Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1963, p. 15

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' } i i 2 stone fireploces, 26---Rooms For Rent TWO SINGLE Yooms, nicely. turnished,| arge parking available, private entrance 7 weekly, Dial 723 1359, PONTIAC INN: Rooms, Jouble, Television privileges. ng. Weekly o" nightly rates, Cl EAN, "firnished ont "housekeeping room, five minutes from downtown, Sult working. woman or girl, $7, weekly, 793-7257, WESTMOUNT "STREET, 0 -- Two fur nished rooms, kitchen and bedroom, TV outiet, private entrance, main floor, Ap ply addres: SURNISHED bedroom, tront, use of i kit. Preferred middle-aged woman, Dial hy $7120, 27--Real Estate For Sole GUIDE REALTY 723-112 JUST LISTED--Albert Street 2 blocks from King St. 6 large rooms, Lot 59 x 144 ft, with big trees, Full price $11,900. APPLE HILL--Lorge modern bungalow in @ good locatoin near schools and bus service, 3 bedrooms with plenty of closet space, 4 pc. tiled bath- room and large modern kit- chen with dining orea, Re- creation room partially fin« ished, 542% N.H.A, mort- goge IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-- 5 room bungalow in North West area, Asking $8,200 full price with easy monthly payments of $70.00 includ- ing interest and principal SUBURBAN LIVING at Zion Bright sunny home with 3 bedrooms and good cupboard ond storage » space through out, Large -lot, close to school, An ideal home tor the young family, "single or Free park- 9035, DEAN AVE.--Full price $6,- 800.. 4 room home on an extra large lot BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY--- 4 double cobins ond 3 singles at Oshawa on the Lake, A real money maker for the right party. Call to- doy for full particulars. LAKE SCUGOG--Fully_ fur- nished cottage at Pine Point This property is in excellent condition and has a lovely view over the lake. Large living room, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms ond sun room. Give us a call today. MUST BE SOLD------Body shop with, buildings less then one year old. 5 -room modem opartment, All the lotest in drying ond spraying . equip- ment. Located near Oshawa with plenty of room for ex- pansion. $12,500 FULL PRICE, brick bungalow with large living room and roomy kitchen. 3 bedrooms, aluminum storms end screens, Close to schools and bus. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 121 723 Irene Brown, Steve Englert 'Steve Zurba, Lucas Peacock Tony Siblock, Leon Manitius Jean Peacock, Dick Young Lieyd Corson, Roy Flintoff GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. _\a7-- "zal Estate For Sole $300. BOWN, How at /Taunton, Bath and oll furna Ony Vemile from city limits, Immediate! yw | possession. Full price $10,000, Carries for 1975 month ville 623-3393, W. Frank Real Bstate | Ltd. LLOYD REALTY | | "modern five-room .bun Call Andy McGill, Bowman: Five New Bungalows now under Construction West of Shopping Centre Clay brick construction, Fecture built-in' ranges. Three bedrooms. Custom built kitchen cupboards, Colored bathroom -- fix- tures, $1,000 down. Call 725- 1186. Ask for Bill Millar to inspect home. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, 67 King Street East LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ONLY ONE LEFT SPLIT LEVEL $11,900 3 bedrooms, recreation room Fenced lot, Only $1500 down This lovely home is only 5 | years old. Call Now Bill | Jonnston 728-1066 | NORTH EAST $15,300 Two year old three bedroom, split level home jin o good area.. Partially fin- resident ished. reer n room, Tiled bath with anity, L-shaped living room and dining room, Owner moving and very an- xious to sell, Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 748-5205 or 728-5123 MASSON ST, $2,000 DOWN Two bedroom brick bungalow with fireplace, Wall to wall broadioom.= in living room, dining room and modern kit- chen. Large fenced lot with patio, Hurry call Irwin Cruik- shanks now ot 728-5205 or 728-5123 JONES AVENUE -- & -- Two - be bungalow, oll 27--Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE or rent, corner. tot. blocks' from four corners. y 668-2968, bedroim brick heated, aluminum wins cows, etc, Good location, Less for cash, CADILLAC AVE } $12,600 FULL , 3 bedroom brick bun with garage. Situatec 4b gos close to all s Asking substantial down payment Call Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345 JUST REDUCED $1,000 Cute as a bug in a rug, love- ly 3 bedroom bungalow with oi! heat and w ut bose- ment, Lorge lot 105° x 165' completely is and fenced, near c ond new high school ourtice, Taxes only $151.00 Murey call Bill Hornet the listing mon now et 728-2236 or 728- 5123, LLOYD aranie paling LIM 101 SIMCOE § STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO _ Open Evenings _ OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1963 2 P.M, to 9 P.M, 113 HARMONY RD. NORTH Harmony Rd. North at Colborne St. E. HERE IS A REAL HONEST BARGAIN in a ranch bungo! ; has lots of living spoce with its seven spocious rooms large recreation room ond lovely londscaped lot. REALTORS Whitby fac price $20,600. PAY US A VISIT -- Anthony Siblock, salesmen will be there to receive you. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 723-1121 Oshawa Werehcouse centrally | for further information call Whitby 668-5853, FOR SALE ow which Features one of our courteous 16 SIMCOE ST. S. FOR LEASE. located -- 4000 sq. ft. tory, concrete building -- 2800 sq ft with steel joists -- 2 washrooms -- all services. Full OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY 668-5853 WHITBY CLASSIFIED sell or trade used furniture and app ances. Goolt"s Furniture 215 Street East. 688-Sa8) vate Bathroom. Available $85 montniy, Central, atier 9 p.m FOR RENT Bocts, Cences, Cor Boats, Outboard Motors, Boot Troilers, Tents, Stoves, Lenterns, etc. Tent Treilers end Cabin 'Trail era. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas East Whitby 668-3226 SALE -- Reconditioned TV, 820 "Up. Buy, | Conveniences. 06832 a Dundas come FOR RENT: Four room apariment, pe vis on sop mmediatety, =" Telephone 648-5958 TWO furn FURNISHED room, preferably gentie- FOR RENT: Furnished 3 room aper?-| men, all conveniences, central. Telephone ment, newly ated. private bath and e876 eaente, | cin : parking, A) FOR RENT etety tur and kitc Aparim Palace wh 668-5685 DRESSMAKING Soe atteratior j& specialty vrs Toms. 83-2 ISEPTIC teres cheane oF calls. Warner Street West, Wh s900 DOWN! ia: * seven-room, brick Pact ft Brock Stree? South $22, See and make Aviey. Realtor, 28 Prince 1958 BUICK, tw franemissinn and Non. Cail 668-3922 after 6.20 Rardtop Tornatic radio, excel rent cond SCHOFIELD "AKER j eidence, wnit-} Telephone 728: 7245, FOR SALE _ Good building lots in the Village of Port Perry, Apply to Messrs, Greer and Kelly, Barristers, Box 131, __Port Perry, Ontario, YOUR OWN HOME FOR AS LOW AS $40.09 A MONTH Choose from various plans, styles and sizes in York's Prefabricated Permanent Homes, Visit YORKTOWNE. Display Centre or write for HOME LITERATURE, YORK PREFABS 2020 Jane Sty (just south of Hwy. 401) Toronto, Ontario | METCALF AO Kina St. E Dial 728-4678 GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS One of the newest subdivis- ions in the city, se tO schools and services, several choose n, all tart } ot $13,495.00. with. $1,- 267.00 down. Pick your col- ours now. Move before school *OORENFELL STREET Close to She 2 bedroor e large lot (60 x 12 ed, oil heating ut age. Asking price $& with $2,000.00 down, easy terms for balance Whe re con you buy a 3 bedroom brick home brand new for only $1 1,695.00? Call and let us show you this y and be Only N.HLA, mortgage for 't nlance. OPEN EVEN! ING "rt . NINE Dial 728-46 73 John Kemp, Dick Barriage Ken. Hann TWO. STOREY - son stone front only one bus. close t y's Public and 1. Lovely large livin m and mecs- 22 2 with. na- rate din- ing room, four bright bedrooms, 4 on both, Everything about "thi is home is specious, well plenned ond tostefully dec Grounds ere well landscaped, Looking for a big house with real Grivacy, call us now PHONE 723-2265 NOW and your home will be sold in a few doys! if . you've been thinking of selling your home--but hete to start showing it, dicker- ing over price, legal pape questior eosy way and let US Thet's our t what we do the privilege «of ing you we represent- Open 9 Ma Steve M ouline King St Free Parking JOHN A BOLAHOOD Reaitors Ltd. - Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD 13 veh AGR E FARM $1,000 DOWN ht room | very © once en te t Mr 2 ot 725-6 WE LIST ONLY TO SELL "| ments. $49.61, | twe 27--Real Estate for Sale 29----Automobiles For Sale |29---Automobiles For Sale Two HARMONY HEIGHTS: 3 bedroom bunga Telephone low, privaje sale, Low down payment. Telephoné iz to 8 PMs 720s 0199, NO .DOWN PAYMENT, | Port Perry area, new, three-bedroom cottage with all' coh. veniences, on a wooded 100 ft, waterfront jot, interest 7¥ per cent, Monthly pay- North Shore Realty Ltd., 2 Simcoe Street North, 725-3568, BEAUTIFULLY decorated and landscap ei Three bedroom brick bungalow, only tWwe years oll, Many extras, NHA mort- gage. Payment only $92 Including taxes, Early possession, Contact Sally ace. 725-6297 Joseph Bosco, _Realtor, 72 7, TEN: ROOM. sons . centre "hail brick home, Barn, land, good well, next to store in village, Suitable for two family dweil- ing, 30 miles from Oshawa, Call after 6 PIM 725-2817, $e6 =CRERAR Avenve, $600 down $12,500 {ull price, six room solid brick storey, Immaculate condition, prb- Telephone Tunto collect. vale ces ME 3-068 COUNTRY. 'living, lovely "three bedroom bongalow, Large kitchen and living room, fully modern ve acres good garden land. Low faxes, VLA approved, School and chureh one half mile, Call ike Perry, 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, _Realtor, 728- 1377, FOR SALE ov rent, Brooklin Hotel, Brooklin, Ontario, Apply M. Collis, 78 King Street West, Oshawa, 725-0332; after 6 Pm, 723-9210. FIVE ACRES with good trout creek, cellent pond. site. Barn, five-room house Broadloom In tive with all conveniences, ing room, Taxes only $84, Located Janetville, Futl price oniy $8,700, $2,800, down, Cally Andy McGill, Bowmanville, 623-3393, W. Frank Real | Estate Ltd. | $800. DOWN" tor this" six-room home, near Oshawa Shopping Centre, large lot iwith garage Asking price $9,800, with Canty possession. Owner anxious to cs!! jRurry for this one. Call Arthur lein- jberger, 723-7244, Joseph Bosco, 198-7377, VERY ATTRACTIVE older type farm home, near Port Perry with bath, ete, On half acre of land with vegetable gar- wen and trult trees large garage, $7,500 wih terms, Call Jack Ricard 623-3399 1W Frank, Real. Estate, Bowmanville, EXCEPTIONAL BUY! Large elght-room brick home, Spotless Inside and outside, All rooms very spacious Large beautiful- , h garage and work: jshep, Asking $15,000. with very easy terms, Ask for Arthur Weinberger, 72% 7244, Josep Bosco Realtor,' 728-7377, IBUILY by Roth, @ lovely three-bedroom brick bungalow, nearing completion, : iy $12,950, Open for si Saturday and Quaday, Ol} D st house west of Orenaview. For partic cu'ars call George Koornneef, Joseph Bosco, _Realtor, 728-7377. PRIVATE SALE Modern N.HLA bungalow, 'spacious heated, storms paved drive, 6 mortgage. three bed- | room kitcnen, C and screens per cent PRICE $13,200 Owner leaving town, PHONE 728-5367. | PRIVATE SALE SACRIFICE PRICE Sma!! down payment. Corries $67 monthly, 3. bedrooms, «, modern, On a large lot. Close to public and High Schools Telephone 725-0310 bef ore 6 pm IFOR SALE -- WHITBY, | j | | | | | 5 room brick house, full basement, living room faces eost, 2 bedrooms, separote dining room (can be. re-con- verted. to 3rd bedroom), oil | heot, storm windows end | screens, TV tower with ro- | tor antenna, bus stop at corner, Next to Separate Grade and High Schools, Close to Public schools. Nice neighborhood at 202 Lee Ave, Inspection by appoint- ment only 668-5353 Atteottvve Dunnolew with Garage | on Farewell Street Immaculate inside and outside, Panelled recrea- tion room, L-shaped liv- ing 100m with dining area Owner as king $2,000 down, Call Bill Millar, 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD _67 King Street Eost WANT YOUR HOME SOLD CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD, |29---Automobiles For Sale WSS FORD, 2door VOLVO: SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S _ GARAGE BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD NEW LOCATION j 1250 Dundas St, East | Whitby -- Phone 668-5677] The Home Of Good Used Cars Before You Buy Give BIN A Try" fanch wegen, Va 1958 pa tele i aly 448 Park Road "South ater 7 pam, ning order. orermee | 720-6712, Telephone 1956 OLOSMOBILE, 2-door hardtop, $550,/ 1955 PONTIAC, 2door sedan, In good run Dial 720-6977 or apply" 258 Burk urk Street, after 6 1959 MGA white with PM 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, hardtop, | i | | 1955 convertible, new body job, top rugs, automatic transmission, $795 or best offer, Dial 725-5125, andjdoor, 6 cylinder, standard, Very .clean 1955 Chevrolet standard, ¢ | °° $1,295, $395, $425,, car, cylinder, " +1 YOUR VACATION CAR IS AT Roy W. Nichols USED CAR LOTS COURTICE BOWMANVILLE 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, custom radio, white- wall tires, discs, washers and seat belts, 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 8 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, radio, padded dash, whitewall tires, dises,. wash- ers, seat belts, ete 1962 Pontiac PARISIENNE SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, custom radio, ete. New car condtiion 1960 Pontiac PARISIENNE SEDAN | 6 cylinder, automatic trans- mission, custom radio, discs and washers, 32,000 original miles, 1959 Chevrolet BISCAYNE STATION WAGON | 8 cylinder, standard trans- mission, with radio. A good clean wagon. 1958 Chevrolet Coach, 6 cylinder, standard | transmission. Its clean and the colour is green 1958 Vauxhall 8 sedan, with radio, $595 1956. Chevrolet Coach, 6 cylinder. standard transmission, A good clean outomobile, 1955 Oldsmobile Sedan, runs good $150 Roy W. Nichols GUARANTEED USED CARS COURTICE | 728-6206 MARTIN'S (- Auto Electric 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Four door, V-8, transmission, power steering, power 1300 miles, like new automatic brakes, radio, 1961 PONTIAC Four door hardtop, fully pow- ered. Sharp 1960 PONTIAC Two door, automatic trons- mission, six cylinder 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE All power, new motor, new tires. 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR V-8, automatic transmission, awer brakes, | power steering, radio. 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Four door, automatic trons- | mission, rodio. 1958 CHEVROLET Twe door with radio. MARTIN Auto Electric _ Used Cars i | 409 Brock Street South Whitby -- 668-3652 Summer Clearance 1959 VOLKSWAGEN With sun roof and custom built radio, Clean os @ pin. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN With sun roof and custom In every re- rodio, Perfect spect. 1959 MERCURY | Gem ernme tly MONTEREY NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 4 \ Two door hardtop, V-8 motor, | 812 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY labie, ished in dozaling azure blue, | 668-8001 - 668-8101 1959 FORD ee f i" outifully 5 SATION WAGON Reconditioned conomical six cylinder mo- Scien'ese oncrass | USED ond outside. | VOLKSWAGENS 1958 FORD FULL PRICE FROM TWO DOOR Sc Sigg AE ge wane On Display at 1958 OLDSMOBILE 88 | SABYAN compete wingower vectra (Motor Sales Ltd. end brokes,: Attractive ice- Cap White finish, | 334 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa, 1958 MERCURY | Telephone 723-3461 MONTEREY SEDAN | Your Authorized Luxury equipped with auto. | Volkswagen Dealer matic transmission, custom -------- push-button radio and white le e . wall tires. | ee ee ' 3 3 1957 PONTIAC ~ 8 HARDTOP LAURENTIAN Yee Four door with V-8 motor, "eo er brokes, cutom radia, IN LOVE WITH A istening two-tone finish, ee | GERTAIN REW CAR? 0% DOWN BUY IT NOW WITHA 36 MONTHS TO PAY LOW-COST, LIFS-INSURED : xX XX XARK X_AXXY BILL DREW | tik bee tnt XXX ¥y Mercury Sales |") a7 Your Authorized LOAN AJAX MERCURY Dealer THE BANK OF AJAX 942-1 ai NOVA SCOTIA 1960 Austin A-40 ......... $600 1957 Austin A-50 .......... $525 1957 Morris Oxford ...... $575 1956 Austin A-50.......... $500 1954 Austin A-30 ......... $300 AUSTIN AND MORRIS SALES AN DSERVICE CLAREMONT, ONTARIO Telephone 649-2101 over 30 CARS to go From 1963 Models Down Select the Car you Want Mike's 655-3528, BA Service Station, PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 BUYING. OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607. KING ST.---OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) __723.- 4494 Res, 725- "$ ALL CASH $ Name Your Own Terms Dodd Motor Sales 314 Park Road South Oshawa Telephone 723-9421 29--Automobiles For Sale "spoke wheels,| mechanically good, Telephone 725-9975, al THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 9, 1969 18 29------Automobiles For .Sale |31---Automobile Repair two "GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS 952 CH 1961 jPhene | [DODGE jmotor an |84 tee & Vv 5 or otfe s7. BODE or, ¢ 1938 PLYMOUT 56 VAUXHA very. 1956 FOR 1956 Ford Customiine,! jou9 IMA Cars may be financed. ' VAUXWALA Brooklin, PONTIAC 4 t ey 4 on, Telephone; tor and) HOUSTON'S GARAGE 5 <4 and SERVICE STATION ~ tl eee TEXACO ist beeen, | PRODUCTS aaa | 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 ; ve ond '32---Articlos for Sale _eenmenan BARGAIN eight-plecs Malcolm, Nomar nut, agin! '9 room sulle, $175, Tele e 7 boug dition, while WipbiING. gown, Peau de tole, Voor lengthy with email train, size 10, Rea sonable, Dial 728-7186, CABIN tft jo} |MOOr And trailer, sleeps two, alr foam maltres N05, OKCE ea Condition, $1800, iCall evenings, 725 4 chrome kitchen" ser, § pleces, graye jenule bedroom --sultey other housel tart cles Ail in goor condition, Telephone fed "appliances? Well se a tie fu alfa GF elagrions Cal "grey, length, Jat, beam, crulser it tor sh. ow, tislake's Furnit ire on, iApolia ces Store, King Street = ae 8 1 condi: HAIR-ORYER and eer ree Mir, Pri- Nir, Wrquoise and ivory, Nke poly f st house east of Thickson Road South Service Road, end, Reason: REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, 9 cuble We \ button detrost, like new, . $100, "se ce saver, $20) rangettie, essen, § » cottage, $12, f 80 or 7 é4 or 725-2506, 'UDENTS A super value," approx: vitely €30 sheets of ievter size typing ' xf [PAPOE Chews print) for only $1.00, Ap ply Oshawa. Times Otten "Whitby, : Dundas Street _We Tel ' UPRIGHT "Man ning" plana, apartment rn Hiton, After pm. apply VYPEWRITERS, odders. Cashiers, dupib tera, r Nig ag ag hundred new and used, We t a Office 'cauig. Whitby, nean Phyle » electric with 1% » Treplace fixtures, Furnitire Appl brands at Ee wr4 re. We carry Restonie mattress furniture lines, GE one aler, Contact n Ki reet Bast, Var ad open 2 hi nouns daily, 9.90 + 4 28-9 What' s My Line? - "and Buying or selling used fur. niture and appliances, For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture Q.4 28-440 a} or call at the store 16% Bond W, wai! ~~ T.V, TOWERS | AUGUST SPECIAL 40 ft, Tower Structure os with All-Channel Antenne Installed $5 Oshawa T,V, Supply: Ltd, 361 Gibbons St. 728. 8.8180 roe BOAT 1961 Cedor Strip Boat 18% ft, length, with extras, equip- ped with 1960 Gole 25 hp, electrie stort motor, This Is en ideal family outfit, new condition, Priced reasonable at $800, '| Port Perry 985-3 -7553 = BOAT 16: ft, Cedar Strip, fibregles, with. deck, seat backs a Tee-Nee trailer, 5 hip, John- son Qutboard $260 2% hyp. Johnson. outboerd, good ¢ tior $50 Call Newtonville 3030 CRUISER 73 h.p, Johnson com. ead, galley, foam VY $ cll equipped, RUNABOUT 16} ft, Shepherd, 128 hp ¢ r or, V-drive, MARTIN Auto Electric 409 Brock Street S, Whitby, 668-3652 yn and .Reody- Made DRAPERIES : le Prices "6 Dra apery Fabrics e per yord a 3h A ede a Nom Fee e M. a | D. Drapery i end Dry Goods Store Saftborn STEAM -) eT es '\ * IMPORTED: FROM WEST GERMANY With this Juicer you con end. store delicious ed con Go. i (Continued on Page 16) --~,

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