MAAK. . Day, . August 21, discusses with Finance Chairman Ter- ence V. Kelly the plans for BILL KURELO (RIGHT), Chairman of the Civic Audi- torium Committee for Target ing of the Already $750,000 has been col- lected, Civic Auditorium und Drive Grows Target Day, the day that the Fast reaching towards the| Spina a : millon dolla mar minium target of $1,000,000 the} Oshawa Civic Auditorium Build.| reached, ing Fund has gone over the|ust the 2ist, a Wedn $750,000 mark. Bill Kurelo, the "The past week has seen aj Director who so most pleasant trend in the rate organized the Parade which of collecting of contributions", started the Campaign, has al- enthused E. R. S, McLaughlin,| ready made plans w hich will en. the Chairman of the Civic Aud-/sure that Oshawa citizens will itorium Committee, He added be able to fully celebrate the that at he beginning. of the week) occasion with functions through- the total collected was $715,000, out the city to interest all from "The raising of $35,000. in one "nine to ninety", aid Mr, Kur- week is quite an accomplish. elo Oshawa's first Hootenanny ment and a definite indication will be featured on the prog. that there are many persons ramme and small businesses yet to be) Mr. Kurelo has added to his heard from," concluded Mr, Mc-| Committee Chris Mason, and Laughlin. Ray Trew Mrs. Christine Thom- Significant among the dona- as, three of the members of the tions received this week are| Auditorium Committee, and $1200 from the employees of George Martin, McLaughlin Coal and $1,074, Plans are in the making to from the Postal employees. The have a softball game at the latter amount emphasiced Fi-|Kinsmen Stadium, a celebrity mance Chairman Terence V./Golf Tournament a teen-age Kelly is. only a partial donation) Dance and many others as about 50 percent of the em.) The Architects will report ployees have yet to report with preliminary drawings next Mr. Kelly. had high praise for week. It will take a further two the postmen and the staff at the months to complete the detailed Post Office. He explained that drawings prior to letting the payroll deduction plan"€ould contract out for tenders, not be put into effect at the Post Office but the workers in their desire to boost the Fund and support the project had organ. Arena Association and others ized treir own with members of who have had experience in the the Staff Myles McPherson and/ building of recreation centres, Ivan Richards doing the col-| However, concluded Mr, Kel- lecting and forwarding the esday, successfully the Gay w organizations as the Ontario ly, the million dollar mark has | WN will be © has been set for Aug- Auditorium § the § building committee under Harry § ll seek the advice of such @ money to the Auditorium Treas-|to be reached before final plans © are announced. urer monthly, Formal Offers the celebration of the reach- » ane million dollars, NTT CAPSULE NEWS TORONTO (CP) -- The Ca- nadian Red Cross Society Fri- day donated $5,000 to assist Yugoslavian earthquake victims following a plea from Red Cross headquarters in Geneva, Max- well Bruce, chairman of hte Red Cross national executive, said the Canadian society will send emergency relief supplies and technical personnel if re- quested, TO UNVEIL PLAGUE TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Duff Roblin of Manitoba will unveil a plaque Aug. 3 com- memorating his grandfather, Sir Rodmond P, Roblin, a former premier of the western prov- ince. The plaque will be un- veiled on the fomer Roblin family homestead 12 miles north of Picton in Prince Ed- ward County, Premier Robarts of Ontario and leading mem- bers of the legislature will at- tend the ceremony, SHOW CANADIAN BOOKS MONTREAL (CP) -- Cana.) dian books will be on display) again this year at the world's largest and oldest book exhibi- tion, the annual Frankfurt In-| ternational Book Fair in Ger-.| many, it was announced Fri-! day, Montreal bookseller H. E, Heinemann, in charge of organ:| izing the Canadian exhibit, said) it will comprise 450 titles from) the current lists of both French; and English-language publishing] houses and the Queen's Printer,/ TO GIVE JUDGMENT VANCOUVER (CP) -- The} court registry office here an-| nounced Friday that the poten-| tially explosive judgment on the jtakeover of the British Colum: 'bia Electric Company by the} }provincial government will be} jrefteased next Monday! The judg-} ment concerns a complex suit} | central vision Tuesday, ihvdraulic $5,000 Donated To Quake Area sun with his right eye for about 10 seconds, Dr, Conner said the man had los* 90 per cent of the in the eye by but the impairment has since diminished to 30 per cent, JAPAN JOINS OECD PARIS (AP) -- Japan signed Friday for membership in the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development. The 20-nation OFCD strives to pro- mote commerce. by removing trade barriers and facilitating currency exchange, PASS STRIKE BILL PARIS (Reuters) -- The French National Assembly passed by show of hands Fri. day night its controversial bill requiring five days notice of strikes in public services, The bill bans flash strikes and "'roll- ing" strikes -- in which em- ployees pick their own time to walk out--which have caused chaos in France's public serv- ices this year, 17 KILLED JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- At least 17 persons were killed and more than a score injured when a bus plunged into a ra- ivine on the road between Me-/ & and Tandjung Korawa in North Sumatra, the official An- tara news agency said Satur- day. Only three of the 43 passen- gers emerge d unhurt, the agency said, WAS TOP AUTHORITY NEW YORK (AP)--Dr. Ivan Moskvitinoff, 78, an interna- tional authority in the fields of engineering, hydrol- ogy and fiuid mechanics died Friday, Born in Odessa, Russia, he formerly taught at the Poly- technic Institute of Leningrad He joined the City College fac- dan *) |by British Columbia Power Cor-|Ulty here in 149 = RAY TREW iMinister Pearson and Quebec Spiinitiate the laying out 1967 World's Fair site on an }s-/costs about $840,000 a year to/ing Burlington regatta To Share LONDON, Ont. (CNW) -- For-, mal offers to shareholders of} Ontario. Loan and Debenture| Company have now been mail ed, Sinclair M. Stevens, presi dent of British International Fi-/ nance (Canada) Ltd., said here today. Mr. Stevens, who is in London with a team of British Inter- national group exect terview Ontario loan and individual © s said, "Our group is most en- couraged with shareholders' re- action to date." Accompanying him were for mer governor of the Bank of Canada, James E. Coyne, now chairman of the British Inter- national controlled York Trus and Savings Corporation of To- ~}100 holders ronto, and Philip B. MacDonald, BIF executive vice president British International |ast week) holders are announced a $12,500,000 offer forjout per cent of Ontario loan's! ssued shares on the basis of $50 per. share or exchange op- tions for BIF securities Ontano loan ded by London lawyer) re g er H. Jeffery, QC, is be-| summary join British att 1 CHRIS MASON St Ww Air United Kinga in South Ameri ym sme and South Ontario I z. the ceiv the ona Companies ard of per current shareholders vicinity said N Stevens, and ne fel advisable to be available for personal discussions on hisiz group's policy and future plans The remainder of the almost 900 it ror ation anadia of the in th mndon, ve I of hi ¥ mee FORT ERIE ENTRIES MONDAY, July 2 a FIRST RACE Madens $2800 Claiming. foaled in Canada. Purse $1900 fer 3 and 4 year olds. 2 and 14th Miles Top Glitter, Harrison 10 Mery Elizabeth. M Courier Dy Sols. Turcotte X10 Chie? Bingo. Dalton 115 Rua 8 no Wantess. Potts 115 Vitrazon. Fitzsimmons 115 Sunny Castia, No Boy 10 ™ Ciaiming 6 Fors SECOND RACE $2509 81800 for 3 and 4 year-olds Censerial, No Boy 103 mi Easy. Male ? x De Berry Roce, Simpson Expensive Taste. No Soy 112 Golden Lad, Simpson X10? Foxt Reward, Wolk! 102 Ake Etgite: Super Pum Fairy Speedy G.. Marrison tos Lareway 33?) Currytown Queen's Day, Fitesimmons Flare, No Soy -- $7380 Maktens Sie Furs THIRD RACE C Purse S100 for Pyear olds FOURTH RACE Boaied in Canada. Pury SEVENTH ast left Harry. No Boy 116 of Nov Harry Hotspur, Hale 16 Frosty Day, Gordon, 118 Siy tnvader, No Boy 120 Ataple, Potts 126 mw Rich, No Boy 123 Trust Him, Ledianc 16 Friend Harrison 116 Smit es are the ¢ . an Rovee. Porse DwANCeS 3 60h FIFTH RACE a 2 1 and for Dyear.olds and up. 1963 rio Loa publishe t book value of such shar m, Male 3 . QUINELLA SETTING Exch SN Claiming Purse in & Furs of $30 No Sey Bohenks Fitzsirnmens Potts 126 ns m » is not de p the state of Ontar inter dissoly Rather, w ran RACE The Martinsdale' Porse $2800 for }yrarokts * ? Fy os and Mares. ' HANTS e, Borenko No Boy 13 a ting 50% ANNIVERSARY POPULAR distributed through e a 1 offey , 1963 The $36 f S T ep Shares have sold on the nange vwve a low of $2 our offer, Re jporation, former owner of the; |British Columbia Electric, con-} |tending the takeover was un-| jconstitutional and the compen-| jsation inadequate, PASS HARBOR PROJECT TORONTO (CP) An $85,- }000,000 development project for Toronto's central] waterfront was approved in principle Fri- jday by board of control. The jproject will include five apart- jment buildings 17 to 27 storeys high, a 1,100-unit hotel . mote! complex with a mooring basin and a 36-storey office structure PREDICTS B.C, VOTE VANCOUVER (CP)--The Sun} jsays speculation is mounting in| {British Columbia political cir jeles that Premier Bennett will] {eall a provincial election in the} ifall, The newspaper says alli jparties Social Credit, New) }Democrats, Liberals and Pro-/ gressive Conservatives -- plan/ to contest every riding. OPEN FAIR SITE MONTREAL 12 to} the Premier Lesage will participate in a ceremony here Aug of land in the St, Lawrence River Mayor Jean Drapeau's announced Friday LOSE PASSPORTS WASHINGTON (AP) -- The state department announed) Friday it has tentatively with drawn the passports of 58 Amer ican students who went to Cuba jin defiance of the jJenartmnent's! jban on travel there. Press Off Sicer Richard Phillins said the action means the stuilents' pass @iports are not valid except fo travel back to the United States are) by the most direct means avail-|che failed to stop de a able : e al S8SCAPES BERLIN = (Re year-old East micaped to, West Be hidden in the trunk of nigentinian fiance' 4 skimmed und Sia border cross y|East German Guards, IN TRUNK s sa who ap- difire at the car. EXPELS MISSIONS PORT AU PRINCE (APY -- U.S. naval and 8 missions to Haiti left d ter being ordered out b Oi dent Francois Duvalier only the U.S. military atache, Maj. John Warden raf. v Presi and gnated depos-| seven Marine guards in Port au their blood 3 Prince ACTRESS HELD VAN NUYS, Calif. (AP) State narcotics agents arrested Sjactress Marie (The Body) Mc Donald Friday and a forging i ; r prescriptions for a pain-Killing drug. The 40-year old blonde was 3 n in Van Nuys munici cou pleaded guilty. She will litenced Aug. 23 LOOKED AT ECLIPSE TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP)-- 2 a od ar be sen id our offer|A case of partial blinding of a d)man who looked directly at the ajeclipsed. sun last Saturday has u-} been reported by a loca! optome- ejtrist, Dr. Den W_ Connor Jr yisaid the 23-year-old man told atihim he looked directly at the SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Indastrial and Commercial Deoler im your eree. 31 CELINA ST. € You will be more populer efter @ tessons ot the Arthur Murrey Studio, 11), Simcoe St, 'South. few dence 7 Marte Peat Time 2 pm. clear end (Corner of Athel) 728-9441 titaken by force; on used her A m PLAN ELECTIONS SEOUL (AP)-~-South Korea's ruling junta announced Satur- day it will hold nationa' elec: | tions this fall and return the country to civil rule in Decem- -- | Fw cata we | | WP Sake By NEW FACILITIES AT adequate changeroom ties, a combined first aid room and storage area, A basket system for checking clothes will be jn op- eration in the near future to insure the safety of swim. mers clothes and valuables The new building has been facili. Due to the congested and lookout, outdated washroom and changeroom facilities at Som- erset Pool, located at north Oshawa, a new building has been constructed by the City at a cost of approximately $14,000, The building includes flush toilet accommodation, | OMERS > W& ET POO L OPENE designed in such a manner A, V, Walker, chairman, as to offer the most modern Parks and Property commit service available to the pub- tee, left, as he officially open- lic with a minimum of main. ed the new changehouse for tenance cost, The pool open- hundreds of waiting children, ed on June 29, and has since At right assisting Ald. Wa been used by close to 14,000 ker is Pat Kennedy, parks children, Photo shows Ald, commissioner, 4 | ROVER-RANGER NEWS ' Oakville Outing ber. Strongman Gen, Chung Hee Park said the junta was with- drawing its proposal to hold a referendum on whether military rule should be extended four more years, JUDGES MISS CHEQUES SHEFFIELD, England (AP) --Forged cheques have been turning up in the north of Eng- jland with the names of two high-| court judges on them, Justice Sir Raymon Hinchcliffe and jJustice Sir Rodger Winn re- ported their cheque books had disappeared. Police are anxious to question a servant who used to work for the judges. He has aiso disappeared NEWSPAPER FOLDS MANCHESTER, England (AP)--The Evening Chronicle (CP) -- Prime} went out of existence Friday, ajof HMCS Haida, We really en- victim of declining advertising revenues. Laurence Scott, chair- man of the company that runs the paper, said The Chronicle keep Left alive to serve this office| industria! city are The Evening |practicing our Guardian, a published News and The morning paper also in London PASSED BANDA BLANTYRE, Nyasaland (Reu ters)---The wife of Nyasaland Labor Minister Wi has been forbidden to drive for six months for failing to step in for a carrying. Pr Hastings B News repor! spect pass ime nda The Minister Dn the Malawi paper says s spite a po lice car's warning siren CATCH FIRST TUNA WEDGEPORT, N.S. (CP) -- 5 ved the reel in t was Joseph R da Nova v ed S off Friday Ott of Morristown, the bluefin a here I afier a anded 70-minute metiparentiy did not have time 10 battle AID BLOOD DRIVE SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) y Unit tates sailors here a cour visit came to the aid of the blood donor depot af the Canadian Red Crosy Fr he that bleed an emerg who do are members the USS Ke on ring sup- @ t low. The sailors crews of Wa rringt FORM NEW GROUP LONDON (Reuters) Commonwealth and llied Societies conference here ; ne close of the coafer ence said a provisional steering committee had been set un for the proposed association liam Chokanij z motoreade ou Pleasant Event | SRS, CRUSADERS i"D, M, ROSE" ROVER CREW) Now that it's holiday time] Wet, wet, wet is the only} we're a little out of commission,jway to describe the survival) Everyone's leaving. Then whenjweekend, It was raining when they come back someone else/we got ready to leave, still rain goes. Just can't win. Mate Nes-jing when we had dinner, In bitt left for the west on Friday/fact it never. stopped, Just to; and we won't be seeing her un-}make it more interesting a few} til the first of September, The mosquitos joined forces and ac: rest aren't taking off for quite/companied us, The excursion) as long thank goodness proved very successful and also Our day at Oakville was a lot)showed that Stella" Gower can of fun Swimming, ~ sunning,jcatch fish wandering around; we won the) The novices are out regarding ball game but I'm ashamed tojthe Ontario meet at Sarnia admit what our score was, Af-/Labor Day weekend and our terwards there was a dance and/track and field team had better jbarbeque with some of the crew get busy Al Bottomley is going to try ijoyed ourselves, but was it ever) the five-mile jaunt, "Maynard la long drive home! G" the 100 yards dash, yours Most of our activities havejtruly the hop, step and jump Ibeen centred on the com-jand I've got two left feet, Oh If we're/boy! Ronaie Blyth will be lead- not out in the cutter then we'rejing up a "tug of war' team, precision drill,jso all I can say is Practice, throwing the lifeline or getting) Sunday afternoon at 2pm lectured because we're not; Also in the. program will be a doing some of the many otherjnight hike, a night car rally things we're supposed to be/(trap shooting, swimming and brushing up on canoeing events), Looks like a Our boating of course is the very interesting weekend man thing, Now that we've be Attention --_ district rover gun practicing our racing starts crews! Get in touch with the generally ends up/ORRT if your-crew did not re- soaked before the any applica'ions ut. Last: Monday ni day July 18 was Nesbitt and Sharen Hester our)awards night and the following coxswain tried to tell us they/were presented with their pro- saw the sea monster, but as farjgress thongs: Brace Luke, Ron we were © srned right|/Blyth, Mike MacKay, Jim Hat, they were the only mon: chinson, John Gower around ke! Up!). The crew's annual "Splash Up! lar gailey/Party" will take place next s what we are, (Mu- week at Camp Samac with a ler?) i dip the pool followed by really good eshments, games and a (are we e to be held at "Quag- let us mire Inn". Don't forget to bring nly be- vour friends. (Female that: is) It was "Den Chatter" .. . . A big given by Sue Channing, a for. hello to "Heather" ... . August mer Ranger. it good thir is "shoot nite'... 15th is she was a Ranger or she might the "Commando" exercise have been surprised at our ap Maynard ts off to Haliburton on i " leveryone is|ceive as ithen sters Stroke! aves that iny on the Cr Because We wer on Wednesday night over really good?) they to barbeque, cause we were invited C00 "en | Russell Riding CITY AND | nud pistrict | PC Nomination | age DROVE WHILE SUSPENDED) Nullified Joseph Thomas, 66 King street west, pleaded guilty Friday to) OTTAWA (CP) -- The execu a charge of driving while his'tive of the Progressive Conserw licence was suspended and wasjative association in Russell rid fined $100 and costs or onejing voted Friday night to nullify month in jail, Thomas appeared) the nomination of A, B, R, Laws before Magistrate F, S, Ebbs injrence as candidate in the forth Oshawa ceurt, coming Ontario provincial elec ' tion, REMANDED ON BAIL } > Gregory Linkie, 19, and Lioyd BSc vr = roca B ewe Bandy, 10, both 'of 319 Frenchie nett ne et te strani. Were temaudel Oh baile his ruling earlier that thé ic Atarust a oh by rt jJuly 16 nomination was null and nc eat uttariag 'They pool bo : void bens of irregularities in ed before Magistrate F, S, Ebbs ig: Bagger uphold Mr, Briss in Oshawa court Friday, json was 22 to & with one ab -- -- = Fine Mother ent represen ree - quarters Sum Of $50 of the executive's total mem- bership of 40. The executive decided to call lenother nominating convention Mrs, Judith Marelyn Domant, |) awrence was nominated over Newtonville, was fined $50 andiGordon Lavergne, the sitting costs or one montf in jail when)member fer Russell, and two she was convie'ed on a change ther candidates, but no date was set, In the balloting July 16, Mr. of theft of a baby's night gown Page oy pg pdms = from Kresge's, Simcoe street south, The accused woman appeared) n Oshawa Magistrate's Court! Friday. She said she stole the item because her husband had been out of a job and there was} no money to buy anthing for her! children, She added that she had a baby about 10 weeks ago Magistrate Ebbs pointed out that she had a record for com-, mitting a similar offence recen- ty and sa'd there would be no fine if she was caught again "There wan't be a next time," she said nil. GOOD FOOD & A.M, te 2 P.M, 5:30 P.M. te 8 P.M, Hotel Lancaster | its members he will continue to regard himself as the riding's candidate unless either Premier Robarts or. the provincial party officially disallows his nomina- tion, A letter was read at the meet- ing from Elmer Bell, Ontarie president, saying the party ree ognizes Mr Lawrence as the Russell candidate. CONTACT LENSES CONSULTATION by APPOINTMENT Payment pion inciudes ene month tral period PHONE 723-4191 FR. BLACK ©.D, 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH netites. Our thanks te her fora "service" project . . . Oper. the enjoyable evening, At leastiation patio is starting to take t's not all work and no play./shape A weekend camp on But now, back to the work the holiday??? HOPALONG:' Jimmy Cornered" 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE et Nu-Wey carpet and broad- toom hos been a specialty for 18 yeor . with thousands of yords on. display to select trom. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2::'l TENDER CLUB STEAKS .79° WING STEAKS ..89° VEAL PATTIES 3. '1 YOUR good health, Whatever your Clinical analysis, or a preser @ FREE CITY WI OSHAWA WE SEND MEDIC In BUSINESS for Above everything else, this isa preseription phar wacy--and the first order of business is your a. simple home remedy, 2 sickroom accessory, we are fully prepared to serve you with profes: sional interest in your well-being COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION iS OUR PROFESSION JURY & LOVELL LTD. WHITBY HEALTH nead--whether it be 'otion compounded-- DE DELIVERY @ BOWMANVILLE INE TO EUROPE