"KING ST. EAST (200 Yards Past City Limits) Telephones 728-4658-59 He's Murdering Prices = This Weekend ! AuToMATiC BRAND New fa GO. ~BOLEG TRIG 3-PIECE REFRIGERATOR | RANGES ff Bedroom Suites 120-Ib. Zero Zone Freezer---Butter Keeper, by Admiral, fully automatic CARES SELES TION OF St Lee DOUBLE AND TRIPLE DRESSERS Ch K , Shel Door -- 5 I F enve Kooper, Sheives on yeer Valued at $269. Bad Boy Sele PRICED FROM A | Noo 88 | MARCONI Latest. Model ARBE STEREO BRAND NEW coe Mur A/M - F/M 9 TUBE RADIO FREEZERS PICNIC SET WITH MULTIPLEX BRAND NEW f= DEHUMIDIFIERS fat Eliminates Spring and Summer Damage. Stops costly Moisture Damage PRICED FROM 4 Speed Aute-Ch ; Sein and Chest Type -- 16 cu, ft. with ell ge oy es baskets, dividers, ete. Wegen. Compareble Value eek d SK ; 4 \ ae f " \ syepei [errerven SERENE W seat Sanbarstiteanae! ve. Ld bat a be we ot ee te - y . t ' aa Rae y sa | 88 95 200 ONLY Complete with headboards. Smooth top mattresses, 230 eoil construction. 10 yeer guerontee. Heavy linen as ticking. KIDDIE'S " TELEVICL TRANSISTOR MANTEL THERMO 23" TELEVISION CAR SEATS §@: cz "= RADIOS RADIOS FLASK $ Soevuan sueneee Complete vith Batteries, Eor Plug BRAND NEW--S5 TUBE and I Case. Comparable FULLY GUARANTEED LARGE SIZE RONSON ) r§ LIGHTERS ; nie 12. 97 : . - DELIVERS (WITH TRADE) : No Extra Charge for Del- ivery, All Appliances Are Factory-Fresh in Factory ELE | 5-PIECE Brand New 2-Pce. (§ > P!ECE EARLY AMERICAN : : Sealed Cartons! CTRIC : Living Room Hae adi KETTLES |) CHROME SETS § CHESTERFIELDS SUITES : waren on @ Arborite Top Tables @ TOP GRADE COVERS 300 Only -- Automatic shutoft fm - © 4 sturdy Chairs @ LARGE SELECTION CS G.E. Element complete with cord . . e Large Selection @ PRICED FROM 3 PIECES | FOR O ONLY AT 39" 10" 4" BEATS 'EM ALL WHEN IT COMES TO PRICE. CUTTING ! KING ST. EAST 200 Yaris Past city Limits Telephones 728-4658-59