Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1963, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 8, 1963 | GO = By JACK GEARIN OD EVENING CITY TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS HIT RECORD HIGH = Its true, « City Police have started a campaign to clamp down on 'Bereeching tires' motorists under the Highway Traffic act, This has something to do with motorists who create "unneces- sery noises" via mufflers, cutouts, horns, ete, Surely all peace-loving cit» {zens will support law enforce. ment officers in this new drive against a type of increasing traffic offence caused mostly by excessive 'gunning' of the accelerator, Teenage motorists, espec: jally adherents of the hot-rod school who love to turn corn ers on two wheels (much to the irritation of all within radius of four or five city blocks) are the worst, but not the only offenders Announcement of the cam paign is the best local news to come along since City Council (in an unprecedented act of wisdom) decided to get rid of the King street tracks after 30 years of bickering, but let's not be impulsive. The campaign won't be successfully concluded over night are these "screeching tires" addicts a defiant breed slow to scare, there are other handicaps DO POLICE LACK SUFFICIENT EQUIPMENT? City Police do not appear to be lacking in manpower strength, but many observers are confident that they lack equipment to properly enforce the These 8GT. SMYTH not only "screeching tires' ban same observers also feel that Police lack sufficient equipment to properly enforce the Highway Traffic act, This is one prime reason for the high traffic accident rate, but not the only one The Traffic division a roundsthe clock schedule, but its personal equipment actually includes only three moiercycies and one radar unit to patrol a City of 63,000 -- the Department's other mobile equipment consist ing of seven cars is pretty we (four general division) Remember last he Oshawa Police Depart ment declared open war on errant motorists with the announce ment that the streets were to be made safe again for children and other the chips fay" There was a valid reason for this not-ioo-veiled threat The City's traffic accident record for the first two months of 1983 was the worst in more than 30 years when such siatis- piled is Oshawa traffic accident record this 8th day , 1983, five months after the aforementioned alarm includes men for ni ut ed up with other assignments for patrol duty and three for the detective March 8 when pedestrians "regardless of where may tics were first What Aug signal? Tt is worse than ever, even it was March & When Sgt. Norman Smythe of the Traffic division of City Police was 'quoted as saying: "Last year was extremely bad fer traffic accidents in Oshawa, but we will beat it 100 ways this year unless we start to clamp down, Does the average Griver realize how costly these accidents are from the in- surance point of view alone? It's stupendous There were 455 traffic accidents to end of July (1M were Personal Injury and 331 Property Dam- age) as Compared with 373 (107? Personal Injury and 266 Prop- erty Damage) for the same period last year 9 CHARGES LAID IN 2 DAYS The Traffic division laid a total of 2.582 speeding charges 3 year to the end of last July as compared with 1.978 for the same period last year: 208 Careless Driv ng charges were iaid to the end of July as compared with 8% for this period fast year City. Police com on worse ly this year until the have conducted pascientious and campaign to redace the number Traffic act Most humerous of which are for Speed ng and Careless Driving but these official statistics can not be ipnared at Ailgent vieiations . What chance have City mrotarests equipment? There is also ae many @ach statistics that our motorists are ronning wild because hurts are too lenien pe amp down ? ih ce inc ® and On err whe endancer mb ev jack salfic TORE SUSMOOR aAmMoRE who steady the How many maximum senter i in Osh a@®a courts this year Highway Traffic act violations pecially for Speeding and Careless Driving? Scarcely few, if any. So many minum sentences and fines may be justified on the grounds of compassion bai they do little to deter wax Kard motorists ? a CRNA sudsequent loss of points) es have been te es many whom giediy pay their small fines Whea Chief Herbert Fiintell says & regards to tota) number of violations -- be is not engaging im. idle talk For instance 2 Tlaffic act vielations last Monday and Tuesday alone ting is wrong, drast the chain samewher Waltrer a "mast seriqus,"* City petice iwial of Some RK GR oa ~ there's a missing * gars the Chief) wy wrong BANK TO BUILD AT ATHOL-SIMOOE SITE James MeCansh, manager of the Bank oi coe street north, has reluraed from a five-week tour ne continent with bis family, He says the new B of M Branch te be canstraected at Athe! and Simene enuth should be ready fer etcupancy by peat April, An earty mm etheduied Awerman Gordan R trem, bis Western Canada vacation oh Galgary.Arga football game. He has deen visiting im and arvand Banf?, Aka The Sergeants' Mess of the Ontario Regiment will held ix anneal August 35 at Nevartiovs Park Danevan CI whe won an Oniario Schelar Award in Grade 13 oxams ty, was Gisiantly related te the lale Cardinal Wageslavia through bis father, Siephen Sienine Cadorne sivect. He has enrotied in an Hone af Qarer's Croverrsity egg ennereneeenermnee Piccadilly Club Members Return STORONTO ? gnemnders af the Peccadifty horned ta Canada Wedresdax amily seven beers later then of ignalty scheduled Dat, in many © certs, Bt east SOF poorer They Were ammang more @ Carediens eo eiended op Brian wher Ge Peters, mereger of te Px ety terim 3 em? > Mo ot CORNTECHAR is tom ® anend Ssart Atiersier me mo pene Serdar Nephen Soma Stadent DOR. Mepinac of of Sk) Sr Hagiish WOK marter planes. When ay Por he Vonet 38 wax (ad whadir te p ares we 78 Wednesda eta | aba wert ime ip Pearson Explains Caution On SIU OTTAWA (CP) Hasty acjto put the STU and four other tion in putting Hal Banks' Sea: shipping unions = with the lat tarers International Union ofjter's consont--under a federal Canada (Ind,) under a govern.|trustee, Mr, Pearson told re ment trusteeship might have porters lprovoked far + reaching conse:| "Believe me, it is not a sim: jquences the government is anx-iple matter. to sit) down {Pearson said Wednesday, was very important that we If precipitate action was takenididn' take: action which would under a sweeping general pow-jresult' in' a reaction In_ the ors bill in Parliament before it/United States, which would in- adjourned for its summer. re-jcrease rather than decrease vio- jooss, there might have been im:jlence on the Great Lakes, That imediate violence on the Greaticould have happened if we had Lakes among members of rival) barged into this unions, legal action against the; "Its extremely important government at the provincial/(hat we draft legislation in such Hlevel, and an unco-operative at-ja form that it will not conflict | 1% and) ious to avoid, Prime Minister/draft that kind of legislation, It) | |e jtitude in Washington, he said.|/with property and civil rights in} | He rejected Opposition Leader)the provinces, Lt that were not |Diefenbaker's criticism Of gov-jcarefully handled and if the jernment delay and dismissed ASi provinces were not informed in junworthy of comment Mr, Dief-/ advance, the trustees could go jonbaker"s suggestion the delay) down to Montreal and try io was decided on because the SIU)ake over Mr, Banks' offices, re] is a friend of the Liberal party 'sources, buildings, and union, Mr, Pearson spoke about the/and Mr. Banks could say this Great Lakes shipping situation! is a matter of property and civil and a wide range of other polrights and tell us he wouldn't litical topics after a mid-week/give up anything." cabinet meeting, He welcomed) a suggestion for a federal-pro REVIEWING RELATIONS vineial conference on unemploy-) The prime minister said that ment and shrugged off NDP in the eight-week parliamentary Leader Douglas' honeymoons the government is re over statement, viewing federal. relations with eee: the provitces and "nothing is NOT BASY TA more important than that." A Of the government's iniention: suggestion by the provincial Iyeeeay'in Helifen, et 8. come Biculturalism ~arster with ine federal govern Probe To Start In 3 Weeks ment on unemployment was use Ry RONALD LEBEL ful and important On other political questions OTTAWA (CP)--The inquiry nio the sensitive relat be Mr, Pearson was asked about Mr. Douglas' statement to a Ne Democratic Party conven an this week Regina, that the honeymoon between the Lib tween Canada's two main: jan guage groups is expected to be aunched here in about weeks The 10-member royal commis erals and NDP now is over sion on biculturalism and bilin T never felt myself that were being beneficiaries gualism, appointed July 2 ikely will meet for the honeymoon treat ment," the Pian its on recess Ww n we of Mr. ons thre spied called that the NDP ha¢ inst the government al times during the earlier of the session, and that 4 oppesition parties voted in con Friday against sales taxes on building materials anc production machinery Union Welfare Chief Cites Reason Fired MONTREAL (CP) Roulange former welf sever yar me rt last A ast commission's chairmen, Andre Laurendeau editomin-chief of Mon Devoir, and Davidson president of Carleton sity, Ourrentivy are taking days before plungnig into inten sive rounds of public hearings and private fact-in hat twa . co Bernard administra pian of International Union mas swirled w he was fired be nquiry ause unie boss Hal. Ranks © Was popular with the file members tf was dismissed by board of trustees © Welfare fun grounds that he nd involved thorized ARS ATS OX y Octo of arers , Says re the iy, considerable ce versy around the Premier Ernest Alberta has- warned commission May do more harm han good by s uP emo tional issues dividing the two anguare grouy Leader _ Diefenbaker scribed the in the six~nan . Ag Opposition ay government g for two years al Members ott af the Canse called ~OAfErence to used five OMAMIssion -'mombers prejudging™ the commissio: FY commenting mgs by an b ext » Casts of evy this yea CASES aiving Ranks nm WRwspaper a ural lerviers SELECT SSUES court res SHOCRETARIES e federa ¥ ys) Violence Boulan as other fired red as We Si nferman be S$ are ex » ane WEATHER FORECAST Mainly Sunny During Frida ax Mastiy sean . te weaihe hee at 3 na Partly cloedy Friday EDT scattered showers Nwhepsis Gerstorms Winds west 2 2B tee ne ay TPwes Mostly sanav t caging wdy Friday. A mot. Howeve handershowers veiap Narthy nice ard im co Progax tmnight and Frday " and nat z tomprratare Perecast: Tomperatures Lew tonight, high Priday i Windser < ' we St. Thomas RKichener Moan? " ARS Lake Senn rrday Friday mainiy winds and no teraner Parest Late Ere a. Lake tgian Bay anta, Landon and mrh AT Vrtaroa Habburtan Ham ma today Maimiy sy wines and em Killaloe Maskok nar : AEM hanger Breattest Lench Denner PAM. 2PM 35:38 PM 8 PM Hotel Leacaster 4 j said Ranks GRIM PRESIDENT President Kennedy. sits grim-face in his car after iting with his wife Force Mass where she gave birth to the third child, a four pound, 10% ounce son who arrived severa vis Base haspita weeks day n Otis Air BR as lospi ed al prematurely The president will fly to on d was taken after a respiratory Wednes Children's Medical where t h e t devel ailment AP WIREPHOTO , INTERPRETING THE NEWS | U.S. Seeks Proof Against Firms Of EEC Program Ry JOSEPH MacSWEEN ! Canadian Press Staff Writer The United States ha demande at pean Common Marke acnians fect Ook ING eral improveme That is Britain take rep nation coma duces levies ens sals n the wa The { ~arentiy liberal-tvpe Jensen and Chance CORR M by m it yese AS era Laxembours ooking oO Three Farmers ° Struck Down By Lightning Ry TRE CANADIAN PRESS i ar Ss S aw with _ scattered Unandan | mach EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4197 by apaointment F.R. BLACK, 0.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES industrial end Commercial The extabinhed rehebic Gay Denier m your arce 31 CELINA ST. (Cornre af Athe? 728-9441 Some 80 xpes ¢ ontlic they cannat 1 the Cem reach 16 reprisals would te Sept LOSE $46, 000.000 6 p ety as begun te 1 & COMMOR system T Ritchie Cut Sten 'Ts Since @isaster warsened MY be wmMman 1 Wit , LONDON, Ont, (CP) «= Theynizd for his leadership in legis church must play a vigilant role}lation in education, in assuring that the independ; Pariier Wednesday, the Kpis, ence' achieved by the new na/copalian (Anglican) | bishop of lions of the world does not load) Arkansas said in an interview to a more imperialistic age, AN-\the American Negra must. re: glican church leaders were tOld!alize the sincerity of the church Wednesday night, when it advocates the equality Rey, Canon Mee iota gen ist man, regardless of his color éral seoretary of the Chureh » a ' |Missionary Society of England, Re Rea Pile hy ot ia isaid the world must decide'j, t "whether it wishes to go t0¥+| plished by "person + to » person jward to a new and, perhaps, 'discussion and by a holding up even crueller imperialistic age of the Christian. principle that or to the realization of true iny/al men e terdependence," the sight of God and are dur "That, I believe, is the great dignity, freedom, mutual appre }moral issue of international polciation and are worthy of ac jities in our day and where the cepting mutual responsibility," jehureh has to address itself,") The heads of 48 Anglican col the told a special centennial con: jeges throughout the world vocation at Hurdén College holding a four-day meeting here An estimated 1,500 people saw this week, envisage a new theo /honorary doctorates of divinity integration) current Arkansas is being accom:| 'raining Role For Church Said | To Fight Imperialism jlogical outionk relating man to the family and society, Rev, J Grant Morden, princinal of Hur ron College, said Wednesday 'The general attitude is tha! ithe, Western concept of man jStanding alone as any vidividual is not accurate as to man's true vocation," he said "There is a feeling that the pattern af theolugical needs revision in cer: tain areas to meet the vocation' jof the priesthood in the 20th cen- tury," were created equal ini; . Sohn Ovens, 0.0. OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST, £,, OSHAWA PH, 723.4811 jeonferred on 12 Anglican church leaders, including the archbish ops of Canterbury and York, Premier Robarts of Ontario was made an honorary fellow of the college UNDERSTANDS PROPLE Most Rey, Michael Ramsey Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of 44,000,900 An. glicans in 75 countries, was awarded his doctorate in recog: nition of his "understanding ot people and preblems and his jgenuine concern for mankind |. In a lighter vein, Most Rey Frederick D, Coggan, Aren bishop of York, was accorded his doctorate, among other rea sons, for "bravery beyond the call of duty in a discussion 6 the church's place with a teen singing on the RBC,' Premier Robarts was recog 'Action Planned Star In Fatality TORONTO (CP) Deputy Labor Minister J. RB. Metzler said Wednesday the department act quickly on a coroner's jury recemmendation that ac tien be taken against three con Struchen campan ge the construction depariment "w the matter immedial t receives the jury's Metzie a. Th construction saf als bege an. invest Falion as soon as the fala! acci den which the jury based ts verdict, was reported ted Pigott Caastrac for eary cleaning, NO MORE putty te replace SAVE ON HEATING w said department's alt for lasting efficiency, on Company Company and Rental' were . ac negligence by jury, inquiring inte the death of Gerald A. Baldwia, 6 of Torrente, M Baldwin was Poss For LASTING EFFICIENCY ef gross Acme cused the DON'T RISK YOUR WINDOW DOLLARS ON DiS- COMFORT OR TIRESOME SEASONAL CHORES INSTEAD, RELAX AND ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF Glow poner vide vertically on vinyt Hock--remevable from vide NO MORE putting up and taking down storm windows and NO MORE storm windows and screen te store ith the airtightness of the DOUBLE~WEATHER-STRIR Depend on PRECISION.BUNT "REOWOOD" FRAME and the specially designed hardware There's @ design and size te individvelize your dream home architects Migneault Windows REOWOOD FRAME sereens AND QUALITY, INSIST ON killed and an eight-year-old bay visiting Terante from the United with his parents, was in ad July 3 when a one-ton slab ow concrete fell six storeys fram t & construction e sidewalk the top af pro two union execul onstruction safely regua ens are being vidlated because f a shortage of inspectors and | yenaities for vielation ves enient ASK ABOUT... MILLWORK'S NEW NTH 6-MO' DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN Ne Down Payments -- Ne Payments fer 6 MONTHS! Tren you heave from 6 te 60 months te pay, H, W. Inghs t ss man pr af Lacal i Raist (iad) qua On nspectors «in ¥ . ik Salad sma 39220 i< SIMCOE NORTH OPEN BARY ROY WHITTINGTON RADIO & TELEVISION 3 Bond St. W. Orhawe Wit BE & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. FAM MEE RM -- Fh ORD Pe, FARMER'S MARKET NOW OPEN NEXT TO MILLWORK Special This Week! © PHONE 728-6291 CLOSED ARROTS 3 wm bea FOR VACATION -- er --2 bunches FROM AUG. 5 to AUG. 10 Reopening Aug. 12 AND HOME BAKED Frideys Qnty 12 Neon te 8 am. 19° | ALL TYPES FRESH FARM PRODUCE BOOS Makes a cool spirited Summer drink =

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