he Oshawa Fines Sumerians o as Second Class Mail Post Rabid bag ome Ottawa for payment of Postage Cash. MP's Expect Hike In Pay To $16,000 WEATHER REPORT Sunny and warm today and Wednesday with light winds. THOUGHT FOR TODAY If a man thinks for one minute that he understands women, his timing is about right. SIXTEEN PAGES Ne oe OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1963 Price 10 Cents Per Copy Move To Probe Biculturalism Met Cautiously he was happy with the choice of) both Social Credit Leader commissioners Thompson and Andrew Brewin) £ "What we need is a new con. (NDP Toronto Greenwood) | § VOL. 92-----NO. 172 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Most of the initial reaction to Prime Minister Pearson's ap pointment of a royal commis- sion on biculturalism boils down to an attitude of cautious optim. ism Outright opposition to the idea was expressed Monday by lead ers of the on- John Diefen federal oppo leader, and Daniel John Quebec opposition leade! Diefenbaker said not ar politi opposit sition son Mr commission is Way to approach t} of b gualism ar ism anada It ca ponement of be he a roya eff n as a post tive actior severa any effe ken for years,' to a the Commons M In Quebec City Johnsor said the solve Confedera commiss will neve roblems added deen dee but tha Egypt Rockets Said Ready For War CAIRO--Eevpt's new i ready for thous e over re told »rsary ng Farouk we Abde! Hak sper cisive Cairo x ets have a red with 312.5 rious to Egypt's present strug: Amer said Egypti forces have succeeded in wiping out the jast pockets of royalis! resistance in Yemen during the last three days. { Amer also told the crowds at! the military parade attended by President Egvmian comps last y $ vic ring Ries, have the scientists ceeded in. building Arab made submarin | be tested soon Nasser addressing a rally of Egvpt the eve of the celebrations Mon denounced the Sy regime as "Ba'ath Suc first huge cheering ans on day, ent rian cist.' He ruled out any possibility st River Collision Survivor AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 b. $50,000 rockets * Nasser here thats e which ¢ stitution," he said hailed the appointment of the "But we should commission with a few words in when we consider the qualities French of the commiss mY 1 am Mr, Thompson said he hopes speaking only » whom I the commission will point the know personally way to an era of new co-opera. tion betwe » $ EXPRESS OPTIMISM French en Two commissior Mr, B Montreal newspaper edi i Confederation my depend to a a Toronto lawyer yreat extent on the commis- were more opt mi on's finding and recommenda- Co-chairman ! a tions editor said he is "'confic 'rench Canada Wu ect feel. happy ewin said the future of anada Progress Made @ Toward Easing Racial Tension WASHINGTON (AP) -- Negro nteg? and Mary- eling in Wash ce department made consider h 'negotiations ng tensions in mique opportun offered them t rebuildir country." In. Toronto, lawyer Royce 2 man "ver enth-4 ion leaders is é ements M maayv sht* s ver, and were ses group its talks to-! the orney Genera ked with the of the nearly Attorney the The wide commiss ude > mast thing sted ¢ . ir session, and "av sat an 1 on about hou meeting raging step so s the ¢ ambridge hich have in recent Fighters Down Israeli Plane CAIRO (Reuters)--Cairo ra- Mair dio, quoting an Egyptian mil-/Uons are banned itary source, said "our fighters"| In New York City, about 300) jteday shot down an Israeli plane, demonstrators were carried) over the Sinai area faway bodily and arrested Mon (in Tel Aviv, an israeli Arn: ore ~~ 1,000 persons ; ' construction in Cambridge ressed, Mary Guard troops re duty and demonstra LONDON year-old bi trial of society phen Ward today included the th tor ar qd Dou Mar testified f testified (CP) \ pre r © told protesting hiring ~onstruction in- n relays to bloc the site ne hours carting nresisting pickets S aiso ha the National As-\Ward and Advancement ityveoon Peter *eaple told a Senate! " The 1S tempted te vi olate Ex owed we sh »t planes Washington nnounced in as formed Queried Press Comment Follows U.K. Rachman Affair: INI ON The. PS t ain's fresh vely com- today Y I amen- 1 housing Moaday ves around re- on of slum prop- built Rachmarn anc sng-arm methods ploitation Manchester o the business R achman Keeler and Ss, both key Ward anda ut of the ear- was "wel rs} + nh member 1988 he ment rire' s anda Express eriti RIVER FOGGY Ma xwef eramént's decon- ster Sir Keith Jo. that a commit praperty in ihe govern- SALLY iM wet? < Wa a's ' seduced a by Ward. Dr aw Ss can ized. on their predatioens." hat amanasey inquiry under the act. acketer she ty the e OPP epartmer a me 'Big eib Astor of Ps married IOAN NORTE iscount rhanks a 40} and 18.! vice asteapath Ste lovers had As Jr ntereourse Wi » London slum ated the > On i Lady lowance."" s "seit 'met OTTAWA (CP) - An increase) in the indemnities and allow- ances of members of Pariia- ment to $15,000 or $16,000 from S the present $10,000 a vear is un- der active consideration, pariia aaees mentary sources said today One source emphasized, how ever, that no decision has been made Members Parliament now are paid a basic $8.000-a-year indemnity, set in 1934, and re ceive a $2,000 annual tax-free expense allowance. Robarts Names Members Of Pension Board TORONTO (CP) Robarts announced today. that Laurence E. Coward Toronto has been appointed chairman of Ontario's six « member commission Other members of commission are D'Alton S. (Bill) Rudd of Lon 'don, Ont., Jules E, Fortin, Pro fessor Donald C. Mac Gordon Milling and Leonard F Wills Premier Robarts told a conference the commission's job "will be to administer the leg slation set. out the Pension Benefits Act and because of the thousands pension he schemes in the province its du. ties will be heavy : | "Within this time, he said i"the commission will have to isee that all schemes now being joperated by employers will be in line with the | regulations set Gives Details N ame' Lovers pase se aa Coward is the only full-time member of the commission while the others will serve on a part-time basis third wife, ght The premier said the Bronwen Pugh ter Earlier the Old court two young women fied that Ward seduced them ir the weekend cottage Lord Asto e Was no suggst that he turned of Premier 7 pension the new FREES CHICKENS road because of Morning vehicles, dy of confu- The hip the nue 10 was one firef ens the dan The sion as pol passing possible press scene taken Hospita not sts passing motor ¢ fr > . he d er WAS clucki h way. T west of se in rae accident occurre at 401 turn-off nearf hawa Times Photo i the ni out. public gal- former top e a judge's daugh . or more employees must estab to RV) lish a basic pension plan by the ing Of act's inauguration dat e, Jan. 1, in oe 1965, and all workers more than e 1130 years old must be enrolled Bailey testi she went in the spr in She fou said sh times during Thr ever prostity Mar nay troduced year-old son Astor, a rent whether any- n & Jones asked tified that to Lord of \ : Test-Ban MOSCOW the ' shared with ( ~hrist January, 1961 1961. But she have sexua ine from early Marc ~h che ~Nuclear rented by, tal } of Ward's Br for Mw. "he atmosphere s e me Jones asked said Rachman," Maniy Rg the ; ther that und and se : t same time. unpreced s a very nich Optimism erring to died 1 anybody els Fairba prone who ¢ 2 year, an of good i ae XKS r room bs n ra hi m to "gh Most Wes Said some sor be reached in the next poss? he ¥ NV edne sday here friend of maid by anyone? Peter Rachms I had a weekly a a boy mine Hips for : No. exe He kept me pt few days said Fairbanks, 3, the a 5 at He make i has lived in England for many years and is a clese friend of the Roya! Family Justice Sir Archi asked Mandy where Lard Aster "At Cliveden," said Mandy At the time she was 16 had deen London months at known as Chr tine had iatrodw ced her to and Rachman Fetchingiv shift dress hat, Miss a big r took the day of Ward's i Q attention was focased case--an offshoot of fama sox-an that has headache es Marcmilian'< Conservaii It brought on of war mir Monday's fu sion lasted three minutes with the gates--Avere' United hours chief States she met minutes in was Rot known here e July commun RECTINE began attired in a exchange tinued on tual inter The to were @iscusse 'bell a eramen For Third Time TORONTO « wha ba ee time Mond weeks Visitars were crowded and crowds: had Stephen Ward. ./total of $16,000, or to bring in a PBA 3) provides that employers with 15 : Sources Confident Mates, Metro Man Beaten ; The proposal reported to bejliamentary divisions on the im under discussion among thejcrease, parties in the Commons is) An increase in the basic im either to double the $8,000 rate/demnity and allowance also afe and absorb the $2,000, for a new fects senators and cabinet min isters Senators receive the same to tal as members of Parliament but pay tax on the expense ak lowance, Cabinet ministers, who alse pay tax on the expense allow- ance, receive $15,000 in addition to parliamentary salaries and a $2,000 annual motor car allow. ance, or a total of $27,000 at present The leader of the opposition receives the same as. cabinet ministers, The prime minister receives an additional $10,000--for a total of $37,000--but pays $5,000 to wards the cost of the prime mift- ister's official Sussex. Drive res. But governments usually nego-jidence in Ottawa and a sume iate quietly with opposition mer home at nearby Harrington groups in adv ance to Avoid par. (Lake Congress Works To Avert Strike WASHINGTON (AP) -- Work-' Republican leader Everett M, ng under the gun, Congress|/Dirksen helped put the presie takes up today President Ken- dent's recommendations on the nedy's emergency plan for set- track by joining with Democra- ng the railway "featherbed- tic leader. Mike Mansfield in "' dispute and averting sponsoring the legislation in the ountry-wide rail strike for at/Senate least two years Saying "I do not expect a let Congressional reaction ap-of trouble from this," Dirkser peared cautiously favorable to urged swift action, although he his recommendation Monday added the measure might have that. the Interstate Commerce to undergo some changes. Commission be given unprece. Kennedy, too, underscored the dented authority to handle the need for quick action, bitter dispute over' work rules. | "The dispute," he Bowed "hae In effect, Kennedy asked Con-|reached . -the point where cal jaress to block the railways from'prompt and effective congres institating new rules that would $!0nai action can assure that se minate thousands of job, un-/rious injury to the public will be they have been studied and prevented." approved by the ICC Nevertheless, The rules have been sched. sional leaders were unwilling te uled to go into effect Monday. predict the legislation would be The five operating unions have passed before the Monday mid- said they will strike the minute night deadline. they do The railways have agreed te hold off on the new rules' until then, The five operating unions have agreed not to strike before then Kennedy's plan would delay a walkout by at least two years by obliging the railroads to sub- jmit to the ICC, for advance ap proval, the new work rules. 50-per-cent increase on the pres ent combined rate of $10,000 for a new total of $15,000 Also being discussed whether or not the expense al owance should continue to be tax-free for backbench members of the Commons A source in touch with. dis- cussions said he believed no party in the Commons would op pose an increase, although some ndividual members might, This has been the pattern in the past when increases have been made Members' pay increases are passed by amending legislation introduced by the government is Secures delegates at their private meet. The ICC would be given power following the full negotiat- to issue court-enforced interim erders deciding each point. The was believed Gromyko may others could continue in effect session released The couple, who requested po- asylum in the United were the 30th and Sist te defect here in the two years tical persons ast i resoluvon calling oR op "repressive meas. @nst Africans in rebel ppaearn given Premier Khrash two years unless the parties s views on his proposal for reached an earlier' agreement ression pact between by voluntary bargaining. \3-nation NATO alliance and The companies .contend the Soviet Dioc's _Warsaw pact, new rules are needed to cut ~~ costs. and adjust the railway in- dustry to automation by elim. Cuban, Wife Stay nating jobs the carriers say are unnecessary and term "feather. In Newfoundland eis.:> GANDER, Nfid. (CP)--A Cu-) Hardest hit would be firemea ban man and his wife defected on diese] freight trains. About om an liner that landed 10,000 firemen's jobs would bé July 15 on its way from eliminated at once, and thous. Havana to Prague, it was ands more would be erased by earned today. No names were attrition in the future. The firemen and their four ab lied brotherhoods -- the engine eers, the conductors and brake. men, the switchmen and the trminmen -- have argued the jobs are necessary for safety. = Against Portugal UNITED NATIONS (CP)--Li-)1981 counc told the United Nations'it te ty Council 'Monday that s ndependent African states Nous ne i os Sacmeks cakes GIVES W ARNING h Africa and Portura He aid all the African states » the cesncil debate are ing te see the "hide cuantties Bat tatus que" maintained ia oath Africa and the Portuguese Secretary frimes of Liberia asked nations would do t the : tt diplomatic c boyeott--against f necessary a . previews U for Tons--a te ld hape that your c<s be firm as t unnecessary for Siates t@ take ia- action You await an explesion, councti ca] met against 2a i of continued uares. a major rebel down two years w clashes in Porta ea. Portage' last that terrorists gal and Guinea ha hrated a large me nt of a ban on testing in the so take in-'. a Was expected to throw necessar yagainst x pat whea