Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jul 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT olescence: That iod in a Scattered thunderstorms today, a oe es a parents : : cooler and less humid. Sunny become more difficult, ; : with seasonable temperatures Tuesday. ~ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 29, 1963 ge fag he goa EIGHTEEN PAGES TEST-BAN, PEACE PACT REJECTED BY FRANCE AR Will Join ee m| France To Keep est-Ban Pact i o Sa Nuclear Program ident de Gaulle indicated to a posses their arsenal, if France press conference today that were barred from building its France would not sign. partial/own arsenal, then "France's in- Republic will join in the partial|what Israel plans to do with nuclear test-ban treaty agreed ~ dependenc © would be gone fore are that han' A reement in. the plutenium produced as a by in Moscow by the United States, /ever. Plutoniume can be em- Se | nne Bassi. 999 REVISES POSITION De Gaulle told nearly ed . sorters; speaking of the evolution of jFrench and Foreign reporter ussian polley, d6 Gaulle wok: Eighteen manths ago Nasser ' jthat France "will not be dejo Nasser told a student group/said if Israel began to make an eo verted. by the Moscow agree jpowiedaed thas votes ta esas n Alexandria Sunday night he/atomic bomb, the ge ---- ; Pd adn er ee pee ge ere supports Indian Prime Ministerjif necessary, attack the 'base s rt e means sur-) sas hic mig Senrita a for nations to/of aggression," able destruction possessed by| He spe ypes er bebe | cinkn and xn a test ban) Lord Hailsham, Britain's chief other powers." ee thin the S ¥ et Union econd> : ® negotiator at the successful Mos | He also rejected any Euro-| nic "difficulties 'in the eastern : Nasser also ce more cow nuclear talks, reported to ' pean non-aggression pact as pro- sat lites a th » beginning of a... cies lisarmament neg ons and|Prime Minister Macmillan on posed by the Soviet Union at the|S@teilites pe ih piers Bes HOMELESS VICTIMS trudge along road. Man giving one few belon t want destruction of nuclear! the. Moscow mission Moscow test-ban talks because pe tagalog e great Chi- the earthquake which. struck boy a piggy-back ride carries family saved Lord Hailsham was giv s there would "'never be a French SIR Skopje Y gosilavia, Friday an alarm. clock, apparently re} ' 7 an rael join Russian Premier Khrushchev's x . ageresion." The test-ban pact} He even said that. perhaps t i ease ajtatest thinking on key interna- . was initialled by the U.S,, Brit./'here is a "new spirit of sin. f sou tension in the Mid-)tional tepics following long per : ' ain and Russia last week liar 'coats se on ssa t oh oth a oe = j De Gaulle said France will| a he tok "at di e TO Our! sch +s, trying. to develop) leader a . call for a general conference On} acer i si reused to » die 4 r weapons The British science minister. 3 <r x % disarmament before the end of (0° ogica a erences etween pace EA who flew back from Moscow Sa. 3 . § . ; this Seay |E eking and Moscow. W th a bd 1 a the treaty. which turday, thinks the partial test-} E 3 q 2 . oe jirace. of cynicism, de Gaulle Te ud <e S Ambhascador Walworth Bar./088 treaty could mean a sub : WANTS STOCKS DESTROY ED a eon e ted. Friday to stantial change in. the tone of we : : He declared that France will le banner of ideology cove : wide' Shels the "cold wa and that this % : eSy ° jhalt its own nuclear program ers only ambitions It has been - shn Beith/!S 88 opportunity which should lonly if the U.S, and the Soviet/thus since the world was born BELGRADE (R t } apie 4 x ' not be missed |Union agree to destroy their cn Canadian embassy here I vs 1 a new city will! iit y i i é tate che : He was expected to tell Mac . nuclear stockpiles. ' ceived word that a it ae ves iba A , slick +h srnment's an. that his impression is ; He said the disarmament con B di Si ht d touring group from 7 : etn =e eth eae) wood al Khrushchev would welcome a ; ference should consider the de oda1es 1g e which was visiting eft entire st r popula. t arget f r ' ee - Q = summit conference at some . struction of stockpiles and the Rae ; would hea fed @ . i r Jerusalem " i : £ . the city before t Ly { \ id lifted nb i uspé ym . detruction of vehicles--such a shattered the ' » new city on a safer site dies neare ) vas be-/Said the cabine _---- hs ' Isham hopes eat ae missile and -- deliv n Téa ere ita 4 ff a be a ed aft , ved t i ' s ea ater ai t greement will be ering nuclear bomb. ass studies made, the far higher w ninist have studied Mrs.|the beginniig of a new East. * <N | This is in line with long eee Tie wroup. led by Boris A as a 'red iM essed to them that In-|West relationship in which the] ' jestablished French policy--that et Missing Sam, Were Olt of Macedonian or MAY REACH 1,500 socal ce Pah ra be oat : thel rad Cold Vat may be Deoight to aa) |France would resign from the; igin and were fron ( : "edt Ee Officials believed vo ngdd Pept abet peenaase volt . end by a series of further . jnuclear club only if the club it} BOMBAY (AP) -- An Indiatt "aa > Mlanclenien : Griickov : said death tolliays and fore i sts ress to join the test ban agreements F self is disbanded Air Force plane today sighted . r reach east 1.508 sin » be th " * tha rael } 7 q } q i % : r ) : : 1 dra! nto ond ba . - ae i aoe de ad beneath the ru f tho, Israel s bui ding a 24,000 ie Macmillan himself Saturda . 4 D Gaulle said that while the|five bodies floating in the Ara- The apokewman said We er i ccing in addition ta Rll rey Maced watt" thera reactor at Dt-ideserihed the agreement as: "a re Moscow test - ban agreemen: pian Sea arca where a United bassy received @ telephone mes Missing In ada 1 to SIL) pwy seven. US mona oe rt ' one great event in the. history of the : : might: be considered a gond) Arab Airlines jet disappeared sage rom si >. saying dale ast wa i adding: 'We hope other : thing as a Starting point, it's tll Sunday with 62 persons aboard, group e ae nd we eee : 3 lift into Batetied oo : ons will join us It ' : left the world in danger Hope vi y was abandoned safe bu 8 v e ees by < baa y a) 5 a ' ary means we can step out on the RRS RT : It has not lifted the atomic/for ; ' among the abouts we $ ker . ; sine tah my field | hospit , , + ~ warhead next stretch of the long road to HURT IN RACE jmenace which weighs on the crew of eight and the 54 pas. A group ¢ st - ay me i beds, 30 vel ' rhe eli governmen as peace with a new sense of pur jworld," he said. "None of the uding 23 Filipi dents, accompa by Prof ary ' it The mob , 1 assurance t the reactor pose nspiration signers has renonced the use jo. a ae Steal" 'Senahats fd uc "e oie ak aa ae sla bap annals r David Ormsby Gore. Brit Yeteran bicycle rider Dick place when the spill occur- of oe aie . boy nere were no Ca- hop's College, I shook the ruins | lid gy Bit gen ppc enlish r to the Uniteq, Cortright of Buffalo, New red. Here he has leg and arm th plier ie were & hente/nadians aboard. who were also feared not e fresh damage. The : V back home rk, fell on the last turn of abrasions treated by city beer chumeed in psn Sos ag The plane crashed nine miles "aba bodied Part ipod etl ther tremors were @ : ; bald the ambulance: attendant Greg 8 ; ¥jof fhe Indian coast as it was the ea ® now } en minor é n wonderful news," | a Shopping Centre race Brady, (See story Page rat CAN'T STOP NOW japproaching Bombay through reported --safy n. Salonike he Canadian Re | h al feeling in) Saurday nig He was in Oshawa Times Photo | "ne Gaulle said that France monsoon rains, President Nas- : which is just on the verge of/Ser's personal pilot was at the Greece, the spokesmar » Yugoslavia a list of hington now--in looking r He added "so far there is no" mans § : ) it s very hopeful." having its own complete nu-|Controls. Fishermen said they e " widtare that ans : vee? the earthqu . tain's largest ban-the-homb ( : clear arsenal, cannot halt its/heard the noise of plane engines tim of the aiiepien Pe ses a ae In Ward Hearin aimed a share of ampaign Started efforts now that sounded Uke an GxpMnEn pificg entific sig credit for the test ban accor The president said that France| It was feared the passengers : would propose methods for con.|Were belted into their seats in ; {trolling cosmic, aerial and sea/Preparation for landing when Oo a | y red V delivery systems involved in nu-/e plane hit the water. Price Not Over VOL. 92----NO. 177 10 Cents Per Copy Joana eras ais sic Re LONDON (CP) President) officials have privately ex ~ Nasser says the United Arab/pressed concern, however, over nuclear test ban ¢ tialled by the United States,/ product Britain and the Soviet Union./ployed in the manufacture of Israel is expected to take sim- atomic bombs liar achon treaty abinet met Sun 1 tor of he 25-mile { \ K i y D iv today, three days 3 Jane ne . . . : , ny ee Pp i 2 , ar cient Ma r + with t < , é ris Wa eador na ser at St a W SROPS men able to help in hea LONDON" ores "He has bad pakishaneat rfluence ther sum i to down Macm 4 jclear armament to the disarma-/ FIND TAIL SECTION ment cot eee te ASHINGTON (AP) -- Sta'eycurity can only be protectedimuenect eens intends to} Navy vessels resumed thelr Aitcarcutare We Avene anihrodeh: 3 tinuation of nu) 9 nh , |Search in torrential rains today Y . nd the arms race|,. @¢ did not seem too optimis-/for the main wreckage of the , Tighe t ; jdt "~"}tic about this, however. He/Comet ai rline officials . . f n here nuciear « . cal noted that the "sad conferencé" | caid the tail sectio ee a aig pe ee sai section and a num- : 1 old ; ¢ a ' Red China Claimed ' ary oe ams said Lo cing? de-/on disarmament in Geneva had! pe of ins ments were among uzosis e . ' . +4 + civ i befor t e Jj en reim-ipend on the attitude of the mili- been struggling with this ques-/debri nk ' i breathing avie nours & & te ++ } . eecars = t n ned &rvict lar " e int C fs f : ie > roe Pe ked hed by Indian paced WARN OF DISEASE , Massing Troops er Senate Houce of tes one the Joint chiefs ofition for months without suc-/minesweepers six miles off tomt " e é . ' i \ staf as far as Senate acticr! cess, Madh Isiand near Bombay "enaggeng < sumn Vou : , TOKYO (AP) i reports Representatives at s concerned 2 mae es : vi x n : ; a PEE : eal ce : De Gaulle noted that the Mo-| The five bodies were sighed a alaha hee : SERMON : an espe', Become effective, the cow agreement does not prevent off Madh. The navy sent out stitat ¥ kir , "e a wo lta bap eget he nt by 4 the three major nuclear powers' smal! boats to recover them. : Wa bce tae Gin duaseitr ar a ee "A two-thirds vote in the Senate. [--the U.S., Britain and the So- lane. pilot 5 ; ' 2 OSHAWA MEN b a Y rhes ; ion) m:- agreer ue : : nae _ saat oy vs age scious "S*| A year ago, a majority of the/ viet Union - from continuing the Pee enstines tuna, ae r , i : Ms de bea i peace ania ¢ : m "joint chiefs was opposed to the manufacture of these weapons line's senior pilot, was sched- LOST ON LAKE cutes A Fairbanks former ¥ mir Ind tary 6a are dilo a proposal! then for a banon all) "The agreement can be de-juled to stop at Bombay on its s : D> Profur viet navalirected not sing' bal cle i the Soviet Union to "SSS: , eluding "those under'nounced in three months. It/Tokyo-to-Cairo run. Airport of- Ostiaw . , " ntele " uve } nd thelother nes patie Mein hae. a pape ecte jeroun changes nothing in the terribe/ficials Ist radar contact with a hn Bee "ie Prox Britons ae pig ros : : S thie egguclemen nite ene Bie Senate Republican Leader: menace which the nuciar weap-|the. plane. shortly before its ie a ke © and the acai Sr me : : sag Drthiliaes i a © 8 : atte ie oa pat rett M. Dirksen urged the)ons of the two great powers scheduled landing toward 900. P sh CAF 3 : pasion ' en aed: WNCl a rvices committee, hold over the world. Under) The scouts were on their way th the foreign relations these conditions, the world situ-/to a jamboree in Athens, The i rey COmmiltees. ation has not been changed one plane also carried a party of =a oes seas =~ Municipal Loan Plan 23)2ta" "=f ee am seus Changed For Premiers:*.; Civil Rights Pickets mas [Share Loess] cela Sarees rere) Tareatened In States $1,000,000 q nat. m. tod Mea * * be 2 ta e ; i } mone spent : : en » = ae en r arrise "i tiat 3s NEW YORK (CP-AP)--Civil}said Saturday that up to 1,000,service as they sat, singing vty i " : ! roar = rights picketing was threatened pickets will demonstrate at thx loudly, on the steps of a white to bh tat KOY cy RELATIONS a kus Seeeace an vaies ; ment he cc Ganeernad neaztoday in New York, Philadel-/Philadelphia post office unles< Baptist church. They had gone maj oacessions " : ig ' , : phia and Newark, NJ. after alpost office officials agree to io the church to attend services $ r wy i a . Your su stionc * ma apeedtiegeaioen I tensions high-)meet him to discuss charges of/and found the doors locked. 800,000 a red te - : antou , ar wict to neg Pie Dirge toi daa ghied by mass arrest in two discrimination againt Negroes! a; To ec, Calif.. wi m t @ provinces, they also added CREDITS PEARSON aSsU Chat te nation's St ivireinia cit Postmaster Anthony J. Lamy- og acy eee aot ae $700,000 : "ey [ence after getting Prime Min-/Ctisectinet dae rir ane ine. Lesage gave mech of the a ed, Memes Tenders said Remeeed maker mee rer SEM: pickets Saturday, five tm sel URE he ne hes SEER SEK Ne A Stee Gimomat at the . and civil mghts leaders sa LNOW icketing was ex-/USihs Meaces Satareay, 21 Iranians Said ee relations = p tend & the table." Mr. Pear North Koreans Kill 'ney sonia continue picketing a!pected at a' high school ag Mornin jee osama ogee ed . i " <j . nbia's Wesiey : huge construction project in Ja-/struction site in Newark afie:/OPSTators were arrest ' $600,000 Dead In Sinking se ary i Late ser ivisers who Two U S Soldiers 7 Queens, until more Ne jeaders told a civil rights rally20usims development Sunday, ' : ° gies nt en ee. MRORRURES mee et are employed by trade that picketing is necessary until/ O72 te weekend total to 68. $500,000 » AS ; : ' . or ye einer On Une federai" Sy] I AP)--North Korean anion there is assurance "that our/'** contend the de- ' , : ad i : ) 0 leaders com-jwishes are met and negotiated! OOPmen high-priced homes es, Coming from practica and wounded another t r lait t white out-of-tewn-|in good faith." won't sell to Negroes $400,000 ? works e will was g é f all. delegates, appear uw mbush just south of 0 Ss were given preference over) At Danville; Va., police ar-- In 0c Fla, a shotgua i : i b> e ' vbe " i v ted % mu- den i ne about 20 Negroes in the construction jobs. reted 77 demonstrators--inciad-|b!ast shattered a window of the $300,000 a MEE a at _ Stand a ft C t que Usaaly re t . miles f th com-) The. leaders told a rally oljing five white persons--during home of Dr. LR Hampton Jr, ' : Al works u Was establishe an"" but in this case i announce more than 300 Negrocs andla march on the downtown busi-/Negro physician and integra- Madera Dy cr Aeynar . ' : George UN com-|white persons Sunday that they/ness district. They were changed/tion leader, No one was in- $200,000 es lib Awa aRrevs extra (0d ¥ Pleased ' ce «The hon : aid, y kesman the Reds expected to see thousands on/with violating a court injunction Jured : g , jobs are enia , . ed a nferer e ne f r h i : he picket lines at the Rochdak inst demonstrations and 2 h a Roman Catholie t ; : < - "las ni > ' . tack three partment construction site city ordiance banning parade: biracial up decided to take $100,000 . en ders ' B. Moore, president 0!/without permits the or ng Cathoie ' ' ' e < n vis 3% : ; é ade ip hapter of the About 75 miles away at Farm- delegations to n Negroes in @ ho federaf az in d' post ne n ational Association for the Ad-jville, 23 Negroes were arrested|civil rights march on Washing. a $50, D and some others may 3%: ivancement of Colored Peopile,|for interfering with a churchiton Aug.

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