Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 16

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$ & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Auguet 1, 1703 e Better Earni , , as | oprrummes Lutherans Admit joer crn |LOday's Stock Market = | 2 Red Ch ag 2 'aie | | _ pers ONTO 1) AM, STOCKS V1 Net \ Net -- Cindy and Jett wish to , e urc es TTAWA (CP) -- A 16-per 'a a meus mot thelr Deby" sister, H MRS, JENNIE GRAHAM Toronto, and Donald of Rich-| cent rise in airline passengers Re rorente 'stock 'euchense Aue. 1 Posy a ee -- Key _ _ ae paying Maaneel Vee rai Proud a LAKEFIELD -- Funeral ser-|mond Hill. ce, : last year brightened the earn-| -- ZQuotations in cents uniess marked $) oy g ¥ 5 leith wa Me een BAS Shtsrare Fred end lsabelle Brooks. Manylvice for Mrs,:Jennie Graham,| She is also survived by one|, HELSINKI, Finland (Reuters)/Rhodesia, South--Africa, south:|ings 'picture for Canadian air] 21009 lotr | xd-Exdividend, xrBx) Col Bann 720 si8te Ula SIWo> Ma] A Arc Bw 400 Te 18 18 mt trenks te On. J, W. Spregge. (75, of 166 Mortimer avenue, To-|\sister, Mrs. Minnie Junker of| The Lutheran World Federation cet ARIS, northwestern Tan-| carriers. Pigott A AB sp Gor Gan WHO alle at Ht = Wi Bankene, = (108 2 2 1f9, 4 . sister, sp | | asse pre} Sa rush tn \ - nk tle! respora.iow -- ot wnat vate, Was held Wetneuay ai/pgaygeon, two. brothers, AL at, fu", asrembly, here gangs, etuthera, Targanyik)', oreiminary 1862 report bY)" IDG TRIALS | SRS AS BE AER eae ae eNO happy to announce the) , . 2 inlre sda} sae: : stotiati $50 $18%8 10¥e 18% M4 : ton) are happy to \the Hendren funeral home iniyped of Bobcaygeon and Roland membership the Lutheran| The assembly, due to last 12 the bureau 'of statistics Wednes- Bom - Apo bay Hn 750 440 455 4 +t birth of their son, Andrew William, Tues: a i os, j . hi | ny with thejof Toronto, 20 grandchildren churches in Communist Latvia/days, was opened by the retir-|day said the number of revenue 9381710 IIe X7Ve-- Ve mS Pd ' a day. July 30, 196% at the Henderson|Lakofield at 3 p.m. C a AM do : ny ea Maternity Wing, Here !Rev. Rg oe! Fi morph and 10 great - grandchildren, and Estonis ling president, Rev, . Franklin canaries ince ss 538, -- _ pont bang 'ge ct 20 B $700 Ps Vee baer Lakefield United Church officia-) S$. MARGARET | The decision was made de-\Clark Fry of New York. He 408 air| Alta Dist 300 290. 20 290 ym Na 220475 75 478 | INTRODUCE your son or daughter with\ting, Burial was in Lakefield MRS, 3 Ispite opposition expressed by alsaid the federation was sur: 799 from 4,950,897 in 1961, Air] Qing pis vt 100 285 255. 255 25 $30% 30% 30%! la Serve aes 108 Ys Ws Cc Tung 3500 4 Oshawa Times birth notice, The . § ! { fA Rete is $30, Phone 723-3402 and our/ Cemetery. SUTHERLAND lrepresentative of the Latvian|/mounting the barriers. between|carriage of revenue goods rose] All* Gas , los, sitaec tite ate tart will assist you in writing a notice, Mrs, Graham died in hospital) The death of Mrs. Margaret)r ithoran church-in-exile, The/East and West and establishing|3,7 per cent to 236,561,782 pounds! Alte. Ges w 0 € Astoria - in Toronto Sunday after an ill. Sutherland, Bolt Croat Saree voting was 241 in favor of ad-| "a Christian bond of peace." |from 298,077,376 Agere SM a We 8 ae yaa ie DEATHS Th aaa at late M eee Ge "Oskawe General) Mitting the chureh i ay er | Total operating revenues of] AWM 1pr © 1P00 821% Wits 21% -- ty) OF Wea vi 300 $16 lea 14a Gan NW © daughter of the late Mr,/year 4 psec and 13 against, and 240 in favor) ! | ' ' Ang Pip pr 2x0 $52 12¥e tle Mayes Sil 8 428 $11¥e Tila 11% 'aptain and Mrs, Garner Nichols, she} Hospital, Wednesday, July 31, (3 admitting the church of Lat, Offi M4 ] A Canadian air carriers rose 11.6 Armin <a 8 al room te enn cent, @UVILTINAN, Daniel James |was born and educated in Bob-) Born in Wick Caithnesshire,/yjia and 13 against, 1Cla S gree per Cent to $284,443,403 and Op-| Bank" Mont 20Ses63¥4 v3 yave-- tal ime Oil 1328 $41% 4lSe AIT IE Ve) Coch Will Entered Into rest at the family resticayeeon where she lived untill Scotland, she was the former} Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia erating expenses 'increased 7,6] Bank N& 298 $70E U0 7014 Imp Tob 200 $13taclI¥e 13% D We Wednes- ; 4 : u , < inland G. Se $8U eam <pivision Street Somes Guirjher marriage to Albert Graham. | Margaret Sutherland, She mat-| were forcibly incorporated with. Korea Fights per cent to $277,076,521, The re- Bell Breve inend One | Byae ol A < 88? 90) Yinah beloved husband of Eleanor Mary|The couple moved to a farm)ried Frank Sutherland in Wick/in the Soviet Union in 1940 and! sulting operating income of $7,- tae uni 20 SMC IM BM -- We 300-300 5 B t and dear father of Eleanor Guilt- } » tool gi erie ; in| Savi nS , j i 328 $274 27 2 Inter PL, 6) SB3\ac 13We 8314 - | Ione Alben, NY. Jonn of Oshawa andjt Smith Township for five) Caithnesshire and resided injare Soviet republics, 366,882 was in contrast with a at ht Int St P © 1900 45 340 30 4S Keith of St, Catharines, In his 88th year, og hee to gem phew Scotland until coming o Ce nf me Sige pve phoma I ] ted 1961 deficit of $2,571,631, | "YMRS $219 DIRE DV geek or iP Some xove xem L Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home,| Mr, Graham ran a livery stable i i or eader of the Latvian church i . sii 250 $8¥a_ Blas 8a 2 bly 16a Oshews: with high requiem mass_in Sts1 th : 20 years, Her h meet or " the United States, argued in fa-) SO a 1, Dut the carriers still ended up W145 $21UC 21 Mac 21% haxsians bevy A iH Gregory's Catholic Church on Friday,/(Or the <0. years, r Aus | War, | states, arg | in the red after income taxes YOO $37\ec Julec 7+ ve; LON Com FY Craigmt zip S$l7Re Re te August 2 at 9 am, Interment St, Greg-/died in 1942 and she has lived) After a short residence in| Vor of the ny ig the ~ CP from Reuters:AP and other charges--a net Jefi- 7 boy #8 u06 1 Croinor you0 u u W Y tery, | ' 2 wv | a » i " +) s atvia § eer y " ; x 2 'J Usce ory's Cemetery jin Toronto for the past 22 years./ Montreal, Que, Mrs, Suther eva we agen? 5 abodes SEOUL, South Korea -- Offj.| cit of $4,520,384, This was about Ar yaar od Levy 50 $léte 16te Deer Horn $000 $3 §2 MAZUR, Nicholas ars, Graham te ears tad by|land moved to Toronto Where oe warded the church as one|Clals here were generally agreed| one-third of the 1961 net deficit 2825 Sipe 10 10x nm ein' Pac 100 si tienitel on Tweeter. july 3 we (Mar) on e rt Tor t Mrs cog Mga Bbogh engl Bor church on both sides of the bar-|teday that border battles south) of $13,146,434, ® br 50 $52Re See Sty oa St WO ste SIS. St Ce eteiue waved Wuibend ef Marvin. Toronto, | Mré.ito Ajax, where she lived with) sich divide them lof the Korean demilitarized zone\7 ~----eweeewwme] Bal Aw 260 200 200 10 $174 1794 2000. Val 4025 4Vah Beiyus In his 8th year, Resting at the| Viola Cummings of Toronto and! her son for the past 18 years. ve whic ot 2 ¢ a ne leariier this week ware 'heclated Can Colan 100 $87. $7? SP te sriNee aM 2M Ay Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, withiMrs, §, Dunford (Fern) of} she was a member ofy Jaryis|_ The assembly also voted toj a, : Py 50 Sa OME A 1 sie om hee mass in St, George's Ukrainian Greek/ Deterborough and three sons G./c LSD OF ladmit: nine other churches to/incidents" since no further an £xecu CGE pr 8 25 MOB wea aS Sie " Catholle Church, Friday, August 2nd, at sp © Sons v2;|Street Baptist Church in Tol. federation, brin ging its|Clashes have been reported, Spe OR SOAR ek Sihhe Vis Ve i id " . ] ferment St, Grego Ceme-' Stewart of Oshawa, Rola of ishing} : ; . . cp 9 Pca tee Wael Ot Gal ot tewart of Os nd ronto, and a Meg ening | membership up to 73 churches} They did not believe the inci- Cuba Radio Claims Con Bldg --epolsela. Ma Ia itt, SOT a9 410 Ve the Funeral Home before Wednesday: Well Baptist Church In Agin-/in 99 countries, representing 52,-/dents earlier this week were . - ------ SS SEM clon tet court, /000,000 of the 72,000,000 Luther-/linked to wider developments i ' »)---F s 4 MBAGHER, John Michael IN MEMORIAM De ean was predes| (00:0 he 72,000,000 Luther-/lin der developments in) MIAMI, Fla, (AP)--Four men, . HS 80 20 Biféred into rest in St. Michael's Hospi Bai ago peel wo/ 80s in the world. The nine are/Asia, reflecting the "tough line" /one of them identified as an Soldier Faces i hc ne moe ae om, at ey a tal, Toronto on Thursday co og Mares seer n 4 wh neh led in thel@ Ethiopia, Eritrea, Southern of the Chinese Communists. fawent of the U.S, Central Intel. Page-Hers 210 SloT Tote 19% 4, Latin Am 000 MO John Michael Meag delov: usban SAXBY -- In loving memory of a dear SONS, All O re ooo q - i Ne pt okay tt alae Poina 100 $71 \ " \ Lorado 900 190 «130 «(10 & Dorothy Mary Tailing and dear fatherlrimer and granatatners William Saxby, First World War, She is sur The South Korean central in-/ligence Agency, were executed Trial Over Price Bros WS $38 Moh | oe aa om of Jack and Paul of Oshawa and brother|wno passed away August 1, 1962 'a by a son. William B } e telligence agency director, re-|by Cuban firing squads Wednes. QN Gas 280 S744 PG LPM | Madsen wi? 2? --@ ot Ns, J. Gorman (Marie), Oshawa, Nek)" Gone, dear father, gone forever vived by a son, : tired Maj.-Gen, Hyung Uk "im;/ day, the Cuban radio reported RapG A YOO larvae Lute Plat | Magnet sR aL ie and Florence of Walkerton, Ontariol. How we miss your smiling tacer Sutherland, of Ajax. There is} e nese ' Gen, Hyut yi day, i i ee ae airs MLL end Mrs. F. Lippert (Agnes) Washington.) Rut you lett us to remember one grandson, William Thomas told a press conference today; An early broadcast said the ® Roh A pr 200 '$20¥8-wOld wots --xte) Martin 600 4 Hx D.C. Frank ot Ganawe, im nis stn errs] None on earth con take your piace, [nt RUSH SON "calgary, | Alta..| the Comunimst infiltrations were alleged CIA: agent was shot at ooting eat Royal Gank 300 $754 75 crs -- 4) Mattoml 800 mo Vo) egti the Armstre r | A happy home we once enjoyed, priand, a » FR: | se one " sbi " ed agit . alada 245 $10 C10 10 in Core ¢ Oshawa, with High Requiem Mass in SI) How sweet tho memory st and two great-grandchildren, | a 'designed to create unrest in| dawn, Later broadcasts reported | Shell Olt 4d $17%%_ VPaee 1 "Nama Cr ° 2000 6. 16 Gregory's, Church, Saturday, fugort_3 But death has ieft a loneliness Charon and Jannice Sutherland ampaign South Korea, the execution of three compan. BARRIE (CP)--Sergeant Lov aneil 1 wts 100 640 640 440 +10 ew An un" ig 3s 'a.m, tntermen Gregory's Cemet The world can never fill 3 3 a | % ai a pitt . . é | Simpsons 2 $Y Ye Be | Neonex wts 1 8 i Lovingly remembered by daughter of Calgary. Gen, Kim said the Commu. | ions, nard R, Demille, 32, of Camp) Southam 3 $0 3 i ne PRELING, eerie duty aa en ee Oe nt Prenedetenter! rhe funeral service will be nist infiltrators were trying to| The Cuban radio said three|Borden was committed Wednes-| Stee! Can. 70s srucae me | or mm * yesda Hl » 3, | Lauri Pi = : the " ai p le q ay rig n\ : om Mi Nara "Margaret. McNaught Peeling, . de . __ {held at the William E, Sherrin ; |help "'some , complaining ele-/other men were given 20-year|day for trial on a charge of cap 25 3120 Imecie 200 449 2 joved motner of Arthur and John of Osh) SAMBY -- In. loving memory of 9u"' Funeral Chapel, Pickering, Sat- ontinues ments" in South Korea to par-/prison terms by a Havana rev.|ital murder in the shotgun kill] Tr Can, PLss?s ame Wu ae + wy) Norartic | 9 1 1 an monton an onaididear father anc randtatner, 3 He j at et * ear te 3 nes rans uit Pee Rpg Ag ir i eater of Mrs Henry Saxby, who passed away suddenly urday, Aug. 3, at 1.30 p.m. Rev, | ticipate in the new civilian gov olutionary tribunal. Another ing of another army sergeant ™ Mm. N Rank | :1p00 36R° 36) ) | , : : | Vie G Te 9S 84 Whe + 2 4, Aarrn Cloesie) 6d WLuare NEI OF eee tive f W. S. Whitcombe will conduct PEKING The ernment to be elected within) man was sentenced to 12 years) Demille was charged after the] Walk GW 375 35514 tsa tSW-- We) Northgate 1050 340 935 af ig greta gy ea Atay Rll ene the service, Interment will be in sae" (Reuters) -- this year and thereby "'obt i we \ Nor 3 ain . pay are © "a = . Baie oast «Tr 18) $l4lecl4RelaR iorsp A w 100 inher Seth year, The late Mrs, Peeling) Nor as @ dream to pass away? i Communist Chinese press cam-|q bridgehead in the South Ke in prison for counter-revolution-/'May 23 _Shooting of Sergeant) weston a 31295 $16 16M lela Orchan $20 252 290 252 ls. resting at the Mcintosh-Anderson Fu v earest gift holds silent tears' Erskine Cemetery, Dunbarton, clear test ban treaty continued! ry 3 ant s etary activity, Herbert S. N, Wilson, 34, in the! Wood 2 225 $9 Pe OR Parmag 1p 14a Kae 1 ome, Service in the chapel on Fr n rs on through passing years.|_ ~~ § at ~ ao) rean government, - i ; *s| West A wis 2120 880 i80 ito" "18 OS OS OS eee eet 2 at 2 p.m, Interment Union| Gone are the days we used to share junabated today, dining room of the sergeant's 'a' voust 2 . . x Zenith 400 \ y a7 8} a & day August 2 at 2 Senne Coan eas ae ateseen tara A responsible United Nations jmess at the camp's infantry ' nadsd adc Hated Ypo 310 910 30 --20 ) : r 4 United States, Cambodian and}, ; . Sadly mizsed by daughter Christine, | , "jcommand official agreed. The school, wo HM OM SUTHERLAND, Margaret son-in-law Bob and grandchildren Gary No Canadians Burmese news media were all! fficial oh 8 | Loan ould par ° 8 : OILS mo 0 Ulu le preere: tal < Sharon : . official, who declined to be | The preliminary, hearing 1000 MR wile ME A® the Oshawa General Hospital, onjanc Share iprominently quoted to back up quoted directly, said the past! 7 1100 161411 C4) Wednesday, July 31, 1963, Margaret poignant me Cadet B ildi P ; lasted five days over a period| ba ed Sutherland, aged 9$ years, beloved wite| SAXBY -- In loving memory of our Re orted On jcharges made in a.Chinese 20V-| record showed stepped up Com-| ul Ing rojects ok Sak Ween ' \ ' rs ure we 9 F F =v ry Eran Sutherland Wick!dear Dad and Granddad, William Saxby. arnme atement ij od We sei 300 195 185 125 Sata, Hat Scotens gy vaaier who left us so suddenly August 1, 1942. erm ment state me nt issue d Adil jmunist infiltrations had followed To (CP For the last three weeks it 5 2» 1 emai! 140 $)0% 10M xO + Ve ef William 8, Sutheriand, $0 Cedar St.! Time passes on, one year has passed jnesday saying Russia has joined! practically all important polit}, TORONTO (CP)--About $200,-| stalled when army office 3 : Radiore «= Daw Afsx, Ont, dear grandmother of] Since death its gloomy shadow cent :. jthe United State in an anti-); announcements in South| 000,000 worth of building proj- calle i as uations W eastnne 2 Aas te aA pie Teo wave oe ee wigtern Themes Suineriands Caleery:| Aes" kok tromua's shining taht | WpGASULGL ty St [chinese aitiance letes ects in Ontario could result from|Called as character, witnesses} Doce a0) te 1 ay Rix Aine S00 MS as ay an" Sirveciend of Cal Re } "miss that light anc ever | vO. pages > : 2 fe vernment's $400,./; ' PTS] Gr Plain 40 312 NY IM OS E. Sherrin Funeral Home, No. 2 nis rll place there's 'none to mi | More than two pages of the He noted that Monday's am- jg Pl gpl. co meigdh gee jfrom the defence department] Home A 220 S10T 10% 10% Satellite wat Pickering ' ; . ush of a United Nations jeep)... ; says Munic , ' Service in the chapel] For up in heaven we'll meet again sil of the United Macedonian/were devoted to hostile reactiOniin which tw Ped eet a velopment fund, says Municipa Watnestiy. Manik HB OU G pO Side Mae aL Sigma 2100 $8 $50 830 ob L:9) Rot, tMleryeneayy weed ht Sver. commernneree UY adian Committee said Wed-to the treaty under a huge head-|\4)) h two Americans were| dinesday, Magistrate JD.) ne oils OO WS 4S MS --S$ | Silvmag Ay ) sons 'Barry, Brian and Allan nesday the official Yugoslavian)line: "This is no victory for the], - sams The fund, devised to ease un: Haranc. " ¢ Permo ° 560 J . } ' after the South Korean military| e . Defence Minister Hell ' #0 180 180 government casualty list from!peaceful coexistence pol n militar t r Hyer hat) perv on -- sae ET =| SAXBY -- In loving memory of a dear Sh, 4 * ghee Ye ' Inite. da aa . : - 3 | LOCKE'S FLORISTS lamer and granstamer Wiltam 'Henry /the Skopje earthquake does not/is capitulation to United States/noig general elections. vide low-interest loans only for! gicial to national defence. Place +2 Funeral orrang Two tir XVOO 10S! 106 Sctheriand of Calgary... Resting at the Ryanor ed ie non ust east of Harwood! Down here we mourn dut not in vain TORONTO (CP)--Spero Bas-|\Communist party People's Daily ly 002,000 municipal loan and aes nek th tectite. Aeon wo lM Neti wl ae = a A ; Affairs Minister Spooner : " 3003 Dunbarton. (daughter Freda, soninlaw Gitt, grand) Can led, took place only two days Aitairs Mialster Spoone Ord upheld an affidavit from] Nortncat 1S500 34 eta Si Miller = wot) 30 =~ government announced plans to employment in Canada, will pro- their testimony would be preju-| . Petro! Saxby, who passed away August 1, 1980,/Contain Canadian names. imperialism." The North Korea foreign projects approved by the prov-| Tye magistrate ordered the +2 i g flora! requirements O 1 tne bs ta er NG, William Dundas, sent to Bel-| Th newspaper's cartoonist) ministry today accused the state|ince, Mr, Spooner said, affidavit and other related mili: 2500 119185 SS er occesions For Dad, who worked so hard for us, grade by Toronto's Macedonian joined in the campaign with aldepartment of trying to "cover| Ontario will qualify for $140,./tary documents sealed, to be} \" pecaia FEE aa ak * ot OSHAWA SHOPPING be as gc ga Say community to trace Canadians/drawing on the theme that 'astiup the criminal nature of U.s./000,000 from the developmentiopened at the discretion of the) Yan can woo ¢ Sia Sat CENTRE | Perhaps it's just as we! believed to be in the earthquake week's treaty was virtua iy telimperialism in South Korea aad/fund, which is to provide two-/trial judge 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE We never covid have sald good-bye area, telephoned the news to/same as one rejected by Russialto justify the long-term occupa-| thirds of the projects' cost, Thus) The case will be heard at the MINES 728-6555 _Sadly missed by daughter Ruth, son-in- Mr. Bassil, in Geneva last August. jtion of South Korea by the U.S./the total could be in the $200,.jnext assizes of the Ontario Su} ay pie sme mn em mh . sw Murray, grandchildren Larry, Wal) Mr. Bassil said Mr. Dundas) The cartoon showed American/army." 1900,000 bracket, ipreme Court Amat Rare SMst0 1 1 --M ter, 'Vickie and Sherry told him the casualty list nadjUndersecretary of State Averell} -------- Babee ate i sdiela cubibciissdiecimiennecaiiaaasiiaissiiaia neem 1.500 names on it but after ex-/Harriman in a white diazner IN MEMORIAM MEMORIALS amining it three times he could|jacket with handcuffs hanging ifind no Canadian names . Hfrom his waist, pouring out a BENNETT -- in loving memory of a -- bai _-- | Mr. Dundas reported that the! medicine labelled "pills made in Fe at eee pnbig ye ee Des Se oes jcasualty list shows 850 bodies/the _1962--partial nuclear «test Softly the leaves of memory fall, a Open Evenings Until 9 recovered and 650 persons mis-/ban, : Been' We serene Sad tremens Sam Sf g and presumed dead. The pills were being poured Atways missed, always loved and very Oshawa Monument Co. he' Canadian Red Cross re-|into a pair of outstretched pudgy As a ga a 1a85 Kins Sire teat ported Wednesday cheques to-/hands, clearly intended as Rus ia bor eal alata eee an x talling $7,270 have been received/sian Premier Khrushchev's, | ' 2 728-311) for relief for the earthquake vic-} The owner of the hands is say- BENNETT -- In loving memory of Rey "Now I badly need it to r eee jtims ing = RIMAR ue fool the people of the world," "The many happy times we had. his : Sevwonees | MEMORIALS | New Life Jackets | wren ix woscor os YOU CAN HAVE sLevingly remember ¥ re H " . : : Gon Penk Rew, Karen Perry ena) "Onied end Distinctive | OK For Production |'9 2 Cures satement callius THE Ray MONU NTS the nucl ar test ban treaty "a ONUMENTS OTTAWA (CP) -- New life/@tty fraud" and accusing Rus BENNETT -- In loving. memory of 2 FLAT MARKERS ; eres "se dear "Ray Bennett, who parsed jackets with slightly greater/*'*. vo bong with. the West . on Designs For Any Need floating power have been ap-/S62inst Canina He had @ smilie. @ pleasant wey, r s é St sn Weretey helping hand to ell he knew 152 Simcoe St. $. Oshowa proved for production by the The. government newspape : a, 39 generous and true) = 723 2 728-6627 federal transport department, _[zvestia_ published letters 'from did his Dest heaventy rest fice Evenings The department announced readers headlined "We Reject Ever remembered by drother Bill 'and Wednesday it has set new stan./the Slander" and "Shame on the tary dards for manufacture of ap- Splitters." BENNETT -- In lowing memory of my CARD OF THANK proved life jackets to apply to, The Soviet press has not ye brother, Ray, who passed away August | 1964 production : talked of an open break with 6 GIBSON -- We wish to express cur sim 'The new, jacket has improved/the Chinese but Western observ Siisning Yotuy an we have wished be: _O1USON -- We wish Yo express cur si cond onary acts of aistribution of its buoyancy ma-jers feel any kind of reconcilia nein Tae S00, Saves Cerre SPeret YEE SRO ndanen we 0 during the death of terial to keep the wearer in the/tion between China and Russia ° in cor hearts your memory is kept, * husband and father, Eddie GID safest possible position in the in the near future can be ruled Mailed to You We tove te cherish ond never forget Mrs. Florence Gibson and family.) water, out i 2 Always remembered by sister Mildr ssskte pede iaiecuameis iis DAPNer-inlaw Jack, nephew John Saas -- ; Wherever You Are FIELOING -- In lowing memory of a Fividing. who pats oe aries «woven in gold, re | tenderly hold, heart Dia memory is kept rish, to never forget. a 0 em It Will Be Just Like A Letter From Home... So _---- F Ms : When The Oshawa Times Arrives Each Day ... a a. BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS Sous te 4 oy oe | AND YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES 7 give to Ciasp his hand. face % see hs smile, Tear? 30 much to me. ~ Ever remembered' dy son Fred, Joyce erg chisren -- --<--< = cee =e Gee Gu cae Guus CIRCULATION DEPT. -- OSHAWA TIMES | 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO SAXGY ~~ I> loving memory of 2 Gear father and grandtatner, William Savby, who passed away August 1. 7982 Ore year hes passed since that aad wey When ome we loved was called away Got *ook him homme -- ff was His will, Within cur hearts Re Hveth sh --Ever remembered by Gaughier, Dore thy. sonin-iew Bi anc grandsons, Jone. wy Jinrny and Danny aaaed Ghent a ee PEADAR ou sk cans larn Saxby. who paxsed away Aupust 1, 1082 ial The Knew when we woke that <4 . : MOME ADDRESS ~.. .... sc csc a ccc ca se scnnsess #The sorrow the cay would dring. yp : is VACATION RATES ] STOP HOME DELIVERY RESTART HOME DELIVERY . | STo part with one we loved so dear. > ngly Ternembered: by Gauphier, ret sonia Sten and granagaugh ae ; wes THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL BE eee, = ™ MAILED TO YOUR VACATION p seul wm Ro ren aie -- : " ton % * ADDRESS AT THE REGULAR "We iftle Knew when we woke that | = : . = : CARRIER RATE OF orn "The sorrow the Gay would bring, . os : ¢ "The call wes: sudden, Te shock oe oe * ag ere pee : ' ; PER WEEK "To part wih one we loved so Gear i 8 7g Rg ger Nag ane eee ee JUST CALL 723-3474 peeanern 2 a, : THE CIRCULATION DEPT. OR ong ery ot» se ' -- COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM ee ; BEGGING FOR FUNDS 1 offen a ant think of you, emomame caters etiam RNS tn aeminae crm mune ae se And speak of how you died. ' r nen 2 * -- , t nerati pid eam @ Wenn. Vee terns' Sor yeu Jean-Marie Quirion, who is year-old daughter Sylvie. The er, Minn. for the operation And many Yimes 1 have cried unemployed, has: been bez- girl, shown with her father at Mr. Quirion and three rela- ,1 Cid not stend desige ym lh dl 4" tives are attempting to raise 'And see yout ite drpart: ging door to door in order to their Hull, Que. home, is ,.. wine Ging Miva - ae, eae aU RE ~ $5,000 required for travel and , ey for a complex scheduled to be flown Sept. 17 medical expenses * But when 1 heard tha? you Aad gore.) rajce r Loving memory, Wite May.) heart operation for his three- to the Mayo Clinic at Rochest- (CP Wirephote) VACATION ADDRESS STOP MAILING . 2... cnc ceesss "Yt nearly Droke my heart

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