4 THE OSNAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 10, 1963 | e ! s Production to date this year,jresponding period last year In . ed b brockets, is: Week Of Uncertaint Car Production ja revered ty th 'Cinta bette sas a, At Stan ] till merce, is 387,200 vehicles com-|906); Chrysler 46,354 (28,686); pared with 321,209 in the cor-|Ford 88,070 (80,916); General responding period last year.|Motors 168,929 (148,391); Stude- | . Production consisted of 326,202/baker 4,474 (4,722), | ver ar e rices Another Wee cars compared with 270,621 in}. Truck production by compa- Bt Seas cornet wit te 5,249 (3,199); Ford c "p) a. F trucks compared with 50,-; Chrysler 5! (3,199); For By MARK MEREDITH jown for the second week.. Tor-|for the whole week, continued to TORONTO (CP) : For the}; 4 ' 119,692" (16,203); General Motors Canadian Press Staff Writer | onto . Dominion dipped 75 cents|make gains, rising $1.25 on the Second week in a row motor) Cay production to date this|27,966 24,451); International Investors sat out anothei| o $60.50; royal 50 cents to $73;|week to $24. vehicle production by Canada's!year with figures for the cor:\ Harvester 8,001 (6,795). week of uncertainty as the|ind Montreal 37'4 cents ©] Canadian Vickers rose $1.50;/major producers this week was| -- -- roe lean} 62.624) jto $20.50 on the week following| ot a standstill | volume an inning prices, As the market. plodded on|word of a contract for cars for) tava: THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED HI Babe ne goes aoe Pr af the activity concrediateateaal new subway Fey Paar seagull la ~~ ouyed up by a long weekend |, speculative mines which . * | dow r. the u u ; : climbed 2.27 Tuesday to reach a pet fire when indus Bonde Seek An nee venation and model change-| OARRYL F ZANUCK'S THE the highest point and roll uPiivjais are idle group of gold stocks, rising $4.37/over periods the greatest volume since the Lake Dufault started poppingjon the week to $33,624 AR ERE y = U.S. proposed interest . equal: Tuesday when it announced! On index in Toronto, indus. ization tax Wit me market in new underground drillings. Onjtrials slipped .94 to 617,31; golds| ; ; DAY mid-July, A. %4-point loss Online woek it gained $1.20 to $7.75/fell ,71 to 90,08; base metal ad:| with 42 International Stars! Wednesday, however, erased reaching a 1963 high of $8.25jvanced 27 to 203 10 and west- Based on the Book by CORNELIUS RYAN Re learen dy Oth Century Fon the gain, With a further dip Thursday, Neighbouring Wilt-ern oils dipped .54 to 119.25. | C") pd wr acy AW Thursday and a feeble effort at gt iy, : é .| : a sey and Black Bay were also| Volume for he week was recovery Friday, the market! 41. : '1,725,205 shares compared with! Pte finished down fractionally for Among featured -- industrials,'9,123,167 the previous week: dol- BOB MINNS the week, Sas PSEC B.C, Power, which remained atilar values $23,390,758 compared & HIS ORCHESTRA Phat ig us Lhe y as the top of the most active list'with $23,196,621 = a =~ shares traded, 348 dropped, 304 Last Times---TODAY & SUNDAY ; jadvanced and 183 remained un-| ffi e ] ; cages won oral CShurch Official = [hy Pavion hd MAM WH08 SHOT LIDURTY VALANER"" volumes on the week were) Plus -- "MY SiX LOVES" --- Debbie Reynolds slightly higher Analysts noted that the "pot ® | terly earnings reports did not R E i t ISTARTS MONDAY | 'stir up much confidence among} aps van e 1S | STARTS MONDAY a oe ye some we mee', SCREEN"S GREATEST SCREAMFEST! eal agaen erage ABL Maanig TORONTO (CP)--Oral Rob-jchiatrists to take a close look at : : } sts : l " ist: jihough most firms reported erts, fire-and-brimstone evange:|faith healing REVENGE PU egos ne igains, there was a decline in) : 4 | | nt "ting spuse here, : ' .y ithe rate of improvement, llist conducting a crusade he He said attendance at the cru OF Seacte? has run into criticism from Aajsade shows "a great need Two lower quarterly earnings|** ead by . vals é : : lannouncements accounted for|United Church official who says/among sick, anxious and lonely TONIGHT FRANKENSTEIN "THE he doesn't think "God depends|people which is not being met lmuch of Tuesday's souring of! a we ana } Inrices. Aluminium lost $1 on the|" Mr. Roberts right hand uy our medical channels and by IN COLOR WEREWOLF" $25.75 The critic , ome of our churches." week to $25.75 and British) The criticism came at a press|s rence Friday from Rev,| Old Time ~ Modern Be ae lAmerican Oil slipped 75 cents/confe } B ito $26.75, a 1963 low J R, Hord, head of the United) ADMISSION--$1.00 PETER CUSHING DON MEGOWAN DIVIDENDS EUNICE GAYSON JOYCE HOLDEN NOES ; aie si |Chureh's pape of evangelism }/BANKS LOWE nd social service IMPROMPTU BELLY DANC. Banks, which some regard as|" ig ses ania te d5,year-old Sy THE CANADIAN PRESS BILTMORE market indicators, rem ained/eyangelist from Tulsa, Okla., An impromptu belly dance Miss International Beauty trying on the "native cost) ---- snes "pretty good preacher but | Hollinger Consolidated Gold God normally. chooses to work/Mines Ltd, 15 cents plus 10 by Miss Morocco, Andree Pic- competition at Long Beach, ume" she'll display in the con- . ard, is the centre of attention Calif. Friday. Miss Picard, test, beginning next week B d M k tise men and women 'spe-lcents extra, Sent, 27, record. | cially trained in the field of/4 30 we M ONG MaKe Ua ug JACK LEMMON TINA LOUISE from other contestants in the a Casablanca secretary, was (AP Wirephoto) inisalchaomansiecnaaianion -- ' a Fh sg Mining and Ex: Sanaa ws - a! fe ] . ee "ir oberts has peen oration Co, Ld, interim 75) caus Wiese a In me scribed as a faith healer, but he/cents, Sept ec : 2. Senator Chaired Tobacco Field Trade Quiet lsays goed glo pt ee pin pose vin pes age ey Bog SATURDAY 'The "God is the healer," he says.'f rents, Sept. 15. record A . Sat Workers Said . I am just ha thetcument * 0. oe The Wackiest rime inquiries This Week |, sstis.ns gait nae tat "aaner soes, 4d, common WARRIOR : Stealin he lays on the sick and his voice|30 cents, Sept. 10, record Aug | EMERALDS Ship In WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sena-jwearing the coonskin cap that g By THE CANADIAN PRESS |frenzy, He has drawn thousands George Weston Lid. class Al | which stirs audiences into aij5 a tor Estes Kefauver (Dem,jhad become his political trade-) wytsoNBURG, Ont. (CP)-- Price changes w 'nor init his tent and sawdust floor in}i9 cents. class B 10 cents. Oct Admission $1,00 The Army EMPRESS Tenn.) died today. He was 60.)mark since his first campaign Price changes were minor in| p to's northwestern sub: cents, clas cents, Oct , ; i \ oron 1 .record Sept. 13; 414 per cent Dancing 8:30 to 12 IN COLOR IN COLOR were presents Company "ie COONSKIN CAP Tr ag why St alks e grants : . : 2 NET EARNINGS _ vesotiauons an SS Court. @ thomber et the and) Oshawa & District ie campaigned for the Demo- sistant, Charles Caldwell, said) He lost both bids for the Friday to town council that/markets this week maak vanes ve the fall Ten eee to 3.78 per cent from 3,60 per|sion of clergy, doctors and psy OSHAWA-ON-THE-LAKE ees seve "KID GALAHAD" plus tion president, at 3:40 a.m./ful bid for the second spot or ' : , U . R 3ethesd pital sratic ticket, beatir were meety inschive Sit seme! t - CHO On. ee n Bethesda Naval Hospital, the Democratic ticket, beatir ies il kas ye aan' teams nion eques Ss and the N : ; pital Thursday, complaining of chusetts, then a senator : 2 : T Ld ' tent ha r ai ' ce - note : », from neighboring gardens,)4¥g - per - cent 1983 issue was} t t what he at, first thought was a Kefauver was noted as a lib. 'OM ee ee coer ak CUGIM win the ntervention doctors diagnosed it as "'a mildirights for the Negro long be-'"* '4 capper id pe smi 1 hfe . heart attack" and prescribed /fore the current civil rights bat. 97 dala "« sant. Hg 1 -- pg In Dispute ot U N Mrs. Kefauver and two of her) Before entering the Senate in) °** ; Provincial securities were; SUDBURY (CP)--Union offi- > orpor: bon res re-| 10 | died Kefauver was a corporation Corporate bond - prices . re th officials of Falcon-| thillions of televisiqn viewers in/of a Senate rackets committee; Town counc led to ask! vestor interest. The new Union|contract dispute 51 as chairman of a Senate gained him a reputation as athe Tobacco Workers: Co-ord!/Gas 534-ner-cent 1983 issue was) The International Union' off IN PERSON Crime investiga ™ ago te "le, buster ating Committee- eyaet i of quoted at 100%4-100% at week's/Mine, Mill and Smelter Work- More recently he conducte: e looked at gambling as the/church, ¢ hent and tobacco) eng srs (Ind) told Labor Minister nvestigations of the drug indus-'root of organized -rime board repre ; i Fed H. L, Rowntree and Chief Con- RAY PRICE and 952 and 1956, frequen last} By THE CANADIAN PRESS |). company officially advised| Real Estate Board GORDY TAPP jeatl ascri rupture/nomination to Adlai Stevensor i The 91-day treasury bill aver: Mr, Hord,.who attended Mr./$1,50, Sept. 3, record Aug. 15} death was ascribed to a rupture nomination to Adlai Stevenson, some migrant tobacco workers "a increaced in yield to 3.53|Roberts' Thursday night meet sh . - i nessee senator, twice an aspir-. After losing the 1956 nomina-;'obacco ~ growing cc ie do rkers|long-term HAWKS i TOMMY t hi five-per-cent issue flew back from (188, he had served nearly 10) The gation. said prostitu ' ipa] Cials called Friday for "imme: | * ( Colo., vacation but ar-/years in the House of Repre- s rampant in the Tillson- et conte ad apc diate intervention" by the Onta. COUNTRY : " a Nl on ti for 300 me 4 > ' m men! mained unchanged on the week/meeting wi 8 try and boxing jciliation Officer Louis Fine that) MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ciatintinne (ae @ SANDRA SELSIE i FEATURE viMES: & ta s $ " ee See Retirement vear to provide accor ton) Industrial Acceptance Corpo-ithe union that it accepts the * e arid some food for m t to-/ration Ltd... § mos, ended Jun@junanimous decision of a three-'-= ew TRAUGOTT gg ww € e * Kefauver's administrative as-/for the Senate in 1948 "-delegution protested|quiet trading on Canadian bond) |). pid, $1.12, six per cent pfd of the main blood vessel (aorta)'who was in turn trounced. by 'ernee satieNias vehink ent compared with 3.48/ing aid there should be The SMOKING? fr art oi % . Mean avy . "MNGiner ce © arec 1 q ing, sai ' S ' Tomithe "heart Republican Dwight..D.... Bisen have alr mmopted three/last week and the 182-day bills/an interdenominational commis COMING ; BEACH HOUSE | 7 oout nt far moc . na-t . Uver ad success: 't s q ee ) ae ited cent . . re tedly aiid sa gpiet ge ly -gengenl bys So ggrvaughr aly ceca el bad tli al camps for M-)"'Short.term government issues Ronnie Hawkins | $7 "ATLANTIS THE LOST CONTINENT" Kefauver had gone to the hos-/out John F. Kennedy of Massa. 00" : ables/of'44 to one point, The Canada severe attack of indigestion, But/eral and he plumped for equal) Oi. | Se aah cursag iaank ot Cunaia einnert bal FRI, AUG. 16th three weeks of complete rest.jtle in Congress i he quoted at. 9644-96,.% d too late to see Kefauver/ sentatives : and that there are/™ar labor department after|___ : ---- ra fiction! er became known tojlawyer before his chairmanship 829d women from lack of professional or in-/Oridge Nickel Mines in their! RESULTS COUNT! HOLIDAY : 1:30 - 3:30-5:35 - 7:40 presidential nomin g jmet for 1!) hours Friday, BOBBY ROWAN ENTERTAINMENT LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:30 workers unt find)30: 1963, $5,360,684, 85 cents @iman conciliation board whose AL CHERNEY acco Woman Says Of Ambassador obs on district farms during/share; 1962, $5,689,612, 89 cents.jreport has been rejected by the we the harvest Mid-Western Industria! Gas/union LIST "iLtd,, 6 mos. ended June 30:) Union members voted Thurs- TOMMY HUNTER REG. BARKLEY tended to t € Lid., § mos June RDON Ambassador Frederick F.. Nolt To Jail 2 Months i3, $309,000; 1962, net loss/There were 2,123 eligible Fal. SELL SHIRLEY GO Run B Men ing home amid a warm glow o are Se \ 1: fr * ; _ » 2 ae 7 y endshiz INDSAY. Ont. ( Ed.) Quebec Natural Gas Corpora) ounce: MEETINGS T RED BARN Noltir ilies a enloaed Sa ear-old for. tion, year ended June 30: 1963,| . to f f jee : sing : a de vnima) $195,295; 1962, net loss $1,686,. The union also announced the JOUN A. 2. WINNIPEG (CP)---It's still ajo. ; ' 020 membership eti ill : - , salaseade h A mitioment : ip meetings. will be man's workd, says Mrs. ¢ yo ai motorcade ad * ilar oa . shpat alge i he'd next Monday and Tuesday BOLAHOOCD Tuesday, Aug. 13th Nan Beekhoff idely trav killed a three-year-old boy '¢ two i ail ar . : y rR idely Wav: ; The conciliation board] eat estar' -- monToacts ADMISSION 1,50 a allied Netherlands woman and one of the three helicopters fine« " Bh aes HABS INVITE 56 brought down ea i 44 } arity esenr . pa e ealtty unfit parlier this week ol Interviewed during the. jast/'@ MS security escort had a x ig ae awk ~=MONTREAL (CP) -- Montrea)} or mit se ; »me ' imils 725-65 CHILDREN 75Se 7 : proposed a settiement similar to DON TIN, South Viet Nam pions agg "4 won 1963, ° $443,360; 1962, $496,735. 'gay to authorize strike action if bal > same amit on ONLY TO AP)--Tragedy stalked ceremo ° wii World Still nies Friday which n it Lindsay Man Sent Montreal Locomotive Works!necessary. The vote was 1,711 in " sen . td ended 30:|favor, out of 1,902 who voted days of a two-month, 10-proy./"{denuy: fired off a burst of ma: 1 asi 'or MM Canadiens of the Nationallone reached a month ago by eet eiglinaa™ eesereseats nce Canadian tour, the presi-/°™me gua bullets, kill ne as IAP UG Hockey League open their train-|International Nickel Company dent of the Associated Counth year-old boy and wounding fiv recor s arrest foliow- ing camp Sept. 11 but ice will/for its Sadbury and Port Col DRIVE OUT Women of the World said in -- including the child's in» , vin te RCMP in- be installed in the Forum Mon-|horne plants with the United many countries the attitude jg) mother stigation in 1961. RCMP of-day, the earliest date in 20isteelworkers of America (CLC) ; * TONIGHT : sill "that the cat and the The American crew chief re testa ra eeks years, The early ice sheet is to} The Mine Mill bargaining | Veue ---- in the home." reggie ge end PFC _Wasiago that thes 1 meatlaccommodate an amateur train-|committee says the: conciliation ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! e have to fight. this, 'ospital suffering shock buyt n Windse 1 yw camp. Ken Reardon, Cana-irepart eithe nored or forgot 0o--"" " 35 Women must be partners with a US Army spokesman said it a4 P a ed to sellidien vice-president, said 56 int 9p ot secant a BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8: SULLSHINE" ot S58 their husbands" the helicopter shooting occu "m met 23 1S & pound. players have been invited to at-jiproved sick leave provisions SHOWING SUNDAY ONLY! People who fear the emancj-) 2ursday when the crew fred Lane saiditend the Canadiens camp nex!/longer holidays, consultaten on ba pation of women should remem was thrown off balance durin here was an "inescapable m-' month. neluding veteran left} ayoffs or cutbacks, and job | ber an old saying: "Educate a ® turn and the cord of his m fusion" that Pecan; knew the'winger Dickie Moore, who hadiciassification changes. The un All Color Comedy Show! man and you educate a human "TOPhOne caught in the trigger.) meat was for human consump--announced his retirement at thelion is seeking further discussior HE ALL-TIME DOU NOW "THE LIST OF ADRIAN MESSENGER" GEORGE ¢. SCOTT, DANA WYNTER, CLIVE BROOK Five Great Sters challenge you te guets the disguised roles they ploy --AaLso-- DORIS DAY, REX HARRISON, JOHN GAVIN "MIDNIGHT LACE" Box-Office Open et 8:00 P.M. Including Sundoys heing; educate a woman and The Noltings visited the hos end of last season an these points you educate a family." pital later and made token do The Assoca te d Cow nations to the victims try Women of the World have Nolting is returning to the 139 rural women's and home.| United States next week and PSO@SOSSSSCSSESESOS SOGGOeeeeeece makers' societies in 40 coun.\%i! be replaced here by Henry i ; Soars IS\ HADA POO OCO HSS OOOH SSOOSOOCSOOOS URGES CIVIC INTEREST SANG Ve ; In her Canadian tour, Mrs nae SPECIAL '2 PRICE PASS ations as the Freedom from! | CAROLE LERLEY RONALD SaNEER -- | 4 L & ana interest in civic and interna- haan aati , TOMMY ar tional affairs See Pee sss om he : " ; STEELE: a she visited Africa, the United|ieq industrials, rising .% Rises en speaks French, English, Ger-/ Gooderham og ~ i rhar | : : 6 b | ANTHONY QUINN man and Dutch and found that) Among losers, financial issues} - BAR ERNEST BORGNINE 1963 CAR or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Le Game French, said she wanted tojOntario Loan down '4 and} «suede ae , gS ; " | Snowball (52 nos.) Plus $600 regular games. tries Cabot Lodge, former U.S. am van Beekhoff has addressed M k Plod women's rallies, telling of the ar et S $ rs ; T F id A 16th ; o the Friday, Aug. Hunger Campaign, UNESCO} G d and UNICEF, She tries to get! roun seen % ss y, - BINGO - ground during light trading Fri States and Australia. and New/of 1% went to Algoma, Bell Tele. IN PRIZES in Quebec "they were ¢x-/featured with Royal Bank off! speak to as many women as/Crown Trust off % to 61 on 25) ' ---- ; ' i possible during her stay.- (shares ee STARTING "GYPSY" ADULT) er bassador to. the United Nations = ss SSS To Higher 7 rural women to take a wider) TORONTO (CP)--The stock waiter: pr te wai Bic Power. high up in, tel I --<-- MUNRO "PRERPOR.D: ati 'nes CENTRE Bay Be -- | : PETERBOR -- van Beekho!. who gino pogo , ; es x ' . , | ane mes OVER '8,200 INCLUDING tremely pleased" with her|i, Bank of Montreal down rh es * . : PLUS 2 THREE STOOGE RIOTS $1,500 Big Snowball (S7 nos.) $1200 Small She is to fly home Wednes.}. In senior base metals, Inter-| | , , MONDAY FREE DOOR PRIZES day in time for her father's/national Nicke] climbed % and F dge % See. alconbri rose %. vext year she wil! visit India Among busy speculative CHILDREN UNDER "But I have to promise my hus. mines, Lake Dufault climbed 30 The gillnettex' Trim Il lies Vancouver harbor after being died and a man and woman TWELVE e OSHAWA Don't forget te buy the economy pack for volue ond ADMITTED FREE! DRIVE-IN THEATRE | seve money band not to stay away longerjcents to $7.75 and Satellite') crushed and « 1 tun down by a barge whose = © ed in th a awa} Satelli she o ater-filied in n by ge se were injured in the accident than three months. 'sipped one to 22 cents. tow-line she fouled. Two mien --(CP Wirephoto) Me . 723.4072