Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1963, p. 25

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_Wi Real Estate for Sal \27---Real Estate For Sale \27----Real Estate For Sale |27----Real Estate For Sale |28-----Real Estate Wanted 29----Automobiles For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 24, 1963 95 7 state for Sale -- alm Leal 23 ented To Rent (23 -- SS WITH PLEASUE. Operate|PRIVATE td acres, Close to, achool "ana | JONES AVENUE -- TWorbedroom "brick WANTRO 40 11, trontage building lot, In| 1986 vane red. wire .wheela, new 9. qs WANTED to rent, a tent trailer from! LOOKING | for large semneverslal atte? pusIneS abin business while enjoying Nahway Nese Genawe $5,000 or best of wings ja Le Ay aitan. Cook tor oth PYelephone 736-30 ion preferred ree a A 2 Automob es For Sale |29-- Automobiles For Sole ' 2 sh have just listed a large @ C ce oC Sommer (fer elephone " ¢ Goad eon, aaa is F August 16 August 24. Must sleep four,!! th ofjtite in this busy Lake Scugog Sur " Telephone 728-2245 linet" comes -- : i om -Simeoe Street North just sow te convertible Vel, auto) 1055 BUICK a automatic, am or best Dial 729-4089, 7 i . ree We Brivein, sence Cl and!Resort, Eight housekeeping cabins and a $500, DOWN for this sheroom home| so ey jay ar g0e Poplar Sireet, close fo| WILL pay cash for six room house " fenatigy Gi atone, Gee oune? Gort acne be al Telephone ma 57° omftortable. winterized seven-room home 8 nn 1 lot gond condition, north end preferred, Apply 1961 F OR D AGL IA jlent ' ~ al OSHAWA DISTRICT -- Two or three-bed containing. approximately 257" frontage |e 1 gift shop on an acre of Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, larde loll wign school, Public and Catholic. NHA/& Se Shue times 6 < : Ea condition, After 6 evenings telephone -- room house, Couple with one child, /bv approximately $50' depth a oa fe hi Sean tne take. Contact b,(with) garage Asking price $9,800 RINK approved. Full price $2900, Glat 7954s) BOK eandhicn (me Wet CORVAIR, coupe, seri 700, wi bel ephe ) n, to € BM. for most any kind of large usiness. p early possession. wher anxious to 728-8978 after ? p.m . t ar conditic e walls, wheel ises, padd Wil enue Telephone 9 ay ect een evenaiie' on request, Contact|Andrews, Prone 'Brooklin, ONL @iMurry. for this one, Call Arthur Wein] ' in wear King ale | 29-----Automobiles For Sale j signals - Must | SPECIAL "THIS WREK: 1959 Chevrolet dash, seat belts, 7281912, : Mr. Appleby, 7254844 of 7223398, John Willoughby and Sons Lte P berger, 723-7244, Joseph Boseo, Realtor, CENTRAL Park South nea ing : station wagon, 6 cylinder, standard $1,450. wae oe ee rted Cimited Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 13 798-797? room stone and brick bungalow: Modern! ie CHEVROLET, Biscayne. twodaor : 1954 Pontiac Laurentian, 6 eylinder, stand: (983 PONTIAC, twordoor, good condition, 25--Apartments ' ee . 0 : kitchen, three bedrooms, recreation / si, piscayne, Radia extras; top shane.| -- « $800 or makevotter, [ad S75, 198 Ford Customiine, auto; blue And. white finish radio, $390 or beat a to t, also a one GRANDVIEW room reasonably: priced, -- TelPNON® iequoine color, one owner: Oniy $180 , igi aren matic hie ag £ Neveolet, ¢ cylinder, offer, Dial 728-40 ¥ ONE bachelor apartment, 1OWN ~ 725-4279 cash, Evenings 244 Linden Street \ 728 28) 5 standard, 5. 1985 Ford Ve ton truck, ons ecuavaoer, coach, "automatic "4 1 > ry ¢ A erepnone «4 a $ : * bedroom apartment, Dial 728-5125 VILLAGE | SCENIC LOT PRIVATE, must sell, Threebedroom) gegeiac, los? Jaguar, 24 sedan. mod at . $995. Mike's BA Service Station, Raglan,/cylinder, As! condition, inside, outaide. \ 1 . " | ' Sia years old, Not decorated, yids ei Ontario, Dia, 4583 New paint, $525, Accept trade, 723-228), FIVEROOM duplex, !mvmediaty posses BOLAHOOD or "your new -"Keawiinger® FRUIT TREES __ tengsiow. sul'vear oi not secarated ing with ip. 'hacthond_ engin, 'Ves ut Home in this choice eas "than §.000 miles, new tires, BR green cae A REAL BUY ie" MONARCH "Slandard shift," 4d008 y om SiFe ' » To b 725-07) f ' backup ligh le = Threeroom. on an PRIVATE SALE. -- Sieroom bungalow, Rest offer, Tolephone 725-0 [ B S miles, one owner, radia, ba 9 po tad bi private bath and) REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE end location, give us a call OFF MARY ST. with garage, recreation room, asphalt © 0 ») UYS 1962 CHEVROLET Conver. TF or nearest attr, 7asae79 entrance, Adults only, Available immed 14? SIMCOE ST * Trades accepted driveway, Close to shopping plaza, Apply |1985 FORK" in" excellent condition Va ately j R Wjth @ ranch bungalow 'with -- | 423 Glenvale Avenue MER For Your "Holidays tible, black with red trim, |standard, $398. Also 1958 Vauxhall: 938%, ROURCROOM apariinenty range and Te' Office Hrs, (9 a.m, to 9 p.m) ss Sart en Peet age ~5. |. the long low look, Sactifice SPLIT Level, nil tires bedroame, have UM ¢ 1ay automatic 8, power steering [Cal Larry Hoskin, Blackstock 64971, tor, dullhin cupboards, private a) ing at est feo ay { jpanoramic view of Lake Ontario, 2 i. " iy Vv Pain ana' entrances S88, monthly, Near MORTGAGES price includes extra lot for joa recreation room, walk-out basement and brokes, Private, one |? CHEVROLET, "toundoor sedan, mA ss | us Qood condition, $798 of best offer. hospital, Telephone 725-812 ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD Ae future building, Going for |e eee aly sties0e, with. good CLEARANCE 1960 FORD owner cor. Telephone 728> (423-2684 : ey ( i arly possess 2, - - 5 Sova Beare Mae er eireet, COSTS ARE $15,800, $3600 down, Huirry {down payment Telephone 725-7004 7586 or evenings 728-2503, |1963 BISCAYNE "conch, Galandard wil $70 monthly, Apply '? Mary Street } " "4 e W SEDAN red and white. Re *jtake old car in trade, Toraphone SRRIee hare Ly $600, DOWN, ON THE INCREASE! | Die! Bilt Mitior 725-1186 [NSW fromm Sirmean eratetn, eal SALE i pie Good Clean i ie an a inaneir ¢ " . . a UNFURNISHED "four = room upstairs ONLY $606 M.L.S. No, 251 lDoug Gower, Hyman Real Batate Late Model Cars 18! FORD haltton track, "Stier" high. apartment, private, ba », $6. Apply Oniy 4 veors old, brici Why settle for Jess home | 28-4206 = est bid, Bowmanville 623.5090 or % Weat f ° ; rom, -bungalow with 4 'px i ' W, T. LAMSON wangaiow. close to li | 1 ¢ , 1955 OLDSMOBILE HARLEY Beach ws calla . asl, 10, three-roor bat stent. Ask a hig! ? : Sofa THREE-BEDROOM bungalow: Qua it sec ars "WG Seatient in rete : corer ee anes " i aietihdlac ahi REAL ESTATE LTD, school, churches: bus, Avalianie | See Y MOT OR SALES leitata. cone yg thos at te cae apartment with. refrigerator and stove i de $12,000. with bal i fember }, Asking $12,900, Call 7232140 : A' bh tondore Avaitaniy. wormediaiely, Telemnone YH) 10 0, tier one. 614% LET US SHOW YOU 4? KING ST. EAST ater? pm. Private sale No agents; | 1956 CHEVROLET ible BOWMANVILLE jal, diners two tone ete, 725-0848 BOWMANVICCE SS fwotbedroom apart; N.HLA, 25-year plan, Coll OUR EXCELLENT INCOME home avaliable, Asking only i SYD McAFEE |1960 PONTIAC and 1989 Dedee, ath auto Arg ; i C OR SEDAN oF 9 matic. in eonditi 'ain hin, cupde row. iM hy of 72 $12,800 with good financing, Call Howard 4-DOOR 1954 FORD 728.7436 or 623-2301 ates In good on. 7 Hott phone se a ' - ¢ areate igh ésa4 ni 723.3398 : VALUES NOW McCabe, Hyman Real Estate, 728.6286. ss ) [ © 2 ; P 1954 PONTIAC, two door eter rene Janitor aervice, Telophone 623578 or) ' : ATTENTION SACRIFICE! threebearaam, storey and Special $495 Or TON TOW TRUCK SPOT CASH 1V.A, standard anift, $990, 'Tetepnine 422-3978 BE LVED RE AVE 'mat vodien S badionik @ hall, modern kitchen with Fang, w % od Whh: cower | $90 MONTHLY, fivercom apartment and) es O00 down, full price $17 nch t ov, Staverton Bik bor nave "arhe, ery euren| 1906 CHEVROLET \ PAID FOR ie MORRIS MINOR, perfect condillon, y . \ rn) tires, geod gas mileage, Excel Sock) "3 v aval ah yes SOC ess than 2 yeors old. Rc orth minum comb- BUTCHERS Make sWer, Dial Ajax 9420462 STATION WAGON | Good clean cars, Trade up buy. Dial 728 a0" - No. 72e9007 c x th extras n ination windows and doors, $1000 DOWN. buys this six room home. d.door, six cylinde a QAO " or down, Liens paid off | 194s AUSTIN AS, fourdoor sedans blow, pc go gl scl gg yo gm a acaagal a dghinh y a dunt he at cae, Ree eat, roeabaae ee ee MPM) matic. transmission, | 1949 CHEVROLET DODD MOTOR SALES _ |!" excelien conan, Telomere MO Na Pr te baih ". entran « Map or ¢ ; s) ona ¢ rer Ww > door ewrores ; : ' , rn Grove, Write: Box 923, Ox? ves Cat! Mr. Re » at $89.00 monthly pays prin> Meat Packing Business Whitay; corner Lote aa x ie) Oc Like new Half Ton Pick-up 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ice "aaa 'nan oe Lane pasant . S544 : Pee ' ny > near schools and park, shaded, all sere = - " VIEW troy neve | pastors 654 cipal erest and taxes, Fully Equipped ems, $2500, terms, Diat Waitdy sassra! 1958 PLYMOUTH 723-9421 Telephone 725-2008 Village ry - ping Asking $12,900 Only 1 hours drive from INVERTED eoenerG, Gee aeea, 4-DOOR 1955 CHEVROLET TILDEN 1954 PONTIAC, fourdoor deluxe, radle nearby, nc mechanioally good, newly painted, reason { desired, fo . industrial land, Bloor Street West, fac " bi rent, Dial Bre . . yht room brick nse and maculat ranch bungalo Oshawa, Excellent ng 40 Asking $7,900 with terms Six standard, Refinished. Like sole, Telepnone 72-3868, R ; t how wit ' Ave wan) Open to effers. Telephone 722-2176 ne SIMCOE" Street "Nort . u ve, ' W AR Ee fen? condit teylinder, N ' Y i freezer or irom potential for right party, 1000." DOWN. "Good four-room bungalow C "ial $895 rep CAR AND TRUCK Will finance, tnapect at Lieve Realty. one aati ; si : scx wenient Asking $5,000 down with f2teat, tl, heats shade trees, near aot Spec 1g J 1955 FORD RENTAL Simeone North at Willlam Street, THREE-ROOM unt part oot ) to s : ae ) Q + C n 3 sifoPark Road South, only Saae co " ' ste ° . ean iy woM Aviey Realto & Prince Street i ) 198) CHEVROLET, fourdoor sedan, ex eer y } ent at reasonable terms 2812 oF dence, Whitby 668-5745 1959 AUSTIN \ ' (All Makes and Models) be gg beings inate, Needs body work, we . 31%, Apply ? & Street To inspect phone BRARMORE GARDENS Inree bedroom " CALL 625-4583 Ms ~ wn Sree SIMCOE NORTH j cen mi : » > THESE HK taney t ve years ol KIKe NON 1X? PONTIAC, é-cylinder, automatic, a ane ' a Sale e¢ \ kept. $14,800 ), down, 728-0? ~ a tey / >) ' 14 Albert St Adin, Good condition, best offer, Tele cornea aahobenaeh m retrigerat CALL BILL MILLAR abo DOWN and take aver payments Spec ial $595 AC Ki RMAN S ? Phone Dunbarton €39-2790 stove, Adults 9 , : WE LIST ONL BLL els : of $80, per month. Ruys twoedroam elt i : : M G R S Wa CHEVY "I Six cylinder powet Aeon RALPH VICKERY 729-\186 ween Sane ® pi, s68-8023 1959 FORD ORTH BOWMANVILLE heads ' Tithe ite he WOME An Juliana Drive ROON Rc agg GREATLY REDUCKD, This" valuable GALAXIE DIAL 623-5756 Toronto, HO 1.6364 i) AUSTIN: Cambridga, Mark iy oreen Al 623 equipped, Bak » Augus armmercial property, Simeoe Street WAP NS with grey upholstery, New car eaddition, Prone 722-257 REALTOR eats At, a oe eemest Lees, he = N | H | WORE IER POOY PORIEVON ree Aidcty TWOREDROON spartinent broad : meee ot 81, WaNENTy (ONS SuPer'! automatic transmis els y an AUSTIN' sedan, orloinal 12,000 miles, slide ig Aon y-¢ en NiTH » 28-957 \ +] Telephone 1960 "CHEVROLET station y Wane, eee nol 46 King \ with $2,008 wn, Qwner transferred) gino! one owne , , na root and radia, $200. , . may Make us an otter, Call 1750 Danforth Avenue Pde-AOR4 i Avene Siren', Anaty & Li YOUR MOVER a i Ossie Martin, Faeer4, Jovenn Aores,) 1960 EN\ O' BUYING OR SELLING 1). CHEVROLET" impala, Wwodoar et een ee ree 11.900 COURTIC! eve Lehar = =| Like new low . ake A : ; |haraloy V8. standard tranamiiaton, rediey aby p ° ¥ VA ' z ROMISE your children a pet? Wel ipower windows, heavy duty suspension, Private entrance : " om buned yn larg ' : ad just the right one offered tn Or MPIN Brooklin, 665-2790, now tternan Ba \F evs pis + po nag RAT oak W tN "3 ens aeltimeianaane ee CARE FREE MOTORS Ee ® ney : tact Lol e" ; . ae 0. Ce : R C UIDE REALTY RBARLO W \ 'kh 607 KING ST OSHAWA as Stee lerelee, rede and ny aed ear eae ara $1,200 t 9. : Wat Sant of Wien Peed |S WM ee cet peee : " ere. Te: 0. LT s an ciss 723-1121 MOTORS IK GENERAL REPAIRS VOLVO -- FOUR;ROOM™ apartment entained moors. IN ec REALTOR CALL 728-5123 \ AC ATION ALL MAKES OF CARS SALES ond SERVICE heat and wate vale Augen. \ Analy mnston 8-106 725.87 723-9810 We specialize in $900 DOWN ---- one mort. 428 KING STREET, VW PARTS AND service | JAKE & BILL'S bey oF no yal : gage only, Close to down ae % All Foreign Make Cars GARAGE ' " R » 4° Re ale Homes town in Whitby. Ideal nlece PHONE 728-263 -- THREE "seam basement anarienent wit UNIS ie allege 6 les tonne Fe . An STATHAM GENERAL. REPAIR end ; W Mrs 0% Reautifk spacious B.-A, SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 5 t, A real beraain, The own Rita on Reed ond King 449 Ritson Rd. S. a REALTY |" "| pepcon = -O.K. USED CAR (aes est2 | -- atte pieney-- oree = : (OSHAWA) LTD SUMMER { HOLIDAY | USED CARS LTD, +o ogi tre a 7288159 | Shen Miedo waren oedema sien 'sx: MOTORS LTD. . SPECIALS WR ees Sn Seer see | AKEMOUT sr. | mbar" | COMMUTER'S | Saas | 166 KING EAS Drive VOLVO | eka. re n ville. 623-329¢ 4 ; 1) ld pirede * "ae 23M ths : i ' Xt it nee Bowman é 1; } tways 7 op fa! ality ROSIN ter ganile se Sag aN Five racy rrr pice daa : ON. STREE = Clone : Mal ry JON Now on Sale at ae age slinn BB r. dd rec » with ' ye ' wsdltosh | te deartenn. 3 'bedroom " - a aa Sax in basement. Nicely. | gt fhe @xtvon, large moder SPECIAL a cane BR age HOLIDAY ve $ ALL CASH $_ rR aA Reins. sine os ondscoped *. Owner mee ne denn ie egg emort, An older herve i Be cr l} | JAKE-& BILL S$ For Cleon cora we deal up or seehig, Tolevisinn pervilenes. Free 1s a et Lon ee od rooms ond 4 piece tied | gn, none excellent repair. $ down CLEARANCE C GARAGE | down, Liens peid off, GAVE Gl cour car Ge ane down payment required. Coil h a baat in for. us &C cres 3 ' pines prey . Al c 449 Ritson Rd. 5S. | NICOLS MOTORS LTD, ath vou Nela. Hyland, 1790 Cruikshank t . and 's, : 41047 BOWMANVILLE 2 storey f | c Danterth "yee Tarente, HO 728.5208 or F2 es 23 " tower, londscaped and Situated 10 miles north "i " euauan led hy VFALC 728.092) | $12 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY BURNISHED two rooms, "privaie en : : fenced \ full asking price | of Brooklin on the Reach etches akdee Suck 8 tae 668-8001 ~ 668.810) wance reer Pree! Lioyd Reclty (Oshawa) Limited | 3 2,400 down bath en second | 1962 CHEVROLET ~ 1062 CHEVROLET REL AIR SEDA rk ry cent Apply 4 Centre S. » Newel en in con" ( mooe Street Nowth : Rood just 2 miles west of Living room with fire dial WN 5 ' ine roam modern e " SMAWA, Ontario SHAKESPEARE. Ga Pornianed ac Highwoy 12 an j sto nan ° x cy jer it t f r EDAN rearn, Kitchen nelviteses ; dR t ¢ tchen and den on the mein haan tad >4 waite ot dee ~ rear GM. Andatelne bet tgriB a ora', tremely attractive a : mooted clase to down Previous owner's mission, Be t ? uity ¢ Imax wen. Ideal tor @ laree fom sath ahaa ; a : : ' 9 oneal ¢ i THREE separate noutexeeping reams METCALF ' > lot. open te on ef- acre form al! workable, _-- .' bal Wentiomen, anstainars. ¢ isons t nor ' y IRSpeCTiON Se ee aey 1 Aare sree o 40 King St, § Afloat excellent mademized | prnnwooo ave. -- «4 | 1962 CORVAIR Dial SUMMER HOME BRE tc 2) DIVISION STREET, ie Sornianed y fas ' + aan me a sh all i rm 2 yeor old brick end ' po ge bh i i A thes z Only $1.51 flown for thia brick house w all con - cue tea? a 'Caen te ' ss a | a oF os : Stace. modem kitchen | Weniences except furnace Roth's « built homes ngine, four 3 i c E sor and kitchen ' sanelia agit "ae i r Dewy th stone treed setting Dusirers sainers.. Anpiy Series Se eeee | ee aes |S ae tee | Se Ree | ios creveourr | oo comam | RECONDITIONED USED CARS ee rey | | MUST BE SOLD THIS MONTH a sceerce| ates | seme | Meee | Sree oe | ios ay fe heme, bee ed ' . * > ss z a ' Four dn Dial TOM rc KMor + ' BRIGHT deo rene, ; excellent tires Rann Nhe TThsate "Gan we te Ron seer ghee ord 1961 PONT sen CHEVEN sagas RISIE : . . 1942 © ee dies ATTRACTIVELY : gts A ico ec yl hh 1962 COMET Two deer de 1957 FORD CUSTOMLING FURNISHED ROO m bungatae <-- inened Street West end Stevenson's Rd re Sod aaron ome 9 DOOR Ni ge pote Two dor, six eytinder, m ¢ 2 j y 2 961 VOLKSWAGEN Two ORD GALAXIE Two i198? FORD FAIRLANE, V.8 fi B, qutomotic ' Four door, Ave ' , y very y t "gle f or ee b eatin ee : dahon S? PLYMOUTH Four Door Priced fre om $2500 to $3500 tae 1960 CHEVROLET ik Sx cylinder, 28,000 eniles, 82 PAR KRD vis ck cae be RT RTH WEST DISTRICT - AAPALA ea Four door six cylin 1986 FORD Two door, V8 ORTH ae i T ok NORTT crite roemy CALL MR CRUIKSHANKS wien In geod conden, ---- Estate for Sale Spection. ¢ con be 28- 5205 or 728- 512 23 shopping. Or mortgage with OTs. SUBURBAN AND CITY, See nit betwee ue seiecton NWA approved. trope! With $2,500.00 dow LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD eta ugg an oe may Sone ae R Vien an, sl 3S - LISTING PRICE $17,000, Li CHRYSLER Four door eres: AT warning ¢ ne te ia dard i ; ON ower equipped 1962 PLYMOUTH Soe a '\? CAIT . : sal heck. house with goree Y HEVR E , CHRYSLER Four Door " S basatiscphiat bin OPP, PRIVATE SALE ae SCHOFIELD - AKER euleet ameter | S'S evi 1952 RSL ew Oo WHITBY : aoe 960 PLYMOUTH Four door 1960 PONTIA ; ein © aes = c eviinder, roedia, <TRATS . ene & Super Four coer Four door xed . ' THUS, teHowt PSR CHEVROLET, Tee ed since _ Gor, 2x, outomoetic : rapes Sager ; Qutametic, POW ? VOLKSWAGEN Two nes tach ti on ea . fi sy auipnes deluxe, : we 1959 PONT} Bi doors leading from dining room to outside pet | ke ! g a A preferred lncation 4 iil tee ond owen om forge Holthwood kitchen, Finished co r PARISIENNE 2 . plete with fremloc O ee. Wielh-ut Kesenent. This bes JUST LS ann eee pela! m : 668.8635 fom tewe one TOS ux tovdey to see this love om "ee ag na te. te welts, Romeon red in A NUMBER OF GOOD RELIABLE CARS " excellent condi BUNGALOW with 2 car gon nasty yi dP Moning Pe ee 59 CHI LETS PRICED $100 TO $500 . Beau Veliey now neoring completion, Features scl fosement ond seed | 1959 CHEVROLE WHITBY CLASSIFIED | lace. i iS ee conga ; ay © vr | : oe ue : ae te ' se ty COME IN AND CHECK THESE VALUES vs Chrysler Products Sales and Service FOR RENT -- tremroam : ROOMS * im 8 , AVOID TH SPCR ORR, MRR . npr aa swe an {ARRY DONALD SPORT : co 23.22 3 lot. 9 on Sane KING STREET WEST RENTAL ee ee en Chenin CHAVIS 3 AAI BEN ; S Fame fae Wee ona Whitt OPEN EVENINGS 1418 Dundas East Whitby 668-3226 (Continued on Page 33)

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