Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 15

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1? 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sele |29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TMs, Thuredey, August 1, 1969 13 3 ACRE FARM, Good J-roomed frame frarmeliegp VAUXMALL, good condition, low Fo wd onegg + 2) cuble foot deep freeze, mervilie| EXCEPTIONALLY nite brick |$19:000 -- NEW BUNGALOW, has to belie warn 30' x 4. All workable land, i For Sale pg ot lige p-tolyl yg 5 a Weil lonavcapeds "double "leh |Tiree "large 'Wedrooms,, welkcout pave:|ON' a0 wea etna st 7a en ee ee Dial rasa War capi hagioor ee an eau sae lee me -|p aque onors. 300. » $2,000. ' this bargain, Ca r. Rani seg ante try. radio. "etalile blue. aTUD' A wper Ne al nl ata! Rison he soe on i be pp a gag Er ee potlhegit youl sect call 728-7377, King' Srreet ash re pnts dg ot 728-3682. John Bolahoad Limited. ; i i ae wnitoy ae} bargain. STUDENTS A. cone val appre eran. , 208 O80 " aie Sear? tea i) Sally. Wallace, 225-0297, Joseph] soseph | ! a Bhd sca Cash" quarters, store i atandard, excellont| PAPO (wews Print) for only $1.00. Ap Senco. ee he Ne TT, sO Realtor MA od rick CARO toriy rome, wostorey oe - oe wae i, oe Bowman HOLIDAY ban Bagg ne pe mene i gene goeee wert, ™*| Creat itor PRIVATR, Syearcld sold brick, 3 bed|AJAX -- Storey and @ halt, threeded-|house, oll neat, grape, Geeininad witr ft large lot, Asking bag er uae Son v Frere Rei W957 VOLKSWAGEN, good Ng Mg PINK shampoo basin ond black chalr, room Dungalow Extra room in basement,jtooms, modern kitchen with range, New/dows, oars. Gown, i800 with moderate down payment fistate Ltd, Bowmanville, 623-2993, dition, $350, Telephone Apply first house east of Thickson Road Gormpietely stormed and screened. Newly|gas furnace, Completed recreation room| ville 623-24 otey ferme. Arthur 728-1 UST Tat room i ith at SEASON READY to gol 198F r Glaamate Ioan or south service road, b e @ecerated inside and out, Fully fenced|with bar, Paved drive, Treed lot, Many JONES = TW oom brick er, en Joseph Bosco, Realtor, JUST Tisted, sixe bungalow with a automatic with radio, Extra tires, $280. rT] ear em landsceped, Full price $12,000 with/extras, Full ae ee ae bungalow, oi) heated, win. | 7377. see ar Pe woe Dial 728-0158. i. F. Goopnion STORES -- $2400 down. One 6 per cent open mort-)down paymen' carries ¥ dows, etc, Good location, Less for cash, ' | "4 "725-4548. SO oom. rriveite Clearance A eel fa Tarity Budget plan. sn PEMBROKE (CP)--A ye month, inctuding principal, taxes and 7245, Telephone 720-7245, H ARRY MILLEN cellent condition, vee | USED Car parts of all Kinds, ad tires al plaque commemorating the $80 nh buys two-bedroom older i CavROLET deluxe sedan, ne rau sizea) also apindies and wheels for! iat. 'John Wesley Dafoe, one of: JOHN F. DeWITH WANT YOUR |SCHOFIELD-AKER| eat estate [oem rary ana," | 96) RAMBLER [ean atte try om ffm AS, Toe te Jn Wesley Dao, ce SIX-ROOM home, listed for S¥800 with i085 PONTIAC deluxe, looks and runs|4,@ALLON hol waler Tank, In good Gon-/tors, was unveiled Wednesday at REALTOR THIS BEAUTY ISN'T SKIN 728-1679 ance, 'Call Glen 'ckionen "at "Nyman 2-door, mechanically A:1, [well very clean, goed Hires, 4245. Whitby|Aition, $2. Apply Tei Greniell." "| Whiteduck Lake Park, about 60 4286. j rad real mp, Ouro, and eight 9@/miles south of here, ' : DEEP! The man who built this Reo! Estate, 720-626 two-tone on lo, A wi B WoGtin hoa as ii e , plete, Dial Saa784 | ; eens 16 ran oy H ME ty is honor Gooden, tie | tomer te temthoe ibaa ae ae ie Ronmenvile eth or Won BEVERGSRGUGW GK cedar aiiy bank ipl, Dates. war poled aa sale) hands t . He toxes on Y § R idl tractor with) . Dial 623-3950 hee. pein Sooner de- ore only $297.00. The kit. pron etd Therney, 725-5207, Kelth Peters 1958 NASH iy se ornMeueY mic orman ee mae. acid bie Free Press, a position he > : j foi leno chen is 11 x 18 and | or best offer, Telephone Goat, @ F. Sea Flea, Wily squipped,|from 1901 until his death in 1944 , a Asa va us poe lae ad -- -- tw ving rect 1 Ray paannet oY Vihear -- entree bedroom RAMBLER sen ak CHEVROLET tr sr an a needs] $138. Apply S38 Cubsrt Street, at the age of 77. Ask: born, meor Bewdley. Price ho ond three ing $12,100, Private sele, no ai Diei| Deluxe four-door, equipped or best offer, Dial 722000.| ec nee-"erigidsire, a inches, Very good : ee () t(D perewars, nue, gow | Ce abn da wel ck ae with folding bed' seats, "im: | ay mmReURY ¥, four door, Diack red Wrlcenaition. Wil accept bes! ovver' 'biel| In 1919 he accompanied Primg . 400 Acre form, 350 cere sxoks. Deve sine 'anecs INCOME" home avaliable, eae aay maculote condition, Ideal jterlor, radios ete. Good Mroughout, 'Tele|725 1576, coe ____|Minister Robert Borden to Paris | HLA, ; 12,900 with tinaneli Cal vacation cor, phone Neweast 488). BOAT, 18 #." disappearing propeller, workable, House ord. bom. Extras Galore In this built for fe » 6% hed "Hyman Real Estate. rane wa PONTIAC Parisienne station wager seri liner, A, conaion, to the. peace conlurenon ute a lifeti 5 H «Mager sapere a atic, power a ane , Aaking $35,000. Terms CALL 728-5123 | focc won . tent Oster Soopsng converters] 1960 VOLKSWAGENS (2)]low micere: He oustne Baste estate| crsere casera 8 Frigidaire, 9 ev, Wamember of the Rowell-Sirois 6% im yoo om" | We specialize in $1000 DOWN = Full price with garage. Asking price $9.800, withis Goth reliable a We We FORD, Two "o0or, Va, white walls, veed four sonia ailll under warranty. ene ud Hood -- t ce mec} -- Ful early Owner anx! '| with en eve to pocket: 1. Telephone 725-2658 y . provincial relations, He ; Resale Homes | only $9300---S room house : Hatt for Sauk bee ee bak, cud Minor, condiifon; | nee ~~~ also chairman of both the Ca- 70 Acres with born; 7 room | --- immaculate condition --- | F N. B | a7 198s Chevrole jeden: good running order, ONE tleor model "vacuum, one hand F ; International home, Price $6,500. Only | LIST WITH LLOYD | carries for $75.00 monthly ve ew Sungalows ae Telephone 728-6338, vacuum, end floor po poner, Ak Esl a --o bod Institute of $1,500 down. | THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | Print. und laters This Now Being Built [deter nen. everese' conaition, "exnare! 1960 FORD Wie OCOAMORTLE "Won a ig ee Eo property has to be seen to be Jalstence trem downtown, close to scheolt.| Two-door, finished im Sea ay wnite, AppIY 164 Blitot Street. ¢ Fm cartlage aetna Tht eanvartn PECHtIC Relations, lth ee er LLOYD REALT Y appreciated. Phone NOW to Off Stevenson Road Taxes only $190, Asking only $11,000 with Mist Green, equi i: with auto bed" Used three monthe, g30| Offered knighthood by Lloyd from Oshawa. Price $6,500, 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale ree oy wy : reasonable = down payment, Contact 43 CHEVROLET impale two-door hard. see this property, George Koornneet, 723-2859, Joseph Bosco} utomotic eg -- top, too fully, oulnped, Hs best offer. Tele. Phone 728-2328, George, his reply was charactere Terme, (OSHAWA) LTD._ SIMCOE ST. N.--Commercial Compare the Value! Realtor, 726-7377 dio, six cylinder, GOAT, 14 ft. fibergisas, a8 hp Scottlistic: "What would I do with a ~ << -- $$ aes | ~ . . merci | hits | With attached garage. Only be beaten, Clay brick, stone | FWoactHREE bedraon" hove, onder 705179. Apply 208 Lupin Orive, 'Whitty, _ Bond. Only $3,000. down | kitchen and good-size living ony precision-built kitchen [state lowest cash price, ell details, In very low muiloape, Fully equipped, Best |*" 289.0895, 'tawa Valley in 1866 and went sic) plana, ar high, geod condition, sonable offer will be bs eccegn wae cnavROLaT ws Totomaile @ evlinder,| Mere slectric start, with feller and knighthood? I sweep my ows. 100 Acre Highwoy Form Zoned--5 room bungalow This price of $13,500 con't |28--Real Estate Wanted low mileage, Fully equipped, Telephone] Oxtras, $800 oF best offer for quick *'*!snow and mind my own fur with nice stone house, all ITH PETERS { inace,." modem conveniences. Born, | KE 1} years old, large modern fronts. Extras inchide: mohog- | s9000, Whitby - Oshewe = 'Alex areen 1959 FORD iad PONTIAC automate eylinger, |" miles feraiiare oe aeei) Mr, Dafoe was born in the Ot . ath is } ' ! ! offers, Hugh Smith, Route 3, ' ; offer, 723-7970. T 728-7328 om--4 pe, bath, This is a cupboards, double stoinless [}Pect_#! Black, two-door, equipped ta * As Aas tek, ee 6k Bs REALTOR 728 choice business location that stee! sinks, built-in ranges, | OOree®: with automatic transmission, | 1% quavaccar" Pick up truck, Tails years old, 825. Whitey 30h to school in Arnprior, Ont, He . : Vv condith ----- work monviiie, House ond born 103 King Street East will improve in volue. Ideal coloured bathroom. fixtures 29---Automobiles For Sale whitewoll tires, radio. A real [74 ephone 728-5179 ee TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du Itae Sdectreal Sine or ioe a 2 ie" nen. GAS ie some one operating a with ceramic tile. You're ine iis BODSE, E50 wgal Wika honey for. the money "Four | caters: chequewriters, comptometers, | Ne e ge . | Wal" CHEVROLET impala, twe ' , pala, two" $2,500. down MADISON AVENUE --~ Spec business from' o home, Pric- vited to inspect one of these chanically end body pertect, best Ps |hardwop. automatic, ¢ cylinder, new white Soe. hundred Gey ond vba, oe yl 17 ie lice fcia. wik and tous 3 bedroom brick bunge- ed ot $15,800 with a low homes today. Call Bill Millar | Telenmone #sz-4a10 1959 CHEVROLET [Yoenar In perfect condition, After 7 Calllment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. house ond bern Toh fow, large kitchen, 2 rooms | down payment ot 725-1186, W. T. Lomson 196 INTERNATIONAL ton pldvup, An " TINT mene AMPLIFIER 4 walt cutpul) Ibinch 33--Market Basket doe an » bosement, lot 64 x 130 is aie Real Estate Ltd jcondition, new paint, 4apeed transmis. BEL AIR |i85 STUDEBAKER Champion, CUSTOM! ninxial Satellite speakers, microphone ~ionensenamenesinensoetinaiennsiial Woy. Price . ond 723-2265---Open 9 to 9, sion, full veer Heence, $225, or offer.) Four-door, radio, wheel discs, [fadlo. overdrive, rebuilt motor, good TOP! " r con: ' with shade tree ond e a ° 35 . 0, pt dis i also suitable for public address. system. | A RM R S $3,000. down bi 0 bn te ' Sa vs 9 to 5 --_ = ae $68-S071 | two-tone point, licence |e $45. Telephone Whitby 669-286./p, 720-3482 F E 2s ' | Pw 3 eae 7 . |WEFOLOSMOBILE Haratop, mechanical 5 Acre orn with over 2100 | Johrnon 726-2548 Re, ting Fasten | Bo tone 00 cee nt |" SPOT CASH | SARS, Sonmel coe TET SERS | AA beer feet river frontage. House Bick tine aes ideo! Margaret Holl 723. talonee postu re ond bush, | , Serene | tires, $225, -_WhItoy 668-50 668-5071 stelied and guaranteed by experts with! end born. Asking $19,500 raged sadian hes 'e room | Steve Macko 7 Cee ane ean waren ben ns PAID FOR | |3M2 PONTIAC, Canrention, fourdoory Val 10 years experience $80. Trio Telelvision.| pi daagag _ " ; va D ¢ to woy ond | Jautomatic, power steer radio, white! eephone & eae Terms tel. 9 bedrooms, ' Por me Bec ° Lindsey. $6,000" tor quick Good clean cars, Trade up | 1959 METEOR jwaits, discs, two tone, ey excellent com ENIOY Summer camping with il Buildin Sup) 100 Acre form with house hen, @ good location, Charlie Chaytor 723 sole, easy terms r down, Liens paid off | White, two-door, @ stondord tition, $2995. cash Telephone 725-0548, |sieeping bags, ground sheets, lanterns.| SIMCOE ST id 7 ne ern. 2 streams. Price 1 erington 623+ Ken Morris ste DODD MOTOR SALES | model with @ below-standard --i¥40 VOLKSWAGEN, facie, white" walls,| stoves, picnic lugs, coolers. Best prices in} : | | --_! 37000 Terres 3 } (Bowmanville) 100 Acres, 6 room brick 314 PARK RD. SOUTH price jin excellent Condition, Telephone 728-9095) town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bong wy Friday ] $60 Kina &. W. house all tile floors, bath end 3D, SOU |i955 CHEVROLET, conch, eutomatig © ROSS RIFLE onthe 8 P.M. } Acre form with born TRI-PLEX neoriy new 0 King ne il furnace, bonk bern 40 x | 723-942) cylinder, A:1 condition, inside, outside WANTED ho. de 8,000 Chrsitme trees. pletely self-contained in ex- Free -- 80, of level lond. Schoo! on wiv TOY) ee 1959 CHEVROLET [New paint. $495 Accept trade, 7h2a8) __ Telephon Oshawa ms | Watch Millwork | Asking $16,000. Terms cellent location, Low di . farm, owner will exchonge KELLY DISNEY | BISCAYNE WS METEOR Niagara, twolone bive eng SENERAL Eleciric, a). inch Yelevision,| , ment in. Thursday's Times for bas nner on @ good in Oshewe, USED CARS LTD white, six cylinder, Resson for Selling, \vitravision Roger's Majestic, vitramatic.) © Specials : S708. Fourdoor, «@ sharp green Jowner's death, $950 oF make offer, Tele-|fadio and record » player, Telephone 72%) Frach Vo F oiry x 71 R 25 . 0 fo aes es getobles, Fruit, a Nb pr deh El ; : Asking $21,000 for the forn 1200 Dundes Street 723-1121 1% Acres on Liberty Street Cars bought and sold der engine with stondard - |drive, tour. perrel Seorburetor. © ~ iss = - *! and Cut Flowers: : i . jturquolse interior, 23,000 miles, Padio, 20 electric, iso trailer, Diet after ¢ heats quote, As ¢ going concer re reautifull res, 8 room brick, 2 | $7,500, Small down pay- | Alwoys Top Quality terms to sult your budge ~T) tor larger cer, Must sell, lephone 728-3925. a ' Excellent buy' ot only $19,- i H i jtrede Enniskillen. Asking 00 iia SAN PORTUNITY-- " . A i ' Pa with $1,500, down sige gg ghd 00% : CAR AND TRUCK Just listed. This testefully | . j ing ead piece worn once. Dial 728-aees, |" $18,000. Terms. eerie ne = excellent ore for the sports . 'All Makes and Models) Drushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt maj Butch". Telephone 72-2619 | pe North General Motors forces selling e Va % Lindsay on No. 7 Highwoy = pi ail savanna KEN MORGAN | Bramley Motor Sales SIMPLICITY, washer, w wringer Wee, $25 edout 30 a.m. Important Sov sin" 728-4408 after six p.m x 72 bom. Owner onxious to | FOUR-DOOR JACK MORGAN New ond Used Core Brick buncelow im 723-4675 Whitby 6685 Ln ae day in "Home Fucnaninge® te : Autor : 1649 | with oil, cluminum storms West oree has 3 lovely bed. Situoted just 5 miles east of good cot, must sell, Will toke Silas Ralidinan A-l. on 5207 face color with matching Interior, [phone 722725 | 4263 | Home Baking, Borbecued i i equipped. Mechanically _Pertect, to a saer, i Bowmanville, nice frame Liens paid off transmission, Licence BS8099, | 6s8-s98S, | jwhitewalle, discs. $2100 or best offer,| Pm, Port Perry, 9857113. WANDSAW, lost on Sirect between Gale Onty $16,000. dowr k ed. Coll Joe Craw [Days TALI, evenings 7255125, |TERY, FIBREGLASS Goat, excellent Tor f* Shopping Centre, Adelaide Avenues i PAYMENT | 728-0558, S Gown, site 1S, Paris Yashion, S10 REWARD. Lost in Oshawa, ' = decorated 6 room bungolow | 200 ° c j p » Windshield washers, ey Me 97 Acre Highway Form tb hn comaiele vn. fwankoes, 'otal tone hoe aod coe PEDWELL RENTALS j $273, Terms to suit your bud- [tomatic transmission, excellent condition,| VACUUM cleaner FepaIn' all rakes [LOST -- Blue bodgle en Setoreey, Vie. mon, Priced ot $16,500. Broker ALL 625-6553 Service Stotion, ex- . ays with frontage of 112 rods, 1957 MERCURY LEN BURTON Mercury, Meteor, Comet GOAL formate in weaT WAVE, tour burner range with with good condition, forced oir SPLIT LEVEL HOME in North | Pesala tee Spe. . pes Z j i contracted in my come Ly seven en ee John M. Sondy Omemee 5589 { ond screens. Coll 728-7328. | rooms ond lorger thon ever- | best offer Li . ed ALL MAKES OF CARS _ |Strett_West:_Whitoy. 668-2913 jatter this date, without? | imit consent | | Sevaain Laceted 3 wiles from ' WHITBY -- 668-589) Famous Chevrolet six cylin. [ii METEOR Niagara aeaeny VEL "over WFC FOOT plywood boat, 35 hp Evinrude Fresh Killed' Capons, Plente j sn i is © | ieee Tia |BOAT With cutboard motor, 15 hp John: Deity Form, 950 ibs acre lot with 26 peor : 5 -- LINDSAY AREA fase oad ben Aaies Gay | Trade un or down | This cor con be purchosed on PONTIAC standard, two Goer, black, 134--Lost t and Found an ste home ond 2. bams, ment | i 14 Acres with ha - " Pidgeon River on property : TILDEN NO DOWN 1957 VOLKSWAGEN. good cond inen. Wi Wilt wire Must ca by Friday, August § |eave Quy 30 Telephone Tasaea Tue del ge laminated % length coat, Ti To hy oe is redo with reer aeat/'os® dbricaded, pesu de sole, also match- 2208 mew house, good born. Pr get. SS. Wil finance. Telephone Alex! Free: estimates. Parts, attachments, (ty Of Hibbert Street, Somes fo r i chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum mentee -- bdisck wallet, maT t f : Ask for See Jack Lees at ice, Call anytime, 778-59). cintty of Smith Transport, ¢ cellent building. Poor heolth : 5.00,. principal 141 acres, 3. miles eost of Newcastle, Phone 3856 14 Albert St | Lata, ecreoges, trout streams. } 5253 ? room home ond longe 45 FARMERS FARM Pod . . ue bt coe 130 ACRES $18,950 | HARDTOP 1271 Simcoe N.. Oshawa wiring, "$8.. 'Goad "concltion, Tetephone| WISE Homemakers find bargains ' | vat dio, T ' -- WALNUT dining room sulle, six chairs, | -- : FO his Is © HARRY DONALD GENERAL REPAIRS Table, china he Apply 0 Dundas|! WILL not be reseni W ter ony Ga age dining room. Living room | produc PARTS AND SERVICE Seca Wie Oak eS ST. worn leny written phe "RICE LAKE COTTAGE" _ pos fear fo ceiling stone | Sve form, 110 ores work: | PHONE 668-4908 | 300 oundon Sweet Eos RTA ESE fete it set tenant, Col ang ae of water; | Atter 6 Whitby 668-3304 STATHAM WEAT WAVE tou ON Ee See COUNTY OF ONTARIO posture. Plenty " 4 2 desi ' Five bedroom brick house Oniy minutes from Oshawe, 5 lorge finished rooms on beaut KR home. ih a eee Gaad ati. coe ae istics _ Ritson Rood ond Kt |GRADE Pend 10 books. green gym sul,| ful lendscoped loke front jot, boot house, mew dock, excellent ' H kitchen with running | 723-4733 ond 723. 2 sav All reasonadie, Call Whithy ewireening and fishing. Immediote possession. As low os $).500 gorege. woter; furnoce, no bothroom; =| dr otteched eo down -- See this now Owner will carry on one mort good bonk bern with stanch- | v VOLVO a al =< sg gg Perse ae fans, poaeasily denis cam | SALES ond SERVICE [pins 2 cottage lots ot "BB" Beach -- cleared ond ready to build : a to Toronto; A special hatch- JAKE & BILL'S |30 WP Johnson electric outboard motor, 3' x 200 ot only $600.00 each. Easy terms. MMEDIATE POSSESSION on inG €99. contract oveilable i GARAGE controls, completely overhauled. Dial! » amen tbe down 623.5993, 2 storey brick home on Mas- Asking $7,000. cash < GENERAL REPAIR ond ~ EXCLUSIVE AGENT eae se payment with one Span mor | EARAN(C E AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE inna nowy ty ule waa couNTYer LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD.| 22%.2°%,:300°" "= JOHN M: BAIRD ¢ eo eRe ee oe Se «TENDER ' . gE $ ALL CASH $ frome For Contract 5-63 5 ' INDUSTRIAL LOT 1 ; Real Estate Broker |a SINGER Automatic zig" deg slight _ & KING ST, EAST ; eS DIAL . 728-4678 A jo Sa Ca Aa a 6 és For Cleon cors-we deal up er [U8td. Makes fancy cerions, monograms, j | 500 ter quick anh TELEPHONE | down, Liens paid off. Mane povmens So" month rh) =) See ee hago (ory CARL OLSEN | SUPERMARKET. tk NoRTH Markham 294-1431 1957 AND OLDER CARS | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. [#122 srowdine 'wood cebinet."Denier| £0. %5, '5 convents, will be rex UV with ex ent tumover, Write Box $25 re All Cars Must Be Cleared | eae ae on See eee) dey, Auouat 1h, Teds. ter 5 | Selling oi! equipment ond i 668-8001 ~ 668-810] [apr location ony 'eet day ugust 13, Bie for sips 2S 1133 | Sees wmtege won | LLOYD REALTY | GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ne tr r rful ork ; sell and ex rn ot rn AINSLEY PROPERTY--An .exceptionc! bungolow becutifully Wonde 4906 teh ks et mat WITH LLOYD a. TED CAMPIN oe oe See ee Sheet, cistonce of approx situated on @ lerge, gently sloping Ipt locoted in Oshowo s finest | only $16,900. full oreo of better homes. This fine home is well plonned with lorge 9 ROOM BRICK 3 te | MOTORS South ond 3 Bond Street East. 723-1671.| The cor 0.5 -- - 18 x 24 L-shaped fiving ro th fire nd picture windo ee eS oe } AN SPACE heater, Teco, large sue win, The contract includes groding, oe .s orn we ly home between Park Rood | SUBURBAN LIVING 1957 Chevrolet Station Wagon . . $695 Diower, NO gaiion tank with gauge, por| gronulor base, curbs and gut= ie ati Pe ie i } and Oshowe Shonping Centre $'1 900 ond two big bedroom: rec firep} nlace net 190 i > FA i | j 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA chased new las r. Original price $179.) ter: s wwe Shopping Centre, | yea ipinal pri ters. "sidewalks, 'structure, wolkout entrance to unique secluded patic arrangement. Attoch- | ost a tonne oe 009 Three bedroom bungolow 1957 Ford Custom, 6 cylinder wey $595 e & Uust East of Wilson Rood) [Selling for. $125 or dest offer. Excellent cater mm Condition. €? Sone Street West, Telephone) STEEN diversion, culverta, pave. | _723.4494 Res. 725.5574 " ae > ing ond draine e@¢ gorage, poved drive with stone walk. Asking $21,500.00. Cail diate Domession walk out basement. Delicious ator 4 pm. 728-3617 9 2 age. Be chemton at 723-1133, evennen 725-9505 mediate posses | Ve wee as ea tee | wor Ford Fairlane, 8 cylinder .. $695 M. B' a Tonder Forms, Plons end fur WOME AND INCE see pos Pelt Mg le Rew re "Te ther information may be ob LP MURRAY AVE--Spacinn ee tearoom bck bngsiow | HOME, AND INCOME in | Rize Sel Semaine" | 1957 Plymouth, four door $695 S| SESSA MOS a ss condition throughout, has o walkout besement. fenc- ccs cane MOR 728-106 28.000 Miles Ti to, HO 1-6364 : | undersigned on payment of aped with lovely view of the Icke Owner Tai pa we: eed woah | the sum of $5.00 which is not mew home ond is se 1g_this lovely hme Ser i ec Dsconen s Seances aa $11,900 FULL PRICE 1957 Dodge, 2 door ee Nels H land 'mon and ] pottery } inspect coll Wes. Elliott et 7? A 2 | 'owest or ony tender. not : -- ne ee -~ $1,500 DOWN utomatic, 6 cylinder ate tor the aummentic pattern) necessarily occepted. ay) renting inree b lit ; 7 of 852, Mes, j " S EAST--Just off Wits roo ivickh iewenlon | eae 1s. per month. bh Barge My wad avs 1957 Chrysler, 4 door, very clean $795 750 Donforth Avenue SALE hones Was ] R. E. Sims, P. Eng, front, three jorge brig }e ae bd ortgoge. See - Rig inghouse | County Engineer, this exclusive listing todev. rection room. Payments in 1956 Buick Super, 4 door $495 30--Automobiies Wanted om oat MO feet of 7 concen 'ence Court House, cluding toxes only $103.00 Sara WIM 45 pieces 7 as . LAKESHORE av Vreckers want inch _ plywood, Whitby, Ont, cor seg Horny Steams | ATU RESALE -- Space we | Per month. Coll Bil Johnston | 1956 Buick Special 2 door hardtop $395 | wreana. Mest orice pels am)2) 5,34, Staerte wa Alea for woh y eo : wane 5 28- | Sein eee | uo eau comma | 1956 Ford, 2 door, V-B -....... $450 [io cars WANTED --SPLSN ES =™S| COMING EVENTS" t thot inspect the fine Ginn: 9 - ey LIMITED Buying o New Cor? anywhere. We carry Restonic hove Ke singe | wre windows front po arg | 101 simcoe street Norms | 1956 Meteor, 4 door, V-8 ..... $575 -- bee Sell your used cor to "Ted" GE . dealer. canal ciueh of ache SEIN _ ta = " Anat ' | NOVEL BI the bolonce. Give us @ coil, oe ae caned let ie OSHAWA, ONTARIO 1956 Ford, 2 door, 6 cylinder . ... $425 he uae Cale oe Ring Stet Ean Van! NGO - bidaiess : : Car Dealer end "SAVE" Sy Telephone 3, ™ "} THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 OPEN EVENINGS | ci te chal wet ora | eee age: A door, 6 cylinder... $50 | reS Campin MOTORS [SseiaNURENT nem maren| "sesh Semen 299 KING STREET WEST 723-1133 j ses PR ppc ae tor METCALF 1955 Oldsmobile, 4 door eeeeseen $395 23-4494 Res. 725-5574 nes HB Gryer, almost }. 2 Gome $6, 12, $20 | : from) May be doubled or tripled 3 BEDROOM BRICK sun. | REALESTATE LIMITED | 1955 Pontiac, four door ....... $395 |3t--Automebile Repair Seen Ee sees $160 IN JACKPOTS SALGHOY Gk he tia ak ee . : = from 812; Selevisions from $25. Midtown Stealers GALOW on Fh - oe 40 King Street East 1955 Chevrolet Convertible sees $550 hg dg S GARAGE Peg ia on ee sig __Door Prize $15 H C A IFIED schools ond store. Large tiv. | Diol 728-4678 Pncn, G apne ond SERVICE STATION o ond Reody-Made | «S| OSHAWA JAYCEES BVON epoortonity, now open I /DRESSMAKING: Som, os on banmee 'io | SOLEvIEW HEIGHTS 1954 Chevrolet, SF 2-5 abi oe DRAPERIES | BINGO 5 coats, Greases, i ES ee oe of the newest aut | 1954 Monarch, 4 door ........ $195 PRODUCTS rite P.O. Sox St? * nen INES ST. WHiTey -- ; oo rons in c . d ri ; SS SS Sate | EAR ATRAS | 1953 Cheyster, New Yorker, Adoor $195 | 7MNS SWE | | Maw eee brics | TO-NIGHT teceted. Apcly 40 Dundes Street West, ooo... Wie oa | vote drive ond forge lot, Up. | emo! models to choose from, 1953 A . c ib] 25 rapery Fa rics se Sa epee Se Sen het tte og | St may eet see | 19 ustin Convertible ....... $25 |33--Avticles for Sele 2 TALE -- Reardon TV, Rue Buy seed ek ck an éeteery, George) 26PO7Ote entrance. pc. ond ot $13,195.00 with 1950 Ponti id i 100 tes Price per verd $1.98 | 20 a. in ee ee a ee ontiac, 4 door, real good . $ T.V. TOWERS NOW nc 7oe | ot S30 13180 leceoe , a-3u8 : "Ts We install dra; ks | 2-- $250 Jockpots Stee Gown poymnery home | colours no ove bef Dery trac ant a Spare priser WOMAN OF DIT Yor regulate houwe work oom just ip lg ae school 'eres page ree ; AUGUST SPECIAL at ec Nominal Fee i NUMBERS 54. 59 x ™ Sry and halt a week. Anply Box 3) Osh- the arket o , | 4 2 : ° ees egtesintle immediatly, 3 oot, Tone wane AP = ane ae pig | WHY RENT? NO TRADES PLEASE Be ee M. and t Eorly Bird Gome Pana Renee onane Fiend 10 books. Remsonebie, Gall) tion for you se. mie row | At The Low Pric installed $50 GAA UNiFOR bor ' . 0 se es Grey tie. Sm, GAY CARE -- goad Gay Siw Geer) GRIERS tore, for $11,695 pM] Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. Drapery RED BARN "st ' Ms i : : a a 3 : , a STR : cade but Shia Wi Gar ek Wik aoe oe we Res i ; | In Greenwood Heights ond 361 Gibbons St 728-8180 = cet CLOSING FOR | : Le = yh | icdng = gy M IT H S p CO RTS Repairs Soles Rental Dry Eoniks Shien BINGO Boom, Concen, Cor Tee STAFF . TRI-PLEX sn For your decorating needs HARMAN PARK Boot Trailers, "Tents Sr: r tur ; alld y ee PEPYS. sey _ - cones, slenderizing mochines Coll us today. ASSOCIAT iON _nclitnggeen HOLIDAYS 23-3121 solo Chrysler Sales and Service ad chicane tats. 723-7827 wosmer, Gryer, lot well jond oa oe one nen daily 9 « -: | Sone een = | 353 King Street West Sain 74 Celina Street, Oshawa | ST. JOHN'S HALL TT , ' FROM AUGUST 5 ' ' A Gumeing Seo Ove todoy. Oshawo -- Telephone 728-734] What's My Line? Commer Bloor ond Simoce ' WILDE TO AUGUST 12 [aces Recceck, Dick Yous, | oney EVENING TILL NINE : | Buying oF selling used fur 'Tasberies cen a FRIDAY, AUG. 2nd. RENTAL j Laue Meeiiat Tomy an i j 'ture ond anplionces, For [aint on anderson Sirect Whithy Lit Be 7-45 PM Roa intott. Jeon Diol 728-4d7R } r needs phone. jMr. Kuenen 0 ek sie vies FLETCHER'S -- | ere Broo, oye' Cones eg eye OPEN EVENINGS Its Coack Furetnare toe ee ee " heya MEAT MARKET GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Dick Joe 4 \Val ey Creek Furniture detries et Chomko's Farm all-day every! 20 Gomes $8 ond $10 1415 Dundes East | Ke k | me eee | 728-4401 or colt at the store [St Maem ont cen ar] S840 Jockom Whitby 668-3226 138 BROCK ST t_ wurrev | : -- ; 16% Bond W. Ie aan-eane i 'Shore-The-Weaith

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