Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1963, p. 10

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SECOND SECTION Trucker, 30,) Osharon Time 4 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1963 PAGE NINE. ena Is Killed James Alexander Seyrnour, Seymour truck was traveling in P 40, of Newcastle was killed insja westerly direction and the|) stantly when the new. gravel/truck driven by Garrison head.| truck he was driving crashedjed in the opposite direction, | into a second truck at the Taun-| Garrison drove for Oshawa|' ton and Wilson road intersec:/Garden Centre, i tion, yesterday, The front part of the Seymour]: Driver of the second truck, |vehicle, which was carrying al" Peter Michael Garrison of 1253)full load of gravel at the time,|. Simcoe stree north was taken|was completely demolished in|. to Oshawa General Hospital in/the accident, serious condition then taken to} Seymour, who drove for Ear! Toronto. General Hospital with|Bottrell Sand and Gravel com: head injuries, pany in Hampton, was involved]: pnaen Police said the pavement was/in an earlier accident this year,|> " wet and there was a light mistion which police said he. was). falling at the time, They were/lucky to have escaped alive, unable to determine what actus! The deceased is survived by| ally occurred because of the/his wife Marie, an expectant) 2 position of the vehicles after the;mother and a two « year » old accident, daughter, Debbie, all of New. It is, however, believed theicastle, Area Man Creates lade cae Garden Of Gods | By ELMA FARROW of the Sea and so one passes fie KING ST. CLEAN-UP JOB ADVANCES ON SCHEDULE } Ontario's newest rt A dg the inhabliants of Mount|#m Such scenes as the above Engineer Fred Crome said asphalt coating on the road attraction "The Garden of the/Olympus to the beauty of tho) iam are commonplace on down: this week that the King street surface which will be delayed |Gods" on the Enchanted Moun-/New World where Champlain - . me . rg hieel ae Ave 'ing until next spring, King street |tain, one of the Georgien Peaks/ roamed town King street these days cleanup job was -a¢ vancing. downtown is a series of mass: (nine miles west of Collingwood,! Elford Cox began learnne a crew is shown installing a 'on schedule and that the proj jive craters these days, now jon Georgian Bay, is of particu-/sculpturing at a tender age. For section the new sewer line . ect would likely be completed that the tracks are gone lar interest to residents of Osh-/a time the late Isaac Tabb, his Ba o west of Simcoe street, City by fall, except for ¢ q a8 ~jformer district man, Elford B,/family and showed the little boy Negotiations Break Off Negotiations between Localjmemorandum was signed that) A_ tiny, 1800, United Steelworkers of/'he parties would continue to vs de erica and the Ontario Mal.j#egoliate unt] Aug. 9 and if no Magistrate day, | 8 of the ek gods of Poll 8 favorite hobby| on 8 r Iron Company broke/agreement had been reached byjcharged with carrying an offen Mythology, which Mr, Cox has remaine a wood arving Some ot down Friday morning The con-|that time that the parties would/sive weapon -- an axe. sculptured from Indiana lime. his pieces were shown at the tract between the firm and. thelJointly request the Ontario Min. Police said that Mrs, Eilie/stone, Each figure weighs ap.;Canadian National Exhibiticn : bs eS na NS ister of Labor not to set up a Munce, of Beaverton, was found nired May 1, 1983. Nego./{Ster Of Labor not to set up a ' docal expired Maj eh Jown Simcoe street ina source of jCox was bora ahd educated in/how to carve figures from the! second from right, is shown jresidents will be more interest./in wood carving stayed with! . e nj ; fed in the fact that Mr, Cox islvoung Elford and with prac.| Charman of the Civic Audi- C : Ry ithe nephew of Mrs, J, C. Ward,|tiee, he became more proficient | arries e iMary street | After his education in | » ! | Mr, Cox' brainchild, The Gar-/manville, he attended the Un Count white-haired lady of/den of the Gods is so called be-|Versity of Toronto and later} Zz s for ww contract have/conciliation board as it would! Wwatking nk hee conels njiservat } Swiss tuations a new co ¢ e Beaverton, with an axe in herithey were' brought to the mouns| Mr os nay arhed i eet servatives wi yg re te " 'SS campaign to raise $1,000,000 --/represented a contribution from i eae kag A decabe ae _-- i pape tae ik rs ' Me the cancellation by Don Jackson] the Police Association, jin § hodern materials. as 17, Swiss Chalet is the nev lof his holiday to be in Oshawa * : . eet a rte . : "ite help the Campaiga committee/in the welfare of youth in the] President Rrent Snowdon, Ind A 10-minute ride on the 3,100 railing for the Bank of Nova way park. formerly known as start the canvass for funds: thelcity is further indicated by this|Vice President Charlie Hitta, been under way since March l/serve no useful purpose. : : 4 last, Since June 18. Mr. Ross con: possesion She wes shout ngitain top, intact, '7 es ser LRU the « . q a and sWearng at e NHei*nodors res . ' i Keith Ross, business manager {imued, the company had re ~~ RINE VANTAGE POINT iplastic, when he made the stair/name for the popular No.? High fuse se argain.| (estivied the officer Inited Steelworkers. said {used to meet with the bargain.| @s°Uy of the United Steelworkers, said ha commen and ck a "Well, I did say something to final Oshawa Times Photo jawa because its creator is a/grandfather, lived with the Cox i Radikal shh : ages , ae CONST, CARMAN WHYTE torium Finance Committee while Const, Bill Hayes (left) 7 {Bowmanville His father, Johnikindling wood used to light the! presenting a cheque for $500 and E, 8. a y. a jCOX, still resides there, Oshawa /fire each morning, The interest) tg 'Terence V.. Kelly, the Laughiin look on, The money te haa at The Oshawa. Civie Auditorium, Auditorium Committee proximately five tons and it is ag Wing Aang . all yp Gen we Committee have had many surj Terence V, Kelly, finance chairjexample," concluded Mr amazement how for his st love, sculpture gether of Ontario County On. prises dunng the course of theirfman, a cheque for $300 which! Whyte, comes from the Oshawa Police Association which has V4 members and is in addition to the amounts individually con- tributed to the fund by the policemen through the payroll deduction plan, Oshawa Times Phote ----| « pc's Police Bolster Fund faced the Oshawa) Cause at the top of the mountain/taught languages at Upper Can,} ® > s Court Friday, are figures of the Greek gods of ada College, His favorite hobby] Pp] Pi e For Auditorium By $500 an Picnic | andithe city will follow our The other members of the jexecutive of the Police Associae "The interest of the policemenition are as follows: Ist Vice tie union is prepared, even)" this Friday. the company/them,"" said Mrs, Munce, "But/foot chair lift, which is used inScotla on Younge street in To: Greenwood Park, The three Con: donation of $1,000 by a pension: wonderful donation," said Mr, 'Treasurer: Gary Paton and Db though the circumstances ap- pear hopeless, to meet with the;! company at anytime to avert ai' possible strike, Car ade no concrete proposals ex./there they were sitting under a t it wanted a three-year act with no change in the ing and the sua wasn't shin-/Where a breath . taking pano./ Montreal at several branches, efforts to put on an attraction g.* two years and a wage adjust-| the company in direct negotia- leused had bee: somplained Was Reac! st is tw import issions, | ne of the last of the old i : ' Jment the amount ef which was/CUsed ha mn complacned! Wasaga Beach on the east isitwo important commissions/led one of the last of the Old on whote. and the secre |t , Mr, Ross s2 g- \3 . » beter aan ; ' awaiti is tal ands. time political get-tagethers armat te, ane Seere-| tions, Mr, Ross said no prog), revealed for the third year, 200ut by neighbors before and/enjoyed from a built up vant. awaiting his talented hands. time political get-togethers, tary, BN Hayes arrived at the!' campaign headquarters ¢ with the conciliation officer, lcontract, retroactive pay, a pons CCCRsens. one must wind his way through/ Mountains and the other is for year's picnic caters to the childs |y aughtin -- Pcl esngg i _ Tess was made at meetings Mr. Ross s Sen bes that they had taken her home/age point, T . yan. Cre is for figures to be made! Speeches will take a back seat . 2 'ess said the major issues ny \ age point, To arrive at this van r fig ade; Speeches will take a $e2 April 33, June 18 and Aug, Vn @iswate are the pons of the? "calm her down" on other/tage pont from the chair lif, at a resort in the Laurentian to family fun however as this fawn umbretla wher it wasn'tabove the tree tops to a spot/ed to do work for the Bank of/area are again combining neg mous, and many others i ; sther surprise came Friday |(hrough the pay roll deducueniadoug' noon when the president o7)P-88 had shown a 100 per cont ~ mien Present contract for the first rama of Georgian Bay, from/He has found his stone scutp. outstanding interest to all WhO) 4 : After numerous meetings with | +.| The dfficer stated that the ac/Brace Peninsula on the west to/ture to he very popular and has/attend, The picnic has been cal SeenON Wher tetwiehe record of contributing more the Oshawa Police Association, han the minimum asked of) ach worker in the city, approx: © tara mately $30 over the three-year) aver to B iperiod in which the campaign! After the June 18 meeting a : paca in, aRistrate H. W, Jermyn told/a delightful woodland of white figures to be used underwater.ren, A full program of races,| [tae program, improved vaca Mrs, Muace that, just because mete mite These are five-year projects, jgames, carnival rides, pony! : [oes ane teins =o re she was an old lady, she didn't! sity at interva vag) Mr. Cox has followed his in. rides and prizes has been laid Pleads Guil Ieiations rome' dowa and has Cave the right to go around)ine pain are Mr, Cox's cceations/*linations and reached. the on for the entertainment of the) >) "upsetting" people, The Mountain top. youngsters j agreed to wait for the action off "Say * i from Greek mythology, j [ae Ontario Minister of ky Maybe I'm not as old at!creat god Pan, with his horas |" A number of welkknown fig. To Forgery ures in both Federal and Prov. Two Oshawa youths pleaded! 284 is making preparations for The union is prepating to hold) *% are," she retorted, and goat feet, plays on the reeds) la meeting of the membership! a dismissed thei which are all that are left of Pleads Guil incial polities will be on: hand he taking of @ strike vote, ma beloved; three-headed Cere. > charges in Osh-|* emus, a dog which guarded the! Rey te Eeaae Lalnce Magi], Tee. Ontario Malleable Tron} Underworld, is just down | the To Theft trate H, W. Jermyn. Company is a wholly owned! a er path from the Centaur, half campany of the Grinnell Cor cheque for $600 were Gregory) ane st Lieyd Bandy, doth of Firs \) street, An uttering charge was withdrawn t Japanese The court was told that, while! Auto Shipment lankie was the author of the MONTREAL (CP)--The firstii® 42, five years in Kingston! . he @id so at the request ; atee oa "aa not Denetit shipment of Japanese cars to) Penitentiary Friday: from the act Anancially Montreal arrived Friday Pa West a father of 10) p a no The Reweomer is Janan's/Children pleaded guilty to three Oshawa court. In a statement ie ter told agronone That' Randy Nasa" Datsun, 25 of which aricharges of incest involving Ris) qyq cousins charged with to. police he admitied stealing oerered_ scm anes. inl used the money for a down pay pret by freighter frem Yoka-/three daughters in Oshawa! stealing a car gwred by Michael/twe camping tents, and several! ment on a house, He added that "3 ee AB se les dae | » 39%. is married and that! po anor SEPMON Consists ofitrate MH. W. Jermyn pleaded guilty to the charge yards on Crerar street. He also the Bul lof Minto, has the same!ig th to three charges of theft, one of ; {Woodland setting as Triton, god attempted theft and one af hav. Constituents A: charge that: could bring ai" sak isentence of 14 years in jail and ing beer in a place other than). ' "Ss his residence and was remanded Greenwood Park) is on No. 7 Lieyd Joseph Turner, 437 Pleads Guilty To Charges L gh Albert Emond, 18, who comet me a including the guests of honotte this area from Cornwall in/ducted CaAMVASS, Toronto Musicians Union Hon, Mike Starr, our Federal/search of work as a tebacce/dentins, Art Dowdall, Dave Ra. Member of Parliament and Hon./ picker, pleaded guilty Friday tol ® ards, Brent Snowdon and Matt Dymond, Provincial Min. charges of carrying a conceal man, and half horse: the Mino. *. ers ister of Health, who will spend) weapon and consuming an a Charged with forging a bank! oration af the United States, ® taur, a man with the head of FR Recycle sl oa Py the afternoon renewing acquah- cohatic beverage while a minor al ears . shinee, y cme of tances with their friends and/ Magistrate H.W. Jermyn sen . a wetkenea Swiss Chalet (formeriy spend 18 days in jail, 3 The youth was charge Aug, 4/GIVES THANKS . . . s 4 flashes earned Reajamin Wilk} | Co in custody Highway, five miles west of in a King street restaurant after! e e 4 s @ enjamin Wilk} wo usins in custody to: Aug. 16 Rrookiin, It is one of the Deauty|a citizen complained to potice/the announcement, thanked the/and this Monday night will spots of Ontario County and is that a youth Rad asked him/members af the Police Associay/many the opportunity to do i Trick avenue, appeared delore pine couiny vith shi 'where to get something to eat/von and particularity the execu-/that so all budding conductors Are Charged ay ren oe ae eee a te Reaeege}caal onhand ond" implement the programs to ' Magistrate's Court before Magis./Ritzie, 460 King street east, /sleening Bags from two back.| Failed To Provide »*: forgotten to leave the fish. ing knife at home. He coulda't winter for skiing, takes one high|Tento. He has been commission: servative Associations of the/cy who wished to remain anony| McLaughlin, and comes afternectors Charlie Hil, Dwight the «= policemen = individually a, Pak Cramp, Dean Dik will rua," Day, Aug, 21, the target Finance Chairman Kelly was) jelated, "Boosts like this can} ently mean one thing," he said! "that by the evening ef Target $1,000,000 will have been reach: ed," He praised the members Final Concert -- Next Monday By Orchestra The last concert by an on johestra under the direction of Bernard Tierney, in the series af six sponsored jointly by Ger of the police force who had Cor! ora) Motors ef Canda and The and industries in the city. Constable Whyte in making) Magistrate H. W. Jermyn in swings, swimming pool and) While holding a kmife with a/bve who prov , jfeuniach blade. ! BN iMoring. "Treir interest in at: rening neg nha a 200 per cent record in nord an Revomay weet jpiedges early in the campaign eas an example that was fol lewed by many OTTANZATLORS through a grant from the Radie and Transcription Fuad, will be than Tuesday, | This Qual concert will feature many requests and some new selections and should be a fitting jctimax fer this series, Many people have often had seeret ambition te lead a band / Api their ambition. Emond testified that he didn't) (he youth eg the city, particular' Many other surprises are ig want to hurt anyone but that he/ily Minor Legion Rall, Minor'store for the lange audience lockey Association and the that is anticipated judging from ISmacee Hall Boys Club "We thape that many organizations in the many faverable comments heard at the previews concerts, Bandy. a 19, is a boarder im) vacons Bling asda Pee Hoan e quae Fag ee St ae . f al Bandy's home Seeie shorts care. 3 : detected," 5 seatence ia cus! © Aug. 13, | Detective Sergeant Kenneth} Magistrate Jermyn placed the pickup Ps Pang % -- maagtvtrete. "The oe _ Joka William Leveridge, 19,| Young told the court the accused). pony Rp Carpenter, 922 Sim! pair on suspended sentence for ter S Earemts 45 0 see Chat theirias Tudor street Ajax, and] Was apprehended at a colmepen) oo as wes fined $23) @ year, ordering that they see - iii we children go ut inte the world Thomas Paul Metcalfe, 16. RRQ ated laundry on Simeve St. south iad. waste ia Odewe aco @ probation olficer, and that RICH FOR SIZE with the highest moral outlook./Qrone, appeared before Magis/as he attempted to dreak open bai Hg Cunt Friday whan nal restitution be made by Randy Though Kuwait covers ently, Crown Attorney Brace Affleck trate H.W. Jermyn im Oshawala Change machine. The officer a aed cogent Pen te the bank In addition, Bandy/6.00 square miles, it is tho told the court it would be hard/court. They were arrested Aug, stated the accused had a case Meaded guilty to & vielation of] maust pay the court costs in 38 Workd's fourth largest oil pro. te visualize a more serious case TP near Ajax containing two fall deities ang ke Unempleyment Insurance) iducer, iat incest, In a statement to police Met. three empty beer Bottles in his AC | calfe said he visited his rela. car. Carpenter, preprieter of an tives da Ajax and then came into Defence Counsel Jotn Greer Oshawa snack bar, was changed) Oshawa with his cousin, "Jack" teld the court the accused has WHA falling te deliver the Un: Leveridge, The pair decided. to Deen unemployed far some time Cmplayment Iesurance contri: dad a car te drive Meteaife to and could not get help from/>ution records that were in his) werk the statement read, the welare agency, He said/pessession to the place and with. | Ajax potice apprehended the Turner comes from a Drokealia the time indicated in the! youths after the car blew a tire home ang that his father is an/Written request of an officer of] amd le the road. Damee te the alcoholic. He added that his wife/the. Unemployment Insarance! car Was estimated at $308 is expecting their third child, [Coramission Bishop Of Jamaica Holy Trinity Speaker A leh awaited moment in the)Oshawa August 18 will be, The@elecates frem the Aangtican Rife ef the Parish ef Holy Trin. Bishop of New Zealand whe will Coagress Sunday, Aug. 18 whieh) ay, Oshawa, wil reach its tablbe at St Georges Charch; Bish bas Deca designated Caagress f.enent Sanday Aug. 38 wher ep of Bath and Wales, Eagiand Suaday da this area te a recep. [The Lord Bishop of Jamaica, the at Christ. Memorial' Charcd lien for all delegates and mem [iat Rev. Percival W. Gigsen, Rev. RJ. A, Lindsay, M. A. bers of the varieas parish con. 2 A.: BD. will celebrate and Africa, at St. Matthews: and gress comanitiees at the ome of] Preach at the 9.30 a.m. service Prefesser Sarakai, Japan, wi Col RS MeLawchia, ea tat! r the Retry Rackarist. de at St. Mark's Church ahernoon from 34238 pm. Bish Gidsea will head the) The Lord Bishop of Jamaica. TH Partsh of Holy Treaty j@elegation from Jamaica whicha graduate of ry oe of das Boon wm the planing stage! will be in Torente for the Ang Londen, Enaciand, was bead/ef recoiag Bishop Gitsen can Congress, which Begins master af Kinston College, Ht Past vear. There will be August Bith, at which approx Jagaaica from 2825.18, He was "RPeTTARTy fer al te meet pmately 200 Rishops, Priestsjconsecrated Saifraran Biship 2'S20P after the Bachanst! jand Daity and their wives trom Of Jamaica in May IMT lg the 2S The Women's Auxiliary walt! every country in the word ex OMest Cathedral im. Jamaica, be Serving Tha, AR visiters will] joept Communist China where "Si Jaco de La Vora", Spanish be welcome te meet the Bisher, jthey are net allewed te. leave, Town by the Arcubiishep of the! from Jazaaica. jthe parpese ef this Cangress West Indies, the Bishers ef Nas. This will De the Arst time a pwhac ets every 3 years, is som, Rarbadas, Antigua, British Bcbor bas ever celebrated the jfer Ancticans te det te Know and Pandaroas, Trinidad and Haiti Holy Hacharst iz the Qhared of) jwaderstand his fellewman Detter He was elected Lord Rishep ef the Holy Trwty and marisa jas caltare, Ris casters etc,/Jamaica da 1855. he receded an mule stome a the Rie of ts pan fase te @iscess at numerses Y @egree of Doctor of kh whick Decan as a mission jencetings how the cherch caniDicimity trom Montreal and the 182 the fst service of Bet. $23 TOP-LEVEL CONFERENCF frester serve gaan dn ths WA CHE from Her Majesty Qaeen Hackarist was held on Easter) ei a <<. ak cake 'Ceatary. Fazadeth a 1088 Dey 1928 bv The Ree S$ C Jars Brita Mervra Jannsen, a? Kerders. emecratic parte Ge) an NDP rational convention |. 4 Tee, Hely Tramtty is Recated ea) perts sh throng STSCI STEARERS | [RECEPEION AT PARKWOOD a. corer of Coutt and Barrie! carck. sel dent ana 1 Other Cclogates arrivig & Bishop Glow wil jo other streets, Ottawa. « dey, Sask. newlpelected na. NDP 'national ka@er TL C Regma whicd ended Friday Genel presidem ef the New Douglas center during the <P Waregaate | or sedans and Station) "The lives of these three girls Friday and were remanded for'admitted stealing a tent pole, | Insurance Record pay the fine, 5 Mien fer possible chacs tedar ~ah Gr greet. Gon eanes be heer & 8 gravel, tra rR vegeta. Brdre near Cheddingten. Paciess e@hjects are Placed

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