Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1963, p. 5

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1978 CONAWA TIMRS, Friday, July 26,1963 5 AS TEMPERATURES SOAR, WHITBY RESIDENTS TAKE TO BEACH FOR COMFORT = HITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: Manager: Rae Hopkins 111 Dundas St, We st Tel. 668-3705 OUT IN BROOKLIN Kartway Fate Will B Decided Next Month house to the was one third of h a clump of and the track enjoy ham a R rhe nearest ack, he said a mile away t bushes between People ke to seives in the evening he said and this time of year we close before it even gets dark RACES ALLOWED We are allowed by t aw to hold twice a? month,' he pointed gut "aud haven't had one yet al thougt we plan one this August 5 Mr, Lewis explained he did" Whether the Family Kartway will get an extension of oper ating hours will be decided at the next meeting of Whitby Township Counc : Council was earlier this week by Chris Lewis, a Toronto alderman and present owner of Family Kart way with a request that counci pass a bylaw allowing the track ,, to stay open past the present closing time The Go-Kart track which located on Highway halfway between Whitby and Brooklin nol toa k eace tratk, Wat 4 con must be closed by.9 p.m. on cession, where the entire family = and 6 pm. On SUR) ould come and enjoy them HOURS BEAR HARDSHIP Mr. Lewis told counci! the present closing hours bear a hardship on the operation of his Go-Kart concession He indicated that ail Go-Karts operating on his track must have a muffier and this is re quired b by law approached e last races we s 9 K selves "This also provides an oppor. tunity," Mr, Lewis said, "for G teen-agers to burn off excess, w energy without drag races, alse our safety factor is very high Reeve John Goodwin told Lewis in the year 1960-61 cour had received multiple plaints about the racing of Go Karts IT dont know said, "'whethe was compet tion, the bylaw, whether was the type of Kart that cor ected this situatior FOUR CYCLE MOTORS Mr. Lewis assured coune vould install quieter four motors on the Go-Karts would grant him an on operating hours The matte ed to the genera n the. reeve or Dryden Opposes Membership In American Group Strong opposition was voiced by Deputy-Reeve John Dryden when Whitby Township council this week, moved a resolution he eyele t cour exten xten- ior was business f sia alepayers me said ves about as ¢ COM: co pr nex w was obinsor CONTROVERSIAL This is. the issue that's runcil jn It the co that closed mt be indays } Couneilor four o-Kart track ar the noise arts when they reeve ed »Kart track hich might ey passed Deputy Lack we wou ompilaints olect the Councilors owner of t rught the trac Pentiy was decide would be se coun meantime, the reguiar vald be br i read by veal Frank Thompson stated Council Th start the id and | ratepayers Fred Sturc " Donald Roberts. wanted to have au ome sort of a tr ew unde; Clerk TSSL most been bof ntent this by 4 or 1 yn LOMpsor Mu DUT extao p.m eC Pig a\ ve th lor the sn homp who miles from the said from ran John about the Te oper reque: ted start $ our sta he * Migh new a met he ial run track ' the DRYDEN CONCERNED Drvye ould Go ler another own ation sted ip to dut fo howeve over by get K and They eting Deputy Raeve that the Township clerk become a member of the International Institute of Municipal Clerks T don't much point in ig¢) coy joining. something American," +, Karts the deputy-reeve said We : or wm the meeting where ontinued At this t see WHITBY PERSONALS would be far better :to 'spend our money on somet dian 'Too many ( hities are can," he said Reeve . John gested they become a m because of the assessme f new ideas that could be obtair ea from membership Deputy-Reeve Dryden asked for a recorded vote the resolution. The motion was passed 4-1 with the deputy reeve the only one with Nav" vote The membe ng Cana Garbage Collection Rate maprered, overa ts pe ection abadan buying nun Amer Goodwir rate of ther Sane month for. garbage or nh was Town Brookl Whitby of owest P conirac veld Courtice bid »reposed to the bu raroage about on Count tent STARTED LATE new Tea olants n Ceylon in and today the coun some 459.000.0090 collect were sobs MAMeN te he BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 9: WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Qous .»» AND] T HA ewen! | Spies WACKY BSCARAdes of aa et Mana Prascxt hew wish e a Dryden Charges Council Buying in o pig in Tohn! Town: * re just a Deputy-Reeve Whitby cou week resolution was presented ouncillor Fred Sturch, pron hairnman to purchase shting fixtures for the offic tle Sturch ) resent coun wil mate on the « buy and ge the new 1g buying a poke Dryden toid the wil this \ by ¢ rasta r Yoper lig micipal m : did nat, * th t rst of nstalin fixtures Joba Goodwin told ® Dryden he Known the property com. * to spend money foolishly that he hed faith: in Coun lior Sturch's decisions like he ' had with the finance chairman ! (Dryden) t After the mild tongue lashing l the reeve the resolution was passed -unanimously 'Reev e vittes ' and by Township To Buy of Whitb possession of a new rotector s passed. a ween § Township this meeting. [ ing hase wr The } the y the machine Wri save deal now cheque mun wor pal office a great they. are recently slip with be at k, since re ed | emplover tached a stions pay cheque Ne estimate 2 new machine qui enac* aedu to of the cost o was given BOARD CHAIRMAN LE Ave OTTAWA « P) ag Davoud ha : rt board 999. has resigned to ret urn siness, Tr t Min aith anno need Wed appointmen vate bu Melt Yr The anspor HALIFAX PORT SAID PREFERRED HALIFAX (CP) nate John Martit Second ' Ch i Wednesday aeep sa water than cy we m ycle In A Poke' = complex "ompanies with 106 factories in ' more women had % at Whitby 700 one reso- greater the Township clerk succeeding generations of § the 39 and First Dunlop Produced 75 Seventy-five years ago 'this ek, John Boyd Dunlop, a vet nary surgeon in Belfast, filed patent application for a pneu atic tire, after successful tests onducted on his small son's tri That historic document ated July 23, 1888. marked an ention that was later credited Henry Ford with making rossible the development of the automobile industry that beginning ure Frem came also a vast commercial empire bearing the inventor's name today a world-wide encompassing 150 Junlop is 8 and 100,000 countries than employing men and two -Duniop fac in Toronto, pro tires and scores tems. The other makes more than kinds of tires in country's most ad manufacturing Plummer is anada Canada has rie One juces bicycle ndustrial differe of the anced tire ylants. George, F resident of Dunlop ( amited . Tire Was Years Ago Dunlop is the oniy tire com research in Ameri Toronto pany engaged in Canada. From its North 'an research centre in has come an expanding range new products and processes Dunlop Canada Limited a founding member of the Ontario Research Community at Sheri jan Park, near Oakville, where he company plans to build it own $500,000 research establish- ment Dunlop research - in has brought forth an extra ordinary new synthetic rubber -EPT, or ethylene - propylene rpolymer which scientific ournals predict will dominate automotive and industrial ubber markets of the future it was developed by three young Canadian scientists on the com- research staff in Toronto original 0 is Canada pany's tires are equipment for 69 different makes of automobile, including produced by some of Can- largest domestic manufac Dunlop hose ada's turers Multi-Problem cheque eroiacier. Families Probed anadian show brok through as ard core of community Ww sroblems, says Dr. Benjamir hiesinger, assistant prof Schoo! of Social Work of Toronto TORONTO (CP) ocial workers are concern for amilies which continue tans the niversity He years 1 the work muil-p says that onty be rb has serious field of families of commu heartening sig These fam'lies owed to cont thou ste human he emergence nue any tef al w ens rtter Sch The Globe to singer and eight o in big < absorb half a community's healt! welfare budget For years socity an article Mail, wr per cent ies felt nothing T Longer Prison Terms Urged = SAINT JOHN, N.B, (CP) with long ord gettin. glonger the chairman of "n Parole Board cet of Ottawa Thursday erous locks and sha which makes cu ¢ SPaW a \ e£u.alions eXaspera : LACK OF INTEREST There exists om { Oy --_ ie Vv mNe re sa "who less are means ¢ more xed would be man te parole There sentente would ¢& One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Custom Dreperies Broedioom and Rugs Welipoper. end Murels CAL. Peints end Vernishes Fie-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decer Centre 107 Byron StS. Whithy Phone 668.5862 ° . . * . g lem famil the f ast f Quld be done improve prob ies -- those that from to generation are al- dependent on wel- and handouts <he to generation ost wholly harity savs These sible for a » medical vitals. t families are respon lengthy, records at agencies, numerous visits and psychiatric hus on of the cities,. and whom many 0 he pepuial slums of our are those for members of the | community have given up all hope. effori and atenst ve service The financial ommunit staggering." Dr nger says seare calculated th Toronto family worst they ost her has i7 vears one eived help fr "ost of $53.2 4 three yeal I xbiem fami Canada--wil n Lon don Ont Each family 9 one socia project "the re gin soon will be assigne: worker In the past, 10 different agen ies have frequently sent 10 dif ferent workers, but not one han ed the family as a unit STARTS IN FALL Jerry Lester Show to be reguiarily in Canada its Canadian debut on the CTV network Th rroduced ul make Sept. 21 ions more Lime to 2 a man out i he aightened out' --and protection to the pub hte be st give more an He said i the offe mit table } u prison with that ad R ner in C anada com of al cent of x S2 per st offences man sentenced for two years, he is out good behavior, on the av 16% months "which othing." he said 3 is tn a erage means 1 with FREE ©} TROUSER SUIT SALE Free extra pant with every made- to-measure suit, LIMITED TIME ONLY MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE - WHITBY PLAZA-- BROCK ST. 5 Peres BQ Temperatures soared inte the 90's, Thursday afternoon, as hundreds of Whitby citizens crowded the small Port Whit- by beach on the shore of Lake Ontario, While their parents relaxed in the shade, these youngsters didn't seem to no- APPEAL NECESSARY ? RAR RQ the almost unbearable as they enjoyed the beach and adjoining park facilities Riding toboggan style, John Berobbel, 5, Terry Rossiter 12, and Peter 'Berob- bel 7 (above left) try the park Slide, while 2-year-old Anne Hansen (centre) concentrates tice heat on driving a truck and Bryce Jimmo, 6, and his brother Bernie, 8, launch their home- made sail boat --Oshawa Times Photos a Coquetel Brooklin Council Will seek Equalization Advice A res by members ion was Whitby that the opinion solicitor whether they should appeal county equalization of assessment bylaw or submit an application to the 'arbitration board Deputy rointed out »pposition to the olut passed of Township Counc ecently the town ship seek of ils Dryder was «strong equalizatior aw sowhich ty council Reeve John there by was with assessmen passed by coun a 20-19 vote The = deputy-re minority report ago was also small marerily 'It obvious Ward Art Show Attracts 1500 Visitors | LONDON (Re art exhibition o fendant Stepher 1,500 vis said -- the passed a month enacted with a eve he rhe e ial de Ward drew tors Thursday So far, £4,500 (§ of paintings have been sold cluding one of Canadian news paper publisher Roy Thomson The -p re of Thomson. one among many distingu for the osteopath five mora Bailey purchase ($788) Meanwhile the Museum aid they facing Old)! ers would ubition despite pat counci ciesed Co-directors | and Robert Katy onsulted lawyers to appeal again based on al building Katz rede said order On o the an i violat regu Wear said nesdayv SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Doily PHONE 668-4341 said.) Abricot...? "Ello? there isn't unanimous approv-, of the equalization of assess-| nent bylaw." i "Whitby Township he con- tinued, "was almost the only one that brought forth propos- als "However, we weren't essful ana that's the. way ball bounces,' he exclaimed Reeve John Goodwin said it was very difficult to angue with the county assessment officer, as he very well versed in ssessment duties, The county ate to the Township next year, he said. would be close to $100,000 The council then moved their solicitor be asked for advice on he matter ai suc: the Oui, you have heard what I said COQUETEL ABRICOT, Qu'est-ce que c'est COQUETEL? Ah, mon ami, that is the $60 question. It is one of trois COQUETELS which are, en efiet aprds le diner 'wine cocktails,"' Bt rt the taste? Le taste -ouncil claimed he and his part ner violated regulations by con verting the. building into a pub building without permission The gallery. which opened Ward's exhibition two days ago the glare of publicity giver f by. his bie ai, announced it sold an oil portrait of key wit- Maril - (Mandy) rice avies {0 an anonymous buyer 400 guineas ($1,260) Miss Davies shared the exhi bitions walls. with Ward's sketches of members of British society including members of the royal family as _Last Tuesday, a Ward por ait of former Canadian prime minister John Diefenbaker was sold for the same price as the Thomson portrait only way one can describe it! And this COQUETEL comes in a beautiful decanter for la table, Le price? The acme of modesty for sucha wine! C'est formidablet Exssayes-le, this means trv it--soon. 'Brights ff YESS D. for hee Canada ence ae Vines TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for Building and Plumbing In- spector and By-law Enforcement Officer. Applications will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6th, 1963, for the combined position of sige and Plumbing Inspector ond By-lew Enforcement Officer for the Town of Whitby. Applicants should stete age, meritel stetus, experience if any, educetion and when services will be evailable. Selery commensurate with qualificetions. The usual fringe benefits will be provided. Applications oo be in opplicent's own hondwriting end 4 d te the undersigned JOHN R, FROST, Clerk-Treasurer 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby, Onterie GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT ® CHINESE FOOD TAKE QUT and FREE DELIVERY PHONE 668-8321 668-8687 Golden Gate Egg Roll .15 Beet Chow Mein 11S Chicken Chop Suey 1.00 Sweet & Sour Spore-Ribs 95 Sweet & Sour Chicken & Pineapple 1.50 Diced Chicken & Vegetables Almonds 1.35 Breaded Shrimps 1.25 Barbecued Pork Fried Rice 95 Shrimps Egg Foo Yong .95 % Southern Fried Chicken 1.50 ADDING COLOR TO WHITBY It is cur pleasure to anmeunce the epening of COLORAMA PHOTOS STUDIO in Whitby, on Saturday July 27th AT 106 DUNDAS STREET, EAST (Neer 4 Corners) to have the p We} vilege of serving this community with QUALITY IN EVERY FIELD OF PHOTOGRAPHY COLOR, OR BLACK & WHITE pe Weddings, Portraits, Child Studies Groups, Passports, Industrial. > ( 2 we ere offering o 25% to everyone booking @ sitting on Seturdey 27th, 29th, and Tuesdey 30th duce ORAMA PHOTOS Discount Mondoy hove © drow for three t© Our trst customers, we FOR TRUEST TO LIFE PICTURES s ond five at half price

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