Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1963, p. 15

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" QSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Avguet 8, 1963 15 29--Automobiles For Sole |32----Articles for Sale Wit CHEVROLET, "Good body, motor "and! SUNSHINE, 4 burner, electric range, $00) Hires, radio, $45, Whitby, 468-507 _ lottice desk, $25) set of Eye beam scalgay iW8¥ VAURRALK, ~ Good $25. Apply 205: Lupin Drive, Whitby, pine ee aseone car, Dial Maeda @ owner, immaculate noainen Ah cules Must be seen, Phone Pleker' 29------Autemeblies Fer Sele Dint Javat?h cr apply 208 BU aireeh i9iS" PLYMOUTH, hardtop, ions autormalle lige pply 44 Park Road South after ? p.m, YOUR . VACATION CAR 1S AT Roy W. Nichols USED CAR LOTS COURTICE 27--Real Estate For Sale JONES Avene _ brigk| 1984 fale aluminum wits! OWS, eC, Sooe location, Less for cash, Telephone 720-7245, fee =CRERAR Avenue, $600 down $12,800 full price, six room solid brick two storey, immaculate condition, -- pri- vate drive, Telephone Toronto collect, Ag 9 30684 27--Real Estate For Sale room | @eAUTIFULLY srenreies and Fendoesp. 27--Real Estate for Sale Two] BXCHPTIONAL BUY! Large eightreom Ail rome 'ary apaciou Large bul we years oki, pity hae 'NHA ek age. Payment only $92 Including taxes, fa Velen Srencenen Set SPN Sateen One Wee Barly possession, Contact 'Sally Wallace: ete, |" aking $13,000, with very @AsY! 7064297 loxeph Bosco, Realtor, 720-7377. Wag Ask Arthur Wein er, 723 spubempeusesivrmareneenserenst on 44, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 7207377, Tiss -- NEW BUNGALOW, has to be today for 413,000, $4000. . down. BUILT by Roth, & lovely 'nree-bedream| Three larae bedrooms, walk-out base: nearing Iment, attached gar: two blocks from pied extras, only $12,980. Open tor In: sephone. 738.7680, pection this Saturday and Sunday, Oll tlie Rec apection this jay a RY. O18 a er ee Avenue, first house weat of Grandview, lone DOWN, modern bunge @! Taunton, Bath and oll furnace, Pe lech Cale. mentor ornneat. ly Oniy Vemile trom city limits, immediate] kitchen, oil heated, Full price $10,000, Carries for Rierany. ot heated Ioonte FOR SALE ---- WHITBY}vi 95 month, Call Andy "McGill, Bowman. ve per cent mortgage 5 room brick house, full PRICE $13,200 basement, living room faces 27---Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE or rent, corner lot, locks from four corners, Telephone Whitoy 468-2968, VERY APTRACTIVE™ Slee" Tyne home, near Port Perry | with bath, On half acre of land with vegetable 99% | 9 fen and trult trees As arage, $7,300 with terms, Call Jack Ricard 623-3393 W Frank, Real state, i] PRIVATE SALE .Modern N.H.A. three bed- room -- bungalow, epacious storms 27.---Real Estate For Sale TS 3 bedroom bunge Low down payment, Bam | 0 720-0193, 23-- Apartments TWO ROOMS and kitchen. Hee wiring; $70. monthly, Telephone TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, end hydro, Ritson South, Apply in per ei NV Jarvis Street or telephone 725- } Sere For Rent ROOM and kitchen, suitable fer po adults, Apply LLL Church, fa halla THREE furnished rooms, close to Ping, on two bus lines. Telephone 725-41 CLAN furnished room and garage, 'elephone 720-219), PONTIAC INN --- Rooms, or double, Television privileges, Free park: "Ing, Weekly or nightly rates, 725-9095, eT heat! » "CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-113 MARION ST, -- Close to Stevenson's Rd. Nearly new three bedroom brick bungo- low with ne front, etteched gorage. Situcted on a large comer fot and only o few blocks from oll cen ond sh centre, ng only $2800 "down payment, Call cleaner, ey i Sears, and floor polisher, Fillery, Tele phone nea, T, V4 thy Nip re ani eS i inrude gutboa ler, Best offer, prone WE buy" sell and sake a ture or anything you ae The Trading Post Stores, 446 Simooe § South and 3 Bond Street Bast, 723-1) SHOW cases," Cash nae er, range, ogg Hee, reatly redueed, Telephone 72 CHROME Te ale hate hairs, single beds | COUNTRY living, lovely three bedroom ipiresiew. Large, Sivan ana ing roam foom,| acres wall VLA @ sents: Wooo! and church one halt mile, Call Ike Bay $-0303, Joneph Bosco, Realtor. c i Sroenlin neta Coltis, after , bought new, Telephone. oreieve . standard, radio, ple and and white, Best offer, Dial 728-1242, WT METEOR, excellent condition, white. wali tires, custom bullf radio. After $,90 aonon 40-4946, a $A Ontario, Apply treet west, Oshawa, Mears 4 Pm, 7220. Five ACRES Ww wiih cellent atte, oly Bhat conventancet orey. "Th Telephone! LLOYD REALTY. 198) "DODGE station" ae east, 2 Color, goed running condi? 725-0882, dini bedrooms, separate room: (can be. re-con- house, a roadioom in tvs GUEAN, Wirnished light Rousew tia casetes. rete deuetomns bol woman or girl, $7. weekly.) yRGET, flahed rooms, kitchen and bedroom, outlet, ae errors entrance, main tloor. Ap ply add enen. wine sn idle io om oR m Fannin, cee apie emer preferred. perk m laud arking. Ava Sow Telephone 728-0236. ie vine. vanity cabinets, mt and colt wore rooms. Five minutes from Osh wwe Shopping Ce Centre. Apply above. ~~ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Cali between 5 and 7 om 82 PARK RD NORTH 27--Real Estate For Sole _ WANT YOUR HOME | CALL 728-5123 | We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA) LTD JOHN F. DeWITHE- S, SNE REALTOR Bowmanville 14 Frank Street Dial 623-3950 100 Acre form, 5 miles from Oshowe, 2 streoms, 8 room brick home, of] modern coh vertiences. Asking $30,000 Terma. 140 Acre form drive te coods, Asking Terma. 100 Acre form. 'neor High- . Gaed bul! Asking TWhods wim $3800 down 635 Acte form. good build- irga, 2000 feet river front- age Aaking Terma. 15 minutes mo. Paved $27,500. 30 Acres with howe. onc born. Bewdley. Price $4500 62 Acres with house . ond berm. Spring creek. Price $7,000. Terms 32 Acres with thouse ond bem. Commuting distence , Prige -- $6,500. torres, Q Acees with brick home. spacer COM, emrences. Oak $4,000 dowr INCOME HOME, Teunton Reed. Excellent stote of re- polr Biectricelly heoted Price $16,000. Terms PQ Acre form with house ond bern.. Price $6500. Only $2500 dow. 100 Acre form with house and born 2 streoms, Price $7,000. Terms FARM. going con- . heod Holstiens, 950 milk quote. Asking $53. with $14.000 down DAIRY FARM, 260 ocres Good buildings, 450 os. milk Quote. Price ond tenis or songed DAIR oes ms a) DAIRY FARM, A- $10 Acre te STONE HOUSE 30 Acres with stream. Port ty weeded. Price $3850. Doneid Mountioy 623.3414 Fromk Morwer 725-2974 tase Wherwns Orone 4a? Jobe M. Sandy Ormecmee 5589 Bob Johnston ot 723-1133, evenings 725-9365. PHILLIP MURRAY AVE Spocious three bedroom brick bungalow in beautiful con- dition throughout, Hes o walkout basement, fenced lot, lovely: landscaped with scenic view . yi lake, This choice home is being offered for only $13, 30000, For further information call Wes, Elliott at 723-1133, evens ings 728-0581 DUPLEX NORTH---Here = is on excellent brick duplex, just three yeors old, suitable for a sound investment or o goad home with @ monthly income of $100.00. Each opartment contains large modern kitchen, large living room, two beautiful bed- rooms, 4 piece bath, Located Norht Oshawa, handy to stores, bus ete, Asking $22,- 500,00 with substantial down payment, To see call Henry Stirison at 723-1133, even ings 725-0243 COLLEGE HILL DUPLEX Just seven years old, all in A-1! condition, Contains eight large rooms, two four-room oportments completely sepor- ate. In good district, hondy to GM. South Plont. Priced to sell et $15,500.00 with reasonable down poyment For complete information call Henry Stinson ot 723-1133 evenings 725-0243 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE---See the fine Kossinger homes be- ing built in this choice loca- tion, Dewn poyments from $875.00 with 644% N.HA mortgage on the bolance Qeen evenings KING ST. WES? 723.1133 299 CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 Pork Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 HOLIDAY SPECIALS Whitby, $12,900. Full price, beautiful 534, room brick bungelow, nicely decoroted end clean cardition, some of the mony axtres include built in chine cadinet, aluminum storms ond screens, TV on- tenne ond mony others, $2.- 000 down gives ownership, PORT PERRY $13,800 full price ond ex- trephe volue, edout 5)2 years ei, 6 room ranch bungelow ¥ etteched gorege, on exceptions! home inside ond out, fully decorated, lenge living room with firesioce varity m bothroom, recrec- tion room obout 13 x 2) fF. hot woter by ol! 'hecting Guminum atorms ond screens, forge wel! lendscop- ed fet, nice locetion, $3,000 Gown on? One open mort. gage for the belance. OSHAWA North West section, specious 7 rom brick trislevel home. © reo! fomily home on a nice Wreet, 4 piece beth ond 3 prece woshroom, portly fir. shed recrection room, oba- minum storms scorers full Nat price $15,000 wah $4,300 down Bali OSHAWA S00 full price with $) BS down, & mom fomily home just off Simece SN of Nesting, recsonadle poy frents On one open mortoace SUMMER COTTAGES SCUGOG ISLAND Worterized cottage msulotec fully modem, 3 dedrooma, 4 mee fh with furnece, ger age. reo! et $6500 woth $2,500 down. LAKE SCUGOG ISLAND Witiers Point, $4,500 full price with $1,000 down, 3 bedrooms. Hving room, kit. chen and both room, bord ond sof eoter on tan, manec- Mon by cnpcintrert omy withaut sbligetion BUILDING LOTS Thornes St. 10) ft, fromage by 273. &. deen, deeutiful view Over roving, oper to en otter Got & S, Saal . Co. Lad. Reohors,. 723- ~~ P2S-876 ne Owner leaving town, PHONE 728-5367 IELGROVE WHITBY CLASSIFIED BAAS -- Beeresheret TY Se oe Sep, FOR RENT -- Anertment ah ar Wate wee forwhere ane Sapir Teepe: Fete se Aa HOS Se ceere: "perma RB oom Taupe FOR RENT Sects, Cormocen, Cor TF Beets, Outboard Motors, Boot Trollies, Torta, Srovea, Lemterns, etc 7 eo Yroviers Trefiers ond Cod WILDE nad BR CARE. Seda fares. ectematn jue. Sak ace ame aa ary METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King Street E,, Dial 728-4678 HURRY! HURRY! Look what $11,900 will buy! This lovely fully decorated 3 bedroom brick bungalow with three bedrooms, and lorge landscaped. lot, MUST. BE SOLD before schoo! starts! ! Asking only $1,400.00 down ~~ See it today -- but ect fost --- this one won't last. GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS One of the newest subdivis. fons in the city, clase to schools ond services, severe! models to choose trom, oll reasonably priced, starting at $13 195.00 with $1,973.00 own. Pick your colours now "Move before schoo! starts COMMERCIAL LAND Fully serviced commercial in- dustrial! fot with 316° front. age on Russet Ave, at Sim coe Street North -- light rranu housing bu for full ing eturing or ness rmation BUILDING LOT Simcoe. Street North, 120 frontage by 150° depth. Very seanic location and ready to commodote your new dream home Only $3,3 .00 To tight now! wore. Gall today stert building REAL FAMILY LIVING $133,900.00 full price for lovely 3 bedre rand laundry room Werth your Inspec: > give us @ call OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL Ken Hann 728-4678 Dick Borriage Kemp GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT. immediate possession. 2 storey 3 bedroom brick in good condition -- to down u town, Loerger "ging oy leh Kitchen, Modem 4 Potio. Privote drive end gor- age. See this one today. COLLEGE AREA -- 2 SeGraam cottage on large fot with good garden. Full price $4,600. Fenced lot with gor Oe property $13,500 FULL room brick bungok Gouble poved drive Hollywood kitchen, 3 rooms end 4 pc. tiled both Finished room im basement 64% NEA mortocer. MH as on PRICE Ma STOREY ; on Werren A end & Sted hecirec King S. West ONLY $ ment , mocks for d 2900 with CoMvement terns 7 ROOM NCOME RO 2 kitchen, 2 bothroors frreploce, very well kept ond tieom horne, close to schoo! o™* TOMS FST Veroor . toke beck ome apen ortgease with very gg terms. Full orice $21,900 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-- Wed estediched business im CUT perfect rn Severct price $42. Gen Por "~~ Swahrontias to 3rd bedroom), oi! heot, storm windows and screens, TV tower with ro- tor antenna, "bus stop ot Next to Separate Grade and High Schools, Close, to Public schools. Ni neighborhood ot Ave, Inspection by appoint- ment only, 668- 5353 "KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street Eost KEDRON AREA----Large brick bungalow with 2 car vem ; 2 fireplaces, large lot Ideal for' x 166'9" fenced with chain link fencing, aluminum storm oS ond bedabscitaty woter softener, exceptiona mice condition and well ¢ onstrate ed. Call Earle Alien 725 7782 tor o showing JUST LISTED--Two bedroom house, west end, good size lot, bock yord completely hedged, inspect this one for QEpainiment Phone loe Crowford 623-3672 INCOME PROPERTY--~2 kit chens, 2 bathrooms, separ ote entrance, good condition, locoted on main thoroughfare with -- commerc roning $12,900.00. Coll Rolende Tierney 5$-5207 'al BRICK BUNGALOW oi goad: condition cemtrally schools bus service your down Orepok Prout nds and 500 00. Try mt, Call Ron Albert nm low HOME o@ der home area is worth o Roneld Hetherington 3637 MUST SELL---$1 1,500. $1500.0C \ 6% terest, 4 ye t oolow, § took. Coll 623- oeoutifully decorated ond landscanec Lot size S6° = 158 Bob 3 Johnson, 728.2548 CAN YOU AFFORD to pay 4% tax ond pioneer when you con buy proctically new homes ot these prices, with everything completed? Five yeor old brick ranch bungalow in excellent: condi- tion, PHILLIP) =AMURRAY AVE. 6 rooms, three bed- rooms completely modem Asking $12,900. Four yeor brick ranch bun geiow, fully lendscaned, mo. Cermy eq ec, Convenient rs moms Coll TO everythir STEVENSO oN RD. NORTH. cme $} Monthly $8 mterest, .principe! onc Over re torres. Four yeor brick ranch bun gooey with Corpor, dition, mexternty eauincad Asking $15,900 JUST OLD ENOUGH: SHOW ANY FLAWS 'F YOU CAN FIND R. VICKERY _ REALTOR 46 King St. W 728-957) TO SEE ANY Uren evenings Steve Labor Ber Peytor Jerry Borrow Fronk Meagher ~ P CORNER HILLCROFT AND MASSON---Thig teo storey brick home i: suitodie for. the arge fomily mm thes popular neighborhood thet is close tO of schools, churches, ond bus fine. Four bedrooms room, Sepercte ving room This & on older home, wel fmertoined ond priced right et $14.809. Low down nov rent with excellent terms tor the balonce. Coll tadey-- m won last TWO STOREY --A ' frome centre hell plan ome half Block from * Greoory's P Schoey fore thy S, well planned ond gecoratect, Grounds tonascaned. Looking mh house with cecl Ovi ws mow CE--Owner hos pu chened pacemer home onc ht Oresent Homme oust be sold seo, S room bungelow sth Deeetewoy gad orteched ger age. Coceted & the Lass. mei Smanping oes Extre " woung Se excelent Swomeping poe! 3. lowe Seroorng both. We Bs Quackly >a Qree 9 a 3 Res. Ake Margaret Hol Seve Macke Pauine Reo! seme Onsoyvror Rem Morns Bowmore: 360 Kine SW Free Parking LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900, FULL PRICE $1,500. DOWN 3 Bedrooms, Recreation room, Walkout bosement, Hurry for a vg Coll Bill Johnston $11,900, 3 Bedroom brick bungalow with large living room, Fene- ed in yard, Payments inctud- ing texes, only $93.00, Call Bill Johnston now et 8.1066. SPLIT LEVEL $12,900 Brick three-bedroom home, dining room with French doors, opening to patio, Fence. ed and well Finished recreation room on SCHOFIELD-AKER | ground level, One six percent mortgage with geen poy» ments of $92.00 including taxes. Mur all tewin Croik shanks at 728-5205 MAPLE GROVE $4,900 FULL PRICE $1,900 DOWN 3 Sed mh me sit ted on : lot. Very close to school, carries a $60.00 ly, Call Ed. Drumm et ' 725.9345 ec Oshawa Limited Nort} Street Ontario showe Open Evenings ORIN BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St, § Office Hrs. ( 1, to 8 pm.) MORTGAGES BOUGHT & SOLD NORTH. WEST N.HLA, &-r900m brick e, cttoched goroge t spit: level, amic both, dat plumbed in base- ment. 70° Lot. Must be seen only $18,900 00 Ce Mr New Asking mow Aha SUPER DELUXE 6 UNITS A profit moke sow one, Beoutif ood Xe cost sev- on Row Don'? : alow with the m Phone Mr 4544 $900 DOWN 4 BEDROOMS Witty. Owner said > must Price, Rea paymens + ern kitchen, § roo rooms, oi close to schy ss FRANK SAL ESTATE LTD 17? Church St Bowmanville, 623.3393 Kenge treat stream. $4 landscaped lot, ; j | we CHEVROLET , Venere " A cylnee ceent onty $84, Located Sehefvite: ran gs ony $2, 700, down, Cally Andy Meal Bowmenvilie, 423-3399, W. Frank F Real Estate | 8. DOWN" for near Oshawa Shopping Sentra, large with garage. Asking price $9,000, with to sell, one, Call baa bag early possession Owner anxious Hurry for thie pereen, 723-7244, Joseph Borco, 190-7977, this shoroom home, BOWMANVILLE 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic trons. mission, custom radio, white- wall tires, discs, washers ond Tid PLYMOUTH, excellent condition, #8, Avely immediately to 512 Drew Street we VAUXHALL siendard, navy in tolor, very one og ten, four new tres, Tele) phone 728-03) vse "ch t Ton panel truck, --§38%,/ Apply 186 Casimir Stree!, Port a id AUSTIN HEALEY, | Too iv PRIVATE SALE SACRIFICE PRICE Small down payment, Corries $67, monthly. 3 bedrooms. Brick, modern, On a large lot, Close to public and High Schools. Telephone 725-0310 fore 6 p.m "D. W. WILSON LIMITED REALTOR 725-6588 Ranch bungelow,' on large londscaped lot, Paved drive attoched' gorage, forge living and dining room, three bedrooms, handy kitchen, el! tostetully decorated. Com- piete with finished rec room covered end plonters. A jovely home. 5)2% mort. Shown by eppointment Don Stradeski 728 8423 rth west arec GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR Call 623-5300 Oshowe Very close to Coth schoo! end church, very cleon ond nicely decorated 3 bedroom b iow 'on corner lot. Priced ot $13,- dowr micety patio goge 500 with $2500 opie Grove close to 2 paved rood highwoy, 3 bedroom with | breerewoy V.LA,. Priced ot $22,- $00 with $2500 down 2 bedroom bungalow with ettoched goreoge ond sun porch om Ya ocre lot. House must be seen to be cppre- ciated, Asking price $21,000 Newoust's ocre form Cx! em new e soll, Ask 4,000 with $4,. Good fert vce $ own 3 bedroom burgelee on 20 acres of lend ond big chick. en born to roise 4000 broil- ers a ent opportunity for the mon who wonts extra o00 ark te, fully equ! Lag + "ine new, private, 7 sree Alax 9 BL iit CHE dei np tion) also ts) gy Bel Alr ber yh vate Apply. 255 Arthur Street 19M VOLKSWAGEN pick-up, new motor,| peta brakes and _-- end, Reason elephone | PASS? sect belts, 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR SEDAN 8 cylinder, automatic trans- jerator, lay jovaperss vi Pp. wan i= |GENERAL rd unit, rangerte like new) tables, hot jort! brass. fireplace accessories, $42 Sit North, MUST SELLS TF cubic foot fan" sores Ing washer with lint filter pump. Both a awn condition, Sent 446 Adelaide Wi Electric ns ondition, $75) Simplicity, Weeners $28, Call after é p.m. soa wwe | SEWING" machine, portable "Brothers™, Ir} 900d ae new, only 2 years old, $40, Dial SEWING machines, new anteed, Singer, eine and pig Rng" jp, Your Sina dealer, TEI, ia S <onvain ae "Fedan, automatic transmission, radio, spotless _condition,| 72,000 miles, Cash 91.295, 728-5902, THE PONTIAG conch" A ear $65 with mission, radio, padded dash, whitewall tires, discs, wosh- ers, seat belts, ete, leence, Telephone) a: four-door, RE at radio, dest offer, over $200, DF ly PARISIENNE SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic tran mission, custom radio, ete, New car condtiion 1962 Pontiac BSR fsa Myitihes lat i "doore, "awnings and siding. Free -- estimates." = Discount Aluminum = Products, «= Calls anytime hy wachoriel SUY and sell, good used furniture abe Hiances. an location only, Pr 444 Simeoe South, 7229271, RATOR, Admiral, cubic ®. eh button defrost, like new, $200, bie bed, apace saver, $20; Dest offer? dresser, suitable cot $12, Telepnone 7284780 or r 7250864 oF banal STUDENTS A" waper wale, mately 630 sheets of lteter eine typing paper (news print) tor Ay 1,00 4 Py Oshawa Times ny Dundas Street Wen PETERBOROUGH VER Cedar sik one riding «tri 33 ar srl boas, "Manning plana, epartment Si2®, Good condition, After 7? am.. apply ae Annapolis | Street, BOAT, 10 Wr fivergaas, 3S hp Seah motor, electric start, with trailer ene a extras, $800 or dest offer for quick sale y/ Apply OS Lupin Orive, ve, Whitdy. | TYRWaTTERE eaders. "cash cashiers, duplh "four new and perfect) Telephone ator: tree hundred new end used. We Duy. sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office ment, 13? a Whitby, TWIN Beas, > Buncen Payte jtadle, Kitchen wa aa 'chelra, electric "bape ww \nuattiat Dang sew with Th motor, sideboard, fireplace fhetune, |Phone 48-234, HONEST Ge Firaitare and ances, Name brands at biggest eounts anywhere, We carry and Beverly ---- furniture lines. we [Chevrolet convertibie, Telephone PRAORSS evenings 74006. WE MERCURY Monetrey fully equipped, $800 crwn jLupln Orive, Whitpy. ale WY PONTIAC, Slendara, F Gon, Sleek, interior, 33.00 mites, radio, ts atace 2,200 oF Dest offer. wr evenings Lictebaala GhE TT te treck, pear) ¥ haw re) late moter, Goad $20 tres, with 1S\2 foot! eiattoren with racks: also one E¢dre Pxt}/ 2nd one Pall combination aie we Telephone Grono 1368 lH FORD halkicn foc, HS GB anes) ee _beenaneie BWV o F West! ERT lies, 448-3084, | | 1960 Pp ti Tooat offer, After 622 pm. Phone 72% onriac jabs | Telepnone after & p.m. 728-4075, mission, custom rodio, dises wader warranty, Radio, whitewalls, wheel tie Can be seen at 300 Pine ---- BISCAYNE STATION WAGON [ortuinsi: Fully powersa. Werth S100. Wi clean wogen condition, Low mileage, Afer 6 o'clock, teres moter in automatic tronamission, Its clean end the joa "BODSE KW "original Talles, mech: WP PONTIAC Laurentian, doar, Salion 8 aedan, with radio Telephone 725-779), | iterior, whitewells, Apply 140\2 Simooe and drekes, Clean interior. Runs well, ) i Coach, 6 cylinder stenderd | 1955 Oldsmobil smooie pent COURTICE TW VAUKHALE" Vicor, S008 W953. FORD convertivie, excellent motor PARISIENNE SEDAN Wad" CHEVROLET s-cylinder,siandard \CIKE" new, spotless 1940 Falcon, ddoor, and washers. 32,000 origine! rn } set Noted windshield and washers.) 8 cylinder, standard trons- /S#étifice tor S795. 440-4517 | telephone 728-4138 1958 Chevrolet _ jtes,,mem. oso, colour is green eily end body perfect. Best offer, wagon, radio. Telepnone | MAIS j $595 |W PONTIAC, mechanically perfect, 6 jSouth, Apt. 4 Dedy, $153 Whitdy 68-507) tronsmission. A good cleon Sedon, runs good vader warranty, $1590. Telephone Tie jana transmission, needs little body work 6 cylinder automotic trans transmission, very good condition, $305. automatic. New tires and motor miles. 1959 Chev olet 295, Lady owner left country, must be r WT CADILLAC Ficeiwoed. Com mission, with redio. A good var PONTIAC " herlalenne se WH GME Carryall automatic, Coach, 6 cylinder, standard |rasans | Telephone Uxdridge UL Meare | Vauxhall Wat CHEVROLET, running order, 8.) jeylinder standard transmission. Clean 1956 Chevrolet i siesnotit in aw eer automobile. j | | USED CARS i lor OE, me as wae wee "wal wees, ye. 8 racks. lpriage on at a Rg ots TE Yires jana redbull? moter, goad dady, scarce [Prodel, would suit contractor etc. 72-132] jor amply 32 Courceiiete Avenve we cian ' VAGL ET landard, Very clean oor oer * = revr oet stenders, ¢ cylinder, S95. 1938 Ford Customiine aetometic, $425. Cars may be fnenced/ " " BA Service Staten, Brookiia. sation wagon, two! MARTIN'S Auto Electric' MG. Bs Toronto, HO 1-6364 Nels Hyland 1750 Danforth Avenue 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Four doer, WS? MERCURY Monterey Sedan. grey and white ° Dest offe Oe' sear SOASMOR, $2200. te ephane TRON, $ ALL CASH $_ * 90" COTS we Geol uD or Gown, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD Si2 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY | 668-8101 668-8001 VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE SENERAL REPAIR eng AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rea S. Oshewe 728-092! ¥-8, eutometic power steering, Srokes, rodio, 1300 De new GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Moke Cors STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Rood and Ki 723-4733 ond 723-7712 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 Dundes Street WHITBY 668-S89i Cars' bought ond sold Liens peid off Trade up or down Stop _quolity TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS tAl Mekes ond Models CALL 625-6553 tronsmission power ™ et. ' ; ; ; 1961 PONTIAC Saw door hardtop, fully pow wed. Shor 1960 PONTIAC Two door, evtometic trom ishor, Sa cylinder 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD NEW LOCATION 1250 Dundes St. East Whitby -- Phone 668.5871) The Home Of Good Used Cars Before You Buy Give BH A Try Ali power, tres new motor, new 14 Albert & SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cers. Trode up or down, Liets poid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RO. SOUTH 723-942) ae BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN | 1959 CHEVROLET MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHaWwa Se AIR Gust East of Wilson Rood? 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR V8, qutometic trenmriasion, DOwer steering, power brokes, N Reoutitulty Reconditioned USED VOLKSWAGENS FULL PRICE FROM $695 On Display ot SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. 334 Ritson Rd. South Oshowe 723. = P25.5S7 Four " nematic. * 23-4494 Res. 725-5874 eRigwor, 'edD 1958 CHEVROLET Twe door, sith rod. 100. CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sel your wsed cor to "Ted" Telk "Cash™ to the New Cer Desier ond "SAVE TED CAMPIN MC OTORS 723-444 Res, 7 (31---Automodile p Repeir {PROMISE sou oh your chiiaees @ pet > Wea, tye Smt Jom te TER one ahered & "Pe" m Cases, Tare ce Clandice Beas Ror HOUSTON'S GARAGE | ond aes ICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS €? KING $7. WEST T2a3-7R22 MARTIN 'Auto Electric Used Cars | : 3). 409 Brock Street South Whitby -- 668-3652 Ss Honest Cate on wine, str jeoe'e Road, open 12 ponte Gam, am. RM, h. Telephone TaB-919). ~ What's My Line>. Buying or selling used fur~* niture end applionces, For your needs phone, _ Your + \ : Rant, Van Valley Creek Furniture re or coll et the store" Ya Bond V Bond ". V. ~ TOWERS AUGUST SPECIAL 40 f, Tower Structure with All-Chonnel Antenne | instelied $50 Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd, 361 Gibbors ons St. 728. 8180. BOAT... 16 ft, Cedor Strip, fibregics,~ with deck, hang backs ond - Tee-Nee troiler, 5 5S hp Jom. son Outboord $260 2¥& he, Johnson outboard, goed condition 350 Call Newtonville 3030 -- CRUISER 2! f., 75 hp. Johnson com" plete, heed, galley, foom_ mottresses, ol] equipped. ' RUNABOUT = 16¥4 ft. Shepherd, 125 hoe" Chrysler motor, «=: V-drive, fully equipped MARTIN Auto Electric 409 Brock Street S. Whitby, 668-3652 Custom ond Ready-Mode DRAPERIES Most Reesonodle Prices Drapery Fabrics Reguier ae per yord $1.98 SPECIAL We set ya Grapery trocks ote Nominc! Fee M. and C. Drapery Dry Goods Store your decorating needs Coll us todey. 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa Saftborn STEAM JUICERS WAPORTED FROM WEST GERMANY Gives you good esting ond Grimking ot substentie! sev- -- Mode of Pare Aluminem im 3 sections Tom section for suger Ston ter and section for boiling ts The pee we section hte f 7 SpA ror "ae, jet: the w The foie FHows tude at ee wewkzed doth. wah Trae & Romaniuk 228 Cabot Street Oshowe pert -- Export (Continerd on Page 38)

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