Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Aug 1963, p. 6

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The Oshawa Fines Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St, &, Oshawa, Ontarie T, L. Wilson, Publisher MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 19632---PAGE ¢ Lock-Twinning Project To Prevent Congestion The federal government intends to win five of the Welland Canal's locks and increase its capacity by about 60 per cent, It is te be a five- year project which will employ between 4,000 and 6,000 men for five winters and four aummera, from the fall of 1964 until 1968, Tk would be a sound decision even if the factor of employment were not a consideration, During the 1961 navigation season of 260 days, an average of four vessels were waiting on each of 162 days to make the canal passage, In 1962, oA each of 194 daya, an average of seven vessels waited for transit, The same trend has continued inte the present shipping season, Rach day of needless waiting costa money ---- money which maat be paid sooner or later hy the con- sumer, here or somewhere else, The delays were considered an important factor im canal operation back in 1960, when the St. Lawrence Sea- way Authority degan engineering stadies for twinning, and last year S20 acres of land were expropriated for the project, Thus the twinning project is sound planning, doth aa a stimulus to employment and to increase the capacity of the canal and forestall the congestion which could become acute, at the present rate of growth, by 1966, When the $500 million Seaway was built, only about $30 million was spent on the Welland Canal, and that for deepening, The Hamil» ton Spectator points out that these costa will become a factor in the disousaion of tolls, The Diefenbaker government suspended Welland Canal tolla, but Transport Minister Meliwraith says they may have te be restored, The Spectator pointa out that when the tolls were sus pended "no great international erisis ensued . . . and it is time to consider re-jnstituing, permanentiy, the traditional toll -- free poliey on the Welland Canal, The canal is a capital asset, ts asefalness should not be impaired by driving Dasinesa away when its capacity 8 to de imoreased," Action On Truce Line Tk may only be coimoidence that ever the past week or ae there have been almost daily clashes along the SSth parallel, the trace Hee wich @ivides South and North Korea, These clashea are being provoked by the Communist North Koreans, who Rave deen sending heavily armed patrols throagh the posta waanned by Americana and South Koreans along the trace fae It may only be colnmeidence that these provocations Aave taker place Im mediately following the aper break between the Soviet Union and the Chinese Reds im the talks held at Meacew to discuss Meolagical dif ferences, and the signing of a Rac lear test ban agreement ay the Sevier Uaion, the United States and Brita. The Khrashcher aGoctrime of "peaceful co-existence" is at the mad af the Sino-Rassian arguement. The Russians say that all-out war iS Ro lORKer Teasonahe propor The Chinese argue Dat Com BRAM Mast be camstaatiy on the offensive, preferably a violent offensive, and that the West, a "paper tiger" would collapse ander attack, Karashchev has responded that the paper Uger has Raclear teeth, bat the Chinese apparently think that, with thelr hage popa- lation and vast land mass, they cond survive a Racker war while the West coald not ta aay case, the North Koreans, mew thoroughly ander the thames ef the Chinese, have been Kicking wp along the trace Hae. They are wet doing 2 simply for fea or for battle experience, Statesmen are anxiously exploring the possible TRASORS The Hhehest explanation seems te be that the Chinese wish to make &@ @emonstration te press Asiak and African QAR --- to show That ther can Rick the Amenioans With- @at getting Kicked pm retara, F's @onbdtial, however, if they will de waach more, Witheat Russian sap- port, the Chimese Graporn Knows 8 tacks a lot of fire Minister's Qualities The tibelations of Pirance Mir- jater Walter Garden Qamag tee first session of the present Parhament reminds veteran poltacal abservera that the Commons can be a harsh place far the political Reqphy te Be waatter how briRant Res atellect ar how extensive A hnowledge The greatly gifted Sidney Swath found that oat -- and 30 Gi the redoal- tare Jack Pickersg??, Gesamte bis years as Mackenzie King's "doin" There ave manr other pitfalls for Q Rew MARS er, SamPly becHAse The Jed of a cabinet master & very @iffioat. The Cammons arena 6 ar added Razard NMiastenal G@ificaltaes were as- qassed recentiy te Pawick Garda Walker, spokewman an foreige ab failvs for tee Labor apposition Brtam's Bouse af Cammens First of al, he id, a minkter grant have an Wrap cansttatoaa and The Oshawa Tunes RS, WARK Paitin: C GOVR CERES Fe We Oeng Toe worming ee Doge rem 4 aN 4 c= SP) wae te fare o> Sietet 5h a meee opie & BAD ORO SDR KoA, RUSS & Pe wow vetoes B © >F BR Meret Pen = Ree SS Be BQ oe i al ie eam Teor, Droeee, werres, PL, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dees ceva mp Dehewm, Whee, oR Bata Bee griq, Bovkim, Poe Pye ogy ae =< Sag, CORR, TognrhmaE tox, EID. a et a ecg, Bega, Buon, Sgro, Sermo Kempe Rog, Beoksmk 2 : Neca, ca me = Powme @ Onto SETS Tlie Ba SLA ae vege Doge we tne > Yew [acer Fe Ue CAPAC TA Sleep al RFR? wRat- ever the trawhies and Uhe @ay, Wahow Uhe OURGTS ---- AaNWO RECeans wet began te cow? "While he's working, I Gan? RRA WOR % OVRPSeR, be HAS Me Hace the copewcety te admanaster ae PRTUAAR? > the capacity te persuade his coleangees and te knew when R&R worth Aghting for something ana when W'S worth giving war." Thea, toe, he had te be able Yo mix well wth AS ooR sappertes A Parhamen aithaat "hooeming ax 2 were Cheap -- a @iffiouRt ting, Praha ante learned de belag mR Park 2. trading ap fram back dvencher to RURATer Me, Gordon Walker strong agreed with Lard Attive s Wiew That &@ Minter shoald pat be aR expert With seokist Rnowledge ef ha @epartiment. A were goed soldier Showkt Ret be IR change af the War OQifikee, mer a vere goed Gactar ie change af the health ministre, The reason for this WN that a minister these Tae qe a, "ya te eam? aed thupk wt Lie Lis a) tea, Wwe BA wen Seats with experts In Mis Gepert. | men. and "experts Qy Gefinit have Vee strane preadices ~ Treve bes te be @ eee te choose be Tween thers, Bible Theught He that soweth te his fled eral ef the fesh map coma -- Galatians 6A ; 'Whe there Bowe higher aim, 1) Than W satis pessoa and PIT, The PeTMPRS are alwars bitter and emg. WV VE THE MAN WITH THE BIG NOSE REPORT FROM U.K. Short-Haul Plane Picks Up Orders By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special Londen Bas) Oenrenpendent Per Tre Qshawa Times LONDON -- Abdoat tare wROMAS age ft Wishkea We aie crak plant ef the British Am crak Carporation at Mara, near Roamemouta, where te Rew ghort-hael ket plane, Te RAC 321, is DeiRS assembled, Al that ine, althoagh the plane dad Bot Yet Been Flown, and the first Broge) Was |AIY BRAT CBRRTIES toa, whe company Aad Ga hand SSX hrm orders fap several Mare Bar company afhcials were can. haem Yat they bad a "vpaer" mm Yee BAC 22), and Mat de fare JaTPe scare Pragactian was srarted, they woeld have many waore ar@ers Ga hand, TAey WETS QPEMighe Mar the man at S orders Prequired f@ recever YOUR HEALTH the @evetapment casts and pat the aperavens On a proftanie Dasis, woald be far exceeded Their optimigm was asahied when ene of the United States Jargest altiines, the Amora Aimawes, Clesea a eal for 13 of these RAC One-Rieven aireralt, ae order which is werk about 942.008.0008. This was the tard, and the = jargeest AWANCAR ender far the plane se far, and hh weledes a wide range of SPATOS MAY BE LARGER Company eficials are Rape tw PR A tae @eal Wha Americ = Air Ss tak bk WOT adboat $122 milion. de @aase This aitiae, the iagest wwlernal Passenger carrier IA the Uned States, is Blapriag te bell? wp a. "dassiap" feet of @# arcrah Care By Diabetic While Travelling & JOSEPR 6 MOLNER, MR Dear Bry. Meleer: Waar ado ASE when wrawayAg? 1 weed @> anpreoate aniermate OR , 9 and hs ae a Qihicek Eadie Ceram Pawevey ar Wie Never de separaied from, vor ». Pant pat 2 dn a se tease Twhk Seceese hagpade Cah or @Geawe@ Carry weer wm Vos CR Poked Qomre shoal' carry 2 a Woe PRI WS A ff twevelag By aeromedie, arr eR A MR The Weak pee COMPATIROR. Bear ef ye <3 @ Ree CR Fake These Boas Yoo bel abd extreme Tea, Preiane eA TIA A Tee same applies coe Nexc pet R @ Ye Peers COM PATTRTR A Q PEFripeyarer Pesala @ees pel Rowrent @e WHS at SPAMATT Pew WIR peretercs, Rway Oe kee. # yee ke, mm Te cold Be TO---pAR af |g TeaRerAret Ama nee ke sietlizaiee @ Medes BRE CUTIRHTS Mee tes colieg "Stem Tes" are Qualls Bt Graz Sears eh@ PesiGee Sana deers, F We wriege & ster. Teeg fees Gear, ae m Re Whe exe Who KOE Be RR wil Tema PECTORIS et 44% 5 ecm 2 aa, Ravine whe PACKS Vee axed Tr peed Wo Cores Catten aad arabe! Yen at Ce. Gam Ra Dares WH Spaces Fee Bala, SUT alee) ane catien, Thay Rec al) Whe ecqnialk a we Package Treeel ths wax, are SPS WO POM T | Gade Dear By, Meer: Yea had a Ree Nes CR ade items WSR aaa sangecteG Yhan she Stat Teakeg ef ad@aatien, hh BS a Gate We we I tad a Bete wes ae Chae Ff RCRA Nregnart We Fam celkedratea gar WA wedding anrweran Mention a? Ar Seccest BgM Trane the epirits and hopes Of a porsar whe Des received Gistressing news MRS, 3.8.0. 1 Deve Keown Of several & Maaces RR which worm dad Dales Seapite haale yreras i ke perceniages--ley's Face i--are we wery gh. The @e Bree A Yer CoN@itien wanes, Too You were lA Ber pers PRAY WAs PAPA, Dal Yrat R was "ceaete" | am, glad yor he@ seceess, Dat FT ale Boek rat Ras GA Pit WarR Pre Pe Teead a Fase Ye Mack hope whick, te lite, war de shaltereg ke @:canpe mio Tre order came after three months of nagetiations berween BAC and the aime company, his RR Mar Fh wil almost cen tealy lead to other substantial orders from North America Meanioned as & potential car tomer is Trans-Canada Ainines, Which is SUR cORSid@ering the One-Bioven as a saccesser te its Reet af Visceents, and which may require wp te 3 RAC 12] aireram. Other @oemestic . ain tres im the Dated States are aise Interested, Se the total er@ers from Canada and the Untea Sates mish reach a figure ih Te Reighderhoad of Sh" Valor NXTY ORDERED Sixty One-Blevens Rave ab ready deen sala aff the drawme board, mare than halt of thom ym Yee Daited Sates. American ALP) Wee RAVES ardered 1% Rranii? Airways 12 and the Mohawk Ainine fer The Fes. completed Gre. Pleven plane KO expected te make its Rest Might i about taree week's tire. Tris will make FR abowm Vw waars abeag ef its aly rival, tee Doagias DCA, wick, BAC aificias Rel i wR Mae wf As Qelals a "cancel" wermien af the One. Biever, Jn addition te Wis Dwe faner advantage af ree wears. te BAC wih cast 89.580.000 WR The HES Tag OH The Daae das DC 9 will de aver Sh.000.000. Se Gearge Rewards, manage we Arecter of the Krish AW crak Canparatian sad "Toe atten we Rave Been act Sasea af Delage toe ate. This FAPONAR ar@ey Aas HoeQ wR Drtaese we Werte carte. We Rear t keep oar Twoxear aa." Work op Be Gee Rew & WOW THT OA A Bee RAC fac tenes at Bara, Rampshire Bihon, Bristel and Eaten, Rea fer@shite.. The order wih alsa wetan a ND wilhon cage arger tr Ye Rolls Revce pam a Dern Gre eed apprars ea Tre ae @? RACs prawerts for a Die sae cess Par the Gee Rives. Shane PROTONS ATO Ql Werk PF wWe Wanted Sates treme 1 srowre a presi@eptial dan @ fhe PED chase af aircra gate he Davee Sates, a a mens of Prereowns Yee Amopcean @ollar BY-GONE DAYS M VYRARS AGO Werk wes Sateee oh De Nora Osrawa Schaal excrercen we Ghana Railway Campa, need ater 3 years" gepwice WHT The CWRPARN ee ef Be Bees achieve. BRENT wl AGENCE -- The mehie teiephene -- arreea am Oshawa whe, W. KR. Reeeett, owner a the Reamert Cancrractien Cage per, Re one @ De ace Pees Wale Pm BA car & Unemmevmen laserance Dems aiice was te Te. we ® Whitey oo Axes ROKR w PHPAWAC THAR mate @y Arther Wiltems WP Fe) Oelame meas GeGerge, Tamteea, River Rese, Bewarg Reem and Reet Gx of Ghee and SIT Wak | PATA CARINE a te @aam Cay Freee Clea eevee wMstreches Prem Cam Warne Peer Preancs and Crre@e Sam @ers Were waeesied ax Raver Ses at Came Same Wek members @ De Sea Rangers wea Ther aicers. Rewer Orew, 3. Rare Rate wea tp Rewer Scat Leader 2 BR aster Chars PATRATIee Be cere General Merers War Veter was Pie Raed wan Rest prve at Yee Greagary Cak@ana Games a Mawike @ Be chee O28, Beer Be oie aoldey WHOROAG @aawe Rawer Oneapcen Waa TR WO PragTess ef Piapeg MP &@ SWOHAR O The Backs & Rag suet cat whee | CATR ee ral apposite Clea Street ARR Tee Ghana "Sk Frence Drake" Ska Cadets Cores =e e@ammed Rer ree weeks af Mle weg Sead, Geer Ray, The Sees mm Change were Liew RR Mewrer@ art Tees. & eS 5, Tave's Ree Of De O@ awa Raeg Poem, Ce wea te Test gece @ Te sean, Seeragmg BW wiles ~ por . Rew hen Ge Sette POR wR Srreetswde. Oma MPN Vet BDaee Tat Naw Wilken Gak serees, Csr wnt a mer at the Sea Reagers, wes ches, micgnate WR 2 grew af W wagers Tem aces Oanada. * We beewetera Raat ee ee ee -- Stary, seer Peer The Peaera) Goreme ae aowecee Bee ase ef a Pate wt Tae Crew, Bat ar ABA TD a Pek eecrencs fom DR WOE RWAIAN AMPA wr WwW 'Sanctimonious Ice-Box' Description Of Canada NEW YORK (CP)--Now per- epectives on Canada have-some from the pen of a Nova Seotia- ~¥A master of Modern art and Nresetire-wand Canadians will find mast of the perspectives anything but flattering, They are included in The Let ters of Wyndham Lewis, a 3 page collection seheduled for btication here in September y New Directions and already published iy Britain by Methuen and Company, Tre contrever: sia! Lewis died in 1957 at the age of H. During his stormy 30 . year edreer, Lewis wrote 40 books of fiction, prilesephy, politica, the: , @FY, Poetry, sociology and ter ary and art criticism, He also won fame as @ painter bul was forced to aban the parotte when he lost his sight in 19)1 Node! prizeavinning poet T. § Biiet once called Lewis "the greatest prose stylist of my eneration," while the Cana jam-bern jterary eritic Hugh Kenner has termed him one of the "shapers ef the Baglish written janguage of our tim," Lewis was never one te hide his opinions ~ and aboul Can. ada, as about most nations, he had apinions of the stroagest kind, "This sanctimonious ice box," was how he desorbed the country in a FM) jetier te the U.S, writer Edmund Wisea Tre letter was written during a foapyear wartime slay in Canada Which saw Lewis ose % poverty and issiated ftem art colleagues and friends. SOLGRT COMMISSIONS He had come to Norta Amen joa i 198 to arpange Painiag eommissions he Roped would cure his f ial @lhowlies, He firt te his ck im the United Sates bal a lack of com missions and tae expiry in IMO ef his visitor's. permit forced Yee British arust and his wife te move to Toronto, There they spent taree years ia a @ingy TWNGORNCS-HOO] Lewis's relationship with Car ada had begun a 18 When © was dora of Ais U.S. father's QUEEN'S PARK yaoht in the harbor of Amherst, N.S, Brought ap chiefly in Brits ain, he burst upon the literary ana artistic scene shortly before the First World War with writ ings and paintings of startling originality, : puree the wee, A waa ap pointed a war artist by a com: mission whieh, wader Lord Beaverbrook, was_ providing tures for the Parliament wildings in Ottawa, As war artist, Lewis was as signed to a Canadian artille wait where he remained unt the armistice, Mig work among the Canadians culminated in a huge oi] painting, Canadian Gua OTTAWA REPORT Pit, now in the National Gab lery, Ottawa When he first went to Toronto in 1940, he thought it a city where he might improve his badly sagging fortunes, But the outlook changed quickly and Canada became for him, as he wrote in 1942, "a small aad backward country where T am a buck and-ahalf off the gutter or flophouse." The year before he had published a book in Toe onto, It had failed to sell and Lewis remarked to a Canadian correspondent: '"T am sure you are better acquainted than Tam with your compatriots' pecutiarities, But rhaps you have not fathomed e depth of their distrust tor anything Canadian . . , And Wis distrust extends to anythag appearing hero... . If you cam Rot break this attitude, you wil never have any more writers or artists Gn Canada)" 'Average' Canadian Revealed By Census PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA--Canada is a cour try of middle-aged married couples whose children have grown wp and left home, Typ teally Wis couple lives in a middiesized community where ere im every four Reighboriag households Aas an immigrant father, and one im every five homes was dallt within the past 10 years, Tre husband is an anisan werkiag im a factory, and Ris schooling ended about Grade six, Te pinpoint this Wwe jeal Canadian couple more e& actiy, by geography and by it come, it could be said that they tive i Sudbary where Papa earns between $1,000 and 94.998 per year That is the composite picture ef Canada's households and families, as painted by our cal lective replies % the questions asked @aring the 198] census Of coarse there is really Re such thing as a "typical" Ca nadian Rowsehold; there could wet be A a coMRITY 90 diversi fied as Canada, But one can Decision On Pay By Outside Body Ry PON OWBRARN TORONTO -- Tree's . 00a SOAS ATYNIONA and COANISoTAe SXORNEMOENT ahoal WMOPAdHTTS Pay Heery e@itenal wrker i te COVAITY aad | PRRs] SEMPA ® sav adonl We O Bes POA SIS.9M a Vea Mast of R was amar Wags: Lack ang WOK O This really ¢ tee Tach, 3 IAT wre arg oA Canada--vxer SWPORAS % AR They wai ROSA has sat Gown and Vrongd what whe Te WeAevayon @? a Paduce Pepre SeNIAUVE PrApENy SRoaa do INDEPENDENT BRODY TMs WW something the WHR Bar PORE W Gs Lame age 1 atee---on ekoen dence Dere--chat there weeld me De Teasaa Hodind The Fe Wadarsoment ef wermbhers of Partiaments yal The Maw Gras WAS PRI BH aP Bate Doge Prdadbky GR a CORRE COWRISOOR CWRCA COR ado Dandie other Pallers SHOR AS TEA TIDAVVR) WHC WHR MO BMMONe BR 2 PANWALES Qrad wy AN " STHNAS NK Bere Ba Than The. oT VOT Tere fer sack a doa ~ ROMAN TA & NOT VICTORIAN There 3S Ws Tease ever, which | woaldd offer Tre wrdoriving Re The TST CUATAVIGR 2 We Pr radio alas BAY BR Gt ACOA Pe WA Dealt HR Make Money Sal of pAke service lesie Free reser ase WR atzemne ere, pointing te Bre UA. where n@ewpaities SHR BI 2K _ a Preikotaker eset R RAW Nei Gey wah Bese ween, Seek wh ah @ us, 1 AK, Tis Me. ca RAs Papen wae, We Wek A We Maer of pay. TODAY IN HISTORY THE CANAAN PRESS 5 R, WR. Tre Unie@ Sere oe Peg Henan wea aw Wi I--aihiey Bone Reqaesied t Ge st by We Raat replic Saee BR te US. ee Dee Rake feat] Feaber a | Be bee Tawa, cake Ge Pads of Ve Panic, ee exeded @ Rs Beg CoRR her Marea a IR Ww dee Came De BY > the thee, hh K Pe PK Seem SAS BHF RlOWAR PEP. CHW war Sate saaateg jew the warian® Ww ware Der 2) wis ef We Paciie Reva, _ TaAAe PM Paw Ware lerg Beste ZACK MA a) @ Canaan Ten WS w BM gee And few, if any Of ws, look ai whe realities, We ignore a CRARMIAT SdOY Today we are essentially @ MIAMe-Qlass Society Whon this precem was estah- hshed ya Victorian Bagiand and dofora, There practically was Re middie class, Retwren the ger try and The workers Where was very Ae Amd woday whe people whe wROst Word Tepreseniatiqn, the mid@le classes, are: Chose whe realy can get Ror ae at east praperly The mon whe woold be adie spokesmen for R sieaply can't altera padlic service Labor gets wel) represented w=fer Rs spokesmen are seas @iee@, Caphal can affera hk = # 2 wants 2. Be Ge widdle DAA There are ether considera Riens asi@e Form pay why Bis B® Gre of Them js that few ecce pavers WE permit ware months Q year Oh-whickh fs adomt The FATRIMAMR %W aTond SoSIONS ere Anmether is Te Ravara of ae feal. A aan das % De PR a Dd ara prepady mR a Rawle posi Ren whore be can pick Wr again ang cary Ga FT Re Roses Dis STAY These and Othaer ITS Shon' be steer cara: SR TOPTEsaniahag Aw ae Wet he Dew RA Une ORAM FT TRasd Wh @ Qed WM hore there chaala De AMPS TORAPRETATIAR Se That hay RTS RR Calieg OR For sao. Oe A weld Doheve Thay dere wis Shoat de a women of S00 & wear, Ste@ry maigh--aang pred ad wWaRR--how Wat R wold be mere CLT The presore S700) & competety garcalstic @educe the features which are representative of the most Aw merous group, And there are many features commen to most parts of the country, despite certain obvious regional varia Vons CHILDREN AT HOME While the greatest number of Canadian hoasehalds accomme date twe persons -- typically husband and wife, this total is exceeded hy the sum of those households sheltering three four, five, six or more persons, Such are nAOrmally hap homes with children, For ¢ whole country, the most com MOR household---afer that lone married couple--has two chib @ren; The Rext mest common has one child. Tis patiorn ap. plies also in Onlano and all provinces westward, Newfound land alone shows the greatest Rmawber of homes with two rib @ren ving with their pareaty and the Maritime prow dees all show mest homes housing a lone couple, with the Rext largest namber housing Wree persons The most frequent occupation @f the household bead is de soribed as "orafisman ensaged wn the production process Or Te lated: worker" of, t use the French - Canadian description, "artisan." This is Tove for every Province, excop? Saskatchewan, Alberta and PECL, im cach of which * farmer" js the mest a@ meres class, "Managerial" is the second largest eccapational greap fer Canada as a whole, The dead of exactly one household jn every. ar is aa Jwmigrant. Bal this rahe varies widely acress Canada, Tr New. foerdiand, oniy ee in 80 is an jwrigrant in PET, one BR: MW Qacdec one --W cide IQ Ontarie and in Sashatohowan early Ore ja Hhree: and In BC. SRSA ore Phan one PR whrea, Mahieg that oar "lmaaigratien eat" province TRE FOUR Rs - We weed ® say that the "Three Rs" are reading, and 'rithenetic. We Rave ha e@mple evidence that these are Mesey asseciatea with a Foard "R"™: whe more we dave af the Mest Yaroa, The mere we can em Peet Of The Porth. That foarth "R" & of case "romamere. Rea." Mere Canadians are ip Be e@acations) grap Peat com Perea Galo Ave or more wears @ eheeremare schon) than aay Other graap. Exceptions are. Neva Sretia, Omane and BRC, ® each of Sich are PROMS ate Nora Soetia, Oarane and B.C. mm cack of whieh prow trees the largest e@ecational groap i these whe completed BRE I Yhroe Wears ef seomndary e@acation, Tee of Phase Bree POVMROS AND PopoTt aaa ae averace Jacemes. Por De whok coartre, Tr Rows a. CSM |TBap Is Chat 3p Bho SR.AW. SRIW® Bracket. Nhat hows ceed fer every province dhe@aaly, excam Gmane and RC, where RS NMSSM ad PR, where 2 BW ont $2008. These are some Of te Dh Res ef Be compredensve staty ef Care@ien feescbelts waa Tamilies Fast completa bp Re CeAS Ges Of Gar Re Tean @ Siatsties Need holiday money? aly BR -- Beer Ts Ban. aro

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