Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 1

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CI a Se WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY * Kids often act like their parents Clear tonight. Sunny with little despite all efforts to teach them change in temperature Friday. good manners, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 Quthoriaed es Second Clon Well Peet Ottice Capertmeny, EIGHTEEN PAGES VOL. 92--NO, 180 oe = RCMP ARRESTS 12 In Iron Lung LONDON---Dr. Stephen Ward. been confirmed or guessed at, was placed in an iron lung with Butcher said: "I would say that bronchial pneumonia and was the dose by this time is very reported near death late t *. accurately known," Convicted on two vice charge Asked if Ward will be told the growing out of Britair ®X and verdict when he recovered con- . 5 security scandal et sciousness, Butcher said: 'That ~ : ) "i H s W. rth $100, 000 teopath was in ; 1a ig entirely a matter for med " ' from an over¢ of igal direction but he -certainly } : . = be ero 0 taken Wednesday on the last will not be told today." a ] l def Ny ral Ute survives "dock Wheaey ot ot Wards ES aa Seized In RCMP Raids he could be sen ed | ; yers, had hoped to see him mum of 14 vears in S sometime today to tell him of x as oe e The pn nia developed pis conviction, : SSS ~~ a sr GG eicgers Go wet oe etic un dos ca een n rus ees ] | TORONTO (CP)--RCMP offi-jcorner they were Mounties," he : cers smashed what they claim' said. ing to ease his | hing t h with friends in h : 3 Sica oa é ce a ith friends in } . : : . ee a : s a as ware laces, Was taken to the hospi Sak to be Canada's largest narcotics) He said the disguised officers oe ccaat Se RATReS Of "S tal Wednesday after swallowing LA OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov-jcause Parliament is moving to-'tion could be drafted quickly. syndicate when they raided attended "drug meets" in Ham- prestirunon. . & massive dose of a barbiturate r ernment has 'promised to an-ward adjournment, probably Parliament might be asked to! homes in Toronto and two other ilton, Galt and Guelph and often . 3 es : stay in session next week to. han-/towns Wednesday, arresting 12 photographed the proceedings, = y » Y C Sy ¥ for Yr PCe few hours earlier he had nounce today what it plans to Friday, for a summer recess ee igh oes ' . ; ido about viclence terror and Parliament would resume in tho dle the lake issue persons and seizing $100,000'/They also raided places where a friends oF pene vest he lawlessness on the Great Lakes fall, possibly at the end of Sep.) One source close to the cab worth of heroin, os drugs 'were concealed, but only triggering the Profum ' | waterfront tember net indicated that there are ad- They said the arrests of seven to Boe : bey tes B98 fear of al, John D. Profumo, 48 SEES A reliable source says th Prime Minister Pearson indi- vantages to a notice af int men and five von culmina rang oa Wore Gi " the ice ickers, a gned from the House of Com government will declare its in- cated Wednesday that if legisla:in the House now, to be fol- iaatheae | ths 0 eater Comite: tril oni 2a on ig Dae be St. Stephen's Hos where he Mons and as secretary of state tention of imposing a trusteeship|---- eared eter 22 Sree eee + sg Re 5 pac ware -* nd Winns oot on Senarieak oan ropes eae wn for war in June after admitting on marine unions as proposed rl This course of action would © saad More arres dicate." Supt Wonhaent said a.m. Wednesday 2 n affair with Ward's fi-vear B by Mr. Justice T. G. Norris ] Peo le Die give jabor eaders an opportun * ed, --. pt. id. . after a year-long investigation p ty to leaning up what|./% an operation code named e knew we were on the right : - ,|Mr. Big 75 RCMP officers re-| track of the really Big One and The afternoon med bite i protege, prostitute Christine % Lak ' M a . ane iY ' of ee vakes iy r strife ar rT, ¥ust rris Sa was 2 A 3 tin said Ward had written Home of Great Lakes labor arship on the wa- inforced by Metropolitan Tor-;we could have let it go on TS } > e d . retar enry Br shipp ng isruptions 4 F icta ' : ecarane Sod Seen ta tsll eters ck Fyotons be Bat tke seul esisaton ce A Fiery Crash ison" Seciman com's. me, Pouce, had "prowiedthellonger.' but ve. fet we, had ted and he } r to b W ers that Prof ad ; th sana ten - A ; . 5 citi Sse s/eno nd c purotontay mechar ed. when he denied th tt q y jati the three-man trustéeshi 4) the Seafarers "Int ernat ional Un- streets of the cities canes hy "7 W. : = Ap ut > , : a he denied the affa : Sahl ihe bees a TOLEDO. Ohio (AP)--A fiers nada bY Hal C. Banks (OWMS and addicts, trailed sus nsp, Wonnacott said special trolied br : earlier a ia Gaal ia: is gree Gilcar track, caliisiaa aban Seieliic AlnuAican bare, scacidnus '/pects and photographed "drug/prosecutor Arthur Martin was Asked abou : ' ymebody had to be saci . é t oo : "Ww oa satay killed 10. nereons | The trust wig citeeY aft ,, meets' with telescopic lenses assigned .to the case several survival over: M P " nd. that someone was aria at anesay et iy ' ae tee woud atrect s the ge weeks ago. Mr. Martin has sue: aif said: 'I eigen fat Ward said : : : av the gx nit of them children, wiping ithe SIU, t : » Maritime | DISTRIBUTED WIDELY cessfully prosecuted against nat a i : oo wee ' , . ne family of Felix Campos, /Union, the ational Association; Officials said they estimate cotic traffickers i av uncanscior Do. q . ' c in the past, ia- unconscious with po . . i yi3 ' op worker c arir srs, the Caaa-|the syndicate handled $500, 000) cluding 22 pushers and. addicts ay pom fogs f > States, that it ing to take) T nad been out for a dian r it Service Guild) worth of heroin in March alone.|jn Toronto in 1958 court found him : -- ~ age unpre ted action to revere)" at movies, and no ¢ and the marine section of the They said it may have supplied! Staff Soi. Kelly LaBrash, head ounts of living AN RCMP DETECTIVE ar (Alicky) Poole, 20, of Torento mak Sa ahaa toans a old station wagon Ci an Brotherhood of Rail-/ United States sources for a time/of the RCMP dru uad here, on of Ceristinn ecompanies one of 10 persons hides her face afier she Was. trs vo} aterfront in the si vel ransport nd Genezat/and almost certainly supplied! caiq the drugs tina Bese 4 here, < Davies = : ' iiganestot hich) Pern hargec th possession of t the same time, it gives i ed in the crash on Ohio 51) Worker ey -- Conadion cities, espe have come in from Europe me dnesda nose of (Self a bre space in which ampos, 41 a cially in Ontario and British through Montreal and New York se of , " a.. his wife Cata 36 Columbia for distribution in Ontario from ney WO ppeai night in a series of raidsc 88h ee nigt " F " to prepare trusteeship . . c police said broke up = traff gf and conspira tt : Sink: Tones ' xd their childrer ris 0 d G | ioe leanup started when be wht inte . ast dhas ; traf nm nare a hat breaks new nd in 3 aa on 'Re are Maria, r Jo Five-Year- ] 1r RCMP otirase arrested "chief -- 9 te bibs that pe ~ mipengaae pe ~ " bor control -- framin D pr ae, Sasa, aN Presa pest gy iinde gy " ast of the $100,000 worth @ said that would syndicate. Michele i yore easier ; Davia Seas . * suspect" Char polla, 50. veka at : t nosed wieas th cheek of nen: David, 5; along with Jaime D F if suspect arles Cipolla, 50, aigrace se week. He could -- pe rt wise re my resge ah Chico. 7, his. brother. Raoul. 1 wes rrom njury Guelph fruit shop and restau- -- Fe ae Wednesday ---- rs in prison on : ebay hl gens PER etna 6. rant owner, outside a Brampton |2<°" from @ Toronto house anil making sure that it wip/®8@ s aaGi HAMILTON (CP) -- A five- restaurant and. seized $2,500 jthe rest was picked up ia ene : ae . nad tigen Re a ws ve to replace @ at jachieve its desired purpose Charlest. Strong, 38, of Swan-| year-old girl became Hamilton's! 5.5 smaller quantities in oth for : BMS. ton ; as acquitted on one Goldwater Sees I Yntermants se ey ieaetes ton, Ohio, jumped from. the pe fatality of the vear| P" la claimed he had won the of the oh he said _----e hi db ' and cha =: g off the prosti. ish er ra ses a eink » at fami : his semi-trailer tg when she a ed of njuries money in a crap game. Arrested this is being prtal at , oh and two r raises a number of : ee --s "we with him was Orval Charies moment." S dcniuiehhn ate c " t questions on the". " : struck by & C&T Hardy. 48, of Toronto T rn b ' 4 ¢ : powe the government to in ay. patrol uoted last Thur ROP i F esh Wart bad been bi R ' caatges agetast Military Takeover : tervene in the internal operation Stn as saying the car ined) Cynthia Murphy died in Ha. RCMP officers said they r remors. through @ tube thrust down his W ard of counselling and procur of a trade union--to take over|t® Pass another 'vehicle and hit| milton General Hospital wi thout § ome --_-- $7,500 in raids on e nm gthe commission of an abor- hi a ing c even Toronto apartments, Shak WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen-)ried the seeds of a possible mil. Union assets, fire officers, run him head-on Teguining consciousness AN suspects oe charged) e opye W. Mayne B r, hosp ten jo Suicher, & hospi. tion were not pressed, The court! 10) Barry Goldwater, Ariious itary takeover union affairs and lead collective vith .. ing to. traf : aracs te ~ Early Today tal official, said the operation ed these charges would de ng aa n was a tracheoiom » eptemd ™ es or n, has demanded But Senator .. Javitts, bargaining S$ aNd possessing September, after pert » e government a Mis @ists of making an opening inte the summer rece s, when pres- mie tnyeetigation HM wae ofa - "oe pe ud: "Ls th go : ta. -- octor ecte Jey a | 4s powe an me q | ' j " h be . an © i < harged wer ach ] PIE, Yi ig0slavia (AP) the windnipe ecutor Mervyn Griffith . Jones S24 Was : the use of income tax am | nat secretary of has tas A similar operation was vx x jecide whether te proceed TCtUrnS information to pressure defence hz nougt ts. to ReMcy, Sul the legislation impile- fice Ah hg r : ceed chants in areas near Amer. make that of ¢ , menting the authority must be ; iid apg aga : ; tremors rocked ~ shattered Skopje before formed on movie star } vats, With them em sal bases t "i beer 5 , amed with r en ti na ie ; sda lor in ancien : ' tary bases to accem de Senate shard Ru fr aw extreme care } Ross Tayler in Lond a me spent Wednesday cops: McNamara » asked abe ® timing of the legisiatian g Tvl Re Pale S today, touching off wide. ; oan I s ad 3 nu among survivors, Wl, when she was stertesege : ¢ . ens wa < « ata secret investiga tare ee en Ny ce ea 3 becom thiefly be from & myster t yt Mt the sect risks in a ee ae cee te sit mai PAR extrait : son, 30; Frank Edgor Piro, 46; ds. sleeping in the ailment caused .¥ ed in . with Pre. denounced Wednesday c age . BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Dr }would form a "loyal opposition" Michele (Micky) Christine open or in tents started up ia Hosnita! so e «© \ : - " teak. nlac oi the directive issued bry Defer >» re r i > » wien : pole > ) " o ace at.the . AMED . C 5 : ate liberal, The e members of tas Poole . 20; Douglas (Rocky) Thi- panic and dashed for o; receiving t 3 "retal mar . eh sali a > : ; n a ay reer ving tt . . S ne > was seeing Capt "SCOTS ary McNamara Eisewhe Washington, & Police Subdue e aa pats jo B . : plit when) beset, 32, a former boxer, and among the ruins. oe & mebetance contains * pre Dia » directive anther nen anit' t : i 957. Fron Geraldine Hughes, 46, all of Tor-) Many refused to lie down nat 1a r 'a gond/onto. James McGrath, 50, also acain after the tremors passed. ent pe : ian . Ci il " , _ ai* - . . n 19 nths after th pili Ary i mine" 4 an intej- Of Toronto, was arrested as he They walked ¢ i x ad "an intei . i re} the stree urging 1V1 srabbed the cou ent man, a common sense Visited a friend's cottage in Hal- dawn to ; » EES . doctor mar Thy ? old coun ae burton .. The tremors toppled a few @ out of hes . wor victory. in the elec n his home town of Crag de], Thibeault said he married Mi va ; a Gay, 2% was ox ave oe "> Rights Mob al od Wednesday, He got E & said he was happy/Chele last week, but police were ee hago ho servous cg hcg ; * ae iserve 7 ene! : e the « t more than need Py ry Leaving the @nable to confirm this. They © ll oe ve reported, tablets Ward "age aaa eats ee ee ong 5 oe : | NEW. YORK (AP) -- Police with tes after it ejdoor open. for personal consul. booked the attractive blonde un ne we oe ba ee --_ -- ~ : : : yy Senaaed a Shouting, = came obvious the job as 29th/tation wit ii a saig: er her own name aad = he more Sepe for ie ' ' i 108 Negro an Re py ' ' Ria's. the j i be talk te a Chief RCMP Superintendent "St" the ruins af Skopje, = ° bd é ; se et x , ckets We day. jtary-dominate iaker ¢ \ ne ' : S85)R, W. Wonnacott. said the Smashed six days ago by the @) 1ce Continue Raid , 3 mal ¢ a as he " . lage - = ts rshiy amount of heroin seized repre ne rea earthquake in Yugoslav os , , StraCuOR . a Guido freed the 2 ntry t bv Foreien sented about a 10-day supply for Sry S ig C. McLat- Brookivn at tate 3 " Delite: ws veabiak aeemeund c¢ Terento's estimated 500 addicts _Aboat 1,000 bodies 'have been mittee 7 PRI , Pickets struck and. kicked 2 ndizi had % asteeanel' treversy aver a He predicted the drug famine res The final toll will « 3 ap rae : i | oman > ere arr mee the military command de. ment mntracts with would send the addicts stream. P obably reach 2,000, authorities nes ; ~ demons s from the path Gf ancea h 4 198 Jjeir Rae ey ing te Montreal, Vancouver and S2d mp ' is ? ) action try ah Ck am an cee he ee : _/ other major centres Rescue crews abandoned the . sia pus Cam that nied poli and f00% she Pia Ase a an the July 7 election for pre Supt. Wonnacott said the in- search for survivors Wednesdap : using "self. : : 7 nina Carag do nua electors and & NeW cON-| vestigation had not involved un-/Right after a French team of ROME \¥ ~ : : : : stvied < ng f va ushea the c7 3 z bed ' a ' People s Rac.s! dercever work, but consisted disaster. experts working with Se eA 2 is H ard HE y : : be a 3 r m Une was the leadi faction solely of spying on suspected sound detectors announced ne : : only 26 per cent) traffickers more signs of life could be if you saw four bums on a heard : 38 attempts The two major ast April and k oked in t of two na. Fron t expire ur d he has te resign SSC Btles said not make AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 . $800,000 i, SOCeT Near ergyman, Rev. Wilis ORONTO (CP)--Leaders ef el | : . = oe Sear toe ee Yacht | ae iy caped © ° rene' ace? sian comet. light of the re . ctims te that of the s . : iP : ; ®3 there's wo dif ' the 1553 Hon beach at Sandgate, Kent, last Nez in 17 beurs and 7 min + $50,000 i Men the man ander gai Deacon verre = : ge = ut" be mation 8 goings be te be, studer cht after swimming th She i sirqugal. te bell." i ry " 1m. + , me e - Wes, S 7 ee Same for ine Skope wicume ' Manitoba, is comforted on the lish Channel from Cape Griz ever to swam 'aca =

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