Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 14

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SA AR ESS a NE SRE ERNSy Nagemamltanany agian g «mnt Sy 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Avguet 1, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 ' ss e - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17----Male Help Wanted 23--Wanted To Rent 25--Apartments BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY eon re cere = idk . | Bloor Now street Werte Shan" "toh us: two. or three-bedroom, cen = WE, PgR ang, Nelepnone Teaser, pons! DivouT #INURFOUX EXPERIENCED ble sieady employment {THREE-ROOM heated apartment, Re OF VEWEE, MALY, | : . Ur August 1 4, bh and toner "bain garage. Accountants [Building Trades Mortgages |2----Personal TAY FLORAL OFFERINGS Tire Service Marry |2iaect ty Avust 's Teleprone 720s0l4. ceri with one chil. welcome, AUBERT WOEMAR," Gartered eccounh CHIMNEYS 'bullt" sidewalke and tonne, PRIVATE and corporation monica to\lF YOU have a drinking problem, write) Stihl, WOODEN SRR x Guy bean ruage Ler four room uatumished epert| between 44 pm. 115 Mary Street, ent 323 King Street West, Oahawe, Tele/ano Brickwork, F, McCann, Brook! foun on. alt 'ypee of es a marigages, mrt mort-|Box 333, Whithy, or Me ee saan tieeuee . : Apely Meneaer rons pose oe baby. ont apetaioe TERRACE -- | Modern phode 723122), 155-2061. gages i Hg pur} > Hin, 65-3525, loom sb 6. DEV iAR "Accredited Pub ry daliding repaire, root eiteea. Gr Creighton, Drynan ee Mun \3-- ivestock ' a | he retrioaraters aera. Vv yyy A yg I hg Bulkding oY en - toch. (See heading "Barrister," i jak Pets & Liv | GOODYEAR Two oe hs ei iors ad one or Pied ioe Wont noes. September 1, 329 we King Sree! Week, Cenuen, 728 stoops Gordon May, T8201. ___|PIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sate roo i "phone ee Cane oe | SERVICE STORE [Sce'. Shite ac tees tee: CERHARG JANES OROOKE Charters cred "oe "a mene pine ot gperyg eek, cuveaaa vt " Mi en aie Gaaia Gk Gee . 1462 King E, 725-5512 lay SePreMsER 1 Octoder 1 lceemocien Gee me harcuaees %, Sul MS, Osh eo e new ielica nd ris! % A L * ks, or Accountant, Suite awa Shopping nick al NO/COLLIE PUPS, four weeks old, net oot Bae : , 'saan la kod Pe ag vitully "finished 3100 Ceptre, 725-9959. method, Ro dust ne, estimates a Street East, 723-7222 bred, male and female, $3, --. Stan's Sharpening Rental | + awa, vient Shenpine Centre, After 7/3118 monthly For further details NONTErTa Pete, MONTEITH, RIEHL, ond)?, Freee Services ee ._. Three full-time and --[p.m., nivs 723-1401 dally and 725-2570 ater & am. , Chartered D GERMAN Shepherd pun, tive part-time saan reom HE DIPLOMAT -- oan W.' 2.0890, Whithy MO 84131, jour specialty, new work PIANO, rent pipe and electronic organ Iitack and tan, 10 weeks old, registered, : . SALESMEN ert for th Hg ot ain no pee | pet Dollding. one and eg Pom Tele 3m Simcos Street North, le (i. Goncrete floors, flat Fooling tuning and repair, instruments appraised, After 4, telephone 623-5088, bretcagrs aes ¥ Pag ¥. 2 oe ~~ FRIEDLANDER 6937. 4. Hiddink Ajax 9421654 |BLAECK POODLE, registered shock ee ate ea 'age It pass! oe M4283 or Street, Apt, Eartere Accountants, Licensed we can Rit i» Qood) ; . wot > la LOOZIN vating F family pet, ten 3 okt, distemper " . i lift Sands im 'Rankruptey, 64 King Street/BVULLOO: iG and excave' ree | Declership to qualified op- ep gai ep alco sei perenne San, Teer! stimates. Call Taylor Bron 2 Hil Optometrist abot $185, Saaeee ns : pliconts, Also senior grade -- lerest Deh lexcellent references, mov to thay |*rigerator, Bo Avellable August SURE, CHTECR AN OR, Siar ee i a soc aa praca Pienee [COUR voor oi geting saaale od ow : students for temporary sum- feayire a house to vent, in good district,| Telephone. 725-39 gene! Accountants, King Girest ACKERMAN y Accounts at "downtown Dominion 73" p.m. dial 4202008 _ mer work, Fuller Brush Co, [dy September Ist, Will consider option to) ------- East, Oshawa, Ontarto, 725-1500, | jank or % Burk Street? Din) 725-4587. peceicneninnantiiain : ; Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 my. Please phone 725-7211, local 463, | THREE-BEDROOM WILSON ane" BURROWS. chartered. Exedvating =~ Looding AUTIFUL baby "budgies. "ready for ; Albert St, Oshowe Frida j Gecorated, near school and bos £e Oak) e j } Poi D HT itraining, teming ' . Wead any Rouns I. YY, {THREE or four bedroom house required /Avallable now Apply 374 Farewell Ave pag ie tne Pret | me ~ ~~, pay | ? | 'a nting and Decorat ing _., Broad, 114 Bigin Street Bas! 4ae woR.es RECORD 10 a.m, to 9 om. by Dunlop office employee, family of, Halmond Burrows, CA, 728-7334 nd TOp Sol AW FAINTING and F BARSINE. GERMAN SHEPHERDS, puppies quan) | FOR (NE canafest - . iced one ae tna, Betere § Bl coe Nery Gwe te ewe WGP ee hessenteig Seeuies Dump Truck J Jensen after § p. 3. ter horses, colts, registered. Cory J./ | Astountt o8 RECORDED TRUCK DRIVER de a Oy SU att and § coun eens tae, Complete DockKeeping service, 184 Bond] Reasonable Rotes EXPERT PAINTING and "decorating,|Ranch Kennels, champion bloodline | RAIN OVER A PERIOD . Ronen ----|erator, stove, private Splece bath, a4 Street West, 725-0097, Res, 723-7005 PHONE 623-5756 Al work guaranteed. Mhbitson and Sona, sted services, Ashburn, Brooklin, €85-4662,/ ff oF two YEARS al EXPERIENCED EDROOM house, Oshawa area, vate entrance, 725-1932, 200 St. Lawrence, Whitby 688-508. Save number, p ji¢ school, responsible family, eneeenerenaineeeann Auto Parts __ ~ BOWMANVILLE_ ----; SOUTER - | 2 NOAA ONLY, over 21 yeors, refer. references, by September I. Call betore CENTRAL, private entrance, furnished WALCO cong DODD & & SOU a ---Sportsman's Colum | RASE.08 WNCHEH WG # ences required. Good wages [5 p.m. 728-40 ie TR Pg erg ws shen mg SAVE AT FWESTERN PAINTING AND DECORATING lev sie ear bominis Store, ee '| with chonce of advancement. [ay Tarren 1, by Business woman, laundry taclities, parking. Adults, APDIY ERVICE CENTRE CONSTRUCTION. | . Sens TORS 11983 Gale outboard motors, 20 per cent 5% doy week. Apply in per ama central, Call after 7 pm. Apt. 1, 254 Athol Bast, ainting, Paperhanging, jeff Y's, Sa, 13's, 28's, 40's and O's. 'son : OSE ¢ SUCRE ry "Sea; Vises TGR Gk Ss For guoranteed Gyptex, Full Woll Murals | Phone 728-4512, |9--Summer Properties [tS----Susiness Opportunities RUTHERFORD WANTED: Foor uaturnl floor apartment, "newiy Gereteteas R r To All Makes i; provements, store and Spray P ting | F Sal Re t ment with private bath and hae Pinter entrance and bath. Aves now wostgarbe remodelling, expert workmon- | 107 BYRON ST. S, WHITBY, |5----Farmer's: Column BIE noc ald ns SR gs fe gto nag i FURNITURE wan Oenerel" Hossitel. neon cnr artereane_ 70-7? AICENSED MECHANICS ship, Free estimates, | DAYS 668 wee irew for sale, doe bale, |PIGEON LAKE er Bove -- ere, shes pois un' GC Y ea, nto bic fe gee Te CARGE bed-sitting 'Toom, | uaturnished, ~ . e hots ' c p27 a2 1S4 SIMC : - modern = kitchen, lectric ¥ 145 King West----728-160 Whitby 668- 44] 2 } | Newell s24 Mcinerney, Realtors, Bodcay. 27. ae i sé SIMCOE S : | EXECUTIVE air condit aners wesher and arya ort "EIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" ae - Eki need Wrest Sal BT jgeon and Minden, 738-2532. re SALE we Lunch counter near South j \y ate bath, to sult widow or business j PLASTERING ~ . ey C on Tire res theo wee PIGEON LAKE bots -- Fair Oaks Point Uni nicatied yeoeteh as Senkane a mane RV i pec, hermes te oe [treet Olal 722208 or apply NO Mary evenings after six, 72S oS jarea, near Bodcaygeon, 150°, $2,400 100', P nen 4 | ewe with we mown firm, | MODERN GRILL 3283 ACTIVE OR INACTIVE SERVICE STATION 1,800. Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors. reeds six t seven OOM THREE hones Hr Sele, pine mare, & ft bs Oo seven & iia cuales Ae 26--Rooms For & Rent NIGHTS 725.7426 Arthur Branston, after 9 pm. telepnone| Fall's Bay, 3 New Gnd repcirs, stucco, y} > availed "cement work, porging bose- hicken. ¥ Pvt Re ~ thresyeorela| seecareeen O0 MANN TRE hor wreferably two storey 2 Simeoe Street North! Mente, Remodalling. © Works Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey erry roan stallion, Telephone BOW\COTTAGES and tote on the - Black PARTNER ATT NDANT house with gorage, near high [TWO Airnishad rooms, two minutes trem C. McGibbon sob spn a Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home enville ¢ ' iRiver, 10 miles north of Uxbridge i school ond seperote school hospital, home comforts, Phone 728-0818, Bayar F. Bastedo, QC : monship guaranteed, Free | Made Pies ond Desserts n the es? prices pald| Pelephone Black River Securities, UL i Wri ONE room and Kitchen, suitable for cou snuck Vv MACKEY, "8A, Garriiiee estimates i WE DELIVER on crippled farm stock, Tele-/ 2-483! collec! for appointment i WANTED j 5 DAY WEEK rite Box 935 pie, aduits, Apply 141 Church Street, ; . ' = oan Sive ; ry ; ca |ROBCAYGEON -- Little Bod River, 200 } OSHAWA TIMES | THREE furnished rooms sult two girls or 345 SOL vont lot, $2,900. Newell and Mc e | --APPLY-- two gentlemen. Private bath end en or South, ee aetna Khe sren_ A. WOODS 728-3420 trance, Apply 275 Ritson Road funds tev. ms +. = ieee SAND. GRAVEL, : , CUSTOM WORK Ey ey. (Resltors, "Bobcaygeon ees For Small Garage SERVICE MANAGER 24--Houses For Rent CLEAN" toonahed--rooe Te eal hee GREER. Aneciae Rerriiars, 00 Oi Plumbing ond Heatin : Ts and Car Business j [NORTH OF ROSSLAND -- three Ded|Centraily located, Suit gentleman. Phone 3 ae STONE, FILL : Sa | DONE [aes See eam, cares, SHELL HANDY ANDY erity"wcutce good heme in' signifies meee MA ans avaliadie oF rep na remodeling, rae manne ams ANG RONALD hog bhi pe ie : ria Reasonac's ri WY oi a [Revs ee , beg Anply on lots Daf Small amount of capite! location, Avatiadle Se Ss $138. Reon mg 'rooms, oo igyaerwmr, sotaten' NG, BARTER [ity fmm Feeoai STS) CUTTING GRA a revded ONE STOP AUTO [te chen tiem iene cee gy 2 eer . . i - | : ~~ j Frey idicaaiietiiceaibiitantectiabinnie ' dsho District | CHARMING country house on small an Res r ALi FEU MAING "and heating suppies, TILIZER OM ROPS. BORCAYGRON -- Pigeon Lake, Sucka! vores sean | SERVICE CENTRE _ |!kt:_completety turnisned, ott heat, ac. FURNISHED bedroom, two Beda near 725 - 7] 19 lepd ? Hare a BH. Stark PRA FOR E jBay, Fine family 3 dedroom colfege,' | Cessible from Oshawa, Whitby, Alex, Seeeres end forth GM. 10 minutes dows Lad, Pi Heating y SN _ Inleety furnished on safe sand water srt WRITE BOX 839 j LTD jewitadie for adult family who desire com: |) Siris only Telephone Sim S Sy . ~ ~ jot three miles east of Bobcaygeon. Thr . jiewtable country tiving, $100. month. NY -- "Elgin Sireet Best, piece bath. gas range and living room OSHAWA TIMES ; | Telephone Toronto S37.s088 vrnished oom for gentleman, j s Cartage i *s ¥ R heater, Dot water tank, screened veran 520 K St Ww } neh 's comm re ug-Upholstery Service eh on eee r ; ing cw, RITSON ROAD SOUTH" -- Home, aix/Peeping privieges, close to "OSEPA © VICTOR BA, LLB. Ba ostewe Wany fa A yg GHESTERFIELDS reapholstered and PHONE 728- 3901 Ate a sen fers, BomcAygeen ond ! Female Help Wented -- | OSHAWA Iteoss 'connie preferred. kwallebie' een ORRIN nnd Souiine and Notary Public. Si muny equipped and insured, 728-068), restyled. Free estimates. See eur ANYTIME Minden rave EHONE _canvanser wa nree| oO} © S PLEASE i M2 Conant poh Nellable ROW./FURNISHED | two reomt, coe Nor * material for recovering. Daiion Up. SOTTAGH "Gat bask Lake Ol perienced. Salary plus commission NO PHONE CALL 5 = heyenoie.| po "ae "e Pitas 8 "AND 'RELLY, Barristers, So ; Dressmaking bolstering. 73 Charles Street, T3122 /7__ Ppaiters é Avguat 124 Sate beach. good phe FREI & for Mr, Jackson, | otha: Tag Ring Strvet E Ohad wees a oes mien | CO: STERFIELOS chin re SapaT rE . " Re hing. Alter 4.30 p.m. phone 725-230 ie "women for general ne | SEVER aah pew a oe = gehe oe ones " : ; : ioe wi ee old dette i be cathe te. ~ ROOM unturnian meer rT At Gr halfton pice Greer, A 3 Terence ' ir ° re = ag Shaders. Unhe nae af md 3a ene LAKE hear Bobcaygeon auired. £ 18-28 " 18--Male or Female r tment, Private bath | Baseman ap until you see Nels Hyland, BA. BCL. t3sant Mrs . Seat. Ce ; ee . mane 325.006 i Ce pRB a Bhasd eee 'Eee Help Wea le mow, Telephone 723-4788 Nanforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1: HO 144 ho sgn DAVED 4... Barriste ARRANGE "Row Wh Neve your chaster RENT-A-TRAILER "lier, Bobeaygean and Adinden 2 apont te today for in.) inted TWO-ROOM spariment, furnished. Parc FoNTIAc INN" -- "Rooms, single or Se Sizegt Soutm " felt sulle recovered while = vacation . W ACRE lakelront lols Beimont, 35 salient" ow. PO Box § Oshawa RASPBERRY pickers wanted. One mile|'NS space. Anply 18S Albert Street. Goudie, Television privileges. Free parte fenc a pao ane evergreens, aise No Gown payment. Up n Mitehes sunptied Suh Cae + ta ck Sale| WANTED -- girl or wornaen to look "pier | jnorthewest of Hampton, Dial 21a Avene eeae't ve re. Weekly oF nightly rates, 725-9033. Joskra F MANGAN "eS Ba ts oo" . ¢ ie and fencing Resson- pay For es timate e ne i re 38) No C VPP ec Owner's eersanal s2 " chiller cook meals while father / RASPBERRY plcken. eeunay sitting room, kitchen, refrigerator poe COMPLETELY fornished housskeapinn Ofc s. ' 3 wats, we er ted mae. Clee 108; ee PEED son. snveasnodtndnassirne Most Moving boot ond r 7EaST2? ka, 820 weekly and lve motheriess 4g) Highway and Thickson Road corner/Stove, Close to north GM, private en- one. Sul Rhine Sen wenataioee tig Street East, Oshawa - CRESTERFIELDS "rebuilt ere tro ru ~ home. Apply 33? Pine avenve or call term. Apply evenings Detween 9 pm, rence, $55 monthly, Apply above ec. lable for "one gentiemen, Cow TREIGHTON, BRYNAN AND Loam and Gravel * pew. WRY pay ; : cum oF kesavce "Dor ahora T mallee Pe has ' _ So 1M Bal rsd tral, Apply 237 Athol Street East. oale . Wr . ur s RES ONT west of Bodcaygeon, 10° lake frontag . WANTED -- woma -- 5 marcel" Washed Stone, Fill eca: Mearenes semen nage MONTY'S BA SERVICE perfect, sate, natural white send WANTED < welltessan: short order Goukien pene tor ee Small boy. One ATTRACTIVE Three > Foam apartment, CHURCH STREET, 176 One tare large room gg: ER ER Gs beatae le ca as Hage ae age 4 SIMCOE AT GRR Deach, nicely sheced Dy mature trees./ant pe dish washers. Apply NIG weicome, Three miles north of Bow. Sve and refrigerator, private entrance, Wh hwo Single Decs, wash basin, prk peor Street No : Exceveting, tots leveled Sistery Co. 10 Bond West. Dial 133 GI8s 250" depth, Nigh. dry, level' let. 'Private Campoetl, Genosha Hotel, mranvilie, 263148 Barking. Apply 162) Simcoe Street North. /Vete entrance Central, Quiet. Gentlemen Looders, Trucks for hire = 725-913) roadway, accessible yearround, hygro atl WOMAN to care Gor two Breechel wee] WANTED iM Trs46nt shana alban Mba. acnstnron G herprgn aly r . e aS Ot Hine. S400. Terma it Gesired, Newell ison >. maar werk Saas |FOURROOM "eoariment, COLBORNE Sireet East, WSs: Purine' BEATTY HAULAGE |Selesand Service : : snd Metneay "agate, Mnen "eng eg' ete es, Uae ag i Rg Rg Bg RF 725-2156 sap S GUN REPA R- 90 First Cioss -- Soe erea. Telephone 728404? ; | TAXI? DRIVERS [noon 7oeSeee, nae eno, ee - 10--Summer Properties RELIABLE woman, tor tour fe 3. FIVE © ROOM Unturnihed apariment,| trains ne USTOM GUN W 0 o Golde oe about August . Men or Women trree-piece_ oath, ance, / TT Instruction ; : 8 @ Golden Falcon Wanted \aren, while mother pi ig ond yar: laundry tection, paved er | FURNISHED RODS a ae » o nab el a ~ oo Ty, Gehawe T f y he Close ft hospital end North GM. BA. TLR. pee - a Redueing, refinis WANTED TO RENT: Two oF three bed A gust ephane 725. er and seehane Dah, Merit bot igs = me meking TRAVEL SOO cOMtage Ls August 2 % TP. Res. WOMAN to cere for Ria preaches! K | MERCURY TAXI er ee des Availoble in private reilding Se erview 'i sonable. Dia 3 bree > SiS ewo Live. im See Mes OSA Hadi iv home. = now 3 a ee ae ae , H 4 trother works, Weekends free, Te! agnene! 14 Albert Street 725-4771 PATRICIA AVENUE, fornishes Dasernent Coll betwee: 5 and 7 LEARN TO DRIVE ih TRAILER 1)--Articles For R Senin ae lg ee EO ie = -- fe E hang: j--Articles For Rent = es acai [piece bath 'Sotadie Ar Working, Couple Oshawa Driving School | WHITBY 668-24° > Del , Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses |cesver tor Guy work tor fesaey wreak. WANTED jer teachers. Diet vases 82 PARK RD. HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN a WG DAY or EVENING 'Su re ee Punch Bowls ferkwomrer a Cempumaniien cotton PHARMACIST ess bea eadhiale =| oa MAN, Barristera, Solicit > King Lote Models, Standerds i * AND YROLLOPE, Grier 15 ft. Standard Cottee Urns en Genk ie eae ee peesotingeke 27--Reel Estate for Sale 8. & Mom Automatics Duc! Controlled Lend Surveyora, 11) Elgin Street Gast. iver Teco Service naahar pe iy oe |TRREE-ROOM epartment yg te i) aa es 8 y iene Prone P2S-aa8 i i z a si : } second floor, du cuppoands, Parking. DOWN bduys pew f1ve-TOORR, HAWA AND WHITB ver. Candelabra OORKEEPING -- a For part time work would ise ly. Prefer work! , Pevropion Seve The sales tex, Cell Har pce: TM We ka. 72 CALL 728.009 Hg tno AND Fur SCHMANN. ne SUBWAY Sap ants Rental cond ~ ' Teleprane 7 siete Rin Segal Hyman Real Estate, 7208 MMA and other mortgage tones avalladle nd Sua . hoe Irgeant $s ais saves "bene c home : -- "ye tate idonsy To Uses nets ienyg Rear oe lagen TRAILER PARK arg tl ta Mic , yee Den ira 'Metente arene Consider retired p ©£SOM [nave a vest tor sale? Well there's uo TOULL Sind ust te hows bo EA pour keeping = R "1 : . c Alex | or married sre Detter ime t% sell & than now -- and family's needs among the many Usb ; : ; , wenccotisea a woma ene) ; 2 oe Sacer ia MORTGAGE MONEY |tvaRedie Reve AND SALES manteS = Cg ena Nee Servs me Sete wey a San hg teed he omen or uras. Statements prepared. BC § [| WAITRY TV aerial and tower service ' coil om, TV. A "masern conver Reply to wea a farreaching fast acting Classi. columns in the Classified section, Fer a Sonn We teonean, Cotes eres AVAILABLE [Dtar_ee-anee -------------------- Als Parts and Accessor Of Tes Ww. Suter, ae ~ ny "Ti a Sek AA, Thal TERIGE tetey to quictiy/ Menten Wmerrew ~~ Seen to Ceuine MRANTRED wepairs to al makes S'SO FO ccessories ' -- find your buyer today Tredes rv red : cane Wane : m S ata cacwimes vow Interest a Pet | DUNDAS EAST HOUSE Sara sces «=. BOX 982 ey a hoor tarvict. Her oe oluations Arranged | OSHAWA ELECTR ONICS Whitby 668-2866 colar vie has vate yas _Snowntae oboe ' OSHAWA TIMES OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS FOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY Geaner Guorenteed Ports ond Service - : : Tames nen Mnaed, turaten vacarmed. Fr Residential DAY OR EVENINGS 9--Summer Properties ansis e polish NEED EXTRA MONEY? EG ese mon 207 Room and Board Se) staves saarae ae City and District | MILFORD GORDANIER For Sale or Rent . gies 2 gar . P t = : -- a ; Summer Properties ee ae @earanteed. BH Tock » anol Vacant Land ; oar easly reed by showing gur/NEAR DUPLATE end bes Clean, quiet) fadvlous Chris pitts, Toys, tolhorme. Good meats. Lunches packed.) friends and ors. NO experience SN workers welcome, Gentlemen pre MeCeSETY Cer TING fol-opioned | ferred, dil 7 FIRING. cMteiopee Relps yor % ost ety oe ROOM Sanan, orders, Send no money. Write --- tor and Saar ee he Coristmas cercs on anprovel and -- =. Monarch Cara C MAT, Ham o> "oe 7e29' Members Onterio WAITRESSES" Srscessace Surrounding D s nai en SUMMERLAND osteitis rests STORSEE CAR, cating 6 ie FER WER Son We Ree ee | Gueronteed Sotist oO cad Fahing. Sommmnng end ger z Y Neo ' Nana tg Pic nit tig ene lag Be, ee) SECURITIES | p -- woe seer, | eka es Sean - aul Cieslor Prop WGEON LAKE -- Nagim Gack. Bacar binecu's : TAMBLYN'S spe ayo sean pes =, = "a ha ry ment 2 = : : i 51? Dean Ave 25-0500 B=. Sr mS mite one oo Tee » } >i t joesred. Very centrel. Apply 206 King] a ecemaocenenananenee = ; c . * East A. FOSKETT K FOSKt ONS TV TOWERS. mae Aes Ronting. Sheet Mete se Ae ' geen and Mingen. Metme post drive, r ; 3? -- Antenna Repair AVOUT We Re oe ee) OP m) ost bt MONEY expert | » ie ; ' ne a cottages om Rice Lake, sate ad < %, Dare : nest Line of Po on bia or tno smal ~~ We Sone, Tees paveret. Camenl fa hristm reps, Now- FFI E then MORTG AGE TRIO seer, Se SS weeny gen we beet] CAMPING EQUIPMENT | ees ee to fr - ond re!- OFFICE SPAC LOANS TELEVISION = recat "Ee "Shag Sarees) age tere cr momen | free, Secwthally Mustoted FOR RENT Romer meee, | V7) BOND ST, E. OSHAWA [Stesuertiee Seemann zac] Cem Some logue. comple on epprey- 67 KING STREET EAST} "HOME a 728. 678) oe covase either Soe wr a gine ore ov Jeandron Greeting Cord Co. MAIN FLOOR ' wee OVTTANT coffee aI Sreerewey sbiebcccuiattcaald ne ROD isan _-----_ == 2S -BOTOQE. Magers Rchen ant nam; O0Crd motors ---- omilt i Nrery GROWS Mrowgnewt, ai teat, ND S TA N ' S $35.00 per month. Privote Reaction em . pea rane "TV ] om re window. Dat water lank he (SPenien Ante Ring. Cal : ' ' Ge y tered, 4g pony srcmdeitaneggl ogy painting oboe : ortoages ond Ag OWERS burner Gece rate Croke eens! Shatpening and Rento's : Bill Millor ot 725-1786, W tiling, General repo SP. c 2 ' el Simlly or rehnement 223 King St. W., Osho T. Lomson Rele Estote, Lid -- t 4 r second mortgages: Economy and Deiuxe * rev Serene arranged. Newell ang Phone 723-3224 nrwite Ce -- Podcayyesr ~ e F SWARTZ ee SOLICITOR RID gird so ge * Brokers' Association For Oshawa oa: Aba aint caueanbunain phome Tris ot appearonce, ove 23 179308 =e Kino St East Priced te suit your budget F -- 12--Articles Wanted i Datta otto TERMS ARRANGE OR | RENT SHAW | Required for Hectine " 723-4697 Moder oded, 3-bed AUTO WRECKING CO. | Company. Selory plus _ OSHAWA TV | Sass S| oe | : SUPPLY LIMITED | = ua adam | ot oes mn For Interview Thursday | SS! = eo = | Hold Everything anbestcieasinn : : | Morning 9 om. to.12 : iad. F posses By ALICE BROOKS i fp eee 8 iu "Rkateanton | WANTED | axe eae Fed Weg SE | aE aes garth woe Soe Sn me ag Deine Diig | Phane-- Bart Rr Ik sat es reer 375 SIMCOE S. NEW OFFICES -- ee ) - LAKEHEAD PARK) "-"" Sas" are ae creas) 1" Medical Center iets Sims ta cama ON 1. TURNER tere sactindh cetutmgtnn Att designs about § x 644. _ eee oe ON NO EXPERIENCE be Shine 211 Simcoe St. S. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Bh ipa Rogge 723-2043 -- 723-2261 COHEN: Taming am. Chr tap LAKE or ind oe SS yee oT Se = Available July, 1963 (fr this pattern (mo Stamas. joungwellers, all smart women. 13--Business Opportunities 2°" Pee HPwwy. C : jplease) to Alice Brooks, care Of) macy to sew --------_--_--_---- waded : Con be finished to suit . [The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft! printed Pattern 4832: Waist LOW, LOW INVESTMENT | _ PER Eorly Tenants (Dept, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario EXPERIENCED residents add 1c sales tax. Prant Sus 232: 3238, 37s, 0, 40 GOOD RETURN SHIPPERS PHONE 725-5132 'pane PATTERN NUMBER. ards &.inch fabric. NEW ITEM_IN | TRUCK DRIVERS | SUITE moe Bigrest | Needlecraft (ng stamps, pteena) Sar tae pee ee -- man tone haw | OF MODERN ae cae nar ec eat |e Ontario _Tesidents add LABOURERS --__ AIR-CONDITIONED [aice! Pius over 300 ech ie-ea 5 inciaiectenmipitats siemdibiaiiiinioccas > = = mrmeciiotety desicn nS rt z LEN PULLAN - be ' GARY GALIN CLARE MECULLOUGH es We weave, be Thy quilt, ENGLISH TAILOR -- HOTEL | McCULLOUGH | S*vOe % Seeare ftree_pattern. Send 35 -- "3g , cl . | Ask for MRT. WHSON | ity Bom yb LUMBER CO TELEPHONE Want- Ads Don' t | Pages Fall-Winter Mees er hg 1270. SIMCOE NORTH Catelog, ready now! Over 309 | Friday _ August nd , 728-4688 i 723-3474 j Cosi-They Pay (gesien ideas, all sizes. Send Ste bon't Miles Qur De + pt dpe wah. bet eanane 0 Seliity of adee

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