<prninivantat st eighth 8 OTTAWA (GP) -- Bicultural- ism is a subject better left to work itself out than made the target of endless talk by a royal commission, Senator R, B .Hor- ner (PC--Saskatchewan) -- said | Thursday, He told the Senate that when Solution Offered In Biculturalism afraid it may do more harm than good," he added. "We have benefitted in Can- ada trom so many . cultures apart from English and French. But there are a lot of us who think, as the Bible says, better ; is a neighbor that is near than) " everything vn ped out. |is a brother that is far, far off." "Imagine appointing men, ie to discuss this subject! Where AP esa gna Feeaswrog cs will their talks begin, and where Mackentis King duri n f 'his will they end? : jyears as prime minister for: dis. Senator Horner spoke in the unity in the country, He said continuing Senate debate on the! 7," King had told wentern government's legislative Pr0-/noukhobors that the Liberals| Market Suffers Slight Relapse TORONTO (CP)--With. indus-| trial investment on the: side. lines, the stock market suffered a Slight relapse Thursday dur- ing the slowest trading since December. Banks the were heaviest 554 and Imperial Bank of Com. Among gainers' Trans . Can- ada Pipe Line rose 1 to 29 and Calgary Power and B.C. Power rose %, 2 | International Nickel d d 11% to 63% in senior hese mer: jals and Falconbridge ell \%, jlosers, Toronto-Dominion falling|Noranda advanced %. he moved to Saskatchewan 57 Tribag lost six cents to $1.99 jyears ago from the Ottawa Val- jley, he found many races and cultures and their common de- nominator was a fundamental decency among men gram outlined in the speech were the party of peace, and ag gaa at the start of the Conservatives a por party. a "Where is the unity in that?" and Nova Scotia \,. icents Pegged west ro roped Senator Horner demanded, "He} Aluminium. was down %§ and) On index, industrials fell 3.39 pel ean on beulturatism| created disunity for political/dips of ¥ went to Abitibi, Dis-jto 616.54; golds dipped .01 to would be beneficial purposes, pure and simple." {tillers Seagrams, Industrial Ac-/89.52; base metals .62 to 204.43; "We were doing very well : "I think you are being harsh," /ceptance, Interprovincial Pipejwestern -oils 46 to 113.53. Vol- "They raise the question of MAY DO HARM said Senate Leader W. Ross|Line and Dominion Foundries|ume was 2,113,000 shares com- 'jbiculturalism, Leave it alone! 'But for the life of me, I'm) Macdonald (1---Ontario). land Steel, pared with 2,391,000 Wednesday, merce. slipping %%, Bank of among speculative mines. Satel. Montreal was off \%, Royal %/lite was active, up % at 18% EATON'S SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF FURNITURE AND HOMEFURNISHINGS Sees FS Rae tae = SS SS FTER MOSCOW CONFERENCE fense department; Lord Hail- sham, and Sir Humphrey Tre- | velyan, British ambassador, | Photo from Tass. --(AP Wirephoto) | Active Trading | At Stockyards During Week | TORONTO CP) active and prices were} strong to higher on slaughter steers, heifers and yearlings at io public stockyards MEET NEWSMEN A men in Moscow Thursday after the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union agreed in a treaty initialed earlier to end nuclear testing in the atmos- phere, outer space and under water, From left: unidenti- fied; Solly Zukerman, scienti- fic adviser to the British de- ain's Lord Hailsham, ird from left, seated, and members of his country's dele- gation held court for news- Canada's Dollar Peg Not Queried: Gordon an Trading interest was jing the future s in Canada." Mr ba pc said that in the ast half off 1962, Canada h encourat€ foreign bor to build up deple é reserves, But i of 1963, the level of fore ang had to of maintain interest rate (CP) -- Cna of hold exchange Val level of $24 U questioned at last Mr shington talks, Fi- Gordon said ,, The as OTTAWA anada cy 2 have been possible splied than would f the tax we Gordon s ue S$ to us t rates would order Cow and bull prices were ly to firm activ steady nent cattie were AVERT ely higher ! Statem<e mt was Veal 'colt to a question by H eau (PC -- Pontiac. * - e) on whether the ECShY | un ed ne" the Ca- prices were lower a lar's fixed exchange was raised at Ws gton nega- "T have re f reserves ere firm to prac- lamb --_-- prices W npt new Canadian i, ge a from th on gn were and issues U.S. tax C g securit ted tl n Canada w level suffic ntéres ates to Cattle receipts were esti- jmated at about 7,000 head, about 200 head than last week than the ~. CAN'T FORECAST But C t r ¢c * ran ' same week stern cattle receiy 101 head from last week @ rate for the Canadian &t 279 head. Western stock calf level and numbers were nearly doubled nto ques. &t 75 head. In addition to the western receipts, there were 47 cattle and eight calves received from oMntreal, One load of mixed slaughter cattle was shipped off the market to New foundiand and there were no ex ports to the United States Slaughter cattle: Choice steers sold at % 7.50 wit? fancy. feediot steers at 27.50 28.30 d odd les to 28.50; good > Medium 23-24.50 common 18-22; choice heifer 25-26 with some to good 23-24.50; medium 20-22.50 ; choice fed year! with an odd top to 28; good cows 17-18 with 38; medium and bologna sales to 21; mon and mediums 15-19 e aies medium stock calves 20-24 Choice 27-29 27-3 t he Save 3.96 sq. HARDTWIST WOOL BROADLOOM EATON Semi-Annual Sale, 99 sq. yard ment to 1 and defend the f present t called tion by U.S. representatives in the Washington discussions." _ NET EARNINGS By The Canadian Press Bulolo Gold Dredging Lid., year ended May 31: 1963, $407,- DO; 1962, $215,700. Chrysier Corporation, 6 mos nd June 30: 1963, $77,900,- 000, $4.22 a-share; 1962, $11,900 one Ford Motor Company 3 mos ended June 30: 1963, $155,900,-)- qd 000, $1.41 a share; 1962, $140 « 600.000. $ 6 mos. ended? June 30: 1963, $277,200.08, $2.51 - : > 1962, $268,300,000, $2.44 15 tes tax will undov BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Service Station Goods Expanding VANCOUVER (CP) -- The cle for business hang- z ce of the co This EATON-exclusive carpet is a beauty--heavy in- quality, deep and dense in pile. Moreover, the hardtwist "kink" in the selected wool yarn gives it a lovely texture, a springy resilience, and ects as a mark-and-smudge deterrent. In 9', 12' and 15° widths and in a broad beauti- ful choice of 12 delightfully decorative colours. ; @ SAND BEIGE @ AQUA @ OLD GOLD Goddard, B.C. region put saies @ AMBER GOLD @ SAGE GREEN @ NEW BEIGE @ BLUE @ NUTMEG @ QUARTZ GREEN @ MINK @ SANDALWOOD @ DOESKIN is c rner serv- days if you want peat bait, chinaware 1558 3. Note savings on.a 9' x 12° size amount to 47.52 and if you cannot shop in person, we'll come to you. Just phone 725-7373. 8.9 i PHONE 725-7373. ll bulls com cutters Johns - Manville Corporation: e§ mos. ended June WW: 1963 $11,202,000, $1.32 a share! 1962 $10,881,000, $1.28 me corner gas station t most of them do Ou Good to Matching 27" carpet for halls and stairs, Sale per lin. yd. . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 common tocker nd AID ELDERLY neg sine pete WINNIPEG (CP) acial gove nent Calves veal with odd tops to 30 and a few les to 31 and an odd good 24-26; medium mon 20-22; boners Grade A Hogs 19.50-20.05 with t a premium a dressed weight one in interior BC bed -- A new agency rly and nder a social as been estab It provides care, social aid in e patient's About 9" x 9", Easy-Care Linoleum Floor Tiles EATON Semi-Annual Sale, each Gans .07 Sale priced tiles for every floor. above grade level! Conservative design and soft colours ore inlaid to the back so there's little fear of fading. @ BLUE @ FAWN @ WHITE WITH BLACK @ BEIGE @ CINNAMON @ GREEN ne homes or ® on own home ous REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT ™" Little Done To Aid Jobless Problems By MICHAEL STARR, + BEGUN IN US. now One Inlaid Linoleum Floor Covering if you prefer linoleum by the foot then this is your buy! 19 The Leader of { Hon. J in MP retreating fram their va of _ me : Approx, 6 ft. width EATON Semi-Annual Sale, Lin, Fr. Laan Fand ale osal of a $18 a month in 1 Old Age Pensions from ding this pre plan te institute a contributory be discussed portable pension plan the Mr. Diefenbaker's arcument o- MB was that af the two hemes enable Marble Pattern . . . mushroom, light beige, green, cinnamon Moire Pattern . . . beige, green, woodtone and multicoloured move here hax had t that in almost sions in the form of pre ie ren a team merchant ; nt s who Premers EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT 273 PHONE 725-7373 tock the compared awa on July separation would homes built pensioners to sta erving the the winter months is also'pension: at the higher rate of ions $735 a month immediately tup so This was turned down by the in the dark as Government as are plan k will work 1 chip into the contribo is that the adminis- t made emplovers his bonus will be be-|p and ndividuals of the present who will be making th aiable in the gov- tribution he s presen fer ® price ge and the fact that ers like the bi stares went ¢ business DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada and Deminien Surar ha Lada. Sept ' opp 3 Cark Poblishing On ommon 1 cents. Sent gp in 4 imo they . . Are You Missing Parts Of Conversations ? Do yuu often miss the point of a sermon, speech or conversation because you missed the essential words? Chances are that your hearing is impaired. Visit EATON'S Hearing Aid Centre and have your hearing checked at noe obligation. W. E. Lang, EATON'S trained hear- ing aid consultant will advise you and suggest an aid suitoble for your requirements. See the "VIKING" hearing cids covered by the EATON guarantee "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded." EATON'S Hearing Aid Centre Offers ning > b ons head con private e im the pension plar money to per oft rom 385 te $75. They Us wu ts C % cets 3 cr. 3 ni fund is Dominion and Ancle Investt b: ment Carp. Lid t $} Sem 5 Private consultation room Your present aid checked and cleaned while you wait at no charge Cerds and botteries for most makes of nearing cides LEVEL, @ Audiometric: testing @ Home consultation by no extra char @ You moy tei quirements EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL CENTRE, The . remert the d appointment, ot 25 the Gre . ; hone tor your bottery re- * _ Nickle Maes | gy ai 3 ~ W. E. LANG Falconbridge uP Sent. 16 tad... are por to do with the made by ts recare UPPPER PHONE 725-7373 lakes Pow cr Corp 7 nt mon Ss eran Aur. 3 &. BH. Woed and Oo cent pd. 31.3745, Sept ane Th, 1 this oncreastiofficials of the var (menw concerned ensidered. for anmeline iD 1s. 4 + ar Pimamece je weit o~4 Ghee cho %