25--Apartments 27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale 29-----Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Auguet 10, 1963 73 2 rent, 'corner lot, Two]l8s? PONTIAC Laurentian, 4door, atation/195? MGA white with -spoke wheels, Cs cally perfect, | ida CHEVROLET jood body, moter ana} ' mR AVENUE, Near Sho pp inglVERY ATTRACTIVE older, type, term renee ae ame. F gon, radio, T 720-6133, mechanically good, 725-0975.." |e¥! bramissan, Clean wellives, resiar Bad. as Whit te 668-9071, -<;|92---Articles For Sale 36--Legal apartment, upstairs in brand new|On halt acre of land with gar-|Whithy 668-2968, South, Apt. 4. ¥ sa Vi VAUXHALL, good condition, tow duplex, i 1 Si'lnen 'and trun trees large. garage, 81,800 we rare = Nida ial ahaethiggl bP us i A AlN aga ag ng ba all OM wecond ear, Dial 728-8424 ie | PRYERUOROUGH, 15 Woot cedar arp SIGS month. Available Augus' wath " Call Pity Ricard Perkttt} JONES Two » bedroim Weim Teiephone 72S! wheels, two complete sets of racks, Nv] OLOSMOBILE, Boor Hardtop, #350, GN RONOT Facer Far =o | DOAT $t2S, Also 12 horsepower riding , po IA W.'Branks" Real Estate, Bowmanville, pungalow, rH actin. prey ar BUYING OR SELLING orga soi, ot Jerpnus, pong Vires) Dial 7284977 o: apply 258 Burk Street, rodlo, 8178 Meat ie, a wagon Vet, tractor with hydrolle equipment, 723-4983, THE CORPORATION REGENCY TOWERS. deavtil 49 'volte Telesnone. 226 si model, would uit contractor. ete, 720-1902] 055 PLYMOUTH, -hardlon, eutomallol igre) TOLER, sonaar. Tala Ba GOWN 'site 10, while organca OF THE be Y ty u Perea rrTd M IN or apply 302 Courcellette Avenue, condition throughout, Reasonable, white. " " i BIVE AMAlover met and talteta, bustle effect, small vg $a ceens oo Serie WANT YOUR Wi "aa n tive room eure pply 448 Park Road South after 7? 7 am, Best otter, Dia lal 720-1242, aaa, train, long siee Must be seen, Make CITY OF OSHAWA is mrantniy, Call 7H140! dally and nm ee yA ng Wy. ro urns GENERAL REPAIRS Tw colon, Wi BOBS BOoeE sfation Ww Wagon, grey. In --_ ofter, | ial | 720: sua ee » Tele STORES --- Tires, atter VE gia tor further detalls and 26--Rooms For Rent large thy Hable, pri Bhp pa ave lable, private entrance 87 weekly, 723-1359, HOME SOLD CALL 728-5123 7 i waar Tingle or » Caudle, Television privileges. Free. park:| tng. Weekly or nightly rates, 725-9035. EO bedrovm. front, use of kik Se middle-aged woman, Dial Waeer SvREaY TAGT a -- Seale session, Pull price $10,000, Carries for Kn month, Call Andy McGill, Bowman ville 623-3393, W, Frank Real & ate Ltd, RO DOWN PAYMENT, Port Perry area, few three-bedroom cottage with all con veniences, on & wooded 100 ft, waterfront MOTORS 607. KING ST.---OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-494 Res, 725-5574 ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM Y - centre hall brick home. Barn,. land, goed well, next to store. in village, Suitable for two family dweil ing, 30 miles trom Oshawa, Call after 6 My 7257017. a "ERERAR A Avenve, 8400 down ot Interest 7a per cent, Monthly pays) a B.-A, at Tia" Simeos Sieeet Noth, 7253808. ~~ ALL CASH $ Ritson Road and Ka. 723-4733 and 733. For Clean cars we deal up or" down, Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY M.G. B.'s Toronto, HO 1-6364 |e Vai UL, itandard, nav very good condi! four new tires phone 720-0374, eoior, good running 725-6082, FORD on Apply 186 Casimir Street, Port Perry. WT PONTIAC, Sdoor sedan, In good Fun ie Wa ton" panel" truck, ning order, Telephone after i ey 7-712, WSS convertibie, new LEY, "3.000 mark two.) Hee Bin pees) TW. body job, ton and purernalis, S laeiiectat $795 or best Wa AUST NE. toll } |; tow mi Uk priveie, Tempnene ea _-- 8 Banerles Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty Buoget plan, S430, AVVING or well turniture or appl beg Catt Rimes Hampton, 'ehtee or TELEVISION tower speclal, 40 1, siruc WT PLYMOUTH, excellent condition, #85,| "0% Telephone 723-4779, Meg a pica =e th wat pick * alied "and ov ai ng antenna rr Wis CHEVROLET sedan ee In" good condl./¥P O0eh oF Stated One | suaren bag ob teas alge 1985. Mt beta Pr Bak lined ERRVROLET-§ Ton "dump" Wk ("92's eet oe Tm Tewrenmy vate Apply 238 Arthor ti Fes censtians, PCV. Heence," sz.800 eee avert ing -whik a, i084 AS VOLKSWAGEN wae Rew motor, ¥ paige tgp PR ag Harter, brakes anc tront end, Reason:|i98 CHEVROLET, standard tranimin| yun', cnah Ground sheat, pes Adie, Telepnone Mesen slon, white wall tires, very good condi town. Dominion Tire Store, 4 ond West, NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa ot its meet * ing to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day of September, 1963, ot 7:30 p.m, at the Council Chombers, City ie Oshawa, intends to pass the following bylaws: + ici hte cn " 8 f for lacy or eenniemen. full pri 'com solid brick a in } te gg hs washing. machine. WwW. ecialize in ex Giron Fret ate eendition, pre} 068-8001 - 668-8101 N | H Apply Immediately to S12 Drew Streei/ih) GM We TON PICK UP truck, good ROE BURGE a) @ bylew to close-up for | Dial 75019, @ Sp vais drive, Telephone Toronto. collect, els y an a a eT ta ane after Spm, TI) retepnom "Oihewa ebsites vehicular troffie that part a Tay ToRmnae Focms to rent; One Resale Homes ME_ 30604, : 9 WHE CHEVROLET BeiAlr ¥ door, ha VACUUM" cleaner" repalra all makes, of the highway known os i ekceping, stove and retrigera: FOR SALE OF vent," Brooklin Hotel, 1750 Danforth Avenue -- [tre Vt automatic, radio, clean interior, WES CHEVROLET, Sedan, V8, Good com) ACU Sieane Marts." 'aheueae Vv R hich 'i " Dundes Street Bast, | Apply M. Collis, 78 Needs paint and minor repairs, Closestidition all exiras, Dial 6232181, ' eteron's Road which lies IST WITH LLOYD Brookiin, Ontario, Apply Beautifull ihe Drushes, hoses guaranteed rebuilt ma: pda Man EN Tate YOUR MOVER King Street West, Oshawa, 725-0332) after au : y KELLY DISNEY otter to $900, . Dial 720-0598, WOTROD COUPE for Sale Aaassembled | chines * Rentals ailacs Vacuum Serv immediotely west of the i SHAG BLVO oo WOuTN, ww -- Ney) THEN 4 Dims 733-9210. ieee Reconditioned USED CARS LTD WA PONTIAC, Saiocr standard, radlo,|bv!_ complete $130 or best offer, Terms,|'ce Call anytime, 726099 west limit of Farewell St, breakfast desired, FIVE ACRET wilh 00d Trout creck, Ee x . wntiowetie dows $1,995, Can be tinanced,| Telephone after 5, 724 > __ |WOUSHBOAT, Plvrepins ae whe shown on Plan 397 having j decor prefered at \ Available LLOYD RE ALTY eeltent pond site, Barn, tive-room house USED 1200 Dundos Street i" VOLKSW Naga a custom Wd VOLKSWAGEN. Tike new, motor, boat, trailer, 3 hp to 25 Np motors, @ width of 18,88 feet on ; how. Telephone with all conveniences. Aroadtoam in tive ; WHITBY ~~ 668-5891 radio, very Condition. Telephone] low mileage, Ladies car since new, Tele-/Doats, Pretaure systema, Supplies, the south limit and 7.00 . f uRwiane _ oer ae "| _ (OSHAWA) L Age Say Jenervie' fee ony a aastoa." $2,900 VOLKSW AGENS oe bought ae re en eens Tas: 7-708 ; feet on the north limit of * i ano % ¥ er y ve jens paid o i060 MGA white convertible, original mile: TLOVO baby carriage, lik x ' . ' Me, ¥ Carriage, e new $2) t Save, Foeneene TO082 car ; ----~\Gqoaaa Ww Frank Real | ' gt % Trade up or down ee den: ag gee conaitign, $1,200, 30--Automobiles _ Wanted oeby, seniee and aterttiner, $4) also 25 veroron's Rone, ; i nen ane aa YG "a 1. DOWN for "Wis" scfoom Name) = FULL PRICE FROM Aims top_quality Wea CORVAIN dots vadans automa TV Sos Saat "Auer auiLiGh Mil cludes Ny ahower fal smpie wim) OF @ bylaw te, closeup ond conveniences, TV outlet, parking feel near Oshawa Shopping centre, large jot tranemisat rene. Seeaty Mp until You see Nels. Hyland, fixtures, $30, Telephone afternoons authorize ge tg tha } Gena Gor GAO weedy. T2E2001. with garage. Asking: price $9,800." with TILDEN hae" aston adie apatlons condi, Tanforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 14384, |Jng- 268s of thot pert wel te lah } Kino STREET WEST, Ts 723-1121 pe lg ne ge yy A yy ey 695 al PONTIRE Caurentinns "feursaoee, CARERRORE Rule "Wreckers Wat Cars) REF RIGERATORG ireeter combination, way known as Forewell q coer, one large furnished | bedellting ° derger, TRAM, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, : CAR AND TRUCK radia, best Wier, over 8200, Dial 7254N17| Wentworth. Cast sa aa ces pa Weetinghouve reer cite, modern 96° Street which lies between OUTONT, maps yuneapwoniny main sicnaisins STRG ROU: ' Rave aloha vanity cabinets tot ant 841 LOVELY HOME in @ most |aam GOWN ONE" WHA Wariguoery bed On Display et RENTALS Wa VAUXHALL, Vicor, em TTSs! 100 CARS WANTED |e ster ¢ ama tlepnone Faeas Shan south 06 sho norte tae shesoing Cente. Apoly above. | select Ieoation within walk= [room spilt level with bull In stave and 468-9086, : Buying @ New Cor? FOR See ae vee eee west angle of lot 5 in the TTR ELV | ino distance of the Hosotel, [rere caries heememncee! §=--- CARVAN (All Makes, sod Medel) lina PORE conve = . hs vne| 'Sten ion Colina ee ACTIV a Ses }. Charming room family [18 mimes drive west of Stevenson's road CALL 625-6553 ond Wranamiasion: nosey. Wile Pedy work] Sell your used cor to 'Ted PHANG. raat i gaat boat, 18. of the Township of East FURNISHED ROOMS home, 4 bedrooms, 2 beth: cal Mr. McKinnon, collect Pickering TE 14 Albert St i offer, After 430 p.m. Phone 723 Talk "Cash" to the New Two Vicar galliher' psd ComaNiOn: Whitby (now in the City 4 rooms. Living room with = | P46) M S | | d >) ag > H Car Dealer and "SAVE NO brush too 2: Xt CaOrdit ion of Oshowa) end © point 5 } Pere a enlace. a " men i | PONTE Parisienne In excellent : : Arter $ pam, telephone. 7231716, ; Available in private home. | stone fireplace, dining room PRIVATE. 'Syea a d rich, |S bed: otor ales t + | SPOT CAS leonaition, Low mileage, After' a ovcieck:| TED CAMPIN MOTORS |anvone wank na) vied reataurant e@ule 6,449 feet 644 inches i Call between 5 and 7 on with beomed ceiling, each [rem bungalow. Bx Mecea Nest 994 Ritson Rd. South PAID FOR [telephone 728-4138 723.449 sak key ment may have the same by paying for south of said northwest 82 PARK RD p Bul auhleh Eiobahs sale Gnd --|gecorated Inside and out. Pully" fenced ie i ? | = Naw GMC carryall" automatic, tour how palin ed nat tie navertisement, Dial Whity 4482540, angle of fot 5. : lovely treed i Smali den fang taniscaped, Full price $12,000 with Oshawa, Good cleon cars, Trade up re, motor in automatic and perfect 31. Aut bil R SCOTT, 3\2 hp outboard motor, good con: p NORTH with fireploce. For full port- [$3,000 gown. One ¢ per cent open mort ' 7 or down, Liens paid off leonsee: private $135. Telennone utomobile Repair Git on, Reasonable, Telephone Bowman.| ©) @ bylaw to closeup ond iesiliea call vodey gaoe, 282 ca Telephone 723-346) DODD MOTOR SALES 722" HOUSTON'S GARAGE vit aaa outhorize the conveyonce FARM FOR $ALE 85 acr WH OODET WW wiginal wl tag . "veirtoeraton Te) cubic @ | of that port of i 27-----Real Estate For Sale JUST LISTED this, mod - [ventory excellent buildings. 30 Your Authorized 314 PARK RD, SOUTH lan cally and body | perfect wie pes a RV TATIO} Ecatlent con oe roe Be high 7 Ae. ' ; 2nd vi ATION mitition, § Telepnore ghway known os Mont ; HARMONY HEIGHTS: S bearoom bunpe = ern ot ag w io ce foe Sa, abourg, Telepnone siter § Volkswagen Dealer 723-942) bo UL a, TEXACO a tate OE cis CEE ei Street (formerly ; tow, private sale. Low down payment ation hes 21 ft. living room Seca Hanae ---- _ _-- eer nimenmenns remcmoensmoamins) bs. Mark il, red and black DRUMS, complete sel, Weal for Begin: Hoig Street) which lies be- ¥ Fetefene cee am ANN. | well appointed ichen, tree /ERCERTOUL CVT Ce, goatee ae | PRODUCTS | mameerenne en Eph ghe i} good sized bedrooms, car } tifa} ae RUETIN Hear tas = ba Aap at cM sei range, $8. Dean Avenue ond the 2 j ore + - 3 if eo Y "7 -~ © \ C ofhe peak Pe e? 9 scah Attractive Bungalow} é ys = oe rl By acer works} é | f A Q A N 9 F (seer Red say i 6? KING ST. WEST ortce, Geek. 425) set OF ye Beam scutes ert Heit of Monash ; ; pe " : i ur ¥ 23 ow 723-7822 eOaT, \4 Nipissing cedarsteip, 38 hy m j with Garage rh MORON frat. des . |i AND" TP gio Trucks RVinrode ard moter with" Otaco| 1 F us - 4 BEDROOM HOME IN [Useeesreh ee, em Seed conatien,| Samm Artielen for Sale ma prone 7 O ten et taken tines on arewe treet NORTH WEST AREA -- sit- | PRIVATE SALE USED CARS ims ~SouRae Sead SenaTen RANGE, NORGE, With timer and deep WE buy 2 and exchange ved Tornt| chtniet on Plon 306 hich ' alate ins | usted on 0 beoutiful lot. Exe | psn : . Weer trver, Good condition, Dial 72582 ure a sRvine nave, Tee Cyl ; tevenace te inside and i a ~, a s i ALA thee ¥ Priced for cash, Telephone 725-0971, RERATOERATOR, -- {rag @ Pos Shores, ass Simcoe Street] cath Nongns | she gonh Ousside : eer years bathrooms | yee bas on a Granites' Toren poe anna Page " _ show ; non 2 ond the oan ten ot tion roc 1 liv. th . ¥ n : d, storms o \ seas eae : tai nna ss iggy " pend icntage Be gon ce Geen a Gree Bane '| tt > mg room with qining area, | 9 ft oh ea } * b. ve. 6 1960 Austin A-40 '. $600 CR Ge ee . Me "ON al <awee: MetiaRy ? mMxt vv $78 : « naa so oi Pion 308 "~-- 33 Owner as king $2,000 | 52% om pe hey 723-1488 wiih Timer, ¢ ed enty § months, Dia CHROME Wab'e Chalts, Single beds Gone ey ; 4 price $17.5 " 11982 FORD, Sdoor, good condilan" nag tt o% e pooord unit, rangette tike new) AND TAKE FURTHER NO- dawn. Call Bi Millar Pres m | Qoed condillon, new wee deh, ult a phan ' 725. 1yRs TAUNTON WEST <x: PRICE 313, 200 1957 Austin A-50 ee $525 coviehs aoe wee pum, wel pump and oer vite excellent "Ean. . oS SB vo -_ siren hig By ot pe ry ange 25-1 18é # Gin ill mused ° ¥en Jet No ; ing ouncil 3! or in Immaculate we with | Owne WS? MERCURY Monterey, tour - daar"? caca-cota ~~ | rson by fl : WT. LAMSON attached aS aeank y meen Srey and wivin' inten, mice BA Servies!® SIMPLICITY washer, used. Call after @ a . or by Is counsel, FAL ESTATE LTD nf de' the city | PHONE. 728- 5367 1957 Morris Oxtord ne $575 t Dest offer, Dia' 6nare7 : Stat @ ' itr | Soncitor. or agent any person REAL ESTATE LTO ; . | iy OLOSMORI must SEAL > RANGE, Frigidaire, @ Inch with double; WhO claims thet his lond will ae . Ses ul_ forge mod: . VLES Naraiea, power steer ab tod . wens chrome Kitchen sety hall racks} be prejudicall tected 67 King Street East ern kite 27 f, living | : nme and branes, ¢ ean interior, Runs weil ' f 'Ske Ok ee en ee > aby - ya yo by eel --~ ae co ; 2 fair Doty, S158. White, 7 ey Bea " weNC @ seid bylow Sm 'ncek tmined vee | OPEN HOUSE 1956 Austin A-50...... 6. $500 Seca mies ean" 3 se |. etd lxtows grt whe eo» LLOYD REALTY pees a eume j wo Raker" Piss ang Fs ig ble Ane @ chest, Apply #4 Adelaide HALE PRICE gale in full swing. All sales) storms gnd screen lar Nevrolet conver . na ERO ee Trai, At Young Moderns, 38 King Street i a Ad @ 3.500 ac eRe 1954 Austin A 30 $300 any ANAT Teleohene 120-9055 Scion TK Tena FIT beams | Eat and 18 Brock Str ree? Sev WNIOY, DATED at Oshawa this 10th : aM TE ee cama stern, : | THIS WEEKEND | eres oe ASS Nad maRCORY or (meter and trailer, sleeps two ait fAMIBUNK beds, spring and mattress, com doy of August, A.D, 1963 a THEN CALL YOUR MOVER cesent," as ek. "Aan Can Seettnn e,NN MNpie ed main, Ressonan, Telephone] L_ R,_ Borrond, $900 DOWN one mort & Whitby . -- z . ini $376 ~ ® TRY YOUR OFFER Gage. Close to downtown in By ROTH ene WW GME We ten truck, Neehly ew Teleuy it tor tar awh "Tenohene. ent conmare a ey City Clerk THIS WEEKEND, Whitby P lace for e@ Du motor, good 92D Pires, with 152 foot Blake's Furniture and Apo ances Store. *- x ' forge femily dig rooms. CLAREMONT GARAGE 'etform with racka; alge ene Eabro Mxl} King Street Bast, 7s COMET welder, 00 amp, demonstrator, MOVE IN BEFORE Seauti tk met ; 5 RAP DOK and one Pxt? gumbination 2 $25. Lincoln welder, 10 amp] uutiful specious fot. A real Directions: Two blocks South JUMP BOX, Dox, Telepnane Orone $4 HAIRDRYER" and maiching comb-oot with spot welding attachment sed, $40. s : SCHOOL STARTS borgein, The owner must sell, --- nem {CNMI FUTQualNe and ivory, Tke new ake ne-of new Come? welders and a JUST REDUCED leaving the city. - on Grandview, off King Street AUSTIN AND MORRIS "a nVOVO Apply first haven oe of Thickson Road compressirs, Contech Garden Bagshaw | f $100) : and ee ogre |, UNAETNM : ce e ees com oe | Cele SALES AN DSERVICE JAKE & BILL'S er ee ta _-- ele kee eee Holds Meeting " oun D Siow in t 4 is k i belfon « detrs " am » rr public ond high schools, Cute l Relndee. in ving Foon, GARAGE Doudie Ded. space saver > SRRER, ROBERTS OC Re reek. 3 bedroom white frome i la oped lot with grape CLAREMONT ONTARIO GENERAL REPAIR end New etter: oy a A pera ugh «gps oP Hh a a room By GLADYS YELLOWLEES i ee eerie | Se ted ewen | OSE BOSCO ' AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE STUDENTS 4 amr vem. sional (armas SS 8) SOLINA -- The UCW matt , oF ing, walkou in front. The pri 449 R se ~ a 'A Saas Wan | tebeet. tt ce ee oe Fd Sy ES [matetr 620 sheets of Wuler de URN SEWING GaGine AoTN "EromeT the Church Basement with double winks ony. | ths home toon REALTOR Telephone 649-2101 FRR Seeece reese germ, tems (tage oe wy Pome oes Om Otte reali, Mra. pas old, hurry coll "Bin 4 undas Street 'est ba rane T, ope meeting. now at 728-2236. j} NEAR SOUTH GM. --24 j |Treweirers, adders. cashiers |, ALUMINUM windows, d20rs SWnings OND Siserad capi of the Word d LUNCH ROOM } tres of cent jond in des- | saver : chequewriters, "Compt siding. Free estimates. Disea S es eee | SRESE <2 |pyONe 728-7377 | . SS ae | locati ols sit Hamitton ee ers - --{ Mrs, B Tink led the § booths, fully equipped, tock SACRIFICE scbsibsniiulal diode sdiaciaas eeciaies MARTIN S mont Brock Gouin, Whithy SUY and wl gad aed Ne up store, rent includes heot -ggh Te j WONEST Cals Bornitare and" Apgani? ance. One lscation anty. Pr ety ship service and Mrs, Harvey and cir conditioning, For | Must be sold, Also two dun. | Five ances, Nar wis aA ita oe r@, 444 Simeoe South Yellowlees presented the topic % #8 .t . d . Restans hy a ane ar form SOit Moner or 7285003 | RS ENG on untinithed | Auto Electric bec a Minne igwud comations apace: heater 'Sng| ine sabes woe "few : Hag, ot 728.512 | building on Main Stret, Call New Bungalows i Four : a act SRN lonristion O : -- a : ; 'tedey for full perticulers. | are hee ¥ ~jRanes, mectric, R Wen Frigiaine, 0! y s | BUSINESS WANTED | / now under | eee at wy 330 Agnes Street riage and Sex." t have a buyer for a bus OWNER TRANSFERRED -- | : a BOAT 2 & prea yw wee eae! The roll call ness thet could be operered ieemniate POSssssion on this Construction 1963 PONTIAC What's Wy Line? j8258, Spor Station, 7 Band West "aaljwath the names of Biblical by & young couple, Voriety 3 decroorn k bungelow on 1 Bunine cr selling used ¢ i ' /COUNES, . nd © lor + as > : : uying ¢ 2 oS wsed bani wees Ged com Sen er | pe seers tn | gy, West = CUSTOMCRAFT STINGRAY PARISIENNE nature ond anohonces. Fer '33--Market Beaket a ee ee k aeictly com 1 6% ort : your #3 phone | _ site i Sain "ha er Wem | 38h. oe row Presa | OPPING CeEMtre oe ony. 14h. x66 inch x 26 inch fibergies, 3 yeors old Few der, VR, evtemak i Volley Creek Furnit ke Soe acrid & Eee Ga } beeen ce 7a8-S12d TON, interest ond Taxes. Mory | Clay brick construct bese SOLD NEW $1195 | transmission, power steering Qa sig : ree : urniture at re enn. Telepnone 62.5955 a > egy Mer reception 4 3 ro | i 728-4401 or cal sto r "Witamene held Com { MNO SALES TAX, | Roche builtin ronges. | NOW power brakes, radia, 1300 16s Band We Serco tone cee 8 hal -- | WILL TAKE CLEAR LOTS -- Sontt Ave. 50 x Three bedrooms. Custom | miles, like new a Re, ghieren ate waiey Savane, Ladies of the community hon i MOUSE Ont NEW NO eking $2,800. Eizo | er encoen cupboards T.V. TOWERS a jored Gail with & miscellaneous ms beth Cresent 75 x 244 | Colore athroom ix- . ' FILL your Seep freere: wilh Gelkcioos Shower, prior to her marriage, est 6 PLE priced at $3200. with 20 tures. $1,000 down. Call | BRUNSWICK WINNER 196} PONTIAC pegged o-- stat go Big ae ca al the hail. i lectrice eated. terrazon = we Fic Re > i % | z . Qk e Deo Tes wm > i Bergen deviet. severe | bet & ns Rood S2'x | 725.1186. Ask for Bill Qne only, 15 #, x 6B inch x 28 inch fibergiea Been ip Ph ath ane sam ee | howd gifts were contained in a i ime gloss doors, plenty of | | Millar to inspect home SOLD NEW $995 Four door horton, fully pow Instatied $50 APELES yen Fenperent €00 aie =. which was. filled. | ae laundry | . ; , cor wpoma Or ty Vacation Bible school Morage spoce. Lorge foundry | Onen doily 9 am. to 9 am | ered. Sher 'Oshowo T.V. Supply Ltd charas, TWoknon Road North ta mile ' room equipped. Paved 'pork. | a s j W. T. LAMSON NOW $395 i @ > dphesha Bigg ~ inewth ot Taunton Road ont held July 15-19 in the Sua- pg el age gerne os Tp REAL ESTATE LTD Scar ot Rk" [oko ond Wend ~|Suea§ and slaer stoned. "Bit" Horner ote Hy > "Dick Y 6? Kino Street East 960 pp ee Pac coy 5 -- | " > ° 23 Lucas x ' De ong : 0 2 < ] PONTIAC LOsr Radek WT tn Gamera in "Saanping or 728-2236 - a fe Ss -- me oe 3 Sis eS CANADIAN LAURIER DRAPERIES Sse eal LLOYD REALTY [OSHAWA) honk Brose. kind Gouen 1} HARRY MILLEN One only 14 fx 64 inch x 26 inch fibergie: WO door. cutemetic trons R -- iat -- tea bale eee LIMITED 5 Zurba im cyline Most Reasonable Prices ecaty oF Woascrest and (Hg Steve Zurba, Steve Exgien | Sold New $895 | mission, six cylinder carte Manees "oeee™ cron waa poy 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH GSHAWA, ONTARIO Open Evenimos OPEN HOUSE al Reward FROGS oF call P2ads USST -- iy Whitty "Torn a aan| howrd, Walker ang Bige Tick, Tato on ah eon, 2 6 OS. A. Prone PIR1ae er) SSG, Cotiect | 728-1679 | Drapery Fabrics 1959 PONTIAC Raguier Price per yord $1 98 Plans Service GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Reoltors,, 16 Simeoe Se. $ 728-1879 NOW $495 Seu, Page i We inatoll oy tr -- hast AVENUE, brick LAKECRAFT CONVERTIBLE psi P i clove, ior v d 36--Legal } '@ring room y Peed aa 16 #. x PO inch x 30 inch, cedar strip, fibergies dome All power, new moter, nex M. pee ra sue Ry GLADYS YELLOWLEES SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1963 = | modern Richer, with tee A STEAL AT bres TENDERS SOLINA -- There will be ne 2P.M to9PM in tg wong Bonar 195 Drapery {chareh sereice ar Sunday Schou qreingehe SSS $ FOR UNIFORMS [ixccssth Bas Ses 113 HARMONY RD. NORTH wsning, Ressonably prced 1960 CHEVROLET past Seiad tenders wit, bee. |SURMRD Schost Bere wal be td Hormony Rd. North at Colborne St. E on cee. -- = Meters LAKECRAFT BEL AIR Dry Goods Store poage be Se pepe }on Sunda \ mane 1 WERE 1S A REAL HONEST BARGAIN im cc ronch bungolow which Ft nee Mer cir oi Qre oniy 15 tf « 65 inch x 28 inch cader strip, needs vernan VE enema ae foe 'ta Coete of re the Werry family reyes ne SE Bhan geoteiocn Milian 5 For aret Joi Oticiols until 4:30 ) My et ee een wane Features extra Relenon sune! ete in A STEAL aT power steorng, power brokes, se te ve S ae -- on eke oe we a + bg «oP gs -- stone frreplnces, jorge retrestion room end lovely londscaped | dosemert, fully insuloted ae 72 7 7963, Rage A gal ae | ee eee Party, cowmiened 125 -- i 3-782 'ether bays on Friday on ae same 12 5 1S ond | / | 24 Celina Street, Oshawa The. fowest_or_ omy tensor jirip te the West coast -- dining "room, very modem wee ee Mot Mecessorily accented. i PAY US A VISIT -- Anthory Sioleck i i kitchen, two bedrooms ths he Sf Our Courteous in au eaanen | mince non | MFG FIBREGLAS 1959 CHEVROLET Saftborn Futter oortevion, may be | sagh, Visited GUIDE REALTY LIMITED i ate. sceatoreee One Only 14, x 60 inch x 25 inch agen fishing dost er AIR rsa trom the undex (Mr. and Mrs. Tisk on ed for $27.93, grin. | REDUCED TO : 723-112) pr -- y Hp $1 15 Four door, outometic trons- STEAM wn, S tomine | Mr. "ont ooggtt 9 5 te poimtnent to seapect ot Sya | mission, radio Cements one. iM Ea at een. 08s \esmcor st. | ENSSRS | JUICERS is Soe - an Whitby, Onterio,. [aed several i Mr, . ----o KIT BOAT 'itcevmour "ee fan 4 "sae at WHITBY CLASSIRED = See tect | em | ee ee ce | MONEY MADE Lelie : moke ond sto cous s ¥ s S<Sse e S eee e e AT $100 | | Sarees Sr apa Min Roy Mena jt ReMevitie Teddy, Philip | ~ were Darron Avalignhir cnmedintey, shower. bana, . . Selling Things ina apartment. - * wiring | Pes BA Service Statin, Braak!in,| * STO Tent. Trofiers ond Codie SS "vpaire eee dicycies. Guar see Melirea of Ay pos ee atin oy * ea cel ces | j A NUMBER OF USED MOTORS M ARTIN {ft & © work sover ond ae el gs Tremaine? for heli. ' FOR RENT been Seunmen Si aan Soho = BILL WHITTICK | AT REDUCED PRICES through | Miss Donna McLachiin, "'To- fem, Con, Gr te 25% DISCOUNT ON MARINE SUPPLIES : -- visited Miss Pat Davis on Boots, Guthoord Motors, -- WINNIE Tere. sone Airchenene | MOTORS LTD. A to E| Oshawa ; many Bost Yroilers, Torts, Stet cope. soa "e Ge. a heel ! U ectric | ye : | sean ie ms ling = | NEW LOCATION S M | 1 | | | Seine See Times | ST AEANRERT. Gor (CP) an = Eel SS "= Dundes St. East | Used Cars seven Classified Ad WILDE Ao | Waitby -- Phone 668-5871 | Telephone 725-8066 am s RENTAL Comes sane -- etal The Home Of R ig S 409 Brock Street South Kastner Call 723-3492 SERVICE AND SALES Se ee, I Cet Good Used Cars i ae ' 1415 Dundes East we BUICK oom oe ee KING STREET WEST itby -- 668-3652 os a Ploce your order Whitby 668-3226 iron, Cosi Soh athe SR. Give BA Ate" | Oshowe Telephone 728-7341 i i rot pany She aeccn i TODAY eth 3,185,