so Fae ge Ae ba ae ee on RE NT Te EEN ET Ow PA ee bishop of Thadan said Thureday,| Spotlight an the Angiican can aince it is difficult ta show thatiference switches 0 Torente for an abjective study of relig:/Monday when Most Rev, Mieh ion," ael Ramsey, Archbishop of Can: Most Rev, Arthur Lightenber.|terbury, will make a statement ger said "the saying of thejon missionary strategy discus: Lord's Prayer is not necessarily/sions held here this week, The a mark of religious faith,' The| advisory council on missionary! ruling was mot 'a denial ot strategy is made up of arch Christian faith, but simply puta/bishops from the 18 Anglican it in proper perspective," pravinces in 74 countries, necmcreraneetmmenmeimretnermssncenly cae THE QAHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 10, 1969 7 FREE METHODIST CHURCH \? Erie Si, Rev, W. A, MeMillan, Paster Dial 725.9873 9100 AMom'"The Light And Life Hour' == 900 en your : Radie Dial, 10:00 A.\M.eeSUNBAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.e=MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.» THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Ry Alfred Buescher ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Seripture--Genesis 12-14, ' il | KING $7, PENTECOST AL CHURCH 611 KING ST, W, "INTERM: PASTOR »» REV, EARL DOUGLAS PARSONAGE--331 CENTRE STT, PH, 725:1641 7:00 P.M.-DRIVE-IN CHURCH AT LOBLAWS --- SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL TALENT 11:0 AM.--SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45 A.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages, ALSO AT 1042 ROSSLAND RD, W, 9:48 A.MimeSUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.MineWORSHIP SERVICE EVERYONE WILL BE WARMLY WELCOMED The Baha'i World Faith Truth has once again risen in the East, From the far horizon of Persia its radiance is spreading far and wide, dispersing the dense clouds of superstition, Then the Lord rained on the cities fire and brimstane, destroying all the valley, Lat's wile, disobeying the Lard, looked back and bécame a pillar Of sall.--Genesis 10:24:28, GOLDEN TEXT; Deuteranamy 7:4, Abraham pleaded with God to be lenient.if he found just a few warthy men there, God agreed, 'but could find none. Nevertheless, He sent His angels to rescue Lot and his family, Abraham's kin,---Genesis 18-19, God promised Abraham thal he would he the father of a multitude of na- tions, but he had no children, Sarah, his wife, finally gave him her Egyp- tian servant, Hagar, who became the mother of Ishmael.---Genesis 16, Church Discusses Korean Problem _ | swiss = rs ent ti so BE St Batten COME AND HEAR THIS OLD TIME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PENTECOSTAL PREACHER FIRST CHURCH we 44 COLBORNE ST, EAST = Branch ef The Mather Chureh, The Firat Chureh ef Chriat delentiat i Bow Massachusetta, Paris Talks by Abdul Behe . For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'| COMMUNITY PAS FSTA LONDON, Ont, (CP) = Wide, Christianity also has a pred spread hunger in South Korea lem in Nigeria, the Anglican and the virtual elimination of/it is not identified solely with the church in North Kerea were the white man touched upon Thursday by an Rt Rev, Solaman 0 Anglican bishop attending talks said in an interview the Transvaal core Odulola : SUNDAY SCHOOL == 11:00 AM, 'Rar aver in chapters | ih of father! camplaints fram ministers Dutch Reformed churches In a letter ta the museum's curators he said the exhibits are offensive ta a large seetion of the population, The display was only recently campleted Ten YOars afler com ts from the age ain Duteh ehurc abels an a simi lar exhibit in the Transvaal Mu seum were changed ta make Reformed ated was a here prior ta the Anglican world cangress in Toranta The seareity of food in South Korea is reaching the critical stage, Rt- Rev, J. C. S, Daly, Rishap af Korea, said in an in terview Rishep Daly, expressing the hape that "if nations get ta. gather, hunger can be elimin: warned that unless the 100 years we were under the tu: telage of the white man and the effect can nat go away in three years," PAYS TRIBUTE The Nigerian bishop added that his country's government is 'in One sense a tribute ta Chris: tianity, since &@ per cent af the people ia whom pawer was given Were products of mission IMG95 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 Simcoe St, §, 10:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL Pastor, REV, RL A SUNDAY BOMBAY SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 AM, "OPiRit" WED, SERVICE (includes Testimonies) @ P.M READING ROOM HOURS Tuesday and Thursday 12 Noon to 2:00 p.m, Lacepting Melideys HEBRON and ZION Chvistion Retarmed Churches af Oshawa One beck perth af Righwer 2 on Twiekion Ad, end you ae the enurent Chueh of the "Rack ta Ged bauer every Sunday, &iS am, CRLS SUNDAY, JULY 28 1200 A.M REV, JOMN VAN HARMELEN 700 PM REV, JOHN VAN RARMELEN nations of the world are willing to support the numeraus werld and national commissions set up Pp ta fight starvation affecting mil liens, the situation will worsen with population expansian against th reading ef the Rishon Daly said that i Lord's Prayer in public school © North Korea 'there is no Sigh ec asses' "has opened the way Vat church life, above ar below ground Z MANY RBRAINWASHED For 1@ vears, North Koreans had been "brainwashed into be aming Communists." Mast of the 4,000,008 North Koreans wha had fied south "were Christ tians." He was optimistic that even tually north and south would he united again, although "it will take a let of nursing" te do this He suggested that "Canada or Ausivatia could lead the way" ele armistice in Darwinism theary churches were vat satisfied They arranged hat schaaichildren an canducted ad not schools," The presiding bishap of the retestant Episcapal Church in the United States said the re cont Supreme Court ruling clear 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M, REV, WILLIAM BOWLER HOLIDAY VISITORS WELCOMED! af refreshed them. God revealed ta morrah,--Genesisi&:1,21 In $. Africa j nd. Alri God's Promise ; (AP)--Edueation Minister Jan our study of Abraham's life, a belong to his descendants ever Museum here after On seven different accasions The changes in the names at to-him and his descendants. The volve the addition of the letter week's assignment, and the la is. as Jehovah. Abram. means kings (chapter 14), Abraham Abraham, however, means' 'a * He is his shield, He also imp yatay natians, Sarai \s Abraham sat before his tent one Abraham his purpose of destroying 'BIBLE LESSON Ban Exhibits | enema j | Ry WESSEL DE KOCK | Ry N, SPEER JONES strietly refute God's promise 1 go Klerk has banned exhibits on study which aceupies nearly lastingly, for both the Tews and ir God spoke ta Abraham. regard: Abraham and Sarah (chapter first three were H, one of the radical letters of is in 22:15-18 exalted father' that Is probably needed 'Gied's reassur- ther of a multitude a. mean that while men might scorn hir the conten day, three strangers came and he the wicked cities of Sodam and Go: : On Evolution Abraham Given | PRETORIA, South Africa We continue this week with Abraham that the land shall evalution of man fram the one-third of the book of Genesis, Arabs are descended from him ing His eovenant and promises 17, verses 4 and 14) both in 13, the second three are in he name JHVH, translated by Afer his battle with powerfu a clan ar chief of a tribes] ance. Thus God tells him that ing indicative of his future rol BLOOR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 13S Mearmeny Re. South Pastor Wm. Lewis tour vf the museum sho be shown the exh "Fo SYNOD. COMPLAINS Lord thy God hath chose hee to be a speci e unte . mehie Seer POSE evaintian disp at befare a fen \ Duteh Reformed Church nist GOLDEN A b hou art an hats nan Himself, earth," above a Deuteronomy 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:00 AM "TRE LOST SHEEP' You are invited having th pres Sodom, He, God, f Abraham had ¢ wealth, is Abraham's ing great reward The reference and 4 years between the and the exodus from Egyp Hagar, the maid by whom Abraham had his first son, was quit Egyptian, Most of all the origi. & avoar Ishmael, naw 13 nal Mohammedans and today's and long presumed | Arabians are descendanis of promised air; is. he this son, Ishmael. He is to the merely tossed aside? Thy Arabs what Isaac is ta the raham frets Hebrews. The original home of Abraham spent mast these Ishmaelites was in the life in Hebron, 22 miles sou wilderness of Paran, in the of Jerusalem, It is there, under; southern part anaan and the oaks of Mamre, an Amorite age east of Palestine, in the land chieftain friend of Abraham,)°a8 de said without disrespect called Edom. that the angels announce tojis that this has. proved Ro com The land of Canaan has come Abraham the forthcoming de. pliment to God." under the domain ef both Jews struction of Sodam aad Gomer and Arabs today. This does notirah IS BIG CROP ix ne The world's sugar producers 38.000, 000 Believer Feels 9 ==-- Love Of Chris SALVATION MEETING HARMONY Ry R, BARCLAY WARREN GRACE sa Weeds UNITED CHURCH LUTHERAN HOME LEAGUE Rev. NF oo BA. OD a0 wane on + se pig Hoag as ats , e Rosa Metcalt A R ee M Re tie -- Hens! for h . a Noniater PARK ROAR A MIGHWAY 40) ° . Organist end Cheitimaster consecrated ta Gar The believer feels a need a ° _-- hha Answer -- Mainty their leve ta God ame of na for nat as," as Sarah he caer CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN, MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS THE VEN, HB CLEVERDON == PHONE 229-3795 The Rev B. Qaberne Prone 728-0722 CHURCH OFFICE VEL, 728-028) OPW ALAR s> Mainiy Dutch gp RAN stock The = synod's pub marais Kierk that the anfliet he ven if fi hans In verse I @ \braham reacts in whal al first » be a strange way {0 s presumably the 400 the announcement of a forth eming son by Sarah, Alhough was very happy at the p ; ane way, in anether.and natural way, he speaks h and Ger hapter and COMINISSEO an Centre Street - Westmount United Churches COMBINED SERVICES OF WORSHIP DURING AUGUST SUNDAY 11:00 A.M, LACE OF WORSHIP CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH EVERVONE CORDIALLY INVITED St Andrews United Church SIMCOE SOUT AND BRUCE STREETS MINISTER: REV, JOIN R, LENG MC. BA. BO. BB OCeganiat and Cheirmasten MR, KELVIN JAMES, AT.C.M, COMBINED SERVICES DURING AUGUST AND FIRST SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER IN SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, JORN K. MOFFAT, B.A., MINISTER 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP 18:00 AM, <= Nussens, Begivnera end Primeny Sunday Sebeot Albert Street United Church (Albert St. and Otive Ave) REV, ALBERT & LARKE Minister Orgenist-Choivteedan Mua, C A, NAYROR, ATC. Me RMT » seems TOR Auten? REC € TO SERVE GOD! SUNDAY SUNDAY, AUG 1) camplained ta d theary af tion with Halvy They: insisted Adam was first. man and that. man did evaive fram apelik reatures "Man was formed in , image and there is Ro question 'of a gradual change mals man the Kares dum said tremendously admired," Commented the Johanaesburg } Stat if man made n the imag that evaty Writ the nat birt ras "HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.:M.--MORNING PRAYER SERMON THE RECTOR" NO EVENING SERVICE of trod ta a OOF TrOm alt . memorat where Austratians "are 10; }S--OPEN AiR i to OAM HOLINESS MEETING LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE wou" SUNDAY 20 FO £200 BM 615 DIAL 1350 of . af 2:00 PA SUNDAY SCHOOL ST, GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS, REV. F. G ONGLEY MA, == Rector SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th---TRINITY IX SERVICES 8:30 A.M, = 11:00 A.M. = 7:00 P.M, Nursery Facilities eveitable at tt O00 om. Senwe Thursday, August 15th---Holy Communion 10 00 a.m FHE RECTOR OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH P20 P.M > PM eve WEONESOAY with end Bible Study under envy, the banner 6 THE CHURCH OF THE WOLY TRINITY ar Couct & Borie "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" ¢ living the fully consecrated life » He does not want to be a slave to the ever-changing patterns of he woridiy-minded but he 4 wants te be transfarmed by the remaking of his ming, sea that hx may prave Ged's will in Ais ving. Uniess he evated, Re kn SUNDAY SERVICES 245 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M DIVINE WORSHIP DAY NO SERVICE THIS WEEK RECTORY QE POR who are toa make the "take to hette far poars in marriage REV. &. Mo WARE have 2 a Moior & Mra fred Corps Officers t 233 Simcoe South . ee ere THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA i ST. PAUL'S KING ST. & & WILSON FR OB A BR Alen MA BC j At aiaten. 443 Bexeniay we 7204004 Me, Brom Welter, Orqamiat end Chanmanter for richer and in cherish, t Se the SERVICES "HOLY EUCHARIST" August Is entire * u i" Say WEDNES >A 9:30 AM No Evensong July WS health : w @ Worsh Paul's exhortatio: far Christ eut af sheer; ave e alsa has 11:00 A.M.---PUBLIC WORSHIP MR. JAMES YOUNG LITTLE ChORDREN CARED FOR WN NUASTRY The Swedew School will NOT meet age trough the ayerrer SUAder, Seprermder Srh wo! Be the date fer reassemdiy -- SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 42200 AM, Tine Counc by the beard of the city with the Wenkd on ite Beart, this world: but be ye the We oa se a : ae : S | MINISTER: REV, JON K MOFFAT, BA, Sind. Woah ye mae pres chat ne force, few over Britain im day wee pelea. ' MORNING MORNING Director of Nivaler Nin RG, Gren, KTM, afin: Eelam -- WORSHIP WORSHIP that good. ar ta aS cond We id SPEAKER NATO training NO TOP WHRIGHTS DAVID SAVAGE 4) CALNK. Re sense af ab gation far he = AO > MS OwR;:, he is bought ahi tices oe' urinates Soe] BYNG AVE, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH mutual love they 2 age we at, he on ee th pth : : RV. GA. CARROLL, Pos : \ KNOX fidelity to each other. It is a Mag less than a fully con] Res 728-4406 28-299 SIMCOE ST. NORTH happy day do, By th - (Pout dincka fom King Paul, ple , } 3 each © aa secration, w ' 3s ourselves, He 7:00 P.M. -- Evange therefore, bre mer hearts aad give ey cies of God ve wholly for PA your bodies holy, . acceptable waic your rea ch i And be not ST, LUKE'S Roasiend Ra, Wo et Nipgen Norv aher RE DB RB DNCLA, BA Crain Disectens Ma Bread Vesbow Pianist Mia Doom Wer baterinn-Modarater D. R SINCLAIR, BA Nba Durec tor Matthew Gouldbyan, Service PEAKING ste REY OR AAs ALC. 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School TRON CRees RE RNS 11:00 AM .. Denice end Warch " 2:30 AM anes bear 12:00 AM "THE ULTIMATE TRUTH" SECOND WN A SUMMER SERIES "OCEAN WITHOUT SHORE" Fhe Nimsner MAR -Rgland wENQEN NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH REY, B MELLOW, BA. MR, 2. ROBERTSON, ARC. Vi GQ WO 'Gad pay antent wit He is Caivary Baptist tions fixed by hath chosen him ta be a seldie He is ready to march without pride CENTRE AND JOHN STRE Feiinwanh@ of Evongelice! Baptar Cr, m Conrade Rev. Enoast wilt preggs The congreeation of St Andrew's wil! join in the ru GaN SUNDAY SCHOOL BRO AM --Deportorents for olf cvAdres vm to 8 yeors -* ointment ruadhts Sanemneaie * King St. Buited Church LB KUNG STREET FAST REX: & WESAEY RERRGRT Ahriaten hor. Eqpeard Wine, Student Aawarenn Ate, Roxaetih Wihama Crap Dreier end Qigana ~~ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV, N. PRANK SWACKRAMMER, BA, MISS JUDITH DAVISON, B MUS. m the var and march Pastor Wonter COMBINED SERVICES REV. HA, MELLOW B.A. MINISTER IN CHARGE 11:00 A.M. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH i Hote of Gieracod? August 11th, SERMON: WORSHIPPING 7:00 P.M, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MR. J. WD. LEWIS, BSA Student Minister Bloor Baptist) charac of tween, QP, 5 i. VQS OF Cverung Merwe WIRITTER REV CE FREEMAR remem +a 11:00 A.M--MORNING WORSHI! 245AM = SUNDAY SCHOOL HAROLD HOOPER REX 00 PM--"t FOUND MY MESS A | TESTIMONY OF A CONVERTED J BROADCAST OVER CKLE RADIO -- BROADCAST OVER CHAR AT 22:00 AM OOO AN THERE IS NO FREEDOM WITHOUT . .. Inde & ABI Jumion Congregation 10.00 @ WIGS LEAR GARRON Selec red 11:00 A IT N "THE COMMITTED LIF , E | > 5 PM ---BIBLE DY AND PRAYER o PM~--PRAYER MEET NG oo en | EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTIAN DUTY" | co arr mor of Evangeline ond Pe > Mureoy Caaesh. Sovievad & Niweseny for tre Monn > ose <oxm, "A Welcome fon A AN The Tard Tarn Coren