, with hourly rate it than now -- and 728-6569 rent. Telephone 725-7577 ne ee ee there's no better way to sell it than FOR SALE or will rent a} 835 months al Will get f « v ay is Ga ale Cana rn Three full time and with a far-reaching fast acting Classi. Soeroom house with an acre of land. FOR SALE -- lunch counter near South © ' a x " thet AG. Dial Ta)9090 today te quicaly WINN. comMm distance of Oshawa, General Motors, Excellent turn aver, Werks. Live Neeted by five part-time ; MICK Fics tp schoel re. Avetabie Sem Unlimited potential, 725-9895 or 725-8983, D9! 723-1628 find your buyer tember 1. Apply Reber Thornton, Cress RELIABLE ousekenper to tive na SALESMEN - -- gar: ye saith of 4 Highways RESTAURANT sees ten ser cmon ite moire SUITE soo i , : j works. Telephone on FOR (EASE. Be = ei OF MODERN /[2---Apertments Gren while mothe Ks, Light * THREE ROOM rnished apartment, > Keapieg Guites. Sasy week ve u AIR- CONDITIONED for gentlemen, separate bath and em Vv seat now end modem Needed by Suplember 2 South East dis hea y centra parking. $60 mont equipment, adjoining motel trict Dial 72h4r4 OFFICES AVAILABLE |: 9 . CALL PICKERING peiegiainth wAitroANOs, short order Comm Approximotely 1000 sq. ft. [THREE - ROOM apartment, hardwood parttir ' washer. Apply wa SERVICED BY ELEVATOR floors and Nie kitchen, cupboards. Lights, 942- 1995 Campbell Hote er ae heat and wate: Reasonadie CENTRAL 568 SQ. FT. $4000. Down, Store and Post Office Brick residence, 6 rooms ond bath. Good store rento] apt. obove. Lorge wore- Prone 525-688 STURGEON ~ CARE, Beehive, Sobcay-| 'house for stotk. Very good gem. Executive's summer home on 0} potentio! to increase busin- jeketront with sale sand beach. 3 ded. eer ta TV--Redio Repairs sree msiary aha ace eS. under better manage: QUARANTEED repairs tS Of rakes WP Tange, rip. anc washer. Baseboara] Tent. Price only $11,500 TN Tad, Tat Thompson Slee electric heat for ofkseason occupanc cy | tor siness, lond, buildings rons. ww ® ar Jem _Free Dred Welt. Full Dath with shower, Full - pment. Easy term: cite --tyrnished, ail as mew, $14980. termi 7 "equipme Easy S Newell and Mclinerney, Realtors, Bob-| OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guerenteed Parts ond DAY OR EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop 728-5286 TELEVISION SERVICE, All Mokes sets Repoired in your hore as CRYREGA ANS Minden. 798-057 Service BOBCAYGEON, Slorseon Lake. Echo Bay Smart 2 degroom cottage on sand DeAch lakefront, heavily teed Toor with red grdnie fireplace, SineNe, MmaGern kitchen, excellent drifted we ment ~ Saye. 3880. Fornisned. Newel and Me Wher ney. den TROT? THURSTONIA PARK -- coMage Yor mes adie aver Augost V7. $55. 3 month 3 wire hydro, ressonandle cash pay-| reqeres Gwe will assume mor? Rea rors Bobcaygeon wna Min. Stergeon Lake, Sctermrrnedation for sik weet ee Oshawa 77-2478 DRI rent Dunstore Wayne Appliances Ti--avicles For Rem Telephone 723-141) For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satistaction Paul Cieslar su ean Ave 7 Prop TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 728.6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced Yo swit your budget TERNS OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 ARRANGED 0500 eu --e ty Tachine, ¥ >in w te WW. Wart, Be hy? Stree dex Rox = nah ROK KROONTIE, writ ork Clemm-out Pek Roat Sout meta LEMON, wr bs i" Terres: Te. me np wot ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 POCIBE Chest} Whitey Sing ine, ant teaper fean-auts, Prone Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 ~ RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT -- tolding chons, hond piones nG pullers, Staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, coulking guns, tape recorders, TV --_ transistor radios, tile pe ers, vougum cleaners, heel shampooer, portable cooler dehumidifiers, oir condition er. fight bogs, megaphone Speaker, strapping rnachine. boby cormages, CCM. "ex- OTC SErs sewing =omachimnes. Maessagme belts, coffee urns appliance cort CAMERA £0) PMENT-- 35 OL ern de comers, movie Proector Shide proyector, movie COmera, screen. sun gun, bmocalors GARDEN EQUIPMENT --Fiec- tric 'Nedge Chinpers, post hole cagers, jown mowers rollers, gorden sprove ers, own sSwenper Stretcher, post drive ners, soythes. Ors, Sod Cwtters, ome gun CAMPING EQUIPMENT t hooters, jown send garden tf ping ar AW Open Saturday al! day \725-2311-.89 BLOOR &.! j ] ] A. STRASSBURGER, BROKER, sone 129 Elgin St. W., Lindsay petio, Gowdie Concrete Gack Knolty pine m 324~ 637) SHELL CANADA LTD. Has for lease a high volume Service Sta- tion located on High- way 115. Appiicont showld have $3,000 t© invest, ond be prepared to toKe cs] sGloned trong course FOR INTERVIEW PLEASE WRITE Mr. C. L. Umpherson 99 Hatfield Cresc PETERBOROUGH jPamily ore, needs warm affectionate wornan supervise ten-year-old payee denet 14--Employment We ted wa IND by The Gav. Cinse % GM SChOD's, goot yard . 725-RAOR Chittren im my own home downtown wnd 16--Female Help Wanted GIRLS requires Yor yronic components. Swerk Hlectronic Ajax preterred taetramments Lim hed. a EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Conodo's finest jine of Christmas cords, Wraps, Nov eles, etc. to friends and rel- otives. Over 300 tem tree, drauttully Mustrated cotologuet, samples on approv o! ond the fostest service andron Greeting Cord Co 3 King SE. Hamilton Fey r LARGE LAW OFFICE Private Secretary To work for exclusively one ond secretorial not essentiol. Inquire or apply in writing. to BOX 10 GSHAWA TIMES tine | Aeeemblywork SOE ANd WIT experience on ein Apply sh AGED wornan % help care hac INSTRU MENT MECHANIC Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON eatin! PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Three-room unm Nid and small house Good pa tne om. Char kept. Pos? Office Roe 2 ® j TELEPHONE iturnished apartment, private bath, leur Boamanvilie, Ont For industr r nonce in jory facilities, parking, $60, Availladie modern e cturi ri jephone 725-6) HOUSEKEEPER required for aden | tite wre | _ 123. 3474 par ciastnn Bt dibeans stage ict. 2 der 30. Two school laren plant, fully experienced on j }CLEAN, furnished = dom and kitchen, ann take fol home rc a private bath home, west end monthiy. All reptiles confidentia Oshawa Times WANTED -- Gir) for general Housework Owr "oom, TV, A . mostern ences, References Write Mrs . = nity elas 725-9 vic JONE-BEDROOM apartment for rent. Ap \ply Gibb Stree? Apartment. No, 104. |DIVISION STREET, 36 -- Threeroom SS rol pension cou red j . he a aes r We Suchen sar Trenton Montes! We] life insurance end \In Medical Center {Sy erent me Te = pion denefits. Apply person |SIX-ROOM apartment, private bath, the ma or nel off ae ge WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE, if yoo woul, nel Office 1211 Simcoe St. S. sore upstairs in cupiex: aiuminom wire crpoy working regu oe each AVON, here if is ght deliveries he opportunity you've |dows Age $75. mac "WHOLE TOWN'S tal REGENCY TOWERS, beautitul erred. King East, DUNLOP CANADA LTD Whitby--Diol 668-3361 | Available July, 1963 -- ec, W Cosme? Dent. -- nen -- Can be finished to sult jovitding by Wiliam Reid Construction, CD38, 81 Mon ? Early. Tenonts. JOne and two >edroom suites from $100 70 Rote w per he |$:28 monthly, Call 723-240? daily and 72 MAN WANTED ee been walting for earnings, as 2 Piea work representative for pon Avon PHONE 725-5132 St TOWNLINE North, three room self com To take charge of parts Cosmetics, Write PO Box S12, Oshawa powee apartment, unfurnished. Ali bese} » i veniences. Available August 17. i STOCK CLERK for Indies" ready-to-wear ir | i OR REN | 3728- ' Over WW years of age, Mnmom two, Counter and odd repair | | 728-1730 years of high school. Apply Br $, Oshawa Times. WOMAN WANTED to care for one ch Live out, Reovired ater 6 p.m., 668-2546 i i seen {LIVING alone? Come and de part of cur! farheriess | Working mother in help In houve and te Trim, 7% Mackenzie Avenve in} 17 to 20 Yeors NEED EXTRA MONEY? $8 and more) in Men's. Wear Store cer easily Se earned by showing our j fadvious Christ can ts, toys. Oo Der - an r ons ane r "onda Ne expert en: ~ ve epee et oe j nerecsary exci? cellent unity for ad- i catalague ye you % vancement j orders. Send no money Onristmas as oO , and fr catalogue aanerch Cerd Oo. Dest me APPLY BOX 1) 217 Cannon, Narmitton -- S S chai _ OSHAWA TIMES For Lodics' Reody to Weer CABINET Fully experienced. Full time Fully scporemced Ful time. | ASSEMBLERS Apply in writing giving. quali- Neatons and references to Box 14, Oshawa Times Receptionist Cashier We have on unusual apening in our office for someone who can meet people well, handle fig- ures occurotely and is a good typist 5 Day Week All Employee Benefits The person we wont is im terested ng odd wadually R. F. Shaughnessy CRESCENT FINANCE 10 Simone St South Telephone 728-7311 fastest: growing Company in writing. to by Augest 4. Call aang | Apply Canadian Aviom} om WITH BENEFITS |UNFURNISHED 'four room apartment, jobs on appliances. Exper- | LARGE ca crane aut belle heavy Sty 3 rsa For appointment Modern Store ay ay smal mere Apply 178 al aap Hp IN THE DIPLOMAT to AJAX 942-6410 New luxurious Controlled entrance, apartments. modern Shopping Plaza Gaughier, After 5.33 p.m. call 728-4082. Ask for monoger | lobby. Air conditioned holls MATURE Siri or woman to look ath cer at das ti ie on aes NEP ENS 2 Very Reasonable Rates with broadioom. Loundny room housework, Good i D> Ni on each floor, Apply at site Telephone 7750575 YOUNG TELEPHONE 340 Morland or Apt. 107, TELEPHONE tcp Must be @x- G 5 c 728- bo cog agg gy lh Ba 728-4646 343 Gibb St. or Phone 728 Teephone mass. Ask for Mr. Jackson j es BOOKKEEPING machine operator, good wrt ing conditions and Generous em OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SHOP ASSEMBLY PERMANENT WORK APPLY H & G DESIGNS STATION ROAD PICKERING PHONE 942-3791 18--Male or Female Help Wanted <é > r 4 =| faa Oo TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street | 725-4771 WANTED PHARMACIST For consider RUCHED PILLOWS By ALICE BROOKS Smart needlework! Make jthese smocked pillows of cor- lduroy, velveteen, satin, cocton. | Basy, jiffy, smocked pillows!) Done | on reverse side of fabric./ iPattern 7041: transfer; direc-| |tions ll-inch round; 11 square;/ art time work would retired person A-LINE FLARE By ANNE ADAMS The exciting A-line flare -- an or morried woman. lawyer, required by Ist September. Short hand | capacity | | essential. Legol or related | experience preferred, but '17--Male Help Wanted FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE IN WHITBY Requires an Experience: SALESMAN Sciory ond commission, Company benefits Apply m writing stating BOX 6 OSHAWA TIMES | Reply ss iborster 14<inches long €asy-sew sensation to wear with BOX 93? | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|verve day and night. Choose for. this pattern (mo Stamps,/round or bateau neck, colors 7 7 please) to Alice Brooks, care of/light or lively OSHAWA. 11S The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft, Printed Pattern 4604: -- Dept. Oshawa, Ont. Ontario/Swes 8 MW, 12. 14, 16, 18. Size } EXPERIENCED sales tax. Print/requires 27% yards 35-itich fab- residents add? Ic : i PATTERN NUMBER, 'Tic SALESLADY NAM ADDRESS 'SIFTY CENTS Gc) Biggest, Nevdlecraft|(mo stamps, please) 'Ontario tax. Primt pls ADDRES resie w stars smocked accessories/tern 's our new Noediecraft Cai- sales Plas over 200 fresh-to-you NAME. SALESMAN | lalog? a . |designs to kn, crochet, sew,|NUMBER | For Furniture ond Appli- iweave, embroider, quilt, Pins, Send order to ANNE: ADAMS, ance Store. Salory and commission. For appoint- care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- jfree pattern Send 25c now! fvern Dept ment Coll ey PATTERN FRE Wani-Ads Don t pan inside new Fall-Winter Pat- Ajax 942-6410 nore Catalog. ready now! Over | 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send j Ask tor manager. Cost-They Pay : Sor sero sega it ts 7 Oshawa, Ontario Es =! Ma on N & i

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