Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Jul 1963, p. 3

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Proud winner of a Renault Caravelle and $1000 is Roger Cawker, 886 Robson avenue, who is seen here being con- gtatulated by WI. "Bill" WINS AUTO AND $1,000 Smith, president of Smith Bev- erages, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs Cawker recently returned from a trip to Paris, the third part of a prize awarded by Pepst- sa Cola, Canada, Lim ,. ina nationwide --Oshawa Times Photo contest Courtice Public School Track And Field Meet Following is an additional list}Cameron, Susan Van Camp,) AGES 12 AND OVER of the results of the track and field meet held at the South Courtice Public School: Standing Broad: Jump -- Netti Paats, Ruth Finch, Dianne Rutkay Running Broad Jump -- Jan- ice Collier, Suzanne Mackie, Wendy Baker Over-All Champions --_ Netti Paats, Janice Collier, Dianne Rutkay. AGES 10 AND 11 YEARS 100 Yard Dash -- Kenny Osborne, Gordon Roberts, John Bucholski. Three - legged Race -- Randy Henry, John Buchoiski; Gor- don Roberts, Stephen Poole; Relay Jackie Nieuwhof, Robert Dand; Gordon Roberts, Esther Cryderman AGES 122 AND OVER (BOYS) 100 Yard Dash -- Dean Wor- den, Ronald Siblock, Tom Van Camp | Three-Legged Race -- Dean Worden, John Worden; Ken Wright, Tom Van Camp; Don Hutton, John Goyne Relay -- Ken Wright, Tom Van Camp; Dean Worden, John Worden; Drew Maclean, Danny rown Shoe Kick--Paul Tubb, Drew Maclean, Ken Wright, Ball Throw -- Ken - Wright, Ken Cryderman, Ronald Sib jlock. : a | High Jump, Group A, 12 and David Metcalf, Leslie Wright. |); "ean Worden, Renald Sib-|Walter, Ann Steenburgh, Vicky lock, John Worden | Group B, 44 and over -- (GIRLS) 100 Yard Dash -- Margaret iGoyne, Anne Steenburgh, Val lerie Wal Three-| Race -- Ga Waiter, Margaret Goyne; Ursu la Suchjorski, Helen Bucholski; iValerie Wallace, Vicky Orm {strupp Relay Race -- Gail Walter Lola Misiak; Helen. Nieuwhof Margaret Goyne; Lois Down Karen Roberts Shoe Kick -- Margaret Goyne, Lois Down, Ma ret Down Ball Throw--M aret Goyn Helen Nieuwhof, Karen Roberts. |» Waller, ieuwhof Gail High Jump -- Lola Misiak, Heler Standing Broad Jump -- | Ormstrup. Running Broad Jump -- Ga Ken Osborne; John Bucholski,/Wayne Wright, Danny Brown, Walter, Lola Misiak, Margaret Randy Henry. Shoe Kick -- John Buchol- ski, Kenny Osborne, Nieuwhof, borne, Leslie Wright. High Jump -- Gordon Rob- = Ken Osborne, John Buchol- Standing Broad Jump -- Gor- @on Roberts, Ken Osborne,/Ken Wright, Danny Brown Jackie Nieuwhof, Running Broad Jump -- Rob- Worden, Ken Wright, Wayne'staff who are Wright. ert Dand, Ken Osborne, David Metcalf OverAll Champions -- Ken AGES 10 AND li YEARS (GIRLS) Walter. Three-legged Race -- Susan Van Camp, Karen Hawke! Esther Cryderman, Penny Bickle; Anne Crago, Barbara Wright Relay Helen Cameron, Penny Bickle; Esther Cryder man, Susan Van Camp; Paula Worden, Karin Misiak Shoe Kick -- Helen Cameron Susan Van Camp, Barbara Endicott, Esther Cryderman (tied) Ball throw -- Carol Down, Helen Cameron, Karen Hawke. High Jump -- Helen Cameron, Shirley Irwin, Paula Worden Standing Broal Jump -- Helen Cameron, Karen Hawke, Anne Waiter Running Broad Jump--Helen Cameron Barbara Wright, Anne Walt Overall er Champions -- Helen | Drew Maclean. Standing Broad Jump, Group Group B--Wayne Wright, Ken) Wright, Tom Roberts | Running Broad Jump, Group! A -- Dean Worden, Jim Ryhor- chuk, John Worden. Group B -- Wayne Wright, Over-All Champions -- Dean Goyne, Over-all Champions Gail Jackie|A -- Dean Worden, Renald Sib-/ Walter, Margaret Goyne (tied); jlock, Jim Ryhorchuk. | Ball Throw -- Kenny Os-) Lola Misiak Following the athletic events a presentation of a hammered aluminum serving tray was made by Mrs, Archie Camp- bell, President of the Home and School Association to Miss) Diane Cookman, and Mrs. Nora Hornick, two of the teaching leaving the schoo! A former Oshawa. woman,, Mrs. Norma Pickering, has had a writeup in The Kingston Whig-Standard about her work in connection with a supervised playground scheme in Odessa, near Kingston Mrs. Pickering is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Smith, 125 Burk street, Oshawa. She obtained her bachelor of arts degree at Queen's University, Kingston. Three years azo and her husband went to Odessa where they are teachers in a local school The article In the Kingston Whig-Standard states: i Ernestown Township's super- vised playground scheme has so far attracted ranging in age from 5% to 2 The playground program was FORT ERIE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, JULY ™ FIRST RACK -- $2500 maiden Purse $19 tor > anc + yen mn Ing. 1 6 mies Rayal Bronze, Siroser XW Four Chimes, Potts 115 Wel ington Mary = Mono Bella, Remtiars SECOND RACE -- $20 chiming Purse 32900 for J-yearoids, 2 1-16 miles. Srow Lane, Harrison 10 Tappon Run. Simpson X12 @ostiy Andy, Terry 715 Drift, No Boy (A) No Boy 18 WIRD RACE Maidens, tried be @enaca. Purse sao tor Ryearoids, Hes, 5% furlongs. @erk Whisper, Yureete X13 Mitnig Hew Sow, Remiiiare (98 Warriors TIHEE, No Soy 118 Diiche, Fitrsimrmons 18 Teddikar, Simpson (B) X13 Sante Tersa, McCord 16 Quesimini, Burton 118 Late Mel. Fitzsiremons 90 Miss Exsts, No Boy 1S Roman Heritage, Harrison #8 Pisyerss, Lanoway (C78 We Por Alley, Rodinson (eve Meo Efigidie: Jaz Round, No Boy MB. Sem Ye Tite, Ditech 18; Fat anc Frisky, No Boy (A/S; Saromer, Potts BN; Centores, Turcotte (NIKTI3; Gus ign, Turcotte (N)X13 i" Beasicy entry ©. F. Seaprem ery ©. G. Simmom end ¥. Martin enry POURTH RACE -- 825 cialminc. 32889 for Dpyearcids, 6 furlongs. Sr Brier, Marra Satie, No Boy 106 io. Bay We Frzsimmons iA)118 Stroma, Nek irost Brigitta Skol, Robinson 20? 135. children jj pag and John Bucholski, % Pl ay gr oun d W ork wugoasmece Highly Praised -- started this year by. the newly organized recreation association of the township on an experi mental basis, If the a popularity shown at Odessa fo lows through when a similar two-week period is held in Amherstview at the end of the an month, it will nual event So far the chi likely be an periods with crafts and Was OVvejO with the recer the n getting in the commun She stated that many thought it was just a * on ed the training in skills ship and citizenship which children receive She also said ' tion has dropped the age | that the asso Sky Spark, No Bay 10 ; " . Gardens Win, Proeitt 10> to children who will be start- Ate Elgiie: Cut Jewel, Rodinson . . The organ- 121; Peter Wrack, Turcotte XI0R) Cluny.) seal Miss, Bohenko 308; Gorn Swamp, Mo "* . - M wa Oe 109; Salty Smart, No Boy 28 help compensate for the lack of Quickly, No Bay tA)}%6 kinderg - io > i. Cc. an i. Mackinnon ey . ce ee i ene ree the township FIFTH RACE -- Delaware Clud, $500 thought claiming. Porse S200 for }yeerols. 6 Ti DABS Brietsin, Bohenke 03 ; j Bonsp'e) 19 Be Merry, Torcotte X105 Gay Pageant. Gordon 18 Royal Waytare:, Simpson XMS SIXTH RACE -- Botialo Yackt €ivd, Bltowance. Porse $2600 for > end éyear oles, ities, 3 2-36 miles. Kiongyke Li, Dittach 128 i Miss Spoecy G.. Harrison 205 H Spy Sone Diamond, Macden 109 Roya! J, Harrison m ; i Miss Britannia, Turcotte X10@ i Cioud Princess, Fitzsimmons ; QUINELLA SETTING SEVENTH RACE -- Boniface Stakes. Porse S73 added tor Syearnids, files, Sia furlongs. Foaled in Canada Reteta, Boberke (A)TR Menaris, McOorn> Maple Queen, Madden TH HYPELLE) No Boy 172 j vided for which will start and better acqu organized procedu Playground qirectars are two teenage girls, Susan Beard of Odessa and Lynn Bennet: of Amherstview, graduates of a playground leadership training course earlier this year. PICNIC DATE SET Tt was announced at the Mon- day meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa that fs annua! pic nic for crippled children will 'be } p Samac on Mon- Wedeed Biss, Lehane 1! French Wind, Turcotte (A718 s Queen's Lew zimenons TH Smart ver, Robinson 133 A--Wipsiaits Farm entry SiGHTH RACE -- Purse SIMO tor miles Curt course: Wings wf Fiigm, Turgotte Xia? Lore Key, Prov? {ajT17 No Boy 12 trsimmons YP ee $60 eiiminc yourolds end wp, 7 2-36 ast Dividend. Simpsor Ponder On, Woisk Toronto Sttrer cs Malocina, Leblanc WP 5 {Treasure Hust Ind, McOomd TP Country Guy, Robinson 16 Raeman, Ds ' Aes, WM Bewroneck ad Niyri Frms Side entry TOME 2 PLA. CLEAR AND FAST | | SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES industrial and Commercial The estoblished, reliable Ges Deoler m your eres. 31 CELINA ST. tCorner of Athol) 728-9441 CITY AND DISTRICT Convict Woman VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the Monday meet- ing of the Rotary Club of Osh- awa included Harry Donald, Whitby; Honorary Member Col. R. S. McLaughlin, J. A. Me- Coll, Gary Price and Murray | Smith, all of Oshawa and Ro- tarians Dr, John Wall, Stuart Roblin, §, Dunbar, Don Dul- mage and Terry Moore, all of Whitby; Dr, Keith Billett, Bow- manville; Frank Mollard, Wind. sor; David Wordley, Ajax and A, Wilson, Brockville. |BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED Silver spoons in recognition oftheir birthdays were present- ed, at the Monday meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, to T. L, Wilson, Lloyd Magill, Mi- chae! Clayton, S, R. Alger, Har- old Washington, Ken Crone, {Douglas Courtney, George |Shreve, R, Hegadorn, John jSnyder, Dean Patte and J. J. | English, TWO ALARMS The Oshawa Fire Department jresponded to two alarms Mon- lday, one to a washing machine ifire at 1148 Cloverdale street and the other a false alarm to Eastlawn street, There were three ambulance calls in the 24-hour period from 8 a.m, Monday to 8 a.m, today. Two of these were of a routine na ture and the third was to an accident on Park road south | WIN TREBLES TOURNEY j: Playing in the ladies' trebles | tournament, at the Whitby Lawn | Bowling Club last Saturday, Mrs. S, Gibbs, Mrs, G, Read and Mrs, W, Joyce, of the Osh-) jawa Lawn Bowling Club, won jtop honors, The tournament was jrained out after two games | were played. Selling Liquor A 30-year-old Oshawa woman,|Powell said he gave Wilson $7 who has been married 10\in marked bills to make the months, was convicted Monday) purchase, on a charge of selling liquor) myn LIQUOR illegally, The officer told the court he Magistrate F, S, Ebbs grant-/and Detective Sergeant L. J, ed Mrs. Marjorie Ann Gooding,|MacDermaid waited outside the 67 Ritson road north, one month/house until Wilson made the to pay the fine or two months|second purchase and then enter- in jail. Her home will be a pub-/ed with a search warrant. The lic place for one year. - officers' discovered five full Crown witness Gerald Wilson,|bottles of liquor, several part formerly of Oshawa and now re-|bottles and about 23 pints of siding in London, told the/beer in the house, court that on April 28 he pur-| Detective Sergeant MacDer- chased a bottle of whiskey for/maid told the court that when $8 from Mrs. Gooding at her|his partner asked Mrs, Gooding} home. jif the $7 on the kitchen table = = was given to her in payment for OW tettiieg' Wat. the. police! Talo Gameel' astea" the caught him "red-handed" with/officer where the liquor -was the liquor. Earlier in his testi-/discovered, He answered that mony, Wilson said he had pur-)most of the beer was found in chased a second bottle of whis-/ private rooms of three room- key from Mrs, Gooding for $7,/ers at the house, but that beer eggnog a given to himjand liquor were found in the y "some man." basement Wilson denied that he had . ges ot oe g ~_ that po "made a deal with the police"}Had received the money for as suggested by Defence Coun-|liquor when questioned in the sel Brian Grosman. courtroom by Crown Attorney THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 23,1963 Police Seek | Sneak Thief BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| Town Police are still investi.) gating a break-in Sunday that netted thieves (or thief) around $30 in cash. The break-in occurred at th residence of Mrs, L. T. Mc- Laughlin, 86 Concession street. Entry was gained through a front upstairs window, police stated, CAR-TRUCK HIT OPP Bowmanville investigat- ed a truck-car rear-end collision Monday, on Taunton road east, a quarter mile east of Hamp- ton road turnoff. ' The car was driven by Wil- liam Sloose of Hampton, The driver of the truck was Bud Wallace Rodd, 99 Simcoe street north, Oshawa. Both vehicles were proceed. ing east on Taunton road, po- lice stated. There were no in- juries, Damage amounted to $200 to the Sloose ear. SCUGOG STREET CRASH Damage amounted to more than $100 in a two-car rear-end crash, on Scugog street north, on Sunday, police reported. Detective Sergeant JohnBruce Affleck, | Powell told the court that after; In passing sentence, Magis-| | Wilson purchased the firstjtrate Ebbs considered that this bottle. of liquor and wasiwas "entirely first offence" and {caught he was directed to tcle-/warned Mrs, Gooding, whose Iphone the. Gooding residencejhusband is on compensation, land ask to purchase a secondjagainst future behavior of this bottle, Detective Sergeant' type Safe Habits Make Rite-Ways For Good Holiday The accident occurred at 7.20 p.m. Drivers of the two vehicles were Kenneth Daniel Parks, 22, of 7 Anne street, Bowmanville and Gordon Stewart Waller, Scugog street, There were no injuries. Blank Ajax Peterborough Rite-Ways shut- SOLDIERS AT MILITIA CAMP Oshawa Padre Capt. R, A, Sharp, rector of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, has a chat with Trooper Gerard Kehoe of Oshawa, beneath the gun barrel of a Sherman tank. Capt, Sharp is Protestant chaplain of the Ontario Regi- ment, one of 'the units of 18 Militia Group now undergoing summer training at Camp Niagara. --(National Defence Photo) A peda gg ei | By MATTHEW 8. DYMOND, ;much further away than it/out Ajax 1-0 in a thrilling week- A 23-vear-o Oshawa man, MD, | looks, jend Lakeshore Basebali League| Clarence Hoggins, was taken to} Bes ' | a cote Prince Edward County Memor-| Health Minister for Ontario There should be two people fixture at Ajax to snap a recent) DEATHS | 'day of a heart attack. ial Hospital during the week- end afier losing control of his car on the Black Creek road, three miles south of Picton Damage to his vehicle, which went off the road and rolled over in the ditch, was. esti- mated at $500 ACCUSED REMANDED Andrew. Larocque, of Field, was remanded by Magistrate Ebbs to Aug. 12 in Oshawa Ma- trate's Court Monday, He s been charged with having care and contro] of an automo- vile while intoxicated. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending July %: ad- missions 376; births -- male 28 female, 26; discharges, 369; newborn discharges, male 21, female, 25; major surgery, 121;/ minor surgery, 160; eye, ear, nose and throat, 82; treatments) and examinations, 267; casts, 20; physiotherapy treatments, 822, visits 5M; occupational therapy, 191, / --_ § J : LEAVES OSHAWA Ward, formerly an ani director of recreation left Oshawa last James I wa, k tO asst irector of recreation for the Township of Widdifield in the | Ne Bay area. Mr had been oyed at Oshawa Recres n Centre for | more than four years, He was | also an active member cf the | Society for the Preservation | 2 Encouragement of Bar- bershop Quartet Singing in America, Oshawa branch POSES NAVAL THREAT | JAKARTA, Indone hold Indonesia (AP)-- armed forces will manoeuvres in the na Sea and the Strait a's joint i a to underiine Presi- dent Sukarno's opposition to the projected federation of > Malaysia PRODUCER DIES 1 HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Robert S. Sparks, 62. who produced the Blondie motion pictures and was married to their star, act- ress Penny Singleton, died Mon-| NOW To hove -thet carpet or chest. ertield cleoned professionally in 'Oshowo's Origine! Carpet Cleoning Centre . . where fully guoranteed sotisfoction is Ossuréa. 'Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. Sjcare should always 3) small flammable Watch the weather. Storms © Sosa can often develop rapidly and @ Leasebock unexpectedly. Head for she'ter, ° ---- even if it is not home, before ithe storm. breaks. Don't take Paul Ristow chances. If the boat should over- REALTOR turn, stay with it. Never try to] ygy King St. E. 728.9474 swim for shore, as usually : Many citizens and visitors to ; rhe 7 Ontario spend their summer|Oe {0 drive. and the other to holidays on or near the numer.| Watch the skier ais | |ous lakes and rivers located all earn ang, Mab "2 ig over the Province. Far to0le ei re frequently however, drowning! {#llen skier quickly, but care-| accidents occur at this Ume of difficulty ithe year. Proper respect for) ")- jwater and the potential dangers it holds, can often prevent many foolish, senseless tragedies. One very pleasant pastime during summer is boating, and with good sense and normal behavior, many enjoyable hours can be spent in this way, Your Department of Health suggests ithat attention to a few basic] rules, by every member of the} family, can result in happy holi-! day fun, with no threat of in |jury, sickness, or even death Adults should not only know) the rules and teach them to} their children, but shou!d abide/ by them at all times them-! } selves, in order to give good) LINDSAY -- Lorne Magee of example to their children, \Kent St,, Lindsay, and Muriel The operator of a boat ghould|Sinclair, of Mary St., Oshawa, know how to handle his craft)were drivers of cars which col- A small ladder kept} ing aboard safely for ail con-) cerned | Your Ontario Department of Health hopes you have a happy holiday this summer, And it will be a safe and healthy vaca- tion if you know and obey the rules of safe boating. Area Drivers In Accidents } | jaboard and Ajax, had just two! in the boat when water skiing,|/0sing slump and clinch a play-/ off' spot. Port Hope and Ajax Jever ¢ ve} tli t t 'ourta} Never change|are battling it out - for septal ccridar Mead of the J. P 'n great slab| Mongan banking firm. .. place. Stabler was form for the Petes as he hurled lly, in case he is experiencing|two-hit ball, fanned -eight and/ponald A. walked two,. getting nifty sup-|man in the boat will ensure his climb.,P0rt. His only trouble was with!Giasgow, Scotland men on second and third in the sixth, but he fanned Tripp and Finnegan to cut that threat down, The other hit off him) came in the ninth but was wiped out in a smart double- play. Whitehill pulled off a fine/62, who produced the Blondie in the seventh to rob/motion pictures; of a heart at- jtack catch Pope of an extra-base blow. |W jworld's authority in pharmacog. jnosy; By THE CANADIAN PRESS New York--George Whitney, Lourdes, Campbell, 69, Catholic archbishop Arlington, Mass.--Dr of a heart attack. Hollywood--Robert S, Sparks.! Lorne O'Donnell scored in the third for Pets with a double, racing hom on a single by! Whitehill, | er, giving up six hits walk as he struck out seven in the keen contest, Petes left six! stranded. ther, 2b; Shrubb, ss; Hill, Ib; Ayotte, If; Taylor, r?; Mahoney, competently and courteously. jided near the Dew Drop Inn He should know the road" and not behave fool- ectimated at $300. Const. R * estimated at $1 st. Robert ishly, or like a "hot rodder."|) Steeer investigated Never overpower a boat wit ayes Never overpower a with 8) Damage in a three-car erash| otor larger than thai recom-| " SA ie -- crew (on Highway 35, two miles south! she. manufacturer. | And never losd more veople be into a boat than the. seating |/S estimated at $650. i capacity will allow. Police said a car ariven by! Don't make turns -at too Bruno Kern, Mary St., Oshawa, high speed, and stay away from/collided with a car driven by) the wake of iarger craft. If <his| Margaret Smale of Toronto. is impossible, cross at an angie These cars in turn collided with! of at least 45 degrees. Extremeja car driven by William Arnes| be taken/of Scarboro. All cars were north.) when travelling near swimmers/bound when the accident oc- and in areas where there are curred water skiers, Lioyd Robinson of Pickering Passenges should never stand and Christa Woetzell, RR 1, or change Praces in canoes OF Schomberg, were drivers of cars} mall boats. Before chansing| involved in an accident on/ Gown, K's ae Toofch fo torn guatway S00 near Gooderham) the boat, or cousuine alcoholic Saturday ev ee resulting inj extensive property damage. beverages while boating - : bey pry Mr, Robinson's wife, Myrtle, Boats should be properly equipped at all times. There/¥45 treated for minor head cuts should be life preservers for &t @ Haliburton doctor's office each occupant and an approved fire extinguisher shou'd be read-| ily available. Keep paddies in the boat to prevent endless A door-to-door salesman in Sur- drifting in case of motor fail-jrey is selling li plastic signs ure. Proper lights should be in'with the inscription: "Nothing working order for nicht time. bought at the door." when refuelling. Gasolize is in-§ -------------- OK FOR SOME RICHMOND, England (CP)-- "the rules Of/curve Sunday causing damage! of Cameron Saturday afternoon| Wednesday at 8 p.m.) ce; Kosurka, Pope, rf; Daze, if; McCartney, cf; Chomey, If; Rowland, p. (Ajax piays in Peterborough SAYS TERM "WICKED" | Ralph Angus Howard, Oak) Ridges, described his three-/ month jail sentence as "wicked" in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Monday. Howard pleaded guilty to a charge of break, enter and theft at a cottage in Rama Township owned by Gordon Gatch. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs was told by Howard that his trouble was caused by liquor ' ; . 000 each was set Monday Rowland was the losing fling-|1., women held in cust urban jingstone and Mrs, Eileen Bar- een iber, both 34, have been held in PETES -- Whitehill, cf; Ma-|cusiody without bail since July) \1s = a poems ee ce of | e |stolen money. A warrant charg- 3b; O'Donnell, ¢; Stabler, p. ing Mrs. Barber's husband with AJAX--Tripp, 2b; Finnegan, robbery. has been issued. 3b; O'Shea, $3; |------$____________ | SPECIALISTS { SET BAIL TORONTO (CP)--Bail of $15,. for Band To Play Many Requests Bernard Tierney has promised j|that many request numbers will France--Most Rev.|be played tonight some of them Ro-'being mentioned in yesterday's of edition. There should be enough var- Heber| jety in the program at the Band. Yougken, 77, considered the! shell at 8.30 p.m. to suit every- body's taste and a large audi- lence is anticipated. The muscians, many of whom have played in most of the bet- ter bandstands in Canada, have remarked how fine the acoustics are at the McLaughlin Band- shell and it is like playing in a large auditorium rather than the tody in/outdoors so the public are sure and &| connection with a $54,000. sub.|to hear the concert under ideal Scarborough bank rb-| conditions, bery July 15. Mrs, Marvis Liv-\ jane NEW HOME | IMA Reel Estete Lid. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King &. W. WATCH FOR AND WAIT FOR PEOPLE'S CLOTHING BIG SALE..: TOMORROW BUEHLER Fender EATN TC $s Sr C 12 KING E.--723-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! TRUE-TRIM BEEF ( = J PORK CHOPS 2.1 Chicken Wings 4° i | Fresh Made Country | i SAUSAGE 2:.49° PORK LIVER. 19° il j Going ona trip? Go first by Long Distance! It's the sure way to make reservations at your favorite place to stay. And it's the nice way to tell folks when you'll arrive. Makes travelling so much fun. Try it next time you're off on a trip--and have a real good time! Long Bistance Area Codes speed your caill They're listed in the front pages of your phone book,

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