Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1963, p. 4

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, i s Jat the assessment hearing be- 4G) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Avauit 8, 1963 'BOWMANVILLE COUNCIL 'Runs Galore | Decides To Drop {fice hm'*recentiy that' str " a | : |Webb would be responsible for | I S {tb ll Assessment Plea jthe cost of the appeal, amount. Half Costs Acce ted | jRidges, who had lodged an! , p Be Pl ff lassessment appeal against the GO ECONOMY | oop ayo jdecisions handed down to the} More tan 90 per cent of all bed ® farmers of Pickering Township|air travellers crossing the North | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --jlowering their assessment, has|Atlantic in 1962 choose economy jSam's Finer Foods pushed ac-jannounced the withdrawal of) chats: Services, ithe seventh inning to edge Ellis) +7 wij) . . BOWMANVILLE | (Staff) -) Building Inspector Mel Moorejto clean out the manholes in) Shoe Stores 24-23 in their Junior) ito "request. wilhdrawal Hd the "RESULTS COUNT! Bowmanville 'Town Council, Was appointed by council to/the Liberty street drainage/Men's League semifinal at Vin-| my acting on a report from thejundertake the inspection of sub./area, Council decided The mo-/cent Massey School last night, |appeal,"" he wrote, "because in: finance committee decided/division agreements. Counci! re-|tion, drawn up by Councillor) 'The high-scoring tilt saw. th: [sufficient backing has been | 'Tuesday to accept one - half of/commended that Mr, Moore be/Ken Hooper, was passed at @shoemen. take an 11-2. lead! group . been necessary, we wil! investi-| they ordered construction stop-;mated engineering and super; REPLAC EFENCE their lead vanish in the fourth) , | ined. vision costs of the subdivision A fence which was removed) when Sam's struck for 12 runs.| tee dacingd possible means of meLTiPLe LISTING SER SERVICE Council voted to pay Clifford/for this service for the opening of the Industrial and took on an 18-17 lead Isis of the: tax and: assestment| Oshawa & District Pethick, 139 Scugog strect, $391. CoyERAGE INCREASED area on Mearns avene as been) wns regained the lead with alproblems in the township." | s @ the construction of his proposed their coverage under the Work The road superintendent Was a single marker in the sixth : Judge | Costello stello had d announced! | storehouse authorized to negotiate the type ! man's Compensation increased i . : 4 The ead changed Mr, Pethick was erroneously) of fence to be used with ihe = jfrom $3000 to $6000 per annum Bok as again in the sixth when the given a building permit some owner of the property, given p : yjeounel moved the increase on 3 5 Dinermen converted two walks two months ago to construct!» recommendation from the Fi. LOAN CONSIDERED three errors and a double into solicitor discovered that the for a $t000 joan will be ned »3 structure did not comply: with/ROAD ALLOWANCE n abeyance. Council adopted naa ine near ean AUGUST 10th and 11th the existing zoning bylaw in.) A request by the Bowmanville the motion from a board of] mis' 99. sams formed council that he recom-Foundry Co. Ltd. to purchase works decision, The arena com- T mended that construction not|the unopened road gay So =f at/mittee claimed they needed. the) The Ellis crew picked up the UBURBAN be allowed to continue the west end of Concess'on money to carry operations until/°Walizer in the top of the in- Ik and two base-hits account ' » accept the advice of This Was recommended to coin. They said the loan would be! ¥® A 0 ay spticiten: The council teit/cil by the board of works com-|paid back by the end of the se for the winning run in Sam's at that time, however, that the sy mittee It was decided tha: the vear alf of the stanza SERVICE should accept at least part of Proposed "new Scugog street" SEEK FIREFIGHTERS wie Wikewdals was. the ! nese vegas on the matter os hey Ps = for 4 for 15 hits and seven walks ine ey Council decided te accept a = ben anvil' Fie Dement in going the route, He set six i R EE The matter was referred to/PPOpesAl from the Foundry to ment. They acted on the recom strike-ou spam sob aa oy Se Ue igh re the title for Sturrock , Fei lpsten Ge nines , Strike-outs : : ~ he Finance Committee AU roads Tk is the company's con a. of the chairman o Harvey. "Wehater the GIFTS LOLLIPOPS 4 8 : ~~ oe tention ihe road belongs to payING ESTIMATE loser. He also went the. dis BALLOON ' : , . 'STORM SEWERS them, althoug! ne town has 'Council petra ge road sy. 'Ance, giving up 10 hits and 1 s SOFT DRINKS \ storm er program will been servicing jit Rae nine Bow i ,. walks, He struck out five » initiated in Bowmanville and) T) > neh es perintendent to submit an est ; ie nitiated owe ne company has agreed to'mated cost of paving the park. Bob McManus, with three This !s Your Invitation } . - 4 a t are mates by ® under any circumstances ith S me * run was the bi healthy bite out of a juicy peach festive he festival Poine's touring baseball (ther than Capital financing, itlout cost MAG tothiae care one at the for. the a he Baga dg cae Expert Service > tony > renh ecid uesda re t . ; ' "Wee Penticton. B.C. peach to features everything or am CP Wirephote) men het " d Tue rng elo ggnoe REQU E sT DENIED ouncil meeting. Town Clerk picke d up five walks and sco : re ey Counci? denied a request from Jack Reid informed council taat/cd five runs in the same cause | ing to $204 | Vincent J, Webb, of Bay ross one run in the bottom of|his appeal, -- the cosis of a building on which|paid two per cent of the esti-;recent board of works meeting./after two innings, 'They saw|(C0Ush this course of action e 70 as recompense for halting' yocal firefighters have had ordered replaced by Council. oyy.run fifth inning and added) | Real Estate Board the storehouse, When the town nanos Committee An arena committee request! five runs At a duly 2 meeting councii Street was held in abeyance 'the beginning of the season, "8 but finally lost it when a the financial responsibility for location would have a bearing Council authorized advertise. V{0M8 pitcher. He was touch time fire department was Jimmy Hendry takes a. christen start of the annual rod Ly-band parade will be chargeable to annual es-iturn the road over to the town, ing Jot at the Central School.. (doubles, a single and a home To Try e financed ° bd ut of current revenue was also! te engineering firm of Pr octor two petitions were received but Al Osborne and Bill Crossey We, Murrey Keefer end Ross Y rd Sand Action adopted and Redfern for $1184 m_en-)that they were not correctly were the top sliggers for the & Clerk, intend to give COMPLETE rec ing - seat : neering costs for the De Jong) drawn up, He said that the peti-/Ellis' nine, Osborne had two cer cere with COMPLETE custe- MUSEUM GRANT Hubdivision, The action as/tions had been sent back to the! sinsies a homer, a doubl : : mer satisfaction. Irks Hoop och _ Council gr nt $1000 to aken on a. recommendation initial si ni sane T, a doudle and Yours sincerely, Bowmanville. Museum Board 'om tt ; COUNTIES ASSESSMENT a walk. Crossey picked up two Bowmanvill : A rom the board of works com UI ASSESSME? : vi rail ay MURRAY KEEFER, ic BOWMANVILLI ty .. The board estimated that their): t was decided that the Council was informed that the singles, a double and a homer in ROSS CLARK . vlog «total operating costs fo 963 ed by Mr. De United Counties estimated as. Six trips to the plate. Beseline Reed (Class A Mechenic) BROUGHAM (Special 1 i oid iy 'agita th »eonle who!" be $1100 plus the wanual/ Jong not the municipality.'sessment for Bowmanville for) The series resumes 'Sunday x ai Reeve J. Sherman Scott told a some beautiful i and some acne ee yy arixovernment grant CLE AN MANROLES the coming fiscal year was/afternoon at the High Schoo! SUBURBAN TEXACO SERVICE large delegation whose homes backwa nd. Would Mr. pyesday meetin Town A special effort will be made $7,949,385, (grounds Sere adjacent to proposed Newman have a ohyeckan 19 Coy : Mg : ; " . yard t 2% Con-/a wrecking yard ncilie ' s displeas Thieves Grab rn we ee -------- Said Mr. New 5 ince an app LOauIA was first Ske 10 See even a aye u > z r On ; x ms made, The statement was made I don': like to ste people spoil 158 ng stre pas r Machine Cash a: this week's council meeting. a farm. If anyone pu prec et A which was " 4 . - . nag ra in my vicinit ould the < bh sates a5 i He _ sad that Mr. and Rr mis cas kee ; 4 a be BOWMANVILLE (Stat -- » $ they had been © paIOK Sy r 3 as % z diov , K bvShi (they gece eis Pa Mrs dat valen si erandah by passing AN undetermined amount o Te ee " wehicles ash was stolen from a cigare! ; nphlhoon sccagacre eee age sigge " » Mr. Ho machine al McQueen's Motors - . ~ . I am dm i ' ar las sari had PLN chee a uatelane eas i tated iene ne est ' tmeves who gain or in Apri a2 h nade m ak aid Depa 5 Fils : pe 'te : building dy ehuse nd then applica, Reeve M Jean McPherso ana ne a ac age . a. ie ra dif. "We are. not infallible ss wo of anc meg eakin : ge ferent jm gwar land, make mistakes. I ma whey att ati Re _ Police a clase 'te so ye : eks. but When 1 voted in favor of s. : BSCS ' at ¢ took plac be . Rye *petinaiin neeing of t Roads ant t th pi Revertheless adjacent to a resi. said at the time su See aaa ig ia me in the early hours of @ent that some of these people did "Teets Committee and was. |y He ual area Pp ~~ tha morning de This second application, sub. aot object. [ was told tha ee te ee ee he COMM: cribed the hole broken in the faitied by Thomas Newman, the one objected. Now I am ready ee t "large enough fo minions Eide sw ibrar 1 f iw net I yy desolation _sudject © an acree Councilor Mitten Mowbr wolthagt '© Oonstable Phillips added that Stonderd ALL WELDED ~~ Said that he was considerat : oe ae eae nei | thieves "attacked" the a alting 'Sack an "agreement troubled : pscePgesad ie i eal gare ie hine - and removed Combination Groce H T was presented by Mr. Newman "We have the fact thal Coun. © inte mn € Hebb tar The COM-DOX PLYWOOD 5/16"'x4'x8" STEEL Signed by the Kays. Since, Mr, Gil did pass a resolat ppt ! vers that sead-cr seal The aMOURt of cash t WINDOWS / ib OVERHEAD Newman had submitted a notice INE the Eran ; smapletely 6 ried with coe at the time is not ee 59.97 mati Pissine reliance ef motion to the courts, which subject to sat sour chine ena tha cio taal rani or OF ALUMINUM stom Mede te Your Pies dy i 2.53 GARAGE 3 ras heard recently. The case a" . e ' , < sho p allac ---- MEASUREMENTS UP TO 50 A" x ees 4.22 a marae: eiting." he s DOORS AND Sk feet tenet DOORS aapeeoccrcalinginty A as nothing cise to t = . M WATERPROOF 2S"? Kays' solicitor, was granted by te vote against it aan te thic cone T think. thalt Wen & Creel tere 'Mid Al * HEAVY DUTY doe, hac ' Midsummer uminum | coppice eontinaes on Thursday burning Or smeiting © SN. gp oa ' UNITED INCHES (Width . oN I am here to introduce to "No md that the & ' : ea Bi 13% $ MANY OTHER plex height) In lots ot five se lle li 5.24 Sheet = the members of ches ; = Baan _ e be je : a oat . QUALITY ITEMS - oF more Smaller lots edd .1Sc sheet DRY NO. Complete with of Herd. Yavaders from Metre ey ee a olan ¢ a Senn sree Papin ble ine Saat eek cor VISIT CASHWAY$ 9 om PR coe aot Was ee goog. tron Fiche Pama Mn tion for Licence was Ried (a 20 ' eee tas ee & SAVE! : $ .65 = V4 x 4 rf 8 _Sanded -- ca shin." said Mr. Newman, "They {ag bylaw, noi moved ty Blast Kills Boy -- sion with 2 partea venice, $02" - 70 in. $10.65 $95 ew are modest people, only asking the OMB ' mad staat i ei ~ 7O0¥2"-100 in. $12.95 fhe Tight te cam a living. I am Mave to be ade i a abs ; ? ~ bete © -- owt --_ s appl. Wrecking yards During Operation Phere njari wl CANADA'S a a -- Fir lye FACTORY Per 1009 Boord Fr 95 Qaton os being abas SUPPORT CRARGED MULWAUKEE (AP tty damar , @ asa dollar aur winden. oF: READS TRANSCRIPT About the agreement, Mr yeanold: bey de day ¢ Quality DOOR *t--< <a ee he xan Metres, said, there was come| pate emmereency efforts t0 2 " . pares er | GRADE STAMPED for ae were fate Scary, onde rpg Coenes Re sce foe ue hoe aod oh Den SAVE! NA tock 1" Sse ss Se mM oxas--8 mangas | KEEP COOL! There © crap matenas OrBnaie aS MRIS nt é | x m % Jame x og Beg peg Bee gnadhen specced cha vale haggle , ---- SPRUCE $84 Just $3.12 Per Sheet THIS SUMMER -- wrecking yard, wmclading aate- opr ' wh ROCHHORT was his 3 rrot bo goe oe drohites. Nothing, be sand, was fh night arise sRid able cause of Grant me 5 . : / Dn wined frock jot ment ned about wrecking cars a D x . Svs was so : Ss i i for, reewe yobs WARM NEXT WINTER i think there wit De ts of A el L-, INSULATION dace Soe thay atath tha Hawt We the wea "et CMe e Blast, » c Bs : SPAR VARNISH ascashaichccsa ks GRANITE BROWN WIS ATS soMMCOoIMeS accion! ~~ Doaglas Eitstrem, one of the up of many ohiections, and the beme administered halothane, 2 3 SEIS ASPHALT pe all leganen, spoke of the Gifhce that m@er Uhe isn. nonexpins shed ees noe on. to Save > om that me 2? what : : ee ij 6 fo 635 $ 98 : gnome bound seven mules awar, oF sarver ns a | d the fence Obscanring ison wm Obi 4 a 2 ; ™ -------------- a the rallwar track, of the Se Se et St Ta cance Reet ill Ti ---- WATER PIPE & other stock Colors $6.55 per squore | 9g fesi@ee falling from. them. He sieted the dar GRTR ai | ae } 10 Foot Rolls a. said Yat soot and smneke coal' 4%" $3.95 Pessihic lamer Sat The ciew - 7 A CSA. Aluminum 1 $5.95 OlL or GAS FURNACES 99.95 up | ap | af £ Ome sresnaet of the @elegaen " jamal a 1%" $825 wr Rene ai eat nD oth mat Red ea eater eed a car a THM DOORS 'Wwumo res -- ASBESTOS * STEEL * pase!" said the Geiegeie. "2 saa' ak gg ta THT : . ROOFING Soaks get Dawe srractied to aig TONNE he tet arated. 26" x 66" oniiun * * Bers mar Rreeen, 2 Pickering Teens 7" x 26" $1447 * «quore in jon of PORCELAIN s -- sniiiee bap Z ber Gov, srorm, 30" x 30" $17.88 7D sq. or more BASINS " 8.75 S0"x30" S97 35-69 sys, tae inati CEDARGRAIN Tom Reeve said tha m9 oh Combination sees 3 whe TOHETS #0" x30". $2071 60" x3'O" 329.37 line a nies $9.10 sq. a 3 Dover White New Improved SAVE AN EXTRA 5% S$ Y CMA. Approved | ja Sa ay Ey SSS3Ss4444 pe We want meester here, bw SILICONE SEALED axe om ths velar lard 2u: 2 winter fT bad thoee con : : > . P Dent te he some Fold oe eT Sat ot ath ox . mber !! > rit ce $ ae smoked wat" a i. ak eg tie eee Pr 2 - peette oeit Retl . $ 3 FOOT Bill KNORN y WE Taset ie ow : ak fe amd bully BATHTURS Tie Newmar: are well on cree) wen hace 'he Ba TR tach S173 : 7 Jol M ile bocker strep ond moils LOCK JOINT meluded Like A Free Price List? | evecracT" | AJAX YARD THERE IS NO OBLIGATION" || CIRCULAR SAW ON THOMPSON ROAD JUST CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Full 8.0 Amos 5,000 Ae HERAT 00. 9? id , \ 24 ta suc ---- Big = Write Hood Office: BOX 330, MALTON gy set ti Warrenty PHONE 942-1221 j , : Bi Duet Fi bn end Mell To ae a 2 P.M. - 9 PM. ) i= > mana $9 75 Brooklin Yard ee Qpen Fri. To 9 PM 2 LOCATIONS FRESH EGGS. VEGET 7 -- ARDRESS CORNER HIGHWAYS 7 AND 12 ETABLE: TOWN OR RR PHONE 655-3313 AND FRUIT , f PLEASE PRINT CARERUULY, Thenk You

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