Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Aug 1963, p. 9

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STARR-DYMOND PICNIC PLANS ADVANCE Pretty Maureen Murphy of Uxbridge gives Dr, Matthew Dymond, Provincial Health Minister, a hand in letting On- tario County residents know about the annual Starr- Cesicieteeennctintionnia Dymond picnic scheduled for Saturday, August 17, The pienic is an annual summer- time highlight for local Con- servatives and is sponsored Ontario riding, and Dr. Dymond, It will be held this Saturday at 2 p.m, in Swiss Chalet Park, formerly known as Greenwood -- Park, five miles west of Brooklin on Museum Has Many She Oshawa Times Visitors [SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963 PAGE NINE While Oshawa citizens travel far and poke about in out-of. the-way places for novelties, visitors from as far away as) London, England, find interest. ing mementoes of the past right here at the Henry House Mu- seum in Lakeview Park, The visitors' book reads like a rail- Way timetable: Bowmanville, Peterborough, Kingston, Ot- tawa, Drummondville, Quebec City, Halifax, and in the other direction: Whitby, Pickering, Scarborough, Burlington, Isling- ton, Port Colborne, Kitchener, Galt, Brantford, Oshweken, Sault St. Marie, Winnipeg, Swan Hills, Alberta; Vancouver. Less well-known names crop up fre- quently like Locust Hill, Creigh. ton Mines, Silver Bay. The en- chantment of distance is provid. ed by such names as St. Peters. burgh; Rutherford, New Jer. sey; Alhambra, California; Southampton, England; Ben- stall, Leeds, England; Detroit and Fiint, EXAMINE FITTINGS Mrs, Henry, one-time occu- pant of the historic house, looks down from her gilt frame as the procession of strangers passes through the hall, admir-| ing, wondering, marvelling at} jthis fine collection from the! past, It is the children who jshow the most enthusiasm, re- No. 7 Highway. Albert V, Walker, PC candidate in Osh- awa riding, Provincial elec- tion, will also be one of the honored guests, --Oshawa Times Photo by Michael Starr, MP for Oshawa Parks Program Is Exciting And Varied the the The program on Parks is still quite exciting and? varied. City children are stil! attending the playgrounds aad swimming pools in large nun bers, The two w mn ized programm of the 1f Oshawa Rec Games and get into full city wide specie the Bicycle Rodeo ' and General Games Day The climax of the entire sea son's work will be the annual Bandshell Press on of Awards, At this I the local children who special interest Camp, were volun on the playgrounds, or a swimming test 1 son wi ' sation Committee's Activities nd @ plaque to the winning park both the "A" and "B" div: ons! First Look At Moscow Finds Everything Normal le:spaced, include the foreign min- eor eniin satanic, It's To the first-tir t surprising thing is how everything Drivin green landscapes, fusion and fy evoke comp: tre puffy whit the and heavy England's g e dr Seen from the I city falls ito a p tall buil of "K new 3 ing up on al - The seven buildings £ DVA WORK A Work on the new Boys' at constr on in I w P. on Eulalie avenue -- is rapid { ' x off winning ed any : Dayjand Neil Fry, two of Oshawa's| Mr, W. Brewster, Director of saders|upcoming golfers tied in a min./ Recreation, ssed/ icity wide competitions Still quite active in the sum- mer program are such parks as 'North Oshawa who held a bub- ble gum contest recently with Robert Kruk and Tommy Flat with the largest bubbles HUGE Veteran's ark held a huge iDinasaur - E Hunt and acter h searching throughout the ar the Dinasaur Egg, - (a large watermelon) was found and the hunters proceeded to cut up the egg and devour its t t Storie Park, Charlie March HUNT P ature golf tournament. Nei! I also won a freckle: con- and many others enjoyed an interesting hike to the lake conducted by Bill Flegg and Grant Southwell from the ORC Central Staff. Oshawalfor their success during the; At Valleyview Park wedding a |bells could be heard as the cou ples, Miss Lynda Venner and /Mr, Karl Shaw, Miss Gail Ven- jner and Mr, Doug Brown and jMiss Kathy Murphy and Mr Bill Holmes were united on Holy Matrimony by Justice of the Peace Charles Brown, For this special event, all the young brides were attractively dress- jed in their various wedding jdressed consisting of old |""grown-ups" dresses and cur- jtains.. After the ceremony a jreception was held in the club- house which took the form of ja dance Sincerely wishes that all the parents and friends of the children who are to re- ceive an award at the band- shell, be present for the Pre- sentation of Awards on Thurs- day evening, August 22, at 7.00 p.m, stry and a big hotel. They are the Stalinist Style, uniformly grey. and ochre predominate Slickest apartments _ in- clude the "diplomatic ghet- toes' where Western diplo- |National Hotel on the corner ofjand on and ated from ation, live of luxury. These are -ouped in .Kutuzovsky , named for the gen- defeated Napol- The corridors outside flats are but in- ma kes correspondents, the local a semb- mats in y inside does Kremlin conv: rter's image of a sin 2iout / \fortified building was shattered, la In reality it is a territory, set inside turreted red walls on the slopes of Moscow River, well as the yellow buildings of the Supreme Soviet, there are cathedrals, museums, a public jpark and the bell tower of Ivan jthe Great In Red Square stands jmare but has a compulsive fas- icination, | It is pleasant to dine at the Gorki Street, called Brodvay, and stare out at the Kremiin windows, wondering which one Nikita Khrushchev calls nis jown, Or your gaze may be jcaught by the bulbous,: onion- jShaped domes, familiar from a jthousand pictures, newly jfurbished in. what your guide jcalls "cheap" gilt, they make a vivid slash of color, standing like candle flares against ithe quiet tones of Moscow = iston, and Ottawa after which 'jhe makes his way back to his home in South Africa, NCES ON BOYS' CLUB C ake lay ij The official open.nge af the handsome new structure 13 Mond ad j i SS SA ONSTRUCTION scheduled for this Fail. Work men are shown as they ect 'the steel girders of the ouild- ing. Oshawa Times Photo n i jwho in 1 As| | Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A St.) skyscraper|Basil's Cathedral with its niae] Else-/crazy cupolas, all different. I:| where subdued shades of brown)looks like a currealist night-| bership of 18,200. re-| }ports the curator,' Miss Char. jlotte Abbott, Three girls on a recent visit wished they could jlive in a house like that and janother pair were surprisingly | moressea by almost everythirg jOften children who are hurried Have Visitor From Africa eect it's the Osh.|centrate on some particular wa Y's Men's Club was visited thing that took their fancy, |by an overseas delegate from|,, Not only the women examine one of their fellow clubs in|the fittings and gadgets and) Johannesburg, Union of South lee og teh eg in the The delegate, Peter Eustace,|o oumins Kitchen; the men cast) is president of his home club in He gic ns Bhd the ae) Johannesburg, and at the pres- thal' ™ ii hdr be often part of ent time touring the different|'¢!r boyhood, Geraniums flow Y's Men's clubs in Eastern On- ie = the deep windowsill, jtario, Peter was brought to us| °@8® and thyme drying on the) F jthrough one of Y'sdoms major| "US, cobs of corn with wriak! |projects, the Bishops Fund. This ed kernels, the pungent aroma lfund each year assists overseas lingering in old tin spice tins delegates to attend the Inter-|°8St & spell over visitors so that) national Conventions, and 'this|they feel they are living for a year alone 44 delegates such as/little while in this long ago era'| Peter were brought over to the), Several valuable items have convention, As well as attend.|been added to this : treasure] ing the convention each dele-|Store lately, some by members R, H, STROUD The past weekend, | G. K. DRYNAN ' accepted the Liberal nomination|my time. certainly for the first Siast January 'given every LIBERAL CANDIDAT H. STROUD RESIGNS Rap 'Calculated Indecision" Of Premier Robarts the Oshawa Riding (Provincial)| I am definitely committed to | Liberal Association, the Liberal cause and am | In his letter of resignation ad-|anxious to participate in our |dressed to Secretary George K./local politics as much ag pos- Drynan, QC, Mr, Stroud said: |sible. You have mentioned the | Dear Fellow Members: jnecessity for a riding meeting. | With great regret I find it} am willing to stand for any ne camont came with lecessary to request the Riding/executive office, and, if elected, _ The announcement came with Association to accept my resig-|promise to give such office my dramatic suddenness to. close) ibaral candijete 1 If 1 attenti second onty observers of Oshawa's political ration as wu eral c andidate in) u attention, second only to my world as all parties kept a close| 'Ne next Provincia! election. family and business, : Q nts Darke sai ine You will remember that at) I appreciate the difficulty mv eye on Queen's : Pr a ;|he time of the nominating con-|resignation will cause you and exact date of the Provincial) cntion in January I had al-/hope you will understand that vote, : : lready sold my business. Sincelonly absolute necessity makes Mr. Stroud, who resigned asiwe all expected an election not|me give up this great honor and chairman of the Oshawa Board)ater than March it. seemed opportunity of Education in 1962 after a two-/nractical for me to await the! year term as a trustee, said he/clection before geting back into} R, H, STROUD was resigning from the Provin-| business. | Mr. Drynan today accused cial campaign for "business rea-| There have followed a series|Premier Robarts of 'calculated sons" but he let it be known|of hints by Premier Robarts/and deliberate delays in calling most forcefully the decision was without any definite action from|the election in an attempt to prompted by what a party -col-/him and f have delayed as long/create confusion in the ranks of eague termed "Premier Johnjas I can, the opposition", Yobarts' calculated indecision; A business opportunity is now) "The Oshawa Riding Liberal in an attempt to spread con-/presenting itself. It is of a type|Association appreciate the im- usion in the ranks of the opp0-|which requires me to be ready|possible situation Mr. Stroud ion", to take it up at a moment's|finds himself in due to Premier Mr, Stroud said that he hadjnotice and thereafter give it all|Robarts calculated indecision," said Mr, Drynan today. because was|few months, | "The indecision is causing assurance, inside} I have greatly enjoyed myjeveryone engaged in polities in and outside the party, that the/participation in politics to date/Ontario great hardship and is election would be held not laterjand hope to continue to be as|most unfair to us, It is another than last March active as possible, From myjfactor that is keeping many Mr. Sroud' also stressed thatjtours and caucuses with ourjfrom participating in political he was "definitely committed to/leader, John Wintermeyer, thellife. We find Premier Robarts' the Liberal cause' and that he/rallies and lengthy policy com-|tacties most objectionable par- would continue to be "as active/mittee meetings, I am con-/ticularly as it has lost us the as possible" jvineed that our Liberal program|services of a man we respected His resignation was accepted|is solidly based and our organ-|and one who had a great future "regretfully" Monday night bylization enthusiastically led, in this campaign," By JACK GEARIN News Editor Robert H, Stroud announced today that he had resigned as Provincial Liberal candidate in Oshawa riding in the forthcom- ing election Yours sincerely, he gate is sent to a different allot-/°f the Oshawa Historical So- ment of clubs in North America|Ciety and some by other inter-| after the convention, and in this|¢Sted people, A large and love-| way there grows a closer tie|/!y hand-woven wool throw has between ourselves and these|been lent by Mrs, E. S, David- visitors from far away coun-/S0n,° 101 Oshawa boulevard tries, while at the same time|South. It is woven in a formal we are each able to learn'about/rose pattern in deep blue and each others country and club, | White and is reversible, It was as well as how they function, ||made as a wedding present in| Oshawa ene This is all taking place now | 1844 for: Mrs, Russel] Gage of headquarters opened gene te ue to Judge Paul Alexander, | Burford who died in 1894, Ths 10 Simcoe street north in Osh Riding (provincial) 922 seeing the need for|iS to be sent to the Royal On./@Wa . & sivice club & the YMCA [tario Museum where it can be|, George Martin, Riding Re formed the same with about 26/Properly preserved and the 4e.\turning Officer in charge jOther interested young men in}sign made available for any./over 200 polling stations saik ' 'Little did}one who wants it, jtoday telephones will be install j this man think that it would con-| cook jed by Wednesday at the latest tinue to grow like it has, and IE JAR | Mr |now taking in every continent of] R°Y Barrand, city clerk, hasjas one of "assur that ai the world : _jtecently brought in a china and facets of the coming provincia » it numbers 42 dif-|<: i | } t ferent countries in which there|SVer Cookie jar and his moth-jelection run smoothly in this RETURNING OFFICER HAS SIMCOE STREET OFFICE atihis job to aid all political par-) of Martin describes his jobjas one of the largest (geograph-|Wood at Oshawa Magistrate's | ; Foul Language Charge Made ties in the riding, He reports; After the police stopped alnoise He asked Patrol Ser- idirectly to the Chief Election Of-\car in Ontario street, Oshawa,/geant Wood if it was not the ficer in Toronto, because the tires were squeal-/case that there were two! other Right now, Mr. Martin is busy ing as it turned at various/cars there at the time and that setting up polling subdivisions/intersections, the driver wa s/their tires were squealing, land appointing enumerators. jvery belligerent and used foul) The witness replied that there Oshawa Riding is recognized|language, said Patrol Sergeant/was another car in the vicinity with its tires squealing, but it ically) in the province, It in-}Court Monday, lgot away. There could have cludes all of Oshawa, the town) The patrol sergeant went onjbeen a third car, but he did nod of Ajax, Pickering Township,/to say that there were about|see or hear it. Bay Ridges, Port Whitby and/cight young men in the vicinity) Giving evidence on his owe Port Union, while the driver, Keith Ronaldjbehalf, Howard said there was jis a non-partisan one, that it is _ Upon arrival in the: city, Get-Acquainted party was hel at one » j cars, 98 HS Ne t mandy with damage CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dent of Oshawa and dis- trict who is celebrating his birthday today: . Bert Grennon, 291 Celina St, Phone 723-3474 are over 700 clubs and a mem. er-in-law's dough box whose re-/riding"'. jversible lid becomes a kaead-| He stresses that his position jing board, The Society is grate.| * ful to Russell Palmer, 37 Qsh- of ~ |awa boulevard south, who has the Sutdee ers. Mames, made many donations. The lat- Three Cars members took him on a tou of| ost are a three-inch augur for} jour fair city, showing him as drilling holes in fence posts and/ much as they could that would!" -- wie tas metaggd se ; jbe interesting. Besides the gd ohh gio ge = toe yon 0 | e above, Peter was kept' quite the neck and is shaped to the |busy visiting different of Contour of the body. It is large | : jenough to hold a half bushel of} Three cars were involved in a the members homes andi wheat. A lante . janswering a barrage of ques-| ail ble i ood made collision on Ritson road south tions that were always being} 'asinag e by mari Hahn, is an-iat Athol street early today jasked of him about his own W Se ie ens MANOS. One of tte orem jcountry and his club, -- _ Srey base enee| Pasquale Longo ls ~ leaving Oshawa on Mon-|cora planting = lens tedions | os -- >t ay last, he will make his way! eer is ia "idescribed as a tolai jto Montreal via Relleville. SE gar dle lence Hous a this summer will reward ped . The other drivers 'gp eae icitizen of Oshawa, regardless of {20d Johannes Progen og age or interest and give him al' i nya ren Se an link with the fascinating past whose ag Pa tery of this district, mated at $50, siete ss Sharp, 26, of | street, Oshawa, | PUSH DANISH GEAR jestimated at $150. EDMONTON (CP) -- Danish} In a crash on King street tarm implement producers wil]/¢ast_ near Grandview street jpush the sale of specialized Monday x Somorenes | * farm . machinery in Western) No! 96 side- Canada's mixed farming areas,)SWiped a telephone pole, cross Danish consul ~ general J, D./ed the lawn of a house, went Scheel said on a visit here, He through a hedge and struck a Said the firms will concentrate » tree On such areas as the irrigated,, The driver, Frank B vegetable - producing areas of 23, of Phair road, RR 'southern Alberta. awa, and a passenger, lowe Osh- ne q ) j Band Concert Thursday In McLaughlin Bandshell The guest band which will be; In 1949. the band was made ajent conductor, is a man of wide jappearing with the Band of the corporation, registered with the!and varied musical talents. He Ontario Regiment in a concert/Ontario Government as such. is an excelle interpreter of at the McLaughlin Bandshell/It is managed by a committee/musical expression, an accom- Thursday night wil! be Weston composed of president, treasar iplished performer on the piano, Silver Band, which was founded er, secretary, four committee/euphonium and BBb bass in 1921 by the late George/men, bandmaster and assistant! Mr. Mason played euphonium Sainsbury and was then cailed/bandmaster, who except the two and BBb bass with the Coventry Weston Boys' Band. latter mentioned, are elecied to/Salvation. Army Band in. Eng. As the boys grew older, and/office each year at the anaual land, and later with the Coven- outgrew the title "Boys' Band"'/ceneral business meeting try City Brass Band, which is the name was changed to r The band is subsidized by|2 Champion class band in Eng- as it does today, Weston Silvetitaxation of the citizens of the/lish contest circles Band. In today's band there is/Town of Weston, and is the On his arrival in Canada, he still one member of the orig.ual!one municipaily ~ subsidizug/became conductor of the Earls- boys' band. He is Horace Sains-/pand in the Metropolitan Toron-/Court Salvation Army band of bury, son of the originator, and/ig area Toronto, and raised its musical first conductor of the band. He E Standard until it was acclaimed now plays sole horn afid was al one of the finest inthe Salva- one time conductor of the band Army in Canada Five other present day mem has been conductor bers, were members of the ton Silver for three y Boys' Band, alth not mem band to the Ca bers of the origina i of 1921 1 Ex ton can The band has be a unit, for 40 years, exc fo the war years of 1939 . 1943. WELL EXPERIENCED The band has a membership net of 30, and the instrumentation we< is entirely brass, inchiding cor- nets, horns, baritones, trom bones aphoniums, tubas and)in 1959 to percussion n 1960, to win the Wallace D. Mason, the pres-itest for Brass Bands of and-teok the dian Natior i-old daughter Judith was taken ie, Sa to- Oshawa General Hospital with a neck injury, but was later released after treatment. Damage to the first car was estimated at $200 and to the second car a $400, STUDY CONSTITUTION ALGIERS (AP)--A national) discussion of Algeria's pro-| posed constitution. will open this month, the government an nounced, Officials at all levels of government, with represen. 3 of labor, student and agricultural organizations are ite be consulted Howard, 22, of 242 Conant/a car in front of him and an- street, was swearing at PCiother one behind. Their tires Fisk, 24, regi . oo Westbrook and himself, were squealing and he imag- iV were aken 0 snawa e Ares i j " rel) "seh ene ; wre Howard pleaded not guilty to ined his would be as well. ped hago -- rd Were charges of disorderly conduct; Crown Attorney W. Bruce iater released after treatment and of making unnecessary Affleck eed oss a a a og The left rear fender; the . --_---- --jvious convictions agai low: windshield and the complete lard for various: offences, front end of the car were. dam- bed | Magistrate H. W. Jermyn j; Magis s ) aged : , Cites Motto jfound Howard guilty and com. A visitor from the Unite imented: If's not a very goo States, Erwin § Zettlemoyer, | jhistory you have here." 45, of Bethlehem, Pa., was look-/ Th Ee . - Brg . oS re e magistrate d it was for a motel as he was driv- Of Rotaz y not easy to -know how to deal the CNR ov cdg with Howard, He could send at the CNR overpass Monday reiary Lim to prison for six months, There was a, collision' between) Wf a man accepted the Rotary ne pF cd ye not to blame his car _and-another driven by,motto, "Service above Self," the police, as they were only note. gl no roy ys Pelt Ger-'it_ meant that there should be ajdoing their duty and 'imposed i a sabia oe _. |complete change in his outlook/fines of $50 and costs on the Mr fettlemayer's 18-year- on life. said Archie Tumer, of disorderly conduct charge and Cooksville, a past district gov- 04 and -- Fae big aane emer of Rotary District Whi ae: oe when he spoke at a luncheon|!# G&ys fo pay meeting of Oshawa Rotary Club Monday. USING WooD Mr. Turner, who was speak: ORANGEVILLE, Ont, (CP)-- ing on the subject, "Vocational),,. - ; : Service," said that although This town celebrated its 100th progress had been made since anniversary Aug, 15 with an Rotary was founded, there unusual answer to the silver were still many who were sceP-/ commemorative coin of Cobalt, tical about running their busi-/Qnt--A wooden nickel. Orange- s according to the ethics of) yjle Mayor Harry Tideman ex- over Rotary. iplained: "We dont have The president, Murray Mac-)down here but some of our cur leod, presided, and a vot rency is hewn from tough tim- thanks was proposed by "Pgs ancestor cleared years Norton as

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