Bi RI Ny Ee VISITORS BENT ON gaining from the Toronto area there cool water of the bay as oth- h Athl ______ Pelief from the oppressive heat were many automobiles bear- pod 'ren sae Ss awd e es and high humidity during the ing United States licence a picnic group, of which there A Bo ] | weekend thronged to Darling. plates, The picture at left were many; while at right a Buffalo tee WOT?r er rea iW ers } ton Provincial Park, on the shows a section of the beach Toronto youngster displays his Ow Pp e Roca | lakefront east of Oshawa, In area with children and adults beach ball, Wi T ts At addition to a large number availing themselves of the Oshawa Times Photos, ; In ie@$ ---------------- SeeEEaaRa aN The Oshawa athletes taking)ran it in his best time ever of part in the Oshawa Recreation/4.53. Wins Bicycle Contest pj. St Satine Gat Seve tfc ert Y Belleville She Oshawa Gres 22s A 26 ~ year - old Buffalo, New! Castilloux. from the Buffalo, In fifth place was Gerhard Lawn bowlers from 'the Osn. nd | ul York, steelworker won the sixth Cycling Club,' raced alone Sat-|Hirsch,( winner of this race in awa and Whitby clubs won)_ meee nen manners will e to Co -- ath ine o th annual 2% mile bicycle race at urday with no team members ae ae three of the four competitions - jbourg to compete in the even's)s raer; aroun the Oshawa Shepoing Centre inito help him. The Gaspe native 1959. 'The next five, in order: in the Eastern Ontario section| 2©cONO SECTION WONDAY, JULY 29, 1963 PAGE NINE forming part of the Highland'ton record time Saturday night says he keeps in shape in the/Pat De Colibus, Jan Schweit-/or the Provincial Lawn Bow) | : Games. program, 440 Yard Dash -- Carol Prest Ray Castilloux pedalied the 30 winter by speed nae. In hart, Tarchisio Lion, Brancoling -- playdowns Sat- ° e | e Last Wednesday Oshawa pened seconds); Sharon Turner} laps in 58 minutes, 46 secondssummer he rides about 150/Pocupec and Malcolm Aird urday at Belleville, The provin- N Inj In C H tT Osh T ed the highest number of points/ Rita Goldman, to break the old record set last miles a week Itatia won the team trophy, cial finals will be played in 0 unies ar ] ree awa eam at the first annual ORC Track/aTo r ear by 25 seconds. There were TRIRD PLACE WINNER seortiunied by Weteu Gad) Belleville next Saturday | i [ond Field Meet A hightie ofl" bh M mars s eo llowing Castloas and Wat and Aird (1) Jeck Huner and sam atee: Three Weekend 7, -.. | Wins Tro ihe meet was he jvenule bags"simiana, R Nerang The first place finish was Following Castilloux and Wat-|and Aird (10th), Trophies to the/arijan of Oshawa, won the ver 1es one mile ~ Ragprcised Pte Simiana, R Harding, 10 a +, son over the finish line were winner and winning team and aoubies event i _ | e High Jump -- Joey Simia worth $100 in the form of a & doubles event; while Gordon Ruto Cr } es Oshawa team. made a fine boys ran in 4.53 or better Cun tacks. Sunes Ray money voucher; Castilloux got Zelko Pocupec, three - time, vouchers to the first 10 were MacMi of Oshawa, won the Py h 3 : . . cous Shrek te : sagen be sae Pevensie " ae an Coy SHOWING in the mixed trebles) Joe Dearborn, 17 years old, of : an spd soul ig ray eg slavia and'Stuart Winney, a 22-\Sident of the Oshawa Shopping ~-- A -- Steam from Big a red pit, SH Eudnd "" jlawn bowling tournament Satur Oshawa, won it with his best/PEE WEE BOYS break "ear + Old Toronto rider who/Centre Merchant's Association whe Roig ant se es cae BOWMANVILLE (Stat) -- cat sae " Uxbridge ip the day & oe, ieee Leawn Bowl itwne ever of 439. Grant Os. is Broad Jump -- Lary 21N went 8 was t win a s ride: ; hal erry ing Clu ite t ot weath. iy " ; ick, WON IN 1958 .... 00... s... went to the Pan American John Obst, 28, was the only in its division Three accidents resulting IN €X- intersection of Brock road, the -- aon wo 4 pein Seige borne, 15 years old, of Oshawa, ae es Ss Castilioux won the first Shop-|Games in 1059, ___jlocal rider in the race. The 28 saiurgay's ¢ sre niay, tensive property damage but NO)ariver Low Paige, 14 Birch-|,.. a BANTAM BOYS ; ping Centre race back in 1958 i ot setiek Saturday's games were play: injuries were investigated bY ow teahavard. Yerete. @ ats for the McBride Trophy NTA} in his first year of racing . year-old GM chassis plant em- ed on a round-robin basis. Next] the Bowmanville Detachment Ol! the way io Tormete Generel eee ue: ; Lee tt = S._Meerenaid, recon teen 0 Pigeon Club ies eet tetas See cance! */e Oreo wetee Bupa" " NY SO an Cangas peste of QSAWA GILL iret sae P a is $ st's st ~ knock-out ition aa a . $ aia s year-old flash with only three tive try since racing in his na- The first accident occurred! Two passerbys in the car were "Me Oshawa club, skipped na| lard, B. Marchant, C. MoDen + on > > uy > oT " | i . a poocnggn face cb get me tive Germany 10 years ago. WINS SINGLES eee, tee hg 9 = injured and were taken to (@@™ in a trophy - winning maid, BR Locke. ax In the singles competition, WeChon Of Mignwa) ities Gullans Soused ,|effort, With Mrs, Clemence and/ ee $b yards bento' Cost > sondage ace pe y Gotdon MacMillan lost his/{25. It was a three-car colli,/Uxridge Cottage Hospital. PCr. "Fuintott he amassed a total! eae MIDGET BOYS 4.05 as. 45 45 45 yards bel astilioux Pe Swears In first game to a 'representative S10? Douglas Robertson, of the OPP, 'or 53 plus 3 to win. _ Javelin -- Doug Weeks 94° 6"; Watson won the Canadian 100 Tu af the Kingston club by a score, The driver of the first vehicle Whitby, investigated the acci:| In second place with three. HYANNIS PORT, Mass, (AP)/Chris Stones; Ivan Lyte, mile championship eight days In spite of the heat of Jast of 21 to 16. He then defeated the Was Milovan Markovich, 625 ident wins were Dr S J. Phillins President Kennedy gave a ago in Toronto. His second place Saturday the birds of the Gen- N p id t Stouffville club player by 21 to Cromwell avenue, Oshawa, The : : Mrs. S. Gibbs and S. Gibhs who YOUns Canadian admirer the « was worth $75. eral Racing Pigeon Club lost no ew resi en 9 and a player from Brock. Griver of the second car was BT HYDRO POLE had a score of 34 plus 4. The trill of her Me Sunday GM Du cate The third to 10th place finish- time in their race from Brant- ville by 21 to. 11. The Kingston Donald Maurice Prout, $1 High) A mgn and his wife, two prizes for high score with two} Arriving for 10 a.m, maas at) ational Champion of Yugo- ef a bad spill at the last cor The winning bird, which be. aunde Terry, an architect the Oshawa player won the com. ating the third vehicle was Al/a car which strack a hydre/R Mann and Mrs. C. White. of Catholic Church, Kennedy ers were bunched as the result ford to Oshawa LIMA (AP)}--Fernando Bel- plaver also lost one game and street, Bowmanville, and oper./sons and two daughters were in wins went to W. Preston, Mrs./St. Francis Xavier Reman} . mer on the last lap. longs to Len Kinsman, fle w politician, was sworn in as pres- notition by a margin of three bert M. Mcintyre, 21 Arden pole Saturday on Highway 401/Oshawa, who had a score af 49, /spotted Nancy Nicholls, 13, af Bridge Scores s the SS air miles in one hour ident of Pera Sunday, ending points crescent, Scarborough at the intersection of Harmony) prizes for high score with/@shawa in a wheel cha, He) : : Woes Dee Cortright, 33, of 224 58 minutes and won for its ws iy than a year of military' The Oshawa doubles team de. Police estimate damage to the 02d, Oshawa one win went to W Cooke, Mrs_/Save her a big smile, After the oo. and high scores Buffalo, was second coming into YT the club challenge tro. Oe _ feated Stayner in their first Markovich and Prout vehicles! The driver, William Frank|W. A. Dewland and W. A. Dew./services, he walked over and © OS we the tara for heme when he feu, he fer this race. He promptly called a SONSC came by 25 to 13 and con. at $300 each, and to the Me. Strike, 42, of TH Osborne street,jland, of Oshawa, whe had a shook her hand Bs ps co ene . wp several riders behind The following is the com- . yg : ---- tinued their winning ways by Iayre car at $125 Verdun, Que, his wife, Mil:/score of 38 "Pm a Canadian, but I'm a ridge ud last week were: . This let Castilloux away Plete result with the yards per/Sered Atuance for Mrogress, scores of 25 to 15 and 19 te 18 : jared, their son, William, 18 and Democrat," said Nancy, North and South -- Mr. and While Watson picked his way minute flown by each Ddird The Si-yearold Belaunde, de over Ottawa and Trenton, re. TWO-CAR CRASH daughter, Laura, 11, were taken to, has been changed by Her sister, Ruth, 16, who Sits, M. R. Clarke, 8 Mrs, By the maze. clocked ginning a six-year term as spectively A two-car collision of No. 2%0_ Oshawa General Hospital i eagees Tce with careless arin (@idn't. get to shake hands with a ane R, = As Cortwright was having his, Len. Kinsman, 1320.72; S./Peru's 68th. president, said he) yy Colts team from Whitby, Highway near the Gravel Pit/Swering from cuts and abra-| the president, said she tea is al? and arm abrasions cleaned Grant, 1319.58; J. Ke hoe,/was grateful for the Alliance for.) 2 sdb wdaheaspanedad fo BE : sions, After treatment they were "2 sel id ag ng ange Patterson, T% Mr. and Mrs, Ry leg ane which won the Zone honors was Road Sunday resulted in total valened hospital. Mau.| TRomas Urie, @9, alse af sy _ -- On aie Davis, 7. and bandaged, he told what hap- 1317.25 D. Bejkowsky, 1317.11; Progress but added it must 2G. oar Liord Sabine Frat damages of $475 d wnet: ca a vcnaes nee ---- Judge and Grant Edwards. The drivers of the the carst™" --s 5 a edel henretan' be ttn Mar ee Eon and Wert = A. T went to cut outside him 82; H. Topping, BS; J.) "Otherwise there will continue ae were Michael Cabe, 531 Roger were unhart | . on ' ' Siccae tka aelioek qiand P. Broersma, > Mir. op ecg daa yg gues Poy ayy Ag my Seer gta gee ea page street, Cohawa, and Harold Yel: TWO-CAR COLLSON era Genetal Hocnitel ana iaie;ibone ailment, told reperters| eS. J, Simmons, § Seat dew Tmt and prescott, 120685, H. Leims, which must be banished trom a/_ Tee WHAby rink composed of iowiees, RR 4 Enniskillen, | Two cars were invelved in altransferred to. Toronto Eas ¢jinat she reads everything es age pe igs ge In coming second in this race ner 1288 29; H. Topping, 1242.93; 'continent,' he 'said, Dick Adams, skip; Jack An. Damage to the Yellowlees We crash at the intersection of General Hospital with a SUs- the president she can lay her * 'th te h AS last year, Cortright 'recalled he A. Kellar, 116.78; D. Bejkow., He was especially critical of 894, vice: Harry Lott, second 9 was $400 and the Cube cariHighways 12 and 7, Saturday at/pended broken shoulder and rib/hands on, by Mr M a. . had trouble at the same corner Sky, 11.90; S. Grant, 1173.38; the requirement for making de-/and James Ross, led, lest its ©" jBrooklin, The driver of one car,/injuries, Two other passengers Her parents, Mr, and Mri usual at 2.13 am. when his pedal caught the A. Kellar, 1071.48 H_ Topping,|tailed studies before projects three games but with the && g259 DAMAGE Hames Quinn, 42, of 1 Hunterjwho were injured were EileenjAllan Nicholls, said they ground, 388.16 are approved for alliance aid. ception of the first : eatin street, Toronto, was unhurt, Quina, lower back injury, andjstopped here while on a vaca:) The game Aug, 2 a . St game ave OPP investigated a two-car while the other driver, Sylvia/Annie Brown, with cuts aa her/tion in the hope Nancy and Ruth/ Master Point . aight j& good account of itself, The crash on Highway 35 south of Gri, 4, of 911 Davenport read,|ieft arm might get te see Kennedy. 'are welcome. event was won by a strong rink the Taunton road Sunday night -- from Richmond Hill, which has 'hat resalted in $1350 damage So SAVORS been a power im this event for Te first car, driven by Wally) ; |SomMe Years. Agnes Kosa, 38 Hunter street,' | Im their first game the Whithy Toronto sustained $658 damage. players hae to grag te a by & The second car was operated by score al te 2 y were : . edged out by Richmond Ha ia Norman Harris Davis, 36 Ba. their second game br a 19 to 15, Cd avenue, Peterdoro, Damage score and lost to Relleville by a/ te the Davis vehicle was esti- scare of 21 te 2. imated at $70 County Juniors Win Field Day The Ontario County Juniors)St. John, Sunderland, RR 1: Farmers placed first, and won| 2nd, Ron King, Riackwater,! the Track and Field Trophy,/RR 1 F with 116 points, at the Quinte] High jump -- Ist, Joba Spea- _ District Junior Farmer Annualicer, Brookia, RR 1 > Field Day, bel recently at GIRLS' EVENTS |Peterboroagh. Peterborough and 75 yard dash -- Ist, Carel |Prince Rdward Counties tied for Greer, Brooklin; 2nd, Linda isecond place with $9 points. 'Gratam, Balsam The field day is an anmaal #4? yard relay -- 2nd, Ontario imtercounty sperts competition County [for the counties of Durham, Vic) Running broad jump -- Ist, * teria, Peterboreagh, Nerthem.Carei ureer, Brovklia ) berland, Prince Edward, Hast. Sack race -- 3nd, Gail Cottya, ings, Ontarin, and Lennex Ad-/Port Pery, RR 1 @ington Softball speed thew -- Ist, Ontario County placed as fot /Helen Roberts, Rrovklin; Irene lows im the vations events Watters, Stouffville, RR 2: 3rd, BOYS' EVENTS Ruby Dasty, Seagrave, RR 2 Softball cempetitien -- ist. High jemp -- Ist, Gall Cottya, jOntane Ceanty Pert wy, RR 1 Tac-oty-War -- Ist, Ontario The final event of the day County was the Square Dance compe. 200 yard dash --. Ist, Joba tition m which Ontario Connty Spencer, Rrooklin, RR 1; 2nd_jplaced second Larry Davidson, Blackwater, BR owas a very successful day | RR 2 with keen competition in. all -- ee g BUFFALO CYCLIST WINS CENTRE RACE 880 yard relay -- Ist, Gntario/events a PRESIDENT KENNEDY GREETS OSHAWA GIRL a . /Owanty. well represented for the mest) Batam, New York steri- win im the sixth anneal, 23- ers. Arthar Hebb, presiiemt 'Running bread jump -- 2nd./part A dance, held im the Me President Kennedy thrills wier Cherch Sunday morning, (contre with glasses) were i The gi worker Ray Castilloux an Mt Oshawa Shopping Cen of the Shopping Centre Mer John Hit, Claremont, RR 1 imorial Centre, Peterborongh,' visitors te Hyams as he Reay Nicel B_@ Spattea by the Presid 'aa ~. ® gu, cepts the first place topts re bicycle race. His tome of chants Association, present. 'Shet Patt -- Jrd. Ril Rarlew.was vey much enjeved, and shook hands with several or centre foreground) of Qsh. the wyar inte Charch and he 3 minutes, 4 seconds was od the trophy Blackwater brought the Gay's activities te a * - . Swtarday for his yecordtime goog for $135 in mmency vouch --Qshawa Tames Phowe | 880 yard race -- lst, Grantjhappy conclusion j While leaving St. Francis Xa- awa, and ber sister, Rava, shook Nancy's hand after sere