Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jul 1963, p. 8

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THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This should be a day of great achievement, Be alert to advan. tages and opportunities whereby you can advance your goals, increase your prestige an aon erally improve the y your work, Partnershi sale are especially Seo FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, for the next two months, it would be advisable to make the very best use of your skills and talents since the aspects wall be fine for financial and occupa: highly gratified at the recogni: tion you receive by Oct, Other upward steps are indi: cated in January and March, This does not mean, of course, that. you won't face some ob- stacles, Everyone does, But with Leo's inherent gift of prac: ticality and courage, even in the face of adversity, these hurdles can be overcome. For instance, mid-October, early November, the latter half marked with heavy restrictions when it comes to finances, Be extra cautious during these pe- riods, therefore, and, above all things, avoid speculation and--- or extravagance, Where per- sonal relationships are con: cerned, your best periods for jromance will occur in August jan all-around good month for all Leoltes--as well as in early |September, next April and May Good periods for travel: Aw AB igust, next January, June and +7 |July, Domestic concerns should run smoothly for most of -the evi jiyear, but try to avoid friction im during the latter half of Sep- tember, the last week of Octo-| ame lher, early Novmber and next| \February, | A child born on this day will ANN LANDERS | There's Always a Risk With 2nd-Hand Model Dear Ano Landers: I've heard please yourself for a Then at lease one be satisfied Offended: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 29, 1969 Ya is this?" You were rude for not." " telling her before she asked, Confidential to Sorry, but you're mistaken at the top of your wish' ae vlephoning \s © iden: tity himself The woman Was tional gain and you may be it said that marrying a di- vorced man is like i 9 a second-hand car, You just buy somebody else's trouble, cussed this with several friends and have collected a fascinat- ing variety of opinions, I'd like to see your answer in the col. umn, Thank you,Ia Love In Doubt Dear In: many years of faithful service, Others are awful disappoint- ments because they were mis: wanted to make a quick sale, Is this true or not? I've dis But Some second-hand l,jears are bargains and can offer represented by someone who}; son because he can't see, or a not rude when she asked "Whol lame person because he can't walk, but when a hard-of-hear- ing person says he can't hear he is often accused of not per ing a'tention or using his han cap to gool off Why didn't you tell Marcella to check to learn whether there is a speech and hearing clinic in her city? If a hearing aid is not prescribed she could take a lip-reading course, You could have told her, too, to write to the Volta Bureau, 1597 35th Street, Washington 7, D.C, This is an information cen: tre which was founded by A): of December and April will be exander Graham Rell, whose wife Mabe! was stone deaf, I do hope you will print this for the benefit of all the Marcellas who are struggling with partial deafness, You owe them more than they got from your first reply.-Tampa Teacher Of The Deaf Dear Teacher; I appreciate your hauling me up short for what you considered a "cold and inadequate" reply, Your] letter is vastly better and more] useful than my answer, Confidential to Frassied |Nerves: Why don't you stop try: | jing to please. everybody 'and! It's always \wise to get a lit. tle hist Why is it on the market? Has it been in a seri- ous wreck and patched up to look as good as new? Or did the original owner unload it merely because she wanted a new model? Dear Ann Landers; You seem to know a lot about psychology, Will you please explain why! some people who are well alt financialiy go out of their way to give the impression that they are actually hard up? I can understand why people who are net very well-heeled might pretend to have some:} ere eee COTTAGE CHEESE ick, easy, thrifty dairy dishes pre vide new taste thrills, . . valuable health elements during hot summer days. Ideal Dairy Cott perfect taste treat and appetizers, For a tasty treat get Ideal Deiry Cottage Cheese . . . ask for it by name, Cheese is the n summer salads "AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR" ; ; / mee t ra Any whe, COHCACM ---- thing, but what about eee) other kooks? Our friends live in: a $50, 000 home, drive three cars, take) elegant trips and the whole | family dresses beautifully, Yet they are forever crying poor mouth They say such things as, | "We can't understand why the/ jSmiths Invited us--we aren't in) their league financially," The truth is they can buy and! eeetanane THEY'RE COMING ... .. ARE YOU ? ? "Business (aheohs Untineitad" jbe endowed with the talents re-isel] the Smiths 10 times over | } iquired to make a highly sue: {What makes people behave like jcessful entertainer or, if at 'this? Can't Figure 'Em itracted to the business world,| Dear Can't; The poor-mouth a would make an excellent exe- lers have a silly notion about : jeutive * land chrome have been added lsays autonomous jnot needed "One of the most critica: pro- iblems today is the lack of qual: litied instructors," he says jautonomous schools are estab. lished this would intensify the i problem "The only place practical ex- but no change has been made to/Perience can be obtained is at the chassis." ja hospital. The hospital always) must be responsible for ity pat. schools are It] _Thow opie of means are ex te WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES . jpect to behave, and they idon't feel equal to it, So they try to shake the label of 'wel! to do" to avoid living up to their manufactured image. Bragging in reverse is phony jand bootiess, Perhaps they'll see this and cut it out | Dear Ann Landers: Your ad jViee to Marcella, the 14-year-old igirl with the 3-per-cent hearing jloss was cold and inadequate be able ta advence, enjoy Time-seving courses. Modest chers from employers and former ADVANTAGES OF A BUSINESS CAREER: You will be needed, quolified Secretaries, Accountants, ete, You will be well-paid, for the same reason, You will ADVANTAGES OF OUR BUSINESS TRAINING: You wil! prepere for @ definite career goal. perienced tea: interested in your progress. Job placement FALL TERM -- SEPT. 3 @s there is @ @ of security, many fringe benefits tuition, Modem, @ir canditioned classrooms. Ex for graduates. Highest recommendations students. _No one ridicules a bli Miss Byam estimates that the seaeeemeneseeaneneneetanenmieieenentan lind per rr ee-Ve? , _jients, therefore students must! _ caren tN ear om ange sunervised by hospital stat, |the block of theory. instruction hours of theory to 4,500 hours "The hopital still would have/at the central schools to seven of service ' this cost and the -additiunal:months next year, It will be an ' jproblem of juggling supervirory|experiment to see if a longer WOULD cUuT COURSE jstaff to supervise and instructilecture program will allow } | The nurses' association would students coming to the hospita}iover-all reduction of -the train like the diploma course reduced from the proposed autonomous/ing period, I'm not at all con ite two years, providing 1,000) se hools.' jvineed the course can ba short $244 SIMCOE ST. N, hours of theory and 1,200 nours|) Mr, MeMillan. said hospitalsjened by extending the initial of supervised clinical traiming| would like to be able to close | lecture Reriod," in an educationally controlled|down nursing schools but they medium, It would be taken byjcannot see how the system of NATURAL GAS \ NATURAL GAS MERCHANDISE SALES TYPEWRITING course be eliminated Foreman, 1st prize, Sally Camp Director was Mrs { eS Goyne, 2nd and Sharon Karn Johnson, assisted by Mrs. E 4 WEEK CLASS FOR ADULTS & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS $rd, Counsellors in charge of MacGregor Sessions were: Justine Rose, --Oshawa _Times Photots -- BEGINS TUESDAY, AUG. 6 -- Those wishing additional ed Central schools for theoretical Wsiveraity weald-contions 'otier|agod "but. it's aiftiegit to. tes There are indications, how-jtion to set up central nursing Duff and Agatha Boitin: Kar. |@Xecutive director of the Sas and additional theory. YOU WILL LEARN: Sasa . fees ----_ ed eather gai IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW adic anges in Nurse eer + i + THREE STAR RATE REDUCTION + © + and service must be better bal- SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Shorgas Brings you a package deal ithe graduate unrse. 4* RENTAL WATER HEATER SUPERMARKET NO DOWN PAYMENT -- FIRST PAYMENT SEPTEMBER 1963 receiving their diploma. The! how even these would be able to *A lever, that not all the nurses'/schools in 1956, At the schools en Johnson, Sports and |Katchewan Hospital Association, "We hope to be able to extend | HOW TO SET-UP LETTERS after patients while attending anced. 52% SIMCOE ST. N. 728-7081 and Saves YOU $289.00 i caemesneeieneemnenell "There have also been great| 1.735 MONTH ALL 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH No Obligation For Further Information Call remainder--estimated at 75 per|be separated fram hospitals," ipropesals will be acceptable to/student nurses are given four Games, Carolyn Cooper, Rathenenea TABULATION hospiial~operated nursing "Since the auxiliary nurse strides in medical technology) OP e FORCED-AIR FURNACE : > YOUR CHOICE OF A SS FOR OPEN EVERY NIGHT THE Canadian School of Business dancing and drama were cen tered around it. Field Day prizes were won by Susan Mc- Quarrie, Karen Perry, Valerie Wood and Jane Ha per Prizes for the best pictures of the camp were won by Lynn THE OSHAWA YWCA had a very successful Day- Camp which ended on Thurs- day, July 25 with Parents' Night. One hundred and fifty six girls aged 8-12 were reg stered with 34 senior and Theme for Gypsies" and _musi ¢, Brewster, and dancing, Anne Marie Racz and Caro] Greene the and crafts, SASKATOON (CP) The) plemented by 1965 and it sent winds of change ate sweeping its proposals to the provincial 1g profession in Sas-|government and the :Saskatch- ewan Hospital Association for he Saskatchewan Registered approval Nurses' Association hasisTRESS THEORY launched a campaign for auto Nursing schools now are oper nomous nursing schools and @ ated by hospitals. Jean By: am, revised educational and train-/clinieal co-ordinator of the Sas ing program that would provide katoon City Hospital school of more leadership preparation nursing and president of th: "The graduate nurse now Saskatoon chapter of the pro-| ust be a team leader who/vincial nurses' association, said directs both the patient and the nursing schools should operate hospital aides in the complex similar to teacher colleges. Hazel B.: Keeler, director of in which students obtain edu the basic nursing curiculum is the school of nursing at the cation through labor, There's!the same today as in 1936, Fins University of Saskatchewan | "But in today's schools she! learns to be a worker, not aj leader, and often she is not) equipped to assume the jeader- pom demanded by hospita! rou- tine. Sometimes the work load carried by the student nurse is too great to allow her time to absorb the leadership training available." : The 4,000-member association approved the first stage of its campaign at its convention in Saskatoon, It agreed a revised training program should be im- YOUNG PEOPLE -- IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR HOLIDAYS...THEN PUT THE BALANCE OF YOUR SUMMER TO GOOD USE! ENROLL NOW FOR BUSINESS TRAINING AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE You con still take Typewriting - Business Machines - Bookeeping - Spelling - English Mathematics - Attend either 9:00 till 11:00 and take up te two subjects ~ Tuition 20.00 per month or attend 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and take up to five subjects ~ tuition 35.00 per month, One month of concentrated effort will pey you real dividends ~ Just dial 725-3375 for Complete details, Over one hundred enrolled now! would become regular hospital/of instructors prompted = the | J. D, MeMillan, general sup iThen they return to home hos. Morning and/or Afternoon Classes experience can be obtained change has been demanded in} (Piva 2 Het Outlets tn Basement? OR BEACH GAS RANGE New 3 Star Rate staff nurses Saskatchewan Hospital Associa. crafts, assisted by Helen Mc- /erintendent of City Hospital and| jpitals for practical experience But the percentage of theory the scope of work detailed ty) AND WE INSTALL A ONLY $2.90 WEEKLY -- PAYABLE ON YOUR GAS BILL CORNER OF CELINA AND ATHOL STS. cent of the total enrolment--/° Mr. McMillan said a shortage hospital authorities months of intensive theory Music, assisted by Cathleen BUSINESS FORMS schools. That's how practicai has entered the medical team a modern hospital routine," says} "This is the only profession|since the Second World War but (tneludes 3 Note, 2 Cold-Airs) AN THOR GAS DRYER J 'PLUS benefit by additional savings of 10.00 annually on the DAD TILL 10.00 P.M. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH OSHAWA, ONT.

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