_ i aaa acre tecar see | Scatter Rugs Returning BEAUTIFUL WEDDINGS ARE SUMMER'S CHIEF DELIGHT All About The House By ELEANOR ROSS ishifted around, Those that be.| Once considered the hallmark}come a little worn can be} lof elegance in the home, wall/moved to another room or a) to wall canpeting is fast being|!ess exposed location, Yes, rugs replaced by oak floors and area|that rotate or reverse certainly} rugs \ do solve a lot of problems in Young home - owners, espe many a household | cially, are going in more and AS for the rugs, well, the var.) more for this combination and 'ety is endless. The rugs come there are several reasons form room-sized, hearth - sized, | this patterned, plushly solid. im- ported, domestic sizes, shapes, colors: and-or designs, and then some. So it is very easy to suit the budget, the type of interior and the home-maker, If there are spill stains or other acci- dents, these are easily handled if the floor is dressed with movable. rugs The rug can be cleaned at CAN'T GO WITH YOU home or sent to a rug cleaning Then, too, moving--uniess the establishment oor measurements are the But what we like are the same in the new abode--means possibilities inherent in the wide that the carpeting is simply a/variety of rugs available today. white elephant as you find out We have become a rug collec. that you can't take it with you./tor and so have many of our The surest sign that area rugs friends, This means that we} are growing in popularity is often swap rugs and we report that there is such a wide var./on "finds", on sales and auc- ety at every price level, Tt is tions nteresting to note, too, that, If you enjoy any type of rug vatalogue houses are buying from the beautiful braided and many of them hooked variety to Persian and Area rugs are at their best,Chinese and the lovely rugs n a household where there are from India, the variety and the youngsters and where there is possibilities are endless for plenty of traffic this would beautifying the home.and giving mean worn areas in fixed car. the floors.a change of costume neting, but area rugs can be 2nd. color from time to Ume ey : NICE AND CLEAN WESTMOUNT UNITED parents are Mr. and Mrs Christie-McFadyen , And if it's cleanliness you Church was the scene ¢ and n a floor, a hardwood Wu 1 a ne cene t ; OF ' ge of . loor comes through e . ee ' SEN x : wedding of Lynda Mae Dea nd . Wedding Holds To look their gléaming best born and Doug: t ) - .f . . at. all times, hardwood floors FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART bourne recent! he brid 1d Stud need only simple care. In busy sstoadesboRits : . Port Perry Interest households these should be FOR THE YOUNG at heart right, wih an accordion-pleat- © bows, is in organza over tafe : s swept with a dry mop or vac-) Portrait gowns, for late sum- eq Chantilly lace bodice. The fer At left the stark sime The marriage of Clara Yvonne +3) : : 3 ' nabitid ' este . : : ' ummed dail k hore requir pr ~ddings are deésigned werskirt, touched - with t a fe KEEP IN TRIM McFadyen, younger daughter of ing - : ¥ ht ; -- qu mer weddin are désigned ove ouched nlicity of the controlled sil Mrs adyen of Cobourg z He tt een in a graceful ae Mite Sard Martioes CLEAN FLOORS Ma ing instruction until HOUSEHOLD HINT : str : the late Eldon Ford McFadye 5 noes a ie Excess Tissue Fat Forms "g John Dougie ¢ adits, ven Two or three times a year, /S0°" "am She found taen If guests leave coats on yo ug jeta ec aag tinge of Mr. and Mrs re Chris-|the frequency depending upon hi , dents had no troU- voy bed. protect the spread jy 7 yped = gailoon lace. ey AMO 3d First of all, one budget con sultant pointed out to her clients, carpeting may cost ten to 15 dollars per vard-or more 'but good area rugs are often available for less, Another eco nomical fact is that they can, of course, be rotated for longer wear Re < : . . . . tie, Port Perry, took place at the amount of traf » floor hy in Ne Ne with a plastic tableciath which rowns 3 tiis come DONNA CHARLENE bride he dau f Mr From Gorging a Big Meal Trinity United Church, Cobourg, receive, they should be cleand "vies ! wick tet tes. Of dined eans the made Merete nicking e the bride beautiful nd Raymon nd Mrs 4 we - a1 12 o'clock noon on July 27,/and waxed. Dont scrub them Pape! ' ee PICRNg - lames Ab R . Ft C. E. Rudd officiated at/with soap and water. Use 'a "i said, she has/up lint and protects the spread i. t rines in OTiGES he son 0 By IDA JEAN KAIN r se ¢ a : ' ex r i 5 i rs R bt . y . Lunch the ceremony liquid wax base c ner "Or an enriched oral lan-from soi RESULTS COUNT! Lin + Nartheinete ir modern way of s ' : a ns q the we ga : shawa : Fru al peach é The bride, given in marriage, Water, particularly if used I am with a delayed Unite ast g lig t h yrinting ram in her at by her mother, was gowned in Often, may 'raise the grain of ' ging at ner the es, 1-3 cup Q age camelia French brocade with a me wood and cause a rough pie gal ate ot Bos roniny Ronald WwW. Bilsky, oC . z the ¢ ssc} 9 cup (110 circular crown and face veil to SUuract wigs ri pare eheate pail sigan DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Sharon Kimmerly, Charles Hood a t that r fat. 2 thir e Z t thin match and carried a bouquet of ce " ~ he seetgge tee 100 Ming E. 728-5156 his is une bly tr e for 3 butt white gardenias and stephan Cuts Frustration would nivilgor hg : " ie wae MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE M R ce tl a erey clas : se ona baths" Mon . start formal 1 ing il after @ BACKACHE Coe 6 Cee almlage ecen tatement n an ea een aw Se a Ek ee Out Ot Spelli Easter, but I haven't had any SED FOR HOLIDAYS Oshawa & District ane PONS, Bie it Mrs 1 mck Mitchell, wi u pe ing somplaints about the children's JULY 27 to AUG, 11 Real Estate Board ghter oficarried pink and white ca bolt r ing food fat Afternoon Pick-up wore a similar dress nroeress of sk m m K ir tter- sant be ge =e -- sph a . For Beginners Miss Swanson, a teacher of 20 Dinner me yar year xper . yom Was hildrer r, Fred Chr trate Jack Mitchell was yy @ reception was b home of .the. brid a < 90 spe - ing ts vit wedding nner was held where Mrs, Kimmeriv received a te ke + oa eeenian Sc coun ie ae cyat we Chatead > hy « the <1 dress . Minna shea " oe 'oat where the bride's mother wave the bi : eived wearing bitter chocols proceed at the ' was attired in a' . " However : h chiffon with mat S Slov 1 ers aren't strage artey . accessories and corsage of Les ot y with the rest of} ra Hibberd roses. The bride. the class but the brighter ones! groom's mother was in brown can forze 3 d without beiag and white pure silk with €P held to a general pact beige accessories and a corsage In pla t the. standard ~ vellow sweetheart roses Dick meets Jane" and "Run! For travelling the bride chose Puff Run" phrases, the children 1 gown of wh tin < 2 aa, are identical, your w redress of Ita wore -- eS be the same whether consumed and cocoa silk cretonne! are encouraged to draw pictures Joan Parker Wed [two-niece ress with bone ac: and write store" on wat they couple w reside have draw? wei TO William Bradley " vr sre sicnabutn2aniane aS 3 esta ame : Ai "ade Th Reverend AF. Larke 9 \ | mistake-proof ST wa son on eet er Agfamatic the perfect fully automatic camera ements AAPL MEAN WEIGHT 1 Jewel less than $60.00 Priced to fit the most modest budget. Small neat lig Weighs only 18 oz PERFECT TO USE Even if you have never used a camera before you can learn to take a perfect picture in two minutes. All vou have to do is aim and push the magic lever. When you see the green light in the view finder . . . snap the picture. That's all. Come in for a FREE demonstration and vour copy of "PHOTOG- RAPHY WITHOUT FEAR" the funniest booklet ever written on photography. OHA HEAD FOR FIG ji a : sonny eee sen esa: pen Stee stove esc eae This long weekend-- rom GET GREAT ALE TASTE! ' | ae - eC Se Si Photographic ™ : $04 SIMCOE ST.S. OSHAWA |) & i BROADLOOM Se SiVe BCAZA - "Fre-ace8 THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED | Ansus-GRravnon lee] la Geth & Core -- © Br. Service : & Moor Service . lig H Beer Pick-Up ond Delivery : -- THE "Your Famity's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 | ssacuen UPHOLSTERING N BOWMANRVILLE AND WRITSY