Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1963, p. 16

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16 «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuradey, August 8, 1963 BIRTHS BURPES David and Betty are happy to announce the arrival of a son, James Allen, weight 4 Ibs, 7 ozs. on Monday, August § 1963, af the Oshawa General Hospital. A little brother Timothy and Darlene, JACOBS = Bll! and Dorothy are happy to announce the birth of their son, Robert Jo, on Wednesday, August 7, 1963, at the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Angela and Ted, LEMON = John and Shirley (nee Antil) wish to announce the arrival of & aon, Mark Stephen, ? ibs, § ozs. on W nesday, August ?, 1963, at Oshawa Gen: eral Hospital, MONTGOMERY -- Bob and Jan (nee Dundar) are happy to announce the ar: rival of their son, Robert Scott, on Friday, August 2, 1963, at the Oshawa General Hospital, A specia! thanks to Dr. R, Ross and the staff of the fourth floor, PETTIFER - Elvin and Lorna (nee Wearn). wish te announce the birth. of their son, Raymond Ross, weight & Ibs. 13 Fs, on. Wednesday, July 3}. 1963, at Grace Hospital, Toronto, Mother and baby both doing nicely, SMYTH = D'Arcy and Marguerite are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter en Wednesday, August 7, 1963 at Oshawa Gonerdi Hospital, A sister for Katherine and Beverly STONEMAN -- Ernest and Monna wish fe announce the birth of a son, 7 lbs 4 O83, born August 4 16%, at Ajax Pickering General Hospital, A brother tor Stephen, Susan, Stewart, Sherrie BON, Daughter, Twins or Tripiets, you will want to tell the whole town about the latest arrival in your home An: Rouncements are accepted until 9.00 a.m, for publication the same day for only $1.50, Just telephone 723.2492. DEATHS EMMERSON, Harold W. At the Oshawa General Hospital on Wed nesday, August 7 1943, Harold W Emmerson, deioved husband of Aileen McCaw and dear father of George, Rest my at the chape'. of McDermott-Pana: baker, Port Perry, for service on Friday at 2 pm. interment Pine Grove Come tery, JACKSON, Zula May Al Fairview Lodge, Whitry, Ontaric Wednesday, August 7, 1963, Zula May Tonkin, beloved wife of the iste George Jackson and dear mother of Myrtle (Mrs. S$. Rennie), Markham, Dr. G. Harold, Union, New Jersey, U.S.A, Marguerite (Mra, Arthur Brock), Patricia (Mrs. Clayton Love) and J. &. (Ted), all of Por? Perry, sister of Mrs. Marietta Weods, Wyoming, New York, U.S.A, in er 87th year, Resting at McDermott Penedaker Chapel, Port Perry tor serv ice on Saturday at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Greve Cemetery LAVIGNE, Frederick T. Baterecd into rest in the Oshawe Gee- eral Hospital on Wednesday, August 7, 1963, Frederick Thomas Lavigne, deloved Quedend of Jeanne Pitre and father of Doreen, Elaine, Joyce, Ronald. Thomas, David and Br m Ds 46th year, Rest tng at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshewa, with High Requiem Mass ip Moly Cross Church, Friday, Aygust 9, at 9 am, interment St. Gregory's Come tery. n "~TOCKE'S FLORISTS -- Funeral orrengement ond floral requirements for o eccosions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6538 IN MEMORIAM CARTWRIGHT -- in loving memory of @ eat husdand and father, Samus! Cart- wright, who passed away August 4 142 i have only & Memory, Gedr husband Te keep my whole fife rough, } But he sweetress will Hnger forever by wite Cathrine and son Geoffrey CARTWRIGHT - In loving memory @ Gear tether, Samuel Cartwright pared away August 6 Td Please God forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish cur Gad was dere; There are others, yes, we Know eg RANGER, 12 ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) tic For Sale _ BEDROOM ite, manogany, double Television 2i-inch RCA Victor, enn tables, Vista, BOAT. Needs be seen, | + 18 th, with cab (no motor), $150 Vite fixing, idea! for fishing, Can > Mary Street, ee ened "single barrel shot an Telephone 723-1906, ae : |. F, GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Batteries, Kelvinator retrigerators, tele vision, Thrifty Budget plan, 725-4843, WV¥ING or selling furniture or appl ances, Cal Elmer Hampton, 263,236 C.jOr_ 283-285. TELEVISION tower speclal, © th struc ture including all channel antenna ine Statied and guaranteed by experts with evephone 778-4678) ee Ss ENJOY summer camping with tents, sieep: bags. ground sheets, lanterns, stoves, picnic lugs, coolers, Best prices in town, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, ROSS RIFLE ey WANTED Telephon Oshawa 725.8183 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes Free estimates. Parts, attachments, brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- johines, Rentats Wallace Vacuum Serv, fee. Calt anytime, 728-059), jBoaT, }S28. Apply S38 Cubert Street HOUSEBOAT, Fidregias runadout, Tmotor, boat, trailer, 3 hp to 25 hp motors, doats. Pressure systems. Supplies P2D-7O88. LLOYD baby carriage, like new $20 baby scales and steritiz $4) also 2S gai, hot water tank, insulated thermostat ncluded, $20, shower stall complete with fixtures, $20. Telephove afternoons TRE REFRIGERATOR-reerer combination. Westinghouse, largest size, modern 30 Westinghouse stove, four elements, Eve nings after'é p.m. telephone 728-2745 FOR SALE} cubic toot deep freeze. Telephone 728-3888 PIANO, player $40; cedar Dim 725-7284 after 6 p.m WEDDING gown, Peau engin, with small. train gonadie, Dial 729-7236 BARGAIN eightpiece Maicoim, Nomar want, dining room suite, $178 Tele phone 725-750 SFT, MOLDED with trailer, Telephone boat, $150. de sole, floor sze 10. Ree plywood Runadout 138-7244. DRUMS, complete set, ideal for degin- ner. $10 72$-8824 CANOE, floregiass with car Dial 62)4799. CABIN cruiser. 11, length, Pit. beam, motor and trailer, sleeps two, alr foam mattresses, excellent condition, $1800 Call evenings 725-7782 [CHROME kitchen set, 3 pieces, gray Single. dedroom suite other household art.cles, All im good condition, Telephone 4D 33--Market Basket PICK your own rasaberries, 18 cents a pint on Anderson Street Whithy Lot 22 Mr, Kuenen. Telepnone'- 46 your Geep freezer with dellciou t for winter, We deliver fresh Ie wholesale price, Call 7257Se Ma covered, transparent $2.00 Algoma Road North, | Road CREEN stringdeans. Daske?t Pic ve oN a containers. TIcRSOR of Taunton per or mils used for freezer dushel Haske? $1.95. Cait Liderty Bowmany lit sr FARMER'S. MARKET Millwork and Building Supply SIMCOE STREET NORTH Friday 12 Noon Until 8 P.M. Wetch Millwork Advertise. rent. in Thursday's Times for dpecicts Fresh Vegetabdies, Fruit, Egos. Home Boking, Barbecued ond at Ne was cura, we loved Dim 30 ---Sadly mired Dy Gaughier Pat and son. wiaw Guniter GORMAN -- im Yving Memory OF e Gear sister, trene Gorman, who passed @wey August? & 1955 Sweet memories wil Hinger forever Time cannet change Them, H's tree Years tat may come carne? sever My imeing remembrance of you Lovingly remembered) = fy Jerk ang family Carts. GORMAN -- Im loving Memory of a Bear Gaugrter, irene Gorman, who past ee away Aude Yess Sormewhere Deyord Tre shadow Deeks & Gear sere? Gaugnter of m Whorn | look Upor as a treavere, Whore | charish as divine 4 the one | lend away Temes, no | Dever w AS yRers TO mss yoe st --Laeingty remembered ang sacly mised Dy MowMer and fama me a SALLOGLEY -- Im Gear husband and father passed away DER TEMOTY Dene J SIDIEN'y +. Ard white ne Hes in peacetel sleep, HS TRemory we wl ateays Keen. --Ever ~ememteres his wie Jessie ere farn.ty ty JEFFREYS -- tr Ieere merery Jon Gordon passed aveay August 8, 1938. Tadeay recals sad memories Of qur Gear sor gore to rest AnQ ThE OHes whe Ho OF Dime YoGay Are he anes who lead Din Dest Ever rememoeceg and sacly missed De Prorher, Gas. §s.eTs ang Srothers ve "me MYLES -- Bertha, WV & we ~Alenys Sememmdered Dy ster Margare® are Dreher law Paver eying Prernery of a am Pyles, who Gee Av oe Bux? MYLES -- Im wromner, B OE Ted webrs Newer paxeed since That aay When one ae we" em cole Gad tak Aen Pome. Wa wor hearts De wikg Theenery oF a Gear wh PRLSEA awa Augest & sar anny DONQ Tremere oe am Myles, WD pare away ore ° ee ee Fe Dear woer wate, Me gart. sees Te 2 GOD yore ane cha? eerie SD yow wh Reet a her Cherah Die eM care Far yas Dewar know The Neartache TH yoe ste DS weternt cher --LDEIND YY TEmeTmDETRE Dy THe tay Tee Say MYLES -- & bere merers of 2 cea an My. wh pared ea RETRY Urth e ent ot tome ~Lwag's Tomemorvse te ate Ference MYLES -- % Reig Merery oF @ dex Peter and grandiather, Qliam Myers. WHS DRL Qeryp Rages? & Ts? Get sew yoe gers Nery Se He oS wat Me Trace? Det We Care ane Niet Oeste pre ara eh ogee "Core Yue wihet 22 ore a NI ever panty Yao Dat gore Sefere we knew arg omy Gat knoe wre Laing RACK WI Heer Waper The path woe tes, - We Dies De doors we Nee GOD oe Tee. ant Rave De meC Eve owemeemerre BR Seeger GA we ew Ae -- Larry, Donad, Denes » Das arg text Qas? tareee wim Gat > -- anc] sete re i | Fresh Killed Canons. Plants and Cut Flowers 34--Lost and Found LOST or strayed, one male Dinck persian cat, one year od Why. Rewars Dai G88. 3908, Lost wicanity oF N Black Boston Wooeeres? any Morse * Rewer TIERLIS Lost Why hewnd, Walker and Bloe Tick am er Sd 433-46 Butiog. femaie 3 Steversan Roa a" tag and cob wn 2 mae Tatag on S. 4. Prone 720.2590 oF Towrsnp .36--Legal \ Barry reat. BaD m ect Foater respomsidie & Nena wil ret be coMIracted DA omy name and afer Ma doe wR READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads IN MEMORIAM MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE a es wa Monument Co Osha 1435 King MEMORIALS sted Dastative MONUMENT FLAT MARKERS D ona CARD OF THANKS Dawe a aur Daty > ak each at ° fame of The Inte Wr epithe; woh MD Seredas The Sher, TNS ane et Aintiness, 0 Fara TRAE ant mt Ree 2 WOT. GuTMD Derencemer we RR Caraplieg Are Neer fetes ant Fame (Gimmes Racial tensions in Wash- ington, a city more than | halt Negro, are described | in this story by Harold Mor- | vison, staff correspondent | for The Canadian Press in | the U.S, capital, By HAROLD MORRISON ibright, warm day, Washington's |wide streets, stone-fronted edi- fices and white-bricked man- sions gleam like jewels in the sun, But beneath this pretty ex- terior churns a dark, moody 10 vears experience, $80. Trio Telelvision turbulence that one day could) grees is not overcome, turn the streets into a racial ern congressmen maintain th {battlefield, In many ways Washington is jthe crucible of the painful Am: jerican racial dilemma, As the capital, it contains some of the tgreatest wealth, throws the |most fabulous parties and shows off soe of the most luxurious Jestates in the United States, TH. See Flea, Wily equipped,| But beneath this surface of taurants and other public facil: glamor and sophistication, this 38 hei showcase of American freedom! Negro is unhappy and democracy grapples with ipoverty, tensions, crime and decaying morality, Murder and rape are common occurrences, along with a daily dozen yok- ings, assaults, break ~« ins and automobile thefts Ry day, this "integrated" city s filled with throngs of Negroes and whites, By night it is a city ~ suspicion ad fear, Police t ol the streets in pairs or with their dogs in tow, Some officers are equipped with walkie-talkies to keep in con. stant communication with pre- cinct headquarters. Darkened parks are traps for the inno- cent; integrated amuse ment places become possible arenas for fist-fights or riots #3 NEGRO MAJORITY This, then, is the test site for integration--a_ city where the over-all population is abour 34 per cent Negro and 46 per cent white; where the black man is held to the interior by a subtle understanding of the real estate operators while the white man flees to the suburbs OBITUARIES FREDERICK T, LAVIGNE In failing health for six months Frederick Thomas Lavigne, 1443 Evangeline road, Oshawa, died Wednesday, Aug at the Oshawa General Hos- Born Mar,, 11, 1918, at S&t John, New Brunswick, the de- ceased was a son of Mrs "annie Lavigne and the late T as Lavigne, He was mar- ned April 5, 188, at Bathurst, NB A resident of Oshawa since 1930, Mr, Lavigne had been an emapleyee of General Motors for , ll years, He was employed as a spot welder in Department 63 A member of Holy Cross 'Roman Catholic Church and of Local 222, UAW, the de- the Royal y Service Corps ior six years during the Second World War and saw action in aly and Germany. Sarviving are his wife, the former Jeanne Pitre; his mothd er, who lives at Bathurst, N.B i ers, Doreen, Elaine md Joyce and four sons, Ron- ala, Thomas, David and Brian Aliso surviving four ters, Mrs. C. Goldup and Mrs. B.. Gray (Ada), Bathurst, N.B a sis. both Fier. hes NS. and Mrs ! (Milie) Roage Ont i a brother. Frank, of Bath- NB nt will the g Funera rest at Home in Holy 9 am. Fr Rev. Monsie- i Sing the be in St at DAVID GBORGE JOHNSTON The funeral service for David George Johnston, who died at me, 435 Adelaide avenue Sunday, Aug. 4, was held e Gerrow Funeral Chapel, esday, Aug. 7, at 2 am Rev. James McKnig mini. ef King Street Pentecostal rch, condacted the service ment was in Mount Lawn Rodert We Tracer, Arthar bert Campbell On », Met and A} FUNERAL OF '. REBECCA KEANE ral service for eca Keane. whe died v, Ang. 3, at the Oshawa General Hospital her Stad in 2 c Tm Rw. at the Arm. treng Faneral Hom Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Charch andy servaces,. Inter- ment was in Orene Cemetery The pallbearers were fram, Wiliam A ALFRED MANCEL WAUGH The fone service fer Al Rock? Moody Racial Tensions In Washington Streets (Mary)), sya? Northern By EDNA BLAKELY OTTAWA (CP)--Teachers go- ing into Canada's northland with the northern affairs department are warned that: Temperatures have gone as low as 65 degrees below zero, Small children cannot be al- lowed to wander through some Though President Kennedy maintains that a lot of things written about Washington are 'untrue, Dr, Carl Hansen, Wash. ington's school superintendent, says the situation is. explosive, |He fears the rising influx of un- employed Negroes without suf- ticient facilities for housing and WASHINGTON (CP) -- On a Schooling may stretch racial) settlements because of the pos-|years at' Fort Smith, N.W.T, tensions to the breaking point. | And while Harlem leaders warn of race riots to come un- less housing and job discrimin. ation against Washington Ne. south-| at Washington is a cesspool of crime, demonstrating that Ne- groes, who cause most of the crime, are irresponsible and cannot govern themselves, What is the truth about Wash- jington and Nogro-white integra. ition? No one seems to be sure, Schools, theatrés,, hotels, res- sible dangers of mauling by sled dogs, Medical, dental and. nursing facilities are not available in every settlement, Despite these and other warn. ings, there is no problem in' re- cruiting and keeping teachers in the Northwest Territories and arctic Quebec, says Florence riculum section of the northern affairs department, In an interview she said the 40 new eachers who will go north this year represent "nor- mal turnover" for any Canadian cummunity, The new teachers will form p rafto a 300-member teaching staff which serves exent he is confined to a spec-|206ut 6,000 Eskimo, Indian and ifie area of Negro residence white children in the north, Many firms won't employ Ne-'?EACHERS TAKE COURSE groes or will employ them only) yfany of the Eskimo and In in inferior jobs. When jobs are dian children start to achnal searce, the Negro is the first without any knowledge of Eng to be fired. lish, About 30 teachers are com PROBLEMS IN SCHOOLS Ree One eos Within the tight bounds of the federal district, schools are overcrowded, Eighty per cent of the students are Negro and Hansen finds that poverty, il literacy and indecency at home aggravate problems at schools Young Negro gangs run wild, threatening teachers, Many young Negro girls become preg- nant as soon'as they are able to bear children . y Some of the crime committed} $ senseless--the crushing of an!) old man's skull to rob him -of | a few do the slugging of an elder! woman to steal dimes and nickels from ities are integrated, But the To a great Wheat Acreage 2nd Highest In History OTTAWA (CP)--The acreage sown to wheat in Canada this bar is the second highest in ory, the bureau of statistics ported Wednesday Estimated total wheat seeding was 366,000 acres, up thre per cent from last ) and 44 heT/ per cent alove the 10-year aver. purse age for 1951-60. This is second The Negro complains he can-/only to the record 28,700,000 not combat delinquency wheni/acres of 13430 and bears out ear- he has no control over the city; [lier predictions af gigantic when he is confined to the/wheat harvest in the Prairies slums and re ted in his/this year earning power, Washington is aj For the Prairies, wheat acre federal district, directed by ajage is estimated at 26,996,000 board of commissioners, buticompared with 26,237,000. last really controlled by a group offyear. : congressional committees and) The Canadian potato crop subcommittees dominated by/acreage is down slightly at. 285,- southern white segregationists./400 from last year's 288,000 These are slow to provide funds/Most of this drop occurred in to improve local schools or to/the Prairies st rs; eS pital, He was in his 46th year./provide more welfare aid for] Soy beans have been planted! the indigent jon 228,000 acres, a three-per- Biggest pressure is on hous-/Cent increase. Sugar beets are ing. As more and-more Negroes/2P 16 per cent at 98,200 'Teachers Warned Gaynor, acting chief of the cur-! year-old fruit store owner from! Affairs [Today's Stock Market 1 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge Se Me Mat $44 MM MN + vw Mm Mh 100-9784 974 2) 20 OS «OS TS $i 12% e+ $202 Wie Mle ass 2 OR. +h 400 430 «490 «430 +S 18 $7% Wa Wa-- NS 8 PA Arts 100 S8% 8a Be 240 $16) 16% 16% 100 4 40 0 % HM WA Nat 275 $30% WM WM + be R4S $204 We Die Ve mos 9 6 Uh 21S 270 270-270 O38 8 @ 228 861% 6) Ol we Ne 28 94a 94+) 610 " 0 10 A pio 0 NS TORONTO 1! AM, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Steck Excha ug. 8 ZQuotations in cents uniss marked $, e lot, xd--Exdividend, xt--Ex rights, xw---Exwarrants, Net cha is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS oo Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Ws $34 O% OM 038 6S 2S 260 +s $278 278 $a Sa 258 seu bia S69% $53% $26h $234 3198 ss $22 1 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge @s WO mm 4 ns nS ms 10 no v 6 25 825 --S RY We WH + ome yg "" Stock Kerr Add Lab Min & DButavit Lt Lac Macassa Mactton Martin Mattom! mcKen Min Corp Min-Ore Mult Nama Cr Neonex wts New Hosco N Senator Norlartic Norlex Normetal Sates 450 240 Stock Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas 925 QN Gas pr 165 QN Gas 6 w $00 Relchhold 200 Revelstk pr 225 Sales 790 pleting a five» week course at) ba Carleton University on a course called English as a second lan: guage, Ed Duggan, who attended the course, this year will take his yife and four children to Inuvik n the delta of the Mackenzie he spent -five 300 160 100 yor No 0 s m Vv Stock Abitibi Abit pr Alta Dis vt Alta Gas Algoma Alumini Alum 44 Ashdown 8 Bank NS Bell BA Ol BC Pow BC Sugar pr AC Phone Bruck A Burns 265 2M S 4 aut we Mme Ge Ve Be+ wat RY Whe Sat Ve) Tr n Trans lo /River, Earlier Shully's Simpsons Southam Stee! Can Tamblyn Tancord land two of his children were born there, Although there are certain disadvantages, the Perth, Ont. born teacher says they are com- pensated by new experiences such as herding buffalo in a light plane and goose hunting iMr, Duggan, who grew up in Collingwood, Ont,, taught at Tor- is ee We Turnbull Turnbull Un Gas Vendomat m } 32s $22 } 20 328 240 $22V8 2 " th th se 1 1 oe @ @ +4 366 813% 19M e+ 2» MRD 27s 24 YS I nm nn 9 WO 1 +e 0 2S OS =S 2 2 BM ee | ae jonto, Ottawa and Trenton, Ont schols before going north, George Demuele of Schuma- |cher near Timmins, is a young ibachelor who keeps busy with thobbies and eXtra evening classes at Chesterfield Inlet, 'N.W.T, He is returning for his third year at the four- room school for 123 students 200 Cel $1 pr 220 $22 Chem TOS SPA Collieries 1100 $10% 104 10+ Curt W 1 as Hydro 300 Slé\a léla 1éle imp Bk CHO S620 a 10 $2 tM th mse M4 OM WO 41S. 4S ANS $ $0 4 WH Wet "oy? ? * we Sa Be Bee te 7S SIS SUS SHS +R 22S 6a Mie Mie be 300 S38la Bie Wha a0 c3}) Oh 10% 1s % 6 6 00 20 240 2 2128 $06 BM TM 0. $124 1 1 Soa ae Gala the Te 7M S17 v $i $10! $354q 3S $ss seu iss Sarettite Sherritt Sivmaq Siscoe Steep R Sturgeon Sundurst Tormont Towag Tribag Trin Chib Un Keno Upp Can Vauze Violam Wasamac West Mines Wiltrey Wiltsey Yukeno Zenmac sy . 0 4m «64S 41S YOO 225 225 mS +15 100 $44 14a M+ gee $12 wm RW +h 262 $10 W0'a OMe noo " " Wo 145 14S aS a 14 " " 3% HY He Mes 3 ES «0 «2 a 11 we 4 CS Pete rs) -- bal A 4B ONG NC Oils NCO wis NCO pr Northeal Reduced Bail _ Request Denied TORONTO (CP) Senior Magistrate Thomas S. Elmore refused a request Wednesday to reduce to $35,000 the $100,000 bail set for Charles Cipolla, 50.) a? 738 500 19 2300 $3500 ooo 2000 2 Ww Coronation Dale Dist Soag D Coal pr Dofasco OD Magnes Dom Tar Du Pont : Exquisite pr Falcon Ford US Fraser 2 GN Cap 8 w © Gr Wee vi Greening c Greynnd Guar Tr Hardee Hawker mac hur Erie imp Flo ime Ol ind Accep we tet ae +" x0 mo 4 ' 1 10 Wie 1 Wie $ 5 Ss 2 2 Sates to Vi a.m,.: 428,000. COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 et ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or. tripled $170. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $85 BINGO FRIDAY, JULY 26th ST, JOHN'S PARISH HALL Cor. Bloor & Simcoe 20 Games $6 ond $10 5 Jockpots $40 each Share The Wealth -- OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TO - NIGHT 20 games ot $20, 5 gomes et $30. 1 -- $150 Jackpot 2 -- $250 Jackpots NUMBERS 54, 59 Early Bird Game RED_BARN 2s «a 200 152.15) 1000 1S4 Sa ao. MINES 3300: 8) 2000 «SS Ba 1S00 3S Pay oo 100 ee 6 @ 6 ys oS me Vv ' Z re 1 s S4 n s) s nm 3 we "6 Accra Agnico Akaitcho Anacon Area Arjon Atlin Rut Aunor xd Banktield " +s i 1s + Guelph charged with 11 others with conspiracy to traffic in narcotics Brian " as A. Grosman, Cipolia's) lawyer, asked for the reduced! bail, saying $35,000 is the most] the accused's family can raise Mr, Grosman said he will ap- ply for a reduction in bail Fri- day before Mr, Justi Camp-| jbell Grant af Ontario Supreme} Court The 12 persons were arrested last week in-a series of raids} n Toronto, Brampton and sut-| roundings, in which RCMP said! $100,008 worth of heroin was seized The group was remanded Wednesday to Aug, 14. Bail to-/ talling $310,000 was set for them! when they were originally charged te 'a 2% 2h ss +1 Bethim tis $00 Black Bay 9200 Bouran ul Bratorne Bronswk Cadamet Camtia Camp Chid Chid-Kay Chrom Coch Witt Con Shaw C Mosher \ © Northid C Persh © Regcourt Sannorm C + Cusco Deer, Norn Denison Dickasn 42 3S " 3) 0 w 1s as a mm BA n A 4aS RS w yo MS n Is as 43 »! R n " 430 ws Wu ws RS is as a no M n 0 410 3 1d 20 ws 20 Ad eo 0 4700 od 10 sm YO Nickel ini ura inter PL int SH P inv Syn Jett Bw Lakelond Lev Fin Levy Lonce Lance LonGre Leb Inc » 4 Leat MN 900 $122 2 RS WN WM WR SH TS MS NS 3h RD R 765 S18 1 RO 25 4 == \Me +e A 8 +" c -- i © 7% TMS Me n SOM OM 0% oe BE SS SS +5 Mm? Pac ) Yt PageHers 160 2 fe RD +h 379% 19% ™ mm East son | &i Sol , ? » Ss ary » s % 4 | Dm i bbe Eureka Fatima Frodex Geco Mines Giant YK Gontale Gunnar Hollinger irish Cop iron Bay Keeley-F Keovite GAVE HIS NAME Atlantic City's boardwalk got name from "Boardman's) walk" after Alexander Board.) man and Jacob Keim designed DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Havana, Cuba--Prime Minis- ter Fidel Castro's mother, Se nora Lina Ruz de Castro. flow in from the South, their! ery for living space increases It is in housing, more than any- thing else, that the white man seeks racial separation, As Ne. groes 'move into a area, the white man is inclined to move out. While the federal govern- ment has some authority in the Gistrict, its authority is offset by state regulations and cus- tems in the suburbs of Mary- jand and Virginia. MUSLIMS RECRUIT Sensing thay pressures provoke hate, the Black tims, Negro extremists, moved. in to build up Washington membership Maustims urge Negroes to wash their hands of the white man; toe stay apart and te pray for the white man's quick dis. ppearance And across the muddy Pote. mac River, the small. bu; vocal American Nazi party, headed by George Lincoln Rockwell, preaches hate mst the Ne gre and the Jew. Rockwell's anti-Negre appeal fits the mood of the white seeregationists "White Christian America now has the greatest opportun. ty we have ever had to get to gether and fight, and we mean to plunge the sword in te the t," says Rockwell in his la- tes; hateliterature designed as a rallying cry te southern whites TN is im this kind of troubled atmosphere that Washington prepares for its destin ean Mus. have their The YOU Mailed to Airways Company Suggests Merger TORONTO CP)--Directars af Prospectars Airways Co. Lid have recommended sharcholdet acoemance ef a proposed ' mer- Angio-Huronian Ltd preside said er te shareholders that di- ers of the company "are of the opinion this proposed mer- ger woeld be ativantarcous to shareholders and it is un. Gersteed that the directors of Rowan es Lid, and Kerr Ad- dsen Geld Mines Lid: have also received the praposal favor abir." t The proposal is te merze An Kerr ~ Addison Praspe Air ea tore OAHANY OSHAWA TIMES Wherever You Are VACATION RATES CAN HAVE THE Yu... It Will Be Just Like A Letter From Home... When The Oshawa Times Arrives Each Day . . . BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS AND YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES CIRCULATION DEPT. -- OSHAWA TIMES | 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Natural Gas Net Income Reported MONTREAL (CP) -- Quode Naural G ation Wed nroeme Gas Oorper at THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL BE MAILED TO YOUR VACATION ADDRESS AT THE REGULAR CARRIER RATE OF 45° PER WEEK SUST CALL 723-3474 THE CIRCULATION DEPT. OR COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM STOP MAILING ee 885,020 2 AY wd. BS SRT EER in TORR YOUR VACATION SUBSCRIPTION NOW

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