Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jul 1963, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednerdey, July 24, 1963 BASEBALL ATTENDANCE More Than Half Clubs Below Last Year's Mark NEW YORK (AP)--It wasn't/96,573; Pittsburgh Pirates, 84,- long ago that they were talking/301; Cincinnati Reds 39,504; Los about record « shattering base-|Angeles Dodgers 38,935; New ball attendance figures in Cleve-/ York Yankees 19,003 and Phila. land and Milwaukee, But now delphia Phillies 8,213, the talk is the opposite, The Athletics, tempted to ex: The Indians set a major/plore a possible franchise shift Jeague game mark of 2,620,627/to Oakland, Calif. are showing in IMS. After 3? home datesian increase of 134,268 over dast fhat season they had a total! season's figures in Kansas City, attendance of 1,385,061, Through) Other teams on the upgrade 37 dates this year Cleveland hasjare Boston Red Sox, 275,082; | played before only 393,479---see-| Chicago Cubs, 190,911; Chicago ond. lowest in the American|White Sox, 151,840; San Fraa-/ League and almost 1,000,000 be-/cisco Giants 130,946; New York! hind the 1M8 pace, Mets 69,649; St. Louis Cardin. The Braves established a Na: als 47,721; Minnesota Twins, 31, Gonal League record with 2.215,.195 and Baltimore Orioles, 1l,- 404 in 187, Through 44 home 033. @ppearances that year, the Mal The Dodgers, who broke Mil- waukee club had drawn 1,236,- waukee's attendance mark in 759 fans. 1962, lead both circuits with In 44 home outings this sea- 1,276,056, ' son, the Braves' attendance is! -Over-all big league attendance 1.005 . lowest in the National Shows a slight decrease--12,479,- AALUC, Q35 this season compared to 12,. * An Associated Press attend-/510,553 in a comparable number ance survey showed that the In./0f dates in 1962, dians and Braves are among 11 big league teams showing an at tendance drop this year, Cleve League Managers Yand is 167,257 behind last year when it wound up with a final A ain Pickin total of only 710,076, Milwaukee g g is 65,175 behind its pace of 1962 when it finished with 767,22 All-Star Team aid admissions NEW YORK (AP)--Interna- ETROITS'S DROP BIGGEST tional League managers. again + Detroit shows the largest defi-/ vin select the joop's allstar eit--228,287, Other clubs behind slavers. League president : , . layers, L $ 1962 ate the Houston Colts, Tommy Richardson said Mon. 374,233; Las Angeles . Angels, day, The game against the 351,683; Washington Senators world champion New York . Yankees will be played in Buf- Ld hd fale on Monday night, Aug. 19 immy ersa Richardson said each mana- ger will be asked to name a T Get R ] Oman team, including both a 0 e ease right. and left-handed pitcher a s . . He will not be permitted to NEW YORK (AP)--New York! choose players from his own Mets said Monday they are re-/roster' The voting is expected leasing Jimmy Piersall, the con-/i9 be completed in two weeks. srover jal and much travelled = qh, manager of 'the All-Stars outfielder ; ae will be named In about 10 days We are asking: wa sion ©" and he will be permitted to add Piersall for the purposes of gv-/19 or more players to round out ing him his unconditional re), squad lease," the Mets announced The International All ~ Stars The XS yearold centre fielder have won three of the previous Rit only IM in 4@ games f0T seven games from their major the Mets, who are sorely -in}).aeus apposition need of elders whe can hit ioneas 2 et leas paints more than their weight," | REMEMBER WHEN . . .? clan leneue Raltian mark af BY UME CANADIAN PRESS anges Se =o Matthew Webb of soared to 3 » a 'i @ Mets lease of : 'eigie gomes the Wash n mar MANY WILT, DROWN Piersall, dest 4 rding te statistics Ca. @ze with ash in 1 ada can expect te lose some rommanded a salary people through drowning his summer CLASSIC BEAUTY LADY DIANA Design by Biuctird Your Bluebird Diamond is guaranteed perfect--the very newest in styling-- and insured free against } BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness 10% DOWN AS LITTLE AS 250 WEEKLY OSS. YOU MAY TRADE-IN YOUR PRESENT DIAMOND BURNS GREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. P 32 KING WEST PHONE 723.7022 - AND YOU'LL REALLY FOR uly Canad | STOP! LOOK! RHEAD! BEDROOMS REDUCED! 339.00 -- 3.PC, FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHERRY FRUITWOOD SUITE -- Doudle Dresser---5 drower chest ond full pone! bed ~- Piete glass, dust proof construction, 1 duly Sele 329,00----3-PC, MODERN $4" DOUBLE DRESSER. S$ drawer chest end Bookcase Bed. One of our Best Selling Quality Suites Satin W Plate glass --- Centre guides ---- Dustpre 229.00 Seve 100.00 TRIPLE-DRESSER..Chheat ond Lorge Pone! Bed in above style evelladie at some 'price 82.00---WALNUT BACHELOR CHEST -- 3 lorge drewers, solid wweln ut.centre guides, 58. 00 Dustproef, Juty Sele bl 269,00 -- 3.PC. MODERN WALNUT DOUBLE DRESSER, CHEST AND PANEL BED by Plate glass, Doveteiled Drawers, etc duty Cleerence 149.0060" WALNUT TRIPLE DRESSER -- Onty ~ Left over from suite, Tit mirror duty Sele, Holt Price 329.00 -- 3-PC, DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE WITH by Prince BOOKCASE BED -- Modern Walnut by ee 169.50 e Plate Glass. duty Clearance -- Nelf Price 499.00---3.PC, SUITE by "Peppier" Mossive Triple Dresser. ~ Chest 456 Bookcase Bed Ten 249.00 79.30 -- CHESTS 4-Drawer Blond or Walnut Arborite tops duty Clearance ---- Holt Price 39.75 469.00 -- MASSIVE 3-PC, TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE by "Keufrnen", Nutmeg Mohogeny --- Wood pulls - Piote gies, 34 00 duty Clearance 2 269.00---3.PS. COLONIAL BEDROOM ---- Downe Dresser, Chest end Poster Bed---Solid Maple in Ace nish. July Cicerone 148,00 ODD PANEL BEDS 3/3 4/0, 4 Biond Values to 29.50. Ne Searey 10.00 On This tem -- July Cleerence 20 PC CHINA TEA SETS REG, 6.95 CASH AND GARRY 65s. canes) OUT GOES BEDDING! 13 ONLY NAME BRAND SMOOTH TOP MAT. TRESSES 4/6 ~ 4/0 ~ 3/3 Seoly-Serta-Simmon- Restonic ~- Values to 89.50, No Box Spring avoiladie, duty Sele -- One Price 24.95 139,00----SEALY 4/6 SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, | Set Only. Nelt Price 139,00--SERTA 4/0 SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, | Set Only duly Sele, Helt Price ' 79.50 199.00-----SIMMONS "BEAUTY REST" -- Extra firm 4/6 matiren ond box spring, 20-year querontee, One Set Only. Melt Price 199 "SEALY" POSTURPEDIC 4/6 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING DELUXE with Quilted Foam 99.95 Top, Juty Sele --- Heit Price 199.00 --- MARSHALL "REGAL" (S80 Pocket Coil Springs) 4/6 Metiress end Box Spring 1 Only --- July Sele ---- Melt Price ie 139.00---POLY QUILT 4/0 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, Over $00 Springs --- 20 Yeor Suerontee, | Onty, Jety Sele--Helf Price 79.50 139.00 1 Onty 3/3 SLEEPY KNIGHT MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING -- Simmons, Melt Price 3 ONLY -- 79.50 -- SIMMONS 4/6 COUNTESS SMOOTH TOP MATTRESS, 10055 Nylon Quilted Top. July Sele -- Helf Price 39.75 TABLES, LAMPS, E ne. 00----SPINET DESK AND CHAIR by Elmie-- ag esiaelihcmiiaiiing: TABLE, 4 CHAIRS, © © Set Onty dety Sele ---- Seve 100.00 169.95---5-PC, DINETTE by with the new Mott f mered Bock ond Se july Sek DINING BARGAINS! 269.00----BUFFET, GLASSED HUTCH, REFRACTORY 168.00 teommode, July Sele a CEDAR CHEST, Lene -- Red Secl, e 39.93---COMMODE TABLES we $ Prov styling. : Yang. . e We *. July Sele 39.9S---COFFEE TABLE. by "Werder" 2 8.00 es above 38.00 Vie Rolling Out Huge Fine Homefurnishings Surplus Stocks, Odds and Ends and All Our Floor Samples at Unprecedented Savings! SOM om Oh ON =) Starting tomorrow at 9:00 $220.00 net n dependoble quality merchandise goes on sole at reductions of 14, 1/3, 19 and even more ! Everything you need to furnish your home, feat- uring scores cf nationally rer in latest designs for every room rackes ond oapplionces. Selections are tremendous ! of the hundred: of bargarns are fisted, * Quantities Limited . . . Shop Early! Tailor-Made GREDIT TERMS to Fit Your Income, Save Now! OPEN FRIDAY TUL 9 AMPLE FREE PARKING LIVING ROOMS - SAVE! 2IWR_OD --. DPC, COLONIAL SOFA AND CHAIR ~---- Marie enma, foern cushions remit Pmt PAP.OD-2-PC, CONTEMPORARY SOFA & CHAIR Pack Sketed enone m Che Me Wert ex cower 299.00---2.PC, 4-STATER SOFA AND CHAR -- wWodieen SATA WAAin® -- Looe Taner custwon se BSace 89.00 339.00---2-FC_ "SERTA" CONTEMPORARY SOFA AND CHAIR tH Back Foes SUM mea mode! wg Pps 197.00 293.00 -- 2 FC. "SKLAR SECTIONAL", Mocire * m « nen,, Got Niglon me dete See = Seoe 190.00 > ATER & CHAR, CU 227. OD.2.NC, ADIN STANDINAWIAN STYURS Wrirut cm gera Rother caghers --. DN Weel Cove tote Sete -- BPC. Inte and Cree 188.00 PPO --.. RPC, MODERN 4-SEATIR SOFA AND ~eermereny Typapapenn ame CRAM, Rohrer Cavhicen A mowing Dork reece, ------ 219.00 den Sate 32bD..-7C_ "SRAGMORT" ITALIAN PROVEN. CAAL 324-SEATER SOFA AND CHAIR--s4igh Hack, wt Ruther Qavhern ong Sacks DVT CAL SOFA AND CRAM <i hited tab effect Doty Sate 329 23---2-FC. "SRAEWORE™ CAL SOFA AND ~ Hare INT Srewn Hgwed-ek Bly Soe. a 154-156 78.00 399.00----7-PC. DINETTE by Knechtel, Movern styl an Walnut Arborte Suttet, ass 299.00 end Sece 48.00 dre ine ery oe 71.00 299.00-7.PC. Keofmen Dinette, Wetrut At te, Buffet, Tedle, Hoch, 4 chores ie 177,00 289.00---KNECHTEL 6-PC. ELM DINETTESutie Teble, 4 Chore belly Sele 164.00 139.00---3$.PS.--TABLE ond 4 DINETTE CHAIRS Blond Arborite. One Set 0 Jely Sele -- Holt Price 89.00---KITCHEN BUFRET -- Woe Enome! Am orte Ter. 3 > we" AO APPLIANCES, TVs, ETC. 339.85--SUMPLICITY AUTOMATIC WASHER -- 1 oY op of the ime, venting . ' PC. METAL DINETTE fea pens 89.30 --- LIBERTY BUFFET --~ \ Avhorite 4 Sronze ? doty Sele 329.00----LARGE BUFFET...2 iover A + Arborte, Siding gles etched Doty Cheerence--Seve 131.08 2P9.00---MARCON! 3-WAY COMBINATION 2 TY FMAM Storer Multiplex Reda wree KR ond Pinver, 4 Speokers dety Sele -- Seve 100.00 €99.00----mMerconi HEFL STEREO COMBINATION parcge shiret. FM Seren Rede: 287.00 279.00--PHCO 23° TV--We Cebieat Ces ber 196.00 Cieorance 299.00--PHRCO 2" TV '--- Wo e 214,00 339.90--FHRCO REFRIGERATOR - x Cogs Freese duty Seie--Save Tt a 22000 2IV.OD--PHRCO REFRIGERATOR-20 Oo. Fr Ave 168.00 < Rok-OurShelvs, etc 2 ONLY -- USED 10 CU. FT. KELVINATOR RE. FRIGERATOR -- Roos Grow 58 00 don Soe = 2 ONLY--USED McLARY SPACE HEATER-- Loge WIS CAPASh duty Sate 2SV.OO--PHMCO CLOTHES ORVER--Weice Pov dey Clearance 782229" DUET MOFFAT RANGE oat ee Ales ete Ratcere duly See -- Seve 133.08 244.00 224. 9S--TATY SPRRATOR WASHER SRI Whee, Purem, Timer, ett vety Clearer _. 128.00 ~~ ae oer e * 439.00 Jaty Sele--Healt Price 39.75 " 64.50 30.95 --- ARBORITE TABLES -- Cotter ene g ay end Bleck Malt Price Joly Sale---Cavh & Corry 5.48 80.00 PR. -- TABLE LAMPS with Condietre style ten Cant ne wits. ond gold metel, Site vhodes July. Sele, Pr. 99.93 PR. -- TABLE LAMPS Delcote Mou : os ws. Melt Price, Pe Suir aes 49,95 21.99 PR. ~~ TABLE LAMPS --~ 223 Pra. Onty -- Mode Comtemporery stylings, Merny styles ond dey 'tor ~~ Holt Price, PAIR 10.95 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS SMAIRS CUT er 70 Chora, Rockers, Swivela, ~optwelks, Tuts, Wing Chola, Recimern, Hostess airs, Arn Choirs. A ers and weaves, meld. W VAR Reo POS e 189-00 tety Clearance--Nall Proce 9.98 Tro 99,50 22 PR. SINGLE WIDTH DRAPES Stenderd ener ~ Lined @n@ Unlined -- Florelk, Abstracts ete. wMURA te haty Clarence -- Covh & Corry, Pr 1.88 TP HASSOCKS -- ALL COLORS AND SHAPES. v2 PRICE a" a? « 34 CARPET MATS -- Semmes fom Ne Rag Depertment Jing Wittens, Nylora, Aron, @ nies te 23 cm 8 Cor 5.88 % ONLY --- BABY STROLLERS -- Cosh one Cony . 4.88 Sete Sole ODD TABLE LAMPS..Ome of o kind 23 OMY -- No ? wins ee Sewn & Carry BLANKETS AND BEDSPREADS = na - cwoong ot 72 PRICE STUDENTS OFSKS . nah color, Tors, Rep. 2 t> 7P.5d, 15.08 * 39. LLOYD AND GENDRON CARRIAGES AND PRAMS, 23% OFF E ISTING STOCK PLCTURES -- MIRRORS -- WALL PLAQUES, ETT 23% OFF EXISTING STOCK TRAIGHTS -- POLE LanPs -- ETC 30%, OFF STOCK ITEMS 249.03. WALNUT ROOM DIVIDER be "Honder- a". Seder in "Wiha Sore woth Arborite teh Choorence Sa = od Drewer 7 betty Cleerenre -- Met Pre > MTS OMLY -- DECORATED METAL TY TRAY Sete WE -ccasesseceacn:s 72 POMEE Z SN ESS 4 Be 12 ONLY - GENUINE Lane -- Red Seal -- Heirloom CEDAR CHESTS WALNUT - BLOND - MAHOGANY = e Ee SIMCOE ST. 5.44 REGULARLY 79.30 TO 99.50 2 GROUPS

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