'cama 01a ~ - . : \ + J@ THE OOHAWA TIMES, Theredey, July 25, 1963 "Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 0 e e BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 'Building Trades Well Drilling--Digging ALL TYPES of building repairs, rool-|emsr AND SECOND mortgages. Sale WELL DIGGING Oy machi hg, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, Suncuicein peveuneed prea Hen-|'t!ng_ In 30-inch tile, W. stoopa. Gordon May, 728.030. ack and Heonick, Barristers, 31 King/"W! Street Wea BO ox 0, ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing|Street Bast. 723.7232. eto Baal tent iesissioae our specialty. new work and repairs, WILLIAM" ~RROONTIE, Weil digging, arge and smail jobs. L.. and H. Roof wompressor work, cleanout and deepen- ing, 468 Park Road South, 728-2864, fOUR LOCAL CRINNEY BILL LEMON rterea}YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 |13--Business Opportunities/17--Male Help Wanted 17----Male Help Wanted BODYMAN -- - have five Sgt Mo = WANTED PLASTERERS -- ese 0%" Apply Garage, 1600 King. treet East or - Rat : AMBITIOUS COUPLE TO ae Fey Fes rowt phone 728-7781. LEASE A MODERN Two | [yus 4 Per Cent BAY SERVICE STATION WITH SNACK BAR ON MILBURN BUSY HIGHWAY CLOSE | LATH AND PLASTER TO OSHAWA 80-A - Wolfe Street LIQUID, FLOWING FREELY Lint wAfin, be QUID, nor pe Wt sh he = ee Opening For Young Man With leading International Compony as sales clerk, with excellent opportunities for the future compony bene- Accountants Mortgages -- ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account) a} Ay. Street West, Oshawa. Tele phone 72> 'apecial-| i. Whitby, PRIVATE and corppration monies to 'oan on all types of mortgages: mort gages and agreements of sale pur. chased. Creighton, Drynan and Mur foch, (See heading "Barrister.".) MAROLD & DEWAR, Accredited Pub- » fe Accountant -- Commercial Bolising,| 786 King Street West, Oshawa, 720-22 JAMES i eecontans, Suite 205, Oshawa rere! Thimpeys built and repaired, -- Lini- Contre, 725-0953. ngs mae te! ACKERMAN MONTEITH, owrensy 1ST TIME IN 'CANADA 15 YEAR WELL. DIGGING Cleonouts, Deepeninga, Lerge poved driveway -- reasonable rent --- moderate fits. Grade 12 educotion preferred. Apply in writing to TELEPHONE 728-3735 OR 725-6225 financing, BOX 909 on, Chartered tants, 728-7527, Excavating ~~ Loading North, Oshawa, Aen we 7 3.0690, Whitby MO &-4i31. e 2 ' d, Gravel, Fill YALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co, ni , oe Accountants, Licensed Tru» And Top Soil » « Dump Truck Reasonoble Rates PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE WALCO CONSTRUCTION For guaranteed "home im- long- term 15-yeor open 2nd 72. provements, store ond office tanned on Hous le si a os ait say de ling pee werenee ] ear wg 4 = . on dress alterations Telephone Oshawa Auto Parts ship, Free est n older pertie 10 PRINCE ST, | SAVE AT WESTERN |- _Whitby 668-4412 _ eelusiseanre 728-5311 | | 725-0807 . 4 | Pee } 723 after hours 728-3376 Removal of superfluous hair, ent i ~--, SERVICE CENTRE | PLASTERING Mare -Murdull wil beet |---oueere TRAILER | iAniciee Foe ett __--Gaptoyment Wonted Repairs To All Makes New ond 'SCHOFIELD. AKER Th Phin Conse ea | . RENTAt 5 ee ee ' & . ¢ ment - work A thks detes 4 se hes SUpS ) | inde y oF daily, Lake Viste aren. Telephon LICENSED MECHANICS ments. Remc r LIMITED rv 'nie aie : hl sit 145 King West----728-1607 manship guaranteed. traliers FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Compressor Work Telephone 728-0911 2----Personal \i® YOU have a drinking problem, write! Box 353, Whitby, or call 668-2034, LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist. in garment altere- tions, etc, Invisible mending, 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION investment Co, Ltd. LIMITED The first and adion put the field, now introduces REFRIGERATION SERVICEMEN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for Shop and Field Ser- vice. Only experienced men need apply. Established gallonoge .ond record of good return from Snack Bor, Six week troining course ovoiloble to lesser during which time a salary is paid, Possession con be arranged suitable to right. party. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS OSHAWA TIMES an, erst 'ROPEING, BEADLE a . coountanta, King fast, Gaave. Gutatio. "asso, WILSON and BURROWS, chartered accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- awa: Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Eximond Burrows, ¢ CA, T2854 BOB CLANCY'S ~ Accounting jomplate bookkeeping servic THE OSHAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRES CARETAKERS | Applicants please apply in | writing stating age and qualifications to MR. F. E. SHINE i t 278 Bridgeland Avenue Business Adeirnraner ne PUssell 1-618) Box 396, Oshawa, Ont. 16--Femele Help Wented ea SE SS WAITRESSES WANTED fu Ap " wha Hote "Ferviee,| 184 Bond y QuM WEAKDMD wth WATER» Call | George O'Connor, Service Monoger, Toronto TV & Appliance Service Co, Ltd repoirs ving bx HO | fole to thidren 2 to 8 home, nice. yard DAY care and me yorrs, Sdey week bond < bin bg 360 King Stree est 'ean FHOLD POUIPMENT ferent 360 K treet We ELECTROLYSIS MONTY'S BA SERVICE ng choirs a land A. WOODS 728-3420 723-464) SIMCOE AT GIBB * Cv) oe > 725-913) V fn ing. and repair instruments DOMAR ot 130 King Street East raat SAND, GRA EL, eel scala INVESTIGATIONS \9--Summer Properties | Mortgage loans available STONE, FILL Optometrist 728.9054 cn Sols ae Baan | MANNING F, SWARTZ AND RONALO | en DIVORCE, PERSONAL COTTAGES and the Wiack| L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, c. B, TUCK, RO, ¢ 'Optometrist Please Aas ? , 7 | Noter les Money to loan, Henry Block N, . A T R pay accounts at downtown Don ' Al. INVESTIGAT! River, 1© miles Uxbridge 7, Res Bank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 72 ENTIAL Velephone Black urities, UL ty reet es Thay dy) King Street Eas }2-6831 collec' for es Cartage dence, dial 723-4029 LOUIS $ HYMAN, "ee; Nota Bat JOHN'S MOVING ublic. 3 Oshawa, Whit Musical Servic PIANO, reat, p'pe and Barristers RALPH "JONES, BA ana THOMAS # GREER, Associste Barristers and Sollc me tors f women for tm no perers RELIABLE GI household ut trong + AUTOMOBILE MECHAM License and good background experience essential BODY METAL FINISHERS Some previous experience necessory ote on north of River See appointment REE CONFI . UNLIMITED ue pare . INTERVIEW j ' ' Painting and Decorating 334. Simece St Bassett Bldg.) | ercise sewing 7 ne k Sihews "4! FOR RENT scutes Dr. N. Kowalsky Modern Physician - -- | - sid EXPERT PAINTING and decoratir An nce vide All work ¢ i * '8, Re-Lox n of his office Cameron + 200 St. re 568-$208, lrrenet ately advancernen' firmatian col "(Al PAINTING and pa per hangis J Jensen after 3 p.m, 725-7218. OU TSIDE PAINTING, Carefu weil-shoded, 3-bed Reasonable ates. Nelson Heisler aa? mrr slide cottage, in projector s conveniences ond T.V | movie camer 1 mile from gun GAR room lokefront JUNIOR office clerk wanted, steady pos tion. Apply Caned Alum tinier coal 779 Simcoe Street Soutt Simeove "North Fully equipped GREER AND KELLY, F ate, 2 og wee N binoculars GM. Decler DEN EQUIF hedge clippe mowers, Flat Kate Shop 44 Hour Weer Dial Dressmaking DRESSMAKING alte ' ant ¢ } } ? ; Terer : 2 " Fenelon Falls reer, ' rg. experienced, reasnnadle -- rat x adic ; r a 4 Ee bODD & SOUTER The Medical Centre Grenville M. Flett oa egg -: ougers, +, Soliet RATING 211 Simcoe South BOWMAN pave "L. Barrist i 4 a har ae oe Eciane end 1 Supplies shite Pactual dinates greens, sise Paintir > ranging meriv 9 B Loke canvassers. must be ee) Div' cormenission. Tete! Ask tor Mr, Jeckeon. = | |AVON, now 'avaliable, en opening with jAvon Products Wr te toiey while terrt jtory is still open. P Box 512, Oshawa j WANTED micdieaged women for light) 2--Personol hourehold duties and care of two chik| : driveway grave Oy R N < q nacre eco ar TRS Sinner ct aie a et Moda . 'aren while mother works. Private room grey E S E : d board with small remuneration BROOKLIN LIBRARY CANBING QUI Sate Sha na CLOSED on ge By and BEATTY HA ULAGE : y vgn REOPEN a ng ond Rentals Ltd, coolers, cor top 7 95.915 Pho JAMES" x MacDONALD 725 2156 cht Ui d Notary Py ter skis, life diding, 286 Kg Instruction TELEPHONE lawn ®R. 2. Fenelon Falls Phone Burnt River 1 5r4 Potential Income to $125 Week 20t Street -- Telephone 723-2822 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. need several well-qualified men to fill the above positions. eet East, Oshawa, 7 rane EREVGHTON, DRYNAN AND CEMENT grave MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- -- and fil tary Pobuc Bank of Commer . ol Brilding, 5 Simcoe Street Nor awa, Ontario, 723-66 tT. BK Creighton, ee G &, TRASH: G Murdoch Mortgages and ag n nen » sod and _arrar IPMENT sleeping mottress tanterns, | pon' T keep tw vniture you're t using. | Turn cash fast with en inexpen- sive Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Just! dial 723-9482 now for an experienced Ad) 'Fringe Benefits Include: IMMEDIATE | ASSIGNMENTS WW Gunes DICTAPHONE TYPISTS & 723.3224 ___STENOGRAPHERS eochtiedac SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD 12--Articles | Wanted SERVICES j ee _WHITBY 668- 668-8181 it tote Personal Service MODERN GRILL Home Loam and Gravel each - Washed Stone Fill Excevating, lots fe board motors. Pension Plan Group Insurance veled Hospitalization with Blue Cross Extended Coverage 8 Paid Statutory Holidays Coveralls Supplied and Laundered FREE COFFEE SHOP King Plumbing and Heating AUGUST 20th AT 2 P.M. aaiee ce ALL TVPES Gf repairs she remodeling ae on ao ? eller new end used materinis. Reasonable mn rates, Estimates free. Dial 723-1183 WANTED TO BUY -- on ico box to ho EXPERIENCED _ See $0 Iba, of ice, Reasonable, Dial 720-0607, | PRESSER REQUIRED ALi wai TED one pp PICKWICK CLEANERS _434 Simcoe South EARN EXTRA MONEY how Conodo's finest line of 'ristmas cards, Wraps, Nov- | elties, etc. to friends and rel- atives. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illustroted cata} @, somples on approy- ond the fostest service, dron Greeting Cerd Co., E., Hamilton, Wen, Oshawa Outarie available TSANG or 73-" n good cond}. s&s S-4622. te ident counsellor, yet 8 Dial '9---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent 3--Pets & Livestock defiened 'and we Gast LAKE Picton eres. Large "imodern cottages, Available. trom August Ure Hie. Phone GR ¢4504 heating supplies H. Stark ot i Egineer = sonra pootie, Diack, ten Apply in person, telephone or write: Mr. Howard Cook, Service Manager Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140 Bond Street West Telephone 725-6501 PLUMBING nd me TR twin DOGS, boerded, trimmed Phone 725-632 weeks vor RENT . otiage Telephone |, GELOING ny. Best offer. LS, PUREBRED serman ack an a Parts for ond iron Conveniences, ught Oshawa chester = MAN SHEPHERDS. e : egiste OSHAWA . TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN Row Furs |. TURNER 723-2043 723-2281 < 13--Business bac reset YOUNG LADIES | MODERN Sales and Service ee | ART'S GUN REPAIR - CUSTOM GUN WORK Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land triever C sonable Yo Da nine ont i nr yy = LAKEHEAD PARK |Srenmgs. 233 oe ee rgistered 5 peste time soles représentotives. | t w RESTAURANT AND PROPERTY "Com | mercial.: Corner . idcation 0 t ding stores or any dusiness, Reason be able price. Terms > sult, Frenchman's . Bay ares. Private, Pickering TE 9.3801 weekly Stock nels, Enniskille Must of a cor and able to work twelve hours (evenings), The sal- i j@, Sunderland. Solid brick stort is $35. per week. Sem Dar, Ging! For full write perk hove use ory t formation 2 Times ~ BOOKKEEPER TYPIST juired for Public Acccunting Office Write ) detail in strict contid- Stating, age, educa- tion ond experience TO BOX 922 OSHAWA TIMES | PROMISE your ohiidren a per Well, you'll find Just the right one offered in! "Pets lassified. Turn to Classifice- tien 3 now ACTIVE OR INACTIVE PARTNER WANTED For Smali Garage and Cor Business St. North >--725-3568 of Fowler's Comers 78 mile east Oshew on Hwy NTS, TRAILERS BOAT DOCK, | romp Fish CUSTOM WORK 800 ft. of " . DONE se : Lakehead Farms Ltd CUTTING GRASS OR RAK ; E DRESS FER R.R. No. 2, INSECTS -C . Peterborough, Ont beoch rst mortooe ortoages ence 10--Summer Properties Wanted WANT TO RENT -- cottage from July 2 t Avi bd st 3 AR conveniences Dial ee Service 1238 Juvenile end sidewalk bieycies. Resiience 723-342 = a accapiadle, will pick up) wovenvn aa wc] Oshawa Driving School 3 : ms, CHESTERFIELDS "reaphoiner SHAW Street. Eas. Oshewe: 8, 8&8 * gel = : vga Gels -- phreys, QC: G. S. Boych ote Models, Stondords al Our aa ne 1 AUTO WRECKING CO ms Aunomatic 3 Duo! Controlled : ns ence: TAI, Whitby 448-276 ' ke Duel Go |CMESTERFIELOS and oi WEIMARANER =] and other mortpape funds aveliadie WEIMARA ma eight COTTAGE tor + sole, ulso scrop se CALL 728-009) | at Modern Uphoisterers, mse. [tty® metals, ete, bo South. Call 723-6481 : . y , BOOKKEEPING Services, lnm Tax Money To Loon JARRANGE now tr have your af ign geo gg gy ra iogh lag gg Returas, Statements prepared, BC Se! [tele suite recovered while on vacation , 7 2 8 man Crese 2} MORTGAGE MONEY | no own payment. Up to 2 mots > 725.2311_-89 BLOOR Ee Building Trades jonipation, Kennedy Uphoistering Lid, WANTED ae. Sede | CHESTERFIELDS reboilt recovered We Low Interest ate reasonable. Satisfaction @oaran-/ °°» Augu \ " AND FEATHER TICKS qunranterd R Tucker, Tas-0838 holstery Cor 10 Bend. West" Dua Ge jseaererct hogy" Mrs lis St Oe peta ou Broad, t East C cleaned tke new by HydroSelica . ter Method, no dust Free ates "Call pevomarggpaciyrton -- |Soemer ' GORD'S aks. © JANITOR SERVICE i gow home Rebueing, refinishing, floors, wolls, ceilings ond " 2 a2 ge windows. | Tears SNOT Guns bought, sold A coca s Column ond insured 53 . 723-1302 he het ne = tre ser. LAKE CHEMONG ; vs, 2 a's and 80" Z jMOTEL for sete ae _ SECURITIES 4 FUM AND TROLLOPE, yaene THOR 65 ACR past tga ied bee A. FOSKE L--« rot Gut 5--Farmer's Column Minutes from , mg, Hoence prosib ess forces AND SONS LIMITED oie. ee taric Land Surveyor, Commercial blue Dominion Tire representative. 725-45 1 3" prints, 11 Ontario Street. 723.9632 evenings after six, 725-726 ing, Oecorcting, Coulking expert home repcirs. No job Mortgages AGG on dead and crippled farm am Te ------>-- . ------ WHITBY TV serial and tower service. free collect, Hempton give service to them oll FREE "of 668. MORTGAGE ow ARANTEED + repairs to ail makes » on Ele> HOME Moneys for # ~ CITY t V_ Rooting, ecvestroughing, | Surrounding Districts pointin cupboards, floor Gueronteed Sotisfoctio kinds, Ne job too big or : @rcill, AN work guoronteed $u Dean Ave. . 725- 0500 @3 onytime . NELLS, 19 Colbome E | amg an c i Ports one -- YL - Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS ster + 134 Simece Street North "LEARN TO DRIVE Rug-Upholstery Service sh. Disi Bowmanvilie MAN, Borristers, Solicitors, 341% DAY or EVENING a m terial ter Ks Hiliman, LLB. Office ad, Afler 4, dia! 623-058 hone 725 ge Ww. ¢ F ' ; onts Cors For OSHAWA AND WHITBY = [Shenae ners can ne oe Bookkeeping Free estimates. divers atoallll . ~acen tn itd Phone vices, TH Newman Crescent, S68-8252 | A or estimate, phone a Ne AVAILABLE leavers 'owtalied Siding, carpentry, | ike new. Why pay more? Oar r reg ls asta -- paypihinenya . S CRAP, IRON, POULTRY BRICK GEANING -- Have Valuations Arranged en apes pera epost to ee lM estim: en's Sharpening ani Rental vaste gg [PUREBRED Experienced cleaners on prise eons DACHSHUND Residential end Commercia! exchanged ON Bonded : --) can ihe SUMMERLAND Sorvpare ors, 30 per Ontario or |DONEVAN AND FLIESCHMANN, On FARMERS, need tires? Call 8 Roofing, Sheet Meto!, Point- TV--Redio Repairs CASH on the spol. Highest prices pald too big or too smoll -- We TWal SGR-R3e4 rs For Fe 668-5906 of 668-2341 LOANS IMPROVEMENTS Gren : For Oshewa ond tiling. General repoirs of ol! P, C 'oul Ciesior Prop. 'Broncing at bonk rotes. Co! OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Telephone 728-2061 723-4697 described coffers get fotter Better & corsecutive doys - 5 « 3 consecutive doys 24 ge 3 48 EVENINGS MILFORD GORDANIER, Prop Tv TOWERS AND 6--Auction AUCTION SALE Hoving received from Miss Florence McCann, 119 Brock St. E, Oshawa, 1 wilt sell by Public Auction, Sot., July 27th ot 1:30 pm. household contents, ontiques ond other orticies. too! nurm- instructions --Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - - Glasses Punch Bowls Cotfee Urns iiver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeont's Rentals 72. # you heve -- personolith high schoo! education king for contect work 3 ate on experienced CITIES SERVICE a position for We hove APPLY MR. FORSTER Pe pyramid in crisp white, |ling Summer color. Clerk Ty pist- BE LIGHTHEADED | By ALICE BROOKS resh, young, flattering! Cro- 4624 | this new, curvy pillbox, sizes 144--24% | ait | chaptis or cbbreviction cs one word. 15¢ erous to mention Terns cash. Fronk Stirtevont, Auc- toner 7--Trailers ONE WHEEL fale. ; $50. Apply 39? Pnillip Veiling threaded throu oh |double-crochet gives a light-as-| jair look. Pattern 7008: direc-| By ANNE ADAMS jtions, all sizes. Ribbon bows, lean lines that THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) pecome inverted pleats -- so for this pattern (no stampS,/simple, but think of all the Gount eoch word, Box number ' it not gold cat TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS MOST IN DEMAND Industrial Acceptance Corporation 728-1636 Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND $ HAWA 728-6781 " | CLEARANCE OF _ TV TOWERS | 1963 MODELS s ner Oo conom Siiverliner Collapsible WORK OIL CO. LTD. HAS A PRIME LOCATION SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE ON A MAIN ARTERY IN OSHAWA (GALLONAGE 1S NOW 000 GALLONS PER YEAF within > Geys, chorge rote. applies, Professiono mronth Each addit stings only, 3 lines per ono! fine per month (Not anpiicoble for merchandise odvertisements nt WISE homem DEADLINES day im "Home Furnishings" pum. doy previous ed, Be emagt. check today ss 30 pm. doy previous Bi irths, memoriams, "cards of thonks -- 9 om . Lost ond Found -- 8:30 om. Concellations ond Corrections--8:30 om rig ct pudlication : REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors nents submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon | Pr one incorrect insertion of omy odvertisement, mor beyond the price chorge for c single insertion of the odvertisement in which error cocurs. The Oshows Timer reserves the right to clossity OSHA eocording to tts proper clossificotion W TV in the cose of y seg odvert isementy mage held responsible tor SUPPLY LIMITED error octup wr to rep wie ve » 5 IYO el toll Oshowo 25-1468 728 - 8180 or 728-1555 nd Deluxe m Odvertise- ced & budget your TERMS ARRANGED odvertising -- please) to Alice Brooks, care! warm - weather occasions that EXPERT TYPIST | jot The Oshawa Times, Needie-| require a dress like this. ---- all 'tario residents add ic. sales) sizes 1439, 161g, 18%, 2014, 22%, ttax, Print plainly PATTERN/2414. Size 16% requires 33% NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. yards 39-inch fabric. Office 1963's Biggest Needlecraft)' FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins, OR YOU ries. -- it's our new Needilecraftitern Ontario residents add 2c Sisplay every evening dic taphone Experience | ata og! "Plus over 200 fresh-to- ja tax. Print plainly SIZE, ce WHILE Preferred you designs to knit, crochet,|NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE Morried or Single sew, weave, embroider, quilt.) NUMBER a achook now! jeare of The Oshawa Times, « MYRTLE, ONTARIO Apply in Writing |Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. a , t ° . r Just out! 204 design ideas 6PM TO1lTPM WORK. SLEEP BOX. 92 Want-Ads Don t plus coupon fer FREE pattern Pee Tj 33 ;-- any One you choose in new ' jSprin Summer Pattern Cata- or PLAY | OSHAWA TIMES | Cost-They Pay [i's loraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. On-| printed Pattern 4624: General Siac Show s smocked acceSs0-j(no stamps, please) for this pat- , = Plus free pattern. Send Send order to ANNE ADAMS, RICHIE DRIVE-IN YOU Age 20 -- 35 jlog Send 50c. now.