Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Auguet 1, Friends Honor : ee Lois Wherry. As Bride-Elect Miss Lois Wherry, whose mar- riage to Wililam Dennis Smith took place last Friday was en- tertained prior to the event. Mrs, William Smith was host- ess at a miscellaneous shower from the bridegroom's relatives, Assisting' were Misses Eileen and Susan Smith and Mrs, Les- lie Smith, and Mrs, Edward Sanith, Mrs, Almond Brintneii ar- ranged a miscellaneous shower from the bride's relatives, As- sisting were Mrs. Stanley Pol: lard, Mrs, Allan Lilley and Mrs Earl Hann, | Mrs, Jack Warrington hosted) § a cup and saucer shower from neighbors, Assisting were Miss Evelyn Wotten, Miss Virginia) Warrington, Mrs. Clarence! Jones, Mrs, Frank Owen held-a mis- cellaneous shower, Assisting were Mrs, John Colley, Mrs. Mervin Owen, Mrs, Bernard }Owen, Miss Ruth Sutton and Miss Linda Owen. The bride was presented with Rr eas BABIES SYMBOLIZE FAITH, HOPE AND HAPPINESS A FRENCH CONFECTION, COEURS A LA CREME Cream Hearts And Cherry Pineapple Sauce HOUSEHOLD HINT Dampen the inside of the $ BERR ERLE ' Courtice, Great grandpsr: !9 gj ; DAUGHTER OF Mr. and Mrs, Ernest, Minaker of Pic- KIMBERLEY RUTH is the ron, par le gift from co-workers at In- a b bristles be- . : . ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ents are Mr. and Mrs, F B. /dustrial A ; D F Sh P. dustpan and broom bristles eta te: ton and Mrs. E, Carroll Of | yinton Herron, Kendaiwood . poote, Oshawa, Kimberley. |tion. cceptance -- Corpora e vety essert Or ower fore sweenin sig tomwny : onthe * Oitawa, road and the first grandchild Mae ' ' # ? a malig grevhed ws six monte ot 8ae. Aldsworth Photoaraphy of Mrs, Aleta Price, Oshawa was one year old last De- "ace cae Rang geod There is one occasion when). cup cold milk |Win Chill until firm, Serve 4 toaraphy | and Mr. Henry Price, Wuitby, cember. emvera et Gansray Motors CO! 1. can be as sentimental, as|1%9 Ibs, creamed cottage |with Cherry - Pinapple Sauce.| yucH Is PARKLAND en |" One- fifth of Wales' 8,016 Her grandparents'are Mr, and eee LN ~Ireland Studio jromantic and as foolishly poetic } estar Save spade oz, cream cheese | Cherry . Pineapple Sauce right places," she concluded will lose rapidly at first. Then i Fair enough. You've proved you will reduce at the rate of j should discipline themselves to you are a gitl with spunk, The|tWo pounds a week. Your total : conform if they wish their chi amount you are now e2 sup-|calories must not exceed 1200 ~ } dren to learn to eat what is set ' ports your present weight. To to 1500 a day . | |before them break the pound bar ry é _ the week -- up, ag . ie. page objective = ioe different system jetitian will include a week of} jing up children is to educate build jeanness. Science indicts re o---- planned on the} ENGAGED poe in sey ug Nag = _ + overeating at one and/eat-to-build lear rn} : foods prepared for the family t endorses piecemeal This is not a teen-age series The engagement is announ- |The immediate concern of most out the calories in ac res it's for everyone who wants) ced today of Miss Sharon Lu- mothers is, of course, that the i with the way nature burns fuel/to get W th the right pattern to] cille Tutt, only daughter of eng shall Or 2 balanced diet for energy ce Sow lth se nko Mr. and Mrs, Donald Tutt, ~ peta "ee oe PATTERN CONTINUES || HOUSENOLD HINT aera nce con ot be. ong |DEARNING YO LUKE _ ecac Yar Gana Ge aa When washing spinach. add a ckinson, son of Dr. and "Nor should the matter of reas} §. ~ : AN | Souee te he tah und bene al little salt to the water, allow, Mrs. C. H. Dickinson of Is- 'sonable social conformity be ee THE "CORY" WE BELIEVE que yo Be sat : iy Oia 'ite soak for a few minutes and lington, Melville United (overlooked. Barring a very few ~-$23 VALUES i pntitl r cal ; . rpsea Re tas We = 0 any foreign matter clinging to} Church, Fergus, will be the nersons with strong food aller CANADA'S MOST POPULAR LADIES GLASSES : Now ONLY { Semarding one's loherited twee Wil Goat i the surface] ccone of the wedding on Sate (eset person can leam to eats Tee Swe? - ie Se eS ee Me taht in the one SINGLE VISION pul ite @hen an ge pounds -- -- neers i : , sg he ing on Sat- any food if he chooses to do 50, rome, coupled with the flattering matching stones make it @ icy to behold y. ne rday, August 2 iby ory verre § pi rill to wear accrue' with excess food, the} EMIGRATE TO Werk y, August 4 at 3.00 p.m. iby eating @ very, very small --* "mm tty 79 on in the fam-| Some 200,000 Basuto--half the = ALL GLASSES ONE PRICE -- $11.95 Py ily pattern. The tendency to male working population--cross| All classes sold by King ore sold at only the one price for the complete thin, slim or thick legs and/the border to work in South Af-) a Glasses. $11.95. Any type of frame, any correction that you require will Cree ae oo thighs runs in families rica's gold, diamond and coal cast you the one tow $21.95, | Don't jump to conclusion youlmines and on farms. eo 65 STYLES SHAPES AND COLORS! 4 _ i the Cory does not hennen to be your dish-of-tea then you moy choose BIFOCALS other glasses from the extensive ossortment of 65 other styles, shopes ond TYPEWRITING colors, We are sure we can please you. 17 hb) hag : cee. ¥ ONIC een AMS eg | WE PRL ALL psi, OCULISTS AND a : o teases 3 Complete with Fremes ¥ 4 WEEK CLASS FOR ADULTS & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Fromet, repaired: frames OPTOMETRISTS PREICRIPTIONS AT Teenes ond Come. RONTTNEN | INS TUESDAY, AUG. 6 WATER |" wee PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES CONTINENTAL HONEYMOON BEGINS TUES ' Made from : NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED AT SAME LOW PRICE , : 2 bed +7 Nad Following their marriage in daughter of Mr. and Mrs YOU. Wit. Lear: on old : St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Joseph Rosati of Oshawa and © PROPER TECHNIQUE Enalish *y Church, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent the bridegroom is the son of © CORRECT FINGERING mers lantomasi, left for a honey- Mrs. Pasqualo Iantomasi of e HOW TO SET-UP LETTERS Formula moon in Italy and other parts Hamilton and the late Mr e TABULATION of the continent. The bride is Iantomasi @ BUSINESS FORMS SIX BIG ' the former Theresa Rosati, Mary's Studio : TTLES ' Passat A Gianni: Midas ta dans ce , Pad Boshi ss th Morning and/or Afternoon Classes 12 OZ. pe : 72 FULI Ni we ma Opeey HH Resonrs Fou Ses THE CANADIAN aops In Tonle" os vipeaee Soeatm orm -- oven aawnane saTanu cosTomits ' po Bag dood RESORTS Four Seasons -- or Mt, Bemmard TOURS Travel L 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor HOURS: MON, TO SAT. . Fon WOME APPOINTMENTS CRUISES sess SCHOOL OF BUSINESS PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA THURS: Titt 12 NOON . iN ' 4 i 'es : - 725-6854 Dtticlel Agent For Ai, Airunes $2¥4 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-7081 | Don't let the LOW PRICE fool you! = end Stenmihips i 18 4 BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND US.-- FOUNDED 1904 REORES . =} and Mr, and Mrs. J, H. Her- ee e as we wish. At a bridal shower/8 7 4 | Ki Th t Lo | Gl | SOCIAL NOTICE | Cupid is king -- ana long may ; tenapoons vanilla Combine contents of 1 can srareenle oe +e wp.. ' 4 he reign! cup whipping cream (8 oz.) crushed pineapple, Yh Meadtntesttearebeatiaten res as ' eep a ve y eam Our dessert reflects the 34 cup sugar _ leup sliced maraschino cherries q . s ENGAGEMENT gentle spirit of this party. Beau- Soften gelatine in cold milk.|and 4 cup maraschino cherry MAPLE CLEANERS | On Your Diamond Rin | Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Horne|tiful Coeur a la Creme graces| Dissolve over hot water. Put|syrup, Chill, Makes 8 servings. | go4 simcoe ST, $. OSHAWA '| of Ajax wish to announce the|the table, along with the dain-|COUAs® Peery ngs a a -- oe oe , Service i nee om ; : aalengagement of their daughter,|tiest c' ori _ The; Sieve or beat a ENTENARY ' By ELEANOR, Ross | Ata the rings have soaxed See irae to lie Milton Wik test © mine. and aus os smooth, Beat in cream cheese, | Pager dorggh po on pe Frag, Pick-Up. and, Dating : efore he wedding, pretlyja few moments in his sudsy ite z . b : 4 ss > ge) 2 nd vanilla. | ' 4 5 ° bride, your diamond engage-|solution, brush them lightly on oo ag Phe oe te dessert for bridal showers and yall tee . torms soft|Way system, celebrates its 100th] PHONE 725-064 ment ring never had much/both front and back of the by. The. m rile nie % tek engagements parties oF a Vs mounds, Add sugar slowly while | @aniversary this year, eee chance to collect a film of dust.) mountings with a clean eyebrow | mince ih "St . Paul's United jentine Bridge party. ) continuing to beat. Fold 1CAn) pL ncaenrss -- a || Mother did > Logeatig ork ss brush ig A Rae Pete yen|{ Church, Ajax, on Saturday, Aug:} COEUR A LA CREME into cheese mixture gently but! ' |you did such chores as polish-)you do, for this tends to loose ist 94, '1963, at 4:00 p.m 11 enevelope unflavored gela-|thoroughly. Spoon intp _heart-| jjing that flashing solitaire. the stones, | Fiicisledss WohcbeAah Ol ty OO ti |shaped 6 = cup mold or 2 $-cup| 1} Now, as a bride in your very) Rinse your rings im a cup of ree oh pieeeinlinticetelananasenlanecnenann | iy phi and away from)pot water containing another) go . | | s |the parental nest, you are run-|tablespoonful of ammonia, Or) | -- \|ning a household of your OWN! petter still, for safety's sake put t CHILD GUIDANCE " and doing all the chores the rings in a strainer and_rinse | | " rr ing hot water, the ' . IDULLING DUST under running hot water, then)® D t All P ky E t | And that means that all the Speed on and drain on on OW 1C. ater 4 < '| dusting and cleaning are expos-| ~~ ue pane : = ' ing that precious diamond and)KEEP DIAMONDS GLEAMING fk D t F ] M ] imaybe your diamond wedding) Here are a few elas that : 0 isrup aml ys ea. S boo jband, too, to dust and dirt which) wil) ke diamonds gleaming | i, ae dull their sparkle, ar ng : pee by By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD portion of it at first and gradu-| i'; '| Don't wait until the settings) | ; ' ; Suppose you have a family ofjally more later, " /as well as the stones are dull ssilg tate ereune he and three children, six to 12. Sup) The wise mother makes. It) EVERY FRIDAY peak fas dine: Get bi oie ako a on ea ise ne roa th che ar to al members of the Mise soa ' | ' jthem with a dulling film. = | & Nlthe family ? |tamily over three or four, that / iSAME WAY | 2. Don't jumble jewellery to-| § \| Are you going to make one|the foods served are for all of NIGHT! gether -- metal surfaces and 'gems can be scratched by dia-| ic ; monds, so keep your jewellery) awa and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie |" Nothing very. .mysterious Matyi of. Hungary. Great | about this delightful task at all! grandmothers are Mrs. Bar- | Just remember that diamonds bara Smith, Toronto, and Mrs, |are cleaned ee vanced way you A, Matyi in Hungary hg pgs ag pan by PPh A iwith suds, It doesn't matter too) --Aldsworth Photography | much how the diamonds. are|DON"T POWDER THEM! |washed, They will shine all the} 3. Don't wear your diamonds} jbrighter whatever the way. 'when you give yourself that} PERSONALS Fine jewellers use a method final shower of face powder! | that you can duplicate at home \ 4. Have va rings concked | iby your jeweller at least once Showers were given for the)Mrs. Steven Doyle, Maple Just "-- egg ae ny doar abs one tos Oe former Miss Patricia Roach, | Grove; Bp Tig Mor A. Al's household ammonia to two cups|prongs of the setting are hold- prior to her marriage to Mr.| gen tice: ; of hot water. ing firmly William Taylor, Mrs, Guy) <All your nents and neighbors | wget pag prise eine ene esatei ,;may be at the cottage but they) Roach. was hostess, assisted DY) still like to know what is going| KEEP IN TRIM ONLY SIX MONTHS OLD when she posed. so prettily, Katherine Margaret is the daughter of Mr.. and Mrs Ellis Matyi, Ravine road, Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Keith W. Ross of Osh- 4 in separate boxes or in a fabric-| lined partitioned box. Ks . IN URUGUAY Miss Dawn Coulter who has spent the past year in the Canadian Embassy at Ha- vana, Cuba, has been cross- posted to Montevideo, Uru- her mother, Mrs. Michael on the social scene, A as t Ryan, Mrs, Alex Zedic also [cide wag te te eleceene the ts } ite Ta a tether te AOE 28 lcouhesion for the rest of the/long words for himself, but he entertained assisted by Mrs.|social department, The Oshawa Stop Stuffing At One Meal '| Coulter, Kluane street, she |{amily, and more 30 if one or reads slowly, i Donald McColl and Mrs, N (Times, 723-3474, ext. 18, if) writes: "The country is love. [Several others ._. Pa = hgh yee ween he! E bod Welcome | ly with many beautiful beach- hob Pee ge very y | @s and is a temperate climate. | It is now the winter season," | Miss Coulter expects to be in Montevideo for two years. +4, | FOU Minacs, The staff of Magill \icitors. There's no charge. Business Systems held a shower : at the home of Mrs. Samuel| Attending the Smith - Wherry Robinson, Byron Court, mother wedding from out of town were) of Mrs. Donald Lavender, one)Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac-} of the bride's fellow-employees. Donald, Manilla; Mr. and Mrs For Three Small Meals Daily ou've been on a trip or am have been "framed." On a slim- ming pattern of eating, and the! ht kind of exercise, the fat is off By IDA JEAN KAIN Only excess food is fattening However, the teen-ager in to-)r ouraged At work she was presented with |. day's column ig finding it tough an electric clock and a table-| William Randall and Mr. and/:, 'get out of the 150-pound class.|spots that ' be a gracious dinner guest at centre ornament by Mr. Lloyd/Mrs. Charlies Wells, Toronto|she writes padded. For: leg slimming,| another person's home OSHAWA Magill. land Mr. and Mrs, Ellis Mollon,| "Between ages 13 and 14, Iiswimming is the exercise par} How exasperating it is to have 5 itt! ri reighed 182 pounds for 5 ft.jexcellence, This leg motion 'a dinner guest who doesn't like Guests from 0! : Little Britain. weighed t : h ja g . rom out: of town at 6 in. Then I dieted and lost 32)pulls the muscles out long and) 'this or that; who is finicky over smooth. Add water calisthenics) 'jor more special foods for them?|them and that' no special foods Suppose you have a domestic! wij) be. substituted, barring a) helper to prepare and serve be person family meal, Or suppose a chile goes to the kitchen and finds or, cours : ial forjthe children to begin going to} the kitchen for specials, [CAUSES TROUBLE las | Whether you or a hired person) foog served, she will generally serves the family meal, prepat| expect this, At least it's the food ing something special for &)cerved for the family or noth-| j child just because he doesn't like the food served the family requires jwork and trouble for someone.) | jpares the special food for iself, he still may cause a |DOESN'T SHARE MEAL jing, as a rule, unnecessary extra| PARENTS' QUESTIONS Even if the child gets or pre-/!on aan eee ced for Inm.( lately, with the help of a skiliful bit of] teacher, ipractice, Celebrate his success. Oshawa Shopping Centre 9 to 11 P.M. JOIN THE FUN! Have the time of your life! Shop . . . then hop to the hoedown- ingest square dance music of them all! Q. My son, eight, who had' WILKIE RANGER g been a poor reader has AND HIS ORCHESTRA on a prescribed diet, of e. She just won't permit While she might not insist every person eat of every learned to sound out There's also the matter of not sharing the meal normaily with} the rest of the family, A still bigger factor is that) the child is catering to his own) whims, preparing himself not to | food BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! CENTRE the Taylor - Roach weddi . 4 Saturday included Rasen, Fog Mr, and Mrs. H. E, Denman pounds, But now I can't for the E. H. Wilkins, Port Hope; Mr ! ~~ ~-- are Miers life of me get back on the dict hang on to the pool edge) Moreover, his queer ways ? arnt tne. Daeti et, ae rs. Leonard Wake-|to lose the 15 0.20 pounds: that/and swing legs in a side-to-side : ing . red by and Mrs, Ronald Taylor; Port 9 lose 'the I s : e when eating out are noticed by Perry; Mr. Roger Roach,' Miss ford, Aberdeen street should come off. motion, against resistance of lother persons, Even children KING STREET W. AT STEVENSON RD. Lise Galaneau, Montreal, P.Q) Mr. and Mrs, C. Snedeker of "For 8 whole year my weight) Water are apt to consider another A PM. i # rai : i ving os < k 1 ; : | Mot se of rain Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Roach|Richmond, Virginia, are visit- has stuck around 155 pounds') Now.the meal pattern: Stop lchild who has many. strong food Cancelation at 5 in case RCAF Station, Trenton; Mrs.|ing their uncle and aunt, Mr}. - - never under 150. I can't/overeating at arly one meal and dislikes queer, whether at the] -- Brenton Farrow, Newtonville:iand Mrs. J. B. Rutherford, seem to get out of the 150-pound/plan your three small meais a school cafeteria, restaurant or! = ------ -------- ------ -- Mrs. Dolly Snowden, Mr. andjAthol street east. bracket, My present height is day, each meal built around 2 in a friend's home. | torrent - - : 5 ft. 8 in., weight 153; measure-/high quality protein food, and) Of course there are some pense ments: 86-26-3644. I have heavy/in-between have protein pick- fathers. who, because of thelr > ups. By shifting from high car- knees, legs and thighs, Please dohydrate to high protein you help: me to start losing--in the own food whims, must have cne or. more foods different those served the family. They t from t

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