Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1963, p. 3

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*|\the neighborhood, where music "s ate KENNEDY FAMILY NURSE ARRIVES AT HOSPITAL Miss Luella Hennessey of at the Alr Walpole, Mass., who has been --Hospits early Thursday present at 21 of 22 Kennedy _moming to be with Mrs, children's births, follawed Jacqueline Kennedy The by reporters as she arrived third child born to Mrs, Ken nedy here Wednesday died at the Children's Medical Center in Boston than 40 hours afier birth Otis Force Base less is AP Wirephote CAPSULE NEWS Sally Rand Drunk Operator Stl Active Of Streetcar wivater abe fa sured US TORONTO (CP) Conductor PRODUCER INJURED behind her flut ly Leonard C. McDonald, 35, SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)! Rang is still Thursday was fined $200 or 30/Producer Sid Luft, husband of Now 59 but ure days in jail for operating his}singer Judy Garland, was taken) of a woman of 30, she seemed streetcar while under. the influ-jto hospital Thursday following! penuiniy shocked at the sug- ence of alcoho), He was ¢ edan auto -accident. California gestion that she put the ostrich under the Railway Act olice highway patrol officers said/piumes on the shelf said they saw McDonald sitting,/ Luft complained of pain in his, '7 can't imagine not glassy . eyed in a stationary;neck and back, Investigators)on." said the five-foot, streetcar, He pleaded guilty said Laft, 47, 1 crashed into aldancer who has f! light pole after glancing/ctage with several CHAPUT WON'T QUIT off a car in front, No other per-/of American males MONTREAL (CP)--The Que-sons were injured "I don't think of it bec Republican Party says doc-| SPIES CONVICTED career, A career has an tlic gh gr eos ogg KARLSRUHE, West Germariy/ 24,1 dont think of closing it fast for funds, but Dr, Chaput|/(AP)--An East German couple has refused. The party said was convicted Thursday of SPY medical advisers fear Dr. Clia.|i28 for Communist East Ger- pa put may have heart trouble if many, The man was sentenced * he continues his hunger atrike to three years in prison, the to raise money for the separatist + oe gg ag or he Erhard cause, However, said the party ass » 34, and his wife, Inge,| in a statement' Thursday, the|*2 had. worked or the East fast will continue until $100,000) Ge°™Man secret service and nad has been. contributed. So far. gathered information on Xt $ $986,000 has been contributed military installations LINE BROKEN REPAIR CABLE HELSINKI, Finland (Reuters)? MONTREAL (CP)--A fault in A Finnish construction worker! had to go on a major transatlantic cable has drove an excavator through th "I'm not been repaired, a spokesman for) Moscow - Washington "hot line" clothes in Canadian Overseas Telecommu-/ Thursday and broke telecom./2ave to nication Corporation said Thurs-|munications, He was clearng/ Changes," day, The cable now is operat-'ground for a new highway on/d¢ still ing at normal capac Thejthe outskirts of Helsinki. The/at fault, at a point about 250 milesiline, which carries both. tele off the North American conti-iphone and teleprinter connec. White and pretty feathers." nental shelf, occurred July 22.\tions, was repaired about four PERFORMED AT 14 The cable runs between Hamp-jhours after being cut. It is ex er since the age of 14 den, Nfid., and Oban, Scotland./pected to be ready upon her fans and the pa ef an emergency lin g-time almost simultaneously BEQUEATH BODIES Moscow and Washington ne Nobody paid any attention," EDMONTON (CP) -- Scores month vowed when ahe opened at of Edmonton residents have be speakeasy 1939 queathed their bodies to the an HOUSES FLOODED But every atomy department of the Uni, TOKYO (Reuters) Two body pa the next versity of Alberta, Dr. T. S [thousand houses were flooded in year when she to he act to Leeson, head of the artment,/Six districts of western Japan/the Chics said Thursday. A week ago, Dr s Hiroshima by Ty She Leeson said the univ t phoon. Bess Friday, One person stamp st of was killed and 1 typhoon " es an hour TEACHERS FIRE HAVANA (AP) teachers have lost th Oriente provi he g he ment disclosed Friday, because)caia 'if we have to have of "their lack of co-operation in Rana a walks nage as NEW YORK (AP) -- Thirty years after she first stirred the } ima t danc fig going 36-24-37 rted from the generations as a iperformances at 65, though I'm ory with that immortal Ten years after her last New York appearance and 45 lafter she s fessionally, Sally. returned to the stage here recently to re- place ailing stripper Ann Corio n the off Rroadway _ review This Was Burlesque, Her role was chat of a nar ator and for the booking she a shopping spree used to wearing the theatre and I make a dozen Sally rer nh her ase of plief the voice c t as a udin postage essors al Thejthe pian of a lack of cadave 13 m cent bequests--the 2 ber was not av solved the lo but there is an age. CANADA CAN HELP D --_ Frit La put the 'limb (CP)--Canada sho do much to br herence to the part agreement by Freach @e Gaulle, oposition Diefenbaker saic Diefendaker said breathe easier b signing of the test ment but added too may be He said t law the use of outer military purposes CRASH KILLS FONTANA, Calif station wagon and nine children eancrete abytment Bernardine F killing seven of the ard C. Chapman of nia highway driver, Forrest Las Ang had j trailer asleep an out club Mr 'an ai To Make Game = ~hange e I afty nia COBOURG -- Vince Massey's hourg Leg Peewees ih, ceived a 98 giR victory over!" Bowmanville Peewees Wednes- ' jay night in Cobourg in a minor baseba game. The Bowmaavill ed to she wap foo ad so lest by default The game was i aDon re space far share SEVEN AP) -- A TREMORS ROME s) sh fram nate r es PINILLA ARRESTED BOGOTA Cor AP government hide -oui Tharsday Rounced said 19 voivement tae a? eleding a sQ-in-law alse were captured. Mm ' front in 1893, as described by {Paviova did some. of her best) x 1S 5 XI? Mi Perse $2900 for SHAKE ITALY > Montreal By RUSSELL PEDEN MONTREAL (CP) -- 'Many dives and low resorts abound in| and intoxicants are dispensed! freely and poor Jack is lured! to his ruin," | That was the Montreal hyp nt historian Dr, William Henry! |Atherton, In that year a small| lproup of Roman Catholic men! land women decided to do some:| thing about it, | They founded the world's} first Catholic Sailors' Club, al \bright and homelike resort" for nearly 2,000,000 visiting sea.| jmen from all over the world In the years since then, Similar clubs sprang up quicklyLondon started one in Ithe fall of 1898--and they now flourish in the port cities of many countries, | The Montreal club celebrated jits 70th anniversary this month jin its grimy stone building, a} \former Hudson's Bay Company warehouse on the waterfront,! iC tdictahsecii ats Mission Boats ne clave tel Serve Outposts VANCOUVER (CP) -- A fleet} of sturdy mission boats serves as a sea-going reminder that the church hasn't forgotten the) men of lonely northern B.C. out. posts "The church makes them re- alize they are needed," says tev, Virgil A, Plager, a 41 year-old navy veteran who cap- tains the United Church boat Robert C,. Scott, The Scott one of.three craft bringing the Gospel to remote fishing, logging and mining areas Mr. Plager's parish is 1,000 square miles of Nootka Sound, from stormy Estevan Point to the serene waters of Tahsis har. bor "Denomination makes no dif. ference in my ministry," says Mr. Plager. "Anybody that needs us can attend the mis- sion's services," 8 | Junior-Size ' Beauty Event At Penny Fair BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A jjunior-size beauty contest will be the highlight of this year's } | eng Recreation Department Penny) visits of the mission boat, he! Fair next Tuesday the Lions Centre | Each of the seven parks spon:/ evening at not placing myself in the cate-/Sored by the Department willifiims from. the University of 1515 soul.jnominate a candidate for the/Rritish Columbia library enliven|Was taken to Toronto General moc y Fair, many winter evenings in com-|Hospital Thursday with serious! iemp years|1963 will be chosen from this)munity centres and camp din./head injuries after a collision p: ed dancing pro.|8 up. The only entrance re-ling halls pageant and "Miss Penn quirement will be that all con contestants be ten years of age lor under. i The evening's festivities will begin with a costume parade leaving the Centre at 6.30 p.m |The parade will pass through town and then return to the Cen- tre for the bulk of the activities The theme of this year's par- ade is Television Cartoons, The er Dan The Fair will include the usual games of chance and skill plus the addition of a fortune- teller, a house of horrors and a kissing booth Nothing, other than the hot- dog and soft-drink concessions will cost more than a nickel Prizes have been donated by local merchants The boths will all be operated by the children and supervisors of the various parks. All pro ill go to the Recreation ment for the purchase of for the children Haven For Visiting Sailors Club Provides Apart from tie commemor.,chie, a red-haired dynamo of a ative banners on the walls and|worker, the four huge anniversary cakes| 'I still go to court for sall- sliced up for lunch, the 900jors, an put up bail occasion. sa attending one of the regular|brawling seamen are past. social evenings sponsored three) "Today, there's no more nights a week during the nav-igentlemanly group to be found igation season, janywhere,"' On the alternate week nights} free movies are shown in the|the turn of the century when ground-floor auditorium, Three the club started off with two upper storeys offer a canteen,|rented rooms on narrow St, Jean library and. eading room, with/Baptiste Street, near the his- billiards, table tennis and other'toric Bonecour Market, games, Dr, Atherton wrote a history Volunteer club workers stagejof the club--and a three-volume concerts, visit ailing and in-jhistory of Montreal -- im 1924, jured seamen 'n hospital, andjduring a 38-year term as club collect thousands of used maga- manager, zines and books for vessels) 'It was a wretched long nar- leaving harbor, row room, very low in height,"' In the early days, the clubjhe recalled of the organization's manager often was called upon/first headquarters, to post bail for a sailor, test. 'Under the club at the Com- ify for him in court or per-;missioners Street end was a suade a potential deserter io re-/notorious saloon conducted by turn to Ais vessel, |French Marie, where sailors "Thos& cases are few today," resorted and had their 'sing says club manager Harry Rit-\songs.' Near by. also, to the : sammie || French Annie had her jclientele."" In 1896, needing more space, jheadquarters on Common Street, The four-storey ware- jhouse and basement, built by) jthe Grey Nuns in 1873 and rented to the Hudson's Bay Company, was purchased by the club in 1902 for $25,000, and the mortgage was paid off in are li91s Five of the nearly 20 points of call for the 40-foot, radio- telephone equipped Scott permanent sites, The rest are! 'The club still relies on private| primarily logging camps that subscriptions for most of its shift to meet the demands of revenue, as it did in 1898 bi the lumber industry, President Frederick D, Me- Mr. Plager tries to visit each Caffrey said in an interview settlement every six to eight/that about 25 per cent of the weeks, He tsually stays over-/club's revenue comes from night to conduct a service, shOW/shipping companies and others) a film and visit with the men/allied with the industry, There/ and their families is no official campaign for funds, but letters are sent to prospective donors suggested by the club's directors. "While this system has been satisfactory, we have been run- ning into deficits for the last few years," Mr, McCaffrey said. Last year, it collected "At Tahsis we have a fairly|$30.472 and spent $37,620 large membership roll," the Ot.) There is no accurate record tawa-born pastor said but the of the number of seamen wel- visits to the lonely outposts were comed each year by the club perhaps the Scott's most vital/The annual report said 24,000 role were handled. last year, "but you can triple that," said Mr, Ritchie "No seaman of any race, creed or color, if destitute, is ever refused something to eat, a place to sleep and something to smoke," the manager said, CITY AND DISTRICT CONDITION GRAVE Twe WIFE GOES TOO His wife Dorothy, who teaches Sunday school, often accompa. nies her husband on trips that are close to the Scott's home base at Tahsis 'Isolation and frustration are great enemies of the men." He says that if wives at® in camp the picture for them is even worse. Far from friends and with their children off at school in Tahsis or other com- munities, they fight a constant battle against monotony. Alco- hol and petty arguments are} often used to compensate, The} says, fulfil friendship, Travelogues and cultural a basic need for angeline drive, Oshawa, "The people of Nootka Soun are interested in some cultural things," Mr. Plager says. "Many of their homes are/M&ins | grave equipped with an encytlope Cc They have a keen interest in broadening their horizons, read- ing when city-dwellers are be- ing entertained with trivia." The mission boats will 1It was stated at the hospital today that Her Hospital where his condition is stated to be satisfactory During the 244 hours up to 9 a.m.,, today, there were ao calls be for the fire department. There WRONG NAME Nelson Starr, of Oshawa, and not Nelson Shaw, as stated yes- terday Class D title with 95 out of 100 n a shoot off for the world 20- gauge skeet title in Rochester, couver Island SENTENCE REVISEP VIENNA, Austria (Reuters) Rudolf Slansky, former Crecho slovak Communist party secre. * tary-general executed in i352 has been "'juridically" rehabci-) a tated, the Czech Communist) pruises to his left knee and newspaper Rude Pravdo re lieft arm Wednesday after he ported Friday, The newspapetirode his bicycle into the -path said the supreme court had pub-/of a car on Simcoe street south licly revised the sentences of Injured was Pau! Babcock, 165 corey : party aed xoversament Simcoe street north. Driver mel gare who had been wrong-/i.. car was Gordon tat Be ully punished 329 Albert street love CHILD BRUISED 10-year-old boy FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, AUG. 0 PERCENTAGES EXPLAINED Monica Connolly, the 18-year- old Donevan student who led ™m examination results an- ® CE -- S250 claiming. Porse and @yearoids, 6 foriongs Borenka 0 cite, No Bev Pree? } ORST RA u asy Rickshaw Gir Nr, Yo Te, Rediasen 1 Molly Brown. No Boy Peopy's Price, Sirapson X18 No Bey 122 Ne Boy 133 Reeiiard 112 Male 3h Detach 12 Lane Rat er Rady enoheea Briet Warren Road Abe Eligitie oe French Annette, Ter TaprIMApeces, Tereatie Wk N12 Peover Shamrock Lass Twist wa <y Wrack Dog SECOND RACE S28ND d.yearors tor? course) cane anc wD, 6 mites No Roy wreette MIS Remitard 14 ca) Fire, FResieenemn 13 + a Boy 16 Ryertan 14 Sienpsen XVID ado? ant a ¥ BS TBS. THIRD RACE -- S200 Claiming S38 tor 3}. and Syraroits, 6 for Te Desty Ky ake Evga e RTM RACE Per S39 4 clernirg Fou ¢ Pree yearns anc Meleoin® Ledienc 12 Choppy Waves, No Boy (A)118 Sonny Pin, Viola 1) Brierama, Wolsk $ Alse Eligivie: Pepit, Burton 112) Snoore You Lose, Fitrsiemens 123 A~D, A. McKay and Airs. E, Hughes eniry nounced this week, averaged $1) per cent on her best eight papers, On the 12 papers she wrote, her average was §9 per cent. The $1 per cent was in- correctly given as the average Avowarces. PUTS *ifor all 12 in Thursday's issue of j The Oshawa Times Cobourg Boy, 11, Drowned In Lake COBOURG, Ont mes, 1], son of Mr. and Mrs m Holmes,. of Cobourg, was Growned in Lake Ontario Thursday, Two other boys missed him as they played on the jetty, Later they saw him sinking and called for help. FIFTH RACE - @ for tree-yearolds tor 8 Namines, Bohenko 718 Sp, Sore Diamond. Wallace XXXI03 Fancy Kool, Wan? XXITD AWergo, Turcotte X20 QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE Canadien Stakes Hand cap Porse S75 added for three-year aids foaled Canada, 1 2-26 eniies. Biwe Ligh, Hale 17 Winistes, FRzsienmans Peter's Chen, Ramdiin Wreck I ™ Balieade, No Boy 122 Wingy Ship, Berton 146 Kira GS Lamoway 17 Siemon etry RECORD WS TREMORS BELGRADE, Yagosiavia (Reuters) -- Skopje seismologi- tation Stered 268 h tremors since an earth a SEVENTH RACE -- Internation " Sekexs HDCP. Porse S20002 added far ¢ jlors present might have beenjally, but the days of the old/> Things were different before] | C a Church. leaders from around tion in London, Ont., Associated Press Staff Writer "We are not something from Porgy and Bess to share equally with our white br These are the ber As year-old Ruth Hooper, ment n ng "her condition re-/"not angry brother) with ater, 19, is in Oshawa General! for almos The feeling North as denly. snatches a white woman's ha THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 9, 1963 3 la ARCHBISHOP OF YORK HONORED Most Rev. Frederick D, oggan, Archbishop of York, eft), one of 12 Anglican the world who received hon- orary doctorates from Huron College at a special convoca- Wednes- day night, accepts his doctor. ate from Rt, Rev, Walter Bagnall, Bishop of Niagara. S. Negroes Explain Factors In Race Crisis What is it like to be a U.S, Negro today in both the North and the South? Here is the way a cross- section of U.S, Negroes view the small and the large irritations which have cul- minated in a year of racial crisis, GRIFFIN By JUNIUS brothers we nessman an ogro commu SA Nations Advance Field others--ves Field bus of of Charie An sociation off the 0 People elf on being sence between a car and a truck on! Amer q/Scugog Island, near Port Perry.|sun - s mad," mad he sav and f nour ITO is but he a lifetime." echoed in N a hat s t ndbag and flings it into th stree ked. dis |vyideo favorites to be represent-joined shortly by an aircraft,)were seven routine ambulance nson * } Oniy ed include; Bugs Bunny, Popeye,'the George F. Pringle, a Cessna calls ® show doo. Bulwinkle, the Jetsons, the Flin./170 that will be based at Alert she perform with her "soft,/stones, King Leonardo and Div-/Bay off the. east coast of Van "I did it becar expia d se I hate whit ne word as hate in a wire story won the © BARES DISLIKE ta $a. white man In Columbia ks of his * the white man suffered ~ I N.C. a "We dislike ys simply: but he's doing be ter" te of}; Oshawa high school graduates a Rea Ne Has head COUPLE REUNITES CINCINNATI (AP) S a Clooney am and Toss (CP)--Gary wit GOOD FOOD Breaktest, Lunch, Dinner ? A.M, to 2 PLM, 3:30 P.M. to 8 PLM, Hotel Lancaster We want ds of Her- 1 sums up the © ex the é a Negro youth sud Negroes of Har | Voters jsaid "We Negroes weren't born jhating the white man, We have jcultivated this hatred and nour- lished it for years hoping that one day he would make us jashamed of ourselves, But he hasn't He has given us pride pride to protest and f necessary to tell. him to go to hell if he doesn't allow us full and equal opportunities "T don't believe in tomorrow I want equal rights for my peo. ple now. If necessary, I intend to die in Georgia fighting for what I believe is right and to leave my children an honorable egacy League in Savannah A J deey said 'We are at the bottom, end of the rope, The on » Negro can go is wy ne must fight to get there 2 races will wear the battle s for | ly wa * SEES VICTORY "From where I view the ra- the . . editor of South Car i } }, jtrarracial color pro generations to come," | "The racial tempo here jsuch that any incident in a jdowntown restaurant or store ican cause our students to drop itheir books and take to the street It's too bad that I can't join them, I can't tell them that everything will work itself out, This would be a lie." CASTE DIVIDES NEGROES Negroes in Columbia and jCharleston live in a caste sys- item within their own race Negroes who have light com. plexions are disdainful of their jdarker brothers, so much so that often they do not worsaip in the same churches, frequent | in Charleston, speaking of the the same clubs, live in the same ening racial crisis, Fielding neighborhoods, or even speak to each other, FE, Cedric Hart, publisher and lina's only said this in- diem hinders jthe solving of the larger racial conflict, .. "My attitudes are those of a militant person," Hart 'said, "but I refuse to use my news- i } Negro newspaper cial situation, I see us emerging Paper as a militant mouthpiece with a victory white man feat going down in de- effort on the white man's part we can both leave the battle seene in victory, knowing that e » Problem througa mutual effor*,"' Rev, I equincey Newman, NAACP state field secretary, foresees a long and bitter fight ahead for Negroes in Charlesion and other parts of South Caro- a If white man had any noere desire about ending th.s rebiem," he said, "he woud the barriers of se- yn and allow responsible aders to concentrate on = the poor and impov d Negro for the role he j play in our new society We no longer ask the Negro masses not to hate. We tell him tt if must hate he should to show a litle mercy. This s a harsh but realistic view." In Columbia, Dr. Howard E \ president of Alien Uni. an all-Negro § schooi task of helping our to face the realities of ur times is just as important tas sending them out into the y World with an academic educa. the down try students CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS au PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" destroyed four-fifths of ern Yugoslav city 13 the Rews agency Tan- ad Tharsday Darn, Bohenke' 22 A--Saferd Fares entry you knew where BAGOT S Right " Across from the pest office, (kat North of the P.U.C. We have more ethcent querters There, se we con WE MOVED sos Pree yeeros ™ & Gordon 4 serve yee HARRY MILLEN xm Reel Exete 728-1679 POST TOME 2 P.M. CLEAR AND FAST CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OlL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER SO YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, rotiable Ges Desiler m your eres. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of AtheD And I see the for the NAACP and disgruntled persoys in the Negro commu With just a little sincere/nity until they unite for a com. jmon good and top bickering amog themselves,"* Charlotte, N.C., has eased ra- we have solved a century-old/Cial barriers in hotels, restau- rants, schools and recreational Hfacilities, but 'still is plagued jwith racial problems in hospi- tals and in job opportunities. Dr, Reginald A, Hawkins, a e dentist and ordained yierian minister, says: served World War and the Korean War and I have no intention of stopping my peo- ple's fight for equal rights: We want those rights now, not gradually but now." Dr. Emory L, Rann, a Char- lotte physician and leading Ne. sro moderate, has spoken against racial demonstrations "Our demonstrations have simply outgrown their useful. ness," Dr. Rann said. "It is lume we started negotiating with the city 1. I don't see what cood we can derive frem an ugly incident which could occur during a demonstration." Dr, Rann stands almost alone in Charlotte's Negro community | counc NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Reel Extete Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W. NOW To have thet corps erfield cleaned proies Oshowe's Origi Cleoning Contre anteed sotisfoction fully quar Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST.

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