Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 26, 1902 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants __|Building Trades Mortgag TV---Radio Repairs" ALBERT WOSMAR, | hy ALL TYPES of 'building repairs, roof FIRST AND SRCOND mortgages, aes wi vena: and sold + » Oshawa, Tele! ing, lg B she hs stoops Gordon May, 72803%, HAROLD &, DEWAR, Accredited Pub lie Accountant Commercial Byliding, ™ % King | Street West, Oshawa, 7209221, Our specialty new work and sarge and amail jobs, lL. and HB, ing_and Construction, , TRS-0097, ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing repairs, Roof pu . nick and Hennick, are un ee Street Haat, 723,723 nan ane YOUR LOCAL | OHIMNEY LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite ns Oshawa Shopping Contre, | Ria 3, MONTRITH, MONTEITH, RIERL, and, On,, Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 188 «Simeone Street North, Oshawa, Alen wr 2.0890, Whithy MO a4lat, estimates, 723.2907, ACKERMAN bh "PRIEDEANDER and Oo, Excavating == Loading Accountants, Licensed Tru Sand, Sal Fill ter AN ebaapsid 4 King Street And Top Soi! at, 3 TM Tw a ee oe Dump Truck HOPKINS, BEADLE AND ©O, Char) tered Accountants, 187 King Gtreet Reasonable Rates Kaat, Oshawa, Ontario, 725.3308, PHONE 623-5756 WILSON BURROWS, chartered BOWMANVILLE accountants, 114 King Street Bast, Oat» awa; Ronald F, D Wilson, CA; G WALCO Edmond Burrows, CA, 28-7554. | BOB CLANCY'S "Accounting "Service, Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond! CONSTRUCTION Siryet_ Weil, 7Oe00), Ree. 722008, | For guaranteed home im: 5 tore ond office Auto Parts provements, store remodelling, expert workman: ship, Free estimates, Whitby 668-4412 PLASTERING SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS « New and = repairs, stuceo, 148 King West--728-1640 cement work, parging base- FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" ments. Remodelling, Work. manship guorenteed, Free Barristers estimotes BRUCE V, MACKEY, BA, Barrister 4 Solicitor Notary sdtie Mortgage A, WOODS 728 3420 funds avalianle > King Street East, 722107. Res visrien SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, FILL N. G. BARTER RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS Ht GREER, Associate Barristers and Solic> fora, 190 King Stree? Gast. P28-adee Mortgage toans avaliadie MANNING FO SWARTZ ANG RONALO oleaner, Nimneys but and repaired, gas lite) -== [ings installed, furnaces vacuumed, Free } Canadian Loan Company" &. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Maney fo foah. Nenry Block Me King Street Gast, P23400?, Res 725 71 19 ence, digh 723-4029. " LOUIS S$. HYMAN, QC, Aar ater a eer, Notary. Alger Bouliding ne rta Street East, 723 aa Nie 'pane monies = Ca ise evaladie JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE OSFPa EC VICTOR RA LLB, Rar Oshawa. Whithy 9 Reasonable = rates ister, | Soticiter Pubic, § Sully equipped and insured. 728.068) Rimese Nort - BEER AND KELLY, Barriers, Sols Dressmaking ' x ng Street FE an. , th. Phone Genosha Hotel 100 ft. lors $898 Co Paones Sing. experienced reasonable rate: Du uly and August > aie vs ota oer UP + Creer. 'i Terence V. Kells. qt, mar ane e dentrave 73s aire. 3 1? OFFICES IN ONTARIO on hen dates for appoint tages $1,295 uP 10% -_ B33 " down, easy terms. anned ROWAN. DAVID Le Rarrister, Sauce Gardening and Supplies Musical Services ELECTROLYSIS necviven ne. end ' nove Strwe we che Resxtence TH.Od8a LOAM, sod manure and evergreens, also ps ANO, eo) PPO and electranic argar -- JOSEPH PF MANGAN, GG" Wareiater, POY MNO Digaing ang fencing. Reason ming and rep, Instruments appracen 723-464) DIRECTIONS Solictior Money to loan, Office 14g 222 Pater, Telephone 725.172) Hiddink Alan Md les4 East on 401) and north to King Street Bast, Oshawa. 728.833 ' RME oh ae ane. ¢ driveway. ar p Ne ry DOMAR z Madoc, take new hwy. 62 CRETGM TON ORYNAN AND NS Whe a ptometrist INVESTIGATIONS from Madoc north to hy ns Rarristera, Solicitor . Keune 72 0 ie Saar 5 states"? TETRROCH, Garcinia SEE take Jeon tak IS wae La TUCK RO, Lore ametr st. Please 728.9054 signs ¢ unter Lake Estate Re work awur ma ton Big. Rana or Ta Burk Streets hal te DIVORCE, PERSONAL ond follow sians to praperty a Free estimates Dia -- - SENERAL INVESTIGATIONS plans ap iia TaN G 34788 Loam and Gravel Painting and eee FREE CONFIDENTIAL 3673 Credit Woodlands, te gb 2 sale bo hed S Fill AV PAINTING and Paper hanging INTERVIEW i. Cooksville, Ontario de , sod rar aaah ss 4 Jensen after m. Tt 3 314 Simcoe St. 5. (Bassett Bldg ashed Ston il BOSS AND BONAUD. Warriners ant ss A . ae GUTSIDE PAINTING Careful "work Oshawa ete 8 & Street Ras Excavating, lots leve e Reasonahie ates Nelson Heisler, Pan phone 723-28 Loaders, Trucks for hire, a 3--Pete & Livestock LAKEHEAD PARK JAMES" A McDONALD. RAL LER tan, ane Saierer ana Nera Wore) BEATTY HAULAGE {SPRAY rarer tecormting BORE Wace immed, deiesed ant ne Pre Come al Ru ae Ring ace St. Law: Whitt Mie ee ee: Lovrane 0 tar wet nt parking 725-2156 adbes » MALE pooric. diack, ten weeks * LAKE H M N Hladie 3 or tT DODD & SOUTER dred, $125, Dial sad-Sars C E O G HARON "anc BASTEDO. B . 3 bas by : A a) offer x Salicitors. Clients funds availavie te nettnnsl PAINTING AND DECORATING [QESGING ony. Beat otter. "Telephone y MATTBARKer C Str et wacher, student counselier, a North, tas Tae wWeGiaeen| 2 yeare experience. By interview Po ee PURRBRED German Shepherd pup 65 ACRES QC Raga: F anty, Act new T2100 Gvp Miueels pa Phy tan, ro Od, 1, register 40 Minutes from Oshawa ave a e er 4. Ga 623.90: hs T SALMER: A, Barrister, Sotic q ; . aint near junctior , 4 eo 34 x, te we x -" North LEARN TO DRIVE 10? BYRO Painting WEIMARANER puns for sale, sight Noor Function Fwy & 78 Grice TRIE. Residence tes Try e YRON ST WH. TRY. [montns, Reasonable to good homes. AR! 14 mile east of Fowler's Comers RUMPHREYS, "BOVCHYN" and WILL Oshawa Driving Schoo! DAYS 668-5862 ie Hoa Ranga ha Datla ance 4 8 AN, Barristers, Solicitors, Mla King DAY or EVENING NIGHTS 725.7426 DRER HOUND pups, Walker Fox, al on Hwy, 7 Pete Bas Gshawe a ce Males, Six week« of, $19 each. Dial - preys, OC) GS. 2 Lote Mode! s, Stenderds Personal Service Pasa TENTS, TRAILERS, BOAT DOCK eee UAE on e Automatics Dual Controlled ~ GERMAN SHEPHERDS, puppies. quar ramp, Swimming, Fishing SAGA ane wiht searioten' =~ 'ee we OSHAWA AND WHITBY MODERN GRILL ball aol feaistered RS wl BOO fr. of sandy beach Sine CALL 728 009) : stud services, Ashburn, Breakin 433 Bookkeeping ia ToL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey [4482. Save nomper Aly 5 ROOKRERPING Serve, Thome Tay OMCY FO Loan Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home RRAUTIFOL bakw budgisar Weads dor Lakehead Farms Ltd Returns, Statements prepared. RC Ser Mode Pies and Deserts trang, talong strain, Apply Mira Ke a Q S . 'vices, TOR Newman Crescent, 668.4233 MORTGAGE MONEY WE DELIVER Mroad, 4 Bigin Steet Kast R R No 2 gem gasp ane * PURERRED female Boxer, ane year ald ' Building Tredes AVAILABLE 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH spayed, goad markingn. Warmed Very Peterborough, Ont Ror. ~ "yoo! and gable 725-3887 Rernmnantie Ghat ee TUNE 2g ay wre S OM louvers ary - % Hx a'terations os petite al Low Interest Plumbing and Heating BACHIHUNG, temaits vad STAY POLS ry > muaranieed Ho Tucke:, TaRneae mas RUC WVPES Gi Fepaies and Fomaceling, mee ees ee Mere 3M. Hikta'a Kew mmmer Properties BRICK CLEANING -- Wave yous home Valuations Arranged New and UNEP Materian. Reasonable ee CONE: Ole Hampton 202500 Wanted cleaned tke new by HvdroSelica rates, Estimates free. Dial 773.1783, 2 * w TV cot tr vy 2? weethod, no dunt Free estimaies Cal Residential Paty €--Sportemen's Column SPAT TS SENT > Satine hen Hy a ee OM Rewtal Lae ; ALL PEUMBING and Heating supplies, SAVE 8) 8 8 al Dominion Wire Slave, 7281200 ee on felephene 725.342) Marolt W. Stark, "83 Gale outboard motors, 2 per cont GORD'S City and District Lad, Plumbing Heating and Rgincer eft Ys. DR Sa. Bea ae cee @s. 11--Articles For Rent Summer Properties E_SL Neve 'Suet Some Men ain JANITOR SERVICE pe beanies oc "eo Cai Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Fe onl Experienced cleaners on Vacant Land ba hd ey service rmer's Column Punch Bowls flees; wells, ceilings ond CHESTERFIT DS reuphoistered and FARMERS. need Vires) Call BIN" peur " Coffee Urns windows " Members Ontario Te wtyied Free estimates, See 94 r Oommion Tire representative. 2 243) oF « be R nd € \ Moratege 8 A maternal, fr Tecwvering, Datien Up. evening after sia, Fes reel Silver Tea Service @ 2 _-- 2 aegtege Broker ssc ahan ietering. Th Charie: a, TE . < Bonded and insure : CHRSTERFIEL DS ee an rs age ey crweie tare Gen ter. Silver Candelabra e > aS 723-1302 SUMMERLAND Severed Ty new. Get the best for teu MONE Collect, Hampton, COitax 820 Sargeant's Rentals After 4 PM ore th CaN MLO Free' a aggs tons nul ad itnidthnea nen ote 725- 3338 - < ma C Pee extirmates. - - <2> ~ we CUSTOM WO A. FOSKETT SECURITIES -- SaMier me nse rer see CUSTOM WORK RENTALS AND LIMITED ths Gown Payment. Up te BM mantns ta SONS my For eavimate, phone PIII. No DONE Of All Kinds > 192 Simneee St. North Marion Kennecty _Upraivtering Ute ant Sheet Metal. Pair 7 MUTTINUG eRate mi 2 a ° ja ote Oshows, Ontario--725.3568 [CRESTERFIRUDA" rebait, recesses, CUTTING GRASS OR RAK, HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT. expert hom as Wee pew. Wie pay more? Gur rates NG HAY SIDE DRESS FER. folding choirs: herd plones apes ' Ne ich Mo. " are Teasenabie. Satisfaction guaran TILIZER ON ROW CROPS nell pullers, staplers, dolt © big We rtgage feed. Mattenvea reduill, Oshawa Up. SPRAY FOR INSECTS fe ehh a give y hk heen ae . --Roistery Co 28 Bond West, Dial FR lure oie re > OR cutters, tile cutters, caulking " " ae WEED CONTROL = PLOW. quns, tape recorders, TV sets, ESTIMATE? A " ING DISCING OR CULT. transistor rodios, tile polish: Seles and Service VATING. . cum mers, bissell or 668. 234) LOANS ers, votuvw coone ba e ART'S GUN REP PHONE 728-390) shampooer, portable cooler, HOME Moneys for first mortgages AIR ANYTIME dehumidifiers, cit condition inter ext ot F% ais CUSTOM GUN WORK es, Might bees. megaphone vi sla ; speaker, strapping machine. pIMPROVEMENTS Gren Merrgnae Rebueing, refinishing, stock. 7--Treilere baby carmiagen COM. "es: Sofie ' 2 Sony mak Ramoemakers find db. ° . N charge for waluatons "e Gay tm "Home Termdanene Ss bah = " --s big enacts, Mortgages and Agreements Guns bought, sold Hes. Re smart, check today sig ah ee purchased exchanged = anplia ' Moneys for second mortgages w WITBY 668.2497 RENT-A-TRAILER CAMERA EQUIPMENT-- 35 Fost serwre be Hitches supplied. me. side comera, movie it. F wen Surveyors Moving boot and cabin Brovector, slide provector tral ss eg ra, RT " ur one 26\2 King St. East WRN AND TROLLORES Geter nee - "Ha 7 Oshawa, Ontario Lana Tereusete ™ Bier Sweet fav MONTY'S 5 BA A SERVICE GARDEN EQUIPMENT.Biec. _'elepnone 28-2061 723- 4697 DONEVAN AND FLIESCRMANND Ga. SIMCOE AT GIBB tric hedge chinpers, post hole nner fare Land Sorverer, Commercial bise 725.9233 Ouges, fown mower, lown Classified Ad Rates Prams, 1! Omari Street, TRIM sHers, garden sprayer, seed Sr aenee ok ae ak ee "CLEARANCE OF) mn sorover, sted. Better deserted cifern get er result BAe seedltlos cots a 1963 MODELS atretcixes ost drive, tree Cash -- pruners, scythes, lewn oreo. & consecutive doys 3.75 4.13 WwW Sitverliner Cotlensity SONS, 3 % Garden tifer 3 consecutive days 225 24 TV TOWERS gg toh crags ee ve ' 2 AND cdl atcabieplelisa CAMPING EQUIPMENT en @och word, intial, figure or cbbreviation 3 Ome word TD Ay every evening Tents, tent Otters, Sleeping Box number is Antenna Repair haan ier, Gh watteees > > Pad 2 2 Hf mot peid within Gays, chorge rate anpties . Colemen stoves, lanterns Prote Stings only, 3 fines per month 850 TRIO RICHIE DRIVE-IN nagar ig gfe agy on Each Der FAN ' - : 8 ileal. ating aa be ane ss @ TELEVISION | MYRTLE, ONTARIO | SS" mom ble for merchandise advertisements . DEADLINES 7) BOND ST OSHAWA 6PM TOTLPM . STAN'S aes TAL e 728- 678) sharpening ond Rental Lid. Classitied. Dispie sag I Sty previo Call Oshawa 728-1468 223 King St, W Give Liatsthed. Disploy «30 Bm. Gay preven - as 32 x ow Births, memoriowa, cards of thanks ~~ 9 am. doy of publication or 728.1555 hone 723-322 toot ond Found ---- . .. as 8:30 om. dap of eubhoation TV TOWERS --Summer 12--Articles -- Gencetiations end Corrections---8:90 on doy of publication. Properties REGU - For Sele or Rent mAVE gle SAV Ag mR" yar AAR yoe EGULATIONS Economy ond Deluxe -- Ses Seren tS Sar The Oshowe T PHes wil} mot be responsible for errors. in odverhiae. FOR RENT > * 30h Cars, Meets, ferntere, re Derwise Tran in erthing > oe a Per Hrors pon onan lig agd qny " oF AG. NOt for more thon Priced to suit your budget SS SON 2 Brn. eo Be. ot ony odvertisement, mor beyond the . Phone w whe Tea R Arnistrans. ge for © single insertion of the advertisement mm which TERMS ARRANGED Modern, wellshoded, J.bed. 355 Kine Bast, Qian o octurs. hoor DLE row? c ofrage sab SHAW ccwara te tr pree conten MY SME | OSHAWA TV | cScois 8: | Auto weecens co. gto Re ¢ Lormmeron Loke, | mile bom Wants Gaors F ~~ . > Cors For Wreckir tm the case of danley Ocvertivements, The Times will not be Fomeion Fol Pars _-- held responsible for SUPPLY LIMITED en oe sh more spoce thon thet in which the ectuel STO? OCCupres. The DwdShers encdeevoy? to reproduce ON adver WHINY MOVEr correctty, bul ossume no hedility of Qovertssment it any imeccuracien in ony. form ere contoined there, DN DRESSMAKING allerations, pant cutis see heading Pata No Bonus or Hidden Cost No Prepayment Penalty, No Broker's Fee, To obtain your free brochure on sound residential mort. gage financing of up to 80% of value. . , CALL OR WRITE C.A.C, REALTY LIMITED Oshawa. Shoppin Oshawa Centre $-4777 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES WITHOUT LEGAL FEES --No Bonus ~~Discount for Prepayment ~~Low Monthly Payments ~-NO LEGAL FEES SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- 17 SIMCOE ST. N 725-654) DAILY UNTIL §:30 P.M WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 1 Satu Closec davs FRIVATR and corporation monies to troniea, jan on all types of mortgages: mort: mages | and Sereemenss of sale loch, we 12 YEAR MORTGAGES , ITH | tual 608.0944, Vv 187 Bil ott, Pada, Fred, CHOY GY, For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Poul Cieslar Prop, S11 Dean Aye, 725-0500 | OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guaranteed Parts and Service DAY OR EVENINGS rop. 728-5286 eral and tower service, }GQUARANTRED y Tepairs to all maken radio, oar radios, Thompson Blea: MILFORD GORDANIER, 6 saan' fa (HOSE OF Mats, A' WHA WAS out oF RS ROMS CULTIVATED bY MAN? [Well Drilling--Digging SESAME. HEADDRESS oF Ait YELLOW LAMAS @ MONGOLIA 18 MADE, Hele Wented _ RELIABLE GIRL or Woman tor quired, Dial ?: nes) becune # beaut rien an "39 phone TROIS, Ask for Mr. Jackson, household duties and care of two eh! jand board with amall Writ fox 60 Osawa Te EA EXTRA MONEY Show Canado's finest line of Christmas cords, Wraps, Nov- elties, ete, to friends and rel» a Mn " i Of CAMELS Wook DY: Toma tin Ooteen tinea, Ware hee tees omSORR ANAL RUE? EMOW: FM | tives, "Over 300 items. For Aut Street West, PO Box 22%, Whitby, free, beautifully illustrated [6682563 oF 668-2809 e s catalogue, samples on approv- WILLIAM) =KROONTJE, well = digging, | ae van al and the fastest service, Compressor work, cleamout and deepen: ummer Properties 12 Articles Wanted Jeandren Greeting Card Co., in@) 468 Bark Road South, 7209064, For Sale or Rent WANTED =~ boy's bieyele in good cond! 1259 King St.-E., Hamilton, ' BILL LEMON COTTAGHA and tote on. the Winch, 1ST: ABS Dont Waller, lal obsaen7 ~ |: Ont River, 1 miles north of Uxbridge, WANTED Juvenile ang sidewalk bleycles, eenanameeans 4 WELL DIGGING Cleanouts, Deepenings, Compressor Work Telephone 728-0911 Telephone Black River Seourities, 2683) collec' for appointment BAST LAKE, Pictor area masiern cottages. 1, Prone GR @4504, Large WILLOW GLEN for your watertront tot or cottage, Taree miles straight north of Ross Hospital, Lindsay, Apply on lots or 2------Personal Y YOU have a drinking problem, write or eall Ga8.a034 Hox BA, Whitby, LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- Invisible mending ping glterst Ons 10 PRINCE ST, 728. 531) Removal of supertiuous hair Mo Murdutf will be Oshawse, August Sth, 6th UL any condition, fully Available trom Augual acceptable, will pick up) and pay cash Dial Bowmanville 423-2995, WANTED SCRAP, IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals TWO YOUNG LADIES a 1 Saint Paul Street, Telephone 324 (collect) Ages 21-40 to train as part ay ole' CART Wraeeareany aanay |, TURNER time sales representat ves ' nr Poor c e. * + sandy. beach, conveniences, boat, from) 72a-2043 ---- 723-2281 Must have use of @ car and August 10 fo i? and from August 3) on Dia 668.2098. | 13---Business Opportunities be 'able to work twelve hours weekly (evenings), The sal: AUSUST M0 to 18 -- for One WOOK, > /HON SALE wr lease wiih cplion to buy, bedroom cottages on Rice Lake, inte modern lunch counter, corner King and) oY to start is $35, per week, Swimming, spacious playground, Cottages » have flush follets, Frigidaires, running anh Streets, Priced reasonable, Bla) For full information write water, ete. $500 weekly, $60 with boat, Sethe Box 934 Oshawa Times Motors. ava'lable Phone 4 ring 4 or SMALLWARE business for sate, retail write Cedar Cove Cottages, Harwood, and wholesale Handling full line of ont 60 LAKEFRONT LOTS 728 - 8180 Gremetie M RR. 2, Fenek Phone Burnt River }Sr4, mm Falta end of oa 8 e@rz Oper So | 725-23 1--89 BLOOR E Smatiwares, plus lee cream, pom, candy, ete, Lots of roam here for Senenee A money maker Steck about oo living quarters and store "are bined, Rent onty $100, monthly, central,! Cari Gisen Realtor, Phone Henry Stinger) EXPERT TYPIST FOR 8.020) RESTAURANT AND PROPERTY, Cone | General Insurance mercial Corner location suitanle tor} Offi hullding stores of any business, Reason ice, anie price, Terms to suit, Prenchman's Bay area, Private, Pickering TE 9.980) PROMISH your children a pet? Well,| you'll find just the right one offered ia Pets" in Classified. Turn to Classifica tion 3 now ACTIVE OR INACTIVE PARTNER WANTED Preferred, Married or Single Age 20 -- 3 Apply in Writing to BOX 926 household uties, ao dive In, no cooxtng 'f 7 URCTRYES 'opportunity er ter eaira oar ay uty i. now avallape Call we vaLEPHGNE canvassers, must be ee Perienced, Ssiary, plus commission, Tele WANTED middieaged Woman for "Vian Jdren while mother works, Private room remuneration, 'Dictaphone Experience OSHAWA TIMES © 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. rier 8 to 12 16-----Fem 17-----Male Help Wanted SCOTS SCRAP BOOK Wy RSCOTT J res a re BR = - = LISTE yw TOS: Hs a ar Necessary ns ce necessary, ee EN ka Re RY a a : oa A AOC eye ny LISTER, \ sen eases CRE, PAINTERS YOUNG MAN MOLDBOARI » Man hai jAVON TaRRTORY customers WANTED POR Bou Wave waite ieee, verves, "event eee LOCAL DELIVERY & 4 mo Quali, Write PO sits Oshawa UNION RATES =| FP Shit pe WAITRESSES WANTED -- full fine, Apply Between 5:7 pm, APPLY SWERY FOODS Apply Mr, Campbell, Genosna ee on the abns of July HAYDEN MASDONALD 30 WILLIAM ST, WEST Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN. Dealership to qualified ap. plicants, Also senior grade Students for temporary sum: mer work, Puller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St, Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 aM RAY McLEAN LTD,, Harwood vata North 942-6150 REFRIGERATION SERVICEMEN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for Shop and Field Ser. Opening For Young Man | vice, Only experienced men need apply, With leading -- International Company es sales clerk, with Call excelent cnportunitien fer George O'Connor, Service. | jh° a ee Manager, Grade 12 education preferred, 9 Apply in writing to BOX 909 OSHAWA TIMES nao: Toronto TV & Appliance Service Co, Ltd 278 Bridgeland Avenue RUssell 1.618) AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS License and good background of experience essential, | BODY METAL FINISHERS Some previous experience necessary Flat Rate Shop GM, Dealer 44 Hour Week Potential Income to $125 Week Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, need several well-qualified men to fill the above positions, Fringe Benefits Include: Group Insurance PSI. Pension Plan For Small Garage and Car Business 17----Male Help Wanted MECHANICAL design Grattsman : techal i Hospitelization with Blue Cross Extended Coverage Gal shoal graduate, miminium of three 8 Paid Statutory Holidays & ' years exper ance yoaerss immediately mati amount of capita for permaneal position pply in writing o beieehe i Andrew Antenna, Comeany Lieives Coveralls Supplied and Laundered veeued #04" Beech steed, Whitdy, giving qualiti. Oshawa District Cations, 728 - 1238 CITIES SERVICE OIL CO. LTD. HAS A PRIME LOCATION, SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE ON A MAIN ARTERY IN OSHAWA GALLONAGE_IS NOW 140,. O00 GALLONS PER YEAR age and present salary PLASTERERS Rate $3.10 Per Hour Plus 4 Per Cent Vacation Pay MILBURN LATH AND PLASTER 80-A . Wolfe Street TELEPHONE 728.3735 OR 725-6225 A SECURE FUTURE and FAST PROMOTION Sation has three -bovs and two hoists. This. is @ very FOR YOUNG MEN @ood «apportunity to heve your own business with o@ " Minimum investment RETAIL STORE Solery paid while you ore in MANAGEMENT treinmg school Rapidly expending Conedien Retail Firm with stores from coast to coast Aes ievme. Giete openings for young men to train an the jod for si Store Monagement, with fu: ture. pportunities in Home For interview write W, G. ROGERS 4 CARLAW AVE, TORONTO OR PHONE HO 5.35)! 2 Office ond Administrotive WANTED | Aces 20 to 30 desirable, AMBITIOUS COUPLE TO | LEASE A MODERN TWO | BAY SERVICE STATION WITH SNACK BAR ON BUSY HIGHWAY. CLOSE but we have @ few openings for men 18 to 20. Single men preferred Starting salaries depend upon age, education ond past work experience. Solories at the management level range TO OSHAWA upwerd from @ minimum of $6,800 to over $35,000 an. Large poved driveway nualty reasonable rent moderate financing Extensive expansion program: Established oo lopage and me. end Supervised trong record of good return from Drowdes excellent anportun- Smock Bor ity for ropid promotion based UpOR HEGoedual performonce. Six week training = course Employee benefits inchade qveilodle to lesser during Pension Plan, Group Life whith time o soley is noid insurence and Health Man, Passessvon con be arronged Profit Shoring, Suremer ond suitable -to right porty Winter Vacations FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS Telephone Oshawa 725-0807 QUALIFICATIONS Leadership atyhty, High School Education, or better, Attractive starting se@lanes for both High Sochoal and University Graduates 14--Employment Wanted WRLL WAND chodren im my Dame, week. ty OF Gay Lake Viale area. Teleprane Tae DAY care ang meas % Chadren 2 % 5 WOSrs, FGay week, New Dome, Nice ware. vomty Grantee, 75000 16--Female Help Wanted Withingness to accent PEt @xperse-poid tronsters, REPLY STATING FULL PARTICULARS: NAME SUNIOR aiice Clerk wanted. Meaty AA wm Aanly Canadian Aline (Pred 3 WO, "DP Serene Street Saath as We ADDRESS, TELEPHONE Gow NUMBER, AGE MARTIAL RECEPTIONIST Required ¥4 days or Full Days OHS Ce NA Ww. CALDWELL 723-7541 STATUS, EQUCATION and PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE BOX NO. 48 OSHAWA = TIMES > land becoming, as well jet cherries; printed: pattera 'Pas free pattern, Sead 33 cents FREE COFFEE SHOP App'y in person, telephone or write: Mr. Howard Cook, Service Monager Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 Bond Street West Qshowa Telephone 725-6501 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS USE REMNANTS Ry ALICE BROOKS Aa apron that is practical) Excel: wat protection far dress Be thrifty -- make the apron' af remnants: easy sewing Cherries, appliqued ar embroi- @ered, Pattern TO): transfer NIFTY SEPARATES Ry ANNE ADAMS. Cea fashion Rarmeay? Com pease a clever ong mg with to ARice Brooks, care of fog tg ona and y 'Qshawa Times Needlecraft Printed Patiora 2629: 'Dept, Oshawa, Oniarie. Ontario Sees BM. HW, 164, Tesidonts ad@ 2 cent sales TAX.) 9944 2016 A. Size 164) Blouse Print plainty Pattera Nember, takes BN yards SNack shirt 'Name, Address Wm ya IWS -Riggest. «Needlecraft ne CENTS G8 cons) a Show stars smocked accessencains (me stamas, please) fer ies -- it's oar new Needlecraft this' pattern, Ontarie Thireetive cents (caias) fer this pattera (no Stamps, niease) 'leeils Catalog? Plas over 288 fresh add rwe comis sales tax, Print jtoyen designs te Keit, creche ptainty Siee, Name, Ad@ress, jSew, Weave, embroider, ql Save Namber Send order te ANNE ADAMS, care af Qshawa Times Pattera Dem, Oshawa, Ontaria, Jest oat! 38 design ideas plas coupon for FREE pattera new! Want-Ads Don't ~ aay ORe YOR chease A ace | Cost-They Pay 2S. Se Oo

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