Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jul 1963, p. 5

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i WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office; 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel, 668-3703 baits iasidsa hl ; Hall was taking were aot true hy ee ENJOY WIENER ROAST AT LYNBROOK PARK swimming and courtesy of Cham ta EXCHANGE STUDENTS at ergeron 15, , BY of raasti the ber ef Whitby French with Stugent ing games, wienehs Oshawa Junior af Commerce Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY PERSONALS Recent guests at the home of aad Mrs Greea, 11355 h Street were Mr and A. H. Whynacht aad two aghiers C i and Lata, al Mrs. Green's W Mrs ad Myra all 'w Gold River va Seotia who were exchange a at les norte monde B amor RaSTeESs, Osh Playing the role Leslie Townsend awa, offers hot-dogs to (f left) Lacette Aliar Aine _Saindon 6 BEVAN CHAIRED MEETING Service Co-Ordination ommittee Is Formed nf Spe Ag nie rOgleTS yee ) brook Park M Green nother 78 «=Newman birth July wish him a be- Crofton celebrated ay, her wish Rim a speedy ne Thomas their belated birthday COuver Streets: ¢ - Monday's mahon mecung SUGGESTED 2 YEARS AGO Maver W. Stanley Martin first suggested the setting up ef a services co-erdinatian com. mittee about Ms pang aly failed to ge; off Whitty': § SOTVICSS re co-ordinated Councillor Bevan peeve since council was that are Rot Ce-ardina suggested the form COMMALIee Ris resolution call joint meeting wit tives from the PL phane c om Barbara Leany Quedec, and a n frie ted at the home of Mr Mrs. Marvin Wood Dundas street west on thea way to West Hill te visit rela. cor e ey s hat no avelved He stated the committee was r eged " La years Rat PR Hopsan cottage at > honer of Mr a Mrs. Ernest Qourchesne an eceasion af their ta wed anaiversary eeebraied July BM. Out of town in rst dhag Sanday ting Committee, The fer SSANta ously, and was then teat this committee be a and named The Ur ¥ Committee af the S pans abers TRER SAIL Wat ren Baarty INAUGURAL MEE TENG Attending Monda MACUNE Wer tank § SAPTTUILRE phore 9 GREAT PERSONAL SATESFACTION ¥ laears PaRe Pan paste plans @eres far ™ faciiities fr wag exoara praiects where eosts savings parts bial the coord BROCK Rcssiia Shuca Sat G04 & & werey | SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 ntiee ay ea ever anal the chair are st nated edfarts ee ed aa aii | H i j (jtaken Hall five or more mia afence drive of the day ities Te jing, j Jail Hanging Was Suicide Jury Finds, An all male coroner's jury) havior in hospital was "Juve Wednesday night returned ajnile" suicide verdict in the jail hang:} Guard Smitherman told the ing death July 11, of 2year- old) jury he was on the midnight Donald Navid Hall, of Kenneth/shitt on the day in question and street, Oshawa, iwhen he checked cell number The jury, after only a few)10, the one in whieh Hall was minutes deliberation determined) jdeing detailed at 6.10 a.m, there} the cause of death as being due/was nothing unusual to asphyxiation caused by hang} When he checked the cell {again at 6.33 a.m, Guard Smith Jurors fixed the time of deathierman said, he found Hall had between 6.10 and 6.30 a.m, onjhanged himself by attaching 2 the day in question and ruled it/pillow case to the bars of his was by his own doing, No/cell, He said he immediatoly recommendations were made as cut him down anda pplied arth a result of the jury's findings, cial respiration to no avail Hall was found hanging in his! He said there was ao sign of cell at the Ontario County Jai! life when he cut Hall down from in Whitby by Guard Richard/the bars. Mr, Smitherman add Earl Smitherman, when he wasjed guards had had previous making rounds about 6.35 a.m./trouble with the deceased as ho Dr, R. M, Clark, Oshawa Gen./Pefused to eat, only periodical eral Hospital pathologist tala] Would he eat anything and ne the enquiry Hall died as the re-/¥8ed to take "crying jag suit of asphyxiation due to hang-| William Joseph Caltheart, { 46 ing, He said there was a burn/Neil drive, Richmond Hill, who > was Hall's roommate and joint v charged with fraud, said the deceased had gone into fits of temper and said he would ki himself According to the witness, aid July 9 in' the Nepariment jmark across the 'Adam's Apple' leading to the right ear Dr, Clark said it would have mutes 10 die, Dr, H. Roy Rowse!ll, who at tended the deceased at Oshawa > General Hospital after jail offi cialis sent him there 10 deter mine the cause of seizures he was taking said the seizures court Hall ¢ ective said he would years. He said Ha R he would commit suicide art added Hall would de five month would go to tri stay in jail t the sah iwrite, dul he him to his her to raise $1,000 bail selaures but were hysterica seizures brought on by incarcer tion Hall was awaiting trial by judge and jury on a fraud charge and was unable to raise $1,000 dail Dr, Rowsell said the deceased) would not eat in hospital, but on. would be smoked very heavily, He sai@icoimoan said aithoart sa Hall's depression was brought; in in the on by incarceration and his de a ess Caithe said i before he i he coulda hat long ( was v a wrale mother requesting "HP not v i€ very told him er Sor? Bo > ert said he told a he would DOM old the ard t ~ Wi guard Ha suic de "Hall didn't have the g Ernest Hal Oshawa, teld t sen had said guests were: Mr, and Mrs and Byron Lee of Cowansville, Que bec, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hop. sen of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs Arnie Miller, Mr. and Mrs Douglas Stanford and Mr. aad Mrs, Claude Connerford all of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cour chesne were presented with a lovely gih along with the best wishes from relatives aad friends da a nervous candit than @ said fi af more ane Hall a q he was de Gerald Town ee of the i a SANIT during wished son of Mr. and Mrs Lioy€d Wannamaker, Cedar street, Ajax, underwent an ap pendectamy operation at Ajax ckering Hospital, Friead sp recovery ' Lilley' Moffat, of Van spent Wednesday. visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Cottingham, 614 Ciar Steven. four > t f the ne OK Mrs DOUBTS FINDINGS EDMONTON (CP) -- There is room far doudt the reported findings of a a Deer, Atta @ecter that radioactive falleut caused abnormalities ia Alber babies during 181, Health Mia ster Dr. J Wednesday Dr ~ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood . and two children Sandra and David spent last weekend in Prescott visiting Mr. Wood's parents, Friends are sorry to earn that his mother under weal surgery at Brockville Hos ytal Mr. and Mrs. Avara Wagner and Rass Hayes spent last Sua day in Niagara Falls. the 3 Vann. re Medica need subd es. be pted as He sa Ags of ened Asseciat stant e Ronald Clark is celebrating hig Dirthday today. His friends wish Rim many Aappy returns OKAYS FLUORIDATION DETROIT AP) County circa cert Judge George FE oe es Wednesday gave the city DetreRr a or ahead Naandauear ot water Rewles sai treit "yald TSHR seeking ore Mrs. Witt rand jam Ryland has awe to her home after a Toronte te wisit he a who te waderge sur Senaydresk Haspita of Mr. Ryland wish Aim &@ Prampt recovery COLLINS SHOE SALE Continues Washable "KEDETTES" Reg. to 498 Now Only . . 2.89 COLLINS SHOES 229 BROCK ST. S. WHITEY OPEN FRIDAY TRL 9 AM C af ter ts a De s € TROUSER SUIT SALE Free extra pant with every made- to-measure suit, LIMITED TIME ONLY MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITEY PLAZA-- BROCK ST_S a by a rope on. Pr Donovan Ross said ™ THE OSHAW TIMES, Thursday, duly 25,1963 § anxen SENSATIONAL IN GOAL Brooklin Lacrossers Whip League Leaders Ry CLIFF GORDON Racked by same tremendous gdal tending by goatic ral Baker and the three-goa!_ efforts ow Gena Lotten and Cy ov the Rrooklin Sr, La- « uh last night whipped the St Cc atharines Athletics 115 right in the Garden City The win was a really big one for Brooklin as it pulls the team); to within two points of the front running St Kitts Resides scoring Whree goals oh, Coombes and Glen Lotion ach garnered a pair of assists to add to thoir fast rising sea son's totais. Larry eg a pair of timely mark rs for Brooklin while the bal ance a the searing was solo hits by Bill Armour, Joe Todd and Jerry Burrows For the losers it was Peter Berge who blinked the light be hind Raker in the Rrooklin rig gm on two. occasions, h R to S} TASSO e ter and Doug a a Rrampton Sea Sunday far omm'ing "esis were this game v have the ¢ f they really , pat 10 nal set untr > mark of the on but when they a barrel | Lindsay Area 6 Cottagers Seek * =| Voting Ruling INDSAY CP) -- Sum r cotta area' about asked Mun 5:9 a recent Assessment Ont are an Rave cottager in n Townsh © Federati af s Associations to Mr. Spooner council clerks names of hus f cottagers off » Ass year pre property owner's wife need. aot be shown OA the assessment rolls unless he or she lives within dive of the municipality, The t was surely to elim the assessors and ere WRA veling qual Mr, Hoard wrote been Interpreted by warship cauncils as mame should not the voters" ! there tying the person, be a husband ef malas % some 2 an . NqUuA Warne * RAVE FUN WITh ALL THE FAMILY MINIATURE 2 Lene Noles, nothing Ne ® for miles erownd ADULTS er CHILDREN ONLY 2Se each, Come cut, bring the family end enjey @ mor. mq, attornecn OF evenmgs ten, Ciubs, Belts and Score i Card Sunphed | WMPROVE YOUR DRIVING + SMALL PAIL SOc LARGE PAIL 1,00 Practice Makes Perfect Tey end See For Yoursett idian Ferguson). in the neXt six minutes the/the previous mark in organized locals fired four goals by tle)/acrosse was 97 held by John bewildered home team custo Davis when he played Jr, for Meanwhile at the other) Whitby end of the rink Pat Baker, the) Getting back to last night's stalwart gealic of the Brooklin Brooklin game, the entire team team was kicking out the best played very well, especially they could fire at him Baker who played perhaps one Brooklin ran their count te 6.0%! Ms. Dest games of the year, vefore St Kitts could nally pb: Nice to see the big fellow start the score sheet, and held : 7-3 10 get sharp as the chips start ead at the end to tghten up for the run for the period, In the final stanza the 'OP "une n't sell Rrooklin ocals ran the count to yp kort, they can do it if they put a fine win their minas to. it JUST TALKING -- This was wea ers much .mproeved performaree 1, Brooklin: G. Lotton aver the Sunday game, but as), {Coumbes Rutten) they say it is much better to 3 arin: Tor ret the bad anes out of the way 4 Brook! a ) ne A » Wa YO. " , 8 wees we WI wil 2 @ Th S$ ane as bath B ave an he fans w ath h Burrows (Heffernan) "ae ites : rains Mowe ¥ open dofore ww playorts start Senta, Rovian Wes. at ¢ The tocals wil go right back Second Peree ® the Garden City next Monday, §. Brook Feeguson ht ; 4) & Brook Ferauson ght to play the rained out GO. Lotion, Ratan) game from the first away from] 7 si. Kits: Mower (Berge) home game of the schedule . , .| & Breakin Coomnes "4 Rutan, G Lotter) a Saturday night Brookin S$. Kita: Sith '4B May host ta th ar eh OS). Ki: Moore (Thompson) 18.00 . Penalties Hint 2.32, Brookiin Peratty O31, heffernan 12.08, Tedd 15.99. Tramason 19.40 Thre Ported Berge (McCready) Letien (Coombes) Skits Aroakha Breekha 4 Soktn Sh Kis Brave 8 Dak SOME rauan * "and ean provide } some of the dest the country chat thelr. obube 3 2 8 » RCTOSSE had wR» wea FY Piatt 634 McCready 9.02. Tromnpsan 8.5), Stevenson rniner Seth mailer and misc, 13.4, Mowe 8. SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Leunderers FREE Pickup & Betivery PHONE 668-4341 tannins a ---- Fast a w m: Condes (Fergusen) th Alderwood & he » Jim ee : male yy ea <.35 total by any one year, One young fel ow by the name of Ron Me Neill had 12 goals in this game and now bh 100 for the year : serves as cor iS aA all time ree goals for ane season, We stand to be rected but I think b game as ur Menery y the fo TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE AMBULANCE SERVICE CALL POLICE DEPARTMENT 668-5858 or AJAX 942-3610 W. 3 MARTIN, Meyer COLLINS SHOE SALE CONTINUES Men's DRESS OXFORDS Reg. to 16.95 NOW ONLY 9.99 Women's FLATTIES Many Colors Reg. to 6.98 NOW ONLY 3.99 AUL aT COLLINS SHOES 129 BROCK ST, S$. -- OPEN FRI THA 9 PLM, --WHIT8Y ALUMINUM WINTER SEAL SCREEN-STORM DOORS ss "TEMPO" Strang fall I" eck frome, n- rAeahie StF ows screen, foctory Fare end at ADIN Teddy, % You A2eG aMhy @ sreadr Com Derr Recwove 4 29. os SET gy man boy Wieter Seel . . . Spores. ~ & ver} Beever Lathder Prey Se ae roading fer @ hease- a 3495 SP Portes monk Geite DECORATIVE INITIAL WITH YOUR SEALMASTER AND GRALE WeNTER SEAL ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS FOR YOUR NOmE . aS Low as $22 A MONTH Beaver Lumber Whrm 4219 Donde: £ 668.5818 Raemarnv itis 4 Kine F S23.3388

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