Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1963, p. 12

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| Stan 'The Man' Musial Will Keep On Playing Until Quits Being + avinn-has ") q x >) = Onejlaughs freely--and constantly, jand the most extra base hits,' | ad Haag Paka ae a pretty lucky fellow," |he added, 'I've realized most) te changing into univjof these, Those I've missed, I Polo Grounds, 'I pe longer worry about, morning Stan Musial will wake) up with an aching gee" tees pad anid, = bolts of lead and form a 0 nee pg ny dom lee having to/foel great. Nothing hurts, 1 still) "My main concern is staying) j ; ./get into a few games and | fig- on as long as I can be of some! pon gg og te yD gay sg 1 1 can do the club a little assistance to the youngsters on "When that happens," ig the club and being some value} agoless wonder of St, Louis|BELOW 1962 PACK lo the team, When I feel so Cardinals said today, "when Musial isn't playing up to Nisisett slipping or getting bored, baseball quits being fun and be 1942 pace Ww hen he batted a" PH quit | comes a drudgery, I'll retire," in 15 games, but he has played The Cardinal star attributed) It appears that time mayjin & games, Nit nine homersipis baseball longevity to une never come for the brilliantiand batted in 42 runs, His bab proken good health, combination outfielder firstiting average is 260 "Phat's the important thing, baseman, whose National) 'Really, Tve got it pretty he said. 'TI can understand when League and major league ree: soft,' The Man added, half in'y fellow like Joe DiMaggio re: ends take up almost a full page jest : vitves, He suffers a foot injury of agate type in the Baseball) 'Johnny Keane (the Cards' and then has back trouble, It's Register manager) doesn't make MO hard to get in shape, Every At 42, he is as lean and hard play when i's too hot *e bog same becomes a drudge, s' ay in 1941 when, as a colt---only when its just ren eee ' mane from Donora, Pa, he/You can't beat that," MICKEY PRONE : ; first broke into the Cardinal! Musial said it isn't personal, i must be a mene lune-up, ambition but more just love for/times for Mickey Man 6. : i" He weighs 180 pounds -- five the game which is keeping himiall his injuries anc ag A : pounds lew than he did a half. active ' really fee! aorry it 4 ; Goren years ago when he was a "Once, I set a lot of goals for there's a0 nething about big fe , $100,000-a-vear commodity, He myself --. like three thousand jlows = that make them more us the picture of health. He is bits, seven National League bat-/) = to ened full of boyish enthusiasm, He'tung titles to tie Honus Wagne ve Cardina Announce Draw For Ontario Ladies Open Golf Tourney bs re offici eachgrave ant nen, Woodbridge Open Golf Champie 9.07 a.m, ~-- Miss G. Harvey Oshawa Golf Claud, wi gets. Searbora GC; Miss S. Mak under way Monday ing,/Idyiwyide and Miss S, Woodley giving the tee-off mes for the Thorah known entries, a total of 103 COR 9 a5 am, = Miss K. He testanis Rasedale se M ' ' Post entries will also be ac-) Mary's; Miss S, Hulten Or vhost cepted, if the secretary is nou 10.32 aa tied in time the! good," ended SONES P the Ontario Ladie ash Following S far the draw" Fenton Harris, Glen VV, Ferguson 10.38 am, ~-- Mrs, J, Mac Waste Mrs R Summit and Mrs, M Osh awa am. = Mrs, RB. White b i, Credit Valley; Mrs, R RA3_ am, w= Mrs, R. Murray, Carter y y aT 'vr, Burlington and. Mrs, G Glendale; Mrs, J, A, Me - Qu etme Dougald, Teronte GC; and Mrs tie Ae eke H. S, Irwin, Trafalgar Mss Mt Net de 82 am, -- Mrs ae arke. Ladies' GC; Miss Oshawa and Miss C. Summit 2.30 a.m, ~ Mrs, G, Monteith Lambton: Mrs. W. Watson Ladies' and Miss K, Creet, Idy! wy ide 837 am, -- Mrs. A. Ross, Rosedale; Mrs, C._ MoKensaie Ladies' and Miss J, Kirkpatrick Ww \ . w= Miss J. Hea. ' one i es Mrs S.jlaw, Mississaugua; Mrs. R Gaston, Lambton and Mrs. 1) Hall, Gleadale and Mrs, S$ Robinson, Pine Valley. Bright, Ladies - a3 am = Mrs. S. Dab) 1 am, = Mrs, W. Me rympie, St. Catharines; Mrs, J. Nivea, Glendale Mrs. J. Stew Roeckh, Lambton and Miss P./ens, Landon tune and Miss P.)_ . ACWAR Conaar, New Manas . -- > = Miss 1. 20.13 a.m, -- Mes, B. V, Minas, > York Downs; Miss N Mes K GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS Nien Pace, > ATR RACE -- } ane ew }year - 3 Nomeemaners at D races sect pide end UR. Nomewinners ef 2 races ges Ong wa Norinnes Reet Jute & Craning Oh VRB Perse soy & Pore Bw. (7) : @ Piast Goog, Waker ; - NAPS &Saee) Joh. B. Filion 3 Mary Loose 9 , Fegan RB TR Si ylaarer Gros, NcKiniey FE Renal vane 2 Tore RR PA OF at Oh ES Ye RO Ni OF a 29 EDT Ate: Cadenaa, Betsy Herter Awe: Prwate bes, Teimties Dav ang Reware re or harry's jcc, ane Le auineaea ABS to Deedes Poe VOR " SECOND RACE -- 2 Foriena Pece Byearess end VA Nowwones Ff... paces Bece Joe 4 sie Purse TH. SSagar HA Mew, Lect nts eave Bye Bacar Keser m " " ? "pe ADany Farr TT aR = 2 4 EDT Lag Tipe 4 45. OF a 9H) EO oe a DOVALE. 4 ane & PALO HVE ye fam, Secs arTRIMY DAR & oe Jasaannig, Peng Hal Ne ¢ s ana Dans 13.33 Aw. -- Miss R. Smith Therehith Miss EB. SiMer, Ham Osh Wa edar Rra¢ bora and Ray af Qu 10.32 a.m, = Mrs, W > Miss D = Miss K Miss roore and Miss P ot a, Whiteva 9.37 am, --~ Starters Time 9.43 a.m, -- Miss N, Stoddart New Uplands: Mrs. N. J, Cari son, Rosedale and Mrs, W. Me ay, Lambton 9.22 am. ~ Mrs. J Trafalgar; Miss P. Miu awa and Mrs, C. Muls, hill D D Hibbs Dabdhie Applegath O'Loush Riker terbarou R, Me rsan, Napanee 11.08 a.m, = Mrs, J. Kessler Oshawa; Miss M. Forrester anton and Mrs. CC. 7 aura, Rayview 11:87 am, = Mrs, R. Me Coallagh, Pine Valley; Mrs. C Kesak, Aurora Heid, and Mrs S. A. Lavke, Whithy 11,35 a.m, = Miss K. Pettett rafaigar; Mrs, C. BE. Srelting rm and Mrs, D, Towas Dundas 12 am, -- Mrs . Geargetawan; Hamittan Rinkley. Broekeashire, Ladies' Binkte: 11,38 a.m, -- Mrs. W. Murphy Oshawa; Mrs, W. Phila, Cedaz Rrae and Mrs. H. McPherson. Pine Valley W3T -- Narters Time N43 am, ~-- Mes. M. Rodh Summit; Mrs. A. Fair, Owea and Miss J. MeNeil Stabbs r, Osh: # Thora. 16.00 a.m, = Nes. J, C. White. rT | N. March Miss N Seams Mrs. H Sanit (Buriington wrRsT RACE --- be tw L272 2" Snow Hatt Ww am, -- Miss M Tharaaii Mrs, W S mes and Mrs. G LAWS@R 12,00 Noon -- Miss M. McNeil Trafalgar; Miss BR. Melate'y 2 and Mis Ral 3 ana}, PAID 1 BUPVAL OR, Pow Qoava Paw Rivet > Moe Pace we em WS SEVENTH RACE -- yearamn aad ya Wmners Ss aa mare Par Sarr Ww St ewe * am ~ Mrs. BH. Roves Mrs A. Pailins Miss M_ Andersen, Osh 62 BWAR aB in < Dees? fan and Mrs + awa 2 pM, -- Miss K. Rere, TRoreku ee M. Bowdreau a Ceunt ; oo oon na, CSMARA Rd Mis. W. Blkett Seam Mae Waker am am St Catharines C. Lee, Haines RM pe. -- Me 1 Sa SB Miss SS. Baance ~Kog © Tawe 1S. OF a) BB EDT pane Fortes Kew, Mana Been RINE S. Semmrk aad Miss KR. Workeaaa Oshawa G, Tayler SGN RACE ~-- ? Fooere Po yearn ad ua Nawecnaers oF SERC Weed ara ft veces wince Jee & AE ROA ClareweQ of BA Perse FR FARA RACE -- Ha Forera Pace. > yeorokn ard ua Winners sice July % peoterced, Claiming a) S00 Rorse DIN ae Siuccen Storey, H Fila PWV I2S Naerry Camect. Moe $22 @Franae Alem. Your: 22 Tore ME BS, OF a ED EDT Awa: Ray Sarvers Fete W. Canap.ar Graman, Coumt Drest, aad Cucks De ama & beery. ane Ve Poet ES Areabere Deore, Se Bae W ,e 2 mee 22 Mrs. W. K. Me : Rrayapen aad Mrs. EK Reary, Oshawa 12:83 pam, -- Miss A, Smith mit: Mrs, 1, Reliiager, Bay Mrs, V. Vernaa WANTM RACE -- 2 Mike Pace dyear oS aS WR Dies of mare Man $5 a a were Der TE > BS 2R IR @ Dkommey Parr BRvee's Dew 8 sagem. Caran Roe Pinte Tore BP 2S OF & BR EDT a? Qeme ard Ata, Bathe Keorey C. Lacw OGere Toaracta Kole WoW Nowegsteeas Ieosdy Bra are wine Fax hat Atermance tat Yea! Bene Peal PAG SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The evtadiamed rehatte Gas Dealer w vaur orca. 31 CELINA ST. Cannes at Athel Perse S.. wpert Kagan 32 2a 3% sean . Serageer «Chet. Jim Bebwyr, Decks tery. ang Noa Ler mee ME PTR RACE ~-- > Foreee Pace > yea-nen amd LR Nom were oF 2 races sece Joe 6 Clateng of 3480 Fone rR. 2 Sandy Daves, aN. eer Tres. 2 Gene Tere Hh. OF a BP EDT Ame: 26.2. Joaes Commence, Lee pera, Gooes S58. and Bearce pees Pox Wat Par OI MacTeesa 4% 12 2D 42s s® a aA at . =* > tt _* . RRRRS, tiie pai a SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY LACROSSE OLA Senior League = St, Catharines vs Brooklin Mer: chants, at Brooklin Community Arena, &.45 p.m, SUNDAY SOFTBALL Fun i », marked Musial's last| EX, Game -- Richmond Hill ope ag ag gn of the|Vs People's Clothing Juveniles, Giants at Lakeview Park, 2,00 p.m, This is my third farewell at MONDAY the Pole Grounds, and this cer-/ LACROSSE tainly must be the final one, bee} OLA Junior League Playoffs eause the new ball park should/Long Branch Castrolites vs Osh: be open next year," Musialiawa Green Gaels, at Oshawa said, Children's Arena, 8.30 p.m, There's something sentimen:| OLA Midget League -- Osh ial about this old place, awa Jaycees at North York, 8.30 "Tye always loved it, For one)p.m, thing, I've always been a Giant|GoLF fan, When twas a kid, Carl) Qntaria Ladies' Open Cham: Hubbell and Met Ott were my pionship, at Oshawa Golf Club THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 10, 1963 7} SPORT FROM BRITAIN Illegal LONDON (CP) = /Griffith is a ehucker," Just when everything seemed to be going smoothly in the test matches between Engand and the! West Indies, sonieone had to say it within earshot of cricket reporters, ' At least three newspapers car: ried reports that the England batsmen weren't appy about Griffih's bowling action, The rules state that the bowl: ing arm: must be straight and come from over the shoulder during delivery, A bent elbow heroes, [I've enjoyed playing! First trio tee-off at 8.13 am, here because of the short fences RASPRALL and the nice crowds, Now this) Leaside Junior League = Osh is goodbye, It's a bit sad." lava Canadian Tire Legionnaires Will Musial be. back to help) y. Richardson's Sports, at Lea christen the new Shea Stadium! iqg Talbot Park, 7:30 p.m | in Queens next year 5 'Maybe," Stan) said with a pp dc tog PAN ee a ad grin, "T play it by ACHES AEUE m= AN wt -- soy 8M nual East Toronto General Hos: Will he be playing baseball 01a Night, at Kew Gardens : via iy , $00 pom ye years from now $ OO ee rr eens. no," Oshawa City and District Musial said, "TH really. be Assoc, Playoffs -- Port Perry - Foley's plumbing. vs Post Schedule Play C e u e a Oshawa Minor Assee,. Play Kick off time 830 p.m be played on Tuesday. Retura would very rained out, they mast be played ready for the wheel chair in Merchants vs Oshawa Bad Boys three years." i at Alexandra Park, 813 pan. ; lst game of quarterfinal series Civil Service League Playolfs Oshawa Soccer nies chum" bas of awa Dairy vs Excelsiors, . at L R Thornton's Corners; Fire eague esume fighters vs Reynold's at Baker's Field, All games at 645 p.m (ist: games of quartenfinal series.) On Monday, the 12th, the soe offs (Kiwania Rantam League) cer League resumes after two Rathe Park at Connaught weeks vacation with Bathurst Park, 6.30 p.m. and Lake Vista 'laying Rangers Kick-off 8 p.M./at Nipigon Park, 6.30 p.m) lst On Thursday the 15th Kickers sames of 2oubold semifinals lay reg ce Rick oft A sald OASA eliminations, NOTE -- if Mm, aka Uxraina pia OIC games are rained out, they must On Saturday the 17th another games are on Wednesday double ~e with : t kra on Midget League Playolfs -- R se nt eclas wakeiie ah He North Oshawa at Fernhill, 690 MARRS PAYNE FM Sin m, and Southmead at Storie 1] " i. : ae R rk, 6.30 pm. Ist games of For te honeti ot all ee oul . of . 3 OASA elimina saa cow wach cuereniane it tions, NOTE -- If games an uc ppreciat ? you would print the League 4 3 . . . 7 Psd a on Tuesday. Return games are -- " wt on ge! eo an Wednesday as follows oes SOCCER WL TF Apis, Whithy Rathurst vs Rangers Talia T 1 239 $25 (at Kiasmen Memorial Stadium Ukraina & 2.21910. 80 Pm Polenia & 1 13018 Kickers 3 3NNWH Rangers 4322 9/|Jack Nash And Son Hungaria, 2? 263s 6 a Bathurst #10 6 337 8) RP; Go This does not include the Repeat lf Title game to be replayed, between ) x a i itungeria and 5 | SARNIA (CP) -- Jack Nash Goal "Scarers: Lapes, 3% Jeas 280.508 Robert of London, Ont, <a wae Gan 6 " me [Friday won the annual Ontario Traut decent » es eee GoGdi Association's parent-and: cad 3 Can seals (Polonia): child championship for the sec and 2 I is, ia); Pawias 10 league goals and j ond time Cup goal, (Polonia) and Rres.) They Were Winners in 1958 san $ league goals, (Italia), and the father, along with son Jona Jr. won ja 1981, In 16 Jack Nash, with his late father LACROSSE aise wor the litle The Nash team shot TT to top SCORES a Meteam field. Second were J W, and Peter Wise of Toronto f with 78 THE CANADIAN PRESS Low net prize winners ip Oatarte Junior eluded Allan and Keith Shirk of Catharines § Rramaten 13 Kitchener Kraest and Pau! (First game ef best-of.seven Carson of Oakville: Peter and semifinal) Tom La Braache of Peterbdor Qshawa 14 Leag Branch t @agh, and OGA President J. \V (Oshawa Jeads best . of . five Cressy and son Jimmy of Tor quartenfinal 20) arta ANerweed 14 Guelph 9 (Alderweed leads dest + af five quarterfinal 24) ARACHE: CAMPING TRAILERS SALE! WINS JUNIOR TITLE JOLIRTTE, Que. (CP) -- BP Warrell, 38 ef Deannacena Gait Cd wea the Quechee juaior golf champmoancshia Wednesday with a taree-Tewnd total of 331, He fired & @Rewaderpar Tl in the aper: img round Tuesday and a TH] ip the two rowads Wednesday BROWN'S CERES PERE 44% 8) . a "4 eX aA err rt with the arm held well away jfreom the head as it swings! 'through constitutes an illegal throw, The feeling seemed to be that Griffith was "chucking" when beset, his morale-shattering bump ball which lands short of the baisman and bounces up around his head, With England down 21 in the series and one match remain: ing, there was some suggestion that sour grapes were behind the criticism In any case, it wasn't brought to official notice, There was doubt about whether Griffith's action was really illegal DEFENDED BY AUSSIE For example, former Austral an star Keith Miller said the West Indian's style was safe enough to be capied by school kids This sort of controversy has NU-WAY Rug (Oshawa) Ltd, CARPET SALES PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING and FURNITURE 174 MARY ST. N, PHONE 728-4681 WONDER WHERE TO FIND «+. buver for vour car, er a sewing machine to buy, or someone to clean your home? Just read and use our... Newspaper Want Ads Phone 3-3492 SHEET METAL WORK INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 292 KING ST. W. W, BORROWDALE feel OF ond fee A gampiete bee of "SUPER SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specielists in Ture-uns end broke work. 67 KING ST. W. We Speqiaiize tn Reodeenal Dravowce, Wren Gamanine Phone 728-810? Gemerted Ured Con ROY W. NICHOLS OChevraien, Comair, Qusmode Saies ond Serene PHONE 728-6206 42 Yeou Seveg Yaa Delivery Is Cricket's 'Hot Cake' "Charlie, arisen before in cricket, a gamejumpires for throwing, To pre: |that looks as harmless as a vic-;vent the game from becoming arage tea party but arouses the) bogged down in a series of ar \ \ jguments over technicalities, When South Africa was tour-/Griffin was removed from the unfriendiiest of passions, ing England in 1960, a young list of bowlers. fast bowler named Geoff Grif. ONE-PIECE CONCRETE ie MUMEDATE: LELIUERY CW Ald UE 2 @ POR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT POR OLD STEPS decided that to avert. similar crises in future, the umpires, would wait until after the mate and then send a polite letter te the authorities bringing to thei notice the bowler's nicorredte motion, "? It seemed to be a tidy little® compromise, But the offenders= became marked men, Griffin is« rarely heard of these days, Eng-3 lish spin bowler Tony Lock disee lappeared from the international® scene for two years, Australia's? |Gordon Rorke and Ian Meckilf« were removed from their nas¥ tional team, Rather stiff punishe« ment for a kinkyarmed delive® ery; the sort of thing that pond haps makes the umpires think« The wise old owls at Lord's,/twice before writing their polite* fin was repeatedly ealled by the|headquarters of English cricket, [little letters, ' 3 be eo eee eee ee | @ NON®*SLIP SURFACE ON TREADS "ND PLATFORM CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO WILSON | ACADIAN ELECTRIC MOTORS F CLEANERS Motor Repair : PRESSERS-- Overhauling-----Rewinding to SHIRT LAUNDERERS all types of Electric Motors New end Used Moters STORAGE 395 Oshawa Blvd. S. PRONE PHONE 723-4362 728-5141 299 BLOOR ST. W. SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M, and RALEIGH BICYCLES Sales--Service---Perts Keys Mede 497 Simcoe St. S. PHONE 725-3979 it's Later Than You Think... come te the Cadillac ENJOY OUR MODERN DINING ROOM FACILITIES--(BOWLING BANQUETS) ALL MODERN ROOMS ---- SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH HOTEL LIMITED Phone 725-3743 for Reservations A WEEKLY CALENDAR OF... ? ea SPORTS News, -- Read The Oshawa Times Regularly SATURDAY LACROSSE---OLA Senior League---St. Catharines Atbletics v8 Mercy im Merchents, et Brooklin Comraunity Arena, 43 am. SUNDAY SOFTBALL--iExhitnion Gome)---Richmond MIR va Oehowe People's Clothing Juveniles, ot Lokeview Pork, 2200 p.m. MONDAY GOLE--Oeraria Lodies' Open Championship, deine Held ot Oshewe Gott Club, Monday Yrough to Friday of tha week. First tee-off for competitors ic scheduled for Mom amy, &13 om, RACROSSE----DLA Jumeer Leame Plyoits--ierg Branch | OQsrewe Green Goes, ot Osrewe Chiigren's Arena, 8:30 DM.) Bea game of Powtet5 semrHel swies. SOFTBALA--Oshene City ond Dorner Acar, "Cie Chom pina Plevotis" at Alexandre Park. See "Dowty Cobh tendier" for pertcuiays. WEDNESDAY niet Serve League pinots ond oko Oshowe Miner Somali Asangton"s Barter and Mager Pia of, See "Deity Colendior™ for teams, POrks, Tees, €tc, THURSDAY BASEBARA end SOFTBALL --Soecis! playsit Heures t be SPOTOA PAT WR FRIDAY No games scheduled ee You Like it... ... ltLikes You Diastdator: Rese Shortt 136 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 Specioiats WHEEL ALIGNMENT Smogon: Gault eon 1S GHURGH ST.

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