Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1963, p. 5

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= WHITBY And DISTRI Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Pays Rotary A recent visitor of Whitby's; Tel. 668-3703 SPECIAL ROTAR' trict governor, Governor Day was here on the annua nspection tour of the #8 clubs in district 707. He met with ova Rot. Bob Callins Whitby Rotary comes an honored Robert FE, Day, Rotary dis MANN CUP FEVER president of the Club we visitor Tonight Determines Ist. Place Winners BY CLIFF GORDON The biggest drawing card of the year will take place at the Brooklin arena tonight as Brook n will play host to the St, Cath- erines Athletics in the battle down to the wire for first place n the OLA senior circuit At the moment the St. Cath. arines team hold a slight two- point edge adver the Brooklin team for the top rung. However, a win worth two points to the Brooklin team would force a tie for the top rung, It then would be decided -- on a goals for and against av- erage and Brooklin would have a slight edge in this regard. St. Catharines have given the Brooklin team plenty of trouble all year, They are fast, they have fellows who can really hit, but most of all they have some fellows who are very deadly around the goal. Some of the fellows who bear GLEN LOTTON Y GUEST ™ ds the fact that the seventh and) Wayne Rotary Club was District Gov.! ernor Robert E, Day here on the first leg of an inspection! tour of the 48 clubs in district} 707, Governor Day spoke to the iocal Rotarians ay a luncheon 'meeting and then met with the jexecutive in the evening to dis. Cuss a program for the next 12 {months. |. At the luncheon he told mem bers of the International As sembly at Lake Placid. "I did learn one thing," he said," that each individual Rotarian, no matter how large his club or how small, has a contribution to make, if only given the op. portunity," "Don't wait until you are ask ed to serve on a committee," he CT | District Governor Visit continue, "you know where your interes(s lie, just speak up and before you know it, you will be helping Rotary more than you think." 'The seed you plant, no matter how small, can de. velop into a worthy project." In his talk the Governor sug. gested that the Whitby Club might form an Interact Club, These, he said, are clubs com- posed of young men in the last three years of high school, The ideal being to encourage stud. ents, who show leadership and academic. qualities, in serving) their community for the bene:| fit of all Mr. Day, who is president of Bulova Watch Company, Toron. fo will continue his reigorous} tour of the 48 clubs and plans to Visit Oshawa Rotarians in the! future Siam Pupils 150 Attend | "aol Hold Recital At Port Perry | BY MRS, CHAS, H, REESOR | PORT PERRY The pupils of Miss Jean Bright gave a de monstration of their skill recen tly, when their annual recita was held in the Port Perry High School Auditorium Those takMg part Balle lap, Jazz, Ballroom and Bator Twirling were from Port Perry Blackstock; Caesarea, Sunder and and Uxbridge The stage was nicely decora ed for the different senes, Gor ion Thomas, of Port Perry, act ed as Master of Ceremonies Miss Joan Bennett, was the guest soloist with her mother accompanying on the piano Miss Rosemary Nodwell, who has won numerous awards for her splended bagpipe playing 2 a solo and also accom the dancers who perfor: led by arians this week to discuss the program of service pro jects the 'club has planned for the next session Oshawa Times Photo ga yanied ned the highland fling, Miss Elizabeth Nodweil The special guest for the ev ening was Ron Kipas, of Toron " to who gave an outstanding per to either of these tWO/ formance in tap and baton, Mr It gives them the first) Kanos is The Canadian National me in the semi-finals and the Boys Baton Twirling Champion a home game if the series \giss Bright. the dance in the distance, But more im. cructor a member of Th ant. than ever, the. sameiCanadian Dance Teachers' As thing applies for the finals, So sociation and The National Bat you can that this one toon Twirling Association, and night, is a real do-or-die affair' she is planning to take a sum for both clubs mer course in Ballet, Tap and This will be the closest thing Jazz you will see to Mann cup action) The without it being the real thing, Came from Uxbridge, Sunder St. Catharines have let it be/'and; Blackstock; Leaskdale;| known that they want that top andforSd; Port Hope, Oshawa; | rung in the worst way. But, | Whitby; Myrtle; Manchester; | Brooklin with their hard work-| Caesarea; Toronto; Stouffville; | ing coach, Jim Cherry, are just oneerese and Port Perry. as determined to get it and are| The dancers taking part were Dariene Steward; Darlene going all out tonight to prove Lyons: tian Weblens 3 that it belongs to them yons; Pauline Kehloe; - Judy Coppins; Paul Morrison; Erin enghth to the Brooklin team first place finish is a big is see crowd in attendance One thing that is sticking in) Monahan; Wendy Monahan; Jillithe UCW met at the home of/fathers ages Catherwood; |Miss Susan Laird recently, Part|Union, so there is disparity oF Debbie of the program was a tour ofthe distaff side the crops of the Brooklin team) Bradbury Lyn Catherwood; winning goal of the game at St.| Miller: Brenda Taylor; John Catharines Monday night was B Shower At Balsam BY MRS, LORNE JONES BALSAM and MT, ZION -- A nial of 150 persons attended a niscellaneous shower held on he lawn recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilson for their daughter Anna and Car! Arnold prior to -their mariage on August 10 th The couple sat on a love seat decorated above with streamers and a watering can containing confetti \ humorous reading was com yosed and read by Mrs, Jack Empringham on the bride's and bridegroom's life. Those attending a beautifu wedding recently in the Whitby, United Church for Miss Marilyn) Tripp and Mr, Lorne Disney! were Mr, and Mrs, Earl Disney] and family, Mrs, Frank Disney, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Disney.| Sheila and Ivan, Mr. and Mrs.| Murray Jones, Mrs, Lorne Jones/ Doreen and Ronald, and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Fiss Mr, and Mrs. Winton White were entertained on Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Howard Malcom in honor of Mr, White's 75 birthday. Maple Grove Church Group Tours Garden BY MRS. HARRY FREEMAN, MAPLE GROVE -- Unit 1 of Susan's beautiful flower gardens was ol shook \cause proper." The true story illustrates the gulf between generations as they talk of a clash between and sons in the Soviet 13, of Lee were Scouts Lloyd Morden Bill Kinsale members Greenwood and left, 13, of among three of the First Greenwood Boy Scout Troop who are lucky to be alive today, With their pal, Scout Hal Pegg, 15, the two had established a camp The role of women in the Soviet Union, where equal- ity of the sexes is an obvi- ous reality, is discussed in this story by a Canadian Press reporter who has spent a month travelling in the country. ALAN HARVEY By MOS OW (CP)--Two gnarled black shawls and leaning on wooden sticks cow's biggest department store looking at a display of modern fashions d swathed in women stood in front of nudged the other her head One Pibetast-caid, cllgupiasdliees THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 10, 1963 § LUCKY TO BE ALIVE Mos: and "We wouldn't dress like that it wouldn't It looks as trying to now because we are too old and we wouldn't have dressed like that when we were young be- have been Just though younger escape chell Lake area, The boys were knocked out after the tree was hit and Pegg 'sprained his ankle on the way back to a camp occu pied by the boys' parents. Eight Scouts and two lead- ers were at the camp. --Photo Courtesy Ralph Lee site near a tree which was struck by lightning during a thunder-hale storm last weekend, The Scouts were sleeping in a ,tent six feet away from an 28-inch dia- meter tree which was struck by lightning during one of the worst storms in the Mit- Mrs. In Norlisk, beyond the Arcticjabout women, British author circle, the chief architect is aj/Wright Miller said Soviet woman, Larisa Nazarova, 'women attract by a "promised Three-quarters of all doctors|sweetness rather than by flaunt- are women; 70 per cent ofjing external charms." teachers, Troubled by a stom-) Only in the last few years ach ailment, I visited a free have clinches become accepted clinic, was admitted without|Soviet screen fare; only re- waiting and was briskly exam.|cently has 'there been much ined by a capable -looking,|demonstrativeness in public. broad-shouldered woman who/Couples now hold hands in exchanged deadpan jokes with/parks and cuddle in taxis, but me through an interpreter. | Role Of Soviet Women: Reviewed By Reporter a British official tells of seeing an elderly woman spit on the WOMEN TEND PARKS sidewalk when Men accept women on the job] woman without self-consciousness, _in- ence, deed with real comradeship. | The puritan cruising out of Moscow afford coveted privacy, "Nobody takes a river boat just for the view," one wise, crack has it, A New Zealand girl, making her first cruise with a Canadian schoolteacher friend, was surprised to find the dining room empty, They ate a solitary meal, ABORTIONS LEGAL : As a people, the Soviets seem tolerant of human weakness, legitimacy carries little stigma: Abortions are legal and divorce, once a tortuous process, has be. come easier, Alcoholics, an ad. mitted. problem, are viewed more in sorrow than in anger, _An American chemical execu. tive, doing the tourist round; Said the Soviet Union seems sure to wind up a female. dominated society, suffers ing from a socialist "Momism"™ not much different from that prevailing in the matriarchal United States, Soviet women may envy the fashion potential of their cap. ) jitalist 'sisters but they won't ad- mit to even a twitch of jeal: ousy, "I think we are basically more serious, less frivolous than American women," said a pretty Muscovite, "We have too much to do to waste our time standing in front of the looking. Maybe so, The suspicion neverheless arises that lipstick may have a stronger lure than Lenin, in a pinch. Friday; Tourism in the Soviet \glass all day," \Union is full of surprises, anaes, SCUGO CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Dolly PHONE 668-4341 AD YOUR HARD EARNE. MONEY WELL HELP a man and embraced in her pres-! morality -- per-/ After a while you cease to-no-/haps shyness is closer to the! tice the army of white-smocked/ mar women wielding scythes (in-/boy-meets ~ girl stead of power mowers) in the!than the housin scrupulously clean parks carrying bricks factory in central Asia, overnight trains, k--is less of a barrier to! relationships g shortage. S orCourting couples, they say, line} at a building'up to share compartments on River boats | Capacity for work is accom-) panied. by refreshing modesty and absence of .sophistication The approach to sex is straight. forward, almost too natural, iacking in coquetry, shorn of Western nuances "We're not just looking for THIRD INSTALMENT OF TAXES decided our grous/Women are the w Due, Wednesday, Aug. 15, 1963 :. , oht: mndra Stewar n " plenty of watching in the goal ght; Sandra Steward; Donna rid image of the things to excite us," a Lenin. scoring way are, Gary Moore.) Peter Berge, McNulty iceir playing coach, Jerry Cheevers the: hockey goalie,. and. many others, Skeeter Mower is anoth- er fellow who always makes it more then interesting in Brook. un Meanwhile, on the other side of the score sheet you see fel lows like, Glen Lotton, the high scoring ace of the . Brooklin production line. Cy Coombes the veteran fromm Peterborough, who into his own of § Fer guson, Ken Ruttan, the two Jr stars from Hast Joe Todd and Bill Armour who pot as many as some of the veterans and more Between the pipes for Brook- you have. perhaps the best goalie in Sr. Lacrosse in eastern Canada today. Pat Baker once again this year as he has in the past, has been a tower f has rea hen, there is Larry ¥ come red with the St, I team sate, ers om the The time keepers and many of! the fans tried to tell the refer. es that but they would not list a Brooklin say that they won't need seven men to get the win- ner but will do it by the book Personally we feel they will do but the players will have to stay out of the sin-bin and stick sht to the business at hand es 8 rt ntiy WHITBY PERSONALS MeLavy of I enjoyed a se On the ted Mr 0 a urn trip they (eeorge Mr. and Mrs, Frank Duclos Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moore, of Cedar Spring near Chatham, spent a two-week va cation visiting relatives and friends. They also attended the wedding of Mr and Mrs. Duc los' granddaughter, the former Miss Therese Monette of. Tim- mans, Dougias Church is celebrating mas ith birthday Sunday, Aug ust 11, His friends wish him many happy returns of the day ghter, C ing a week at P. on Pigeon Lake Davidson of Mr. 3 J Cyr will be se Monday, Av wish him a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown are guests at Pine Tree r Prdgeon Lake for a week Mr. and Mrs. F.. Eggert. th daughter, Angie. and Miss Vir gimia Hope-Brown ar ned from a vacatior cotlage at Big F&F Present guests at t residence, 713 Dunda west are George Wert Lance Maddison both stationed Ladgee have spent at and t McLay Washington D.C. wit Thornton United States Air Force guest of Mr Courchesnes west... Miss Mary Lou Misses Diane and Sh Whitby and Miss Barckley of Ottawa, are spend. Mr. ug a month's vacation touring have ned from Kingston the west coast y will visit)where they visited Mr. Brown's ancouver and mother who underwent surgery 1 tour several other places of/a* Kingston General Hospital. interest --_ Lott. the . Po sepa and Mrs. Ernest ton Brady,'§19 Dundas Dorothy reet and Mrs. Robert Browr Having Twins Too Much For Policeman? His wife givi * about two weeks t for Town WE 98th birt recasic Hewis celebrated his hday, August &. For the a family gather WAS a at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr Mrs, W. G. Hewis, 1205 Dunda Street east. Mr. Hewis is the old ing Whitby native } very actively minded 3 n of th y Whit arr ang ng birth to a twins Was just Constable LnIsSe Ae & > s ends who wis appy birthdavs e §=©6. Willson now a Oshawa General Hos ty didn't crack un er pressure--doing housework and the like--but suffered an ute attack of ndicitis 1 is now convale hos foliowing an on his attack, Constable was on vacation, helping around the house and "getting to know" his new daughter and san and Mrs. € o M i Mrs. Erm chesnes, end their Doreen and Donna, visited th riends Mr. and Mrs. Robert of Wiarton last Satur Sunday they were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Son Whitty Teen ree Hope" BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 and $ P.M. Feoture at 7:07 and 9:30 Added Feeturette -- WINGS OF THE FUTURE -- ALL COLOR PROGRAM Fraternity House Raided By Police TORONTO (CP) Morality squad detect Wednesday ded a fratemity house f Toronto beer ves of 'LEPHANT astie or rook a ware turret-shaped i CTS FE htseeing/se d t G iJoan Mercu i Wood; Joanne Hodg Ken 2 Ne Ba Emmer Nancy 26th Mary Lou Thomas: nia. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Dubeau and" Mackie; Susan McCall; June Son Arthur, spent a few hours Taylor; Cheryl -- Woodman;/with her parents Mr. and Mrs,/™ Linda Coughlin; Donna Jack-/Rice, Mitchel Square. The four|™ Petty Gettins; J Linda Scott; Betty-. Denise Train; Sharon Mo Crystal Monahan; Janet 7 Dale Smith; Brenda Joan Bennett; Bob Bruton Ron. Woodr aye Ge son iwedding at Welland Jim Cryderman has been re. ured to teach at Bradleys in stead of Bakers Mrs, Clara Millar Mrs. S. T. Bartlett id, /Oriand Hall, Mr. David Hail.) Weston, Mr. and Mrs. John!" Stevens, and children, Gillian,/ M California ] np 1; Je ont Gib son Ar tand Mrs, Allan Loney, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs, H, Coolidge, Miss)" d the school for lead-/ from fortable sort also attended the Winn-Wood/hair and dress as well as est means pernfit - nails Brooklyn! bs acc koff;/and Bill Stevens, London; Mr on perhaps as a buiky, cor of a ut utterly n August. Our next Soviet female ing will be Thursday, Sept erson tizen no doubt b a vid Of glamor The young things want ore decorative, They akeup, take time with AKE OWN CLOTHES y confess to a liking to heels, which they ca spires Pnins ng fk store purnimg there a" is excha clothes and under DM from isk dress i Western emba Laura Coolidge, Woodville, Miss} 5... Helena Coolidge, Mrs. 4 Rice, Cannington; were recent a e week-end visitors with Mrs. H./i, R. Foley . Huinenmann Franks Ino inge th Bertha)" « we jtri jbecause our pier." Though uncluttered and ©» jflamboyant, styles can be I tell vou this frankly," sa gir Kiev develop our own styles, an failed. Now we are takin © fashion from other es, only toned down a tastes are a n solid) * e to be wear their mod- *) il t and » shadow or ' i fash any of them make their a sian iC s d ev 'At first we tried d » been deprived-of a favorite sub. t. =<? itractive. Slender young women jin Tashkent and Samarkand fa * ivor summer frock # ified sack style, SS itorso, Uzbek wom |Oriental in feature, S 2 iful ; in a mod S Cc, Wa n, wear color prints of austere line. nd sly -.! Formerly Uzbeks were forbid- * den by Mosilera custom to stray be jen yond the "Ichkari," 's part of the house i to wear veils. Now few an heav the wom- 2 a y Ves are seen, and the day I visited Sa markand University tor told me that 48 of 75 enro } the rage mentary ) imany EQUALITY IN SPACE | Fashions apart, Soviet irate a book cosmonaut iKo that day Mescow and were the rec women Leningrad and nylon blouses are all Coler and & nd ge The exploits Valenti va underli 'equality has bro . ithe fore taism's is one af most tmpressiv * lachievements Women: outr 1959 ; jfemaies |males, the a Soviet GG Roddis has been accepted at a on Public Schoo!, Kit 4 begin her ent 2 of the t t teaching duties ford Teachers" College. Misa ' Katherine M lr ne TEACHIN Str rr ion, There are probably {woman pilot of @ jetliner Th census: count ag e of 21,008. uivalent 6 HOR_PD h wome a = vy. educ 398 women de eS the Supreme Sovic arly one-t af the to jbbex 3 the worl Gs 75 a Tereshk d 115,000,000 92,000.00 a- p come, (prove Hearing ' t commu . | iNANoisy TOOM. of work n War ¥en \ woman said replying to a about the slightly old. tone of books, televi- films allowed into the Soviet Union I asked at least a dozen women how they feel about working and this reply from a 19-year-old student of languages was typical: "I think all work is respect able, My own job as part-time interpreter very interesting 1963 Taxes are payable Whitby Bank, is first and second instalments must be paid before this instalment can be accepted. For your convenience all taxes are payable at any Pay Now -- Avoid penaljy charges. in four instalments. The F, N. McEWEN, Tex Collector, Town of Whitby. cosines You must have some aim in life, Home and the family are! not enough.' When I said to a male Rus there were sO many women working I wondered what the men found to do, he lied without hesitation Courtice Pharmacy There is work enough for vone,"" CUDDLE IN CABS Thus it looks as though the ate James Thurber would have' ject in Russia, for this is not a country. of the war between the sexes. There are few jokes _Family Monuments Creavea To 117 BROCK ST. N. Individual CLOSED FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS Week of August IIth RE-OPEN MONDAY, AUGUST 19th equirements STAFFORD BROS, TD, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, 'GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2PM DUTCH SERVICE 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE NEW BOOKLET » REVEALS HOW TO Without an Aid Maybe you, too, can hear betier without a hearing aid if you follow | Sugrestions in new book, "How To Get the Most From Your Re- ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Comer Byron & St, John Rew, W. 3. S McClure, BA, Minister Mrs. P. N. Sprott, Orgonist Nursery (ntfent Core) Beginners' Classes 11,00 A.M. Divine Worship maining Hear- ing". It's fall of facts like where to sit in charch, and how to hear EVERYONE .HEARTILY WELCOME ST. MARK'S inanossy room. "Sal |] UNITED CHURCH : MAICO | motes AR HEARING SERVICE | S30 Yonge Street, Toronto 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF BLOOR Sr, WaAlwet 4.2317 Please: Send Free Booklet CITY NIAAAT MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, Infont Core, Nursery ond Kin- dergorten Closses aoch Sundey. All other 2 invited children WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: REV, JOHN McLEOD Organist Mrs, W. ©. Summer, AT.CM, 17 AM, AND 7 P.M, ' GUEST SPEAKER REV, ERIC N. SMALLEY OF TORONTO, ONT. Bible School meets ot O43 om. Popa ADL to worship with ther porents. OT/S/10/63 ] with closes for cll apes

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