~~. Divorce Bills SS | To Commons ~ | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate 2. |passed 50 divorce bills Tuesday : oe and sent them on to the Com- , 4 ' : eas : mons, where a procedural bar : . sirier erected by members of the : iNew Democratic Party hae SSS iblocked more than 1, > ' : " 3] lvorces in the last two years : ' Senator Arthur Roebuck, Wen. : ; jchairman of the Senate divorce : eS: mS Flcommittee, did not comment on , : Se ithe Commons blockade as he ¥ se ali oe B) moved the passage of the first a <n a : jah vorce bills of the 26th Parila- "ae ment a ee atte BP: | The 50 diverce bills passed % 4 : Tuesday were also passed by eg : : oil the Senate in the last two par ' jHaments, but died on the Com- Fe 2 jmons order paper after pro ; : ; tracted debate by Frank How- Tae" Se ard (NDP -- Skeena) and Ar. # jnold Peters (NDP -- Timiskam- jing), and other NDP MPs, 3 Senator Roebuck said later ; joutside the Senate that he plans ' : ' jto move a batch of about 100 ' : ro ~~ jmore divorce bills through the 4 ' . * jupper chamber today, J : . ~ ' Mr, Howard and Mr, Peters : were criticized for the second = day in the Senate, but they : 5 sn ifound a Supporter in Senator 8 , Jean-Francois Pouliot (L---Que- ee ce bec) Ps Senator Pouliot agreed with > |two NDP members that divorce SPECIAL 20-Ox. Tins LLENS r DRINKS 3-1.00 MIR SPECIAL SETERCENT 2 "J: DETERG SWIFT CANNED 1hy-Lb Tin OFF PAC} : SPECIAL TIDE ~] 19 = a®@ DETERGENT TID BITS ee Pineapple 5 DELICIOUS FLAVORS arn Dew BOROMTO 23, Cape. THE OSHAWA TiMa, [Wednendey, duly: 3A, 1963 2} He said that divorce bills which previously died on the Commons order paper, if they are to be acted on again in this parliamentary session, have to be reintroduced as new bills in the Senate jcases should be taken out of | Parliament' 's hands, Members of ithe Senate divorce committee "work like slaves . . . but it fe not their job," he aald WOULD USE COURT He proposed that the Ey. chequer Court of Canada be empowered by Parliament te jhear divorce cases from Quo- jbec and Newfoundland, the only provinces without divorce courts, More judges should be jnamed to the court for this pun hpose, be argued, ; Senator Pouliot sald col- leagues who criticized the two New Democrats Monday night thad been "vituperative." | 'The two MPs were only ep. jposing the present method 3 thandling divorces, he said. Senator F, W. Gershaw (L-- Alberta) said Senator Roebuck has drafted a bill that would "largely solve this difficult prob- m" if it were passed by Par. CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED or BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF pies ee } . B R : M J Ward Portrait OTTAWA (CP). -- Opposition Leader Diefenbaker is reported to be st ome what less than happy mat, having his portrait by |Stephen Ward bought by ea wealthy Calgary businessman las a present for him, But Mr.. Diefenbaker is keep ng mum on the subject. He declined comment whe asked by reporters about the ee in London of his por IRs: s Gente on of Calgary for £22 Is ($787), and Mr. Hend- erson Was quoted as saying he wanted to make Mr. Dielen baker a present of it oF > HC A spokesman for Mr. Diefen- THICK AND VICY aker said he had not been in towch with Mr. Henderson, end ¢ had received no offer Of the pot. LB irait from him . j | Mr. Diefenbaker sat for the sketch while visiting London eas prime minister, It was commis- DEAL FOR BRAISING sioned by the Mustrated Len- SHORT RIBS or BEEF . 39° Sources close to Mr. Diefen- SWIFT'S PREMIUM acd with' the liveness, ont SKINLESS WIENERS ...... SERVE SWIFT'S PREMIUM TABLE READY MEATS MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF DUTCH LOAF : us "definition of the watehe CHICKEN LOAF me. was finally given PICKLE AND PIMENTO LOAF | OLIVE AND PIMENTO servative Association, pa c high a price for it Private Talks Over Public Business OTTAWA (CP) -- Weekend u me % Quedec City detween ai cabinet ministers and Premier Lesage were in private "question pe a Gepartment fer the trip ' wi Minister Mcllrahh- i? "he had authorized the ase of a government plane last weekend by 207 his colleagues On a 1 rate nature ir. Meiiraith's reply was that - trip was not of q private tare" aie M Martincag 're "a -- original questen te evrier ami col the re me . ' sprons hal the discassions were . N, {$308 * ' ' rivate Ratere and deak ane Jecowon oe wath matters of federal ~ Bye : ste > . snc dimteres,