Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1963, p. 7

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Incorrect Name On Summons; Charge Dropped RECREATION REVIEWS Children Take Swimming Tests BOWMANVILLE Children in the first: swimming classes took their Red Cross last Friday, the Recreation Depart. nounced today. misspelled name on ai sum Junior; 10,40 "Pool and. ' . Bo ad sgl a.m, Boys, July 26, all candi. Learn 1090 am, am, Bei Ty Terence V, Kelly, of Oshawa, counsel for James R, Von Gun am, ment a BOWMANVILLE (Statt) =a! mons led to the dismissal of) charges. against a Bowmanville and Royal Life Saving; %58)man in Magistrate's Court ten, 17 Silver street, Bowman, ua' street, ville, indicated to court that the and $83 costs and was found in! | Girl Fined For (Drinking While |». | Under Age BOWMANVILLE (Staff - An) |18 « year - old Bowmanville girl! was found guilty of drinking) lunder age by Magistrate R. B,! iBaxter here ay, Doret Eve Jones, 14) | ~ 4 ce gl fine of $15 five days, ther, him I would give him 50 cents ~b kr ) pene me a bottle," she Ws 'Jones also told court that idn't know who the man was Ser obtained the liquor for STICK TO PAST HOOKE, England (CP)--A jmagnificent Tudorstyle man: sion with leaded windows and fountains in the. forecourt has/ To 'been built hereby the Dorset Water Board, bad -- wants jits new pum tation to "blend natural Sih Nhe raral Cattle, Pigs Lost In Fire Near Orono =e. ee and feed the Wines ot Orono recently, hay and 400 dushels of grain. owned sideroad ; third line west of Highway 113, fire spread so rapidly that had/answer the call for help. = Sey MeN LIEN ME RE 7 } The Sorensen farm is direct. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, July 24, 1963 » tly south of C, Malley's, The fire mushroomed through| time only to put out a few cows ithe barn so fast that it was/of those in the barn at the time, impossible te get all the cattle; The fire was noticed shortly and livestock out, Besides the! after 4 p.m. Mr, Sorensen was loss of the large bara and at.jat the time on his way home Ry MRS, KEN, GAMSBY [tached shed there was the loss/from work, cae of six cows, 10 calves, 13 sows, | onono Fire eto Sc and ducks, Also] aac cause of the fire is not lost was a large quan' Clarke south of ot" the fire did not threaten the The fire occurred on the farm) The fire was nations ee house, Smoke from the blaze CABLE SHIP ON WAY MONTREAL (CP) - A cable Ship is on the way to repair @ fault in a major -- eable that has disrupted tele communications between Mont real eee i, was ai noun y. A spokesman for Canadian Oraruaa Telecom: munication Corporation said > lays caused by the fault, le cated about 250 miles off the K. Sorensen on a Sorensen and her son just_as yween the fourth and|they completed the milking. the continental shelf, have been cut to a minimum by the use of ab ternate circuits available, On Friday, dates who successfully passed = Soe --, Inter. as test, ate, gn. Senior Red, Crott|anould be at thebr pickup points awards at Cream of Rarley/at least 15 minutes ahead of Pool at 11.45 a.m, time, Lasied veloe ats De Genes Set Caan Cream of Rarley Pool -- STeer|pre arrived in name given on the summons) was James A, Vongunten, |_ Constable Mr, Kelly stated that Cun. 1» Rormanrie decane fable Kea Barter of the OF il ag Ne hed the correct, Ming tn his) Misa Jones Bary th ; charge book and that the error She Was deing trea in the spelling occurred when |ol's "Testing from an aut the summons was being drawn, ™ _Sonstable duvet ald tat - Thursday and Friday Tharsday afternoon eo Intermediate, Sn ted a large number of | youngsters the noble art of Magistrate R pa oa ma nge is | for seeing that the summons is| PRenag yy Baxter asked B. Baxter *® . ® racquet wieldng, Officer Fails | Mr, Manstiold was assisted) correctly drawn up. | dy local instructors, David Hig- "But we are all human and hqwor, that {eon ni " to him at the t a been drinking Miss she obtained igor and Janette Marsden, can make mistakes," the Mas: "T was in a restaurant WHAT MAKES STEINBERG @ istrate added, decided that 1 wanted a drink Crown Attorney H. Brent said so me _gave a guy Ss = told Children's classes me hel rsday pa ig at Teeey oi Liens Coalre me felt that the difference in ; To Lay Charge Proper Way courts, ze lng < "immaterial te RBOWMANVILLE (Statt) -- An BANTAM SOFTRALL, "Why, it's a differnt: name," -- The first round of playotts for returned Mr, Kelly, i Oshawa man had & charge Ot. "Rantam Bays' Softball will) Magistrate Baxter concurred "gh Sete iMegal passing Of A motor Vea. nog next Monday, at 6.90/"It is a different name and ag Syorrnny Bey ns mag p.m, at Vincent Massey dia./substitution is no good, On axter here Tuesda ond, when the Rebels play the these grounds I dismiss the cause of a police officer's fail 2 Sexs in a sudden-death playoff charge." ure to lay the charge property, game Charles Uric, & Banting street, Oshawa, was changed by PEE WER TOWN LEAGUE Constable Den Hoed of the OPP BASEBALL ter * i. or atiempting te a scheduled we tats pass Regally" week and next are as wes: : 4 Magistrate Baxter stated that) July 25---Tigers vs, Braves, og mg Ser sal os , Booene pls ah diy wp ne bag Sing, He Tuesday just after twe veteran attempting to pass at the same vs, Pirates, Memorial Park; |attle of Britain fighter mreren time". Therefore de dismissed Aug. 1 -- Braves vs Yankees, | log Gurren wet Sphttive-cwere "ho charged as a result ye will aus|mered Out of sight "to avoid af a two-car collision on High /underway during the week of CMONTrassment iver of the other August 3. Watson, 388 es street, Oshawa BANTAM GIRLS' SOFTBALL, A charge of careless driving) Games scheduled for the dal. was made against Watson as a ance of the year are: Jay B-- result? af the same accident Robdsan vs. Kiwanis: July 2 Cownsel Terence V. Kelly of Coronation vs. vs . Gidde Oshawa asked the court te dis" peg the change against Watson BEEF SO TENDER? Of the many questions shoppers ask PIERRE, probably the most frequent is, 'How can | be sure the beef | buy will be tender?' In answer, PIERRE points out two important facts, Firat, oll Steinberg beef is Government inspected and graded CHOICE RED BRAND...there just isn't any finer grade of beef Secondly, PIERRE explains Steinderg's careful natural 'aging process' beef takes time to develop all its prime satisfying flevour.. ond Steinberg' 3 age the beef they sell a full FOURTEEN DAYS! PIERRE recommeds you try a Red Brand Steak or Roast from Steindberg's soon, Taste what praper aging does to beef FRESH - TOP QUALITY, TENDER ~~ PORK LOINS// 749 ES SH 3 18, Preah Side CANADIAN JACK SPRATT NO, 2 QUALITY SPARE RIBS "59¢ SIDE BACONexs.69¢ GROUND resus | SRIRSS I, CHUCK ws. 396 PIZZA PIE or 53¢ Summer *2°"'s - MAPLE LEAF 2 LB, PRG, Sausage . Sz. PRG 45¢ 49 ¢ KNOWS MEAT! PER ey WIENERS Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade. First of the yore FRESH PICKED CAUFORMA NO. T GRADE LUSCIOUS ONTARIO NED GROWN NO. ? GRADE, SWEET CORN -:::* LARGE S$ LONG GREEN SU CUCUMBERS 2 for 17¢ Santa Rosa PLUMS tb. 29% ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 GRADE, QUTSPAN OR BRAZILIAN, SWEET, acy A % -- sze v0. 49% pant FRESH GREEN i Tomat to" s J mice COTT'S ASSORTED RHUBARBsve ee FLAVOURS 10 oz. tin PIE stennere 4Qe Drinks 12-89 tre==s CAKEstees 396 SAVE 31¢ sorton Frozen cheer Banana CHIFFON $i Meat Pies 5:1. The Fantastic COUNT'S FIVE and their GROUP Adwiien 1.25 Pertean Bence B90 te at ae, : | GERMAN igen LAND } COLTSHALL, and (Reut. ers) -- The ae West German air force squadron te visit Rrit ww ; The BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA.ON-TRELARE LAURENCE HARVEY FRANCE NUYEN "A GIRL NAMED TAMIKO" Rie END SAWMILLS BUSY AVS, VANCOUVER (CP) -- Saw. "= Mr Unie gets off On A mills in the British Columbia technicality then the chargejinterior are working at tap against Watson should also deispeed te capitalize on a lam @ramnissed ~ be said jber strike im the United States Ganstadlie Den Heed tel Pacific northwest, aow in fs Court that in his estimation Retlereenth week, The strike at six maen were equally respansible major lumber and nivwoed pre- fer the accident! @acers in Washiagtea, Oregon : if x4 HE i SERVICE, ASK 42° a= eee THE MAN WHO 83% ' 4 +84 t if THE rf WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT EVER $4 7% i PE 4 Ei Aisss i "3 | at i ft i i Fresh Home Baked Goodness CAKE br oe Gee THREE STOOGES COMEDY "ALL THE YOUNG mn CANNIBALS" ve "STATE FARM" HUNT'S ane ey ase 2k -25 MARLON BRANDO--SANDRA CHURCH "THE UGLY AMERICAN" also ACADEMY AWARD WRERER ° YY PECK -- MARY GREGOR Badman "TO KILL A NOCKINGBIRD™ BOTH IN COLOR © ALWAYS COLOR CARTOON " RRATURE THAES--2-40--3.35---3.93---7:33--998 t *---4- A QUALITY COMT PORTARE SPECIAL V4 PRICE PASS : Te the Friday, July 26th isan KINSNEN SUPER CAR i... --< a mens | BINGO at Tt 8963 CAR or $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Gore SASW Be Snowball G4 ves) $1.000. Sek Snowe" (S? nes.) Pas S420 regular games. $430 Specie? r ding FRET DOOR PRITES Bond Serger te bap Tee qxenemp pack for welee ond ADVe EME KINSMEN CAKEstessex0 QQ OUR QUE GIN OAD OMA, « RATNER SRT CMEALDREN UNDER 12 KIDDIES PLATSROUND KINSMEN NIWSNI DRIVE OUT ' TONIGHT © [SHOWING THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY! Bena OFbre Cpe ae BOR Trane Bewiy O18

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