Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1963, p. 8

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People of the Covenant As Abraham sat before his tent one day, three strangers came and he rofreshed them, God revealed to Abraham his purpose of destroying the wicked cities of Sodom and Go» moral ~Cenesialt; 1. Ban Exhibits On Evolution In S. Africa Ry WHSSKL DE ROCK Abraham Given God's Promise | stistit sti Ry N. SPERR JONES atnietly refute God's promise 10 de Klerk hes banned exhibits @n| We continue this week with Abratam that the land: shallline evolution of man from the study af Abraham's life, a belong My his descendants VED Pransvaal Museum here after study whieh aceupies nearly lastingly, for both the Tews and comnlainix from ministers anesthird af the hook af Genesis, At abs | are dexcended fram him Dutch Reformed churches On seven different aecasions The changes in the Names af » a jetter ta the museum's apok \braham regard: Abraham and Saran (ORATOR Oo rgrars he said Uke ENNIDIL are ing His cavenant and promises ti, vet S and 44) both | offensive arge section of a him and his descendants, The velve the addition af The letter the population The display was vst three were in chapters 1 UL one of the radical letters af anty recently completed 12, the second three are in this (he name FHVE, transtated by a \ "ane "aher com week's assignment and the Jehovah, Adam WeANY in) Dutch Reformed is in 2034348 exalted farver" that is, FAUOR nas abels on a sim \fer his battle w rh of a clan op ehief of a ibs Nay exhib Na kings (chapter 14) Abraham, however, means * fl were probably needed Go ' & MAMTEMe," 8 BROAN ae chat Darn ance. Thus Gad te ative af his ature Pale haar "Rat the ehurehes Were He is his shidid, He nations, Sarai vat satistied. Trey arranged Wat Wane FES FEN Me COMEM Hal schoolchildren on conducted t AVSOVAM SAORI HOI he shawna the exhibit SYNOD COMPLAINS \ memorandum al PFESSAT SVOAN i befare a recent s Dur h Refo wea Care the #0 God promixed Abraham (hat he would he the father of a multitude of na liens, but he had no ehildven, Sarah, his wife, finally gave hiny her Egy tian servant, Hagar, wha became the mother of lahmnael co@eonesia 16, 'BIBLE LESSON men there Abraham's aur wi oa VOAPS . a tram as hr pawe Abraham as ™ that ASS MpeS as ay AIA WAS ta 4 t@ make nism Was a is 3 gh r of Hae ginate KnOWR alsa of seOrR ar taura of The GOLDEN WAPIE TEXT t wn Lord Himself earth " ma a AN ® (Ae ard TAY Gea: TAe AY GO # pease WALA abo\ ace of the Devieranamy a eULENE h OPLOSOAs per COR the Sarah became kaners in the country af ha OPA tion Sauth Aby ye. RAINY Duterh, Preach and Ger man stock fre syned's morals ¢ hat the hay Sedam, He \braham wealth, is Abraham's Ag great reward The = reference and 14-15 pF mabiy vears hetweern the birth and the exadus fr Hagar, the maid Abraham had his firs Feyptian, Mast af a nal Mohammedans and Arabians are d@escondan this son, Ishmael He Arabs what Isaac is Hebrews, TRe arigt these Ishmaetites was wilderness of. Parana we pat 1g God, f » whit \ had giv OARX O x Ww WaTREY wm a hapler reacis ia whal at f rst seems ta be a Sivange Way 16 4M) the announcement of a forth aac coming son by Sarah, Alyough SVP he WAS VEryY RAaPAY al the Br whom pect 4a he Way, Ja anelaer and san, was Quite Walural way, Ae Abraham camamietiod. oh rrmaplained ta de theary af evely eanfiic: with Hely Writ jnsisied Adam Was the apeaks 5 man avd hal Man did Ad the origi. Wp i faver of Ishmael, now 13, CUOlVe fram apolike creatures today's and jong presumed to be the "Man Was formed i God's pramised heir he te de) Re ahd there as Re Question merely tassed aside? Paus Ab. Of & gradval change from an raham fre mais lo man" the Memerar nal home ef Adrakam spent most ef dis CUM said ma the tive ia Hebron, 22 miles south! Commented the Johannesburg in the ot Jerusalem Tt is there, wander) SAT: "HE Man really war mage southern part of Canaan aad the oaks of Marre, an Amerite/'® the image of God, all that east of Palestine, ia the land chieftain friend of Abraham, /O*8 be sald without disrespect cued Kier that tRe angels annewnce te/is Mat Uris as proved Re com The land of Canaan das come Abraham the fertacom! img "des tiwment ta Ged wader the domain of bath Jews struction of Sedem and Gomer : and Arads, Aeday, Ts does ROUTAN = KS BIG CROP The world's sugar producers Believer Feels ee ae Love Of Christ HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Ry R, BARCLAY WARREN Question -- Wax da ( rast AAS Rev, NT eee, BA, BB, Mim ater have aa wite te bve a haaly capsecrated 1 God? verses 33 » the pas ¢ ork 'OSU » af fs te Thev first mF os by s ef is s to the te. tae AS Pe a PAY Mr ee Danner eal WIAA? marches Vader ONE The believer feels a need af = Abraham pleaded with God to be lenient if he found just a few worthy God agreed, but could find none, Nevertheless, He sent His angels to reseue Lot and his family, Vat ehureh : ground MANY BRAINWASHED ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture=Genesia 1-14, --_ ht on the Anglican con- te awitehes ronto Monday when Most bia bee of Thadan said Thursday, pace it is difficult to show that By Alfred Buescher is an objective study of religy on," Then kine Genesis 1819, fire and brimstone, destroyin valley, Jord, looked back and became a pillar! Of salle=-Genesis 19:2428, GOLDEN bioslah Deuteronomy nj ael be ge Archbishop of Can: aver. 1} make a statement on missionary strategy discus sions held here this week, The advisory council on hae yen strategy is made up of arch bishops from the 18 Anglican provinces in 75 countries, Moat Rev, Arthur Lightenber. er said "the saying of the sord's Prayer is not necessarily a mark of religious faith," The ruling Was mot "a denial Christian faith, but simply puts I in proper perspective," xine st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcn 611 KING ST. W, INTERM PASTOR -- REV, EARL DOUGLAS PARSONAGE--331 CENTRE STT, PH, 725:1661 7:00 P.M.-DRIVE-IN CHURCH AT LOBLAWS -- SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL TALENT 11:0 AM.--SUNDAY WORSHIP the Lord rained on the cities all the | disobeying the) Lot's wife, 'Church Discusses Korean Problem LONDON, Oat, (CP) = Wide, xpread hunger in South Koreallom in Nigeria, Of/it is Not identified solely with the chureh in North Korea were the white man, and the virtual elimination tovehed upen Thursday by an Angtican bishop attending talks here prior to the Anglican world wongress in Torento The seareily of food in South Korea' is reaching the eritical stage, Rt Rev, 7, C. 8, Daly, Rishon af Korea, said in an iy terview Rishop Daly, expressing the hepe thal if nations gel 16. ve hunger can be ellmin od warned thal unless the nations of the world are willing t@ support the numerous world and national COMMISSIONS set UP to fight starvation affecting mil lions, the sitwation will worsen with population expansion y Daly said that in North Korea "there is no sign fe, above or below shop For 18 years, North Koreans had been "brainwashed Into be coming Communists." Most of the 4,000,000 North Koreans who had fied south "were Christ tians."' He was optimistic Ural. even wally north and south would be waited again, although "it will take a tet of nursing' to de this Ne suggested that "Canada or Ausivatia could lead the way" t yale armistice ip t@ & OMA Korea "are where Australians tremendously admired." THE FAMILY. B18 pict HOUR SUNDAY $30 TO £00 PN CKLB --- DIAL 1350 GRACE LUTHERAN ROAD A WIGHWAY 424 a >» Pew, Nearer Qaern Ava, Aware PARK Re Vay cemerne remem + Raw, Meee ARC ar MnQana? aod Cro cmanrer Laswer Maen their leave te God whe are ia fave sa @ehom' ta wmaake Ure Marmage vows %& jake ta have akh@ Ya RO fear better, fer were, fea cher, far peere ROLE we WOAS Ure fally capsecrated lite Ne Goes Rel want te de a slave » UNO SVODORAADIAg Patterns 7 de woreivwndea bathe WARIS te de transtermed Be Ure POMRAKIAT OF Das FAIRE, 8@ Tat Re may preve Ged's w im WS Sarl =. Valess be is ent © @eveted, De keews De > MISS UNS, Ne meat give all o eo *0 WU Wiss Whe dew | Fer these NO SERVICE THIS WEEK y h DX ave aad ae WIAS SUNDAY SERWICES 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 00 AM DIVINE WORSHIP | WEDNESDAY PAA wool hanes Seeod 32 PN Dive Werehia > AA The dekever Wants te arer 2 Paals erdoriaver eat af sheers [ ~ Wve far Christ. Re alse Ras a -- SOAS OF OAgatiOR fer Re ix RO? o ORS OWA, De fF Dose wh a pice, Finale, te have. Ged's RAM, OO MST give is best a Nearer less Van a Ry cor seevated Be wil @a Re tee goace ef Jewas Chit, each oF aS CAR PTOSOR O@RIetres, Re WAR pattie Gur Dearts aad give . POWOT W Vax Dre wholly hy Lee SBA mrataal lave 'dev Pie@ge wrdver fader te eadr othe anar dar Paw, Peadag ha ce SeCTAMOA, Weta. "D beseech vou Adkeretere, BrEQTeA, BA We mye ets Of Ged WAM Ne plexes TRAE sacaitice y accemabe whe God WARRA Ik Nor reasenadle se mm, And de eR contre Uris werd: dar de PER 2a, we Nir 7:00 P.M PASTOR 4 RAT 10:00 A.M 11:00 A.M, -- * > RON CROSS RETURNS mares bras Ye Back nea ~ Cress OF Yee West Gersnn an " Rece Few ever Brae me Jay et te Re Rape Sace We 'Seeend Wer, Warn Trav were v7 & NATO teats wissen x @ Praise A. Re @ X@ ~ > . A =n. C ithe Wed, 745 Pidie Seaay edi re BYNG ave. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH CARROLL Evangelistic Service SPEAKING, nday Schoo! a> Whee Gui ® Pewee P2.293) | ren and Worship Hh Ni, Al Hadieg speaking v At ea Thenee B® Welker 2 & Stasenade xe N® TOP WRGATS OF Uhe CHG Gas mar -- Ce Xe ? oP Ue may. be 4" 5 CORR WHR UMS Ped We Mean we dead dar chesem Dom De a soidrer 5 Me os Veady Yo marcd Y Ye var watt pode. and march yy, the tye NNER ypaialy he a whak reo CARR eee €--P, Paaned ble ed eekers S a Canvary CINE AND Alaa qr) Ye Feiner om eenhes Nat wwRa the DATO ACR "Minos Peon ery: PHRMA Sherk eR Vharn WR pewreds AK MIO Reve we Ce Re 2.45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL iil Rad AMAL RHO F REN P.M PM-----"2 FOU TESTIMONY OF A BROADOALT Dx PMS DG 12:00 AM COM MA} ber Ne a inc r 7 if ic) cir irate 7:20 PLM "CHRISTIAN DUTY" RPM 2435 AwM SAM TH Ad0- PN atk cseecenees Rey Baptist 9:45 AM,-----SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages, Tuesday 7:30 P.M, == Christ Ambossodors Wednesday 8:00 P.M, == Prayer and Bible Study 'ev, Mich. ! | 7:00 P.M=THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Auguet 10, 1963 7 FREE METHODIST CHURCH 17 Erie St, Rev, W, A, MeMillon, Paster Diol 725-3872 9:00 A. Men' The ia And Life Hour' == 900 on your Radio Dial, 10:00 A.Mi==SUNDAY wren FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.MMORNING WORSHIP. * * ALSO AT 1042 ROERAND RD, W, 9:48 A.Mi==SUNDA 11:00 A WORSHIP RVICE pb vchdar td WILL BE raed Loess he Baha'i i World Faith Truth has once again risen in the East, From: the far horizon of Persia its radiance is] spreading far and wide, dispersing the dense. clouds of superstition, . Poris Talks by Abdul Bahe .| For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'! COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph, 725-7578 + COME AND HEAR THIS OLD TIME PENTECOSTAL PREACHER oem se Christianity also has a prob the Anglican ROBE ee Say RTE ERE RE TIS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH = @4 COLBORNE ST, EAST Rt, Rev, Solomon 0, Odutola said in an interview; "Kor over 100 years we were under the tu telage of the white man and the effect can not go away in three years," PAYS TRIBUTK The Nigerian bishop added thay his Country's government is "iN OMe Sense a tribute to Chris Vianity, since 88 per cent of the people to whom. power was given Were pr oducts of mission schools," The presiding bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Caureh in the United States said the re con Supreme Court ruling against th reading of the Lord's Prayer in public schoo! « ayyes "Ray opened the way SIMGQ§ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 Simeoe St. S, Pastor; REV, R, A, BOMBAY SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. REV, WILLIAM BOWLER HOLIDAY VISITORS WELCOMED! Branch of The Mother Chureh, The First Church ef Chriet Selentiat Wn Boston, Massechusette, SUNDAY SCHOOL --= 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M, "Srikit: WED, SERVICE (includes Testimonies) 8 PLM, READING ROOM HOURS Tuesday end Thursday 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m, Excepting Holidays pLoor smReeT | s.r" BAPTIST CHURCH |} Stine tent 135 Hormony Re, South Fo, beet caren et Marware 8 on Postor Wm, Lewis churn ee Chueh of the "Back to CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS € Gea Nour" every Sunday, &1S pm, CRUE seaain >" sy 38 REV, JOHN VAN HARMELEN 7:00 P.M, REV, JOHN VAN HARMELEN 9:43 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:00 AM "THE LOST SHEEP" You ore invited RECTOR: THE VEN, 1, B, CLEVERDON ~-- PHONE 723-3793 Awntent: Tre Rev, J, DB. Osborne »= one 728-0732 -- OFCE ™ DRAB 8 00 rf M A--HOLY COMMUNION - 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER SERMON-----""THE RECTOR" NO EVENING SERVICE TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY SUNDAY, AUG 11 10} $=-OPEN AIR DOB AM HOLINESS MEETING ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CINTRE $73, REV, FG. ONGLEY MA, == Rector SUNDAY, AUGUST VIth--TRINITY 1X 2:00 PM HN NDAY SCHOOL 6:1 5S--OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH 7:00 PN SERVICES 8:30 A.M, -- 11:00 A.M, -- 7:00 P.M. Nursery Faciinies available et 11:00 a.m, Serve Thursdoy, August 1Sth--Holy Communion 10.00 a.m THE RECTOR THE CHURCH OF TRE ROLY TRINITY Corer Court & Barrie SALVATION MELTING 2:20 TURSDAY HOME LEAGUE &:00 PM, WEDNESDAY Prayer ond Bidle Study "A WE.COME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" RECTORY UR Poy pay 72RPOD. REV, LM. WARE SERVICES "ROLY EUCHARIST" August a 9:30 A.M- No Evensong July THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S WNSSE ST. NORTH Rowand Ra. W, at Nevgen KING ST. &. & WILSON ow Veva fem Keg) Ree, BD A. P. Alen, MA, TCD. Nae MTR, pias tonnpenie hel REY, DR, SINCLAIR, BA. D. R SINQAR, BA ~--_o" Crar Drevion Ne. Pee Uriew WuARe Drevtee Wer WenPee Gwuknurn, ALC m | Prarie Winn Jean ae Sewiey = Tees No, Prevk Walter, Deanat and Crovmanter RY we 9.39 AM, MORNING WORSHIP REV_ DR, SINQLATR 11.20 AM MORNING WORSHIP SPEAKER AAR, DAVID SAVAGE 4S Crrcr Seoevi Boe Cem ord Aduh Sry Gow | 12:88 AM MAORNING WORM REV, DB R SINCLAIR AN Cartiaiy novia, Cheery Ste Dewees) nee 2 RE SS RR TE em Pees 2) Tepgwiee! Ragtan Orocrea te. Poak Wote FIRST NORTHMINSTER OR AAR yn 22 4 AM MORNING WORSHIP AROALD HOORTR ND ALY NESSIAN" CONVERTED JEW AR CAR RADO ~-- ALT STUDY AND PRAY ER SAT, BQD PM--FRANVTR NETTING EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corman at Trapgaline and! Puillin Maney RRL WADE NING STORK, WARM ERNEST WINTER BAPTIST CHURCH REV, PRANK SWRORRAWMER, BA, ee Seren SATE, 5. SU UNITED CHURCH REV, B. MELLOW, BA. DOR, 2. ROBERTSON, ARC. COMBINED SERVICES REV. HA. MELLOW B.A, MINISTER IN CHARGE 11:00 A.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 'term et Glernwand) August Vth, SERMON: WORSHIPPING 7:00 P.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MIR, 3. WD, LEWES, BSA. Gradient Minister Bloor Baptist) m change ot Evening Services Survier Chath erg Nursery for tre Morning Waship_, Centre Street - Westmount United Churches COMBINED SERVICES OF WORSHIP DURING AUGUST SUNDAY 11:00 A.M, PLACE OF WORSHIP CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH EVERYONE CORDIALLY INVITED St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS MINISTER: REV, JOHN R. LENG, MC, BA,, 8.0,, B.D, . Orgeniat end Choirmoster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, AT.CM, COMBINED SERVICES DURING AUGUST AND FIRST SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, JOKN K. MOFFAT, B.A, MINISTER 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 18:00 AM, -- Nursery, Beginners end Primary Sunday School Albert Street United Church 'Albert St. end Olive Ave) REV, ALBERT E. LARKE, Minister Orgoniae-Choirleaders Mn C. A, NAYLOR, ATLCM RAT, 11:00 A.M--PUBLIC WORSHIP MR. JAMES YOUNG UITTUE CHILDREN CARED FOR M2 NURSERY, The Sunday Schoo! will NOT meet agein through the surerer, Sunday, Seprember Sth will de the date for reawemdly SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church an the heart of the city with the World on its heart, MINISTER: REV, JOHN K, MOFFAT, BA, Director of Maric: Mir, R. G. Geen, LT.CM, 11:00 AM, "THE ULTIMATE TRUTH" SECOND IN A SUMMER SERIES "OCEAN WITHOUT SHORE" The Minister will preach The congregation of St. Andrew's will join in the warship. SUNDAY SCHOOL. VAD AM--Doporrments for all children up te 8 yeas. King St. Buited Church Wy, Beware White, Stugent Asiwant wr, Rnyeda Willtena Crom Director ana Ogenst BROADCAST OVER CRUE AT 1200 AM, 10:60 AM. ee 3 iS NO FREEDOM WITHOUT »_..* 38h B; 1232 Junior Congregation 10:00 am. Guest Salvi: MISS LEAH GARROW Gelecred) Aree A Welcere For AN AT Tre Prenty Family. Cron.

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